Java tutorial
/* * Minecraft Forge * Copyright (c) 2016. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package net.minecraftforge.common.config; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config.Comment; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config.LangKey; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config.RangeDouble; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Config.RangeInt; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLLog; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderException; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ASMDataTable; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.ASMDataTable.ASMData; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.discovery.asm.ModAnnotation.EnumHolder; public class ConfigManager { private static Map<String, Multimap<Config.Type, ASMData>> asm_data = Maps.newHashMap(); private static Map<Class<?>, ITypeAdapter> ADAPTERS = Maps.newHashMap(); private static Map<Class<?>, ITypeAdapter.Map> MAP_ADAPTERS = Maps.newHashMap(); private static Map<String, Configuration> CONFIGS = Maps.newHashMap(); static { register(boolean.class, TypeAdapters.bool); register(boolean[].class, TypeAdapters.boolA); register(Boolean.class, TypeAdapters.Bool); register(Boolean[].class, TypeAdapters.BoolA); register(float.class, TypeAdapters.flt); register(float[].class, TypeAdapters.fltA); register(Float.class, TypeAdapters.Flt); register(Float[].class, TypeAdapters.FltA); register(double.class, TypeAdapters.dbl); register(double[].class, TypeAdapters.dblA); register(Double.class, TypeAdapters.Dbl); register(Double[].class, TypeAdapters.DblA); register(byte.class, TypeAdapters.byt); register(byte[].class, TypeAdapters.bytA); register(Byte.class, TypeAdapters.Byt); register(Byte[].class, TypeAdapters.BytA); register(char.class, TypeAdapters.chr); register(char[].class, TypeAdapters.chrA); register(Character.class, TypeAdapters.Chr); register(Character[].class, TypeAdapters.ChrA); register(short.class, TypeAdapters.shrt); register(short[].class, TypeAdapters.shrtA); register(Short.class, TypeAdapters.Shrt); register(Short[].class, TypeAdapters.ShrtA); register(int.class, TypeAdapters.int_); register(int[].class, TypeAdapters.intA); register(Integer.class, TypeAdapters.Int); register(Integer[].class, TypeAdapters.IntA); register(String.class, TypeAdapters.Str); register(String[].class, TypeAdapters.StrA); } private static void register(Class<?> cls, ITypeAdapter adpt) { ADAPTERS.put(cls, adpt); if (adpt instanceof ITypeAdapter.Map) MAP_ADAPTERS.put(cls, (ITypeAdapter.Map) adpt); } public static void loadData(ASMDataTable data) { FMLLog.fine("Loading @Config anotation data"); for (ASMData target : data.getAll(Config.class.getName())) { String modid = (String) target.getAnnotationInfo().get("modid"); Multimap<Config.Type, ASMData> map = asm_data.get(modid); if (map == null) { map = ArrayListMultimap.create(); asm_data.put(modid, map); } EnumHolder tholder = (EnumHolder) target.getAnnotationInfo().get("type"); Config.Type type = tholder == null ? Config.Type.INSTANCE : Config.Type.valueOf(tholder.getValue()); map.put(type, target); } } public static void load(String modid, Config.Type type) { FMLLog.fine("Attempting to inject @Config classes into %s for type %s", modid, type); ClassLoader mcl = Loader.instance().getModClassLoader(); File configDir = Loader.instance().getConfigDir(); Multimap<Config.Type, ASMData> map = asm_data.get(modid); if (map == null) return; for (ASMData targ : map.get(type)) { try { Class<?> cls = Class.forName(targ.getClassName(), true, mcl); String name = (String) targ.getAnnotationInfo().get("name"); if (name == null) name = modid; File file = new File(configDir, name + ".cfg"); Configuration cfg = CONFIGS.get(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (cfg == null) { cfg = new Configuration(file); cfg.load(); CONFIGS.put(file.getAbsolutePath(), cfg); } createConfig(cfg, cls, modid, type == Config.Type.INSTANCE);; } catch (Exception e) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, e, "An error occurred trying to load a config for %s into %s", modid, targ.getClassName()); throw new LoaderException(e); } } } // ======================================================= // INTERNAL // ======================================================= private static void createConfig(Configuration cfg, Class<?