Java tutorial
/* Life 2.0 Backoffice code Copyright (C) 2014 - Fundaci i2CAT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.DAO.PlatformUserDAO; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.DAO.StatsDAO; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.model.JQueryDataTableParamModel; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.model.Pair; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.model.PlatformUser; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.model.Region; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.util.PasswordGenerator; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.Activity; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.Category; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.FilteringPrefs; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.ObjStats; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.Offer; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.Regions; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.Request; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.Service; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.Skill; import net.i2cat.csade.life2.backoffice.clientws.b.engservice.Status; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONException; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; public class StatisticsManager { public final String STATE_ALL = "all"; public final String STATE_ACTIVE = "active"; public final String STATE_PAST = "past"; public final String STATE_ALWAYS = "always"; StatsDAO sd = null; SimpleDateFormat df; PlatformUserDAO userDAO; public StatisticsManager() { = new StatsDAO(); userDAO = new PlatformUserDAO(); df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); } /** * Returns number of connections thru different hours in one day * @return */ public String getDatosConexiones() { ObjStats[] st = null; ArrayList<Pair> datos = new ArrayList<Pair>(); try { String sql = "SELECT Hour(t2.dTime) as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,\"\" as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT + ") AS t2 GROUP BY Hour(t2.dTime) ORDER BY Hour(t2.dTime)"; st = sd.listStatsSQL(sql); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { datos.add(new Pair("" + st[i].getIdStat(), st[i].getIEvent())); } return datos.toString(); } /** * Returns the number of logins in the last xx days, grouped by day * @param days * @return */ public String getDatosConexionesDia(int days, int role, String lng) { ObjStats[] st = null; String sql; ArrayList<Pair> datos = new ArrayList<Pair>(); Pair p; try { if (role >= 0 && !"all".equals(lng)) sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,DATE(dTime) as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` INNER JOIN user_profile ON user_profile.Login=`Stat`.User_login AND user_profile.Role=" + role + " AND user_profile.Language like '" + lng + "' WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT + " and DATE(dTime)<=CURDATE() and (DATE(dTime)>DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -" + days + " DAY)) ) AS t2 GROUP BY DATE(dTime)"; else if (role >= 0) sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,DATE(dTime) as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` INNER JOIN user_profile ON user_profile.Login=`Stat`.User_login AND user_profile.Role=" + role + " WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT + " and DATE(dTime)<=CURDATE() and (DATE(dTime)>DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -" + days + " DAY)) ) AS t2 GROUP BY DATE(dTime)"; else if (!"all".equals(lng)) sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,DATE(dTime) as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` INNER JOIN user_profile ON user_profile.Login=`Stat`.User_login AND user_profile.Language like '" + lng + "' WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT + " and DATE(dTime)<=CURDATE() and (DATE(dTime)>DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -" + days + " DAY)) ) AS t2 GROUP BY DATE(dTime)"; else sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,DATE(dTime) as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT + " and DATE(dTime)<=CURDATE() and (DATE(dTime)>DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -" + days + " DAY)) ) AS t2 GROUP BY DATE(dTime)"; st = sd.listStatsSQL(sql); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { datos.add(new Pair(this.weDontSpeakAmericano(st[i].getDTime()), st[i].getIEvent())); } return datos.toString(); } /** * Returns the necessary data to build a pie with the tipe of connections * @return */ public String getDatosDispositivos() { int iPads = 0, androids = 0, others = 0; try { androids = sd.countStats(" Event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT + " and Device like '%ndroid%' "); // iPads = sd.countStats("Event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT + " and Device like '%iPad%'"); others = sd.countStats(" Event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT) + (-androids) + (-iPads); } catch (RemoteException e) { iPads = 0; androids = 0; others = 0; e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { iPads = 0; androids = 0; others = 0; e.printStackTrace(); } Pair p1 = new Pair("Ipad connections", iPads); Pair p2 = new Pair("Android connections", androids); Pair p3 = new Pair("PCs and others", others); ArrayList<Pair> datos = new ArrayList<Pair>(); datos.add(p1); datos.add(p2); datos.add(p3); return datos.toString(); } public String getDatosProfiles() { ObjStats[] st = null; ArrayList<Pair> datos = new ArrayList<Pair>(); HashMap<Integer, Pair> hm = new HashMap<Integer, Pair>(); Pair p; try { String sql = "SELECT t2.role as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,null as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT s.