Java tutorial
/* * Vulcan Build Manager * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Chris Eldredge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package net.sourceforge.vulcan.maven; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.ant.AntBuildTool; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.ant.AntConfig; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.ant.JavaCommandBuilder; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.ant.JavaHome; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.ant.receiver.AntEventSource; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.ant.receiver.UdpEventSource; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.core.BuildDetailCallback; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.ProjectConfigDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.ProjectStatusDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.exception.BuildFailedException; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.exception.ConfigException; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.maven.VulcanMavenExtensionsMarker; public class MavenBuildTool extends AntBuildTool { static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MavenBuildTool.class); static final String MAVEN1_LAUNCHER_PATH_PREFIX = "forehead"; static final String MAVEN1_LAUNCHER_MAIN_CLASS_NAME = "com.werken.forehead.Forehead"; static final String MAVEN1_ENDORSED_DIR = "lib" + File.separator + "endorsed"; static final String OSX_ENDORSED_DIR = "/System/Library/Java/Extensions"; /* * In maven-2.0.6, the boot jar is in boot. */ static final String MAVEN2_BOOT_DIR = "boot"; /* * Prior to maven-2.0.6, the boot jar was in core/boot. */ static final String MAVEN2_ALTERNATE_BOOT_DIR = "core" + File.separator + "boot"; static final String MAVEN2_LAUNCHER_PATH_PREFIX = "classworlds"; static final String MAVEN2_LAUNCHER_MAIN_CLASS_NAME = "org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher"; final OutputStream stdErrStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final MavenProjectConfig mavenProjectConfig; final MavenHome mavenHome; BuildDetailCallback callback; File mavenLaunchJar; File launchConfigFile; Thread logThread; Thread stdErrThread; String projectName; String mainClass; boolean maven2; boolean maven1_1; public MavenBuildTool(MavenProjectConfig mavenProjectConfig, AntConfig mavenConfig, JavaHome javaHome, MavenHome mavenHome) { super(mavenProjectConfig, mavenConfig, javaHome); this.mavenProjectConfig = mavenProjectConfig; this.mavenHome = mavenHome; } @Override public void buildProject(ProjectConfigDto projectConfig, ProjectStatusDto status, File logFile, BuildDetailCallback callback) throws BuildFailedException, ConfigException { this.callback = callback; projectName = projectConfig.getName(); configure(); try { buildProjectInternal(projectConfig, status, logFile, callback); } finally { launchConfigFile.delete(); launchConfigFile = null; } } public String getMainClass() { return mainClass; } protected void configure() throws ConfigException { mavenLaunchJar = getMavenLauncherJar(mavenHome.getDirectory()); if (maven2) { mainClass = MAVEN2_LAUNCHER_MAIN_CLASS_NAME; } else { mainClass = MAVEN1_LAUNCHER_MAIN_CLASS_NAME; } try { configureLauncher(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigException("errors.cannot.create.file", new String[] { "tmpfile", e.getMessage() }); } } public File getMavenLauncherJar(String directory) throws ConfigException { try { maven2 = true; return getMavenHomeLibrary(directory, MAVEN2_LAUNCHER_PATH_PREFIX); } catch (ConfigException e) { maven2 = false; return getMavenHomeLibrary(directory, MAVEN1_LAUNCHER_PATH_PREFIX); } } public static boolean isMaven2(String directory) { try { getMavenHomeLibrary(directory, MAVEN2_LAUNCHER_PATH_PREFIX); return true; } catch (ConfigException e) { } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static File getMavenHomeLibrary(String mavenHome, String resourcePath) throws ConfigException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(mavenHome)) { throw new ConfigException("maven.home.required", null); } final File top = new File(mavenHome); if (!top.isDirectory()) { throw new ConfigException("maven.home.invalid", new String[] { mavenHome }); } File lib = new File(mavenHome, MAVEN2_BOOT_DIR); if (!lib.isDirectory()) { lib = new File(mavenHome, MAVEN2_ALTERNATE_BOOT_DIR); } if (!lib.isDirectory()) { lib = new File(mavenHome, "lib"); } if (!lib.isDirectory()) { throw new ConfigException("maven.home.missing.resource", new String[] { resourcePath, mavenHome }); } final Collection<File> matches = FileUtils.listFiles(lib, new PrefixFileFilter(resourcePath), null); if (matches.size() == 0) { throw new ConfigException("maven.home.missing.resource", new String[] { resourcePath, mavenHome }); } else if (matches.