Java tutorial
/** * BSD-style license; for more info see */ package net.sourceforge.pmd.ant; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import net.sourceforge.pmd.PMD; import net.sourceforge.pmd.PMDConfiguration; import net.sourceforge.pmd.Report; import net.sourceforge.pmd.Rule; import net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleContext; import net.sourceforge.pmd.RulePriority; import net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSet; import net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetFactory; import net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSetNotFoundException; import net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleSets; import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.LanguageVersion; import net.sourceforge.pmd.renderers.AbstractRenderer; import net.sourceforge.pmd.renderers.Renderer; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.StringUtil; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.datasource.DataSource; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.datasource.FileDataSource; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.log.AntLogHandler; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.log.ScopedLogHandlersManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class PMDTask extends Task { private Path classpath; private Path auxClasspath; private final List<Formatter> formatters = new ArrayList<Formatter>(); private final List<FileSet> filesets = new ArrayList<FileSet>(); private final PMDConfiguration configuration = new PMDConfiguration(); private boolean failOnError; private boolean failOnRuleViolation; private int maxRuleViolations = 0; private String failuresPropertyName; private final Collection<RuleSetWrapper> nestedRules = new ArrayList<RuleSetWrapper>(); public void setShortFilenames(boolean reportShortNames) { configuration.setReportShortNames(reportShortNames); } public void setSuppressMarker(String suppressMarker) { configuration.setSuppressMarker(suppressMarker); } public void setFailOnError(boolean fail) { this.failOnError = fail; } public void setFailOnRuleViolation(boolean fail) { this.failOnRuleViolation = fail; } public void setMaxRuleViolations(int max) { if (max >= 0) { this.maxRuleViolations = max; this.failOnRuleViolation = true; } } public void setRuleSetFiles(String ruleSets) { configuration.setRuleSets(ruleSets); } public void setEncoding(String sourceEncoding) { configuration.setSourceEncoding(sourceEncoding); } public void setThreads(int threads) { configuration.setThreads(threads); } public void setFailuresPropertyName(String failuresPropertyName) { this.failuresPropertyName = failuresPropertyName; } public void setMinimumPriority(int minPriority) { configuration.setMinimumPriority(RulePriority.valueOf(minPriority)); } public void addFileset(FileSet set) { filesets.add(set); } public void addFormatter(Formatter f) { formatters.add(f); } public void addConfiguredSourceLanguage(SourceLanguage version) { LanguageVersion languageVersion = LanguageVersion.findVersionsForLanguageTerseName(version.getName(), version.getVersion()); if (languageVersion == null) { throw new BuildException("The following language is not supported:" + version + "."); } configuration.setDefaultLanguageVersion(languageVersion); } public void setClasspath(Path classpath) { this.classpath = classpath; } public Path getClasspath() { return classpath; } public Path createClasspath() { if (classpath == null) { classpath = new Path(getProject()); } return classpath.createPath(); } public void setClasspathRef(Reference r) { createClasspath().setRefid(r); } public void setAuxClasspath(Path auxClasspath) { this.auxClasspath = auxClasspath; } public Path getAuxClasspath() { return auxClasspath; } public Path createAuxClasspath() { if (auxClasspath == null) { auxClasspath = new Path(getProject()); } return auxClasspath.createPath(); } public void setAuxClasspathRef(Reference r) { createAuxClasspath().setRefid(r); } private void doTask() { setupClassLoader(); // Setup RuleSetFactory and validate RuleSets RuleSetFactory ruleSetFactory = new RuleSetFactory(); ruleSetFactory.setClassLoader(configuration.getClassLoader()); try { // This is just used to validate and display rules. Each thread will create its own ruleset ruleSetFactory.setMinimumPriority(configuration.getMinimumPriority()); ruleSetFactory.setWarnDeprecated(true); String ruleSets = configuration.getRuleSets(); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ruleSets)) { // Substitute env variables/properties configuration.setRuleSets(getProject().replaceProperties(ruleSets)); } RuleSets rules = ruleSetFactory.createRuleSets(configuration.getRuleSets()); ruleSetFactory.setWarnDeprecated(false); logRulesUsed(rules); } catch (RuleSetNotFoundException e) { throw new BuildException(e.getMessage(), e); } if (configuration.getSuppressMarker() != null) { log("Setting suppress marker to be " + configuration.getSuppressMarker(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } // Start the Formatters for (Formatter formatter : formatters) { log("Sending a report to " + formatter, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); formatter.start(getProject().getBaseDir().toString()); } //log("Setting Language Version " + languageVersion.getShortName(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); // TODO Do we really need all this in a loop over each FileSet? Seems like a lot of redundancy RuleContext ctx = new