Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *   radio reddit for android: mobile app to listen to
 *  Copyright (C) 2011 Bryan Denny
 *  This file is part of "radio reddit for android"
 *  "radio reddit for android" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  "radio reddit for android" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with "radio reddit for android".  If not, see <>.

package net.mandaria.radioreddit.apis;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import net.mandaria.radioreddit.R;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.RadioRedditApplication;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.activities.Settings;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.errors.CustomExceptionHandler;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.objects.RadioEpisode;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.objects.RadioSong;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.objects.RadioStream;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.objects.RadioStreams;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.objects.RedditAccount;
import net.mandaria.radioreddit.utils.HTTPUtil;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONTokener;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Environment;

public class RadioRedditAPI {
    public static RadioStreams GetStreams(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application) {
        RadioStreams radiostreams = new RadioStreams();
        radiostreams.ErrorMessage = "";
        radiostreams.RadioStreams = new ArrayList<RadioStream>();

        try {
            String url = context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_streams);
            String outputStreams = "";
            boolean errorGettingStreams = false;

            try {
                outputStreams = HTTPUtil.get(context, url);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                errorGettingStreams = true;
                radiostreams.ErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification);
                application.radioRedditIsDownErrorMessage = radiostreams.ErrorMessage;
                application.isRadioRedditDown = true;

            if (!errorGettingStreams && outputStreams.length() > 0) {
                JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(outputStreams);
                JSONObject json = new JSONObject(tokener);

                JSONObject streams = json.getJSONObject("streams");
                JSONArray streams_names = streams.names();
                ArrayList<RadioStream> list_radiostreams = new ArrayList<RadioStream>();

                // loop through each stream
                for (int i = 0; i < streams.length(); i++) {
                    String name = streams_names.getString(i);
                    JSONObject stream = streams.getJSONObject(name);

                    RadioStream radiostream = new RadioStream();
                    radiostream.Name = name;
                    // if(stream.has("type"))
                    radiostream.Type = stream.getString("type");
                    radiostream.Description = stream.getString("description");
                    radiostream.Status = stream.getString("status");

                    // call status.json to get Relay
                    // form url + status + json
                    String status_url = context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_base_url) + radiostream.Status
                            + context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_status);

                    String outputStatus = "";
                    boolean errorGettingStatus = false;

                    try {
                        outputStatus = HTTPUtil.get(context, status_url);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        errorGettingStatus = true;
                        radiostreams.ErrorMessage = context

                    //Log.e("RadioReddit", "Length of output: "+ outputStatus.length() + "; Content of output: " + outputStatus);
                    // TODO: does  outputStatus.length() > 0 need to be checked here and return a ErrorMessage back and set ErrorGettingStatus = true? 

                    if (!errorGettingStatus && outputStatus.length() > 0) {
                        JSONTokener status_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputStatus);
                        JSONObject status_json = new JSONObject(status_tokener);

                        radiostream.Online = Boolean.parseBoolean(status_json.getString("online").toLowerCase());

                        if (radiostream.Online == true) // if offline, no other nodes are available
                            radiostream.Relay = status_json.getString("relay");


                // JSON parsing reverses the list for some reason, fixing it...
                if (list_radiostreams.size() > 0) {
                    // Sorting will happen later on select station activity

                    radiostreams.RadioStreams = list_radiostreams;
                    application.isRadioRedditDown = false;
                } else {
                    radiostreams.ErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_NoStreams);
                    application.radioRedditIsDownErrorMessage = radiostreams.ErrorMessage;
                    application.isRadioRedditDown = true;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // We fail to get the streams...
            CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context);

            radiostreams.ErrorMessage = ex.toString();

        return radiostreams;

    public static RadioSong GetCurrentSongInformation(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application) {
        RadioSong radiosong = new RadioSong();
        radiosong.ErrorMessage = "";

        try {
            String status_url = context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_base_url) + application.CurrentStream.Status
                    + context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_status);

            String outputStatus = "";
            boolean errorGettingStatus = false;

            try {
                outputStatus = HTTPUtil.get(context, status_url);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                errorGettingStatus = true;
                // For now, not used. It is acceptable to error out and not alert the user
                // radiosong.ErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification);

            if (!errorGettingStatus && outputStatus.length() > 0) {
                JSONTokener status_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputStatus);
                JSONObject status_json = new JSONObject(status_tokener);

                radiosong.Playlist = status_json.getString("playlist");

