Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *, in plugin msi.gama.core,
 * is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and simulation platform (v. 1.8)
 * (c) 2007-2018 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/SU & Partners
 * Visit for license information and contacts.

package msi.gama.common.geometry;


import org.apache.commons.math3.util.MathArrays;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;

import msi.gama.metamodel.shape.GamaPoint;
import msi.gaml.operators.fastmaths.FastMath;

 * This class implements rotations in a three-dimensional space. A reimplementation of class Rotation of the Apache
 * Library
 * <p>
 * Rotations are guaranteed to be immutable objects.
 * </p>
 * @see GamaPoint
 * @adapted from Apache maths3 library by A. Drogoul (2017), esp. to allow direct access to the fields and make the
 *          instances mutable in place (reducing the number of garbage during long rotation operations)

public class Rotation3D implements Serializable, Transformation3D {

    public static class CenteredOn extends Rotation3D {

        final GamaPoint center;

        public CenteredOn(final AxisAngle description, final GamaPoint center) {
   = center;

        public CenteredOn(final double angle, final GamaPoint center) {
   = center;

         * Applies this rotation to a Geometry (to be used as a CoordinateFilter for JTS geometries)
        public void filter(final Coordinate c) {
            final GamaPoint p = (GamaPoint) c;


    public static final GamaPoint PLUS_I = new GamaPoint(1, 0, 0);
    public static final GamaPoint MINUS_I = new GamaPoint(-1, 0, 0);
    public static final GamaPoint PLUS_J = new GamaPoint(0, 1, 0);
    public static final GamaPoint MINUS_J = new GamaPoint(0, -1, 0);
    public static final GamaPoint PLUS_K = new GamaPoint(0, 0, 1);
    public static final GamaPoint MINUS_K = new GamaPoint(0, 0, -1);

    /** Identity rotation. */
    public static final Rotation3D IDENTITY = new Rotation3D(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, false);

    /** Scalar coordinate of the quaternion. */
    private double q0;

    /** First coordinate of the vectorial part of the quaternion. */
    private double q1;

    /** Second coordinate of the vectorial part of the quaternion. */
    private double q2;

    /** Third coordinate of the vectorial part of the quaternion. */
    private double q3;

     * Build a rotation from the quaternion coordinates.
     * <p>
    private Rotation3D(final double quat0, final double quat1, final double quat2, final double quat3,
            final boolean needsNormalization) {
        q0 = quat0;
        q1 = quat1;
        q2 = quat2;
        q3 = quat3;
        if (needsNormalization) {
            // normalization preprocessing
            final double inv = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(q0 * q0 + q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 + q3 * q3);
            q0 *= inv;
            q1 *= inv;
            q2 *= inv;
            q3 *= inv;

    public void setToIdentity() {
        // 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        q0 = 1;
        q1 = 0;
        q2 = 0;
        q3 = 0;

    public void setToRotationBetween(final GamaPoint u, final GamaPoint v) {
        final double normProduct = u.norm() * v.norm();
        final double dot = u.x * v.x + u.y * v.y + u.z * v.z;
        if (dot < (2.0e-15 - 1.0) * normProduct) {
            // special case u = -v: we select a PI angle rotation around
            // an arbitrary vector orthogonal to u
            final GamaPoint w = u.orthogonal();
            q0 = 0.0;
            q1 = -w.x;
            q2 = -w.y;
            q3 = -w.z;
        } else {
            // general case: (u, v) defines a plane, we select
            // the shortest possible rotation: axis orthogonal to this plane
            q0 = Math.sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 + dot / normProduct));
            final double coeff = 1.0 / (2.0 * q0 * normProduct);
            final GamaPoint q = v.crossProduct(u);
            q1 = coeff * q.x;
            q2 = coeff * q.y;
            q3 = coeff * q.z;

