Java tutorial
/* * OfficeFloor - * Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Daniel Sagenschneider * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.officefloor.demo.stocks.client; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.officefloor.plugin.gwt.comet.api.OfficeFloorComet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p> * {@link Widget} for watching {@link StockPrice}. * <p> * This provides the hooks for listening on {@link StockPrice} instances. * * @author Daniel Sagenschneider */ public class StockWatchWidget extends VerticalPanel { /** * Displayed {@link StockPrice} instances. */ private final ListDataProvider<StockEntry> displayedPrices = new ListDataProvider<StockEntry>(); /** * {@link StockInterest}. */ private final StockInterest filter = new StockInterest(); /** * Template to render the {@link CellTable} headers. */ static interface HeaderTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates { @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<span class=\"StockWatchHeader\">{0}</span>") SafeHtml header(String text); } private final HeaderTemplate headerTemplate = GWT.create(HeaderTemplate.class); /** * Template to render the {@link Stock} name. */ static interface NameTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates { @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<span class=\"StockWatchName\">{0}</span>") SafeHtml cell(String text); } private final NameTemplate nameTemplate = GWT.create(NameTemplate.class); /** * Template to render the {@link StockPrice} change. */ static interface ChangeTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates { @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<span class=\"{0} {2}\">{1}</span>") SafeHtml cell(String cssClass, String text, String highlightCssClass); } private final ChangeTemplate changeTemplate = GWT.create(ChangeTemplate.class); /** * Template to render the {@link StockPrice} size/price. */ static interface NumberTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates { @SafeHtmlTemplates.Template("<span class=\"StockWatchNumber {1}\">{0}</span>") SafeHtml cell(String text, String highlightCssClass); } private final NumberTemplate numberTemplate = GWT.create(NumberTemplate.class); /** * Extracts the {@link SafeHtml} for the {@link Column}. */ private interface ColumnValue { /** * Obtains the {@link SafeHtml} value. * * @param entry * {@link StockEntry}. * @return {@link SafeHtml}. */ SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry); } /** * Initiate. * * @param pageSize * Number of {@link Stock} instances displayed per page. */ public StockWatchWidget(int pageSize) { // Locale specific formatters final DateTimeFormat timeFormat = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(PredefinedFormat.HOUR24_MINUTE_SECOND); final NumberFormat sizeFormat = NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat(); final NumberFormat priceFormat = NumberFormat.getFormat("0.00"); final NumberFormat percentFormat = NumberFormat.getFormat("0.00"); // Configure table final CellTable<StockEntry> table = new CellTable<StockEntry>(pageSize, new StockWatchResource()); this.addColumn(table, "Name", new ColumnValue() { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { String text = entry.getStock().getName(); return StockWatchWidget.this.nameTemplate.cell(text); } }); this.addColumn(table, "Open", new ColumnValue() { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { String text = priceFormat.format(entry.getOpenPrice()); return StockWatchWidget.this.numberTemplate.cell(text, ""); } }); this.addColumn(table, "Time", new ColumnValue() { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { String text = timeFormat.format(new Date(entry.getStockPrice().getTimestamp())); return StockWatchWidget.this.numberTemplate.cell(text, entry.getHighlightCssClass()); } }); this.addColumn(table, "Change", new ColumnValue() { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { double change = entry.getOpenPercentageChange() * 100; String text = percentFormat.format(change) + "%"; String cssClass; if (change < 0) { cssClass = "StockWatchChangeNegative"; } else { text = "+" + text; cssClass = "StockWatchChangePositive"; } return StockWatchWidget.this.changeTemplate.cell(cssClass, text, entry.getHighlightCssClass()); } }); this.addColumn(table, "Size", new ColumnValue() { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { String text = sizeFormat.format(Integer.valueOf(entry.getStockPrice().getBidSize())); return StockWatchWidget.this.numberTemplate.cell(text, entry.getHighlightCssClass()); } }); this.addColumn(table, "Bid", new ColumnValue() { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { String text = priceFormat.format(entry.getStockPrice().getBidPrice()); return StockWatchWidget.this.numberTemplate.cell(text, entry.getHighlightCssClass()); } }); this.addColumn(table, "Ask", new ColumnValue() { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { String text = priceFormat.format(entry.getStockPrice().getAskPrice()); return StockWatchWidget.this.numberTemplate.cell(text, entry.getHighlightCssClass()); } }); this.addColumn(table, "Size", new ColumnValue() { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { String text = sizeFormat.format(Integer.valueOf(entry.getStockPrice().getAskSize())); return StockWatchWidget.this.numberTemplate.cell(text, entry.getHighlightCssClass()); } }); // Add list data provider to manage the data this.displayedPrices.addDataDisplay(table); // Subscribe to stock price events OfficeFloorComet.subscribe(StockPriceEvents.class, new StockPriceEvents() { @Override public void event(StockPrice price, Stock stock) { // Remove/Add stock price to add/update it List<StockEntry> stockEntries = StockWatchWidget.this.displayedPrices.getList(); // Find the stock entry StockEntry stockEntry = null; for (StockEntry entry : stockEntries) { if (entry.getStock().getMarketId().equals(stock.getMarketId())) { stockEntry = entry; break; // found entry } } if (stockEntry == null) { return; // stock not being watched } // Update the price stockEntry.setCurrentPrice(price); // Refresh the rows for the new price StockWatchWidget.this.displayedPrices.refresh(); // Sort the rows StockWatchWidget.this.sortRows(); } }, this.filter); // Add the table this.add(table); } /** * Flags to watch the particular {@link Stock}. * * @param stock * {@link Stock}. * @param openPrice * Open {@link StockPrice} for the {@link Stock}. */ public void watchStock(Stock stock, StockPrice openPrice) { // Add stock to display this.displayedPrices.getList().add(new StockEntry(stock, openPrice)); this.sortRows(); // Take interest in the Stock this.filter.addMarketId(stock.getMarketId()); } /** * Flags to stop watching the particular {@link Stock}. * * @param stock * {@link Stock} to stop watching. */ public void unwatchStock(Stock stock) { // Stop interest in the Stock this.filter.removeMarketId(stock.getMarketId()); // Remove stock from display for (Iterator<StockEntry> iterator = this.displayedPrices.getList().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { StockEntry entry =; if (entry.getStock().equals(stock)) { iterator.remove(); } } } /** * Sorts the rows. */ private void sortRows() { Collections.sort(this.displayedPrices.getList(), new Comparator<StockEntry>() { @Override public int compare(StockEntry a, StockEntry b) { return, b.getStock().getName()); } }); } /** * Adds {@link Column} to the {@link CellTable}. * * @param table * {@link CellTable}. * @param columnName * Name of the {@link Column}. * @param columnValue * {@link ColumnValue} to obtain value for the {@link Column}. * @return Added {@link Column}. */ private Column<StockEntry, SafeHtml> addColumn(CellTable<StockEntry> table, String columnName, final ColumnValue columnValue) { // Create the column Column<StockEntry, SafeHtml> column = new Column<StockEntry, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell()) { @Override public SafeHtml getValue(StockEntry entry) { return columnValue.getValue(entry); } }; // Add header for the column SafeHtml header = this.headerTemplate.header(columnName); // Add and return the column table.addColumn(column, header); return column; } /** * Interest in the {@link Stock} used to subscribe to only the specified * {@link Stock} instances. */ public static class StockInterest implements IsSerializable { /** * Market identifiers that have interest in. */ private Set<String> marketIdentifiers = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Adds a market identifier. * * @param marketId * Market identifier. */ public void addMarketId(String marketId) { this.marketIdentifiers.add(marketId); } /** * Removes the market identifier. * * @param marketId * Market identifier. */ public void removeMarketId(String marketId) { this.marketIdentifiers.remove(marketId); } /* * ====================== Object ====================== */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // Should be matched against a Stock for interest filtering if (!(obj instanceof Stock)) { return false; } Stock stock = (Stock) obj; // Watch all stocks if none specified if (this.marketIdentifiers.size() == 0) { return true; } // Equal if stock is of interest return this.marketIdentifiers.contains(stock.getMarketId()); } } /** * {@link Stock} entry within the {@link CellTable}. */ private class StockEntry { /** * {@link Stock}. */ private final Stock stock; /** * Open {@link StockPrice}. */ private final StockPrice openPrice; /** * Last {@link StockPrice}. */ private StockPrice lastPrice; /** * Current {@link StockPrice}. */ private StockPrice currentPrice; /** * Highlight CSS class. */ private String highlightCssClass = ""; /** * Initiate. * * @param stock * {@link Stock}. * @param openPrice * Open {@link StockPrice}. */ public StockEntry(Stock stock, StockPrice openPrice) { this.stock = stock; this.openPrice = openPrice; this.lastPrice = openPrice; this.currentPrice = openPrice; } /** * Updates the current {@link StockPrice}. * * @param price * Current {@link StockPrice}. */ public void setCurrentPrice(StockPrice price) { this.lastPrice = this.currentPrice; this.currentPrice = price; // Provide highlight for change double lastPriceChange = this.getLastPriceChange(); this.highlightCssClass = (lastPriceChange >= 0 ? "StockWatchHighlightPositive" : "StockWatchHighlightNegative"); // Clear highlight after a moment new Timer() { @Override public void run() { // Reset highlight StockEntry.this.highlightCssClass = ""; // Refresh display for no highlight