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Found more than one resource matching " + resourcePath); } return matches.iterator().next(); } protected void buildProjectInternal(ProjectConfigDto projectConfig, ProjectStatusDto status, File logFile, BuildDetailCallback callback) throws BuildFailedException, ConfigException { super.buildProject(projectConfig, status, logFile, callback); } @Override protected JavaCommandBuilder createJavaCommand(ProjectConfigDto projectConfig, ProjectStatusDto status, File logFile) throws ConfigException { final JavaCommandBuilder jcb = new JavaCommandBuilder(); final String javaHome = setJavaExecutablePath(jcb); try { jcb.addClassPathEntry(mavenLaunchJar.getCanonicalPath()); jcb.addSystemProperty("vulcan-ant.jar", AntBuildTool.getLocalClassPathEntry(UdpEventSource.class, null).getCanonicalPath()); jcb.addSystemProperty("vulcan-maven.jar", AntBuildTool .getLocalClassPathEntry(VulcanMavenExtensionsMarker.class, null).getCanonicalPath()); if (!maven2 && !maven1_1) { jcb.addSystemProperty("javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory", "org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl"); jcb.addSystemProperty("javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory", "org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl"); jcb.addSystemProperty("java.endorsed.dirs", getEndorsedClassPath(javaHome, mavenHome.getDirectory())); } if (maven2) { jcb.addSystemProperty("classworlds.conf", launchConfigFile.getCanonicalPath()); } else { jcb.addSystemProperty("forehead.conf.file", launchConfigFile.getCanonicalPath()); jcb.addSystemProperty("tools.jar", getJdkToolsJar(javaHome).getCanonicalPath()); } jcb.addSystemProperty("maven.home", mavenHome.getDirectory()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (maven2) { jcb.setMainClassName(MAVEN2_LAUNCHER_MAIN_CLASS_NAME); jcb.addArgument("--batch-mode"); } else { jcb.setMainClassName(MAVEN1_LAUNCHER_MAIN_CLASS_NAME); } if (mavenProjectConfig.isDebug()) { jcb.addArgument("--debug"); } final String pomFile = mavenProjectConfig.getBuildScript(); if (isNotBlank(pomFile)) { if (maven2) { jcb.addArgument("-f"); } else { jcb.addArgument("-p"); } jcb.addArgument(pomFile); } final String activateProfiles = StringUtils.join(mavenProjectConfig.getProfiles(), ','); if (isNotBlank(activateProfiles) && maven2) { jcb.addArgument("-P"); jcb.addArgument(activateProfiles); } if (maven2) { String failureModeFlag = ""; switch (mavenProjectConfig.getFailureMode()) { case FailFast: failureModeFlag = "--fail-fast"; break; case FailAtEnd: failureModeFlag = "--fail-at-end"; break; case FailNever: failureModeFlag = "--fail-never"; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Uknown failure type " + mavenProjectConfig.getFailureMode()); } jcb.addArgument(failureModeFlag); } if (mavenProjectConfig.isNonRecursive() && maven2) { jcb.addArgument("--non-recursive"); } if (mavenProjectConfig.isOffline()) { jcb.addArgument("--offline"); } addProps(jcb, antConfig.getAntProperties(), true); addProps(jcb, mavenProjectConfig.getAntProperties(), true); addVersionProperties(status); antPropsToArgs(jcb); final AntEventSource eventSource = getEventSource(); if (eventSource != null) { eventSource.addSystemProperties(jcb); } final String[] goals = mavenProjectConfig.getTargets().split("[ \t]+"); for (String goal : goals) { jcb.addArgument(goal); } return jcb; } @Override protected File checkBuildScriptExists(ProjectConfigDto projectConfig) throws ConfigException { return super.checkBuildScriptExists(projectConfig); } @Override protected void preparePipes(final Process process) throws IOException { process.getOutputStream().close(); stdErrThread = new PipeThread("Maven stderr l [" + projectName + "]", process.getErrorStream(), stdErrStream); stdErrThread.start(); if (logFile == null) { process.getInputStream().close(); return; } final