                JSONObject songs = status_json.getJSONObject("songs");
                JSONArray songs_array = songs.getJSONArray("song");

                // get the first song in the array
                JSONObject song = songs_array.getJSONObject(0);
                radiosong.ID = song.getInt("id");
                radiosong.Title = song.getString("title");
                radiosong.Artist = song.getString("artist");
                radiosong.Redditor = song.getString("redditor");
                radiosong.Genre = song.getString("genre");
                radiosong.CumulativeScore = song.getString("score");

                if (radiosong.CumulativeScore.equals("{}"))
                    radiosong.CumulativeScore = null;

                radiosong.Reddit_title = song.getString("reddit_title");
                radiosong.Reddit_url = song.getString("reddit_url");
                if (song.has("preview_url"))
                    radiosong.Preview_url = song.getString("preview_url");
                if (song.has("download_url"))
                    radiosong.Download_url = song.getString("download_url");
                if (song.has("bandcamp_link"))
                    radiosong.Bandcamp_link = song.getString("bandcamp_link");
                if (song.has("bandcamp_art"))
                    radiosong.Bandcamp_art = song.getString("bandcamp_art");
                if (song.has("itunes_link"))
                    radiosong.Itunes_link = song.getString("itunes_link");
                if (song.has("itunes_art"))
                    radiosong.Itunes_art = song.getString("itunes_art");
                if (song.has("itunes_price"))
                    radiosong.Itunes_price = song.getString("itunes_price");

                // get vote score 
                String reddit_info_url = context.getString(R.string.reddit_link_by)
                        + URLEncoder.encode(radiosong.Reddit_url);

                String outputRedditInfo = "";
                boolean errorGettingRedditInfo = false;

                try {
                    outputRedditInfo = HTTPUtil.get(context, reddit_info_url);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    errorGettingRedditInfo = true;
                    // For now, not used. It is acceptable to error out and not alert the user
                    // radiosong.ErrorMessage = "Unable to connect to reddit";//context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification);

                if (!errorGettingRedditInfo && outputRedditInfo.length() > 0) {
                    // Log.e("radio_reddit_test", "Length: " + outputRedditInfo.length());
                    // Log.e("radio_reddit_test", "Value: " + outputRedditInfo); // TODO: sometimes the value contains "error: 404", need to check for that. (We can probably safely ignore this for now)
                    JSONTokener reddit_info_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputRedditInfo);
                    JSONObject reddit_info_json = new JSONObject(reddit_info_tokener);

                    JSONObject data = reddit_info_json.getJSONObject("data");

                    // default value of score
                    String score = context.getString(R.string.vote_to_submit_song);
                    String likes = "null";
                    String name = "";

                    JSONArray children_array = data.getJSONArray("children");

                    // Song hasn't been submitted yet
                    if (children_array.length() > 0) {
                        JSONObject children = children_array.getJSONObject(0);

                        JSONObject children_data = children.getJSONObject("data");
                        score = children_data.getString("score");

                        likes = children_data.getString("likes");
                        name = children_data.getString("name");

                    radiosong.Score = score;
                    radiosong.Likes = likes;
                    radiosong.Name = name;
                } else {
                    radiosong.Score = "?";
                    radiosong.Likes = "null";
                    radiosong.Name = "";

                return radiosong;
            return null;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // We fail to get the current song information...
            CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context);

            radiosong.ErrorMessage = ex.toString();
            return radiosong;

    public static RadioEpisode GetCurrentEpisodeInformation(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application) {
        RadioEpisode radioepisode = new RadioEpisode();
        radioepisode.ErrorMessage = "";

        try {
            String status_url = context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_base_url) + application.CurrentStream.Status
                    + context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_status);

            String outputStatus = "";
            boolean errorGettingStatus = false;

            try {
                outputStatus = HTTPUtil.get(context, status_url);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                errorGettingStatus = true;
                // For now, not used. It is acceptable to error out and not alert the user
                // radiosong.ErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification);

            if (!errorGettingStatus && outputStatus.length() > 0) {
                JSONTokener status_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputStatus);
                JSONObject status_json = new JSONObject(status_tokener);

                radioepisode.Playlist = status_json.getString("playlist");