RuleContext(); Report errorReport = new Report(); final AtomicInteger reportSize = new AtomicInteger(); final String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator"); for (FileSet fs : filesets) { List<DataSource> files = new LinkedList<DataSource>(); DirectoryScanner ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(getProject()); String[] srcFiles = ds.getIncludedFiles(); for (String srcFile : srcFiles) { File file = new File(ds.getBasedir() + separator + srcFile); files.add(new FileDataSource(file)); } final String inputPaths = ds.getBasedir().getPath(); configuration.setInputPaths(inputPaths); Renderer logRenderer = new AbstractRenderer("log", "Logging renderer") { public void start() { // Nothing to do } public void startFileAnalysis(DataSource dataSource) { log("Processing file " + dataSource.getNiceFileName(false, inputPaths), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } public void renderFileReport(Report r) { int size = r.size(); if (size > 0) { reportSize.addAndGet(size); } } public void end() { // Nothing to do } public String defaultFileExtension() { return null; } // not relevant }; List<Renderer> renderers = new LinkedList<Renderer>(); renderers.add(logRenderer); for (Formatter formatter : formatters) { renderers.add(formatter.getRenderer()); } try { PMD.processFiles(configuration, ruleSetFactory, files, ctx, renderers); } catch (RuntimeException pmde) { handleError(ctx, errorReport, pmde); } } int problemCount = reportSize.get(); log(problemCount + " problems found", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); for (Formatter formatter : formatters) { formatter.end(errorReport); } if (failuresPropertyName != null && problemCount > 0) { getProject().setProperty(failuresPropertyName, String.valueOf(problemCount)); log("Setting property " + failuresPropertyName + " to " + problemCount, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } if (failOnRuleViolation && problemCount > maxRuleViolations) { throw new BuildException( "Stopping build since PMD found " + problemCount + " rule violations in the code"); } } private void handleError(RuleContext ctx, Report errorReport, RuntimeException pmde) { pmde.printStackTrace(); log(pmde.toString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); Throwable cause = pmde.getCause(); if (cause != null) { StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(strWriter); cause.printStackTrace(printWriter); log(strWriter.toString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); IOUtils.closeQuietly(printWriter); if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(cause.getMessage())) { log(cause.getMessage(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } } if (failOnError) { throw new BuildException(pmde); } errorReport.addError(new Report.ProcessingError(pmde.getMessage(), ctx.getSourceCodeFilename())); } private void setupClassLoader() { if (classpath == null) { log("Using the normal ClassLoader", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } else { log("Using the AntClassLoader", Project.MSG_VERBOSE); // must be true, otherwise you'll get ClassCastExceptions as classes are loaded twice // and exist in multiple class loaders boolean parentFirst = true; configuration.setClassLoader(new AntClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), getProject(), classpath, parentFirst)); } try { /* * 'basedir' is added to the path to make sure that relative paths * such as "<ruleset>resources/custom_ruleset.xml</ruleset>" still * work when ant is invoked from a different directory using "-f" */ configuration.prependClasspath(getProject().getBaseDir().toString()); if (auxClasspath != null) { log("Using auxclasspath: " + auxClasspath, Project.MSG_VERBOSE); configuration.prependClasspath(auxClasspath.toString()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new BuildException(ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } } @Override public void execute() throws BuildException { validate(); final Handler antLogHandler = new AntLogHandler(this); final ScopedLogHandlersManager logManager = new ScopedLogHandlersManager(Level.FINEST, antLogHandler); try { doTask(); } finally { logManager.close(); } } private void logRulesUsed(RuleSets rules) { log("Using these rulesets: " + configuration.getRuleSets(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); RuleSet[] ruleSets = rules.getAllRuleSets(); for (RuleSet ruleSet : ruleSets) { for (Rule rule : ruleSet.getRules()) { log("Using rule " + rule.getName(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE); } } } private void validate() throws BuildException { if (formatters.isEmpty()) { Formatter defaultFormatter = new Formatter(); defaultFormatter.setType("text"); defaultFormatter.setToConsole(true); formatters.add(defaultFormatter); } else { for (Formatter f : formatters) { if (f.isNoOutputSupplied()) { throw new BuildException("toFile or toConsole needs to be specified in Formatter"); } } } if (configuration.getRuleSets() == null) { if (nestedRules.isEmpty()) { throw new BuildException("No rulesets specified"); } configuration.setRuleSets(getNestedRuleSetFiles()); } } private String getNestedRuleSetFiles() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<RuleSetWrapper> it = nestedRules.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { RuleSetWrapper rs =; sb.append(rs.getFile()); if (it.hasNext()) { sb.append(','); } } return sb.toString(); } public void addRuleset(RuleSetWrapper r) { nestedRules.add(r); } }