Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library.
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2019 TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft,
 * the following license terms apply:
 * This program is part of JasperReports.
 * JasperReports is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * JasperReports is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with JasperReports. If not, see <>.
package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill;

import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRCommonText;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRParagraph;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPrintText;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPropertiesHolder;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPropertiesUtil;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTextElement;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReportsContext;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.TabStop;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.AbstractTextRenderer;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.AwtTextRenderer;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.DelegatePropertiesHolder;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStringUtil;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledText;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.ParagraphUtil;

 * Default text measurer implementation.
 * <h3>Text Measuring</h3>
 * When a the contents of a text element do not fit
 * into the area given by the element width and height, the engine will either truncate the
 * text contents or, in the case of a text field that is allowed to stretch, increase the height of
 * the element to accommodate the contents. To do so, the JasperReports engine needs to
 * measure the text and calculate how much of it fits in the element area, or how much the
 * element needs to stretch in order to fit the entire text.
 * <p/>
 * JasperReports does this, by default, by using standard Java AWT classes to layout and
 * measure the text with its style information given by the text font and by other style
 * attributes. This ensures that the result of the text layout calculation is exact according to
 * the JasperReports principle of pixel perfectness.
 * <p/>
 * However, this comes at a price - the AWT text layout calls contribute to the overall
 * report fill performance. For this reason and possibly others, it might be desired in some
 * cases to implement a different text measuring mechanism. JasperReports allows users to
 * employ custom text measurer implementations by setting a value for the
 * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRTextMeasurerUtil#PROPERTY_TEXT_MEASURER_FACTORY net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory} property.
 * The property can be set globally (in <code></code> or via the
 * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPropertiesUtil#setProperty(String, String)} method), at
 * report level or at element level (as an element property). The property value should be
 * either the name of a class that implements the
 * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRTextMeasurerFactory} interface, or an
 * alias defined for such a text measurer factory class. To define an alias, one needs to
 * define a property having
 * <code>net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory.&lt;alias&gt;</code> as key and the factory
 * class name as value. Take the following examples of text measurer factory properties:
 * <ul>
 * <li>in set a custom default text measurer factory:
 * <br/>
 * <code>net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory=com.jasperreports.MyTextMeasurerFactory</code></li>
 * <li>define an alias for a different text measurer factory:
 * <br/>
 * <code></code></li>
 * <li>in a JRXML, use the fast text measurer for a static text:</li>
 * </ul>
 * <pre>
 * &lt;staticText&gt;
 *   &lt;reportElement ...&gt;
 *     &lt;property name="net.sf.jasperreports.text.measurer.factory" value="fast"/&gt;
 *   &lt;/reportElement&gt;
 *   &lt;text&gt;...&lt;/text&gt;
 * &lt;/staticText&gt;
 * </pre>
 * The default text measurer factory used by JasperReports is
 * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.TextMeasurerFactory}; the factory is also
 * registered under an alias named <code>default</code>.
 * <h3>Text Truncation</h3>
 * The built-in text measurer supports a series of text truncation customizations. As a
 * reminder, text truncation occurs when a the contents of a static text element or of a text
 * field that is not set as stretchable do not fit the area reserved for the element in the report
 * template. Note that text truncation only refers to the truncation of the last line of a text
 * element, and not to the word wrapping of a text element that spans across multiple lines.
 * <p/>
