Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2002 Instituto Superior Tcnico * * This file is part of FenixEdu Core. * * FenixEdu Core is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * FenixEdu Core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with FenixEdu Core. If not, see <>. */ /** * */ package net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.student.importation; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Locale; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.EntryPhase; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.ExecutionDegree; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.ExecutionYear; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.Person; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.candidacy.Ingression; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contacts.MobilePhone; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contacts.PartyContactType; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contacts.Phone; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contacts.PhysicalAddress; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.contacts.PhysicalAddressData; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.organizationalStructure.AcademicalInstitutionType; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.person.Gender; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.person.IDDocumentType; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.domain.person.MaritalStatus; import net.sourceforge.fenixedu.util.StringFormatter; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.fenixedu.bennu.core.domain.User; import org.fenixedu.spaces.domain.Space; import org.joda.time.YearMonthDay; import; import; public class DegreeCandidateDTO implements IFileLine { private static final SimpleDateFormat DATE_FORMAT; static { DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy", new Locale("pt", "PT")); DATE_FORMAT.setLenient(false); } private String degreeCode; private String documentIdNumber; private String documentCheckDigit; private String name; private String address; private String areaCode; private String areaOfAreaCode; private String phoneNumber; private Gender gender; private YearMonthDay dateOfBirth; private String contigent; private Ingression ingression; private Integer placingOption; private String highSchoolFinalGrade; private Double entryGrade; private String highSchoolName; private AcademicalInstitutionType highSchoolType; private String highSchoolDegreeDesignation; private EntryPhase entryPhase; private String istUniversity; @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); printField(result, "Degree Code", this.degreeCode); printField(result, "Document ID", this.documentIdNumber); printField(result, "Document Check Digit", this.documentCheckDigit); printField(result, "Name",; printField(result, "Address", this.address); printField(result, "Area Code", this.areaCode); printField(result, "Area of Area Code", this.areaOfAreaCode); printField(result, "Phone", this.phoneNumber); printField(result, "Gender ",; printField(result, "Date Of Birth", this.dateOfBirth.toString("dd-MM-yyyy")); printField(result, "Contigent", this.contigent); printField(result, "Ingression",; printField(result, "Placing Option", this.placingOption.toString()); printField(result, "Highschool Final Grade", this.highSchoolFinalGrade); printField(result, "Entry Grade", this.entryGrade.toString()); printField(result, "Highschool Name", this.highSchoolName); printField(result, "Highschool Type",; printField(result, "Degree Designation", this.highSchoolDegreeDesignation); printField(result, "Entry Phase", this.entryPhase.toString()); printField(result, "Ist University", this.istUniversity); return result.toString(); } private void printField(final StringBuilder result, final String name, final String value) { result.append(name).append(":").append(value).append("\n"); } public DegreeCandidateDTO() { } /** * <pre> * * EstabCol(0) CursoCol (cods old)(1) NumBI(2) LocBI(3) Descr loc BI(4) Check Digit(5) Nome(6) Morada1(7) * Morada2(8) Codpos(9) Codpos3(10) CodLocal(11) Telefone(12) Sexo(13) DataNasc(dd-MMM-yy)(14) * Conting(15) PrefCol (op ingresso)(16) EtapCol(17) Media12(18) NotaCand(19) cod_escola_sec(20) * escola_sec(21) tipo_estab_sec(22) curso_secundario(23) * * </pre> */ @Override public boolean fillWithFileLineData(String dataLine) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dataLine.trim()) || dataLine.startsWith("#")) { return false; } final String[] fields = dataLine.split("\t"); this.degreeCode = fields[1].trim(); this.documentIdNumber = fields[2].trim(); this.documentCheckDigit = fields[5].trim(); = fields[6].trim(); this.address = fields[7].trim() + " " + fields[8].trim(); this.areaCode = fields[9].trim() + "-" + fields[10].trim(); this.areaOfAreaCode = fields[11].trim(); this.phoneNumber = fields[12].trim(); this.gender = String2Gender.convert(fields[13].trim()); this.dateOfBirth = parseDate(fields[14].trim()); this.contigent = fields[15].trim(); this.ingression = DgesBaseProcess.CONTINGENT_TO_INGRESSION_CONVERSION.get(this.contigent); this.placingOption = Integer.valueOf(fields[16].trim()); this.highSchoolFinalGrade = new BigDecimal(fields[18].trim()).