                JSONObject episodes = status_json.getJSONObject("episodes");
                JSONArray episodes_array = episodes.getJSONArray("episode");

                // get the first episode in the array
                JSONObject song = episodes_array.getJSONObject(0);
                radioepisode.ID = song.getInt("id");
                radioepisode.EpisodeTitle = song.getString("episode_title");
                radioepisode.EpisodeDescription = song.getString("episode_description");
                radioepisode.EpisodeKeywords = song.getString("episode_keywords");
                radioepisode.ShowTitle = song.getString("show_title");
                radioepisode.ShowHosts = song.getString("show_hosts").replaceAll(",", ", ");
                radioepisode.ShowRedditors = song.getString("show_redditors").replaceAll(",", ", ");
                radioepisode.ShowGenre = song.getString("show_genre");
                radioepisode.ShowFeed = song.getString("show_feed");
                radioepisode.Reddit_title = song.getString("reddit_title");
                radioepisode.Reddit_url = song.getString("reddit_url");
                if (song.has("preview_url"))
                    radioepisode.Preview_url = song.getString("preview_url");
                if (song.has("download_url"))
                    radioepisode.Download_url = song.getString("download_url");

                // get vote score
                String reddit_info_url = context.getString(R.string.reddit_link_by)
                        + URLEncoder.encode(radioepisode.Reddit_url);

                String outputRedditInfo = "";
                boolean errorGettingRedditInfo = false;

                try {
                    outputRedditInfo = HTTPUtil.get(context, reddit_info_url);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    errorGettingRedditInfo = true;
                    // For now, not used. It is acceptable to error out and not alert the user
                    // radiosong.ErrorMessage = "Unable to connect to reddit";//context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification);

                if (!errorGettingRedditInfo && outputRedditInfo.length() > 0) {
                    // Log.e("radio_reddit_test", "Length: " + outputRedditInfo.length());
                    // Log.e("radio_reddit_test", "Value: " + outputRedditInfo); // TODO: sometimes the value contains "error: 404", need to check for that (We can probably safely ignore this for now)
                    JSONTokener reddit_info_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputRedditInfo);
                    JSONObject reddit_info_json = new JSONObject(reddit_info_tokener);

                    JSONObject data = reddit_info_json.getJSONObject("data");

                    // default value of score
                    String score = context.getString(R.string.vote_to_submit_song);
                    String likes = "null";
                    String name = "";

                    JSONArray children_array = data.getJSONArray("children");

                    // Episode hasn't been submitted yet
                    if (children_array.length() > 0) {
                        JSONObject children = children_array.getJSONObject(0);

                        JSONObject children_data = children.getJSONObject("data");
                        score = children_data.getString("score");

                        likes = children_data.getString("likes");
                        name = children_data.getString("name");

                    radioepisode.Score = score;
                    radioepisode.Likes = likes;
                    radioepisode.Name = name;
                } else {
                    radioepisode.Score = "?";
                    radioepisode.Likes = "null";
                    radioepisode.Name = "";

                return radioepisode;
            return null;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // We fail to get the current song information...
            CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context);

            radioepisode.ErrorMessage = ex.toString();
            return radioepisode;


    public static String VoteOnCurrentlyPlaying(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application, boolean liked,
            String iden, String captcha) {
        String errorMessage = "";
        RedditAccount account = Settings.getRedditAccount(context);

        if (account == null) {
            errorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_YouMustBeLoggedInToVote);
            return errorMessage;

        int voteDirection = 0; // TODO: handle case to rescind vote
        if (liked == true)
            voteDirection = 1;
            voteDirection = -1;

        RadioSong song = null;
        RadioEpisode episode = null;

        //      1. Get most up to date song information (in case cached info is old)
        if (application.CurrentStream.Type.equals("music")) {
            song = RadioRedditAPI.GetCurrentSongInformation(context, application);

            if (song == null)
                return context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemVotingPleaseTryAgain);

            if (!song.ErrorMessage.equals(""))
                return song.ErrorMessage;
        } else if (application.CurrentStream.Type.equals("talk")) {
            episode = RadioRedditAPI.GetCurrentEpisodeInformation(context, application);

            if (episode == null)
                return context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemVotingPleaseTryAgain);

            if (!episode.ErrorMessage.equals(""))
                return episode.ErrorMessage;