*,u.role FROM Stat AS s INNER JOIN user_profile AS u ON s.User_login=u.Login AND s.event=" + StatsDAO.LOGIN_EVENT + " ) AS t2 GROUP BY (role)"; st = sd.listStatsSQL(sql); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { if (!hm.containsKey(new Integer(st[i].getIdStat()))) { datos.add(new Pair(PlatformUser.roleNames[st[i].getIdStat()], st[i].getIEvent())); hm.put(new Integer(st[i].getIdStat()), new Pair(PlatformUser.roleNames[st[i].getIdStat()], st[i].getIEvent())); } else { Pair anterior = hm.get(new Integer(st[i].getIdStat())); datos.remove(anterior); anterior = new Pair(PlatformUser.roleNames[st[i].getIdStat()], anterior.getValue() + st[i].getIEvent()); datos.add(anterior); hm.put(new Integer(st[i].getIdStat()), anterior); } } return datos.toString(); } public String getDatosNewUsersByDay(int days, int role, String lng) { ObjStats[] st = null; ArrayList<Pair> datos = new ArrayList<Pair>(); Pair p; String sql; try { if (role >= 0 && !"all".equals(lng)) sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,DATE(dTime) as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` INNER JOIN user_profile ON user_profile.Login=`Stat`.User_login AND user_profile.Role=" + role + " AND user_profile.Language like '" + lng + "' WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.USER_ADDED + " and DATE(dTime)<=CURDATE() and (DATE(dTime)>DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -" + days + " DAY)) ) AS t2 GROUP BY DATE(dTime)"; else if (role >= 0) sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,DATE(dTime) as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` INNER JOIN user_profile ON user_profile.Login=`Stat`.User_login AND user_profile.Role=" + role + " WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.USER_ADDED + " and DATE(dTime)<=CURDATE() and (DATE(dTime)>DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -" + days + " DAY)) ) AS t2 GROUP BY DATE(dTime)"; else if (!"all".equals(lng)) sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,DATE(dTime) as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` INNER JOIN user_profile ON user_profile.Login=`Stat`.User_login AND user_profile.Language like '" + lng + "' WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.USER_ADDED + " and DATE(dTime)<=CURDATE() and (DATE(dTime)>DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -" + days + " DAY)) ) AS t2 GROUP BY DATE(dTime)"; else sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,count(*) as Event,\"\" as User_login,DATE(dTime) as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,\"\" as query,0 as lng FROM (SELECT * FROM `Stat` WHERE event=" + StatsDAO.USER_ADDED + " and DATE(dTime)<=CURDATE() and (DATE(dTime)>DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -" + days + " DAY)) ) AS t2 GROUP BY DATE(dTime)"; st = sd.listStatsSQL(sql); } catch (RemoteException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < st.length; i++) { datos.add(new Pair(this.weDontSpeakAmericano(st[i].getDTime()), st[i].getIEvent())); } return datos.toString(); } public String getDatosEventsPost(int numDays) { ArrayList<Pair> datos = new ArrayList<Pair>(); int num; Pair p; Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat americano = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); try { for (int i = (-1 * numDays); i <= 0; i++) { c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.DATE, i); num = sd.countActivities(" adddate(date(curdate())," + i + ") = date(deadline)"); //num+=(int)(10.0* Math.random()); p = new Pair(americano.format(c.getTime()), num); datos.add(p); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return datos.toString(); } public String getDatosHelpRequested() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public String getDatosHelpOffered() { ArrayList<Pair> datos = new ArrayList<Pair>(); try { Category[] categories = sd.listCategories("", 0, 0, ""); Pair pair = null; int num; for (Category c : categories) { num = sd.countOffers("category_id=" + c.getCategory_id()); if (num > 0) { pair = new Pair(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_name()) + " (" + num + ")", num); datos.add(pair); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return datos.toString(); } public String getDatosHelpReceived() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public JSONObject getListByCategoriesJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Category[] result = null; JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); int total = 0; String login = ""; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "category_name like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or category_description like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' "; } if (!showAll) login = param.login; result = sd.listCategories(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countCategories(login); else total = sd.countCategories(filter, login); if (!"***".equals(login) && result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Category c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); filter = "category_id=" + c.getCategory_id(); //Comptem //int numReq= sd.countRequests( filter,login); int numOff = sd.countOffers(filter, login); //int numServ=sd.countServices( filter,login); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_name())); //row.add(""+numReq); row.add("" + numOff); //row.add(""+numServ); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", 0); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", 0); jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getListActivitiesByCategoriesJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Category[] result = null; JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); int total = 0; String login = ""; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "category_name like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or category_description like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' "; } if (!showAll) login = param.login; result = sd.listActCategories(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countActCategories(login); else total = sd.countActCategories(filter, login); if (result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Category c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); filter = "category_id=" + c.getCategory_id(); //Comptem int numAct = sd.countActivities(filter, login); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_name())); row.add("" + numAct); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getListServicesByCategoriesJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Category[] result = null; JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); int total = 0; String login = ""; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "category_name like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or category_description like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' "; } if (!showAll) login = param.login; result = sd.listCompCategories(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countCompCategories(login); else total = sd.countActCategories(filter, login); if (result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Category c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); filter = "category_id=" + c.getCategory_id(); //Comptem int numAct = sd.countServices(filter, login); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_name())); row.add("" + numAct); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } /****************************************************/ /* CATEGORIES */ /* */ /****************************************************/ public JSONObject getCategory(String id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Category[] result = null; result = sd.listCategories("category_id=" + id, 0, 0, ""); JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); if (result != null && result.length > 0) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getCategory_id()); row.add(result[0].getCategory_name()); if (result[0].getCategory_desc() != null) row.add(result[0].getCategory_desc()); else row.add(""); row.add("" + result[0].getStatus()); row.add(result[0].getLng()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("category whith id " + id + " not found"); return jso; } public JSONObject getListCategoriesJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Category[] result = null; String[] statuses = { "SError", "Submitted", "Pending", "Pending Approval", "Accepted", "Closed", "Rejected", "Rejected", "Rejected" }; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "category_name like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or category_description like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' "; } int total = 0; String login = ""; if (!showAll) login = param.login; if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countCategories(login); else total = sd.countCategories(filter, login); result = sd.listCategories(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Category c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormCategory('" + c.getCategory_id() + "');\">" + c.getCategory_id() + "</a>"); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_name())); if (c.getCategory_desc() != null) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_desc())); else row.add(""); row.add(statuses[c.getStatus()]); row.add(c.getLng()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public int saveCategory(String login, int id, String name, int status, String description) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.saveCategory(login, id, name, status, description); } public int deleteCategory(String login, int id, String name, String description) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.deleteCategory(login, id, name, description); } /****************************************************/ /* ACTIVITY CATEGORIES */ /* */ /****************************************************/ public JSONObject getActCategory(String id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Category[] result = null; result = sd.listActCategories("category_id=" + id, 0, 0, ""); JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); if (result != null && result.length > 0) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getCategory_id()); row.add(result[0].getCategory_name()); if (result[0].getCategory_desc() != null) row.add(result[0].getCategory_desc()); else row.add(""); row.add("" + result[0].getStatus()); row.add(result[0].getLng()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("category whith id " + id + " not found"); return jso; } public JSONObject getListActCategoriesJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Category[] result = null; String[] statuses = { "SError", "Submitted", "Pending", "Pending Approval", "Accepted", "Closed", "Rejected", "Rejected", "Rejected" }; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "category_name like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or category_desc like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' "; } int total = 0; String login = ""; if (!showAll) login = param.login; if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countActCategories(login); else total = sd.countActCategories(filter, login); result = sd.listActCategories(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Category c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormActCategory('" + c.getCategory_id() + "');\">" + c.getCategory_id() + "</a>"); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_name())); if (c.getCategory_desc() != null) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_desc())); else row.add(""); row.add(statuses[c.getStatus()]); row.add(c.getLng()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public int saveActCategory(String login, int id, String name, int status, String description) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.saveActCategory(login, id, name, status, description); } public int deleteActCategory(String login, int id, String name, String description) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.deleteActCategory(login, id, name, description); } /****************************************************/ /* COMPANY SERVICES CATEGORIES */ /* */ /****************************************************/ public JSONObject getCompCategory(String id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Category[] result = null; result = sd.listCompCategories("category_id=" + id, 0, 0, ""); JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); if (result != null && result.length > 0) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getCategory_id()); row.add(result[0].getCategory_name()); if (result[0].getCategory_desc() != null) row.add(result[0].getCategory_desc()); else row.add(""); row.add("" + result[0].getStatus()); row.add(result[0].getLng()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("category whith id " + id + " not found"); return jso; } public JSONObject getListCompCategoriesJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Category[] result = null; String[] statuses = { "SError", "Submitted", "Pending", "Pending Approval", "Accepted", "Closed", "Rejected", "Rejected", "Rejected" }; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "category_name like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or category_desc like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' "; } int total = 0; String login = ""; if (!showAll) login = param.login; if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countCompCategories(login); else total = sd.countCompCategories(filter, login); result = sd.listCompCategories(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Category c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormCompCategory('" + c.getCategory_id() + "');\">" + c.getCategory_id() + "</a>"); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_name())); if (c.getCategory_desc() != null) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getCategory_desc())); else row.add(""); row.add(statuses[c.getStatus()]); row.add(c.getLng()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public int saveCompCategory(String login, int id, String name, int status, String description) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.saveCompCategory(login, id, name, status, description); } public int deleteCompCategory(String login, int id, String name, String description) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.deleteCompCategory(login, id, name, description); } /****************************************************/ /* SERVICES */ /* */ /****************************************************/ public JSONObject getListServicesJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll, String state) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Service[] result = null; String filter = ""; String cat_name; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "detailed_info like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or short_Description like '%" + param.sSearch + "%'"; if (STATE_ACTIVE.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline>=Now()"; else if (STATE_PAST.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline<Now()"; else if (STATE_ALWAYS.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline IS NULL"; } else { if (STATE_ACTIVE.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline>=Now() OR Deadline IS NULL "; else if (STATE_PAST.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline<Now()"; else if (STATE_ALWAYS.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline IS NULL"; } int total = 0; String login = ""; if (!showAll) login = param.login; if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countServices(login); else total = sd.countServices(filter, login); result = sd.listServices(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (!"***".equals(login) && result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Service req : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormService('" + req.getId() + "');\">" + req.getId() + "</a>"); cat_name = getNameCompCategory(req.getCategory()); if (cat_name != null && !"".equals(cat_name)) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(cat_name)); else row.add("" + req.getCategory()); //row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( getNameCompCategory(req.getCategory()))); String promoter = this.getDataPromoter(req.getPromoter_id()); if (promoter != null) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(promoter)); else row.add("" + req.getPromoter_id()); if (req.getShort_Description() != null) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getShort_Description())); //StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( else row.add(""); if (req.getDetailed_info() != null) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getDetailed_info())); else row.add(""); row.add((req.getWhen_c())); row.add((req.getWhere_c() != null ? req.getWhere_c().replace("/", "/ ") : "")); if (req.getDeadline() != null) if (req.getDeadline().getTime().getTime() > 0) row.add(df.format(req.getDeadline().getTime())); else row.add("No caducity"); else row.add(""); row.add(req.getAverage_mark() + ""); row.add(req.getVotes() + ""); row.add(req.getDistance() + ""); row.add("" + req.getLng()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", 0); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", 0); jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getService(String service_id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Service[] result = null; result = sd.listServices("Offer_id=" + service_id, 0, 0, ""); JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); if (result != null && result.length > 0) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getId()); String promoter = this.getDataPromoter("" + result[0].getPromoter_id()); if (promoter != null) row.add(promoter); else row.add(result[0].getPromoter_id()); row.add(result[0].getCategory()); if (result[0].getShort_Description() != null) row.add(result[0].getShort_Description()); else row.add(""); if (result[0].getDetailed_info() != null) row.add(result[0].getDetailed_info()); else row.add(""); row.add(result[0].getWhen_c()); row.add(result[0].getWhere_c()); if (result[0].getDeadline() != null) if (result[0].getDeadline().getTime().getTime() > 0) row.add(df.format(result[0].getDeadline().getTime())); else row.add(""); else row.add(""); row.add(result[0].getAverage_mark()); row.add(result[0].getVotes()); row.add(result[0].getLng()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("service whith id " + service_id + " not found"); return jso; } public int saveService(String login, int idOffer, String category_id, String short_description, String description, String when, String where, String dateTime) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { Calendar deadline = Calendar.getInstance(); if (dateTime == null || "".equals(dateTime)) { deadline.set(1, 0, 1); return sd.saveService(login, idOffer, category_id, short_description, description, when, where, deadline); } else { try { deadline.setTime(df.parse(dateTime)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ServiceException("Invcalid DateTime. Format must be DD/MM/YYYY"); } return sd.saveService(login, idOffer, category_id, short_description, description, when, where, deadline); } } public int deleteService(String login, int service_id) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.deleteService(login, service_id); } /****************************************************/ /* OFFERS */ /* */ /****************************************************/ public JSONObject getListOffersJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll, String state) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Offer[] result = null; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "detailed_info like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or short_Description like '%" + param.sSearch + "%'"; if (STATE_ACTIVE.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline>=Now()"; else if (STATE_PAST.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline<Now()"; else if (STATE_ALWAYS.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline IS NULL"; } else { if (STATE_ACTIVE.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline>=Now() OR Deadline IS NULL "; else if (STATE_PAST.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline<Now()"; else if (STATE_ALWAYS.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline IS NULL"; } int total = 0; String login = ""; if (!showAll) login = param.login; if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countOffers(login); else total = sd.countOffers(filter, login); result = sd.listOffers(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (!"***".equals(login) && result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Offer req : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormOffer('" + req.getOffer_id() + "');\">" + req.getOffer_id() + "</a>"); row.add("" + req.getOffer_type()); row.add("" + req.getCategory()); row.add("" + req.getPromoter_id()); if (req.getShort_Description() != null) { row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getShort_Description())); } else row.add(""); if (req.getDetailed_info() != null) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getDetailed_info())); else row.add(""); if (req.getWhen_offer() != null) row.add((req.getWhen_offer())); else row.add(""); row.add((req.getWhere_offer() != null ? req.getWhere_offer().replace("/", "/ ") : "")); if (req.getDeadline() != null) if (req.getDeadline().getTime().getTime() > 0) row.add(df.format(req.getDeadline().getTime())); else row.add("No caducity"); else row.add(""); row.add(req.getOffer_average_mark() + ""); row.add(req.getOffer_votes() + ""); //row.add(req.getDistance()+""); row.add("" + req.getLng()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", 0); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", 0); jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getOffer(String id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Offer[] result = null; result = sd.listOffers("Offer_id=" + id, 0, 0, ""); JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); if (result != null && result.length > 0) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getOffer_id()); row.add(result[0].getOffer_type()); String promoter = this.getDataPromoter("" + result[0].getPromoter_id()); if (promoter != null) row.add(promoter); else row.add(result[0].getPromoter_id()); row.add(result[0].getRequest_id()); row.add(result[0].getCategory()); if (result[0].getShort_Description() != null) { row.add(result[0].getShort_Description()); } else row.add(""); if (result[0].getDetailed_info() != null) { row.add(result[0].getDetailed_info()); } else row.add(""); if (result[0].getWhen_offer() != null) row.add(result[0].getWhen_offer()); else row.add(""); row.add(result[0].getWhere_offer()); if (result[0].getDeadline() != null) if (result[0].getDeadline().getTime().getTime() > 0) row.add(df.format(result[0].getDeadline().getTime())); else row.add(""); else row.add(""); row.add(result[0].getOffer_votes()); row.add(result[0].getOffer_average_mark()); row.add(result[0].getDistance()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("offer whith id " + id + " not found"); return jso; } public int saveOffer(String login, int idOffer, String category_id, String short_description, String description, String when, String where, String dateTime) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { Calendar deadline = Calendar.getInstance(); if (dateTime == null || "".equals(dateTime)) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.set(1, 0, 1); return sd.saveOffer(login, idOffer, category_id, short_description, description, when, where, c); } else { try { deadline.setTime(df.parse(dateTime)); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ServiceException("Invcalid DateTime. Format must be DD/MM/YYYY"); } return sd.saveOffer(login, idOffer, category_id, short_description, description, when, where, deadline); } } public int deleteOffer(String login, int offer_id) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.deleteOffer(login, offer_id); } /****************************************************/ /* REQUESTS */ /* */ /****************************************************/ /* public JSONObject getListRequestsJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param,boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Request[] result=null; String[] statuses={ "Error","Submitted","Pending","Pending Approval","Accepted","Closed","Rejected"}; String filter=""; if (param==null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch!=null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter="description like '%"+param.sSearch+"%' OR short_description like '%"+param.sSearch+"%' "; } int total=0; String login=""; if (!showAll) login=param.login; if (filter==null||"".equals(filter.trim())) total=sd.countRequests(login); else total=sd.countRequests(filter,login); result=sd.listRequests(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength,login); if (result!=null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total ); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for(Request req : result){ JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add( "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormRequest('"+req.getRequest_id()+"');\">"+req.getRequest_id()+"</a>"); row.add(req.getRequester_id()); row.add(statuses[req.getStatus()]); row.add(""+req.getRequest_type()); row.add(""+req.getCategory_id()); if (req.getShort_description()!=null) { row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getShort_description())); //row.add(req.getDescription().replaceAll("", "á").replaceAll("", "é").replaceAll("", "í").replaceAll("", "ó").replaceAll("", "ú").replaceAll("", "ñ")); } else row.add(""); if (req.getDescription()!=null) { row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getDescription())); //row.add(req.getDescription().replaceAll("", "á").replaceAll("", "é").replaceAll("", "í").replaceAll("", "ó").replaceAll("", "ú").replaceAll("", "ñ")); } else row.add(""); if (req.getWhen_request()!=null) { row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getWhen_request())); } else row.add(""); if (req.getWhere_request()!=null) { row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(req.getWhere_request().replace("/","/ "))); } else row.add(""); if (req.getDeadline()!=null) row.add(df.format(req.getDeadline().getTime())); else row.add(""); row.add(req.getDistance()+""); row.add(""+ req.getLng()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getRequest(String id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Request[] result=null; result=sd.listRequests("requestId="+id, 0, 0,""); JSONObject jso=new JSONObject(); if (result!=null && result.length>0 ) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getRequest_id()); String promoter=this.getDataPromoter(""+result[0].getRequester_id()); if (promoter!=null) row.add(promoter); else row.add(result[0].getRequester_id()); row.add(result[0].getRequest_type()); row.add(result[0].getCategory_id()); if (result[0].getShort_description()!=null) { row.add(result[0].getShort_description()); //row.add(result[0].getDescription()); } else row.add(""); if (result[0].getDescription()!=null) { row.add(result[0].getDescription()); //row.add(result[0].getDescription()); } else row.add(""); row.add(result[0].getWhen_request()==null?"":result[0].getWhen_request()); row.add(result[0].getWhere_request()==null?"":result[0].getWhere_request()); if (result[0].getDeadline()!=null) row.add(df.format(result[0].getDeadline().getTime())); else row.add(""); row.add(result[0].getCandidates()); row.add(result[0].getFiltering_preferences()); row.add(result[0].getStatus()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("request whith id "+id+" not found"); return jso; } public int saveRequest(String login,int idRequest,String type, String category_id, String short_description, String description,String when,String where, String dateTime,String candidates, status, fc) throws ServiceException,RemoteException { try { df.parse(dateTime); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ServiceException("Invcalid DateTime. Format must be DD/MM/YYYY"); } return sd.saveRequest(login, idRequest, type, category_id, short_description,description, when, where, dateTime, candidates,fc,status); } public int deleteRequest(String login,int id,String name, String description) throws ServiceException,RemoteException { return sd.deleteRequest(login, id, name, description); } */ /****************************************************/ /* ACTIVITIES */ /* */ /****************************************************/ public JSONObject getActivity(String id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Activity[] result = null; result = sd.listActivities("Offer_id=" + id, 0, 0, ""); JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); if (result != null && result.length > 0) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getId()); row.add(result[0].getCategory()); if (result[0].getShort_Description() != null) row.add(result[0].getShort_Description()); else row.add(""); if (result[0].getDetailed_info() != null) row.add(result[0].getDetailed_info()); else row.add(""); row.add(result[0].getWhen_c()); row.add(result[0].getWhere_c()); if (result[0].getDeadline() != null) if (result[0].getDeadline().getTime().getTime() > 0) row.add(df.format(result[0].getDeadline().getTime())); else row.add(""); else row.add(""); row.add(df.format(result[0].getDeadline().getTime())); String promoter = this.getDataPromoter(result[0].getPromoter_id()); if (promoter != null) row.add(promoter); else row.add(result[0].getPromoter_id()); row.add("" + result[0].getAverage_mark()); row.add("" + result[0].getVotes()); row.add("" + result[0].getDistance()); row.add("" + result[0].getLng()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("category whith id " + id + " not found"); return jso; } public JSONObject getListActivitiesJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll, String state) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Activity[] result = null; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "detailed_info like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' or short_Description like '%" + param.sSearch + "%'"; if (STATE_ACTIVE.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline>=Now()"; else if (STATE_PAST.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline<Now()"; else if (STATE_ALWAYS.equals(state)) filter += " AND Deadline IS NULL"; } else { if (STATE_ACTIVE.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline>=Now() OR Deadline IS NULL "; else if (STATE_PAST.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline<Now()"; else if (STATE_ALWAYS.equals(state)) filter += " Deadline IS NULL"; } int total = 0; String login = ""; if (!showAll) login = param.login; if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countActivities("COUNT", login); else total = sd.countActivities(filter, login); result = sd.listActivities(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (!"***".equals(login) && result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Activity c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormActivity('" + c.getId() + "');\">" + c.getId() + "</a>"); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(getNameActCategory(c.getCategory()))); String promoter = this.getDataPromoter(c.getPromoter_id()); if (promoter != null) row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(promoter)); else row.add(c.getPromoter_id()); row.add("" + c.getAverage_mark()); if (c.getWhen_c() != null) { row.add((c.getWhen_c())); } else row.add(""); row.add((c.getWhere_c() != null ? c.getWhere_c().replace("/", "/ ") : "")); row.add("" + c.getVotes()); //row.add(""+ c.getDistance()); if (c.getShort_Description() != null) { row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getShort_Description())); //StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml //row.add(c.getShort_Description().replaceAll("", "á").replaceAll("", "é").replaceAll("", "í").replaceAll("", "ó").replaceAll("", "ú").replaceAll("", "ñ")); } else row.add(""); if (c.getDetailed_info() != null) { row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getDetailed_info())); //StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml //row.add(c.getDetailed_info().replaceAll("", "á").replaceAll("", "é").replaceAll("", "í").replaceAll("", "ó").replaceAll("", "ú").replaceAll("", "ñ")); } else row.add(""); if (c.getDeadline() != null) if (c.getDeadline().getTime().getTime() > 0) row.add(df.format(c.getDeadline().getTime())); else row.add("No caducity"); else row.add(""); row.add("" + c.getLng()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", 0); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", 0); jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public int saveActivity(String login, int id, String category, String short_desc, String detailed_info, String when_Activity, String where_Activity, String strDeadline) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { Calendar deadline = Calendar.getInstance(); try { deadline.setTime(df.parse(strDeadline)); } catch (ParseException e) { } return sd.saveActivity(login, id, category, short_desc, detailed_info, when_Activity, where_Activity, deadline); } public int deleteActivity(String login, int id) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.deleteActivity(login, id); } /****************************************************/ /* SKILLS */ /* */ /****************************************************/ public JSONObject getListSkillsJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Skill[] result = null; String filter = ""; if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "skill_name like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' "; } int total = 0; String login = ""; if (!showAll) login = param.login; if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countSkills("COUNT", login); else total = sd.countSkills(filter, login); result = sd.listSkills(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (!"