Java tutorial
/* JRakLib networking library. This software is not affiliated with RakNet or Jenkins Software LLC. This software is a port of PocketMine/RakLib <>. All credit goes to the PocketMine Project ( Copyright (C) 2015 BlockServerProject & PocketMine team This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.beaconpe.jraklib.server; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.Binary; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.JRakLib; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.ACK; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.CLIENT_CONNECT_DataPacket; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.CLIENT_DISCONNECT_DataPacket; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_DataPacket; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.DataPacket; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.DataPackets; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.EncapsulatedPacket; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.NACK; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.OPEN_CONNECTION_REPLY_1; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.OPEN_CONNECTION_REPLY_2; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_1; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_2; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.PING_DataPacket; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.PONG_DataPacket; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.Packet; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.SERVER_HANDSHAKE_DataPacket; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.UNCONNECTED_PING; import net.beaconpe.jraklib.protocol.UNCONNECTED_PONG; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; /** * Represents a networking session. */ public class Session { public final static int STATE_UNCONNECTED = 0; public final static int STATE_CONNECTING_1 = 1; public final static int STATE_CONNECTING_2 = 2; public final static int STATE_CONNECTED = 3; public static int WINDOW_SIZE = 2048; private int messageIndex = 0; private Map<Byte, Integer> channelIndex = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private SessionManager sessionManager; private String address; private int port; private int state = STATE_UNCONNECTED; private List<EncapsulatedPacket> preJoinQueue = new ArrayList<>(); private int mtuSize = 548; //Min size private long id = 0; private int splitID = 0; private int sendSeqNumber = 0; private int lastSeqNumber = -1; private long lastUpdate; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private long startTime; private List<DataPacket> packetToSend = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean isActive; private List<Integer> ACKQueue = new ArrayList<>(); private List<Integer> NACKQueue = new ArrayList<>(); private Map<Integer, DataPacket> recoveryQueue = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<Short, Map<Integer, EncapsulatedPacket>> splitPackets = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Integer>> needACK = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private DataPacket sendQueue; private int windowStart; private Map<Integer, Integer> receivedWindow = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private int windowEnd; private int reliableWindowStart; private int reliableWindowEnd; private Map<Integer, EncapsulatedPacket> reliableWindow = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private int lastReliableIndex = -1; public Session(SessionManager sessionManager, String address, int port) { this.sessionManager = sessionManager; this.address = address; this.port = port; sendQueue = new DataPackets.DATA_PACKET_4(); lastUpdate =; startTime =; isActive = false; windowStart = -1; windowEnd = WINDOW_SIZE; reliableWindowStart = 0; reliableWindowEnd = WINDOW_SIZE; for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) { channelIndex.put(i, 0); } } public String getAddress() { return address; } public int getPort() { return port; } public long getID() { return id; } public void update(long time) throws IOException { if (!isActive && (lastUpdate + 