Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C)2009 Thomas Hirsch * Geohashdroid Copyright (C)2009 Nicholas Killewald * * This file is distributed under the terms of the BSD license. * The source package should have a LICENSE file at the toplevel. */ package; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.exclaimindustries.geohashdroid.GeohashDroid; import net.exclaimindustries.geohashdroid.R; import net.exclaimindustries.geohashdroid.UnitConverter; import net.exclaimindustries.geohashdroid.util.GHDConstants; import net.exclaimindustries.geohashdroid.util.Info; import; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; /** * Displays an edit box and a send button, which shall upload the message * entered to the appropriate expedition page in the Geohashing wiki. * * @author Thomas Hirsch */ public class WikiMessageEditor extends WikiBaseActivity { private static final Pattern RE_EXPEDITION = Pattern .compile("^(.*)(==+ ?Expedition ?==+.*?)(==+ ?.*? ?==+.*?)$", Pattern.DOTALL); private HashMap<String, String> mFormfields; private DecimalFormat mDistFormat = new DecimalFormat("###.######"); private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "MessageEditor"; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); mInfo = (Info) getIntent().getParcelableExtra(GeohashDroid.INFO); setContentView(R.layout.wikieditor); Button submitButton = (Button) findViewById(; submitButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { // We don't want to let the Activity handle the dialog. That WILL // cause it to show up properly and all, but after a configuration // change (i.e. orientation shift), it won't show or update any text // (as far as I know), as we can't reassign the handler properly. // So, we'll handle it ourselves. mProgress =, "", "", true, true, WikiMessageEditor.this); mConnectionHandler = new MessageConnectionRunner(mProgressHandler, WikiMessageEditor.this); mWikiConnectionThread = new Thread(mConnectionHandler, "WikiConnectionThread"); mWikiConnectionThread.start(); } }); // In the event the text changes, update the submit button accordingly. TextWatcher tw = new TextWatcher() { @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { resetSubmitButton(); } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { // Blah! } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { // BLAH! } }; EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(; editText.addTextChangedListener(tw); // Now, let's see if we have anything retained... try { RetainedThings retain = (RetainedThings) getLastNonConfigurationInstance(); if (retain != null) { // We have something retained! Thus, we need to construct the // popup and update it with the right status, assuming the // thread's still going. if (retain.thread != null && retain.thread.isAlive()) { mProgress =, "", "", true, true, WikiMessageEditor.this); mConnectionHandler = retain.handler; mConnectionHandler.resetHandler(mProgressHandler); mWikiConnectionThread = retain.thread; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // Check for username/password here. That way, when we get back from // the settings screen, it'll update the message accordingly. SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(GHDConstants.PREFS_BASE, 0); TextView warning = (TextView) findViewById(; String wpName = prefs.getString(GHDConstants.PREF_WIKI_USER, ""); if ((wpName == null) || (wpName.trim().length() == 0)) { warning.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { warning.setVisibility(View.GONE); } resetSubmitButton(); } @Override public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() { // If the configuration changes (i.e. orientation shift), we want to // keep track of the thread we used to have. That'll be used to // populate the new popup next time around, if need be. if (mWikiConnectionThread != null && mWikiConnectionThread.isAlive()) { mDontStopTheThread = true; RetainedThings retain = new RetainedThings(); retain.handler = mConnectionHandler; retain.thread = mWikiConnectionThread; return retain; } else { return null; } } private class MessageConnectionRunner extends WikiConnectionRunner { MessageConnectionRunner(Handler h, Context c) { super(h, c); } public void run() { SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(GHDConstants.PREFS_BASE, 0); boolean phoneTime = prefs.getBoolean(GHDConstants.PREF_WIKI_PHONE_TIME, false); try { HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); String wpName = prefs.getString(GHDConstants.PREF_WIKI_USER, ""); if (!wpName.trim().equals("")) { addStatus(R.string.wiki_conn_login); String wpPassword = prefs.getString(GHDConstants.PREF_WIKI_PASS, ""); WikiUtils.login(httpclient, wpName, wpPassword); addStatusAndNewline(R.string.wiki_conn_success); } else { addStatusAndNewline(R.string.wiki_conn_anon_warning); } String expedition = WikiUtils.getWikiPageName(mInfo); String locationTag = ""; // Location! Is the checkbox ticked (and do we have a location // handy)? CheckBox includelocation = (CheckBox) findViewById(; if (includelocation.isChecked()) { Location lastLoc = getLastLocation(); if (lastLoc != null) { String pos = mLatLonFormat.format(lastLoc.getLatitude()) + "," + mLatLonFormat.format(lastLoc.getLongitude()); locationTag = " [" + mLatLonLinkFormat.format(lastLoc.getLatitude()) + "&lon=" + mLatLonLinkFormat.format(lastLoc.getLongitude()) + "&zoom=16&layers=B000FTF @" + pos + "]"; addStatus(R.string.wiki_conn_current_location); addStatus(" " + pos + "\n"); } else { addStatusAndNewline(R.string.wiki_conn_current_location_unknown); } } addStatus(R.string.wiki_conn_expedition_retrieving); addStatus(" " + expedition + "..."); String page; mFormfields = new HashMap<String, String>(); page = WikiUtils.getWikiPage(httpclient, expedition, mFormfields); if ((page == null) || (page.trim().length() == 0)) { addStatusAndNewline(R.string.wiki_conn_expedition_nonexistant); // ok, let's create some. addStatus(R.string.wiki_conn_expedition_creating); WikiUtils.putWikiPage(httpclient, expedition, WikiUtils.getWikiExpeditionTemplate(mInfo, WikiMessageEditor.this), mFormfields); addStatusAndNewline(R.string.wiki_conn_success); addStatus(R.string.wiki_conn_expedition_reretrieving); page = WikiUtils.getWikiPage(httpclient, expedition, mFormfields); addStatusAndNewline(R.string.wiki_conn_success); } else { addStatusAndNewline(R.string.wiki_conn_success); } EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(; // Change the summary so it has our message. String summaryPrefix; // We shouldn't say this is live, per se, if this is a // retrohash. if (mInfo.isRetroHash()) summaryPrefix = getText(R.string.wiki_post_message_summary_retro).toString(); else summaryPrefix = getText(R.string.wiki_post_message_summary).toString(); mFormfields.put("summary", summaryPrefix + " " + editText.getText().toString()); String before = ""; String after = ""; Matcher expeditionq = RE_EXPEDITION.matcher(page); if (expeditionq.matches()) { before = +; after =; } else { before = page; } String localtime = DateTools.getWikiDateString(Calendar.getInstance()); String message = "\n*" + editText.getText().toString().trim() + " -- ~~~" + locationTag + " " + (phoneTime ? localtime : "~~~~~") + "\n"; addStatus(R.string.wiki_conn_insert_message); WikiUtils.putWikiPage(httpclient, expedition, before + message + after, mFormfields); addStatusAndNewline(R.string.wiki_conn_done); finishDialog(); dismiss(); } catch (WikiException ex) { String error = (String) getText(ex.getErrorTextId()); Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "WIKI EXCEPTION: " + error); error(error); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "EXCEPTION: " + ex.getMessage()); if (ex.getMessage() != null) error(ex.getMessage()); else error((String) getText(R.string.wiki_error_unknown)); return; } } } /** * Since onRetainNonConfigurationInstance returns a plain ol' Object, this * just holds the pieces of data we're retaining. */ private class RetainedThings { public Thread thread; public WikiConnectionRunner handler; } private void resetSubmitButton() { // Make sure the submit button is disabled if there's no text ready. // That's all. We can send things anonymously. Button submitButton = (Button) findViewById(; EditText message = (EditText) findViewById(; if (message == null || message.getText().toString().length() <= 0) { submitButton.setEnabled(false); } else { submitButton.setEnabled(true); } } protected void doDismiss() { super.doDismiss(); reset(); } protected void reset() { // Wipe out the text. ((EditText) findViewById(""); resetSubmitButton(); } @Override protected void locationUpdated() { super.locationUpdated(); // Coordinates! Update 'em! updateCoords(); } private void updateCoords() { // Unlike in the wiki picture activity, we only have to concern // ourselves with the user's current location. No picture location, nor // any need to change a text string. Yay! Location lastLoc = getLastLocation(); TextView tv; if (lastLoc != null) { tv = (TextView) (findViewById(; tv.setText(UnitConverter.makeFullCoordinateString(this, lastLoc, false, UnitConverter.OUTPUT_SHORT)); tv = (TextView) (findViewById(; tv.setText(UnitConverter.makeDistanceString(this, mDistFormat, mInfo.getDistanceInMeters(lastLoc))); } else { tv = (TextView) (findViewById(; tv.setText(R.string.standby_title); tv = (TextView) (findViewById(; tv.setText(R.string.standby_title); } } }