OutputStream logOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(logFile); logThread = new PipeThread("Maven Build Logger [" + projectName + "]", process.getInputStream(), logOutputStream); logThread.start(); } @Override protected void flushPipes() throws IOException { try { waitFor(logThread); } finally { try { waitFor(stdErrThread); } finally { logThread = null; stdErrThread = null; } } final String errors = stdErrStream.toString(); if (isNotBlank(errors)) { callback.reportError(errors, null, null, null); } } protected void configureLauncher() throws IOException, ConfigException { final File vanillaConfig = findLaunchConfig(); if (vanillaConfig == null) { throw new ConfigException("maven.home.missing.resource", new String[] { "bin/forehead.conf or bin/m2.conf", mavenHome.getDirectory() }); } launchConfigFile = File.createTempFile("vulcan-maven-launch", ".conf"); configureLaunchFile(new FileInputStream(vanillaConfig), new FileOutputStream(launchConfigFile)); } protected File findLaunchConfig() { final String mavenHomeDirectory = mavenHome.getDirectory(); File config = new File(mavenHomeDirectory, "bin" + File.separator + "forehead.conf"); if (config.exists()) { return config; } config = new File(mavenHomeDirectory, "bin" + File.separator + "m2.conf"); if (config.exists()) { return config; } return null; } static String getEndorsedClassPath(String javaHome, String mavenHome) throws IOException { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append(new File(javaHome, MAVEN1_ENDORSED_DIR).getCanonicalPath()); buf.append(File.pathSeparatorChar); buf.append(new File(mavenHome, MAVEN1_ENDORSED_DIR).getCanonicalPath()); if (new File(OSX_ENDORSED_DIR).isDirectory()) { buf.append(File.pathSeparatorChar); buf.append(OSX_ENDORSED_DIR); } return buf.toString(); } void configureLaunchFile(InputStream is, OutputStream os) throws IOException { final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is)); final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(os); maven1_1 = true; boolean maven_post_2_0_6 = false; try { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { writer.write(line); writer.write("\n"); if ("main is org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli from plexus.core".equals(line)) { maven_post_2_0_6 = true; } else if ("main is org.apache.maven.cli.compat.CompatibleMain from plexus.core".equals(line)) { maven_post_2_0_6 = true; } if ("+tools.jar".equals(line)) { writer.write("+vulcan-ant.jar\n"); writer.write("+vulcan-maven.jar\n"); } else if ("[plexus.core]".equals(line)) { writer.write("load ${vulcan-ant.jar}\n"); if (maven_post_2_0_6) { writer.write("load ${vulcan-maven.jar}\n"); } } else if ("[plexus.core.maven]".equals(line)) { writer.write("load ${vulcan-maven.jar}\n"); } else if (line.contains("${tools.jar}")) { writer.write(" ${vulcan-ant.jar}\n"); } else if ("[root.maven]".equals(line)) { writer.write(" ${vulcan-maven.jar}\n"); maven1_1 = false; } } } finally { writer.close(); reader.close(); } } static File getJdkToolsJar(String javaHome) throws ConfigException { final String tools = "lib" + File.separator + "tools.jar"; final String classes = "Classes" + File.separator + "classes.jar"; File toolJar = new File(javaHome, tools); if (!toolJar.exists()) { toolJar = new File(new File(javaHome).getParentFile(), tools); } if (!toolJar.exists()) { // OS X uses classes.jar instead of tools.jar toolJar = new File(new File(javaHome).getParentFile(), classes); } if (!toolJar.exists()) { throw new ConfigException("", new String[] { javaHome }); } return toolJar; } private void waitFor(Thread thread) { if (thread == null) { return; } try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Unexpected interrupt while waiting for logger thread to complete", e); } finally { logThread = null; } } private final class PipeThread extends Thread { private final OutputStream ouputStream; private final InputStream inputStream; private PipeThread(String name, InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream) { super(name); this.inputStream = inputStream; this.ouputStream = outputStream; } @Override public void run() { try { try { IOUtils.copy(inputStream, ouputStream); } finally { try { ouputStream.close(); } finally { inputStream.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { log.error("IOException capturing maven build log", e); } } } }