     * Sets this rotation to a rotation between the given vector u and the PLUS_I vector
     * @param u
     *            an arbitrary 3D vector
    public void alignToHorizontal(final GamaPoint u) {
        final double normProduct = u.norm();
        if (-u.x < (2.0e-15 - 1.0) * normProduct) {
            // special case u = -v: we select a PI angle rotation around
            // an arbitrary vector orthogonal to u
            final GamaPoint w = u.orthogonal();
            q0 = 0.0;
            q1 = -w.x;
            q2 = -w.y;
            q3 = -w.z;
        } else {
            // general case: (u, v) defines a plane, we select
            // the shortest possible rotation: axis orthogonal to this plane
            q0 = Math.sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 - u.x / normProduct));
            final double coeff = 1.0 / (2.0 * q0 * normProduct);
            q1 = 0;
            q2 = coeff * u.z;
            q3 = coeff * -u.y;

     * Build a rotation from an axis and an angle.
     * @param axis
     *            axis around which to rotate
     * @param angle
     *            rotation angle in radians
    public Rotation3D(final GamaPoint rotationAxis, final double angle) {
        GamaPoint axis = rotationAxis;
        if (axis == null) {
            axis = PLUS_K;
        final double norm = axis.norm();

        final double halfAngle = -0.5 * angle;
        final double coeff = Math.sin(halfAngle) / norm;

        q0 = Math.cos(halfAngle);
        q1 = coeff * axis.x;
        q2 = coeff * axis.y;
        q3 = coeff * axis.z;


     * @param description
    public Rotation3D(final AxisAngle description) {
        this(description.axis, FastMath.toRadians(description.angle));

     * By default around the Z axis (PLUS_K)
     * @param angle
     *            rotation angle in radians
    public Rotation3D(final double angle) {
        final double halfAngle = -0.5 * angle;
        q0 = Math.cos(halfAngle);
        q1 = 0;
        q2 = 0;
        q3 = Math.sin(halfAngle);

     * Build the rotation that transforms a pair of vectors into another pair.
     * <p>
     * Except for possible scale factors, if the instance were applied to the pair (u<sub>1</sub>, u<sub>2</sub>) it
     * will produce the pair (v<sub>1</sub>, v<sub>2</sub>).
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If the angular separation between u<sub>1</sub> and u<sub>2</sub> is not the same as the angular separation
     * between v<sub>1</sub> and v<sub>2</sub>, then a corrected v'<sub>2</sub> will be used rather than v<sub>2</sub>,
     * the corrected vector will be in the (&pm;v<sub>1</sub>, +v<sub>2</sub>) half-plane.
     * </p>
     * @param u1
     *            first vector of the origin pair
     * @param u2
     *            second vector of the origin pair
     * @param v1
     *            desired image of u1 by the rotation
     * @param v2
     *            desired image of u2 by the rotation
    public Rotation3D(final GamaPoint originVector1, final GamaPoint originVector2, final GamaPoint desiredVector1,
            final GamaPoint desiredVector2) {
        GamaPoint u1 = originVector1;
        GamaPoint u2 = originVector2;
        GamaPoint v1 = desiredVector1;
        GamaPoint v2 = desiredVector2;

        // build orthonormalized base from u1, u2
        // this fails when vectors are null or collinear, which is forbidden to define a rotation
        final GamaPoint u3 = u1.crossProduct(u2).normalized();
        u2 = u3.crossProduct(u1).normalized();
        u1 = u1.normalized();

        // build an orthonormalized base from v1, v2
        // this fails when vectors are null or collinear, which is forbidden to define a rotation
        final GamaPoint v3 = v1.crossProduct(v2).normalized();
        v2 = v3.crossProduct(v1).normalized();
        v1 = v1.normalized();

        // buid a matrix transforming the first base into the second one
        final double[][] m = new double[][] {
                { MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.x, v1.x, u2.x, v2.x, u3.x, v3.x),
                        MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.y, v1.x, u2.y, v2.x, u3.y, v3.x),
                        MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.z, v1.x, u2.z, v2.x, u3.z, v3.x) },
                { MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.x, v1.y, u2.x, v2.y, u3.x, v3.y),
                        MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.y, v1.y, u2.y, v2.y, u3.y, v3.y),
                        MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.z, v1.y, u2.z, v2.y, u3.z, v3.y) },
                { MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.x, v1.z, u2.x, v2.z, u3.x, v3.z),
                        MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.y, v1.z, u2.y, v2.z, u3.y, v3.z),
                        MathArrays.linearCombination(u1.z, v1.z, u2.z, v2.z, u3.z, v3.z) } };

        final double[] quat = mat2quat(m);
        q0 = quat[0];
        q1 = quat[1];
        q2 = quat[2];
        q3 = quat[3];


    public Rotation3D(final GamaPoint u1, final GamaPoint u2, final boolean clockwise) {
        rotateToHorizontal(u1, u2, clockwise);