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(10)) .toPlainString(); this.entryGrade = new BigDecimal(fields[19].trim().replace(',', '.')).doubleValue(); this.highSchoolName = fields[21].trim(); this.highSchoolType = parseHighSchoolType(fields[22].trim()); this.highSchoolDegreeDesignation = fields[23].trim(); return true; } private AcademicalInstitutionType parseHighSchoolType(final String value) { if (value.equals("PRI")) { return AcademicalInstitutionType.PRIVATE_HIGH_SCHOOL; } else if (value.equals("PUB")) { return AcademicalInstitutionType.PUBLIC_HIGH_SCHOOL; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected high school type"); } } private YearMonthDay parseDate(final String value) { try { return YearMonthDay.fromDateFields(DATE_FORMAT.parse(value)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public String getUniqueKey() { return this.documentIdNumber; } public String getDegreeCode() { return degreeCode; } public void setDegreeCode(String degreeCode) { this.degreeCode = degreeCode; } public String getDocumentIdNumber() { return documentIdNumber; } public void setDocumentIdNumber(String documentIdNumber) { this.documentIdNumber = documentIdNumber; } public String getDocumentCheckDigit() { return documentCheckDigit; } public void setDocumentCheckDigit(String documentCheckDigit) { this.documentCheckDigit = documentCheckDigit; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getAddress() { return address; } public void setAddress(String address) { this.address = address; } public String getAreaCode() { return areaCode; } public void setAreaCode(String areaCode) { this.areaCode = areaCode; } public String getAreaOfAreaCode() { return areaOfAreaCode; } public void setAreaOfAreaCode(String areaOfAreaCode) { this.areaOfAreaCode = areaOfAreaCode; } public String getPhoneNumber() { return phoneNumber; } public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) { this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber; } public Gender getGender() { return gender; } public void setGender(Gender gender) { this.gender = gender; } public YearMonthDay getDateOfBirth() { return dateOfBirth; } public void setDateOfBirth(YearMonthDay dateOfBirth) { this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth; } public String getContigent() { return contigent; } public void setContigent(String contigent) { this.contigent = contigent; } public Ingression getIngression() { return ingression; } public void setIngression(Ingression ingression) { this.ingression = ingression; } public Integer getPlacingOption() { return placingOption; } public void setPlacingOption(Integer placingOption) { this.placingOption = placingOption; } public String getHighSchoolFinalGrade() { return highSchoolFinalGrade; } public void setHighSchoolFinalGrade(String highSchoolFinalGrade) { this.highSchoolFinalGrade = highSchoolFinalGrade; } public Double getEntryGrade() { return entryGrade; } public void setEntryGrade(Double entryGrade) { this.entryGrade = entryGrade; } public String getHighSchoolName() { return highSchoolName; } public void setHighSchoolName(String highSchoolName) { this.highSchoolName = highSchoolName; } public AcademicalInstitutionType getHighSchoolType() { return highSchoolType; } public void setHighSchoolType(AcademicalInstitutionType highSchoolType) { this.highSchoolType = highSchoolType; } public String getHighSchoolDegreeDesignation() { return highSchoolDegreeDesignation; } public void setHighSchoolDegreeDesignation(String highSchoolDegreeDesignation) { this.highSchoolDegreeDesignation = highSchoolDegreeDesignation; } public EntryPhase getEntryPhase() { return entryPhase; } public void setEntryPhase(EntryPhase entryPhase) { this.entryPhase = entryPhase; } public String getIstUniversity() { return istUniversity; } public void setIstUniversity(String istUniversity) { this.istUniversity = istUniversity; } public Person getMatchingPerson() throws MatchingPersonException { Collection<Person> persons = Person.readByDocumentIdNumber(getDocumentIdNumber()); if (persons.isEmpty()) { throw new NotFoundPersonException(); } if (persons.size() > 1) { throw new TooManyMatchedPersonsException(); } final Person person = persons.iterator().next(); if (person.getDateOfBirthYearMonthDay() != null && person.getDateOfBirthYearMonthDay().equals(getDateOfBirth())) { return person; } if (person.getName().equals(getName())) { return person; } throw new NotFoundPersonException(); } public Person createPerson(String username) { User user = new User(username); final Person person = new Person(user); person.setName(StringFormatter.prettyPrint(getName())); person.setGender(getGender()); person.setIdentification(getDocumentIdNumber(), IDDocumentType.IDENTITY_CARD); person.setMaritalStatus(MaritalStatus.SINGLE); person.setDateOfBirthYearMonthDay(getDateOfBirth()); person.setIdentificationDocumentSeriesNumber(getDocumentCheckDigit()); final PhysicalAddress createPhysicalAddress = PhysicalAddress.createPhysicalAddress(person, new PhysicalAddressData(getAddress(), getAreaCode(), getAreaOfAreaCode(), null), PartyContactType.PERSONAL, true); createPhysicalAddress.setValid(); if (PhoneUtil.isMobileNumber(getPhoneNumber())) { final MobilePhone createMobilePhone = MobilePhone.createMobilePhone(person, getPhoneNumber(), PartyContactType.PERSONAL, true); createMobilePhone.setValid(); } else { final Phone createPhone = Phone.createPhone(person, getPhoneNumber(), PartyContactType.PERSONAL, true); createPhone.setValid(); } return person; } public ExecutionDegree getExecutionDegree(final ExecutionYear executionYear, final Space campus) { return ExecutionDegree.readByDegreeCodeAndExecutionYearAndCampus(getDegreeCode(), executionYear, campus); } public static abstract class MatchingPersonException extends Exception { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } public static class NotFoundPersonException extends MatchingPersonException { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } public static class TooManyMatchedPersonsException extends MatchingPersonException { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } }