Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014 Netheos ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.netheos.pcsapi.providers; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; import net.netheos.pcsapi.bytesio.ByteSource; import net.netheos.pcsapi.bytesio.FileByteSink; import net.netheos.pcsapi.bytesio.MemoryByteSink; import net.netheos.pcsapi.bytesio.MemoryByteSource; import net.netheos.pcsapi.bytesio.ProgressListener; import net.netheos.pcsapi.bytesio.StdoutProgressListener; import net.netheos.pcsapi.exceptions.CFileNotFoundException; import net.netheos.pcsapi.exceptions.CInvalidFileTypeException; import net.netheos.pcsapi.exceptions.CRetriableException; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CBlob; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CDownloadRequest; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CFile; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CFolder; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CFolderContent; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CMetadata; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CPath; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CQuota; import net.netheos.pcsapi.models.CUploadRequest; import net.netheos.pcsapi.oauth.SessionManager; import net.netheos.pcsapi.oauth.SessionManagerUtil; import net.netheos.pcsapi.providers.cloudme.CloudMe; import net.netheos.pcsapi.providers.dropbox.Dropbox; import net.netheos.pcsapi.providers.googledrive.GoogleDrive; import net.netheos.pcsapi.providers.hubic.Hubic; import; import; import; import net.netheos.pcsapi.utils.PcsUtils; import; import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; import org.junit.After; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; /** * */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class BasicTest { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicTest.class); @Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}") public static Collection<Object[]> getTestsParameters() throws Exception { return StorageProviderFactory.storageProviderFactory(); } private File tmpDir; private final IStorageProvider storage; public BasicTest(IStorageProvider storage) { = storage;"Will run tests with provider : {}", storage); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { tmpDir = File.createTempFile("pcs_api", ".dir"); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tmpDir); tmpDir.mkdirs(); } @After public void tearDown() { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(tmpDir); } @Test public void testRegisteredProviders() { Set<String> providerNames = StorageFacade.getRegisteredProviders();"Registered providers in pcs_api: {}", providerNames); assertTrue(providerNames.contains(Dropbox.PROVIDER_NAME)); assertTrue(providerNames.contains(Hubic.PROVIDER_NAME)); assertTrue(providerNames.contains(GoogleDrive.PROVIDER_NAME)); assertTrue(providerNames.contains(CloudMe.PROVIDER_NAME)); } @Ignore @Test public void testCleanupStorageBeforeTests() throws Exception { // Not a real test : only some cleanup before next tests MiscUtils.cleanupTestFolders(storage); } @Test public void testGetUserId() throws Exception { String userId = storage.getUserId();"Retrieved from provider {} : user_id = {}", storage.getProviderName(), userId); SessionManager sm = ((StorageProvider) storage).getSessionManager(); String expectedUserId = SessionManagerUtil.getUserCredentials(sm).getUserId(); assertEquals(expectedUserId, userId); } @Test public void testDisplayQuota() throws Exception { CQuota quota = storage.getQuota();"Retrieved quota for provider {}: {} ({}% used)", storage.getProviderName(), quota, quota.getPercentUsed()); } @Test public void testQuotaChangedAfterUpload() throws Exception { // Quota is not updated in real time for some providers Assume.assumeThat("quota not updated in real time for provider " + storage.getProviderName(), storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(Hubic.PROVIDER_NAME))); Assume.assumeThat("quota not updated in real time for provider " + storage.getProviderName(), storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(GoogleDrive.PROVIDER_NAME))); CQuota quotaBefore = storage.getQuota();"Quota BEFORE upload ({} provider) : used={} / total={}", storage.getProviderName(), quotaBefore.getBytesUsed(), quotaBefore.getBytesAllowed()); // Upload a quite big blob : int fileSize = 500000; CPath path = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Uploading blob with size {} bytes to {}", fileSize, path); byte[] content = MiscUtils.generateRandomByteArray(fileSize, null); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(path, new MemoryByteSource(content)); storage.upload(uploadRequest); // Check uploaded blob has correct length : CFile cblob = storage.getFile(path); assertThat("uploaded file exists", cblob, CoreMatchers.instanceOf(CBlob.class)); assertEquals(fileSize, ((CBlob) cblob).length());"Checking quota has changed"); CQuota quotaAfter = storage.getQuota(); storage.delete(path);"Quota AFTER upload ({} provider) : used={} / total={}", storage.getProviderName(), quotaAfter.getBytesUsed(), quotaAfter.getBytesAllowed()); long usedDifference = quotaAfter.getBytesUsed() - quotaBefore.getBytesUsed();"used bytes difference = {} (upload file size was {})", usedDifference, fileSize); assertEquals(fileSize, usedDifference); } @Test public void testFileOperations() throws Exception { // We'll use a temp folder for tests CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Will use test folder : {}", tempRootPath); // Create a sub-folder : CPath subPath = tempRootPath.add("sub_folder");"Creating sub_folder : {}", subPath); assertTrue(storage.createFolder(subPath)); // True because actually created assertFalse(storage.createFolder(subPath)); // False because not created // Check back : CFile subFolder = storage.getFile(subPath); assertEquals(subPath, subFolder.getPath()); assertTrue(subFolder.isFolder()); assertFalse(subFolder.isBlob()); if (subFolder.getModificationDate() != null) { // Not all providers have a modif time on folders MiscUtils.assertDatetimeIsAlmostNow(subFolder.getModificationDate()); } // Upload 2 files into this sub-folder : CPath fpath1 = subPath.add("a_test_file1"); byte[] contentFile1 = "This is binary contnt of test file 1...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8);"Uploading blob to : {}", fpath1); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(fpath1, new MemoryByteSource(contentFile1)); storage.upload(uploadRequest); CPath fpath2 = subPath.add("a_test_file2"); // Generate a quite big random data : byte[] contentFile2 = MiscUtils.generateRandomByteArray(500000, null);"Uploading blob to : {}", fpath2); uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(fpath2, new MemoryByteSource(contentFile2)); storage.upload(uploadRequest); // Check uploaded blobs informations : // we check file2 first because has just been uploaded / for modif time check CFile cblob = storage.getFile(fpath2); assertTrue(cblob.isBlob()); assertFalse(cblob.isFolder()); assertEquals(contentFile2.length, ((CBlob) cblob).length()); MiscUtils.assertDatetimeIsAlmostNow(cblob.getModificationDate()); cblob = storage.getFile(fpath1); assertTrue(cblob.isBlob()); assertFalse(cblob.isFolder()); assertEquals(contentFile1.length, ((CBlob) cblob).length()); // Download data, and check :"Downloading back and checking file : {}", fpath1); MemoryByteSink mbs = new MemoryByteSink(); CDownloadRequest downloadRequest = new CDownloadRequest(fpath1, mbs);; assertArrayEquals(contentFile1, mbs.getData()); // Check also with different Ranges:"Downloading back and checking file ranges: {}", fpath1); downloadRequest.setRange(5, -1); // starting at offset 5; assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(contentFile1, 5, contentFile1.length), mbs.getData()); downloadRequest.setRange(-1, 5); // last 5 bytes; assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(contentFile1, contentFile1.length - 5, contentFile1.length), mbs.getData()); downloadRequest.setRange(2, 5); // 5 bytes at offset 2; assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(contentFile1, 2, 7), mbs.getData());"Downloading back and checking file : {}", fpath2); downloadRequest = new CDownloadRequest(fpath2, mbs);; assertArrayEquals(contentFile2, mbs.getData()); // Check that if we upload again, blob is replaced :"Checking file overwrite : {}", fpath2); contentFile2 = MiscUtils.generateRandomByteArray(300000, null); uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(fpath2, new MemoryByteSource(contentFile2)); storage.upload(uploadRequest);; assertArrayEquals(contentFile2, mbs.getData()); // Check that we can replace replace existing blob with empty content:"Checking file overwrite with empty file: {}", fpath2); contentFile2 = new byte[0]; uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(fpath2, new MemoryByteSource(contentFile2)); storage.upload(uploadRequest);; assertArrayEquals(contentFile2, mbs.getData()); // Create a sub_sub_folder : CPath subSubPath = subPath.add("a_sub_sub_folder");"Creating sub_sub folder : {}", subSubPath); storage.createFolder(subSubPath);"Check uploaded blobs and sub_sub_folder all appear in folder list"); CFolderContent folderContent = storage.listFolder((CFolder) subFolder);"sub_folder contains files : {}", folderContent); // It happened once here that hubic did not list fpath1 'a_test_file1' in folder_content : // only 2 files were present ?! assertEquals(3, folderContent.size()); assertTrue(folderContent.containsPath(fpath1)); assertTrue(folderContent.getFile(fpath1).isBlob()); assertFalse(folderContent.getFile(fpath1).isFolder()); assertTrue(folderContent.containsPath(fpath2)); assertTrue(folderContent.getFile(fpath2).isBlob()); assertFalse(folderContent.getFile(fpath2).isFolder()); assertTrue(folderContent.containsPath(subSubPath)); assertFalse(folderContent.getFile(subSubPath).isBlob()); assertTrue(folderContent.getFile(subSubPath).isFolder());"Check that list of sub_sub folder is empty : {}", subSubPath); assertTrue(storage.listFolder(subSubPath).isEmpty());"Check that listing content of a blob raises : {}", fpath1); try { storage.listFolder(fpath1); fail("Listing a blob should raise"); } catch (CInvalidFileTypeException ex) { assertEquals(fpath1, ex.getPath()); assertFalse(ex.isBlobExpected()); }"Delete file1 : {}", fpath1); assertTrue(storage.delete(fpath1)); // We have deleted the file assertFalse(storage.delete(fpath1)); // We have not deleted anything"Check file1 does not appear anymore in folder : {}", subFolder); assertFalse(storage.listFolder((CFolder) subFolder).containsPath(fpath1)); assertNull(storage.getFile(fpath1));"Delete whole test folder : {}", tempRootPath); boolean ret = storage.delete(tempRootPath); assertTrue(ret); // We have deleted at least one file"Deleting again returns False"); ret = storage.delete(tempRootPath); assertFalse(ret); // We have not deleted anything"Listing a deleted folder returns None : {}", tempRootPath); assertNull(storage.listFolder(tempRootPath)); assertNull(storage.getFile(tempRootPath)); } @Test public void testCreateIntermediateFolders() { // We'll use a temp folder for tests CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Will use test folder : {}", tempRootPath); // We create a deep sub-folder, and check each parent has been created: CPath path = tempRootPath.add("sub1/sub2/sub3/sub4/sub5_folder"); storage.createFolder(path); while (!path.isRoot()) { CFile file = storage.getFile(path); assertNotNull(file); assertTrue(file.isFolder()); path = path.getParent(); } } @Test public void testBlobContentType() throws Exception { Assume.assumeThat("Dropbox ignores content type", storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(Dropbox.PROVIDER_NAME))); Assume.assumeThat("Google Drive ignores content type", storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(GoogleDrive.PROVIDER_NAME))); Assume.assumeThat("CloudMe ignores content type", storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(CloudMe.PROVIDER_NAME))); CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null); try {"Will use test folder :{}", tempRootPath); // some providers are sensitive to filename suffix, so we do not specify any here : CPath path = tempRootPath.add("uploaded_blob"); byte[] data = "some content...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); String contentType = "text/plain; charset=Latin-1"; CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(path, new MemoryByteSource(data)); uploadRequest.setContentType(contentType); storage.upload(uploadRequest); CFile file = storage.getFile(path); assertEquals(contentType, ((CBlob) file).getContentType()); // Update file content, check content-type is updated also : data = "some binary content...