Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0, * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * * * */ package net.rim.ejde.internal.util; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import net.rim.ejde.internal.core.ContextManager; import net.rim.ejde.internal.core.IConstants; import net.rim.ejde.internal.imports.LegacyImportHelper; import net.rim.ejde.internal.model.BasicBlackBerryProperties.PreprocessorTag; import net.rim.ejde.internal.model.BlackBerryProjectCoreNature; import net.rim.ejde.internal.model.BlackBerryProjectPreprocessingNature; import net.rim.ejde.internal.model.IModelConstants.IArtifacts; import net.rim.ide.OSUtils; import net.rim.ide.Project; import net.rim.ide.WorkspaceFile; import net.rim.ide.core.Util; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.UserLibrary; import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PreferenceConstants; public class ImportUtils { static private final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(ImportUtils.class); static private final int HAS_RES_FILE = 1; static private final int HAS_LOCALE_FILE = 2; static public final int PROJECT_SRC_FOLDE_INDEX = 0; static public final int PROJECT_RES_FOLDE_INDEX = 1; static public final int PROJECT_LOCALE_FOLDE_INDEX = 2; static private final Pattern validPPTagPattern = Pattern.compile(IConstants.PP_VALIDATION_REG_EX); static public String[] POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS; static { POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS = new String[3]; String folderName = ImportUtils.getImportPref(LegacyImportHelper.PROJECT_SRC_FOLDER_NAME_KEY); if (StringUtils.isBlank(folderName)) { POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_SRC_FOLDE_INDEX] = "src"; } else { POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_SRC_FOLDE_INDEX] = folderName; } folderName = ImportUtils.getImportPref(LegacyImportHelper.PROJECT_RES_FOLDER_NAME_KEY); if (StringUtils.isBlank(folderName)) { POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_RES_FOLDE_INDEX] = "res"; } else { POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_RES_FOLDE_INDEX] = folderName; } folderName = ImportUtils.getImportPref(LegacyImportHelper.PROJECT_IMPORT_LOCALE_FOLDER_NAME_KEY); if (StringUtils.isBlank(folderName)) { POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_LOCALE_FOLDE_INDEX] = "src"; } else { POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_LOCALE_FOLDE_INDEX] = folderName; } } /** * Creates a IProject instance with its natures and builders initialized. * * @param name * @return An IProject instance or <code>null</null> if any error occurred. */ static public IProject createEclipseProjectHandler(String name, IPath location) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create Eclipse project for undefined name!"); if (location != null) { File projectFile = location.append(".project").toFile(); // delete the .project if it exists. A new .project will be created. if (projectFile.exists()) { projectFile.delete(); } } IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = workspace.getRoot(); IProject eclipseProjectHandler = workspaceRoot.getProject(name); if (eclipseProjectHandler.exists()) { // this should not happen because we filter out the existing project // on the import wizard return eclipseProjectHandler; } try { IProjectDescription projectDescription = createEclipseProjectDescription(name, location); eclipseProjectHandler.create(projectDescription, new NullProgressMonitor()); if (!eclipseProjectHandler.isOpen()) { NullProgressMonitor()); } // add natures initiateProjectNature(eclipseProjectHandler); // add builders InternalImportUtils.initiateBuilders(eclipseProjectHandler); } catch (Throwable t) { _log.error(t.getMessage(), t); return null; } return eclipseProjectHandler; } static protected IClasspathEntry[] createSourceFolders(IProject eclipseProject, IPath[] sourceFolders) { IContainer projectContainer = eclipseProject.getProject(), sourceContainer = null; IClasspathEntry[] sourceClasspathEntries = new IClasspathEntry[sourceFolders.length]; int i = 0; for (IPath path : sourceFolders) { if (path.segmentCount() > 0) { sourceContainer = projectContainer.getFolder(path); if (!sourceContainer.exists()) { try { ((IFolder) sourceContainer).create(false, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } sourceClasspathEntries[i++] = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(sourceContainer.getFullPath()); } } return sourceClasspathEntries; } static public IProjectDescription createEclipseProjectDescription(String projectName, IPath projectLocation) { IProjectDescription projectDescription = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().newProjectDescription(projectName); // If it is in the platform workspace, then, we don't need to set this, // since by _default_, the project will be created in the platform // workspace. If the user has specifically customized this field when // creating the project, then we set it here. if ((projectLocation != null)) projectDescription.setLocation(projectLocation.makeAbsolute()); return projectDescription; } /** * Creates a java project for the given <code>legacyProject</code>. * * @param legacyProject * @param importType * @param userLib * @param REPath * @param monitor * @return * @throws CoreException */ static public IJavaProject createJavaProject(Project legacyProject, int importType, String userLib, IPath REPath, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IProject project = null; if (importType == LegacyImportHelper.COPY_IMPORT) { project = createEclipseProjectHandler(legacyProject.getDisplayName(), null); } else { String name = legacyProject.getDisplayName(); IPath legacyProjectPath = getLocationPath(legacyProject); IPath eclipseProjectPath = getLocationForEclipseProject(legacyProject, legacyProjectPath, true); project = createEclipseProjectHandler(name, eclipseProjectPath); } return internalCreateJavaProject(legacyProject, project, importType, userLib, REPath, monitor); } /** * Get the location of the Eclipse project. Returns the best possible location for the .project file to be created if one does * not already exist. * * @param sourceProject * @return */ public static IPath getLocationPath(Project sourceProject) { IPath folderPath; IPath jdpPath = new Path(sourceProject.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); // check if this is a multiple jdp scenario // get an appropriate (closest to original) location to create the // .project file. folderPath = getLocationForEclipseProject(sourceProject, jdpPath.removeLastSegments(1), true); return folderPath; } /** * Get the Location of .project file associated with this sourceProject or return the best possible path for the .project file * to be created. * * @param sourceProject * @param folderPath * @param projectName * @return */ static public IPath getLocationForEclipseProject(Project legacyProject, IPath folderPath, boolean safe) { String projectName = legacyProject.getDisplayName(); boolean folderExists = (new File(folderPath.toOSString())).exists(); if (folderExists) { if (safe) { boolean go = isMultipleJDP_Ws(folderPath) || !isProjectFileValid(legacyProject, folderPath); if (go) { // append the projectName as a new folder and see if it has // MultipleJDPs and is not a valid .project file. return getLocationForEclipseProject(legacyProject, folderPath.append(projectName), safe); } } } return folderPath; } /** * Determines if there are multiple JDPs . * * @param Folder * - RIA project. * @return - True if folder contains multiple JDPs or JDWs, false otherwise. * */ static public boolean isMultipleJDP_Ws(IPath folderPath) { File folder = new File(folderPath.toOSString()); if (!folder.exists()) {// if the folder doesn't exist we know there // can't be multiple JDPs in it. return false; } File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); boolean isFirstJDP_W = true;// we expect to find one JDP. String fileExtension; File file; for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { file = listOfFiles[i]; if (file.isFile()) { fileExtension = (new Path(file.getAbsolutePath())).getFileExtension(); if ("jdp".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension) || "jdw".