     * Sets this rotation to a rotation between the reference frame u1,u2 and the horizontal reference frame, specifying
     * whether the rotation should be treated in a clockwise way (PLUS_I, MINUS_J) or counter-clockwise way (MINUS_I,
     * MINUS_J). This shorthand version eliminates a lot of intermediate computations and reduces the garbage produced
     * to the minimum. If the first vector is already a normal to the horizontal plane, it defers to alignToHorizontal()
     * directly
     * @param u1
     *            a non-null vector
     * @param u2
     *            a second non-null vector
     * @param clockwise
    public Rotation3D rotateToHorizontal(final GamaPoint u1, final GamaPoint u2, final boolean clockwise) {
        if (Math.abs(u1.z) == 1d) {
            return this;
        double u1x = u1.x, u1y = u1.y, u1z = u1.z;
        double u3x, u3y, u3z;
        u3x = u1y * u2.z - u1z * u2.y;
        u3y = u2.x * u1z - u2.z * u1x;
        u3z = u1x * u2.y - u1y * u2.x;
        final double norm = Math.sqrt(u3x * u3x + u3y * u3y + u3z * u3z);
        u3x /= norm;
        u3y /= norm;
        u3z /= norm;
        u2.setLocation(-u3y * u1z + u3z * u1y, -u1x * u3z + u1z * u3x, -u3x * u1y + u3y * u1x).normalize();
        if (clockwise) {
            u1x *= -1;
            u1y *= -1;
            u1z *= -1;
        } else {
            u3x *= -1;
            u3y *= -1;
            u3z *= -1;

        double s = u2.x + u3y + u1z;
        if (s > -0.19) {
            q0 = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(s + 1.0);
            final double inv = 0.25 / q0;
            q1 = inv * (u3z - u1y);
            q2 = inv * (u1x - u2.z);
            q3 = inv * (u2.y - u3x);
        } else {
            s = u2.x - u3y - u1z;
            if (s > -0.19) {
                q1 = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(s + 1.0);
                final double inv = 0.25 / q1;
                q0 = inv * (u3z - u1y);
                q2 = inv * (u2.y + u3x);
                q3 = inv * (u2.z + u1x);
            } else {
                s = u3y - u2.x - u1z;
                if (s > -0.19) {
                    q2 = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(s + 1.0);
                    final double inv = 0.25 / q2;
                    q0 = inv * (u1x - u2.z);
                    q1 = inv * (u2.y + u3x);
                    q3 = inv * (u1y + u3z);
                } else {
                    s = u1z - u2.x - u3y;
                    q3 = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(s + 1.0);
                    final double inv = 0.25 / q3;
                    q0 = inv * (u2.y - u3x);
                    q1 = inv * (u2.z + u1x);
                    q2 = inv * (u1y + u3z);
        return this;

     * Build one of the rotations that transform one vector into another one.
     * <p>
     * Except for a possible scale factor, if the instance were applied to the vector u it will produce the vector v.
     * There is an infinite number of such rotations, this constructor choose the one with the smallest associated angle
     * (i.e. the one whose axis is orthogonal to the (u, v) plane). If u and v are collinear, an arbitrary rotation axis
     * is chosen.
     * </p>
     * @param u
     *            origin vector
     * @param v
     *            desired image of u by the rotation
    public Rotation3D(final GamaPoint u, final GamaPoint v) {
        setToRotationBetween(u, v);