 * The default behavior is to use the standard AWT line break logic (as returned by the
 * <code>java.text.BreakIterator.getLineInstance()</code> method) to determine where to
 * truncate the text. This means that the last line of text will be truncated after the last word
 * that fits on the line, or after the last character when the first word on the line does not
 * entirely fit.
 * <p/>
 * This behavior can be changed by forcing the text to always get truncated at the last
 * character that fits the element area, and by appending one or more characters to the
 * truncated text to notify a report reader that the text has been truncated.
 * To force the text to be wrapped at the last character, the
 * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTextElement#PROPERTY_TRUNCATE_AT_CHAR}
 * property needs to be set to true
 * globally, at report level or at text element level. The levels at which the property can be
 * set are listed in a decreasing order of precedence, therefore an element level property
 * overrides the report level property, which in its turn overrides the global property. The
 * property can also be set to false at report or element level to override the true value of the
 * property set at a higher level.
 * <p/>
 * To append a suffix to the truncated text, one needs to set the desired suffix as the value
 * of the {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTextElement#PROPERTY_TRUNCATE_SUFFIX net.sf.jasperreports.text.truncate.suffix} 
 * property globally, at report level or at element level. For instance, to use a Unicode 
 * horizontal ellipsis character (code point U+2026) as text truncation suffix, one would set 
 * the property globally or at report level as following:
 * <ul>
 * <li>globally in <code></code>:
 * <br/>
 * <code>net.sf.jasperreports.text.truncate.suffix=&#92;u2026</code></li>
 * <li>at report level:</li>
 * </ul>
 * <pre>
 * &lt;jasperReport ...&gt;
 *   &lt;property name="net.sf.jasperreports.text.truncate.suffix" value="&amp;#x2026;"/&gt;
 *   ...
 * &lt;/jasperReport&gt;
 * </pre>
 * Note that in the JRXML the ellipsis character was introduced via an XML numerical
 * character entity. If the JRXML file uses a Unicode XML encoding, the Unicode
 * character can also be directly written in the JRXML.
 * <p/>
 * When using a truncation suffix, the truncate at character property is taken into
 * consideration in order to determine where to append the truncation suffix. If the
 * truncation at character property is set to false, the suffix is appended after the last word
 * that fits; if the property is set to true, the suffix is appended after the last text character
 * that fits.
 * <p/>
 * When used for a text element that produces styled text, the truncation suffix is placed
 * outside the styled text, that is, the truncation suffix will be displayed using the style
 * defined at element level.
 * <p/>
 * Text truncation is desirable when producing reports for that are displayed on a screen or
 * printed on paper - in such scenarios the layout of the report is important. On the other
 * hand, some JasperReports exporters, such as the Excel or CSV ones, produce output
 * which in many cases is intended as data-centric. In such cases, it could be useful not to
 * truncate any text generated by the report, even if some texts would not fit when rendered
 * on a layout-sensitive media.
 * <p/>
 * To inhibit the unconditional truncation of report texts, one would need to set the
 * {@link net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTextElement#PROPERTY_PRINT_KEEP_FULL_TEXT net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text}
 * property to true globally, at report level or at text element level. When the 
 * property is set to true, the text is not truncated at fill time and the generated 
 * report preserves the full text as produced by the text element.
 * <p/>
 * Visual report exporters (such as the exporters used for PDF, HTML, RTF, printing or the
 * Java report viewer) would still truncate the rendered text, but the Excel and CSV data-centric
 * exporters would use the full text. Note that preserving the full text does not affect
 * the size of the text element, therefore the Excel exporter would display the full text
 * inside a cell that has the size of the truncated text.
 * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTextElement#PROPERTY_PRINT_KEEP_FULL_TEXT
 * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTextElement#PROPERTY_TRUNCATE_AT_CHAR
 * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTextElement#PROPERTY_TRUNCATE_SUFFIX
 * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.TextMeasurerFactory
 * @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRTextMeasurerUtil#PROPERTY_TEXT_MEASURER_FACTORY
 * @author Teodor Danciu (
public class TextMeasurer implements JRTextMeasurer {
    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(TextMeasurer.class);

