Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.grpc.ManagedChannel; import io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder; import io.grpc.auth.ClientAuthInterceptor; import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import static org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender.SYSTEM_OUT; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout; /** * Copy from * speech/grpc/src/main/java/com/examples/cloud/speech/ * and some changes. */ public class StreamingRecognizeClient { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(StreamingRecognizeClient.class.getName()); private final AudioRecorder recorder = AudioRecorder.getDefault(); private StreamObserver<StreamingRecognizeRequest> requestObserver; private int notSoundCount = 0; private final ManagedChannel channel; private final SpeechGrpc.SpeechStub speechClient; private static final List<String> OAUTH2_SCOPES = Arrays .asList(""); private static final String CREDENTIAL_PATH = ".\\credential\\SpeechTest-d2316e38bee3.json"; private final Queue<ByteString> byteStringQueue = new ArrayDeque<>(); /** * Construct client connecting to Cloud Speech server at {@code host:port}. */ public StreamingRecognizeClient(ManagedChannel channel) throws IOException { = channel; speechClient = SpeechGrpc.newStub(channel); // Send log4j logs to Console // If you are going to run this on GCE, you might wish to integrate with // google-cloud-java logging. See: // ConsoleAppender appender = new ConsoleAppender(new SimpleLayout(), SYSTEM_OUT); logger.addAppender(appender); } public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException { channel.shutdown().awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public static ManagedChannel createChannel(String host, int port) throws IOException { //GoogleCredentials creds = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault(); GoogleCredentials creds = GoogleCredentials.fromStream(new FileInputStream(CREDENTIAL_PATH)); creds = creds.createScoped(OAUTH2_SCOPES); ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(host, port) .intercept(new ClientAuthInterceptor(creds, Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor())).build(); return channel; } /** Send streaming recognize requests to server. */ public void recognize() throws InterruptedException, IOException { final AudioRecorder recorder = AudioRecorder.getDefault(); final StopWatch stopwatch = new StopWatch(); final CountDownLatch finishLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); StreamObserver<StreamingRecognizeResponse> responseObserver = new StreamObserver<StreamingRecognizeResponse>() { private int sentenceLength = 1; /** * Prints the transcription results. Interim results are overwritten by subsequent * results, until a final one is returned, at which point we start a new line. * * Flags the program to exit when it hears "exit". */ @Override public void onNext(StreamingRecognizeResponse response) { byteStringQueue.clear(); stopwatch.reset(); List<StreamingRecognitionResult> results = response.getResultsList(); if (results.size() < 1) { return; } StreamingRecognitionResult result = results.get(0); String transcript = result.getAlternatives(0).getTranscript(); // Print interim results with a line feed, so subsequent transcriptions will overwrite // it. Final result will print a newline. String format = "%-" + this.sentenceLength + 's'; format += " (" + result.getAlternatives(0).getConfidence() + ") "; if (result.getIsFinal()) { format += '\n'; this.sentenceLength = 1; finishLatch.countDown(); } else { format += '\r'; this.sentenceLength = transcript.length(); } System.out.print(String.format(format, transcript)); } @Override public void onError(Throwable error) { logger.log(Level.ERROR, "recognize failed: {0}", error); finishLatch.countDown(); } @Override public void onCompleted() {"recognize completed."); finishLatch.countDown(); } }; this.requestObserver = this.speechClient.streamingRecognize(responseObserver); try { // Build and send a StreamingRecognizeRequest containing the parameters for // processing the audio. RecognitionConfig config = RecognitionConfig.newBuilder() .setEncoding(RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16).setSampleRate(recorder.getSamplingRate()) .setLanguageCode("ja-JP").build(); StreamingRecognitionConfig streamingConfig = StreamingRecognitionConfig.newBuilder().setConfig(config) .setInterimResults(true).setSingleUtterance(false).build(); StreamingRecognizeRequest initial = StreamingRecognizeRequest.newBuilder() .setStreamingConfig(streamingConfig).build(); requestObserver.onNext(initial); while (this.byteStringQueue.size() > 0) { ByteString data = this.byteStringQueue.poll(); this.request(data); } // Read and send sequential buffers of audio as additional RecognizeRequests. while (finishLatch.getCount() > 0 && { if (recorder.isSound()) { ByteString data = this.recorder.getBufferAsByteString(); this.byteStringQueue.add(data); if (!stopwatch.isStarted()) { stopwatch.start(); } else if (stopwatch.getTime() > 2000) { this.byteStringQueue.clear(); break; } this.request(data); } else { this.notSoundCount++; if (this.notSoundCount >= 3) { // stop recognizition break; } } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Cancel RPC. requestObserver.onError(e); throw e; } // Mark the end of requests. requestObserver.onCompleted(); // Receiving happens asynchronously. finishLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } private void request(ByteString data) { StreamingRecognizeRequest request = StreamingRecognizeRequest.newBuilder().setAudioContent(data).build(); this.requestObserver.onNext(request); this.notSoundCount = 0; } }