Java tutorial
/* // Licensed to Julian Hyde under one or more contributor license // agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for // additional information regarding copyright ownership. // // Julian Hyde licenses this file to you under the Apache License, // Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. */ package net.hydromatic.optiq.jdbc; import net.hydromatic.linq4j.Linq4j; import net.hydromatic.linq4j.expressions.Expression; import net.hydromatic.optiq.*; import net.hydromatic.optiq.Table; import net.hydromatic.optiq.impl.MaterializedViewTable; import net.hydromatic.optiq.util.Compatible; import net.hydromatic.optiq.util.CompositeMap; import org.eigenbase.util.Util; import; import; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Schema. * * <p>Wrapper around user-defined schema used internally.</p> */ public class OptiqSchema { private final OptiqSchema parent; public final Schema schema; /** Tables explicitly defined in this schema. Does not include tables in * {@link #schema}. */ public final Map<String, TableEntry> tableMap = new HashMap<String, TableEntry>(); private final Multimap<String, TableFunctionEntry> tableFunctionMap = LinkedListMultimap.create(); private final Map<String, OptiqSchema> subSchemaMap = new HashMap<String, OptiqSchema>(); public final Map<String, Table> compositeTableMap; public final Multimap<String, TableFunction> compositeTableFunctionMap; public final Map<String, OptiqSchema> compositeSubSchemaMap; public OptiqSchema(OptiqSchema parent, final Schema schema) { this.parent = parent; this.schema = schema; assert (parent == null) == (this instanceof OptiqRootSchema); this.compositeTableMap = CompositeMap.of(Maps.transformValues(tableMap, new Function<TableEntry, Table>() { public Table apply(TableEntry input) { return input.getTable(); } }), Maps.transformValues( Multimaps.filterEntries(tableFunctionMap, new Predicate<Map.Entry<String, TableFunctionEntry>>() { public boolean apply(Map.Entry<String, TableFunctionEntry> input) { return input.getValue().getTableFunction().getParameters().isEmpty(); } }).asMap(), new Function<Collection<TableFunctionEntry>, Table>() { public Table apply(Collection<TableFunctionEntry> input) { // At most one function with zero parameters. TableFunctionEntry entry = input.iterator().next(); return entry.getTableFunction().apply(ImmutableList.of()); } }), Compatible.INSTANCE.asMap(schema.getTableNames(), new Function<String, Table>() { public Table apply(String input) { return schema.getTable(input); } })); // TODO: include schema's table functions in this map. this.compositeTableFunctionMap = Multimaps.transformValues(tableFunctionMap, new Function<TableFunctionEntry, TableFunction>() { public TableFunction apply(TableFunctionEntry input) { return input.getTableFunction(); } }); this.compositeSubSchemaMap = CompositeMap.of(subSchemaMap, Compatible.INSTANCE .<String, OptiqSchema>asMap(schema.getSubSchemaNames(), new Function<String, OptiqSchema>() { public OptiqSchema apply(String input) { return addSchema(schema.getSubSchema(input)); } })); } /** Defines a table within this schema. */ public TableEntry add(String tableName, Table table) { final TableEntryImpl entry = new TableEntryImpl(this, tableName, table); tableMap.put(tableName, entry); return entry; } private TableFunctionEntry add(String name, TableFunction tableFunction) { final TableFunctionEntryImpl entry = new TableFunctionEntryImpl(this, name, tableFunction); tableFunctionMap.put(name, entry); return entry; } public OptiqRootSchema root() { for (OptiqSchema schema = this;;) { if (schema.parent == null) { return (OptiqRootSchema) schema; } schema = schema.parent; } } public final OptiqSchema getSubSchema(String schemaName) { return subSchemaMap.get(schemaName); } /** Adds a child schema of this schema. */ public OptiqSchema addSchema(Schema schema) { final OptiqSchema optiqSchema = new OptiqSchema(this, schema); subSchemaMap.put(schema.getName(), optiqSchema); return optiqSchema; } public String getName() { return schema.getName(); } public void addTableFunction(TableFunctionEntry tableFunctionEntry) { throw Util.needToImplement(tableFunctionEntry); } public SchemaPlus plus() { return new SchemaPlusImpl(); } public static OptiqSchema from(SchemaPlus plus) { return ((SchemaPlusImpl) plus).optiqSchema(); } /** * Entry in a schema, such as a table or sub-schema. * * <p>Each object's name is a property of its membership in a schema; * therefore in principle it could belong to several schemas, or * even the same schema several times, with different names. In this * respect, it is like an inode in a Unix file system.