    //FIXME remove this after measureSimpleText() is proven to be stable
    @Property(category = PropertyConstants.CATEGORY_FILL, defaultValue = PropertyConstants.BOOLEAN_TRUE, scopes = {
            PropertyScope.CONTEXT }, sinceVersion = PropertyConstants.VERSION_4_6_0, valueType = Boolean.class)
    public static final String PROPERTY_MEASURE_SIMPLE_TEXTS = JRPropertiesUtil.PROPERTY_PREFIX
            + "measure.simple.text";

    protected JasperReportsContext jasperReportsContext;
    protected JRCommonText textElement;
    private JRPropertiesHolder propertiesHolder;
    private DynamicPropertiesHolder dynamicPropertiesHolder;

    private SimpleTextLineWrapper simpleLineWrapper;
    private ComplexTextLineWrapper complextLineWrapper;

    protected int width;
    private int height;
    private int topPadding;
    protected int leftPadding;
    private int bottomPadding;
    protected int rightPadding;
    private JRParagraph jrParagraph;

    private float formatWidth;
    protected int maxHeight;
    private boolean canOverflow;

    private boolean hasDynamicIgnoreMissingFontProp;
    private boolean defaultIgnoreMissingFont;
    private boolean ignoreMissingFont;

    private boolean hasDynamicSaveLineBreakOffsetsProp;
    private boolean defaultSaveLineBreakOffsets;

    protected TextMeasuredState measuredState;
    protected TextMeasuredState prevMeasuredState;

    protected static class TextMeasuredState implements JRMeasuredText, Cloneable {
        private final boolean saveLineBreakOffsets;

        protected int textOffset;
        protected int lines;
        protected float fontSizeSum;
        protected float firstLineMaxFontSize;
        protected int paragraphStartLine;
        protected float textWidth;
        protected float textHeight;
        protected float firstLineLeading;
        protected boolean isLeftToRight = true;
        protected String textSuffix;
        protected boolean isMeasured = true;

        protected int lastOffset;
        protected ArrayList<Integer> lineBreakOffsets;

        public TextMeasuredState(boolean saveLineBreakOffsets) {
            this.saveLineBreakOffsets = saveLineBreakOffsets;

        public boolean isLeftToRight() {
            return isLeftToRight;

        public int getTextOffset() {
            return textOffset;

        public float getTextWidth() {
            return textWidth;

        public float getTextHeight() {
            return textHeight;

        public float getLineSpacingFactor() {
            if (isMeasured && lines > 0 && fontSizeSum > 0) {
                return textHeight / fontSizeSum;
            return 0;

        public float getLeadingOffset() {
            if (isMeasured && lines > 0 && fontSizeSum > 0) {
                return firstLineLeading - firstLineMaxFontSize * getLineSpacingFactor();
            return 0;

        public String getTextSuffix() {
            return textSuffix;

        public TextMeasuredState cloneState() {
            try {
                TextMeasuredState clone = (TextMeasuredState) super.clone();

                //clone the list of offsets
                //might be a performance problem on very large texts
                if (lineBreakOffsets != null) {
                    clone.lineBreakOffsets = (ArrayList<Integer>) lineBreakOffsets.clone();

                return clone;
            } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
                throw new JRRuntimeException(e);

        protected void addLineBreak() {
            if (saveLineBreakOffsets) {
                if (lineBreakOffsets == null) {
                    lineBreakOffsets = new ArrayList<Integer>();

                int breakOffset = textOffset - lastOffset;
                lastOffset = textOffset;

        public short[] getLineBreakOffsets() {
            if (!saveLineBreakOffsets) {
                //if no line breaks are to be saved, return null
                return null;

            //if the last line break occurred at the truncation position
            //exclude the last break offset
            int exclude = lastOffset == textOffset ? 1 : 0;
            if (lineBreakOffsets == null || lineBreakOffsets.size() <= exclude) {
                //use the zero length array singleton
                return JRPrintText.ZERO_LINE_BREAK_OFFSETS;

            short[] offsets = new short[lineBreakOffsets.size() - exclude];
            boolean overflow = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
                int offset = lineBreakOffsets.get(i);
                if (offset > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
                    if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        log.warn("Line break offset value " + offset
                                + " is bigger than the maximum supported value of" + Short.MAX_VALUE
                                + ". Line break offsets will not be saved for this text.");

                    overflow = true;
                offsets[i] = (short) offset;

            if (overflow) {
                //if a line break offset overflow occurred, do not return any 
                //line break offsets
                return null;

            return offsets;