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); data[4] = 0x05; data[11] = -1; // 0xff contentType = "application/octet-stream"; uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(path, new MemoryByteSource(data)); uploadRequest.setContentType(contentType); storage.upload(uploadRequest); file = storage.getFile(path); assertEquals(contentType, ((CBlob) file).getContentType()); } finally { deleteQuietly(tempRootPath, storage); } } @Test public void testBlobMetadata() throws Exception { Assume.assumeThat("Dropbox ignores metadata", storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(Dropbox.PROVIDER_NAME))); Assume.assumeThat("GoogleDrive ignores metadata", storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(GoogleDrive.PROVIDER_NAME))); Assume.assumeThat("CloudMe ignores metadata", storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(CloudMe.PROVIDER_NAME))); CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null); try {"Will use test folder : {}", tempRootPath); CPath path = tempRootPath.add("uploaded_blob.txt"); byte[] data = "some content...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(path, new MemoryByteSource(data)); CMetadata metadata = new CMetadata(); metadata.put("foo", "this is foo..."); try { metadata.put("bar", "1 la bire"); fail("Illegal character setted in metadata value"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // Error expected } uploadRequest.setMetadata(metadata); storage.upload(uploadRequest); CFile file = storage.getFile(path); assertEquals(file.getMetadata(), metadata); } finally { deleteQuietly(tempRootPath, storage); } } @Test public void testDeleteSingleFolder() throws Exception { // We'll use a temp folder for tests : CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Will use test folder : {}", tempRootPath); // Create two sub folders : a/ and ab/ : CPath fpatha = tempRootPath.add("a"); CPath fpathab = tempRootPath.add("ab"); storage.createFolder(fpatha); storage.createFolder(fpathab); assertTrue(storage.getFile(fpatha).isFolder()); assertTrue(storage.getFile(fpathab).isFolder()); CPath path = fpatha.add("uploaded_blob.txt"); byte[] data = "some content...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(path, new MemoryByteSource(data)); storage.upload(uploadRequest); // Now delete folder a : folder ab should not be deleted storage.delete(fpatha); assertNull(storage.getFile(fpatha)); assertNull(storage.getFile(path)); assertTrue(storage.getFile(fpathab).isFolder()); storage.delete(tempRootPath); } @Test public void testInvalidFileOperation() throws Exception { // We'll use a temp folder for tests : CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Will use test folder : {}", tempRootPath); // Upload 1 file into this folder : CPath fpath1 = tempRootPath.add("a_test_file1"); byte[] contentFile1 = "This is binary contnt of test file 1...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(fpath1, new MemoryByteSource(contentFile1)); storage.upload(uploadRequest);"Created blob : {}", fpath1); // Create a sub_folder : CPath subFolder = tempRootPath.add("sub_folder"); storage.createFolder(subFolder);"Check that listing content of a blob raises : {}", fpath1); try { storage.listFolder(fpath1); fail("Listing a blob should raise"); } catch (CInvalidFileTypeException ex) { assertEquals(fpath1, ex.getPath()); assertFalse(ex.isBlobExpected()); }"Check that trying to download a folder raises : {}", subFolder); MemoryByteSink mbs = new MemoryByteSink(); CDownloadRequest downloadRequest = new CDownloadRequest(subFolder, mbs); try {; fail("Downloading a folder should raise"); } catch (CInvalidFileTypeException ex) { assertEquals(subFolder, ex.getPath()); assertTrue(ex.isBlobExpected()); }"Check that we cannot create a folder over a blob : {}", fpath1); try { storage.createFolder(fpath1); fail("Creating a folder over a blob should raise"); } catch (CInvalidFileTypeException ex) { assertEquals(fpath1, ex.getPath()); assertFalse(ex.isBlobExpected()); }"Check we cannot upload over an existing folder : {}", subFolder); try { byte[] content = "some data...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(subFolder, new MemoryByteSource(content)); storage.upload(uploadRequest); fail("Uploading over a folder should raise"); } catch (CInvalidFileTypeException ex) { assertEquals(subFolder, ex.getPath()); assertTrue(ex.isBlobExpected()); }"Check that content of a never existed folder is None"); CPath path = new CPath("/hope i did never exist (even for tests) !"); assertNull(storage.listFolder(path));"Check that get_file() returns None is file does not exist"); assertNull(storage.getFile(path));"Check that downloading a non-existing file raises"); downloadRequest = new CDownloadRequest(path, new MemoryByteSink()); try {; fail("Downlad a non-existing blob should raise"); } catch (CFileNotFoundException ex) { LOGGER.debug("Expected exception : {}", ex.toString()); assertEquals(path, ex.getPath()); } storage.delete(tempRootPath); } @Test public void testCreateFolderOverBlob() throws Exception { // We'll use a temp folder for tests : CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Will use test folder : {}", tempRootPath); try { // Upload 1 file into this folder : CPath fpath1 = tempRootPath.add("a_test_file1"); byte[] contentFile1 = "This is binary contnt of test file 1...