Java tutorial
/** * @author Gabriela Lavina * * (C) Copyright 2010-2012. Nigel Cook. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Licensed under the terms described in LICENSE file that accompanied this code, (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ package n3phele.client.view; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import n3phele.client.N3phele; import n3phele.client.model.Account; import n3phele.client.model.Activity; import n3phele.client.model.ActivityData; import n3phele.client.presenter.AccountHyperlinkActivity; import n3phele.client.presenter.helpers.AuthenticatedRequestFactory; import n3phele.client.resource.DataGridResource; import n3phele.client.widgets.ActionDialogBox; import n3phele.client.widgets.CancelButtonCell; import n3phele.client.widgets.MenuItem; import n3phele.client.widgets.SectionPanel; import n3phele.client.widgets.ValidInputIndicatorWidget; import n3phele.client.widgets.WorkspaceVerticalPanel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class AccountHyperlinkView extends WorkspaceVerticalPanel implements EntryPoint { private DataGrid<ActivityData> dataGrid; private List<ActivityData> vsData = null; private final FlexTable table; private Account account = null; private AccountHyperlinkActivity presenter = null; private ActionDialogBox<ActivityData> dialog; private final ValidInputIndicatorWidget errorsOnPage; private static DataGridResource resource = null; private List<Double> chartValues; private LineChart chart = null; private Panel chartPanel = null; final private FlexTable historyTable = new FlexTable(); final private FlexTable vsTable = new FlexTable(); private ListBox options = new ListBox(false); private String costOption = "normal"; private String chartTitle = "24 Hours Costs Chart"; private Button hours, days, month; public List<ActivityData> getVsData() { return this.vsData; } public AccountHyperlinkView(String uri) { super(new MenuItem(N3phele.n3pheleResource.accountIcon(), "Account", null), new MenuItem(N3phele.n3pheleResource.accountAddIcon(), "Account Edit", "account:" + uri)); if (resource == null) resource = GWT.create(DataGridResource.class); // TABLE table = new FlexTable(); table.setCellPadding(10); errorsOnPage = new ValidInputIndicatorWidget( "check for missing or invalid parameters marked with this icon", false); setTableData(); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setRowSpan(0, 1, 2); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 1, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(1, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); table.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(0, "220px"); table.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(1, "290px"); table.setCellPadding(1); table.setCellSpacing(1); // DATAGRID dataGrid = new DataGrid<ActivityData>(15, resource); dataGrid.setSize("495px", "100px"); TextColumn<ActivityData> nameColumn = new TextColumn<ActivityData>() { @Override public String getValue(ActivityData item) { String result = ""; if (item != null) { result += item.getName(); } return result; } }; dataGrid.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(nameColumn, "130px"); // TODO: Working on Activity column Column<ActivityData, String> activityColumn = new Column<ActivityData, String>(new ClickableTextCell()) { @Override public String getValue(ActivityData item) { return item.getNameTop(); } }; activityColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<ActivityData, String>() { @Override public void update(int index, ActivityData obj, String value) { presenter.onSelect(obj); } }); activityColumn.setCellStyleNames(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().clickableTextCellEffect()); dataGrid.addColumn(activityColumn, "Activity"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(activityColumn, "100px"); TextColumn<ActivityData> ageColumn = new TextColumn<ActivityData>() { @Override public String getValue(ActivityData item) { return item.getAge(); } }; dataGrid.addColumn(ageColumn, "Age"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(ageColumn, "80px"); TextColumn<ActivityData> priceColumn = new TextColumn<ActivityData>() { @Override public String getValue(ActivityData item) { return item.getCost(); } }; dataGrid.addColumn(priceColumn, "Total Cost"); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(priceColumn, "75px"); // Add a selection model to handle user selection. final SingleSelectionModel<ActivityData> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<ActivityData>(); dataGrid.setSelectionModel(selectionModel); selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() { public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) { selectionModel.getSelectedObject(); } }); Column<ActivityData, ActivityData> cancelColumn = new Column<ActivityData, ActivityData>( new CancelButtonCell<ActivityData>(new Delegate<ActivityData>() { @Override public void execute(ActivityData value) { if (value != null) { dataGrid.getSelectionModel().setSelected(value, false); getDialog(value).show(); } } }, "delete virtual machine")) { @Override public ActivityData getValue(ActivityData object) { return object; } }; cancelColumn.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); dataGrid.addColumn(cancelColumn); dataGrid.setColumnWidth(cancelColumn, "50px"); // CALL onModuleLoad() chartPanel = get(); chartPanel.add(table); chartPanel.add(new SectionPanel("History")); chartPanel.add(historyTable); chartPanel.add(new SectionPanel("Active Machines")); chartPanel.add(vsTable); chartPanel = get(); setChartTableData(); onModuleLoad(); } public void onModuleLoad() { Runnable onLoadCallback = new Runnable() { public void run() { chartPanel = get(); setChartTableData(); if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, new LineChart(createTable(), createOptions(chartTitle))); historyTable.