    public TextMeasurer(JasperReportsContext jasperReportsContext, JRCommonText textElement) {
        this.jasperReportsContext = jasperReportsContext;
        this.textElement = textElement;
        this.propertiesHolder = textElement instanceof JRPropertiesHolder ? (JRPropertiesHolder) textElement : null;//FIXMENOW all elements are now properties holders, so interfaces might be rearranged
        if (textElement.getDefaultStyleProvider() instanceof JRPropertiesHolder) {
            this.propertiesHolder = new DelegatePropertiesHolder(propertiesHolder,
                    (JRPropertiesHolder) textElement.getDefaultStyleProvider());

        if (textElement instanceof DynamicPropertiesHolder) {
            this.dynamicPropertiesHolder = (DynamicPropertiesHolder) textElement;

            // we can check this from the beginning
            this.hasDynamicIgnoreMissingFontProp = this.dynamicPropertiesHolder
            this.hasDynamicSaveLineBreakOffsetsProp = this.dynamicPropertiesHolder

        // read static property values
        JRPropertiesUtil propertiesUtil = JRPropertiesUtil.getInstance(jasperReportsContext);
        defaultIgnoreMissingFont = propertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty(propertiesHolder,
                JRStyledText.PROPERTY_AWT_IGNORE_MISSING_FONT, false);
        defaultSaveLineBreakOffsets = propertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty(propertiesHolder,
                JRTextElement.PROPERTY_SAVE_LINE_BREAKS, false);

        Context measureContext = new Context();
        simpleLineWrapper = new SimpleTextLineWrapper();

        complextLineWrapper = new ComplexTextLineWrapper();

    protected void initialize(JRStyledText styledText, int remainingTextStart, int availableStretchHeight,
            boolean canOverflow) {
        width = textElement.getWidth();
        height = textElement.getHeight();

        topPadding = textElement.getLineBox().getTopPadding();
        leftPadding = textElement.getLineBox().getLeftPadding();
        bottomPadding = textElement.getLineBox().getBottomPadding();
        rightPadding = textElement.getLineBox().getRightPadding();

        jrParagraph = textElement.getParagraph();

        switch (textElement.getRotationValue()) {
        case LEFT: {
            width = textElement.getHeight();
            height = textElement.getWidth();
            int tmpPadding = topPadding;
            topPadding = leftPadding;
            leftPadding = bottomPadding;
            bottomPadding = rightPadding;
            rightPadding = tmpPadding;
        case RIGHT: {
            width = textElement.getHeight();
            height = textElement.getWidth();
            int tmpPadding = topPadding;
            topPadding = rightPadding;
            rightPadding = bottomPadding;
            bottomPadding = leftPadding;
            leftPadding = tmpPadding;
        case UPSIDE_DOWN: {
            int tmpPadding = topPadding;
            topPadding = bottomPadding;
            bottomPadding = tmpPadding;
            tmpPadding = leftPadding;
            leftPadding = rightPadding;
            rightPadding = tmpPadding;
        case NONE:
        default: {

        formatWidth = width - leftPadding - rightPadding;
        formatWidth = formatWidth < 0 ? 0 : formatWidth;
        maxHeight = height + availableStretchHeight - topPadding - bottomPadding;
        maxHeight = maxHeight < 0 ? 0 : maxHeight;
        this.canOverflow = canOverflow;

        // refresh properties if required
        ignoreMissingFont = defaultIgnoreMissingFont;
        if (hasDynamicIgnoreMissingFontProp) {
            String dynamicIgnoreMissingFontProp = dynamicPropertiesHolder.getDynamicProperties()
            if (dynamicIgnoreMissingFontProp != null) {
                ignoreMissingFont = JRPropertiesUtil.asBoolean(dynamicIgnoreMissingFontProp);

        boolean saveLineBreakOffsets = defaultSaveLineBreakOffsets;
        if (hasDynamicSaveLineBreakOffsetsProp) {
            String dynamicSaveLineBreakOffsetsProp = dynamicPropertiesHolder.getDynamicProperties()
            if (dynamicSaveLineBreakOffsetsProp != null) {
                saveLineBreakOffsets = JRPropertiesUtil.asBoolean(dynamicSaveLineBreakOffsetsProp);

        measuredState = new TextMeasuredState(saveLineBreakOffsets);
        measuredState.lastOffset = remainingTextStart;
        prevMeasuredState = null;


    public JRMeasuredText measure(JRStyledText styledText, int remainingTextStart, int availableStretchHeight,
            boolean canOverflow) {
        /*   */
        initialize(styledText, remainingTextStart, availableStretchHeight, canOverflow);

