Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2003-2007 Luck Consulting Pty Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.sf.ehcache.jcache; import; import net.sf.ehcache.exceptionhandler.CountingExceptionHandler; import net.sf.ehcache.loader.CountingCacheLoader; import net.sf.ehcache.loader.ExceptionThrowingLoader; import net.sf.ehcache.Ehcache; import net.sf.ehcache.AbstractCacheTest; import net.sf.ehcache.StopWatch; import net.sf.ehcache.ThreadKiller; import net.sf.ehcache.Element; import net.sf.jsr107cache.Cache; import net.sf.jsr107cache.CacheEntry; import net.sf.jsr107cache.CacheException; import net.sf.jsr107cache.CacheManager; import net.sf.jsr107cache.CacheStatistics; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; /** * Tests for a Cache * * @author Greg Luck * @version $ 318 2007-01-25 01:48:35Z gregluck $ */ public class JCacheTest extends AbstractCacheTest { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JCacheTest.class.getName()); /** * setup test */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); System.gc(); Thread.sleep(100); System.gc(); } /** * teardown * limits to what we can do here under jsr107 */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { getTest1Cache().clear(); getTest2Cache().clear(); getTest4Cache().clear(); manager.getEhcache("sampleCache1").removeAll(); } /** * Gets the sample cache 1 * <cache name="sampleCache1" * maxElementsInMemory="10000" * maxElementsOnDisk="1000" * eternal="false" * timeToIdleSeconds="360" * timeToLiveSeconds="1000" * overflowToDisk="true" * memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LRU"> * <cacheEventListenerFactory class="net.sf.ehcache.event.NullCacheEventListenerFactory"/> * </cache> */ protected JCache getTest1Cache() throws CacheException { Cache cache = CacheManager.getInstance().getCache("test1"); if (cache == null) { //sampleCache1 Map env = new HashMap(); env.put("name", "test1"); env.put("maxElementsInMemory", "10000"); env.put("maxElementsOnDisk", "1000"); env.put("memoryStoreEvictionPolicy", "LRU"); env.put("overflowToDisk", "true"); env.put("eternal", "false"); env.put("timeToLiveSeconds", "1000"); env.put("timeToIdleSeconds", "1000"); env.put("diskPersistent", "false"); env.put("diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds", "120"); env.put("cacheLoaderFactoryClassName", "net.sf.ehcache.loader.CountingCacheLoaderFactory"); cache = CacheManager.getInstance().getCacheFactory().createCache(env); CacheManager.getInstance().registerCache("test1", cache); } return (JCache) CacheManager.getInstance().getCache("test1"); } private Cache getTest2Cache() throws CacheException { Cache cache = CacheManager.getInstance().getCache("test2"); if (cache == null) { Map env = new HashMap(); env.put("name", "test2"); env.put("maxElementsInMemory", "1"); env.put("overflowToDisk", "true"); env.put("eternal", "false"); env.put("timeToLiveSeconds", "1"); env.put("timeToIdleSeconds", "0"); cache = CacheManager.getInstance().getCacheFactory().createCache(env); CacheManager.getInstance().registerCache("test2", cache); } return CacheManager.getInstance().getCache("test2"); } private Cache getTest4Cache() throws CacheException { Cache cache = CacheManager.getInstance().getCache("test4"); if (cache == null) { Map env = new HashMap(); env.put("name", "test4"); env.put("maxElementsInMemory", "1000"); env.put("overflowToDisk", "true"); env.put("eternal", "true"); env.put("timeToLiveSeconds", "0"); env.put("timeToIdleSeconds", "0"); cache = CacheManager.getInstance().getCacheFactory().createCache(env); CacheManager.getInstance().registerCache("test4", cache); } return CacheManager.getInstance().getCache("test4"); } /** * Checks we cannot use a cache after shutdown * test cannot be implemented due to lack of lifecycle support in jsr107 */ // public void testUseCacheAfterManagerShutdown() throws CacheException { /** * Checks we cannot use a cache outside the manager * Is the jsr107 silent on whether you can do this? */ // public void testUseCacheOutsideManager() throws CacheException { /** * Checks when and how we can set the cache name. * This is not allowed in jsr107 */ //public void testSetCacheName() throws CacheException { /** * Test using a cache which has been removed and replaced. * Is the jsr107 silent on whether you can do this? */ // public void testStaleCacheReference() throws CacheException { /** * Tests getting the cache name * there is no getName method in jsr107 * * @throws Exception */ // public void testCacheWithNoIdle() throws Exception { /** * Test expiry based on time to live * <cache name="sampleCacheNoIdle" * maxElementsInMemory="1000" * eternal="false" * timeToLiveSeconds="5" * overflowToDisk="false" * /> */ public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveWhenNoIdle() throws Exception { net.sf.ehcache.Cache ehcache = manager.getCache("sampleCacheNoIdle"); JCache jCache = new JCache(ehcache, null); manager.replaceEhcacheWithJCache(ehcache, jCache); Cache cache = manager.getJCache("sampleCacheNoIdle"); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); //Test time to idle. Should not idle out because not specified Thread.sleep(2000); assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); //Test time to live. Thread.sleep(5020); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test expiry based on time to live where an Eelment override is set on TTL * jsr107 does not support TTL overrides per put. */ // public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveWhenNoIdleElementOverride() throws Exception { /** * Test overflow to disk = false */ public void testNoOverflowToDisk() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testNoOverflowToDisk", 1, false, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test isEmpty */ public void testIsEmpty() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testIsEmpty", 1, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); assertTrue(cache.isEmpty()); cache.put("key1", "value1"); assertFalse(cache.isEmpty()); cache.put("key2", "value1"); assertFalse(cache.isEmpty()); assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Create a JCache from an inactive Ehcache and try adding to CacheManager. * <p/> * Check that getting JCache, Ehcache and Cache all make sense. */ public void testEhcacheConstructor() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testJCacheCreation", 1, true, true, 500, 200); JCache cache = new JCache(ehcache); manager.addCache(cache); JCache jCacheFromCacheManager = manager.getJCache("testJCacheCreation"); assertTrue(jCacheFromCacheManager.isEmpty()); Ehcache ehcacheFromCacheManager = manager.getEhcache("testJCacheCreation"); assertEquals(0, ehcacheFromCacheManager.getSize()); net.sf.ehcache.Cache cacheFromCacheManager = manager.getCache("testJCacheCreation"); assertEquals(0, cacheFromCacheManager.getSize()); assertEquals(jCacheFromCacheManager.getBackingCache(), ehcacheFromCacheManager); assertEquals(jCacheFromCacheManager.getBackingCache(), cacheFromCacheManager); assertEquals(ehcacheFromCacheManager, cacheFromCacheManager); } /** * Test isEmpty */ public void testEvict() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testEvict", 1, true, false, 1, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); assertTrue(cache.isEmpty()); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); //no invalid cache.evict(); assertFalse(cache.isEmpty()); Thread.sleep(1020); cache.evict(); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNull(cache.get("key2")); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); Thread.sleep(1020); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test containsKey */ public void testContainsKey() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testContainsKey", 1, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); assertFalse(cache.containsKey("key1")); assertFalse(cache.containsKey("key2")); cache.put("key1", "value1"); assertTrue(cache.containsKey("key1")); assertFalse(cache.containsKey("key2")); cache.put("key2", "value1"); assertTrue(cache.containsKey("key1")); assertTrue(cache.containsKey("key2")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test containsValue */ public void testContainsValue() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testContainsValue", 2, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); assertFalse(cache.containsValue("value1")); assertFalse(cache.containsValue(null)); cache.put("key1", null); assertFalse(cache.containsValue("value1")); assertTrue(cache.containsValue(null)); cache.put("key2", "value1"); assertTrue(cache.containsValue("value1")); assertTrue(cache.containsValue(null)); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test the get method. */ public void testGet() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testGet", 10, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); JCache jcache = new JCache(manager.getCache("sampleCache1"), null); CountingCacheLoader specificCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); specificCacheLoader.setName("SpecificCacheLoader"); //existing entry with dog value, no loader jcache.put("key", "dog"); Object value = jcache.get("key"); assertEquals("dog", value); //existing entry with dog value, with loader CountingCacheLoader countingCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); value = jcache.get("key"); assertEquals("dog", value); //existing entry with dog value, with loader and loaderArgument countingCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); value = jcache.get("key", "1"); assertEquals("dog", value); //no entry with matching key in cache, no loader jcache.remove("key"); jcache.setCacheLoader(null); jcache.put("key", null); value = jcache.get("key"); assertNull(value); //no entry with matching key in cache, no loader, and loaderArgument jcache.remove("key"); jcache.setCacheLoader(null); jcache.put("key", null); value = jcache.get("key", "loaderArgument"); assertNull(value); //no entry with matching key in cache, with loader jcache.remove("key"); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); value = jcache.get("key"); assertEquals(new Integer(0), value); jcache.remove("key"); value = jcache.get("key"); assertEquals(new