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(2, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); vsTable.setWidget(1, 0, dataGrid); vsTable.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(1, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); } }; VisualizationUtils.loadVisualizationApi(onLoadCallback, LineChart.PACKAGE); } public void setTableData() { table.setCellSpacing(8); table.setTitle("HP Cloud account information"); if (account != null) { HTML name = new InlineHTML(account.getName()); name.addStyleName(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailHeader()); table.setHTML(0, 0, "" + name); HTML description = new InlineHTML(account.getDescription()); description.addStyleName(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailText()); table.setHTML(0, 1, "" + description); HTML cloudName = new InlineHTML("" + account.getCloudName()); cloudName.addStyleName(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailText()); table.setHTML(1, 0, "" + cloudName); } else { HTML name = new InlineHTML(""); name.addStyleName(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailHeader()); table.setHTML(0, 0, "" + name); HTML description = new InlineHTML(""); description.addStyleName(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailText()); table.setHTML(0, 1, "" + description); HTML cloudName = new InlineHTML(""); cloudName.addStyleName(N3phele.n3pheleResource.css().commandDetailText()); table.setHTML(1, 0, "" + cloudName); } table.setWidget(2, 0, errorsOnPage); } public void setDisplayList(List<ActivityData> list) { if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<ActivityData>(); setTableData(); vsData = list; this.dataGrid.setRowCount(list.size(), true); this.dataGrid.setRowData(vsData = list); } public void setPresenter(AccountHyperlinkActivity accountHyperlinkActivity) { this.presenter = accountHyperlinkActivity; } public void updateActivity(Activity activity) { // this.activity = activity; } public void refresh(List<ActivityData> newList, HashMap<ActivityData, Activity> activityPerVS) { setDisplayList(newList); refreshChart(); } public void refresh(int i, String update) { this.dataGrid.setRowData(i, vsData.subList(i, i + 1)); } public void refreshAccount(Account update) { setData(update); } protected ActionDialogBox<ActivityData> getDialog(ActivityData item) { if (dialog == null) { dialog = new ActionDialogBox<ActivityData>("VirtualMachine Removal Confirmation", "No", "Yes", new Delegate<ActivityData>() { @Override public void execute(ActivityData object) { kill(object.getUriTopLevel()); } }); dialog.setGlassEnabled(true); dialog.setAnimationEnabled(false); } dialog.setValue("Remove virtual machine \"" + item.getName() + "\"?<p>", item);; return dialog; } private void kill(String uri) { String url = uri; // Send request to server and catch any errors. RequestBuilder builder = AuthenticatedRequestFactory.newRequest(RequestBuilder.DELETE, url); builder.setHeader("account", account.getUri().substring(account.getUri().lastIndexOf('/') + 1, account.getUri().length())); try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") Request request = builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Couldn't delete " + exception.getMessage()); } public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { if (204 == response.getStatusCode()) { if (AccountHyperlinkView.this.presenter != null) { presenter.initTimerDelete(); } //presenter.callGetTopLevel(); //AccountHyperlinkView.this.presenter.getVSList(); } else { Window.alert("Couldn't delete (" + response.getStatusText() + ")"); } } }); } catch (RequestException e) { Window.alert("Couldn't delete " + e.getMessage()); } } public void requestChartData(String time) { this.presenter.getChartData(time); } public void setChartData(List<Double> valuesList) { if (valuesList == null || valuesList.size() == 0) chartValues = null; else chartValues = valuesList; } public void setData(Account account) { this.account = account; setTableData(); } private AccountHyperlinkView get() { return this; } private void setChartTableData() { ChangeHandler dropBoxEvent = new ChangeHandler() { public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { if (options.isItemSelected(0)) { costOption = "normal"; if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); chart = new LineChart(createTable(), createOptions(chartTitle)); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); } else { costOption = "cumulative"; if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); chart = new LineChart(createTable(), createOptions(chartTitle)); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); } } }; vsTable.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(0, chartPanel.getOffsetWidth() + "px"); historyTable.