> cls, String modid, boolean isStatic) { String category = "general"; for (Field f : cls.getDeclaredFields()) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) continue; if (Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) != isStatic) continue; createConfig(modid, category, cfg, f.getType(), f, null); } } private static final Joiner NEW_LINE = Joiner.on('\n'); private static final Joiner PIPE = Joiner.on('|'); @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) private static void createConfig(String modid, String category, Configuration cfg, Class<?> ftype, Field f, Object instance) { Property prop = null; String comment = null; Comment ca = f.getAnnotation(Comment.class); if (ca != null) comment = NEW_LINE.join(ca.value()); String langKey = modid + "." + category + "." + f.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); LangKey la = f.getAnnotation(LangKey.class); if (la != null) langKey = la.value(); ITypeAdapter adapter = ADAPTERS.get(ftype); if (adapter != null) { prop = adapter.getProp(cfg, category, f, instance, comment); set(instance, f, adapter.getValue(prop)); } else if (ftype.getSuperclass() == Enum.class) { Enum enu = (Enum) get(instance, f); prop = cfg.get(category, f.getName(),, comment); prop.setValidationPattern(makePattern((Class<? extends Enum>) ftype)); set(instance, f, Enum.valueOf((Class<? extends Enum>) ftype, prop.getString())); } else if (ftype == Map.class) { String sub = category + "." + f.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); Map<String, Object> m = (Map<String, Object>) get(instance, f); ParameterizedType type = (ParameterizedType) f.getGenericType(); Type mtype = type.getActualTypeArguments()[1]; cfg.getCategory(sub).setComment(comment); for (Entry<String, Object> e : m.entrySet()) { ITypeAdapter.Map adpt = MAP_ADAPTERS.get(mtype); if (adpt != null) { prop = adpt.getProp(cfg, sub, e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } else if (mtype instanceof Class && ((Class<?>) mtype).getSuperclass() == Enum.class) { prop = TypeAdapters.Str.getProp(cfg, sub, e.getKey(), ((Enum) e.getValue()).name()); prop.setValidationPattern(makePattern((Class<? extends Enum>) mtype)); } else throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown type in map! " + f.getDeclaringClass() + "/" + f.getName() + " " + mtype); prop.setLanguageKey(langKey + "." + e.getKey().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } prop = null; } else if (ftype.getSuperclass() == Object.class) //Only support classes that are one level below Object. { String sub = category + "." + f.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); Object sinst = get(instance, f); for (Field sf : ftype.getDeclaredFields()) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(sf.getModifiers())) continue; createConfig(modid, sub, cfg, sf.getType(), sf, sinst); } } // TODO Lists ? other stuff else throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown type in config! " + f.getDeclaringClass() + "/" + f.getName() + " " + ftype); if (prop != null) { prop.setLanguageKey(langKey); RangeInt ia = f.getAnnotation(RangeInt.class); if (ia != null) { prop.setMinValue(ia.min()); prop.setMaxValue(ia.max()); if (comment != null) prop.setComment( NEW_LINE.join(new String[] { comment, "Min: " + ia.min(), "Max: " + ia.max() })); else prop.setComment(NEW_LINE.join(new String[] { "Min: " + ia.min(), "Max: " + ia.max() })); } RangeDouble da = f.getAnnotation(RangeDouble.class); if (da != null) { prop.setMinValue(da.min()); prop.setMaxValue(da.max()); if (comment != null) prop.setComment( NEW_LINE.join(new String[] { comment, "Min: " + da.min(), "Max: " + da.max() })); else prop.setComment(NEW_LINE.join(new String[] { "Min: " + da.min(), "Max: " + da.max() })); } //TODO List length values } } private static void set(Object instance, Field f, Object v) { try { f.set(instance, v); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static Object get(Object instance, Field f) { try { return f.get(instance); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static Pattern makePattern(Class<? extends Enum> cls) { List<String> lst = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Enum e : cls.getEnumConstants()) lst.add(; return Pattern.compile(PIPE.join(lst)); } }