        TextLineWrapper lineWrapper = simpleLineWrapper;
        // check if the simple wrapper would handle the text
        if (!lineWrapper.start(styledText)) {
            lineWrapper = complextLineWrapper;

        int tokenPosition = remainingTextStart;
        int lastParagraphStart = remainingTextStart;
        String lastParagraphText = null;

        String remainingText = styledText.getText().substring(remainingTextStart);
        StringTokenizer tkzer = new StringTokenizer(remainingText, "\n", true);

        boolean rendered = true;
        // text is split into paragraphs, using the newline character as delimiter
        while (tkzer.hasMoreTokens() && rendered) {
            String token = tkzer.nextToken();

            if ("\n".equals(token)) {
                rendered = renderParagraph(lineWrapper, lastParagraphStart, lastParagraphText);

                lastParagraphStart = tokenPosition + (tkzer.hasMoreTokens() || tokenPosition == 0 ? 1 : 0);
                lastParagraphText = null;
            } else {
                lastParagraphStart = tokenPosition;
                lastParagraphText = token;

            tokenPosition += token.length();

        if (rendered && lastParagraphStart < remainingTextStart + remainingText.length()) {
            renderParagraph(lineWrapper, lastParagraphStart, lastParagraphText);

        return measuredState;

    protected boolean hasParagraphIndents() {
        Integer firstLineIndent = jrParagraph.getFirstLineIndent();
        if (firstLineIndent != null && firstLineIndent > 0) {
            return true;

        Integer leftIndent = jrParagraph.getLeftIndent();
        if (leftIndent != null && leftIndent > 0) {
            return true;

        Integer rightIndent = jrParagraph.getRightIndent();
        return rightIndent != null && rightIndent > 0;

    protected boolean renderParagraph(TextLineWrapper lineWrapper, int lastParagraphStart,
            String lastParagraphText) {
        if (lastParagraphText == null) {
        } else {
            lineWrapper.startParagraph(lastParagraphStart, lastParagraphStart + lastParagraphText.length(), false);

        List<Integer> tabIndexes = JRStringUtil.getTabIndexes(lastParagraphText);

        int[] currentTabHolder = new int[] { 0 };
        TabStop[] nextTabStopHolder = new TabStop[] { null };
        boolean[] requireNextWordHolder = new boolean[] { false };

        measuredState.paragraphStartLine = measuredState.lines;
        measuredState.textOffset = lastParagraphStart;

        boolean rendered = true;
        boolean renderedLine = false;

        // the paragraph is measured one line at a time
        while (lineWrapper.paragraphPosition() < lineWrapper.paragraphEnd() && rendered) {
            rendered = renderNextLine(lineWrapper, tabIndexes, currentTabHolder, nextTabStopHolder,
            renderedLine = renderedLine || rendered;

        //if we rendered at least one line, and the last line didn't fit 
        //and the text does not overflow
        if (!rendered && prevMeasuredState != null && !canOverflow) {
            //handle last rendered row
            processLastTruncatedRow(lineWrapper, lastParagraphText, lastParagraphStart, renderedLine);

        return rendered;

    protected void processLastTruncatedRow(TextLineWrapper lineWrapper, String paragraphText, int paragraphOffset,
            boolean lineTruncated) {
        //FIXME move all this to TextLineWrapper?
        if (lineTruncated && isToTruncateAtChar()) {
            truncateLastLineAtChar(lineWrapper, paragraphText, paragraphOffset);