        //      2a. If it exist:
        //      a. Get the FULLNAME from reddit and vote on it:

        //      2b. If it exists, but is archived
        //      a. Submit as a new post to be voted on? Or simply say that the song has been archived and cannot be voted on?
        //      b. BUG: apparently the API allows votes on archived posts. This needs to be discussed with reddit admins or similar

        // TODO: return to user that it must be submitted?  e.g. they must accept to submit, so pull the submit into its own function?
        //   3. If it doesn't exist:
        //      a. Try to submit the post
        //      b. If it fails, display error (or CAPTCHA) and try again

        //String title = "Song Title by Song Artist (redditor)";

        // TODO: I don't really like the if else going on here due to currentsong vs currentepisode
        if (application.CurrentStream.Type.equals("music")) {
            if (!song.Name.equals("")) {
                errorMessage = RedditAPI.Vote(context, account, voteDirection, song.Name);
            } else // not yet submitted
                String title = song.Title + " by " + song.Artist + " (" + song.Redditor + ")"; // future note: do not pull "by" into strings.xml, this is used for submission on r/radioreddit
                String url = song.Reddit_url;
                String subreddit = "radioreddit";

                errorMessage = RedditAPI.SubmitLink(context, account, title, url, subreddit, iden, captcha);
                // TODO: if submiting while voting down, vote down after it is submitted?
                //return context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemPleaseTryAgain);

            // 4. After voting/submiting, get the most up to date version of the episode/song again
            song = RadioRedditAPI.GetCurrentSongInformation(context, application);

            if (song != null && song.ErrorMessage.equals("")) {
                application.CurrentSong = song;
        } else if (application.CurrentStream.Type.equals("talk")) {
            if (!episode.Name.equals("")) {
                errorMessage = RedditAPI.Vote(context, account, voteDirection, episode.Name);
            } else // not yet submitted
                String title = episode.ShowTitle + ": " + episode.EpisodeTitle;
                String url = episode.Reddit_url;
                String subreddit = "talkradioreddit";

                errorMessage = RedditAPI.SubmitLink(context, account, title, url, subreddit, iden, captcha);
                // TODO: if submiting while voting down, vote down after it is submitted?
                //return context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemVotingPleaseTryAgain);

            // 4. After voting/submiting, get the most up to date version of the episode/song again
            episode = RadioRedditAPI.GetCurrentEpisodeInformation(context, application);

            if (episode != null && episode.ErrorMessage.equals("")) {
                application.CurrentEpisode = episode;

        return errorMessage;

    public static String VoteOnSong(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application, RadioSong song,
            boolean liked, String iden, String captcha) {
        String errorMessage = "";
        RedditAccount account = Settings.getRedditAccount(context);

        if (account == null) {
            errorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_YouMustBeLoggedInToVote);
            return errorMessage;

        int voteDirection = 0; // TODO: handle case to rescind vote
        if (liked == true)
            voteDirection = 1;
            voteDirection = -1;

        //      1. Get most up to date song information (in case cached info is old)

        // TODO: need to get updated information specific song
        // e.g. if this is a recently played song it was not submitted
        // then we must check and see if someone has submitted it since we have tried to vote on it
        // for top of charts, this isn't necessary as everything has already been submitted. Will re-visit this later
        // Actually: we need to request an API to search for a song to get updated info on it
        // TODO: create a GetVoteInfo function that gets reddit vote info on song to determine if already submitted or not
        // pull GetVoteInfo out of GetCurrentSongInformation
        //song = RadioRedditAPI.GetCurrentSongInformation(context, application);

        if (song == null)
            return context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemVotingPleaseTryAgain);

        if (!song.ErrorMessage.equals(""))
            return song.ErrorMessage;

        //      2a. If it exist:
        //      a. Get the FULLNAME from reddit and vote on it:

        //      2b. If it exists, but is archived
        //      a. Submit as a new post to be voted on? Or simply say that the song has been archived and cannot be voted on?
        //      b. BUG: apparently the API allows votes on archived posts. This needs to be discussed with reddit admins or similar