Integer(1), value); //As above with an overridden loader jcache.remove("key"); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); value = jcache.get("key", new CountingCacheLoader()); //counter back to 0 because this we overrode with a new loader assertEquals(new Integer(0), value); //no entry with no matching key in cache, with loader and loaderArgument. Our loader just returns the // loader name catendated with the loaderArgument jcache.remove("key"); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); value = jcache.get("key", "argumentValue"); assertEquals("CountingCacheLoader:argumentValue", value); //As above with an overridden loader jcache.remove("key"); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); value = jcache.get("key", specificCacheLoader, "argumentValue"); assertEquals("SpecificCacheLoader:argumentValue", value); //check original still works jcache.remove("key"); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); value = jcache.get("key", "argumentValue"); assertEquals("CountingCacheLoader:argumentValue", value); //cache hit jcache.put("key2", "value"); value = jcache.get("key2"); assertEquals("value", value); } /** * Test the loader name method. */ public void testLoaderName() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testName", 10, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); JCache jcache = new JCache(manager.getCache("sampleCache1"), null); //existing entry with dog value, with loader CountingCacheLoader countingCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); assertEquals("CountingCacheLoader", jcache.getCacheLoader().getName()); } /** * Test the get values method. */ public void testGetValues() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testGetValue", 2, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); CountingCacheLoader countingCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); JCache jcache = new JCache(manager.getCache("sampleCache1"), countingCacheLoader); /** A class which is not Serializable */ class NonSerializable { } List keys = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { keys.add(new Integer(i)); } jcache.loadAll(keys); jcache.put(new Integer(1), new Date()); jcache.put(new Integer(2), new NonSerializable()); Thread.sleep((long) (3000 * StopWatch.getSpeedAdjustmentFactor())); assertEquals(1000, jcache.size()); Collection values = jcache.values(); assertEquals(1000, values.size()); } /** * Tests putAll */ public void testPutAll() { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testPutAll", 2, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); assertTrue(cache.isEmpty()); cache.putAll(null); assertTrue(cache.isEmpty()); cache.putAll(new HashMap()); assertTrue(cache.isEmpty()); Map map = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { map.put(i + "", new Date()); } cache.putAll(map); assertEquals(10, cache.size()); } /** * Tests clear() */ public void testClear() { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testClear", 2, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); assertTrue(cache.isEmpty()); cache.clear(); assertTrue(cache.isEmpty()); cache.put("1", new Date()); cache.clear(); assertTrue(cache.isEmpty()); } /** * Test the keyset method */ public void testKeySet() { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testKeySet", 2, true, true, 500, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { cache.put(i + "", new Date()); } //duplicate cache.put(0 + "", new Date()); Set set = cache.keySet(); assertEquals(10, set.size()); } /** * Performance tests for a range of Memory Store - Disk Store combinations. * <p/> * This demonstrates that a memory only store is approximately an order of magnitude * faster than a disk only store. * <p/> * It also shows that double the performance of a Disk Only store can be obtained * with a maximum memory size of only 1. Accordingly a Cache created without a * maximum memory size of less than 1 will issue a warning. * <p/> * Threading changes were made in v1.41 of DiskStore. The before and after numbers are shown. */ public void testProportionMemoryAndDiskPerformance() throws Exception { StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); long time = 0; //Memory only Typical 192ms Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testMemoryOnly", 5000, false, false, 5, 2); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache memoryOnlyCache = new JCache(ehcache, null); time = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { Integer key = new Integer(i); memoryOnlyCache.put(new Integer(i), "value"); memoryOnlyCache.get(key); } time = stopWatch.getElapsedTime();"Time for MemoryStore: " + time); assertTrue("Time to put and get 5000 entries into MemoryStore", time < 300); //Set size so that all elements overflow to disk. // 1245 ms v1.38 DiskStore // 273 ms v1.42 DiskStore Ehcache diskOnlyEhcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testDiskOnly", 0, true, false, 5, 2); manager.addCache(diskOnlyEhcache); Cache diskOnlyCache = new JCache(ehcache, null); time = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { Integer key = new Integer(i); diskOnlyCache.put(key, "value"); diskOnlyCache.get(key); } time = stopWatch.getElapsedTime();"Time for DiskStore: " + time); assertTrue("Time to put and get 5000 entries into DiskStore was less than 2 sec", time < 2000); // 1 Memory, 999 Disk // 591 ms v1.38 DiskStore // 56 ms v1.42 DiskStore Ehcache m1d999Ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("m1d999Cache", 1, true, false, 5, 2); manager.addCache(m1d999Ehcache); Cache m1d999Cache = new JCache(m1d999Ehcache, null); time = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { Integer key = new Integer(i); m1d999Cache.put(key, "value"); m1d999Cache.get(key); } time = stopWatch.getElapsedTime();"Time for m1d999Cache: " + time); assertTrue("Time to put and get 5000 entries into m1d999Cache", time < 2000); // 500 Memory, 500 Disk // 669 ms v1.38 DiskStore // 47 ms v1.42 DiskStore Ehcache m500d500Ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("m500d500Cache", 500, true, false, 5, 2); manager.addCache(m500d500Ehcache); Cache m500d500Cache = new JCache(m1d999Ehcache, null); time = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++) { Integer key = new Integer(i); m500d500Cache.put(key, "value"); m500d500Cache.get(key); } time = stopWatch.getElapsedTime();"Time for m500d500Cache: " + time); assertTrue("Time to put and get 5000 entries into m500d500Cache", time < 2000); } /** * Test Caches with persistent stores dispose properly. Tests: * <ol> * <li>No exceptions are thrown on dispose * <li>You cannot re add a cache after it has been disposed and removed * <li>You can create a new cache with the same name * </ol> * jsr107 does not support lifecycles. */ // public void testCreateAddDisposeAdd() throws CacheException { /** * Test expiry based on time to live */ public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLive() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLive", 1, true, false, 3, 0); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); //Test time to live assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); Thread.sleep(1020); //Test time to live assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); Thread.sleep(1020); //Test time to live assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); Thread.sleep(1020); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test expiry based on time to live where the TTL is set in the put */ public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveTTL() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveTTL", 1, true, false, 3, 0); manager.addCache(ehcache); JCache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1", 1); //default cache.put("key2", "value1", 0); //Test time to live assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); Thread.sleep(1020); //Test time to live assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); Thread.sleep(2000); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test expiry based on time to live. * This test uses peek, which behaves the same as get */ public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveUsingPeek() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveUsingPeek", 1, true, false, 3, 0); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); //Test time to live assertNotNull(cache.peek("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.peek("key2")); Thread.sleep(1020); //Test time to live assertNotNull(cache.peek("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.peek("key2")); Thread.sleep(1020); //Test time to live assertNotNull(cache.peek("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.peek("key2")); Thread.sleep(1020); assertNull(cache.peek("key1")); assertNull(cache.peek("key2")); } // /** // * Tests that a cache created from defaults will expire as per // * the default expiry policy. // * Caches cannot be created from default in jsr107 // */ // public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveForDefault() throws Exception { /** * Test expiry based on time to live. * <p/> * Elements are put quietly back into the cache after being cloned. * The elements should expire as if the putQuiet had not happened. * jsr107 */ // public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveAfterPutQuiet() throws Exception { /** * Test expiry based on time to live */ public void testNoIdleOrExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveForEternal() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testNoIdleOrExpiryBasedOnTimeToLiveForEternal", 1, true, true, 5, 2); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); //Test time to live assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); //Check that we did not idle out Thread.sleep(2020); assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); //Check that we did not expire out Thread.sleep(3020); assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test expiry based on time to idle. */ public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToIdle() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testExpiryBasedOnTimeToIdle", 1, true, false, 6, 2); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); //Test