10000) < time) { //10 second timeout disconnect("timeout"); return; } isActive = false; if (!ACKQueue.isEmpty()) { ACK pk = new ACK(); pk.packets =[]::new); sendPacket(pk); ACKQueue.clear(); } if (!NACKQueue.isEmpty()) { NACK pk = new NACK(); pk.packets =[]::new); sendPacket(pk); NACKQueue.clear(); } if (!packetToSend.isEmpty()) { int limit = 16; for (int i = 0; i < packetToSend.size(); i++) { DataPacket pk = packetToSend.get(i); pk.sendTime = time; pk.encode(); recoveryQueue.put(pk.seqNumber, pk); packetToSend.remove(pk); sendPacket(pk); if (limit-- <= 0) { break; } } } if (packetToSend.size() > WINDOW_SIZE) { packetToSend.clear(); } if (needACK.values().size() > 0) { for (Integer i : needACK.keySet()) { Map<Integer, Integer> indexes = needACK.get(i); if (indexes.values().size() == 0) { needACK.remove(indexes); sessionManager.notifyACK(this, i); } } } for (Integer seq : recoveryQueue.keySet()) { DataPacket pk = recoveryQueue.get(seq); if (pk.sendTime < - 6000) { //If no ACK in 6 seconds, resend :) packetToSend.add(pk); recoveryQueue.remove(seq); } else { break; } } for (Integer seq : receivedWindow.keySet()) { if (seq < windowStart) { receivedWindow.remove(seq); } else { break; } } try { sendQueue(); } catch (IOException e) { sessionManager.getLogger().notice("Failed to send queue: IOException: " + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void disconnect() throws IOException { disconnect("unknown"); } public void disconnect(String reason) throws IOException { sessionManager.removeSession(this, reason); } private void sendPacket(Packet packet) throws IOException { sessionManager.sendPacket(packet, address, port); } public void sendQueue() throws IOException { if (!sendQueue.packets.isEmpty()) { sendQueue.seqNumber = sendSeqNumber++; sendPacket(sendQueue); sendQueue.sendTime =; recoveryQueue.put(sendQueue.seqNumber, sendQueue); sendQueue = new DataPackets.DATA_PACKET_4(); } } private void addToQueue(EncapsulatedPacket pk) throws IOException { addToQueue(pk, JRakLib.PRIORITY_NORMAL); } private void addToQueue(EncapsulatedPacket pk, int flags) throws IOException { int priority = flags & 0b0000111; if (pk.needACK && pk.messageIndex != -1) { Map<Integer, Integer> map; if (needACK.get(pk.needACK) != null) { map = needACK.get(pk.needACK); map.put(pk.messageIndex, pk.messageIndex); } else { map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); map.put(pk.messageIndex, pk.messageIndex); } needACK.put(pk.identifierACK, map); } if (priority == JRakLib.PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE) { //Skip queues DataPacket packet = new DataPackets.DATA_PACKET_0(); packet.seqNumber = sendSeqNumber++; if (pk.needACK) { packet.packets.add(pk); pk.needACK = false; } else { packet.packets.add(pk.toBinary()); } sendPacket(packet); packet.sendTime =; recoveryQueue.put(packet.seqNumber, packet); return; } int length = sendQueue.length(); if (length + pk.getTotalLength() > mtuSize) { sendQueue(); } if (pk.needACK) { sendQueue.packets.add(pk); pk.needACK = false; } else { sendQueue.packets.add(pk.toBinary()); } } public void addEncapsulatedToQueue(EncapsulatedPacket packet) throws IOException { addEncapsulatedToQueue(packet, JRakLib.PRIORITY_NORMAL); } public void addEncapsulatedToQueue(EncapsulatedPacket packet, byte flags) throws IOException { if ((packet.needACK = (flags & JRakLib.FLAG_NEED_ACK) > 0) == true) { needACK.put(packet.identifierACK, new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); } if (packet.reliability == 2 || packet.reliability == 3 || packet.reliability == 4 || packet.reliability == 6 || packet.reliability == 7) { packet.messageIndex = messageIndex++; if (packet.reliability == 3) { channelIndex.put(packet.orderChannel, channelIndex.get(packet.orderChannel) + 1); packet.orderIndex = channelIndex.get(packet.orderChannel); } } if (packet.getTotalLength() + 4 > mtuSize) { byte[][] buffers = Binary.splitbytes(packet.buffer, mtuSize - 34); int splitID = this.splitID++; splitID = splitID % 65536; for (int count = 0; count < buffers.length; count++) { byte[] buffer = buffers[count]; EncapsulatedPacket pk = new