     * Convert an orthogonal rotation matrix to a quaternion.
     * @param ort
     *            orthogonal rotation matrix
     * @return quaternion corresponding to the matrix
    private static double[] mat2quat(final double[][] ort) {

        final double[] quat = new double[4];
        double s = ort[0][0] + ort[1][1] + ort[2][2];
        if (s > -0.19) {
            // compute q0 and deduce q1, q2 and q3
            quat[0] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(s + 1.0);
            final double inv = 0.25 / quat[0];
            quat[1] = inv * (ort[1][2] - ort[2][1]);
            quat[2] = inv * (ort[2][0] - ort[0][2]);
            quat[3] = inv * (ort[0][1] - ort[1][0]);
        } else {
            s = ort[0][0] - ort[1][1] - ort[2][2];
            if (s > -0.19) {
                // compute q1 and deduce q0, q2 and q3
                quat[1] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(s + 1.0);
                final double inv = 0.25 / quat[1];
                quat[0] = inv * (ort[1][2] - ort[2][1]);
                quat[2] = inv * (ort[0][1] + ort[1][0]);
                quat[3] = inv * (ort[0][2] + ort[2][0]);
            } else {
                s = ort[1][1] - ort[0][0] - ort[2][2];
                if (s > -0.19) {
                    // compute q2 and deduce q0, q1 and q3
                    quat[2] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(s + 1.0);
                    final double inv = 0.25 / quat[2];
                    quat[0] = inv * (ort[2][0] - ort[0][2]);
                    quat[1] = inv * (ort[0][1] + ort[1][0]);
                    quat[3] = inv * (ort[2][1] + ort[1][2]);
                } else {
                    // compute q3 and deduce q0, q1 and q2
                    s = ort[2][2] - ort[0][0] - ort[1][1];
                    quat[3] = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(s + 1.0);
                    final double inv = 0.25 / quat[3];
                    quat[0] = inv * (ort[0][1] - ort[1][0]);
                    quat[1] = inv * (ort[0][2] + ort[2][0]);
                    quat[2] = inv * (ort[2][1] + ort[1][2]);
        return quat;


     * Revert a rotation. Sets this rotation to the reverse of its effect. This means that if r(u) = v, then r.revert(v)
     * = u. The instance is modified
     * @return this, which reverses the effect of the instance

    public Rotation3D revertInPlace() {
        q0 = -q0;
        return this;

     * Get the normalized axis of the rotation.
     * @return normalized axis of the rotation
    public GamaPoint getAxis() {
        final double squaredSine = q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 + q3 * q3;
        if (squaredSine == 0) {
            return PLUS_I;
        } else {
            final double sgn = +1;
            if (q0 < 0) {
                final double inverse = sgn / Math.sqrt(squaredSine);
                return new GamaPoint(q1 * inverse, q2 * inverse, q3 * inverse);
            final double inverse = -sgn / Math.sqrt(squaredSine);
            return new GamaPoint(q1 * inverse, q2 * inverse, q3 * inverse);

     * Get the angle of the rotation in radians
     * @return angle of the rotation (between 0 and &pi;)
     * @see #Rotation(GamaPoint, double)
    public double getAngle() {
        if (q0 < -0.1 || q0 > 0.1) {
            return 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(q1 * q1 + q2 * q2 + q3 * q3));
        } else if (q0 < 0) {
            return 2 * Math.acos(-q0);
        return 2 * Math.acos(q0);

     * Apply the rotation to a vector.
     * @param u
     *            vector to apply the rotation to. The vector will be directly modified
    public void applyTo(final GamaPoint u) {

        final double x = u.x;
        final double y = u.y;
        final double z = u.z;

        final double s = q1 * x + q2 * y + q3 * z;

        u.x = 2 * (q0 * (x * q0 - (q2 * z - q3 * y)) + s * q1) - x;
        u.y = 2 * (q0 * (y * q0 - (q3 * x - q1 * z)) + s * q2) - y;
        u.z = 2 * (q0 * (z * q0 - (q1 * y - q2 * x)) + s * q3) - z;


    public void applyTo(final Coordinate u) {

        final double x = u.x;
        final double y = u.y;
        final double z = u.z;

        final double s = q1 * x + q2 * y + q3 * z;

        u.x = 2 * (q0 * (x * q0 - (q2 * z - q3 * y)) + s * q1) - x;
        u.y = 2 * (q0 * (y * q0 - (q3 * x - q1 * z)) + s * q2) - y;
        u.z = 2 * (q0 * (z * q0 - (q1 * y - q2 * x)) + s * q3) - z;