    protected void truncateLastLineAtChar(TextLineWrapper lineWrapper, String paragraphText, int paragraphOffset) {
        //truncate the original line at char
        measuredState = prevMeasuredState.cloneState();
        lineWrapper.startParagraph(measuredState.textOffset, paragraphOffset + paragraphText.length(), true);
        //render again the last line
        //if the line does not fit now, it will remain empty
        renderNextLine(lineWrapper, null, new int[] { 0 }, new TabStop[] { null }, new boolean[] { false });

    protected void appendTruncateSuffix(TextLineWrapper lineWrapper) {
        String truncateSuffx = getTruncateSuffix();
        if (truncateSuffx == null) {

        int lineStart = prevMeasuredState.textOffset;

        //advance from the line start until the next line start or the first newline
        String lineText = lineWrapper.getLineText(lineStart, measuredState.textOffset);
        int linePosition = lineText.length();

        //iterate to the beginning of the line
        boolean done = false;
        do {
            measuredState = prevMeasuredState.cloneState();

            String text = lineText.substring(0, linePosition) + truncateSuffx;
            boolean truncateAtChar = isToTruncateAtChar();
            TextLineWrapper lastLineWrapper = lineWrapper.lastLineWrapper(text, measuredState.textOffset,
                    linePosition, truncateAtChar);

            BreakIterator breakIterator = truncateAtChar ? BreakIterator.getCharacterInstance()
                    : BreakIterator.getLineInstance();

            if (renderNextLine(lastLineWrapper, null, new int[] { 0 }, new TabStop[] { null },
                    new boolean[] { false })) {
                int lastPos = lastLineWrapper.paragraphPosition();
                //test if the entire suffix fit
                if (lastPos == linePosition + truncateSuffx.length()) {
                    //subtract the suffix from the offset
                    measuredState.textOffset -= truncateSuffx.length();
                    measuredState.textSuffix = truncateSuffx;
                    done = true;
                } else {
                    linePosition = breakIterator.preceding(linePosition);
                    if (linePosition == BreakIterator.DONE) {
                        //if the text suffix did not fit the line, only the part of it that fits will show

                        //truncate the suffix
                        String actualSuffix = truncateSuffx.substring(0,
                                measuredState.textOffset - prevMeasuredState.textOffset);
                        //if the last text char is not a new line
                        if (prevMeasuredState.textOffset > 0
                                && lineWrapper.charAt(prevMeasuredState.textOffset - 1) != '\n') {
                            //force a new line so that the suffix is displayed on the last line
                            actualSuffix = '\n' + actualSuffix;
                        measuredState.textSuffix = actualSuffix;

                        //restore the next to last line offset
                        measuredState.textOffset = prevMeasuredState.textOffset;

                        done = true;
            } else {
                //if the line did not fit, leave it empty
                done = true;
        } while (!done);

    protected boolean isToTruncateAtChar() {
        //FIXME do not read each time
        return JRPropertiesUtil.getInstance(jasperReportsContext).getBooleanProperty(propertiesHolder,
                JRTextElement.PROPERTY_TRUNCATE_AT_CHAR, false);

    protected String getTruncateSuffix() {
        //FIXME do not read each time
        String truncateSuffx = JRPropertiesUtil.getInstance(jasperReportsContext).getProperty(propertiesHolder,
        if (truncateSuffx != null) {
            truncateSuffx = truncateSuffx.trim();
            if (truncateSuffx.length() == 0) {
                truncateSuffx = null;
        return truncateSuffx;

    protected boolean renderNextLine(TextLineWrapper lineWrapper, List<Integer> tabIndexes, int[] currentTabHolder,
            TabStop[] nextTabStopHolder, boolean[] requireNextWordHolder) {
        boolean lineComplete = false;

        int lineStartPosition = lineWrapper.paragraphPosition();

        float maxAscent = 0;
        float maxDescent = 0;
        float maxLeading = 0;
        int characterCount = 0;
        boolean isLeftToRight = true;