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(fpath1, new MemoryByteSource(contentFile1)); storage.upload(uploadRequest);"Created blob : {}", fpath1); try { CPath path = fpath1.add("sub_folder1");"Check we cannot create a folder when remote path traverses a blob : {}", path); storage.createFolder(path); // This is known to fail on Dropbox: Assume.assumeThat( "Creating folder when path contains a blob should raise: not supported by Dropbox", storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(Dropbox.PROVIDER_NAME))); fail("Creating folder when path contains a blob should raise"); } catch (CInvalidFileTypeException ex) { assertEquals(fpath1, ex.getPath()); assertFalse(ex.isBlobExpected()); } } finally { deleteQuietly(tempRootPath, storage); } } @Test public void testImplicitCreateFolderOverBlob() throws Exception { // We'll use a temp folder for tests : CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Will use test folder : {}", tempRootPath); try { // Upload 1 file into this folder : CPath fpath1 = tempRootPath.add("a_test_file1"); byte[] contentFile1 = "This is binary contnt of test file 1...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(fpath1, new MemoryByteSource(contentFile1)); storage.upload(uploadRequest);"Created blob : {}", fpath1); // Uploading blob will implicitely create intermediate folders, // so will try to erase fpath1 try { CPath path = fpath1.add("sub_file1");"Check we cannot upload a blob when remote path traverses a blob : {}", path); byte[] content = "some data...".getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(path, new MemoryByteSource(content)); storage.upload(uploadRequest); // This is known to fail on Dropbox : Assume.assumeThat("Uploading when path contains a blob should raise : not supported by Dropbox", storage.getProviderName(), not(equalTo(Dropbox.PROVIDER_NAME))); fail("Uploading when path contains a blob should raise"); } catch (CInvalidFileTypeException ex) { assertEquals(fpath1, ex.getPath()); // this is the problematic path assertFalse(ex.isBlobExpected()); } } finally { deleteQuietly(tempRootPath, storage); } } @Test public void testFileWithSpecialChars() throws Exception { CPath tempRootPath = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null); try { CPath folderPath = tempRootPath.add("hum...\u00a0',;.:\u00a0!*%&~#{[|`_^@ "); assertTrue(storage.createFolder(folderPath)); CFile fback = storage.getFile(folderPath); assertEquals(folderPath, fback.getPath()); assertTrue(fback.isFolder()); assertFalse(fback.isBlob()); // Folder must appear in test root folder list : CFolderContent rootTestContent = storage.listFolder(tempRootPath); assertTrue(rootTestContent.containsPath(folderPath)); assertEquals(folderPath, rootTestContent.getFile(folderPath).getPath()); assertTrue(rootTestContent.getFile(folderPath).isFolder()); assertFalse(rootTestContent.getFile(folderPath).isBlob()); // Generate a random blob name (ensure it does not start nor end with a space) StringBuilder nameb = new StringBuilder("b"); for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { nameb.append(generateRandomBlobNameChar()); } nameb.append("e"); for (int nbBlobs = 0; nbBlobs < 10; nbBlobs++) { // slightly change blob name, so that we get similar but different names : int index = (int) (Math.random() * (nameb.length() - 2)) + 1; nameb.setCharAt(index, generateRandomBlobNameChar()); String blobName = nameb.toString(); CPath blobPath = folderPath.add(blobName);"Will upload file to path: {}", blobPath); String contentFileStr = "This is contnt of test file : '" + blobName + "'"; byte[] contentFile = contentFileStr.getBytes(PcsUtils.UTF8); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(blobPath, new MemoryByteSource(contentFile)); uploadRequest.setContentType("text/plain ; charset=UTF-8"); storage.upload(uploadRequest); CFile bback = storage.getFile(blobPath); assertEquals(blobPath, bback.getPath()); assertTrue(bback.isBlob()); assertFalse(bback.isFolder()); // Download and check content : MemoryByteSink mbs = new MemoryByteSink(); CDownloadRequest