        // TODO: return to user that it must be submitted?  e.g. they must accept to submit, so pull the submit into its own function?
        //   3. If it doesn't exist:
        //      a. Try to submit the post
        //      b. If it fails, display error (or CAPTCHA) and try again

        //String title = "Song Title by Song Artist (redditor)";

        if (!song.Name.equals("")) {
            errorMessage = RedditAPI.Vote(context, account, voteDirection, song.Name);
        } else // not yet submitted
            String title = song.Title + " by " + song.Artist + " (" + song.Redditor + ")"; // future note: do not pull "by" into strings.xml, this is used for submission on r/radioreddit
            String url = song.Reddit_url;
            String subreddit = "radioreddit";

            errorMessage = RedditAPI.SubmitLink(context, account, title, url, subreddit, iden, captcha);
            // TODO: if submiting while voting down, vote down after it is submitted?
            //return context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemPleaseTryAgain);

        // 4. After voting/submiting, get the most up to date version of the episode/song again
        // TODO: Only do this if the song is currently playing?

        if (application.playBackType.equals("song") && song.Title.equals(application.CurrentSong.Title)) {
            song = RadioRedditAPI.GetSongVoteScore(context, application, song);

            application.CurrentSong = song;

        return errorMessage;

    public static String VoteOnEpisode(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application, RadioEpisode episode,
            boolean liked, String iden, String captcha) {
        String errorMessage = "";
        RedditAccount account = Settings.getRedditAccount(context);

        if (account == null) {
            errorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_YouMustBeLoggedInToVote);
            return errorMessage;

        int voteDirection = 0; // TODO: handle case to rescind vote
        if (liked == true)
            voteDirection = 1;
            voteDirection = -1;

        //      1. Get most up to date song information (in case cached info is old)

        // TODO: need to get updated information specific song
        // e.g. if this is a recently played song it was not submitted
        // then we must check and see if someone has submitted it since we have tried to vote on it
        // for top of charts, this isn't necessary as everything has already been submitted. Will re-visit this later
        // Actually: we need to request an API to search for a song to get updated info on it
        // TODO: create a GetVoteInfo function that gets reddit vote info on song to determine if already submitted or not
        // pull GetVoteInfo out of GetCurrentSongInformation
        //song = RadioRedditAPI.GetCurrentSongInformation(context, application);

        if (episode == null)
            return context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemVotingPleaseTryAgain);

        if (!episode.ErrorMessage.equals(""))
            return episode.ErrorMessage;

        //      2a. If it exist:
        //      a. Get the FULLNAME from reddit and vote on it:

        //      2b. If it exists, but is archived
        //      a. Submit as a new post to be voted on? Or simply say that the song has been archived and cannot be voted on?
        //      b. BUG: apparently the API allows votes on archived posts. This needs to be discussed with reddit admins or similar

        // TODO: return to user that it must be submitted?  e.g. they must accept to submit, so pull the submit into its own function?
        //   3. If it doesn't exist:
        //      a. Try to submit the post
        //      b. If it fails, display error (or CAPTCHA) and try again

        //String title = "Song Title by Song Artist (redditor)";

        if (!episode.Name.equals("")) {
            errorMessage = RedditAPI.Vote(context, account, voteDirection, episode.Name);
        } else // not yet submitted
            String title = episode.ShowTitle + ": " + episode.EpisodeTitle; // future note: do not pull into strings.xml, this is used for submission on r/talkradioreddit
            String url = episode.Reddit_url;
            String subreddit = "talkradioreddit";

            errorMessage = RedditAPI.SubmitLink(context, account, title, url, subreddit, iden, captcha);
            // TODO: if submiting while voting down, vote down after it is submitted?
            //return context.getString(R.string.error_ThereWasAProblemPleaseTryAgain);

        // 4. After voting/submiting, get the most up to date version of the episode/song again
        // TODO: Only do this if the song is currently playing?