***".equals(login) && result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Skill c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormSkill('" + c.getSkill_id() + "');\">" + c.getSkill_id() + "</a>"); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getSkill_name())); row.add(c.getPromoter_id()); row.add("" + c.getDistance()); row.add("" + c.getLng()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", 0); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", 0); jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getSkill(String skill_id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Skill[] result = null; result = sd.listSkills("Skill_id=" + skill_id, 0, 0, ""); JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); String promoter; if (result != null && result.length > 0) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getSkill_id()); row.add(result[0].getSkill_name()); promoter = this.getDataPromoter(result[0].getPromoter_id()); if (promoter != null) row.add(promoter); else row.add(result[0].getPromoter_id()); row.add("" + result[0].getDistance()); row.add("" + result[0].getLng()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("skill whith id " + skill_id + " not found"); return jso; } public int saveSkill(String login, int skill_id, String skill) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.saveSkill(login, skill_id, skill); } public int deleteSkill(String login, int skill_id) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.deleteSkill(login, skill_id); } /****************************************************/ /* REGIONS */ /* */ /****************************************************/ public JSONObject getListSupraregions(String login, String country) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Regions[] result = null; String filter = ""; if (country != null && !"".equals(country)) filter = "country_code like '%" + country + "%' "; result = sd.listRegions(filter, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, login); if (result != null) { try { JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Regions c : result) { if (c.getSupraRegion() != null && !data.contains(c.getSupraRegion())) { data.add(c.getSupraRegion()); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } } } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getListRegionsCountry(String login, String country) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Regions[] result = null; String filter = ""; if (country != null && !"".equals(country)) filter = "country_code like '%" + country + "%' "; result = sd.listRegions(filter, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, login); if (result != null) { try { JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Regions c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("" + c.getId()); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getName())); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getListRegionsJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { return getListRegionsJSON(param, "", "", showAll); } public JSONObject getListRegionsJSON(JQueryDataTableParamModel param, String supraregion, String country, boolean showAll) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(); Regions[] result = null; String filter = ""; Hashtable<String, String> countries = new Hashtable<String, String>(); countries.put("AT", "Austria"); countries.put("BEL", "Belgium"); countries.put("BGR", "Bulgaria"); countries.put("CYP", "Cyprus"); countries.put("CZE", "Czech Republic"); countries.put("DNK", "Denmark"); countries.put("EST", "Estonia"); countries.put("FIN", "Finland"); countries.put("FRA", "France"); countries.put("DEU", "Germany"); countries.put("GBR", "Great Britain"); countries.put("GRC", "Greece"); countries.put("HUN", "Hungary"); countries.put("IRL", "Ireland"); countries.put("ITA", "Italy"); countries.put("LVA", "Latvia"); countries.put("LTU", "Lithuania"); countries.put("LUX", "Luxembourg"); countries.put("MLT", "Malta"); countries.put("NLD", "Netherlands"); countries.put("POL", "Poland"); countries.put("PRT", "Portugal"); countries.put("ROU", "Romania"); countries.put("SVK", "Slovakia"); countries.put("SVN", "Slovenia"); countries.put("ESP", "Spain"); countries.put("SWE", "Sweden"); if (param == null) throw new ServiceException("Invalid Session!"); if (param.sSearch != null && !"".equals(param.sSearch)) { filter = "name like '%" + param.sSearch + "%' "; } if (supraregion != null && !"".equals(supraregion)) { filter = "supraRegion like '%" + supraregion + "%'"; } if (country != null && !"".equals(country)) { filter = "country_code like '%" + country + "%'"; } int total = 0; String login = ""; if (!showAll) login = param.login; if (filter == null || "".equals(filter.trim())) total = sd.countRegions(login); else total = sd.countRegions(login, filter); result = sd.listRegions(filter, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, login); if (result != null) { try { jsonResponse.put("iTotalRecords", total); //El total despues de filtrar jsonResponse.