        // each line is split into segments, using the tab character as delimiter
        List<TabSegment> segments = new ArrayList<TabSegment>(1);

        TabSegment oldSegment = null;
        TabSegment crtSegment = null;

        // splitting the current line into tab segments
        while (!lineComplete) {
            // the current segment limit is either the next tab character or the paragraph end 
            int tabIndexOrEndIndex = (tabIndexes == null || currentTabHolder[0] >= tabIndexes.size()
                    ? lineWrapper.paragraphEnd()
                    : tabIndexes.get(currentTabHolder[0]) + 1);

            float startX = (lineWrapper.paragraphPosition() == 0 ? jrParagraph.getFirstLineIndent() : 0)
                    + leftPadding;
            float endX = width - jrParagraph.getRightIndent() - rightPadding;
            endX = endX < startX ? startX : endX;
            //formatWidth = endX - startX;
            //formatWidth = endX;

            int startIndex = lineWrapper.paragraphPosition();

            float rightX = 0;

            if (segments.size() == 0) {
                rightX = startX;
                //nextTabStop = nextTabStop;
            } else {
                rightX = oldSegment.rightX;
                nextTabStopHolder[0] = ParagraphUtil.getNextTabStop(jrParagraph, endX, rightX);

            //float availableWidth = formatWidth - ParagraphUtil.getSegmentOffset(nextTabStopHolder[0], rightX); // nextTabStop can be null here; and that's OK
            float availableWidth = endX - jrParagraph.getLeftIndent()
                    - ParagraphUtil.getSegmentOffset(nextTabStopHolder[0], rightX); // nextTabStop can be null here; and that's OK

            // creating a text layout object for each tab segment 
            TextLine textLine = lineWrapper.nextLine(availableWidth, tabIndexOrEndIndex, requireNextWordHolder[0]);

            if (textLine != null) {
                maxAscent = Math.max(maxAscent, textLine.getAscent());
                maxDescent = Math.max(maxDescent, textLine.getDescent());
                maxLeading = Math.max(maxLeading, textLine.getLeading());
                characterCount += textLine.getCharacterCount();
                isLeftToRight = isLeftToRight && textLine.isLeftToRight();

                //creating the current segment
                crtSegment = new TabSegment();
                crtSegment.textLine = textLine;

                float leftX = ParagraphUtil.getLeftX(nextTabStopHolder[0], textLine.getAdvance()); // nextTabStop can be null here; and that's OK
                if (rightX > leftX) {
                    crtSegment.leftX = rightX;
                    crtSegment.rightX = rightX + textLine.getAdvance();
                } else {
                    crtSegment.leftX = leftX;
                    // we need this special tab stop based utility call because adding the advance to leftX causes rounding issues
                    crtSegment.rightX = ParagraphUtil.getRightX(nextTabStopHolder[0], textLine.getAdvance()); // nextTabStop can be null here; and that's OK


            requireNextWordHolder[0] = true;

            if (lineWrapper.paragraphPosition() == tabIndexOrEndIndex) {
                // the segment limit was a tab; going to the next tab
                currentTabHolder[0] = currentTabHolder[0] + 1;

            if (lineWrapper.paragraphPosition() == lineWrapper.paragraphEnd()) {
                // the segment limit was the paragraph end; line completed and next line should start at normal zero x offset
                lineComplete = true;
                nextTabStopHolder[0] = null;
            } else {
                // there is paragraph text remaining 
                if (lineWrapper.paragraphPosition() == tabIndexOrEndIndex) {
                    // the segment limit was a tab
                    if (crtSegment.rightX >= ParagraphUtil.getLastTabStop(jrParagraph, endX).getPosition()) {
                        // current segment stretches out beyond the last tab stop; line complete
                        lineComplete = true;
                        // next line should should start at first tab stop indent
                        nextTabStopHolder[0] = ParagraphUtil.getFirstTabStop(jrParagraph, endX);
                    //               else
                    //               {
                    //                  //nothing; this leaves lineComplete=false
                    //               }
                } else {
                    // the segment did not fit entirely
                    lineComplete = true;
                    if (textLine == null) {
                        // nothing fitted; next line should start at first tab stop indent
                        if (nextTabStopHolder[0].getPosition() == ParagraphUtil.getFirstTabStop(jrParagraph, endX)
                                .getPosition())//FIXMETAB check based on segments.size()
                            // at second attempt we give up to avoid infinite loop
                            nextTabStopHolder[0] = null;
                            requireNextWordHolder[0] = false;