        if (application.playBackType.equals("episode")
                && episode.EpisodeTitle.equals(application.CurrentEpisode.EpisodeTitle)) {
            episode = RadioRedditAPI.GetEpisodeVoteScore(context, application, episode);

            application.CurrentEpisode = episode;

        return errorMessage;

    public static List<RadioSong> GetTopChartsByType(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application,
            String type) {
        List<RadioSong> radiosongs = new ArrayList<RadioSong>();

        try {
            String chart_url = "";

            if (type.equals("all"))
                chart_url = context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_charts_all);
            else if (type.equals("month"))
                chart_url = context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_charts_month);
            else if (type.equals("week"))
                chart_url = context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_charts_week);
            else if (type.equals("day"))
                chart_url = context.getString(R.string.radio_reddit_charts_day);

            // TODO: might could merge this code with GetCurrentSongInformation

            String outputStatus = "";
            boolean errorGettingStatus = false;

            try {
                outputStatus = HTTPUtil.get(context, chart_url);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                errorGettingStatus = true;
                // For now, not used. It is acceptable to error out and not alert the user
                // radiosong.ErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification);

            if (!errorGettingStatus && outputStatus.length() > 0) {
                JSONTokener status_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputStatus);
                JSONObject status_json = new JSONObject(status_tokener);

                JSONObject songs = status_json.getJSONObject("songs");
                JSONArray songs_array = songs.getJSONArray("song");

                // get the first song in the array
                for (int i = 0; i < songs_array.length(); i++) {
                    RadioSong radiosong = new RadioSong();
                    radiosong.ErrorMessage = "";

                    JSONObject song = songs_array.getJSONObject(i);
                    //radiosong.ID = song.getInt("id");
                    radiosong.Title = song.getString("title");
                    radiosong.Artist = song.getString("artist");
                    radiosong.Redditor = song.getString("redditor");
                    radiosong.Genre = song.getString("genre");
                    //radiosong.CumulativeScore = song.getString("score");

                    //   radiosong.CumulativeScore = null;   

                    radiosong.Reddit_title = song.getString("reddit_title");
                    radiosong.Reddit_url = song.getString("reddit_url");
                    if (song.has("preview_url"))
                        radiosong.Preview_url = song.getString("preview_url");
                    if (song.has("download_url"))
                        radiosong.Download_url = song.getString("download_url");
                    if (song.has("bandcamp_link"))
                        radiosong.Bandcamp_link = song.getString("bandcamp_link");
                    if (song.has("bandcamp_art"))
                        radiosong.Bandcamp_art = song.getString("bandcamp_art");
                    if (song.has("itunes_link"))
                        radiosong.Itunes_link = song.getString("itunes_link");
                    if (song.has("itunes_art"))
                        radiosong.Itunes_art = song.getString("itunes_art");
                    if (song.has("itunes_price"))
                        radiosong.Itunes_price = song.getString("itunes_price");

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // We fail to get the current song information...
            CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context);

            // TODO: return error message?? Might need to wrap List<RadioSong> in an object that has an ErrorMessage data member
            //radiosong.ErrorMessage = ex.toString();
            //return radiosong;
        return radiosongs;

    public static RadioSong GetSongVoteScore(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application,
            RadioSong radiosong) {
        try {
            // get vote score 
            String reddit_info_url = context.getString(R.string.reddit_link_by)
                    + URLEncoder.encode(radiosong.Reddit_url);

            String outputRedditInfo = "";
            boolean errorGettingRedditInfo = false;

            try {
                outputRedditInfo = HTTPUtil.get(context, reddit_info_url);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                errorGettingRedditInfo = true;
                // For now, not used. It is acceptable to error out and not alert the user
                // radiosong.ErrorMessage = "Unable to connect to reddit";//context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification);

            if (!errorGettingRedditInfo && outputRedditInfo.length() > 0) {
                // Log.e("radio_reddit_test", "Length: " + outputRedditInfo.length());
                // Log.e("radio_reddit_test", "Value: " + outputRedditInfo); // TODO: sometimes the value contains "error: 404", need to check for that. (We can probably safely ignore this for now)
                JSONTokener reddit_info_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputRedditInfo);
                JSONObject reddit_info_json = new JSONObject(reddit_info_tokener);

                JSONObject data = reddit_info_json.getJSONObject("data");

                // default value of score
                String score = context.getString(R.string.vote_to_submit_song);
                String likes = "null";
                String name = "";

                JSONArray children_array = data.getJSONArray("children");