StockWatchWidget.this.displayedPrices.refresh(); } }.schedule(1000); } /** * Obtains the highlight CSS class. * * @return Highlight CSS class. */ public String getHighlightCssClass() { return this.highlightCssClass; } /** * Obtains the {@link Stock}. * * @return {@link Stock}. */ public Stock getStock() { return this.stock; } /** * Obtains the open ask price. * * @return Open ask price. */ public double getOpenPrice() { return this.openPrice.getAskPrice(); } /** * Obtains the percentage change in ask price since market open. * * @return Percentage change in ask price since market open. */ public double getOpenPercentageChange() { StockPrice price = this.getStockPrice(); double openAskPrice = this.openPrice.getAskPrice(); double change = price.getAskPrice() - openAskPrice; double percentageChange = change / openAskPrice; return percentageChange; } /** * Obtains the change in ask price since last price. * * @return Change in ask price since last price. */ public double getLastPriceChange() { return (this.currentPrice.getAskPrice() - this.lastPrice.getAskPrice()); } /** * Obtains the {@link StockPrice}. * * @return {@link StockPrice}. */ public StockPrice getStockPrice() { return this.currentPrice; } } /** * Allow CSS styling of the {@link CellTable}. */ private static class StockWatchResource implements Resources, ImageResource { /** * {@link StockWatchStyle}. */ private final Style style = new StockWatchStyle(); /* * ================== Resources ======================= */ @Override public ImageResource cellTableFooterBackground() { return this; } @Override public ImageResource cellTableHeaderBackground() { return this; } @Override public ImageResource cellTableLoading() { return this; } @Override public ImageResource cellTableSelectedBackground() { return this; } @Override public ImageResource cellTableSortAscending() { return this; } @Override public ImageResource cellTableSortDescending() { return this; } @Override public Style cellTableStyle() { return; } /* * ================== ImageResource =========================== */ @Override public String getName() { return ""; } @Override public int getHeight() { return 0; } @Override public int getLeft() { return 0; } @Override public SafeUri getSafeUri() { return null; } @Override public int getTop() { return 0; } @Override public String getURL() { return ""; } @Override public int getWidth() { return 0; } @Override public boolean isAnimated() { return false; } } /** * Stock watch {@link Style}. */ private static class StockWatchStyle implements Style { /** * CSS class for <code>th</code>. */ private static final String TH_CSS_CLASS = "StockWatchTh"; /** * CSS class for <code>td</code>. */ private static final String TD_CSS_CLASS = "StockWatchTd"; /** * CSS class for the first column. */ private static final String FIRST_COLUMN_CSS_CLASS = "StockWatchFirstColumn"; /** * CSS class for odd row. */ private static final String ODD_ROW_CSS_CLASS = "StockWatchOddRow"; /** * CSS class for even row. */ private static final String EVEN_ROW_CSS_CLASS = "StockWatchEvenRow"; /* * ===================== Style ========================== */ @Override public boolean ensureInjected() { return false; } @Override public String getText() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String getName() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableCell() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableEvenRow() { return EVEN_ROW_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableEvenRowCell() { return EVEN_ROW_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableFirstColumn() { return FIRST_COLUMN_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableFirstColumnFooter() { return FIRST_COLUMN_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableFirstColumnHeader() { return FIRST_COLUMN_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableFooter() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableHeader() { return TH_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableHoveredRow() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableHoveredRowCell() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableKeyboardSelectedCell() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableKeyboardSelectedRow() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableKeyboardSelectedRowCell() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableLastColumn() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableLastColumnFooter() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableLastColumnHeader() { return TH_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableLoading() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableOddRow() { return ODD_ROW_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableOddRowCell() { return ODD_ROW_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableSelectedRow() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableSelectedRowCell() { return TD_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableSortableHeader() { return TH_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableSortedHeaderAscending() { return TH_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableSortedHeaderDescending() { return TH_CSS_CLASS; } @Override public String cellTableWidget() { return "StockWatchTable"; } } }