</p> * * <p>The members of a schema must have unique names. */ public abstract static class Entry { public final OptiqSchema schema; public final String name; public Entry(OptiqSchema schema, String name) { Linq4j.requireNonNull(schema); Linq4j.requireNonNull(name); this.schema = schema; = name; } /** Returns this object's path. For example ["hr", "emps"]. */ public final List<String> path() { return Schemas.path(schema.schema, name); } } /** Membership of a table in a schema. */ public abstract static class TableEntry extends Entry { public TableEntry(OptiqSchema schema, String name) { super(schema, name); } public abstract Table getTable(); } /** Membership of a table-function in a schema. */ public abstract static class TableFunctionEntry extends Entry { public TableFunctionEntry(OptiqSchema schema, String name) { super(schema, name); } public abstract TableFunction getTableFunction(); /** Whether this represents a materialized view. (At a given point in time, * it may or may not be materialized as a table.) */ public abstract boolean isMaterialization(); } /** Implementation of {@link SchemaPlus} based on an {@code OptiqSchema}. */ private class SchemaPlusImpl implements SchemaPlus { public OptiqSchema optiqSchema() { return OptiqSchema.this; } public SchemaPlus getParentSchema() { return parent == null ? null :; } public String getName() { return OptiqSchema.this.getName(); } public boolean isMutable() { return schema.isMutable(); } public Expression getExpression() { return schema.getExpression(); } public Table getTable(String name) { return compositeTableMap.get(name); } public Set<String> getTableNames() { return compositeTableMap.keySet(); } public Collection<TableFunction> getTableFunctions(String name) { return compositeTableFunctionMap.get(name); } public Set<String> getTableFunctionNames() { return compositeTableFunctionMap.keySet(); } public SchemaPlus getSubSchema(String name) { final OptiqSchema subSchema = OptiqSchema.this.getSubSchema(name); return subSchema == null ? null :; } public Set<String> getSubSchemaNames() { return subSchemaMap.keySet(); } public SchemaPlus add(Schema schema) { final OptiqSchema optiqSchema = OptiqSchema.this.addSchema(schema); return; } public SchemaPlus addRecursive(Schema schema) { return schema.getParentSchema().add(schema); } public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> clazz) { if (clazz.isInstance(this)) { return clazz.cast(this); } if (clazz.isInstance(OptiqSchema.this)) { return clazz.cast(OptiqSchema.this); } if (clazz.isInstance(OptiqSchema.this.schema)) { return clazz.cast(OptiqSchema.this.schema); } throw new ClassCastException("not a " + clazz); } public void add(String name, Table table) { OptiqSchema.this.add(name, table); } public void add(String name, TableFunction tableFunction) { OptiqSchema.this.add(name, tableFunction); } } /** * Implementation of {@link net.hydromatic.optiq.jdbc.OptiqSchema.TableEntry} where all properties are * held in fields. */ public static class TableEntryImpl extends TableEntry { private final Table table; /** Creates a TableEntryImpl. */ public TableEntryImpl(OptiqSchema schema, String name, Table table) { super(schema, name); assert table != null; this.table = table; } public Table getTable() { return table; } } /** * Implementation of {@link net.hydromatic.optiq.jdbc.OptiqSchema.TableFunctionEntry} * where all properties are held in fields. */ public static class TableFunctionEntryImpl extends TableFunctionEntry { private final TableFunction tableFunction; /** Creates a TableFunctionEntryImpl. */ public TableFunctionEntryImpl(OptiqSchema schema, String name, TableFunction tableFunction) { super(schema, name); this.tableFunction = tableFunction; } public TableFunction getTableFunction() { return tableFunction; } public boolean isMaterialization() { return tableFunction instanceof MaterializedViewTable.MaterializedViewTableFunction; } } } // End