EncapsulatedPacket(); pk.splitID = (short) splitID; pk.hasSplit = true; pk.splitCount = buffers.length; pk.reliability = packet.reliability; pk.splitIndex = count; pk.buffer = buffer; if (count > 0) { pk.messageIndex = messageIndex++; } else { pk.messageIndex = packet.messageIndex; } if (pk.reliability == 3) { pk.orderChannel = packet.orderChannel; pk.orderIndex = packet.orderIndex; } addToQueue(pk, flags | JRakLib.PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE); } } else { addToQueue(packet, flags); } } private void handleSplit(EncapsulatedPacket packet) throws IOException { if (packet.splitCount >= 128) { return; } if (!splitPackets.containsKey(packet.splitID)) { Map<Integer, EncapsulatedPacket> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); map.put(packet.splitIndex, packet); splitPackets.put(packet.splitID, map); } else { Map<Integer, EncapsulatedPacket> map = splitPackets.get(packet.splitID); map.put(packet.splitIndex, packet); splitPackets.put(packet.splitID, map); } if (splitPackets.get(packet.splitID).values().size() == packet.splitCount) { EncapsulatedPacket pk = new EncapsulatedPacket(); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024 * 1024); for (int i = 0; i < packet.splitCount; i++) { bb.put(splitPackets.get(packet.splitID).get(i).buffer); } pk.buffer = ArrayUtils.subarray(bb.array(), 0, bb.position()); bb = null; pk.length = pk.buffer.length; splitPackets.remove(packet.splitID); handleEncapsulatedPacketRoute(pk); } } private void handleEncapsulatedPacket(EncapsulatedPacket packet) throws IOException { if (packet.messageIndex == -1) { handleEncapsulatedPacketRoute(packet); } else { if (packet.messageIndex < reliableWindowStart || packet.messageIndex > reliableWindowEnd) { return; } if ((packet.messageIndex - lastReliableIndex) == 1) { lastReliableIndex++; reliableWindowStart++; reliableWindowEnd++; handleEncapsulatedPacketRoute(packet); if (!reliableWindow.values().isEmpty()) { //TODO: Implement ksort() ? //ksort(reliableWindow.values()); for (Integer index : reliableWindow.keySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("unused") EncapsulatedPacket pk = reliableWindow.get(index); if ((index - lastReliableIndex) != 1) { break; } lastReliableIndex++; reliableWindowStart++; reliableWindowEnd++; handleEncapsulatedPacketRoute(packet); reliableWindow.remove(index); } } } else { reliableWindow.put(packet.messageIndex, packet); } } } private void handleEncapsulatedPacketRoute(EncapsulatedPacket packet) throws IOException { if (sessionManager == null) { return; } if (packet.hasSplit) { if (state == STATE_CONNECTED) { handleSplit(packet); } return; } byte id = packet.buffer[0]; if (id < 0x80) { //internal data packet if (state == STATE_CONNECTING_2) { if (id == CLIENT_CONNECT_DataPacket.ID) { CLIENT_CONNECT_DataPacket dataPacket = new CLIENT_CONNECT_DataPacket(); dataPacket.buffer = packet.buffer; dataPacket.decode(); SERVER_HANDSHAKE_DataPacket pk = new SERVER_HANDSHAKE_DataPacket(); pk.address = new InetSocketAddress(address, port); pk.sendPing = dataPacket.sendPing; pk.sendPong = dataPacket.sendPing + 1000L; pk.encode(); EncapsulatedPacket sendPacket = new EncapsulatedPacket(); sendPacket.reliability = 0; sendPacket.buffer = pk.buffer; addToQueue(sendPacket, JRakLib.PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE); } else if (id == CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_DataPacket.ID) { CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_DataPacket dataPacket = new CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_DataPacket(); dataPacket.buffer = packet.buffer; dataPacket.decode(); if (dataPacket.address.getPort() == sessionManager.getPort() || !sessionManager.portChecking) { state = STATE_CONNECTED; //FINALLY! sessionManager.openSession(this); for (EncapsulatedPacket p : preJoinQueue) { sessionManager.streamEncapsulated(this, p); } preJoinQueue.clear(); } } } else if (id == CLIENT_DISCONNECT_DataPacket.ID) { disconnect("client disconnect"); } else if (id == PING_DataPacket.ID) { PING_DataPacket dataPacket = new PING_DataPacket(); dataPacket.buffer = packet.buffer; dataPacket.decode(); PONG_DataPacket pk = new PONG_DataPacket(); pk.pingID = dataPacket.pingID; pk.encode(); EncapsulatedPacket sendPacket = new EncapsulatedPacket(); sendPacket.reliability = 0; sendPacket.buffer = pk.buffer; addToQueue(sendPacket); //TODO: add PING/PONG (0x00/0x03) automatic latency measure } else if (state == STATE_CONNECTED) { sessionManager.streamEncapsulated(this, packet); //TODO: stream channels } } else { preJoinQueue.add(packet); } } public void handlePacket(Packet packet) throws IOException { isActive = true; lastUpdate =; if (state == STATE_CONNECTED || state == STATE_CONNECTING_2) { if (packet.buffer[0] >= 0x80 || packet.buffer[0] <= 0x8f && packet instanceof DataPacket) { packet.decode(); DataPacket dp = (DataPacket) packet; if (dp.seqNumber < windowStart || dp.seqNumber > windowEnd || receivedWindow.containsKey(dp.seqNumber)) { return; } int diff = dp.seqNumber - lastSeqNumber; NACKQueue.remove(Integer.valueOf(dp.seqNumber)); ACKQueue.add(dp.seqNumber); receivedWindow.put(dp.seqNumber, dp.seqNumber); if (diff != 1) { for (int i = lastSeqNumber + 1; i < dp.seqNumber; i++) { if (!receivedWindow.containsKey(i)) { NACKQueue.add(i); } } } if (diff >= 1) { lastSeqNumber = dp.seqNumber; windowStart += diff; windowEnd += diff; } for (Object pk : dp.packets) { if (pk instanceof EncapsulatedPacket) { handleEncapsulatedPacket((EncapsulatedPacket) pk); } } } else { if (packet instanceof ACK) { packet.decode(); for (int seq : ((ACK) packet).packets) { if (recoveryQueue.containsKey(seq)) { for (Object pk : recoveryQueue.get(seq).packets) { if (pk instanceof EncapsulatedPacket && ((EncapsulatedPacket) pk).needACK && ((EncapsulatedPacket) pk).messageIndex != -1) { if (needACK.containsKey(((EncapsulatedPacket) pk).identifierACK)) { Map<Integer, Integer> map = needACK .get(((EncapsulatedPacket) pk).identifierACK); map.remove(((EncapsulatedPacket) pk).messageIndex); needACK.put(((EncapsulatedPacket) pk).identifierACK, map); } } recoveryQueue.remove(seq); } } } } else if (packet instanceof NACK) { packet.decode(); for (Integer seq : ((NACK) packet).packets) { if (recoveryQueue.containsKey(seq)) { DataPacket pk = recoveryQueue.get(seq); pk.seqNumber = sendSeqNumber++; packetToSend.add(pk); recoveryQueue.remove(seq); } } } } } else if (packet.buffer[0] > 0x00 || packet.buffer[0] < 0x80) { //Not Data packet :) packet.decode(); if (packet instanceof UNCONNECTED_PING) { UNCONNECTED_PONG pk = new UNCONNECTED_PONG(); pk.serverID = sessionManager.getID(); pk.pingID = ((UNCONNECTED_PING) packet).pingId; pk.serverName = sessionManager.getName(); pk.encode(); sendPacket(pk); } else if (packet instanceof OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_1) { //((OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_1) packet).protocol; //TODO: check protocol number and refuse connections OPEN_CONNECTION_REPLY_1 pk = new OPEN_CONNECTION_REPLY_1(); pk.mtuSize = ((OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_1) packet).mtuSize; pk.serverID = sessionManager.getID(); pk.encode(); sendPacket(pk); state = STATE_CONNECTING_1; } else if (state == STATE_CONNECTING_1 && packet instanceof OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_2) { id = ((OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_2) packet).clientID; if (((OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_2) packet).serverAddress.getPort() == sessionManager.getPort() || !sessionManager.portChecking) { mtuSize = Math.min(Math.abs(((OPEN_CONNECTION_REQUEST_2) packet).mtuSize), 1464); //Max size, do not allow creating large buffers to fill server memory OPEN_CONNECTION_REPLY_2 pk = new OPEN_CONNECTION_REPLY_2(); pk.mtuSize = (short) mtuSize; pk.serverID = sessionManager.getID(); pk.clientAddress = new InetSocketAddress(address, port); pk.encode(); sendPacket(pk); state = STATE_CONNECTING_2; } } } } public void close() throws IOException { byte[] data = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x15 }; addEncapsulatedToQueue(EncapsulatedPacket.fromBinary(data), JRakLib.PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE); sessionManager = null; } }