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) { if (isFirstJDP_W) { isFirstJDP_W = false; // the first JDP is found. } else { return true;// second JDP is found. } } } else if (listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) { // ignore this } } return false;// no second JDP was found. } /** * Validate if the .project file is in fact associated with sourceProject. * * @param sourceProject * @param folder * - Where the jdp for the sourceProject is located. * @return True if the .project file is valid or not there. If there is no project file existing in the same directory, it is * safe to assume that the new .project file created by the temporary project will be valid. */ static public boolean isProjectFileValid(Project sourceProject, IPath folder) { // check if validation is needed i.e. if there are other .project files // in the same location boolean projectFileExists = projectFileExists(folder); if (!projectFileExists) { return true; } // validate .project file. It is possible that .project file here is not // associated with this sourceProject IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IProjectDescription projectDescription = null; try { // simply loading the project description from the file is // sufficient in this case. // We do not need to create a temporary project for this. projectDescription = workspace .loadProjectDescription(new Path(getProjectFile(folder).getAbsolutePath())); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error("Error occured while reading the Project description", e); } if (sourceProject.getDisplayName().equals(projectDescription.getName())) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Check to see if the .project file exists. * * @param folderPath * @return */ static public boolean projectFileExists(IPath folderPath) { File folder = new File(folderPath.toOSString()); if (!folder.exists()) {// if the folder doesn't exist we know there // can't be a .project file in it. return false; } File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); String fileExtension; for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) { fileExtension = (new Path(listOfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath())).getFileExtension(); if ("project".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) { return true;// .project file found. } } else if (listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) { // ignore this } } return false;// no project file exists. } /** * Get the .project file located in the folderPath. * * @param folderPath * @return - the .project file. null if the folderPath or file does not exist. */ static public File getProjectFile(IPath folderPath) { File folder = new File(folderPath.toOSString()); if (!folder.exists()) {// if the folder doesn't exist we know there // can't be a .project file in it. return null; } File[] listOfFiles = folder.listFiles(); String fileExtension; for (int i = 0; i < listOfFiles.length; i++) { if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) { fileExtension = (new Path(listOfFiles[i].getAbsolutePath())).getFileExtension(); if ("project".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) { return listOfFiles[i];// .project file found. } } else if (listOfFiles[i].isDirectory()) { // ignore this } } return null;// no project file exists. } static protected IJavaProject internalCreateJavaProject(Project legacyProject, IProject project, int importType, String userLib, IPath REPath, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { try { if (legacyProject == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Can't create Eclipse Java Project from undefind legacy project!"); _log.debug("Create IJavaProject [" + legacyProject.getDisplayName() + "]"); monitor.beginTask("Importing project " + legacyProject.getDisplayName(), 10); monitor.worked(1); if (project == null) return null; // create a IJavaProject IJavaProject eclipseJavaProject = JavaCore.create(project); // set project options initializeProjectOptions(eclipseJavaProject); monitor.worked(2); // get source folders, e.g. src and res IPath[] defaultSources = getCustomSourceFolders(legacyProject); // create classpath entries for source folders IClasspathEntry[] sourceFolderEntries = createSourceFolders(project, defaultSources); IClasspathEntry[] importedLibraries = resolveProjectImports(legacyProject, project); String[] dependencies = getDependsOnProjectNames(legacyProject); IClasspathEntry[] dependentProjects = resolveDependentProjects(dependencies); IClasspathEntry[] jreEntries = getREClasspathEntries(REPath); List<IClasspathEntry> classpathEntries = new ArrayList<IClasspathEntry>(); addEntryToList(classpathEntries, sourceFolderEntries); addEntryToList(classpathEntries, importedLibraries); addEntryToList(classpathEntries, dependentProjects); addEntryToList(classpathEntries, jreEntries); classpathEntries = applyExclusionPatterns(project, legacyProject, classpathEntries); // add workspace imports as a user library if (!StringUtils.isBlank(userLib)) { UserLibrary library = JavaModelManager.getUserLibraryManager().getUserLibrary(userLib); if (null != library) { IPath path = new Path(JavaCore.USER_LIBRARY_CONTAINER_ID).append(userLib); IClasspathEntry userLibEntry = JavaCore.newContainerEntry(path); if (!classpathEntries.contains(userLibEntry)) { classpathEntries.add(userLibEntry); } } } if (!eclipseJavaProject.isOpen()) { try { NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (JavaModelException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); throw new CoreException(StatusFactory.createErrorStatus(e.getMessage())); } } setRawClassPath(eclipseJavaProject, classpathEntries.toArray(new IClasspathEntry[classpathEntries.size()])); monitor.worked(2); // link or copy files if (importType == LegacyImportHelper.COPY_IMPORT) { copySourceFiles(legacyProject, eclipseJavaProject.getProject()); int AEPNumber = legacyProject.getNumEntries(); // Copy AEP source files as well. for (int i = 0; i < AEPNumber; i++) { copySourceFiles(legacyProject.getEntry(i), eclipseJavaProject.getProject()); } } else { /** * String: the package id, the container key. Set<File>: the files belonging to the package * */ ResourcesBuffer resourcesBuffer; resourcesBuffer = createProjectResourcesBuffer(legacyProject); createBulkLinks(eclipseJavaProject, resourcesBuffer, legacyProject); int AEPNumber = legacyProject.getNumEntries(); // link AEP source files as well. for (int i = 0; i < AEPNumber; i++) { resourcesBuffer = createProjectResourcesBuffer(legacyProject.getEntry(i)); createBulkLinks(eclipseJavaProject, resourcesBuffer, legacyProject.getEntry(i)); } } monitor.worked(6); return eclipseJavaProject; } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** * * @param IJavaProject * @param ResourcesBuffer * @param project * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * , NullPointerException for bounds and missing src directory * */ static public void createBulkLinks(IJavaProject iJavaProject, ResourcesBuffer buffer, Project project) { if (null == iJavaProject) throw new IllegalArgumentException(new NullPointerException("Undefined java project!")); if (null == buffer) throw new IllegalArgumentException(new NullPointerException("Undefined package container!")); /** * * Processing all files * * */ List<LinkBuffer> linkBuffers = generateLinks(iJavaProject, buffer, project); long start, end, total; _log.debug("Start creating links."); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (LinkBuffer linkBuffer : linkBuffers) { linkBuffer.create(); } end = System.currentTimeMillis(); total = end - start; _log.debug("Finished creating links in [" + total / 1000 + "] seconds."); } /** * resources already in a source folder don't need a link, otherwise they'll be duplicated in bin/! jars will be handled by * LIB type classpath * * @param packageResource * : the Eclipse resource representing the package root * @return boolean */ static private boolean isResourceTargetFolder(IResource packageResource) { return null != packageResource && packageResource.exists() && !ImportUtils.getImportPref(ResourceBuilder.LOCALE_INTERFACES_FOLDER_NAME) .equalsIgnoreCase(packageResource.getName()); } /** * resources already in a source folder don't need a link, otherwise they'll be duplicated in bin/! jars will be handled by * LIB type classpath * * @param filePth * : path to the file * @param packageResource * : the Eclipse resource representing the package segment * @return boolean */ static private boolean canIgnoreFile(IPath filePath, IJavaProject eclipseJavaProject) { if (null == filePath) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't evaluate undefined path!"); } if (null == eclipseJavaProject || !eclipseJavaProject.