Java tutorial
/** * @author Nigel Cook * * (C) Copyright 2010-2012. Nigel Cook. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Licensed under the terms described in LICENSE file that accompanied this code, (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package n3phele.client.view; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import n3phele.client.N3phele; import n3phele.client.model.Account; import n3phele.client.presenter.AccountListActivity; import n3phele.client.presenter.helpers.AuthenticatedRequestFactory; import n3phele.client.resource.ClickableCellTableResource; import n3phele.client.widgets.ActionDialogBox; import n3phele.client.widgets.CancelButtonCell; import n3phele.client.widgets.MenuItem; import n3phele.client.widgets.WorkspaceVerticalPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class AccountListView extends WorkspaceVerticalPanel { private CellTable<Account> cellTable; private List<Account> data = null; private AccountListActivity accountListActivity = null; // private final Map<String,String> cloudMap = new HashMap<String,String>(); private ActionDialogBox<Account> dialog; private static ClickableCellTableResource resource = null; public AccountListView() { super(new MenuItem(N3phele.n3pheleResource.accountIcon(), "Accounts", null), new MenuItem(N3phele.n3pheleResource.accountAddIcon(), "create a new account", "account:null")); if (resource == null) resource = GWT.create(ClickableCellTableResource.class); cellTable = new CellTable<Account>(15, resource); cellTable.setSize("455px", ""); TextColumn<Account> nameColumn = new TextColumn<Account>() { @Override public String getValue(Account item) { String result = ""; if (item != null) return item.getName(); return result; } }; cellTable.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name"); TextColumn<Account> descriptionColumn = new TextColumn<Account>() { @Override public String getValue(Account item) { String result = ""; if (item != null) return item.getDescription(); return result; } }; cellTable.addColumn(descriptionColumn, "Description"); TextColumn<Account> cloudColumn = new TextColumn<Account>() { @Override public String getValue(Account item) { String result = ""; if (item != null) { result = item.getCloudName(); // String s= item.getCloud(); // if(cloudMap.containsKey(s)) // return cloudMap.get(s); // else // return s; } return result; } }; cellTable.addColumn(cloudColumn, "Cloud"); // Add a selection model to handle user selection. final SingleSelectionModel<Account> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<Account>(); cellTable.setSelectionModel(selectionModel); selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() { public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) { Account selected = selectionModel.getSelectedObject(); if (selected != null) { if (accountListActivity != null) { accountListActivity.onSelect(selected); } } } }); Column<Account, Account> cancelColumn = new Column<Account, Account>( new CancelButtonCell<Account>(new Delegate<Account>() { @Override public void execute(Account value) { if (value != null) { cellTable.getSelectionModel().setSelected(value, false); getDialog(value).show(); } } }, "delete Account")) { @Override public Account getValue(Account object) { return object; } }; cellTable.addColumn(cancelColumn); cellTable.setColumnWidth(cancelColumn, "26px"); cellTable.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED); this.add(cellTable); } public void setDisplayList(List<Account> list) { if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<Account>(); this.cellTable.setRowCount(list.size(), true); this.cellTable.setRowData(data = list); } public void setPresenter(AccountListActivity accountListActivity) { this.accountListActivity = accountListActivity; } public void refresh(List<Account> newProgressList) { setDisplayList(newProgressList); } public void refresh(int i, Account update) { this.cellTable.setRowData(i, data.subList(i, i + 1)); } // public void setClouds(List<Cloud> list) { // cloudMap.clear(); // if(list != null) { // for(Cloud c : list) { // cloudMap.put(c.getUri(),c.getName()); // } // refresh(data); // } // } protected ActionDialogBox<Account> getDialog(Account item) { if (dialog == null) { dialog = new ActionDialogBox<Account>("Account Removal Confirmation", "No", "Yes", new Delegate<Account>() { @Override public void execute(Account object) { kill(object.getUri()); } }); dialog.setGlassEnabled(true); dialog.setAnimationEnabled(true); } dialog.setValue("Remove cloud account \"" + item.getName() + "\" from n3phele?<p>" + "The account setup on the cloud will not be affected.", item);; return dialog; } private void kill(String uri) { String url = uri; // Send request to server and catch any errors. RequestBuilder builder = AuthenticatedRequestFactory.newRequest(RequestBuilder.DELETE, url); try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Request request = builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Couldn't delete " + exception.getMessage()); } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { if (204 == response.getStatusCode()) { if (AccountListView.this.accountListActivity != null) AccountListView.this.accountListActivity.getAccountList(); } else { Window.alert("Couldn't delete (" + response.getStatusText() + ")"); } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert("Couldn't delete " + e.getMessage()); } } }