                // Song hasn't been submitted yet
                if (children_array.length() > 0) {
                    JSONObject children = children_array.getJSONObject(0);

                    JSONObject children_data = children.getJSONObject("data");
                    score = children_data.getString("score");

                    likes = children_data.getString("likes");
                    name = children_data.getString("name");

                radiosong.Score = score;
                radiosong.Likes = likes;
                radiosong.Name = name;
            } else {
                radiosong.Score = "?";
                radiosong.Likes = "null";
                radiosong.Name = "";
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // We fail to get the vote information...
            CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context);

            // return error message??
            radiosong.ErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_GettingVoteInformation);
            //return radiosong;

        return radiosong;

    public static RadioEpisode GetEpisodeVoteScore(Context context, RadioRedditApplication application,
            RadioEpisode radioepisode) {
        try {
            // get vote score 
            String reddit_info_url = context.getString(R.string.reddit_link_by)
                    + URLEncoder.encode(radioepisode.Reddit_url);

            String outputRedditInfo = "";
            boolean errorGettingRedditInfo = false;

            try {
                outputRedditInfo = HTTPUtil.get(context, reddit_info_url);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                errorGettingRedditInfo = true;
                // For now, not used. It is acceptable to error out and not alert the user
                // radiosong.ErrorMessage = "Unable to connect to reddit";//context.getString(R.string.error_RadioRedditServerIsDownNotification);

            if (!errorGettingRedditInfo && outputRedditInfo.length() > 0) {
                // Log.e("radio_reddit_test", "Length: " + outputRedditInfo.length());
                // Log.e("radio_reddit_test", "Value: " + outputRedditInfo); // TODO: sometimes the value contains "error: 404", need to check for that. (We can probably safely ignore this for now)
                JSONTokener reddit_info_tokener = new JSONTokener(outputRedditInfo);
                JSONObject reddit_info_json = new JSONObject(reddit_info_tokener);

                JSONObject data = reddit_info_json.getJSONObject("data");

                // default value of score
                String score = context.getString(R.string.vote_to_submit_song);
                String likes = "null";
                String name = "";

                JSONArray children_array = data.getJSONArray("children");

                // Song hasn't been submitted yet
                if (children_array.length() > 0) {
                    JSONObject children = children_array.getJSONObject(0);

                    JSONObject children_data = children.getJSONObject("data");
                    score = children_data.getString("score");

                    likes = children_data.getString("likes");
                    name = children_data.getString("name");

                radioepisode.Score = score;
                radioepisode.Likes = likes;
                radioepisode.Name = name;
            } else {
                radioepisode.Score = "?";
                radioepisode.Likes = "null";
                radioepisode.Name = "";
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            // We fail to get the vote information...
            CustomExceptionHandler ceh = new CustomExceptionHandler(context);

            // return error message??
            radioepisode.ErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_GettingVoteInformation);
            //return radiosong;

        return radioepisode;

    public static void Download(Context context, RadioSong song, RadioEpisode episode) {
        String downloadURL = "";
        String title = "";
        String description = "radio reddit";

        String songTitle = context.getString(R.string.app_name);
        String songArtist = "";
        String filename = "";

        if (song != null && song.Download_url != null) {
            if (song.Title != null)
                songTitle = song.Title;
            if (song.Artist != null && song.Redditor != null)
                songArtist = song.Artist + " (" + song.Redditor + ")";

            downloadURL = song.Download_url;
        } else if (episode != null && episode.Download_url != null) {
            if (episode.EpisodeTitle != null)
                songTitle = episode.EpisodeTitle;
            if (episode.ShowTitle != null)
                songArtist = episode.ShowTitle;

            downloadURL = episode.Download_url;

        title = songTitle + " by " + songArtist;

        filename = songArtist + " " + songTitle + ".mp3";
        filename = filename.replace(" ", "_");

        if (!downloadURL.equals("")) {
            DownloadManager downloadManager = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
            Uri uri = Uri.parse(downloadURL);

            File path = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_MUSIC);
            path = new File(path, "radioreddit");

            DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(uri);

            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) {

                    .setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_MUSIC, "/radioreddit/" + filename);

            long lastDownload = -1L;
            lastDownload = downloadManager.enqueue(request);