downloadRequest = new CDownloadRequest(blobPath, mbs);; assertArrayEquals(contentFile, mbs.getData()); // new blob must appear in folder list : CFolderContent foderContent = storage.listFolder(folderPath); assertTrue(foderContent.containsPath(blobPath)); assertEquals(blobPath, foderContent.getFile(blobPath).getPath()); assertTrue(foderContent.getFile(blobPath).isBlob()); assertFalse(foderContent.getFile(blobPath).isFolder()); } } finally { deleteQuietly(tempRootPath, storage); } } private char generateRandomBlobNameChar() { while ( true ) { char c = ( char ) ( ( Math.random() * Math.random() * 200 ) + 32 ); if ( Math.random() < 0.01 ) { c = ''; // longer once UTF-8 encoded } if ( c >= 127 && c < 160 ) { continue; } if ( c == '/' || c == '\\' ) { continue; } // CloudMe provider does not support quotes so we do not use them : if ( c == '"' && CloudMe.PROVIDER_NAME.equals( storage.getProviderName() ) ) { continue; } return c; } } @Test public void testAbortDuringDownload() throws Exception { // If download fails, check that abort is called on progress listener // Upload a quite big file (for download) : int fileSize = 500000; CPath path = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Uploading blob with size {} bytes to {}", fileSize, path); try {"Will upload a blob for download test ({} bytes) to {}", fileSize, path); byte[] content = MiscUtils.generateRandomByteArray(fileSize, null); CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(path, new MemoryByteSource(content)); storage.upload(uploadRequest); // Now we download, asking for progress :"Will download this blob but fail during download..."); File tempFile = new File(tmpDir, "back_from_provider"); FileByteSink fbs = new FileByteSink(tempFile, false, true, false); TestAbortProgressListener pl = new TestAbortProgressListener(1, // fail once fileSize / 2, // abort at half download false); // not retriable CDownloadRequest dr = new CDownloadRequest(path, fbs).setProgressListener(pl); try {; fail("Download should have failed !"); } catch (Exception ex) {"Download has failed (as expected)"); } // Check listener saw the abort : assertTrue(pl.isAborted()); // check file does not exist (has been removed) :"Check destination file does not exist : {}", tempFile.getPath()); assertFalse(tempFile.exists()); } finally { deleteQuietly(path, storage); } } @Test public void testAbortTwiceDuringUpload() throws Exception { int fileSize = 500000; CPath path = MiscUtils.generateTestPath(null);"Uploading blob with size {} bytes to {}", fileSize, path); try { "Will upload a blob for test ({} bytes) to {}, but fail temporarily during first two uploads", fileSize, path); byte[] content = MiscUtils.generateRandomByteArray(fileSize, null); ByteSource bs = new MemoryByteSource(content); ProgressListener pl = new TestAbortProgressListener(2, // fail twice fileSize / 2, // fail at half upload true); // and retry CUploadRequest uploadRequest = new CUploadRequest(path, bs).setProgressListener(pl); storage.upload(uploadRequest); // check it has worked : CFile cfile = storage.getFile(path); assertThat(cfile, CoreMatchers.instanceOf(CBlob.class)); assertEquals(fileSize, ((CBlob) cfile).length()); } finally { deleteQuietly(path, storage); } } private void deleteQuietly(CPath path, IStorageProvider storage) { if (path != null) { try { storage.delete(path); } catch (Throwable th) { LOGGER.warn("Error deleting file " + path, th); } } } private static class TestAbortProgressListener extends StdoutProgressListener { private final int nbFailsTotal; private final int limit; private final boolean retriableException; private int nbFailsCurrent; /** * @param nbFails number of times an exception will be raised * @param offsetLimit at which offset in byte source the exception will be raised * @param retriableException if true, a CRetriableException is thrown so request will be retried */ private TestAbortProgressListener(int nbFails, int offsetLimit, boolean retriableException) { this.nbFailsTotal = nbFails; this.limit = offsetLimit; this.retriableException = retriableException; } @Override public void progress(long current) { super.progress(current); if (current >= limit) { if (nbFailsCurrent < nbFailsTotal) { nbFailsCurrent++; RuntimeException ex = new RuntimeException( "Test error to make up/download fail : " + nbFailsCurrent + "/" + nbFailsTotal); if (retriableException) { ex = new CRetriableException(ex); } throw ex; } } } } }