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't evaluate undefined Eclipse JDT project!"); } if (IConstants.JAR_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(filePath.getFileExtension())) return true; return false; } static public IPath assureFolderPath(IFolder packageFolder, IPath rpath) { if (null == packageFolder) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't process undefined folder!"); if (null == rpath) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't process undefined path!"); IPath rfpath = rpath.removeLastSegments(1); if (!packageFolder.exists(rfpath)) { int segmentCount = rfpath.segmentCount(); boolean alternate = false; String lfseg; IResource[] members = null; IFolder pfolder; IPath rfpath_; for (int i = 0; i < segmentCount; i++) { rfpath_ = i < segmentCount - 1 ? rfpath.removeLastSegments(segmentCount - 1 - i) : rfpath; if (!packageFolder.exists(rfpath_)) { pfolder = packageFolder.getFolder(rfpath_); try { pfolder.create(true, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e); return null; } pfolder = packageFolder.getFolder(rfpath_.removeLastSegments(1)); try { members = pfolder.members(); } catch (Throwable t) { _log.error(t.getMessage(), t); return null; } for (IResource member : members) { if (IResource.FOLDER == member.getType() && (lfseg = member.getFullPath().lastSegment()) .equalsIgnoreCase(rfpath_.lastSegment())) { alternate = true; // substitute the case-mismatch segment rfpath_ = rfpath.removeLastSegments(segmentCount - i).append(lfseg); if (i < segmentCount - 1) { rfpath = rfpath_.append(rfpath.removeFirstSegments(i + 1)); } else { rfpath = rfpath_; } } } } } if (alternate) { rpath = rfpath.append(rpath.lastSegment()); } } return rpath; } static public IFile createFileHandle(IFolder parent, String name) { if (null == parent) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create handle for undefined parent!"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create handle for undefined name!"); IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = parent.getWorkspace().getRoot(); IPath fullPath = parent.getFullPath().append(name); return workspaceRoot.getFile(fullPath); } static private List<LinkBuffer> generateLinks(IJavaProject eclipseJavaProject, ResourcesBuffer buffer, Project legacyProject) { Map<String, Set<File>> javaArtifacts = buffer.getJavaContener(); Map<String, Set<File>> localeArtifacts = buffer.getlocaleContener(); Set<File> nonPackageableFiles = buffer.getNonPackageContener(); IPath drfpath = null, filePath = null; IFile eclipseFileHandle = null, fileHandle = null; IProject eclipseProject = eclipseJavaProject.getProject(); IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot = eclipseProject.getWorkspace().getRoot(); List<String> sources = net.rim.ejde.internal.legacy.Util.getSources(legacyProject); IPackageFragmentRoot[] packageFragmentRoots; IPackageFragment packageFragment; IFolder packageFolder; IResource resource, packageDirectory; List<LinkBuffer> linkBuffers = Collections.emptyList(); try { // packageFragmentRoots = // eclipseJavaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots(); //!WARNING: it // seems this is buggy!!!! packageFragmentRoots = eclipseJavaProject.getAllPackageFragmentRoots(); linkBuffers = new ArrayList<LinkBuffer>(); String srcFolder = POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_SRC_FOLDE_INDEX]; String resFolder = POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_RES_FOLDE_INDEX]; String localeFolder = POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_LOCALE_FOLDE_INDEX]; IJavaProject javaProject = null; for (IPackageFragmentRoot packageFragmentRoot : packageFragmentRoots) { javaProject = packageFragmentRoot.getParent().getJavaProject(); if (javaProject == null || !javaProject.equals(eclipseJavaProject)) { // fixed DPI225325, we only care source folders in the // current project continue; } if (IPackageFragmentRoot.K_SOURCE == packageFragmentRoot.getKind()) { packageDirectory = packageFragmentRoot.getResource(); if (null != packageDirectory) { if (isResourceTargetFolder(packageDirectory)) { if (IResource.FOLDER == packageDirectory.getType()) { // handle resource files which are not java, rrh // and rrc if (resFolder.equalsIgnoreCase(packageDirectory.getName())) { packageFragment = packageFragmentRoot.createPackageFragment(StringUtils.EMPTY, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); packageFolder = (IFolder) packageFragment.getResource(); for (File file : nonPackageableFiles) { filePath = new Path(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (canIgnoreFile(filePath, eclipseJavaProject)) { continue; } // drfpath = PackageUtils.resolvePathForFile( filePath, legacyProjectPath, // legacyWorkspacePath ); // DPI222295 try { drfpath = new Path(PackageUtils.getFilePackageString(filePath.toFile(), legacyProject)).append(filePath.lastSegment()); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); drfpath = new Path(IConstants.EMPTY_STRING); } if (drfpath.segmentCount() > 1) { if (sources.contains(drfpath.segment(0))) { drfpath = drfpath.removeFirstSegments(1); } drfpath = assureFolderPath(packageFolder, drfpath); } fileHandle = createFileHandle(packageFolder, drfpath.toOSString()); resource = eclipseProject.findMember( PackageUtils.deResolve(filePath, eclipseProject.getLocation())); if (resource != null) eclipseFileHandle = workspaceRoot.getFile(resource.getFullPath()); else eclipseFileHandle = workspaceRoot .getFile(eclipseProject.getFullPath().append(drfpath)); if (!fileHandle.equals(eclipseFileHandle)) { linkBuffers.add(new LinkBuffer(fileHandle, filePath)); } } } if (srcFolder.equalsIgnoreCase(packageDirectory.getName()) || srcFolder.equalsIgnoreCase(packageDirectory.getName())) { // All linkPackagableFiles(javaProject, packageFragmentRoot, javaArtifacts, linkBuffers); } if (localeFolder.equalsIgnoreCase(packageDirectory.getName()) || localeFolder.equalsIgnoreCase(packageDirectory.getName())) { linkPackagableFiles(javaProject, packageFragmentRoot, localeArtifacts, linkBuffers); } } else { continue; } } } } } } catch (JavaModelException e1) { _log.error(e1.getMessage(), e1); } return linkBuffers; } static private void linkPackagableFiles(IJavaProject javaProject, IPackageFragmentRoot packageFragmentRoot, Map<String, Set<File>> packagableContainer, List<LinkBuffer> linkBuffers) throws JavaModelException { IResource resource; IFolder packageFolder; IPath filePath = null; IPath drfpath = null; IFile eclipseFileHandle = null, fileHandle = null; StringTokenizer tokenizer; IPackageFragment packageFragment; Set<File> packageableFiles; Set<String> packageIds = packagableContainer.keySet(); for (String packageId : packageIds) { packageableFiles = packagableContainer.get(packageId); if (StringUtils.isBlank(packageId)) { packageId = ""; } packageFragment = packageFragmentRoot.createPackageFragment(packageId, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); if (IResource.FOLDER == packageFragment.getResource().getType()) { packageFolder = (IFolder) packageFragment.getResource(); for (File file : packageableFiles) { filePath = new Path(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (canIgnoreFile(filePath, javaProject)) { continue; } tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(packageId, "."); drfpath = new Path(""); while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { drfpath.append(tokenizer.nextToken()); } assureFolderPath(packageFolder, drfpath); fileHandle = createFileHandle(packageFolder, file.getName()); resource = javaProject.getProject() .findMember(PackageUtils.deResolve(filePath, javaProject.getProject().getLocation())); if (resource != null) eclipseFileHandle = javaProject.getProject().getWorkspace().getRoot() .getFile(resource.getFullPath()); else eclipseFileHandle = null; if (!fileHandle.equals(eclipseFileHandle)) { linkBuffers.add(new LinkBuffer(fileHandle, filePath)); } } } } } /** * Creates a eclipse file link to the rim Project JDP file * * @param eclipseProject * @param legacyProject */ static public void createFileLink(IProject eclipseProject, Project legacyProject) { IFile file = eclipseProject.getFile(legacyProject.getFile().getName()); IPath absolutePath = new Path(legacyProject.