Java tutorial
/* * #! * Ontopia Engine * #- * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2013 The Ontopia Project * #- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * !# */ package net.ontopia.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import net.ontopia.utils.ResourcesDirectoryReader.ResourcesFilterIF; import org.apache.commons.collections4.Transformer; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; public class TestFileUtils { public static final String testdataInputRoot = "net/ontopia/testdata/"; private static String testdataOutputRoot = null; public static void verifyDirectory(String dir) { File thedir = new File(dir); if (!thedir.exists()) thedir.mkdirs(); } public static void verifyDirectory(String base, String dir) { File thedir = new File(base + File.separator + dir); if (!thedir.exists()) thedir.mkdirs(); } public static void verifyDirectory(String base, String sub1, String sub2) { File thedir = new File(base + File.separator + sub1 + File.separator + sub2); if (!thedir.exists()) thedir.mkdirs(); } public static File getOutputDirectory(String... path) { File out = new File(getTestdataOutputDirectory()); for (String part : path) { out = new File(out, part); } out.mkdirs(); return out; } public static List<Object[]> getTestInputURLs(String... pathParts) { return getTestInputURLs(null, pathParts); } public static List<Object[]> getFilteredTestInputURLs(String extension, String... pathParts) { return getTestInputURLs(new ResourcesDirectoryReader.FilenameExtensionFilter(extension), pathParts); } public static List<Object[]> getTestInputURLs(ResourcesFilterIF filter, String... pathParts) { String path = testdataInputRoot; for (String part : pathParts) { path += part + File.separator; } ResourcesDirectoryReader directoryReader = (filter == null ? new ResourcesDirectoryReader(path) : new ResourcesDirectoryReader(path, filter)); Collection<Object[]> collected = org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils .collect(directoryReader.getResources(), new Transformer<URL, Object[]>() { @Override public Object[] transform(URL input) { Object[] o = new Object[2]; o[0] = input; o[1] = input.getFile().substring(input.getFile().lastIndexOf("/") + 1); return o; } }); return new ArrayList<>(collected); } public static List<String[]> getTestInputFiles(String baseDirectory, String subDirectory, String filter) { return getTestInputFiles(baseDirectory + "/" + subDirectory, filter); } public static List<String[]> getTestInputFiles(String baseDirectory, String subDirectory, ResourcesFilterIF filter) { return getTestInputFiles(baseDirectory + "/" + subDirectory, filter); } public static List<String[]> getTestInputFiles(String directory, String filter) { String resourcesDirectory = testdataInputRoot + directory; ResourcesDirectoryReader directoryReader = new ResourcesDirectoryReader(resourcesDirectory, filter); return getTestInputFiles(directoryReader, resourcesDirectory); } public static List<String[]> getTestInputFiles(String directory, ResourcesFilterIF filter) { String resourcesDirectory = testdataInputRoot + directory; ResourcesDirectoryReader directoryReader = new ResourcesDirectoryReader(resourcesDirectory, filter); return getTestInputFiles(directoryReader, resourcesDirectory); } public static List<String[]> getTestInputFiles(ResourcesDirectoryReader directoryReader, String resourcesDirectory) { Collection<String> resources = directoryReader.getResourcesAsStrings(); if (resources.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("No resources found in directory " + resourcesDirectory); List<String[]> tests = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for (String resource : resources) { int slashPos = resource.lastIndexOf('/') + 1; String root = resource.substring(0, slashPos); String filename = resource.substring(slashPos); tests.add(new String[] { root, filename }); } return tests; } public static String getTestInputFile(String directory, String filename) { return "classpath:" + testdataInputRoot + directory + "/" + filename; } public static URL getTestInputURL(String... path) throws FileNotFoundException { return getTestInputURL(testdataInputRoot + StringUtils.join(path, "/")); } public static URL getTestInputURL(String resource) throws FileNotFoundException { URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource( resource.startsWith("classpath:") ? resource.substring("classpath:".length()) : resource); if (url == null) throw new FileNotFoundException("Test resource " + resource + " not found"); return url; } public static String getTestInputFile(String directory, String subDirectory, String filename) { return getTestInputFile(directory + "/" + subDirectory, filename); } public static String getTestInputFile(String directory, String subDirectory, String subSubDirectory, String filename) { return getTestInputFile(directory + "/" + subDirectory + "/" + subSubDirectory, filename); } private static File getTransferredTestInputFile(String filein, File fileout) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { if (fileout.exists()) { // file has already been transferred, return as is return fileout; } // transfer test data