Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 ECOSUR, Andrew Waterman and Max Pimm * * Licensed under the Academic Free License v. 3.0. * */ /** * A BeadString contains a small set of tokens, called a "string" in Gente, and * allows clients to perform some basic operations upon each string. For use * in the Gente rule sets. * * @author */ package mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.util; import; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.Color; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.comparator.CellComparator; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.enums.Direction; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.enums.Vertice; import mx.ecosur.multigame.grid.entity.GridCell; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; public class BeadString implements Serializable, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5360218565926616845L; private SortedSet<GridCell> beads; public BeadString() { super(); } public BeadString(GridCell... cells) { this(); for (GridCell cell : cells) { add(cell); } } public Color singleColor() { Color master = Color.UNKNOWN; for (GridCell cell : getBeads()) { if (master == Color.UNKNOWN) { master = cell.getColor(); continue; } if (!cell.getColor().equals(master)) { master = Color.UNKNOWN; break; } } return master; } public SortedSet<GridCell> getBeads() { if (beads == null) beads = new TreeSet<GridCell>(new CellComparator()); return beads; } public void setBeads(SortedSet<GridCell> new_beads) { beads = new_beads; } public void add(GridCell cell) { if (beads == null) beads = new TreeSet<GridCell>(new CellComparator()); beads.add(cell); } public boolean remove(GridCell cell) { return beads.remove(cell); } public int size() { return beads.size(); } public boolean contains(GridCell cell) { return beads.contains(cell); } public boolean isTerminator(GridCell cell) { return (beads.first() == cell || beads.last() == cell); } public boolean contains(BeadString string) { boolean ret = false; int count = 0; for (GridCell cell : beads) { if (string.contains(cell)) count++; if (count > 1) { ret = true; break; } } return ret; } /** * Returns the Direction to which these beads point. * @return */ public Direction findDirection() { Direction ret = Direction.UNKNOWN; /* Calculate the slope */ int x = beads.first().getColumn() - beads.last().getColumn(); int y = beads.first().getRow() - beads.last().getRow(); /** TODO: Determine NE,SE,NW,SW directions */ if (x == 0 && y == 0) { if (beads.first().getRow() > beads.last().getRow()) ret = Direction.NORTH; else ret = Direction.SOUTH; } else { float slope = (float) x / y; if (slope == 0) { if (beads.first().getColumn() > beads.last().getColumn()) ret = Direction.EAST; else ret = Direction.WEST; } } return ret; } /** * Verifies that a given beadstring is contiguous on a given Vertice. * @return boolean */ public boolean isContiguous(Vertice v) { boolean ret = true; int horizontal = 0, vertical = 0; switch (v) { case HORIZONTAL: horizontal = 1; vertical = 0; break; case VERTICAL: horizontal = 0; vertical = 1; break; case FORWARD: horizontal = 1; vertical = 1; break; case REVERSE: horizontal = 1; vertical = -1; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Vertice not set!"); } GridCell lastCell = beads.first(); for (GridCell cell : beads.tailSet(beads.first())) { if (cell.equals(lastCell)) continue; if (cell.getColumn() == lastCell.getColumn() + vertical && cell.getRow() == lastCell.getRow() + horizontal) { lastCell = cell; } else { ret = false; break; } } return ret; } public BeadString trim(GridCell destination, int stringlength) { BeadString ret = new BeadString(); if (beads.first() == destination) { ret.setBeads(new TreeSet<GridCell>(beads.tailSet(destination))); } else if (beads.last() == destination) { ret.setBeads(new TreeSet<GridCell>(beads.headSet(destination))); } if (!ret.contains(destination)) ret.add(destination); return ret; } public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { super.clone(); BeadString ret = new BeadString(); for (GridCell cell : beads) { ret.add((GridCell) cell.clone()); } return ret; } public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("BeadString ["); for (GridCell cell : beads) { buf.append(cell.toString()); buf.append(" "); } buf.append(" ]"); return buf.toString(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean ret; if (obj instanceof BeadString) { BeadString comparison = (BeadString) obj; ret = beads.equals(comparison.beads); } else ret = super.equals(obj); return ret; } public int hashCode() { return new HashCodeBuilder().append(beads).hashCode(); } }