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); if (!file.exists()) try { file.createLink(absolutePath, IResource.NONE, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } static public ResourcesBuffer createProjectResourcesBuffer(Project project) { if (null == project) throw new IllegalArgumentException(new NullPointerException("Project can't be null!")); int fileCount = project.getNumFiles(); Set<File> javaArtifacts = new TreeSet<File>(); Set<File> localeArtifacts = new TreeSet<File>(); Set<File> nonPackageableArtifacts = new TreeSet<File>(); List<String> phantomArtifacts = new ArrayList<String>(); WorkspaceFile workspaceFile; File file; String phantomArtifact = null; for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++) { workspaceFile = project.getSourceFile(i); file = new File(OSUtils.replaceFileSeperator(workspaceFile.getFile().getAbsolutePath())); if (!file.exists()) { try { phantomArtifact = file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } phantomArtifacts.add("Missing file returned by legacy model [" + phantomArtifact + "]."); continue; } if (workspaceFile.getIsJava()) { javaArtifacts.add(file); continue; } else if (workspaceFile.getIsResourceHeader() || workspaceFile.getIsLanguageResource()) { localeArtifacts.add(file); continue; } nonPackageableArtifacts.add(file); } Map<String, Set<File>> javaContainer = buildPackageContainer(javaArtifacts); Map<String, Set<File>> localeContainer = buildPackageContainer(localeArtifacts); ResourcesBuffer resourcesBuffer; resourcesBuffer = new ResourcesBuffer(javaContainer, localeContainer, nonPackageableArtifacts); return resourcesBuffer; } /** * Process Java packages and files declared by the corresponding *.jdp metadata of the legacy Project entity */ static public Map<String, Set<File>> buildPackageContainer(Set<File> legacyProjectFiles) { Map<String, Set<File>> container = new HashMap<String, Set<File>>(); Set<File> files; String fileName = "", rrhFileName, packageId; Map<RRHFile, Set<File>> rrcForRrhFiles = new HashMap<RRHFile, Set<File>>(); Map<String, String> rrhForPackageId = new HashMap<String, String>(); boolean isJava; File directory; File rrhFile; RRHFile rrhFileTuple; for (File file : legacyProjectFiles) { packageId = null; if (null != file && file.exists()) { fileName = file.getName(); packageId = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; try { /* * .java,.rrh and.rrc files should be treated differently than any other files file can have * package declaration and.rrh file must have package declaration(requirement)and we treat rrc files based on * rrh files package name. * * If the file is or.rrh or.rrc then the package name will be empty string. */ if (PackageUtils.hasSourceExtension(fileName)) { if (PackageUtils.hasRRCExtension(fileName)) { if (fileName.contains("_")) { rrhFileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf('_')); } else { rrhFileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf('.')); } directory = file.getParentFile(); if (directory.exists() && directory.isDirectory()) { rrhFile = new File( directory.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator + rrhFileName + ".rrh"); if (rrhFile.exists() && rrhFile.isFile()) { try { packageId = PackageUtils.getFilePackageString(rrhFile, null); packageId = PackageUtils.convertPkgStringToID(packageId); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); packageId = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; } rrhFileTuple = new RRHFile(rrhFileName, packageId); files = rrcForRrhFiles.get(rrhFileTuple); if (null == files) { files = new HashSet<File>(); rrcForRrhFiles.put(rrhFileTuple, files); } files.add(file); } } continue; } isJava = PackageUtils.hasJavaExtension(fileName); if (isJava || PackageUtils.hasRRHExtension(fileName)) { try { packageId = PackageUtils.getFilePackageString(file, null); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); } packageId = PackageUtils.convertPkgStringToID(packageId); // Is default package? if (StringUtils.isBlank(packageId)) { packageId = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; } if (!isJava) { rrhForPackageId.put(fileName.replaceAll(IConstants.RRH_FILE_EXTENSION_WITH_DOT, ""), packageId); } files = container.get(packageId); if (null == files) { files = new HashSet<File>(); container.put(packageId, files); } files.add(file); } } else { // Is not a package-able artifact *.java/*.rrh/*.rrc files = container.get(""); if (null == files) { files = new HashSet<File>(); container.put("", files); } files.add(file); continue; } } catch (Throwable e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } // for Set<String> rrhFileNames = rrhForPackageId.keySet(); Set<File> rrcFiles; for (String rrhFileKey : rrhFileNames) { packageId = rrhForPackageId.get(rrhFileKey); rrcFiles = rrcForRrhFiles.remove(rrhFileKey); if (null == rrcFiles) continue; for (File rrcFile : rrcFiles) { files = container.get(packageId); files.add(rrcFile); } } if (!rrcForRrhFiles.isEmpty()) { Set<RRHFile> rrhFiles = rrcForRrhFiles.keySet(); // No package found then use the default package // packageId = ""; rrhFile = null; for (RRHFile rrhFileCursor : rrhFiles) { rrcFiles = rrcForRrhFiles.get(rrhFileCursor); // create eg:- Theme.rrh /* * rrhFileName = rrhFileCursor._fileName + IConstants.RRH_FILE_EXTENSION_WITH_DOT; * * rrhPathStr = ""; rrcFileName = ""; * * for( File extraFile : rrcFiles ) { rrhPathStr = extraFile.getAbsolutePath(); rrcFileName = extraFile.getName(); * * break; } * * rrhPathStr = rrhPathStr.replace( rrcFileName, rrhFileName ); * * / if( !StringUtils.isBlank( rrhPathStr ) ) { rrhFile = new File( rrhPathStr ); // This algorithm might fail on * non-Windows system // because of possible case sensitivity issues. if( rrhFile.exists() ) { packageId = * parseFileForPackageId( rrhFile ); } } */ files = container.get(rrhFileCursor._packageId); if (null == files) { files = new HashSet<File>(); container.put(rrhFileCursor._packageId, files); } for (File extraFile : rrcFiles) { files.add(extraFile); } } } return container; } static public int hasResource(Project legacyProject) { int result = 0; int nsf = legacyProject.getNumFiles(); WorkspaceFile wsFile; for (int i = 0; i < nsf; i++) { wsFile = legacyProject.getSourceFile(i); if (wsFile.getIsJava()) { continue; } if (wsFile.getIsResourceHeader() || wsFile.getIsLanguageResource()) { if ((result & HAS_LOCALE_FILE) == 0) { result = result | HAS_LOCALE_FILE; if ((result & HAS_RES_FILE) != 0) { return result; } } continue; } if ((result & HAS_RES_FILE) == 0) { result = result | HAS_RES_FILE; if ((result & HAS_LOCALE_FILE) != 0) { return result; } } } return result; } static protected IPath[] getCustomSourceFolders(Project legacyProject) { Set<IPath> sourcePathSet = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>(); sourcePathSet.add(new Path(POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_SRC_FOLDE_INDEX])); String resFolderName = POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_RES_FOLDE_INDEX]; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(resFolderName)) { sourcePathSet.add(new Path(ImportUtils.getImportPref(LegacyImportHelper.PROJECT_RES_FOLDER_NAME_KEY))); } String localeFolderName = POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_LOCALE_FOLDE_INDEX]; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(localeFolderName)) { sourcePathSet.add( new Path(ImportUtils.getImportPref(LegacyImportHelper.PROJECT_IMPORT_LOCALE_FOLDER_NAME_KEY))); } return sourcePathSet.toArray(new IPath[sourcePathSet.size()]); } /** * Get the IClasspathEntry for the give runtime environment path <code>REPath</code>. * * @param REPath * @return */ static public IClasspathEntry[] getREClasspathEntries(IPath REPath) { if (REPath != null) { return new IClasspathEntry[] { JavaCore.newContainerEntry(REPath) }; } return PreferenceConstants.getDefaultJRELibrary(); } static protected void addEntryToList(List<IClasspathEntry> entryList, IClasspathEntry[] entries) { for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { if (entries[i] != null) { entryList.add(entries[i]); } } } static protected IClasspathEntry[] resolveDependentProjects(String[] dependencies) { IClasspathEntry[] sourceClasspathEntries = new IClasspathEntry[dependencies.length]; int i = 0; for (String project : dependencies) { sourceClasspathEntries[i++] = JavaCore.newProjectEntry(new