time to idle assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); Thread.sleep(2020); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNull(cache.get("key2")); //Test effect of get cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); Thread.sleep(1020); assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); Thread.sleep(2020); assertNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Test expiry based on time to idle. * jsr107 has no put quiet */ // public void testExpiryBasedOnTimeToIdleAfterPutQuiet() throws Exception { /** * Test element statistics, including get and getQuiet * eternal="false" * timeToIdleSeconds="5" * timeToLiveSeconds="10" * overflowToDisk="true" * <p/> * jsr107 has no put quiet */ public void testElementStatistics() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testElementStatistics", 1, true, false, 5, 2); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); CacheEntry cacheEntry = cache.getCacheEntry("key1"); assertEquals("Should be one", 1, cacheEntry.getHits()); cacheEntry = cache.getCacheEntry("key1"); assertEquals("Should be two", 2, cacheEntry.getHits()); } /** * Check getting a cache entry where it does not exist */ public void testNullCacheEntry() { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testNullCacheEntry", 1, true, false, 5, 2); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); CacheEntry cacheEntry = cache.getCacheEntry("key1"); assertNotNull(cacheEntry); CacheEntry cacheEntry2 = cache.getCacheEntry("keyDoesNotExist"); assertNull(cacheEntry2); } /** * Test cache statistics, including get. * Reconcile CacheEntry stats with cache stats and make sure they agree */ public void testCacheStatistics() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testCacheStatistics", 1, true, false, 5, 2); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); CacheEntry cacheEntry = cache.getCacheEntry("key1"); assertEquals("Should be one", 1, cacheEntry.getHits()); assertEquals("Should be one", 1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getCacheHits()); cacheEntry = cache.getCacheEntry("key1"); assertEquals("Should be one", 2, cacheEntry.getHits()); assertEquals("Should be one", 2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getCacheHits()); cacheEntry = cache.getCacheEntry("key2"); assertEquals("Should be one", 1, cacheEntry.getHits()); assertEquals("Should be one", 3, cache.getCacheStatistics().getCacheHits()); assertEquals("Should be 0", 0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getCacheMisses()); cache.get("doesnotexist"); assertEquals("Should be 1", 1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getCacheMisses()); } /** * Checks that getQuiet works how we expect it to * not supported in jsr107 */ // public void testGetQuietAndPutQuiet() throws Exception { /** * Test size with put and remove. * <p/> * It checks that size makes sense, and also that getKeys.size() matches getSize() */ public void testSizeWithPutAndRemove() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testSizeWithPutAndRemove", 1, true, true, 0, 0); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); int sizeFromGetSize = cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount(); int sizeFromKeys = cache.keySet().size(); assertEquals(sizeFromGetSize, sizeFromKeys); assertEquals(2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); /** A class which is not Serializable */ class NonSerializable { } cache.put("key1", new NonSerializable()); cache.put("key1", "value1"); //key1 should be in the Disk Store assertEquals(cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount(), cache.keySet().size()); assertEquals(2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); //there were two of these, so size will now be one cache.remove("key1"); assertEquals(cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount(), cache.keySet().size()); assertEquals(1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); cache.remove("key2"); assertEquals(cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount(), cache.keySet().size()); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); //try null values cache.clear(); cache.put("nullValue1", null); cache.put("nullValue2", null); //Cannot overflow therefore just one assertEquals(1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); Object nullValue = cache.get("nullValue2"); assertNull(nullValue); } /** * Test getKeys after expiry * <p/> * Makes sure that if an element is expired, its key should also be expired */ public void testGetKeysAfterExpiry() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Cache cache = getTest2Cache(); String key1 = "key1"; cache.put(key1, "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); //getSize uses getKeys().size(), so these should be the same assertEquals(cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount(), cache.keySet().size()); //getKeys does not do an expiry check, so the expired elements are counted assertEquals(2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); String keyFromDisk = (String) cache.getCacheEntry(key1).getKey(); assertTrue(key1.equals(keyFromDisk)); Thread.sleep(1020); assertEquals(2, cache.keySet().size()); //getKeysWithExpiryCheck does check and gives the correct answer of 0 Ehcache ehcache = ((JCache) cache).getBackingCache(); ehcache.setStatisticsAccuracy(CacheStatistics.STATISTICS_ACCURACY_GUARANTEED); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); } /** * Test size after multiple calls, with put and remove */ public void testSizeMultipleCallsWithPutAndRemove() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. //Cache cache = new Cache("test3", 1, true, true, 0, 0); Cache cache = getTest2Cache(); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); //key1 should be in the Disk Store assertEquals(2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(2, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); cache.remove("key1"); assertEquals(1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(1, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); cache.remove("key2"); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); } /** * Checks the expense of checking for duplicates * JSR107 has only one keyset command. It returns a Set rather than a list, so * duplicates are automatically handled. * <p/> * 31ms for 2000 keys, half in memory and half on disk * <p/> */ public void testGetKeysPerformance() throws Exception { Cache cache = getTest2Cache(); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { cache.put("key" + i, "value"); } //Add some duplicates cache.put("key0", "value"); cache.put("key1", "value"); cache.put("key2", "value"); cache.put("key3", "value"); cache.put("key4", "value"); //let the spool be written Thread.sleep(1000); StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); Set keys = cache.keySet(); assertTrue("Should be 2000 keys. ", keys.size() == 2000); long getKeysTime = stopWatch.getElapsedTime();"Time to get 2000 keys: With Duplicate Check: " + getKeysTime); assertTrue("Getting keys took more than 200ms: " + getKeysTime, getKeysTime < 100); } /** * Checks the expense of checking in-memory size * 3467890 bytes in 1601ms for JDK1.4.2 * N/A to jsr107 */ // public void testCalculateInMemorySizePerformanceAndReasonableness() throws Exception { /** * Expire elements and verify size is correct. */ public void testGetSizeAfterExpiry() throws Exception { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Cache cache = getTest2Cache(); cache.put("key1", "value1"); cache.put("key2", "value1"); //Let the idle expire Thread.sleep(1020); assertEquals(null, cache.get("key1")); assertEquals(null, cache.get("key2")); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); } /** * Tests initialisation failures * jsr107 has no lifecycle management */ // public void testInitialiseFailures() { /** * Tests putting nulls throws correct exception * * @throws Exception */ public void testNullTreatment() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testNullTreatment", 1, false, false, 5, 1); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); try { cache.put(null, null); assertNull(cache.get(null)); cache.put(null, "value"); assertEquals("value", cache.get(null)); cache.put("key", null); assertEquals(null, cache.get("key")); assertFalse(null instanceof Serializable); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Should not have thrown an Execption"); } } /** * Tests cache, memory store and disk store sizes from config * jsr107 does not breakdowns of store sizes. */ public void testSizes() throws Exception { Cache cache = getTest1Cache(); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); for (int i = 0; i < 10010; i++) { cache.put("key" + i, "value1"); } assertEquals(10010, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); //NonSerializable cache.put(new Object(), Object.class); assertEquals(10011, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); cache.remove("key4"); cache.remove("key3"); assertEquals(10009, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); cache.clear(); assertEquals(0, cache.getCacheStatistics().getObjectCount()); } /** * Tests flushing the cache * jsr107 does not specify a disk store and therefore does not have a flush. */ // public void testFlushWhenOverflowToDisk() throws Exception { /** * Tests put works correctly for Elements with overriden TTL * jsr107 does not support overriding TTL on a per entry basis * */ // public void testPutWithOverriddenTTLAndTTI() throws Exception { /** * Tests using elements with null values. They should work as normal. * * @throws Exception */ public void testNonSerializableElement() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testElementWithNonSerializableValue", 1, true, false, 100, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key1", new Object()); cache.put("key2", new Object()); //Removed because could not overflow assertNull(cache.get("key1")); //Second one should be in the MemoryStore and retrievable assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Tests what happens when an Element throws an Error on serialization. This mimics * what a nasty error like OutOfMemoryError