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", total); JSONArray data = new JSONArray(); for (Regions c : result) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"showFormRegion('" + c.getId() + "');\">" + c.getId() + "</a>"); row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getName())); //StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( row.add(StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(c.getSupraRegion())); row.add(StringEscapeUtils .escapeHtml(countries.containsKey(c.getCountry()) ? countries.get(c.getCountry()) : c.getCountry())); row.add("" + c.getRadius()); data.add(row); } jsonResponse.put("sEcho", param.sEcho); jsonResponse.put("aaData", data); } catch (JSONException e) { } } else { jsonResponse.put("aaData", "[]"); } return jsonResponse; } public JSONObject getRegion(String region_id) throws RemoteException, ServiceException { Regions[] result = null; result = sd.listRegions("id=" + region_id, 0, 0, ""); JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); if (result != null && result.length > 0) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add(result[0].getId()); row.add(result[0].getName()); row.add(result[0].getSupraRegion()); row.add(result[0].getCountry()); row.add("" + result[0].getRadius()); row.add("" + result[0].getLng()); row.add("" + result[0].getLat()); row.add("" + result[0].getLon()); jso.put("aaData", row); } else throw new ServiceException("region whith id " + region_id + " not found"); return jso; } public int saveRegion(String login, int region_id, String name, String lat, String lon, String supra_region, String country, String country_code, String lng, int radius) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.saveRegion(login, name, region_id, lat, lon, supra_region, country_code, country_code, lng, radius); } public int deleteRegion(String login, int region_id) throws ServiceException, RemoteException { return sd.deleteRegion(login, region_id); } /*************************** CONTADORES ***************************/ public String getPlatformData(String type) { JSONObject jso = new JSONObject(); String result = ""; PlatformUserDAO ud = new PlatformUserDAO(); int total_offers = 0; int total_requests = 0; int total_services = 0; int total_activities = 0; int total_activeusers = 0; int total_user = 0; int total_hub = 0; int total_sb = 0; int total_bb = 0; int total_area_m = 0; int total_sysadm = 0; int total_region = 0; int total_country = 0; int total_demo = 0; try { total_offers = sd.countOffers(""); total_requests = sd.countRequests(""); total_services = sd.countServices(""); total_activities = sd.countActivities(""); total_activeusers = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1"); total_user = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_USER); total_hub = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_HUB); total_sb = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_BUSINESS); total_bb = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_BIG_BUSINESS); total_area_m = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_AREA_MANAGER); total_sysadm = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_SYSTEM_ADMIN); ; total_region = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_REGION_ADMIN); total_country = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_COUNTRY_ADMIN); total_demo = ud.countPlatformUsersFiltered("Enabled=1 AND Role=" + PlatformUser.ROLE_DEMO_USER); } catch (RemoteException e) { } catch (ServiceException e) { } if (type == null) { JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); row.add("" + total_offers); row.add(total_requests); row.add("" + total_services); row.add(total_activities); row.add(total_activeusers); row.add(total_user); row.add(total_hub); row.add(total_sb); row.add(total_bb); row.add(total_area_m); row.add(total_sysadm); row.add(total_region); row.add(total_country); row.add(total_demo); jso.put("aaData", row); result = jso.toString(); } else { result = "Active Users," + total_activeusers + "\nTotal Offers," + total_offers + "\nTotal Requests," + total_requests + "\nTotal Services," + total_services + "\nTotal Activities," + total_activities; } return result; } /*************************** UTILIDADES ***************************/ public String getDataPromoter(String strPromoter) { ObjStats[] st = null; ArrayList<Pair> datos = new ArrayList<Pair>(); String result = null; try { int idPromoter = Integer.parseInt(strPromoter); String sql = "SELECT User_id as idStat,Role as Event,Login as user_Login,Last_loc_timestamp as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,Name as device,Name as query,0 as lng FROM user_profile WHERE User_id=" + idPromoter; st = sd.listStatsSQL(sql); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (st != null && st.length > 0) { result = st[0].getUser_Login(); if (st[0].getQuery() != null) result = result + " (" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(st[0].getQuery()) + ")"; } else { result = "(Not available)"; } return result; } public String getNameCategory(String strPromoter) { ObjStats[] st = null; String result = strPromoter; try { int idPromoter = Integer.parseInt(strPromoter); String sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,0 as Event,Category_name as User_login,null as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,Category_description as query,0 as lng FROM category WHERE Category_id=" + idPromoter; st = sd.listStatsSQL(sql); } catch (RemoteException e) { } catch (ServiceException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } if (st != null && st.length > 0) { result = (st[0].getUser_Login()); } return result; } public String getNameActCategory(String strPromoter) { ObjStats[] st = null; String result = strPromoter; try { int idPromoter = Integer.parseInt(strPromoter); String sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,0 as Event,Category_name as User_login,null as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,Category_description as query,0 as lng FROM activity_category WHERE Category_id=" + idPromoter; st = sd.listStatsSQL(sql); } catch (RemoteException e) { } catch (ServiceException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } if (st != null && st.length > 0) { result = (st[0].getUser_Login()); } return result; } public String getNameCompCategory(String strPromoter) { ObjStats[] st = null; String result = strPromoter; try { int idPromoter = Integer.parseInt(strPromoter); String sql = "SELECT 0 as idStat,0 as Event,Category_name as User_login,null as dTime,0 as duration,\"\" as lat,\"\" as lon,\"\" as device,Category_description as query,0 as lng FROM company_category WHERE Category_id=" + idPromoter; st = sd.listStatsSQL(sql); } catch (RemoteException e) { } catch (ServiceException e) { } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } if (st != null && st.length > 0) { result = (st[0].getUser_Login()); } return result; } /********************* PRIVATE**********************************/ private String weDontSpeakAmericano(String europeanDate) { String ret = ""; try { SimpleDateFormat americano = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); ret = americano.format(df.parse(europeanDate)); } catch (ParseException e) { ret = ""; } return ret; } }