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(0, chartPanel.getOffsetWidth() + "px"); HorizontalPanel chartOptionsTable = new HorizontalPanel(); if (options.getItemCount() < 2) { options.insertItem("Cost", 0); options.insertItem("Cumulative Cost", 1); } options.setWidth("126px"); options.addChangeHandler(dropBoxEvent); chartOptionsTable.add(options); chartOptionsTable.setCellWidth(options, "160px"); hours = new Button("24 hours", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { requestChartData("24hours"); chartTitle = "24 Hours Costs Chart"; if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); chart = new LineChart(createTable(), createOptions(chartTitle)); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); } }); hours.setWidth("70px"); chartOptionsTable.add(hours); days = new Button("7 days", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // getProcessByDay(7); requestChartData("7days"); chartTitle = "7 Days Costs Chart"; if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); chart = new LineChart(createTable(), createOptions(chartTitle)); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); } }); days.setWidth("70px"); chartOptionsTable.add(days); month = new Button("30 days", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // getProcessByDay(30); requestChartData("30days"); chartTitle = "30 Days Costs Chart"; if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); chart = new LineChart(createTable(), createOptions(chartTitle)); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); } }); month.setWidth("70px"); chartOptionsTable.add(month); historyTable.setWidget(1, 0, chartOptionsTable); historyTable.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(1, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); historyTable.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(2, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); vsTable.setWidget(1, 0, dataGrid); vsTable.getCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(1, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); } public void updateChartTable() { Options options = null; setChartTableData(); if (chartValues == null) return; switch (chartValues.size()) { case 24: chartTitle = "24 Hours Costs Chart"; options = createOptions("24 Hours Costs Chart"); break; case 30: chartTitle = "30 Days Costs Chart"; options = createOptions("30 Days Costs Chart"); break; case 7: chartTitle = "7 Days Costs Chart"; options = createOptions("7 Days Costs Chart"); break; } if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); chart = new LineChart(createTable(), createOptions(chartTitle)); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); AbstractDataTable data = createTable(); chart.draw(data, options); } private LineChart.Options createOptions(String time) { Options options = Options.create(); options.setWidth(460); options.setHeight(180); options.setTitle(time); options.setLegend(LegendPosition.NONE); options.setTitleFontSize(13.0); double max = maxValue(); double min = minValue(maxValue()); options.setMax((int) max + 0.1); options.setMin((int) min); options.setPointSize(2); options.setAxisFontSize(12.0); return options; } private AbstractDataTable createTable() { DataTable data = DataTable.create(); data.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Time"); data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Cost"); Date date = new Date(); if (chartValues != null) { if (chartValues.size() == 24) { if (chartValues != null) { int time = 0; if ((date.getHours() + 1) - 23 < 0) time = date.getHours() + 1; else time = date.getHours() - 23; if (costOption.equals("cumulative")) { double value = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < chartValues.size(); i++) { value += chartValues.get(i); data.addRow(); data.setValue(i, 0, time + "h"); data.setValue(i, 1, value); time++; if (time == 24) time = 0; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < chartValues.size(); i++) { data.addRow(); data.setValue(i, 0, time + "h"); data.setValue(i, 1, chartValues.get(i)); time++; if (time == 24) time = 0; } } } } else if (chartValues.size() == 7) { String[] month = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; if (chartValues != null) { CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, -6); if (costOption.equals("cumulative")) { double value = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < chartValues.size(); i++) { value += chartValues.get(i); data.addRow(); data.setValue(i, 0, "" + month[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getDate()); data.setValue(i, 1, value); CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, 1); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < chartValues.size(); i++) { data.addRow(); data.setValue(i, 0, "" + month[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getDate()); data.setValue(i, 1, chartValues.get(i)); CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, 1); } } } } else { String[] month = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; if (chartValues != null) { CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, -29); if (costOption.equals("cumulative")) { double value = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < chartValues.size(); i++) { value += chartValues.get(i); data.addRow(); data.setValue(i, 0, "" + month[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getDate()); data.setValue(i, 1, value); CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, 1); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < chartValues.size(); i++) { data.addRow(); data.setValue(i, 0, "" + month[date.getMonth()] + " " + date.getDate()); data.setValue(i, 1, chartValues.get(i)); CalendarUtil.addDaysToDate(date, 1); } } } } } return data; } public double maxValue() { if (chartValues == null) return 0.0; double max = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < chartValues.size(); i++) { double j = chartValues.get(i); if (chartValues.get(i) > max) max = j; } return max; } public double minValue(double maxValue) { if (chartValues == null) return 0.0; double min = maxValue; for (int i = 0; i < chartValues.size(); i++) { if (chartValues.get(i) < min) min = chartValues.get(i); } return min; } public void refreshChart() { if (chart == null || historyTable == null) return; requestChartData("24hours"); if (chartValues == null) return; if (historyTable.isCellPresent(2, 0)) historyTable.clearCell(2, 0); chart = new LineChart(createTable(), createOptions(chartTitle)); historyTable.setWidget(2, 0, chart); } }