could do. * <p/> * Before a change to the SpoolAndExpiryThread to handle this situation this test failed and generated * the following log message. * Jun 28, 2006 7:17:16 PM put * SEVERE: testThreadKillerCache: Elements cannot be written to disk store because the spool thread has died. * * @throws Exception */ public void testSpoolThreadHandlesThreadKiller() throws Exception { Ehcache ehcache = new net.sf.ehcache.Cache("testThreadKiller", 1, true, false, 100, 200); manager.addCache(ehcache); Cache cache = new JCache(ehcache, null); cache.put("key", new ThreadKiller()); cache.put("key1", "one"); cache.put("key2", "two"); Thread.sleep(2000); assertNotNull(cache.get("key1")); assertNotNull(cache.get("key2")); } /** * Tests disk store and memory store size * jsr107 does not support getting store sizes */ // public void testGetDiskStoreSize() throws Exception { /** * Tests that attempting to clone a cache fails with the right exception. * jsr107 does not make clone available * */ // public void testCloneFailures() throws Exception { /** * Tests that the toString() method works. */ public void testToString() throws CacheException { Cache cache = getTest2Cache(); cache.clear();; assertTrue(cache.toString().indexOf("test2") > -1); assertTrue(380 < cache.toString().length()); } /** * When does equals mean the same thing as == for an element? * NA JSR107 does not have elements */ // public void testEquals() throws CacheException, InterruptedException { /** * Tests the uniqueness of the GUID * Not part of jsr107 */ // public void testGuid() { /** * Does the Object API work? * jsr107 is an object API */ public void testAPIObjectCompatibility() throws CacheException { Cache cache = getTest1Cache(); Object objectKey = new Object(); Object objectValue = new Object(); cache.put(objectKey, objectValue); //Cannot get it back using get Object retrievedElement = cache.get(objectKey); assertNotNull(retrievedElement); //Test that equals works assertEquals(objectValue, retrievedElement); } /** * Does the Serializable API work? */ public void testAPISerializableCompatibility() throws CacheException { //Set size so the second element overflows to disk. Cache cache = getTest2Cache(); //Try object compatibility Serializable key = new String("key"); Serializable serializableValue = new String("retrievedValue"); cache.put(key, serializableValue); cache.put("key2", serializableValue); Object retrievedValue = cache.get(key); assertEquals(serializableValue, retrievedValue); } /** * Test issues reported. N/A */ // public void testDiskStoreFlorian() { /** * Multi-thread read-write test with lots of threads * Just use MemoryStore to put max stress on cache * Values that work: * <p/> * The get here will often load data, so it does not give raw cache performance. See the similar test in CacheTest * for that. */ public void testReadWriteThreads() throws Exception { final int size = 10000; final int maxTime = (int) (1000 * StopWatch.getSpeedAdjustmentFactor()); final JCache cache = getTest1Cache(); CountingCacheLoader countingCacheLoader = (CountingCacheLoader) cache.getCacheLoader(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final List executables = new ArrayList(); final Random random = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cache.put("" + i, "value"); } // 50% of the time get data for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { final Executable executable = new Executable() { public void execute() throws Exception { final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); long start = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); cache.get("key" + random.nextInt(size)); long end = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); long elapsed = end - start; assertTrue("Get time outside of allowed range: " + elapsed, elapsed < maxTime); } }; executables.add(executable); } //25% of the time add data for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { final Executable executable = new Executable() { public void execute() throws Exception { final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); long start = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); cache.put("key" + random.nextInt(size), "value"); long end = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); long elapsed = end - start; assertTrue("Put time outside of allowed range: " + elapsed, elapsed < maxTime); } }; executables.add(executable); } //25% of the time remove the data for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { final Executable executable = new Executable() { public void execute() throws Exception { final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); long start = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); cache.remove("key" + random.nextInt(size)); long end = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); long elapsed = end - start; assertTrue("Remove time outside of allowed range: " + elapsed, elapsed < maxTime); } }; executables.add(executable); } //some of the time clear the data for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { final Executable executable = new Executable() { public void execute() throws Exception { final StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(); long start = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); int randomInteger = random.nextInt(20); if (randomInteger == 3) { cache.clear(); } long end = stopWatch.getElapsedTime(); long elapsed = end - start; assertTrue("RemoveAll time outside of allowed range: " + elapsed, elapsed < maxTime); } }; executables.add(executable); } //some of the time exercise the loaders through their various methods. Loader methods themselves make no performance //guarantees. They should only lock the cache when doing puts and gets, which the time limits on the other threads //will check for. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { final Executable executable = new Executable() { public void execute() throws Exception { int randomInteger = random.nextInt(20); List keys = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { keys.add("key" + random.nextInt(size)); } if (randomInteger == 1) { cache.load("key" + random.nextInt(size)); } if (randomInteger == 2) { cache.loadAll(keys, null); } //JCache delegates to ehcache's getWithLoader so the get tests above do this already if (randomInteger == 4) { cache.getAll(keys, null); } } }; executables.add(executable); } runThreads(executables); long end = System.currentTimeMillis();"Total time for the test: " + (end - start) + " ms");"Total loads: " + countingCacheLoader.getLoadCounter());"Total loadAlls: " + countingCacheLoader.getLoadAllCounter()); } /** * Tests the public API load method with a single item */ public void testLoad() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, CacheException { CountingCacheLoader countingCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); JCache jcache = new JCache(manager.getCache("sampleCache1"), countingCacheLoader); jcache.load("key1"); Thread.sleep(500); assertEquals(1, jcache.size()); assertEquals(1, countingCacheLoader.getLoadCounter()); } /** * Tests that the setLoader method allows the loader to be changed. The load is async so timing is important. */ public void testLoadWithDynamicLoaderInjection() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, CacheException { //null loader so no loading happens JCache jCache = new JCache(manager.getCache("sampleCache1"), null); jCache.setCacheLoader(null); assertEquals(0, jCache.size()); jCache.load("key1"); Thread.sleep(1000); assertEquals(0, jCache.size()); CountingCacheLoader countingCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); jCache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); jCache.load("key1"); Thread.sleep(1000); assertEquals(1, jCache.size()); assertEquals(1, countingCacheLoader.getLoadCounter()); } /** * Test exception handling from JCache */ public void testCacheExceptionHandler() { JCache jcache = manager.getJCache("exceptionHandlingCache"); jcache.setCacheLoader(new ExceptionThrowingLoader()); //throws an exception jcache.get("key"); assertEquals(1, CountingExceptionHandler.HANDLED_EXCEPTIONS.size()); assertEquals("key", ((CountingExceptionHandler.HandledException) CountingExceptionHandler.HANDLED_EXCEPTIONS.get(0)) .getKey()); assertTrue((((CountingExceptionHandler.HandledException) CountingExceptionHandler.HANDLED_EXCEPTIONS.get(0)) .getException()) instanceof RuntimeException); } /** * Tests the loadAll Public API method */ public void testLoadAll() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, CacheException { CountingCacheLoader countingCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); JCache jcache = new JCache(manager.getCache("sampleCache1"), countingCacheLoader); //check null works ok jcache.loadAll(null); List keys = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++) { keys.add(new Integer(i)); } //make on key null keys.add(null); //pre populate only 1 element jcache.put(new Integer(1), ""); jcache.loadAll(keys); Thread.sleep((long) (3000 * StopWatch.getSpeedAdjustmentFactor())); assertEquals(1000, jcache.size()); assertEquals(999, countingCacheLoader.getLoadAllCounter()); } /** * Tests the getAll Public API method */ public void testGetAll() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, CacheException { JCache jcache = new JCache(manager.getCache("sampleCache1"), null); //check null CacheLoader Map map = jcache.getAll(null); assertNotNull(map); assertEquals(0, map.size()); CountingCacheLoader countingCacheLoader = new CountingCacheLoader(); jcache.setCacheLoader(countingCacheLoader); //check null map = jcache.getAll(null); assertNotNull(map); assertEquals(0, map.size()); List keys = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { keys.add(new Integer(i)); } //pre populate only 1 element jcache.put(new Integer(1), ""); Map result = jcache.getAll(keys); Object object = result.get(new Integer(1)); //make sure we are not wrapping with Element. assertFalse(object instanceof Element); assertEquals(1000, jcache.size()); assertEquals(999, countingCacheLoader.getLoadAllCounter()); assertFalse(result.get(new Integer(1)) == null); assertFalse(result.get(new Integer(1)) instanceof Element); } }