from resource to file InputStream streamin = StreamUtils.getInputStream(filein); FileOutputStream streamout = new FileOutputStream(fileout); IOUtils.copy(streamin, streamout); streamout.close(); streamin.close(); return fileout; } public static File getTransferredTestInputFile(String directory, String filename) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { return getTransferredTestInputFile(getTestInputFile(directory, filename), getTestOutputFile(directory, filename)); } public static File getTransferredTestInputFile(String directory, String subDirectory, String filename) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { return getTransferredTestInputFile(getTestInputFile(directory, subDirectory, filename), getTestOutputFile(directory, subDirectory, filename)); } public static File getTransferredTestInputFile(String directory, String subDirectory, String subSubDirectory, String filename) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { return getTransferredTestInputFile(getTestInputFile(directory, subDirectory, subSubDirectory, filename), getTestOutputFile(directory, subDirectory, subSubDirectory, filename)); } public static void transferTestInputDirectory(String directory) throws IOException { transferTestInputDirectory(new ResourcesDirectoryReader(testdataInputRoot + directory), directory); } public static void transferTestInputDirectory(String directory, boolean searchSubdirectories) throws IOException { transferTestInputDirectory( new ResourcesDirectoryReader(testdataInputRoot + directory, searchSubdirectories), directory); } public static void transferTestInputDirectory(String directory, String filter) throws IOException { transferTestInputDirectory(new ResourcesDirectoryReader(testdataInputRoot + directory, filter), directory); } public static void transferTestInputDirectory(String directory, boolean searchSubdirectories, String filter) throws IOException { transferTestInputDirectory( new ResourcesDirectoryReader(testdataInputRoot + directory, searchSubdirectories, filter), directory); } public static void transferTestInputDirectory(String directory, ResourcesFilterIF filter) throws IOException { transferTestInputDirectory(new ResourcesDirectoryReader(testdataInputRoot + directory, filter), directory); } public static void transferTestInputDirectory(String directory, boolean searchSubdirectories, ResourcesFilterIF filter) throws IOException { transferTestInputDirectory( new ResourcesDirectoryReader(testdataInputRoot + directory, searchSubdirectories, filter), directory); } public static void transferTestInputDirectory(ResourcesDirectoryReader directoryReader, String path) throws IOException { for (URL resource : directoryReader.getResources()) { String relative = resource.getFile(); relative = relative.substring(relative.lastIndexOf(path)); File file = new File(new File(getTestdataOutputDirectory()), relative); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); try (InputStream in = resource.openStream(); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) { IOUtils.copy(in, out); } } } public static File getTestOutputFile(String directory, String filename) { verifyDirectory(getTestdataOutputDirectory(), directory); return new File(getTestdataOutputDirectory() + File.separator + directory + File.separator + filename); } public static File getTestOutputFile(String directory, String subDirectory, String filename) { return getTestOutputFile(directory + File.separator + subDirectory, filename); } public static File getTestOutputFile(String directory, String subDirectory, String subSubDirectory, String filename) { return getTestOutputFile(directory + File.separator + subDirectory + File.separator + subSubDirectory, filename); } /** * Returns the folder used for test output files */ public static String getTestdataOutputDirectory() { if (testdataOutputRoot == null) { testdataOutputRoot = System.getProperty("net.ontopia.test.root"); // Fall back to the user home directory if (testdataOutputRoot == null) { testdataOutputRoot = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + "target" + File.separator + "test-data" + File.separator; } // Complain if the directory couldn't be found. if (testdataOutputRoot == null) { throw new OntopiaRuntimeException("Could not find test root directory." + " Please set the 'net.ontopia.test.root'" + " system property."); } // verify the root verifyDirectory(testdataOutputRoot); } return testdataOutputRoot; } /** * INTERNAL: Compares the contents of a file and a resource that will be loaded from classpath */ public static boolean compareFileToResource(String fileName, String resourceName) throws IOException { try (FileInputStream in1 = new FileInputStream(fileName); InputStream in2 = StreamUtils.getInputStream(resourceName)) { return IOUtils.contentEquals(in1, in2); } } /** * INTERNAL: Compares the contents of a file and a resource that will be loaded from classpath */ public static boolean compareFileToResource(File file, String resourceName) throws IOException { try (FileInputStream in1 = new FileInputStream(file); InputStream in2 = StreamUtils.getInputStream(resourceName)) { return IOUtils.contentEquals(in1, in2); } } }