Java tutorial
// This file is part of MongoFX. // // MongoFX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // MongoFX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with MongoFX. If not, see <>. // // Copyright (c) Andrey Dubravin, 2015 // package mongofx.js.api; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder; import com.mongodb.MongoNamespace; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.RenameCollectionOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions; import mongofx.service.MongoDatabase; import org.bson.Document; import org.bson.conversions.Bson; import javax.script.Bindings; import javax.script.SimpleBindings; import java.util.List; import; import static mongofx.js.api.JsApiUtils.*; public class Collection { private final String name; private final mongofx.service.MongoDatabase mongoDatabase; public Collection(MongoDatabase mongoDatabase, String name) { this.mongoDatabase = mongoDatabase; = name; } public FindResultIterable find(Bindings query) { return new FindResultIterable(mongoDatabase, name, dbObjectFromMap(query), null); } public FindResultIterable find(Bindings query, Bindings projection) { return new FindResultIterable(mongoDatabase, name, dbObjectFromMap(query), dbObjectFromMap(projection)); } public FindResultIterable find() { return new FindResultIterable(mongoDatabase, name); } public void insert(List<Bindings> items) { getCollection().insertMany(; } public void insert(Bindings item) { getCollection().insertOne(JsApiUtils.documentFromMap(item)); } public long remove(Bindings item) { return getCollection().deleteMany(JsApiUtils.dbObjectFromMap(item)).getDeletedCount(); } public long update(Bindings filter, Bindings update) { return update(filter, update, null); } public long update(Bindings filter, Bindings update, Bindings options) { Boolean multi = false; if (options != null) { options = new SimpleBindings(options); multi = (Boolean) options.remove("multi"); if (multi == null) { multi = false; } } if (multi) { return getCollection().updateMany(JsApiUtils.dbObjectFromMap(filter), JsApiUtils.dbObjectFromMap(update), JsApiUtils.buildOptions(new UpdateOptions(), options)) .getModifiedCount(); } return getCollection().updateOne(JsApiUtils.dbObjectFromMap(filter), JsApiUtils.dbObjectFromMap(update), JsApiUtils.buildOptions(new UpdateOptions(), options)).getModifiedCount(); } @JsField("Provides access to the aggregation pipeline.") public ObjectListPresentation aggregate(List<Bindings> pipeline) { return new AggregateResultIterable(mongoDatabase, name, JsApiUtils.dbObjectFromList(pipeline)); } public String createIndex(Bindings index) { return createIndex(index, null); } public ObjectListPresentation getIndexes() { return JsApiUtils.iter(getCollection().listIndexes()); } public String createIndex(Bindings index, Bindings options) { return getCollection().createIndex(dbObjectFromMap(index), buildOptions(new IndexOptions(), options)); } public ObjectListPresentation reIndex() { return JsApiUtils.singletonIter(mongoDatabase.getMongoDb().runCommand(new BasicDBObject("reIndex", name))); } public void dropIndex(String indexName) { getCollection().dropIndex(indexName); } public void dropIndex(Bindings index) { getCollection().dropIndex(JsApiUtils.dbObjectFromMap(index)); } public void dropIndexes() { getCollection().dropIndexes(); } private MongoCollection<Document> getCollection() { return mongoDatabase.getMongoDb().getCollection(name); } @JsField("Wraps count to return a count of the number of documents in a collection or matching a query.") public long count() { return getCollection().count(); } @JsField("Wraps count to return a count of the number of documents in a collection or matching a query.") public long count(Bindings find) { return getCollection().count(JsApiUtils.dbObjectFromMap(find)); } public ObjectListPresentation distinct(String key) { return distinct(key, null); } public ObjectListPresentation distinct(String key, Bindings query) { BasicDBObjectBuilder command = new BasicDBObjectBuilder() // .add("distinct", name) // .add("key", key); // if (query != null) { command.add("query", query); } return singletonIter(mongoDatabase.getMongoDb().runCommand((Bson) command.get())); } @JsField("Updates an existing document or inserts a new document, depending on its document parameter.") public long save(Bindings document) { Object id = document.get("_id"); if (id != null) { Document toUpdate = new Document(document); return getCollection() .replaceOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", id), toUpdate, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true)) .getModifiedCount(); } getCollection().insertOne(JsApiUtils.documentFromMap(document)); return 1l; } public ObjectListPresentation mapReduce(String map, String reduce, Bindings options) { BasicDBObjectBuilder command = new BasicDBObjectBuilder(); command.add("mapReduce", name); command.add("map", map); command.add("reduce", reduce); putObject("query", options, command); putObject("out", options, command); putObject("scope", options, command); putSimpleField("field", options, command); putSimpleField("jsMode", options, command); putSimpleField("finilize", options, command); putSimpleField("verbose", options, command); return singletonIter(mongoDatabase.getMongoDb().runCommand((Bson) command.get())); } public void renameCollection(String target) { renameCollection(target, false); } public void renameCollection(String target, boolean dropTarget) { getCollection().renameCollection(new MongoNamespace(mongoDatabase.getName(), target), new RenameCollectionOptions().dropTarget(dropTarget)); } public ObjectListPresentation stats() { return stats(null); } public ObjectListPresentation stats(Integer scale) { BasicDBObject command = new BasicDBObject("collStats", name); if (scale != null) { command.put("scale", scale); } return mongoDatabase.runCommand(command); } public ObjectListPresentation validate() { return validate(false); } public ObjectListPresentation validate(Boolean full) { BasicDBObject command = new BasicDBObject("validate", name); if (full != null) { command.put("full", full); } return mongoDatabase.runCommand(command); } @JsField("Removes the specified collection from the database") public void drop() { getCollection().drop(); } }