     * Apply the rotation to a vector stored in an array.
     * @param in
     *            an array with three items which stores the vector to rotate
    public void applyTo(final double[] in) {

        final double x = in[0];
        final double y = in[1];
        final double z = in[2];

        final double s = q1 * x + q2 * y + q3 * z;

        in[0] = 2 * (q0 * (x * q0 - (q2 * z - q3 * y)) + s * q1) - x;
        in[1] = 2 * (q0 * (y * q0 - (q3 * x - q1 * z)) + s * q2) - y;
        in[2] = 2 * (q0 * (z * q0 - (q1 * y - q2 * x)) + s * q3) - z;


     * Apply the inverse of the rotation to a vector.
     * @param u
     *            vector to apply the inverse of the rotation to
    public void applyInverseTo(final GamaPoint u) {

        final double x = u.x;
        final double y = u.y;
        final double z = u.z;

        final double s = q1 * x + q2 * y + q3 * z;
        final double m0 = -q0;

        u.x = 2 * (m0 * (x * m0 - (q2 * z - q3 * y)) + s * q1) - x;
        u.y = 2 * (m0 * (y * m0 - (q3 * x - q1 * z)) + s * q2) - y;
        u.z = 2 * (m0 * (z * m0 - (q1 * y - q2 * x)) + s * q3) - z;


     * Apply the inverse of the rotation to a vector stored in an array.
     * @param in
     *            an array with three items which stores vector to rotate
     * @param out
     *            an array with three items to put result to (it can be the same array as in)
    public void applyInverseTo(final double[] in, final double[] out) {

        final double x = in[0];
        final double y = in[1];
        final double z = in[2];

        final double s = q1 * x + q2 * y + q3 * z;
        final double m0 = -q0;

        out[0] = 2 * (m0 * (x * m0 - (q2 * z - q3 * y)) + s * q1) - x;
        out[1] = 2 * (m0 * (y * m0 - (q3 * x - q1 * z)) + s * q2) - y;
        out[2] = 2 * (m0 * (z * m0 - (q1 * y - q2 * x)) + s * q3) - z;


     * Apply the instance to another rotation.
     * <p>
     * </p>
     * @param r
     *            rotation to apply the rotation to
     * @return a new rotation which is the composition of r by the instance
    public Rotation3D applyTo(final Rotation3D r) {
        return new Rotation3D(r.q0 * q0 - (r.q1 * q1 + r.q2 * q2 + r.q3 * q3),
                r.q1 * q0 + r.q0 * q1 + (r.q2 * q3 - r.q3 * q2), r.q2 * q0 + r.q0 * q2 + (r.q3 * q1 - r.q1 * q3),
                r.q3 * q0 + r.q0 * q3 + (r.q1 * q2 - r.q2 * q1), false);

     * Apply the inverse of the instance to another rotation.
     * <p>
     * </p>
     * @param r
     *            rotation to apply the rotation to
     * @return a new rotation which is the composition of r by the inverse of the instance
    public Rotation3D applyInverseTo(final Rotation3D r) {
        return new Rotation3D(-r.q0 * q0 - (r.q1 * q1 + r.q2 * q2 + r.q3 * q3),
                -r.q1 * q0 + r.q0 * q1 + (r.q2 * q3 - r.q3 * q2), -r.q2 * q0 + r.q0 * q2 + (r.q3 * q1 - r.q1 * q3),
                -r.q3 * q0 + r.q0 * q3 + (r.q1 * q2 - r.q2 * q1), false);

    public static Rotation3D identity() {
        return new Rotation3D(1, 0, 0, 0, false);

     * Applies r to this, transforming the rotation in place
     * @param r
     *            another Rotation3D

    public void apply(final Rotation3D r) {
        // equivalent to r.applyTo(this), but in place
        q0 = -r.q0 * q0 - (r.q1 * q1 + r.q2 * q2 + r.q3 * q3);
        q1 = -r.q1 * q0 + r.q0 * q1 + (r.q2 * q3 - r.q3 * q2);
        q2 = -r.q2 * q0 + r.q0 * q2 + (r.q3 * q1 - r.q1 * q3);
        q3 = -r.q3 * q0 + r.q0 * q3 + (r.q1 * q2 - r.q2 * q1);

     * Applies this rotation to a Geometry (to be used as a CoordinateFilter for JTS geometries)
    public void filter(final Coordinate c) {