Path(IConstants.BACK_SLASH_MARK + project), true); } return sourceClasspathEntries; } /** * Sets the given <code>classpathEntries</code> to the <code>eclipseJavaProject</code>. * * @param eclipseJavaProject * @param classpathEntries */ static public void setRawClassPath(IJavaProject eclipseJavaProject, IClasspathEntry[] classpathEntries) { if (null == eclipseJavaProject) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't add classpath entries to undefined project!"); if (null == classpathEntries) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't add undefined classpath entries to the project!"); if (0 == classpathEntries.length) return; try { eclipseJavaProject.setRawClasspath(classpathEntries, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (JavaModelException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Sets the RIM and Java project natures on the given project. * * @param project * The Eclipse project to set the nature on * @param monitor * The workspace progress monitor * @throws CoreException */ static public void initiateProjectNature(IProject project) throws CoreException { // Add BB core nature to the new BB Project if it is BB project // This nature must be first so that the project will be properly decorated if (!project.hasNature(BlackBerryProjectCoreNature.NATURE_ID)) { addNatureToProject(project, BlackBerryProjectCoreNature.NATURE_ID, true); } // Add Preprocessing nature if (!project.hasNature(BlackBerryProjectPreprocessingNature.NATURE_ID)) { addNatureToProject(project, BlackBerryProjectPreprocessingNature.NATURE_ID, false); } // Add Java Nature if (!project.hasNature(JavaCore.NATURE_ID)) { addNatureToProject(project, JavaCore.NATURE_ID, false); } } /** * Helper method that installs a Project Nature onto a project. * * @param proj * the Eclipse project * @param natureId * the ID of the project nature * @param mustBeFirst * whether the nature must be the first in the list. An icon must be first if the appropriate decorator is to be * shown. * * @throws CoreException * the core exception */ static public void addNatureToProject(IProject proj, String natureId, boolean mustBeFirst) throws CoreException { IProjectDescription description = proj.getDescription(); String[] prevNatures = description.getNatureIds(); String[] newNatures = new String[prevNatures.length + 1]; if (mustBeFirst) { System.arraycopy(prevNatures, 0, newNatures, 1, prevNatures.length); newNatures[0] = natureId; } else { System.arraycopy(prevNatures, 0, newNatures, 0, prevNatures.length); newNatures[prevNatures.length] = natureId; } description.setNatureIds(newNatures); proj.setDescription(description, new NullProgressMonitor()); } /** * Sets a whole bunch of project specific settings. * <p> * * api/org/eclipse/jdt/core/JavaCore.html#getDefaultOptions() * * @param project */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static public void initializeProjectOptions(IJavaProject javaProject) { if (null == javaProject) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); final Map map = javaProject.getOptions(false); if (map.size() > 0) { map.remove(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE); map.remove(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE); map.remove(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM); } map.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_3); // DPI 221069 --> Bugzilla id=250185 map.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_COMPLIANCE, JavaCore.VERSION_1_4); map.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_CODEGEN_TARGET_PLATFORM, JavaCore.VERSION_1_2); javaProject.setOptions(map); } /** * Gets the names of the projects which are depended by the <code>legacyProject</code>. * * @param legacyProject * @return */ static public String[] getDependsOnProjectNames(Project legacyProject) { int dependsDirectlyOnCont = legacyProject.getNumDependsDirectlyOn(); String[] dependsOnProjectNames = new String[dependsDirectlyOnCont]; try {// for watherver reason - legayc API crashes etc, we don't want to // create a case for NPE in the caller String projectName; for (int count = 0; count < dependsDirectlyOnCont; count++) { projectName = legacyProject.getDependsDirectlyOn(count).getDisplayName(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(projectName)) dependsOnProjectNames[count] = projectName; else _log.error("Can't add an undefined project as dependency!"); } } catch (Throwable t) { _log.error(t.getMessage(), t); } return dependsOnProjectNames; } /** * Gets the path of the potential source jar for the given library. * * @param libPath * Path of a library jar * @return The potential source jar for the given library */ public static IPath getSourceJarPath(IPath libPath) { if (libPath == null || libPath.isEmpty()) { return null; } IPath sourcePath; String libraryName, sourceJarName; libraryName = libPath.lastSegment(); sourceJarName = libraryName.substring(0, libraryName.length() - 4); sourceJarName += "-sources.jar"; sourcePath = libPath.removeLastSegments(1).append(sourceJarName); return sourcePath; } /** * Extracts a list of jar files that a RIM project needs on its build path. It does not actually assign the build path entries * to the Eclipse project - it is up to the caller to do this. * * @param iProject * the Eclipse project * @param project * the RIM project. * @return a list of classpath entries representing import JAR files. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static public IClasspathEntry[] resolveProjectImports(Project _project, IProject eclipseProject) { Vector<File> importJars = _project.getImports(); List<IClasspathEntry> jars = new ArrayList<IClasspathEntry>(); /** * The file list can contain environment variables. Also, it is correct only to use file.getPath(). Using absolute paths * with environment variables is a recipe for disaster. */ for (File importJar : importJars) { jars.add(addClassPathEntry(eclipseProject, new File(OSUtils.replaceFileSeperator(importJar.getPath())), false));// Mac // support } // also get [Files] .jar entries File file; String path; int idx; int numfiles = _project.getNumFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) { file = _project.getSourceFile(i).getFile(); path = file.getPath(); if ((idx = path.lastIndexOf('.')) > 0 && ".jar".equalsIgnoreCase(path.substring(idx))) { jars.add(addClassPathEntry(eclipseProject, file, true)); } } return jars.toArray(new IClasspathEntry[jars.size()]); } static public IClasspathEntry addClassPathEntry(IProject project, File importJar, boolean export) { String importJarPath = Util.replaceEnvVars(importJar.getPath()); IPath importJarLocation = new Path(importJarPath); int nms; if ((nms = project.getLocation().matchingFirstSegments(importJarLocation)) == project.getLocation() .segmentCount()) { importJarLocation = project.getFile(importJarLocation.removeFirstSegments(nms)).getFullPath(); } // check to ensure path is resolved if (!importJarLocation.isAbsolute()) { if ("BBMProtocolTest".equalsIgnoreCase(project.getName())) { _log.debug("found zombie BBMProtocolTest project!"); } String resolvedPath = EnvVarUtils.resolveVarToString(importJarLocation.toString()); importJarLocation = EnvVarUtils.resolveVarToPath(resolvedPath); _log.warn("Can't add not absolute library path [" + importJarLocation + "]to the project classpath!"); } IPath sourceJarPath = getSourceJarPath(importJarLocation); IClasspathEntry entry; if (sourceJarPath == null || sourceJarPath.isEmpty() || !sourceJarPath.toFile().exists()) { entry = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(importJarLocation, null, null, export); } else { entry = JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(importJarLocation, sourceJarPath, null, export); } return entry; } /** * Returns the array of all referenced Projects for a given Project * * @param project * the given Project * @return the set of referenced Projects, calculated recursively * @throws CoreException * if an error occurs while computing referenced projects */ public static Set<Project> getAllReferencedProjects(Project project) throws CoreException { Set<Project> referencedProjects = new HashSet<Project>(); addReferencedProjects(project, referencedProjects); return referencedProjects; } private static void addReferencedProjects(Project project, Set<Project> references) throws CoreException { Project refProject; for (int i = 0; i < project.getNumDependsDirectlyOn(); i++) { refProject = project.getDependsDirectlyOn(i); if (!references.contains(refProject)) { references.add(refProject); addReferencedProjects(refProject, references); } } } /** * Copies files form the <code>legacyProject</code> to the eclipse project <code>iproject</code>. * * @param legacyProject * @param iproject */ static public void copySourceFiles(Project legacyProject, IProject iproject) { IPath srcFolderPath, resFolderPath, localeFolderPath; File srcFile, headerFile; WorkspaceFile wsFile; int numSrcFiles = legacyProject.getNumFiles(); boolean isAbsolute; String fileName; File[] exportedLibs = null, libsBuffer = null; IPath fileFolderPath, relpath = null; srcFolderPath = new Path(POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_SRC_FOLDE_INDEX]); resFolderPath = new Path(POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_RES_FOLDE_INDEX]); localeFolderPath = new Path(POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_LOCALE_FOLDE_INDEX]); for (int i = 0; i < numSrcFiles; i++) { fileFolderPath = srcFolderPath; wsFile = legacyProject.getSourceFile(i); srcFile = new File(OSUtils.replaceFileSeperator(wsFile.getFile().getAbsolutePath()));// Mac support fileName = srcFile.getName(); if (fileName.endsWith(".jar"))/** * Legacy model hack when an exported lib resides in the Files[...] section. */ { _log.debug("Project [" + legacyProject.getDisplayName() + "] has an exported library [" + fileName + "]."); if (null == exportedLibs) { exportedLibs = new File[1]; exportedLibs[0] = srcFile; } else { libsBuffer = new File[exportedLibs.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(exportedLibs, 0, libsBuffer, 0, exportedLibs.length); libsBuffer[exportedLibs.length] = srcFile; exportedLibs = libsBuffer; } continue; } isAbsolute = false; // copy java and language files to their package declaration // location if (srcFile.exists()) { if (wsFile.getIsJava()) { // handle java files fileFolderPath = getPackagePath(srcFolderPath, srcFile); } else if (wsFile.getIsResourceHeader()) { // handle rrh files fileFolderPath = getPackagePath(localeFolderPath, srcFile); } else if (wsFile.getIsLanguageResource()) { // handle rrc files headerFile = getResourceHeader(wsFile); if (headerFile == null) { String err = "Can not find resource header file for " + OSUtils.replaceFileSeperator(wsFile.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); _log.warn(err); continue; } fileFolderPath = getPackagePath(localeFolderPath, headerFile).removeLastSegments(1); fileFolderPath = fileFolderPath.append(srcFile.getName()); } else { // handle other resource files which do not contain package information if (isLinked(iproject, wsFile)) continue; relpath = new Path(OSUtils.replaceFileSeperator(wsFile.toString())); isAbsolute = relpath.isAbsolute(); if (!isAbsolute && 0 < relpath.segmentCount()) { try { relpath = new Path(PackageUtils.getFilePackageString(srcFile, legacyProject)) .append(relpath.lastSegment()); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); relpath = new Path(IConstants.EMPTY_STRING); } } // put key file in the source folder if (wsFile.getIsKey()) { fileFolderPath = srcFolderPath.append(relpath); } else { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(POTENTIAL_SOURCE_FOLDERS[PROJECT_RES_FOLDE_INDEX]) && !isAbsolute) { fileFolderPath = resFolderPath.append(relpath); } else { fileFolderPath = relpath; } } } } else { String msg = "Can't parse undefined file or directory [" + srcFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"; _log.error(msg); } if (!isAbsolute) { if (iproject.isOpen()) createFolders(iproject.getLocation().toOSString(), fileFolderPath.removeLastSegments(1)); copyFile(iproject, srcFile, fileFolderPath); } if ((wsFile.getIsResourceHeader() || wsFile.getIsLanguageResource()) && !isLinked(iproject, wsFile)) // need to copy all associated rrc and rrh files, some of which // may not be explicitly included in jdp copyLocaleFiles(iproject, legacyProject, srcFile, fileFolderPath.removeLastSegments(1)); } } static private IPath getPackagePath(IPath newFilePath, File srcFile) { String packageId = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; ; try { packageId = PackageUtils.getFilePackageString(srcFile, null); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); } packageId = PackageUtils.convertPkgStringToID(packageId); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(packageId)) { packageId = packageId.replace('.', IPath.SEPARATOR); newFilePath = newFilePath.append(packageId); } newFilePath = newFilePath.append(srcFile.getName()); return newFilePath; } static public boolean isLinked(IProject iProject, WorkspaceFile workspaceFile) { String projectName = iProject.getName(); String fileName = OSUtils.replaceFileSeperator(workspaceFile.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); IFile file = getProjectBasedFileFromOSBasedFile(projectName, fileName);// Mac support if (file == null) // if the files is not found for the project, it is // not linked return false; return file.isLinked(); } /*** * Find file/linked file under a Eclipse project. * * @param projectName * the name of project. If null, don't care which project this file belongs to * @param osFilePathStr * the file path string * @return corresponding IFile object, or null if such file is not under any Eclipse project. */ public static IFile getProjectBasedFileFromOSBasedFile(String projectName, String osFilePathStr) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(projectName)) { return getProjectBasedFileFromOSBasedFile(osFilePathStr); } IFile result = null; IPath location = Path.fromOSString(osFilePathStr); IFile[] files = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findFilesForLocation(location); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { String currentProjectName = files[i].getProject().getName(); if (currentProjectName.equals(projectName)) { result = files[i]; break; } } return result; } /*** * Find file/linked file under a Eclipse workspace. * * @param osFilePathStr * the file path string * @return corresponding IFile object, or null if such file is not under any Eclipse project. */ public static IFile getProjectBasedFileFromOSBasedFile(String osFilePathStr) { IFile result = null; IPath location = Path.fromOSString(osFilePathStr); IFile[] files = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findFilesForLocation(location); if (files.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].getName().equals(location.lastSegment())) { result = files[i]; break; } } if (result == null) { result = files[0]; // retrieve the first found file } } return result; } static public File getResourceHeader(WorkspaceFile languageFile) { File[] resourceFiles = getResourceFiles(languageFile.getFile(), languageFile.getFile().getName()); if (resourceFiles != null) { for (File file : resourceFiles) if (file.getName().endsWith( return file; } return null; } static public File[] getResourceFiles(final File origFile, String fileName) { final File srcDirectory = origFile.getParentFile(); final String fileNamePattern = getResourceFileNamePattern(fileName); File[] resourceFiles = srcDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return !name.equals(origFile.getName()) && name.startsWith(fileNamePattern) && (name.endsWith( || name.endsWith(; } }); return resourceFiles; } static public String getResourceFileNamePattern(String fileName) { int index = fileName.indexOf('_'); if (index == -1) return removeExtension(fileName); else return removeExtension(fileName.substring(0, index)); } static public String removeExtension(String fileName) { int index = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index == -1) return fileName; else return fileName.substring(0, index); } /* * Copies all rrc files associated with given rrh file to destFilePath * * @param iproject * * @param rrhFile * * @param destPath */ static public void copyLocaleFiles(IProject iproject, Project legacyProject, File origFile, IPath destPath) { String fileName = origFile.getName(); File[] resourceFiles = getResourceFiles(origFile, fileName); if (resourceFiles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < resourceFiles.length; i++) createFolders(iproject.getLocation().toOSString(), destPath); for (File resourceFile : resourceFiles) copyFile(iproject, resourceFile, destPath.append(resourceFile.getName())); } } static public void copyFile(IProject iproject, File srcFile, IPath newFilePath) { if (null == srcFile || !srcFile.exists() || srcFile.isDirectory()) { String msg = null == srcFile ? "" : srcFile.getPath(); _log.error("Can't copy undefined file or directory [" + msg + "]"); return; } if (null == iproject || !iproject.exists()) { String msg = null == iproject ? "" : iproject.getName(); _log.error("Can't copy file [" + srcFile.getPath() + "] to undefined project [" + msg + "]"); return; } if (null == newFilePath || newFilePath.isEmpty()) { String msg = null == newFilePath ? "" : newFilePath.toOSString(); _log.error("Can't copy the file [" + srcFile.getPath() + "] to undefined path [" + msg + "]"); return; } IFile iFile = iproject.getFile(newFilePath); // if the file is there, do not copy if (iFile.exists()) { return; } FileInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(srcFile); IPath parent = newFilePath.removeLastSegments(1); if (!parent.isEmpty()) { IFolder parentFolder = iproject.getFolder(parent); if (!parentFolder.exists()) { ImportUtils.createFolders(iproject, parent, IResource.FORCE); } } iFile.create(inputStream, IResource.FORCE, new NullProgressMonitor()); iFile.