                            //provide dummy maxFontSize because it is used for the line height of this empty line when attempting drawing below
                            TextLine baseLine = lineWrapper.baseTextLine(startIndex);
                            maxAscent = baseLine.getAscent();
                            maxDescent = baseLine.getDescent();
                            maxLeading = baseLine.getLeading();
                        } else {
                            nextTabStopHolder[0] = ParagraphUtil.getFirstTabStop(jrParagraph, endX);
                    } else {
                        // something fitted
                        nextTabStopHolder[0] = null;
                        requireNextWordHolder[0] = false;

            oldSegment = crtSegment;

        float lineHeight = AbstractTextRenderer.getLineHeight(measuredState.lines == 0, jrParagraph, maxLeading,

        if (measuredState.lines == 0) //FIXMEPARA
        //if (measuredState.paragraphStartLine == measuredState.lines)
            lineHeight += jrParagraph.getSpacingBefore();

        float newTextHeight = measuredState.textHeight + lineHeight;

        //this test is somewhat inconsistent with JRFillTextElement.chopTextElement which truncates the text height to int.
        //thus it can happen that a text which would normally be measured to textHeight=18.6 and element height=18
        //overflows when there are exactly 18 pixels left on the page.
        boolean fits = newTextHeight + maxDescent <= maxHeight;
        if (fits) {
            prevMeasuredState = measuredState.cloneState();

            measuredState.isLeftToRight = isLeftToRight;//run direction is per layout; but this is the best we can do for now
            measuredState.textWidth = Math.max(measuredState.textWidth,
                    (crtSegment == null ? 0 : (crtSegment.rightX - leftPadding)));//FIXMENOW is RTL text actually working here?
            measuredState.textHeight = newTextHeight;

            if (measuredState.isMeasured && (tabIndexes == null || tabIndexes.size() == 0)
                    && !hasParagraphIndents()) {
                measuredState.fontSizeSum += lineWrapper.maxFontsize(lineStartPosition,
                        lineStartPosition + characterCount);

                if (measuredState.lines == 1) {
                    measuredState.firstLineLeading = measuredState.textHeight;
                    measuredState.firstLineMaxFontSize = measuredState.fontSizeSum;
            } else {
                measuredState.isMeasured = false;

            // here is the Y offset where we would draw the line
            //lastDrawPosY = drawPosY;
            measuredState.textHeight += maxDescent;

            measuredState.textOffset += lineWrapper.paragraphPosition() - lineStartPosition;

            if (lineWrapper.paragraphPosition() < lineWrapper.paragraphEnd()) {
                //if not the last line in a paragraph, save the line break position
            //         else //FIXMEPARA
            //         {
            //            measuredState.textHeight += jrParagraph.getSpacingAfter();
            //         }

        return fits;

    protected JRPropertiesHolder getTextPropertiesHolder() {
        return propertiesHolder;

    public FontRenderContext getFontRenderContext() {
        return AwtTextRenderer.LINE_BREAK_FONT_RENDER_CONTEXT;

    class Context implements TextMeasureContext {
        public JasperReportsContext getJasperReportsContext() {
            return jasperReportsContext;

        public JRCommonText getElement() {
            return textElement;

        public JRPropertiesHolder getPropertiesHolder() {
            return propertiesHolder;

        public boolean isIgnoreMissingFont() {
            return ignoreMissingFont;

        public FontRenderContext getFontRenderContext() {
            return TextMeasurer.this.getFontRenderContext();

class TabSegment {
    public TextLine textLine;
    public float leftX;
    public float rightX;