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 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * See LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
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 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Nicholas DeMarinis, Matthew Heon, and Dolan Murvihill

package net.lldp.checksims.algorithm.linesimilarity;

import net.lldp.checksims.algorithm.AlgorithmResults;
import net.lldp.checksims.algorithm.InternalAlgorithmError;
import net.lldp.checksims.algorithm.SimilarityDetector;
import net.lldp.checksims.parse.SubmissionPercentableCalculator;
import net.lldp.checksims.parse.token.PercentableTokenListDecorator;
import net.lldp.checksims.parse.token.SubmissionTokenizer;
import net.lldp.checksims.parse.token.Token;
import net.lldp.checksims.parse.token.TokenList;
import net.lldp.checksims.parse.token.TokenType;
import net.lldp.checksims.parse.token.TokenTypeMismatchException;
import net.lldp.checksims.parse.token.tokenizer.Tokenizer;
import net.lldp.checksims.submission.Submission;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;

import java.util.*;

import static;

 * Implements a line-by-line similarity checker.
public final class LineSimilarityChecker extends SimilarityDetector<PercentableTokenListDecorator> { // TODO LINE
    private static LineSimilarityChecker instance;

     * Internal class for record-keeping - used to record a line at a specific location in a submission.
    class SubmissionLine {
        public final int lineNum;
        public final Submission submission;

        SubmissionLine(int lineNum, Submission submission) {
            this.lineNum = lineNum;
            this.submission = submission;

        public String toString() {
            return "Line " + lineNum + " from submission with name " + submission.getName();

    private LineSimilarityChecker() {

    // Singleton
    public static LineSimilarityChecker getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new LineSimilarityChecker();

        return instance;

    public String getName() {
        return "linecompare";

    public SubmissionPercentableCalculator<PercentableTokenListDecorator> getPercentableCalculator() {
        return new SubmissionTokenizer(Tokenizer.getTokenizer(TokenType.LINE));

     * Detect similarities using line similarity comparator.
     * @param a First submission to check
     * @param b Second submission to check
     * @return Results of the similarity detection
     * @throws TokenTypeMismatchException Thrown comparing two submissions with different token types
     * @throws InternalAlgorithmError Thrown on error obtaining a hash algorithm instance
    public AlgorithmResults detectSimilarity(Pair<Submission, Submission> ab, PercentableTokenListDecorator a,
            PercentableTokenListDecorator b) throws TokenTypeMismatchException, InternalAlgorithmError {

        //TokenList linesA = a.getContentAsTokens();
        //TokenList linesB = b.getContentAsTokens();
        //TokenList finalA = TokenList.cloneTokenList(linesA);
        //TokenList finalB = TokenList.cloneTokenList(linesB);

        if(!a.getTokenType().equals(b.getTokenType())) {
        throw new TokenTypeMismatchException("Token list type mismatch: submission " + a.getName() + " has type " +
                linesA.type.toString() + ", while submission " + b.getName() + " has type "
                + linesB.type.toString());
        } else

        if (a.equals(b)) {
            a.getDataCopy().stream().forEach((token) -> token.setValid(false));
            b.getDataCopy().stream().forEach((token) -> token.setValid(false));
            return new AlgorithmResults(ab, a, b);

        MessageDigest hasher;

        // Get a hashing instance
        try {
            hasher = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new InternalAlgorithmError("Error instantiating SHA-512 hash algorithm: " + e.getMessage());

        // Create a line database map
        // Per-method basis to ensure we have no mutable state in the class
        Map<String, List<SubmissionLine>> lineDatabase = new HashMap<>();

        // Hash all lines in A, and put them in the lines database
        addLinesToMap(a.getDataCopy(), lineDatabase, ab.getLeft(), hasher);

        // Hash all lines in B, and put them in the lines database
        addLinesToMap(b.getDataCopy(), lineDatabase, ab.getRight(), hasher);

        // Number of matched lines contained in both
        //int identicalLinesA = 0;
        //int identicalLinesB = 0;

        // Check all the keys
        for (String key : lineDatabase.keySet()) {

            // If more than 1 line has the hash...
            if (lineDatabase.get(key).size() != 1) {
                int numLinesA = 0;
                int numLinesB = 0;

                // Count the number of that line in each submission
                for (SubmissionLine s : lineDatabase.get(key)) {
                    if (s.submission.equals(ab.getLeft())) {
                    } else if (s.submission.equals(ab.getRight())) {
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unreachable code!");

                if (numLinesA == 0 || numLinesB == 0) {
                    // Only one of the submissions includes the line - no plagiarism here

                // Set matches invalid
                for (SubmissionLine s : lineDatabase.get(key)) {
                    if (s.submission.equals(ab.getLeft())) {
                    } else if (s.submission.equals(ab.getRight())) {
                    } else {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Unreachable code!");

                //identicalLinesA += numLinesA;
                //identicalLinesB += numLinesB;

        //int invalTokensA = (int)a.getDataCopy().stream().filter((token) -> !token.isValid()).count();
        //int invalTokensB = (int)b.getDataCopy().stream().filter((token) -> !token.isValid()).count();

        if(invalTokensA != identicalLinesA) {
        throw new InternalAlgorithmError("Internal error: number of identical tokens (" + identicalLinesA
                + ") does not match number of invalid tokens (" + invalTokensA + ")");
        } else if(invalTokensB != identicalLinesB) {
        throw new InternalAlgorithmError("Internal error: number of identical tokens (" + identicalLinesB
                + ") does not match number of invalid tokens (" + invalTokensB + ")");

        return new AlgorithmResults(ab, a, b);

    void addLinesToMap(TokenList lines, Map<String, List<SubmissionLine>> lineDatabase, Submission submitter,
            MessageDigest hasher) {
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) {
            Token token = lines.get(i);

            String hash = Hex.encodeHexString(hasher.digest(token.getTokenAsString().getBytes()));

            if (lineDatabase.get(hash) == null) {
                lineDatabase.put(hash, new ArrayList<>());

            SubmissionLine line = new SubmissionLine(i, submitter);

    public int hashCode() {
        return this.getName().hashCode();

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        return other instanceof LineSimilarityChecker;