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (Throwable e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally {// just in case the Eclipse API doesn't close it for whatever // reason. try { if (null != inputStream) { inputStream.close(); } } catch (Throwable e) { ; _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } static public void createFolders(String projectLocation, IPath newFilePath) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(projectLocation)) return; File projectDirectory = new File(projectLocation), newDirectory; if (projectDirectory.exists() && projectDirectory.isDirectory()) { newDirectory = new File(projectDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + newFilePath.toOSString()); if (!newDirectory.exists()) try { newDirectory.mkdirs(); } catch (Throwable e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } static public IClasspathEntry createSourceEntry(IContainer sourceContainer) { IClasspathEntry entry = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(sourceContainer.getFullPath()); return entry; } public static void createFolders(IProject project, IPath newFilePath, int updateFlags) throws CoreException { int numSegments = newFilePath.segmentCount(); for (int i = numSegments - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IFolder folder = project.getFolder(newFilePath.removeLastSegments(i)); if (project.isOpen() && !folder.exists()) { folder.create(updateFlags, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } } } public static void createFolders(IFolder parentFolder, IPath newFilePath, int updateFlags) throws CoreException { int numSegments = newFilePath.segmentCount(); for (int i = numSegments - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IFolder folder = parentFolder.getFolder(newFilePath.removeLastSegments(i)); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.create(updateFlags, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } } } public static IFolder createFolder(IFolder parent, IPath newFolder, int updateFlags) throws CoreException { if (newFolder == null || newFolder.toOSString().equals(IConstants.EMPTY_STRING)) { return null; } IFolder folder = parent.getFolder(newFolder); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.create(updateFlags, true, new NullProgressMonitor()); } return folder; } /** * Get the preferences.ini key value * * @param key * @return */ public static String getImportPref(String key) { return ContextManager.getDefault().getPreferenceStore().getString(key); } /** * Get the prefereces.ini setting for res * * @return */ public static String getProjectResFolderName() { return getImportPref(LegacyImportHelper.PROJECT_RES_FOLDER_NAME_KEY); } /** * Get the preferences.ini key value as an int * * @param key * @return */ public static int getIntImportPref(String key) { int npref = 0; try { npref = Integer.parseInt(getImportPref(key)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.warn(key + " preference is not initialized"); } return npref; } /** * Get the set of output paths of the given <code>IProject</code>. * * @param project * @return * @throws JavaModelException */ static public Set<IPath> getOutputPathSet(IProject project) throws JavaModelException { return getOutputPathSet(JavaCore.create(project)); } /** * Get the set of output paths of the given <code>IJavaProject</code>. * * @param javaProject * @return * @throws JavaModelException */ static public Set<IPath> getOutputPathSet(IJavaProject javaProject) { HashSet<IPath> outputPathSet = new HashSet<IPath>(); try { // get the output folder path of the project IPath outputFolderPath = javaProject.getOutputLocation(); if (outputFolderPath != null) { outputPathSet.add(outputFolderPath); } IClasspathEntry[] _classPathEntries = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); IClasspathEntry entry; for (int i = 0; i < _classPathEntries.length; i++) { entry = _classPathEntries[i]; if (IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE == entry.getEntryKind()) { // get the output folder of the entry outputFolderPath = entry.getOutputLocation(); if (outputFolderPath != null) { outputPathSet.add(outputFolderPath); } } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { _log.debug(e.getMessage(), e); } return outputPathSet; } /** * Get the set of output Files of the given <code>IJavaProject</code>. * * @param javaProject * @return */ static public Set<File> getOutputFolderSet(IJavaProject javaProject) { Set<File> outputFolderFiles = new HashSet<File>(); Set<IPath> outputFolderSet = getOutputPathSet(javaProject); IPath projectRelativePath; for (IPath path : outputFolderSet) { // get rid of the first project segment projectRelativePath = path.removeFirstSegments(1).makeRelative(); outputFolderFiles.add(javaProject.getProject().getLocation().append(projectRelativePath).toFile()); } return outputFolderFiles; } /** * Check if the given <code>resource</code> is in one of the output folders of its project. * * @param resource * @return * @throws JavaModelException */ static public boolean isInOutputFolder(IResource resource, Set<IPath> outputPathSet) throws JavaModelException { for (Iterator<IPath> iterator = outputPathSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { IPath path =; if (resource.getFullPath().matchingFirstSegments(path) == path.segmentCount()) return true; } return false; } static public final class ResourcesBuffer { private final Map<String, Set<File>> _javaContainer; private final Map<String, Set<File>> _localeContainer; private final Set<File> _nonPackageContainer; public ResourcesBuffer(Map<String, Set<File>> javaContainer, Map<String, Set<File>> localeContainer, Set<File> nonPackageContainer) { if (null == javaContainer) _javaContainer = Collections.emptyMap(); else _javaContainer = javaContainer; if (null == javaContainer) _localeContainer = Collections.emptyMap(); else _localeContainer = localeContainer; if (null == nonPackageContainer) _nonPackageContainer = Collections.emptySet(); else _nonPackageContainer = nonPackageContainer; } public Map<String, Set<File>> getJavaContener() { return _javaContainer; } public Map<String, Set<File>> getlocaleContener() { return _localeContainer; } public Set<File> getNonPackageContener() { return _nonPackageContainer; } } static private class LinkBuffer { IFile _fileHandle; IPath _filePath; LinkBuffer(IFile fileHandle, IPath filePath) { _fileHandle = fileHandle; _filePath = filePath; } void create() { try { _fileHandle.createLink(_filePath, IResource.BACKGROUND_REFRESH | IResource.REPLACE | IResource.ALLOW_MISSING_LOCAL, new NullProgressMonitor()); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } static final class RRHFile { final String _fileName, _packageId; RRHFile(String fileName, String packageId) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(""); _fileName = fileName; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(packageId)) _packageId = ""; else _packageId = packageId; } @Override public String toString() { return "<" + RRHFile.class.getSimpleName() + "[_fileName=[" + _fileName + "], _packageId=[" + _packageId + "]>"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (null == other) return false; if (RRHFile.class.equals(other.getClass())) { RRHFile theOther = (RRHFile) other; return toString().equals(theOther.toString()); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (_fileName + _packageId).hashCode(); } } /** * Applies the Java Path exclusion patterns to a given project and returns the list of filtered IClasspathEntry * * @param eclipseProject * @param legacyProject * @param originalClasspathEntries * @return */ static public List<IClasspathEntry> applyExclusionPatterns(IProject eclipseProject, Project legacyProject, List<IClasspathEntry> originalClasspathEntries) { if (null == eclipseProject) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't process undefined Eclipse project!"); } if (null == legacyProject) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't process undefined legacy project!"); } if (null == originalClasspathEntries) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't process undefined Eclipse classpath entries!"); } // TODO: call this when importing projects, rather than from the // Compilation Participant List<WorkspaceFile> excludedWorkspaceFiles = getFilesToBeExcluded(legacyProject); if (excludedWorkspaceFiles.isEmpty() && originalClasspathEntries.isEmpty()) { return originalClasspathEntries; } List<IClasspathEntry> excludedClasspathEntries = new ArrayList<IClasspathEntry>(); HashMap<IPath, IClasspathEntry> filterMap = new HashMap<IPath, IClasspathEntry>(); String projectNamePattern = IPath.SEPARATOR + eclipseProject.getName() + IPath.SEPARATOR; List<IPath> exclusionPatterns; IPath classpathEntryPath, exclusionPatternPath; boolean forProject; String lastSegment; IFolder folder; IPath srcLocation; IClasspathEntry newEntry; IPath[] excludedPaths; File file; String workspaceFilePath; String packageId; for (IClasspathEntry entry : originalClasspathEntries) { exclusionPatterns = new ArrayList<IPath>(); classpathEntryPath = entry.getPath(); if (IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE == entry.getEntryKind()) { lastSegment = classpathEntryPath.lastSegment(); if (lastSegment.equalsIgnoreCase( ImportUtils.getImportPref(ResourceBuilder.LOCALE_INTERFACES_FOLDER_NAME))) { continue; } folder = eclipseProject.getFolder(lastSegment); if (folder.isDerived() || !folder.exists()) { continue; } forProject = classpathEntryPath.toString().startsWith(projectNamePattern); if (forProject) { srcLocation = folder.getLocation(); if (srcLocation == null || srcLocation.isEmpty()) { return originalClasspathEntries; } for (WorkspaceFile workspaceFile : excludedWorkspaceFiles) { workspaceFilePath = workspaceFile.toString(); file = workspaceFile.getFile(); if (null != file && file.exists() && file.isFile()) { // Fix for IDT 149988 - Check type of source folder and file type to prevent duplication for exclusion // patterns if (lastSegment.equalsIgnoreCase( ImportUtils.getImportPref(LegacyImportHelper.PROJECT_SRC_FOLDER_NAME_KEY))) { if (!workspaceFile.getIsJava()) { continue; } } else { if (workspaceFile.getIsJava()) { continue; } } if (workspaceFile.getIsJava() || workspaceFile.getIsResourceHeader() || workspaceFile.getIsResource()) { packageId = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; try { packageId = PackageUtils.getFilePackageString(file, legacyProject); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); packageId = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; } workspaceFilePath = File.separator + packageId + File.separator + workspaceFilePath; } exclusionPatternPath = getExclusionPattern(workspaceFile, lastSegment, eclipseProject, legacyProject); if (!exclusionPatternPath.isEmpty()) { exclusionPatterns.add(exclusionPatternPath); } } } } if (exclusionPatterns.isEmpty()) { excludedPaths = new IPath[] {}; } else { excludedPaths = exclusionPatterns.toArray(new IPath[exclusionPatterns.size()]); } newEntry = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(classpathEntryPath, entry.getInclusionPatterns(), excludedPaths, entry.getOutputLocation(), entry.getExtraAttributes()); filterMap.put(classpathEntryPath, newEntry); } else {// IClasspathEntry of type other than CPE_SOURCE filterMap.put(classpathEntryPath, entry); } } IPath elementPath; for (IClasspathEntry element : originalClasspathEntries) { elementPath = element.getPath(); newEntry = filterMap.get(elementPath); if (null != newEntry) { excludedClasspathEntries.add(newEntry); } } return excludedClasspathEntries; } static private IPath getExclusionPattern(WorkspaceFile workspaceFile, String lastSegment, IProject project, Project rimProject) { String file_str = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; String pkg_name = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; file_str = workspaceFile.toString(); File file; if (workspaceFile.getIsJava() || workspaceFile.getIsResourceHeader()) { try { pkg_name = PackageUtils.getFilePackageString(workspaceFile.getFile(), rimProject); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(pkg_name)) { file_str = workspaceFile.getFile().getName(); } else { file_str = pkg_name + IConstants.FORWARD_SLASH_MARK + workspaceFile.getFile().getName(); } file_str = trimFirstSlash(file_str); } else if (workspaceFile.getIsLanguageResource()) {// handle rrc files String fileName = workspaceFile.getFile().getName(); String rrhFileName = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; String rrh_path = IConstants.EMPTY_STRING; if (fileName.contains("_")) { /* * eg : - Theme_en. rrc */ rrhFileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf('_')); } else { /* * eg : - Theme . rrc */ rrhFileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.indexOf('.')); } rrhFileName = rrhFileName + "." + IConstants.RRH_FILE_EXTENSION; /* * eg : - Theme . rrh */ rrh_path = workspaceFile.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); rrh_path = rrh_path.replace(fileName, rrhFileName); if (rrh_path != null) { file = new File(rrh_path); if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { try { pkg_name = PackageUtils.getFilePackageString(file, rimProject); } catch (CoreException e) { _log.error(e.getMessage()); } } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(pkg_name)) { file_str = workspaceFile.getFile().getName(); } else { file_str = pkg_name + IConstants.FORWARD_SLASH_MARK + workspaceFile.getFile().getName(); } file_str = trimFirstSlash(file_str); // eg:- com/rim/test/ } else { IPath bbwkspath = (new Path(rimProject.getWorkspace().getFile().toString())).removeLastSegments(1); IPath bbprjpath = (new Path(rimProject.getFile().toString())).removeLastSegments(1); IPath resolvedFilePath = PackageUtils .resolvePathForFile(new Path(workspaceFile.getFile().getAbsolutePath()), bbprjpath, bbwkspath); List<String> sources = getSources(rimProject); String firstSegment = resolvedFilePath.segment(0); if (sources.contains(firstSegment)) { resolvedFilePath = resolvedFilePath.removeFirstSegments(1); } return resolvedFilePath; } return new Path(file_str); } static private String trimFirstSlash(String file_str) { if ((file_str.startsWith(IConstants.PATH_SEPARATE_MARK)) || (file_str.startsWith(IConstants.FORWARD_SLASH_MARK))) { file_str = file_str.substring(1); } return file_str; } static public List<WorkspaceFile> getFilesToBeExcluded(Project rimProject) { List<WorkspaceFile> files = new ArrayList<WorkspaceFile>(); WorkspaceFile f; for (int i = 0; i < rimProject.getNumFiles(); i++) { f = rimProject.getSourceFile(i); if (f.getDontBuild()) files.add(f); } return files; } /** * Returns a <code>List</code> of [UserData] sources * * @param proj * @return */ static public List<String> getSources(Project proj) { List<String> sources = new ArrayList<String>(); String udata = proj.getUserData(); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(udata, "|"); String token; while (st.hasMoreElements()) { token = st.nextToken(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(token)) { sources.add(token); } } return sources; } /** * Returns a boolean when ppList already contains the passed tag otherwise returns false * * @param ArrayList * < PreprocessorTag > ppList * @param String * tag * @return boolean */ static public boolean isPPtagsExists(ArrayList<PreprocessorTag> ppList, String tag) { for (PreprocessorTag ppTag : ppList) { if (ppTag.getPreprocessorDefine().equals(tag)) { return true; } } return false; } static public boolean isValidPPtag(String tag) { return validPPTagPattern.matcher(tag).matches(); } }