Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013, Helome and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Helome PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * Created on 20131021 */ package models; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.CascadeType; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.EnumType; import javax.persistence.Enumerated; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.persistence.Table; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import play.Logger; import play.cache.Cache; import play.db.jpa.JPA; import system.vo.Page; import system.vo.SkillTagListVo; import vo.STagVo; import vo.TopCate; import vo.TopExpert; import common.Constants; import common.jackjson.JackJsonUtil; /** * @ClassName: SkillTag * @Description: domain * @date 20131021 ?6:58:56 * @author RenYouchao * */ @Entity @Table(name = "tb_skill_tag") public class SkillTag implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6901610535613865789L; /** **/ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) public Long id; /** ?? **/ public String tagName; /** ?? **/ public String tagNameEn; /** **/ public String tagNamePY; /** **/ @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "industryId", insertable = false, updatable = false) public SkillTag industry; @Column(name = "industryId") public Long industryId; /** **/ public Long hits; /** ? **/ public Integer seq; /** */ @Enumerated(EnumType.ORDINAL) @Column(length = 1, nullable = false) public TagType tagType; @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "attach_id") public Set<AttachOfIndustry> attachs = new HashSet<AttachOfIndustry>(); /** **/ @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "industryId") public Set<SkillTag> industrys; /** * @ClassName: TagType * @Description: * @date 20131223 ?10:23:22 * @author RenYouchao */ public enum TagType { CATEGORY, TAG } public static void getIndExpertById(Long expertId) { List<SkillTag> skillTags = JPA.em() .createQuery("from SkillTag s left join fetch s.experts e where") .setParameter("name", expertId).getResultList(); } public static List<SkillTag> getCategoryTag(boolean isFetchAttachs) { String jpql = "from SkillTag s "; if (isFetchAttachs) { jpql += " left join fetch s.attachs "; } jpql += " where (s.tagType=:tagType ) order by s.seq asc"; return JPA.em().createQuery(jpql).setParameter("tagType", SkillTag.TagType.CATEGORY).setMaxResults(150) .getResultList(); } public static ListOrderedMap getCategoryTagMap() { ListOrderedMap ctmap = new ListOrderedMap(); List<SkillTag> list = JPA.em().createQuery("from SkillTag s where s.tagType=:tagType order by s.seq asc") .setParameter("tagType", SkillTag.TagType.CATEGORY).setMaxResults(150).getResultList(); for (SkillTag st : list) { ctmap.put(, st.tagName); } return ctmap; } public static List<SkillTag> getCategoryTag(List<Long> ss) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(ss)) { return JPA.em().createQuery("from SkillTag s where in(:ss)").setParameter("ss", ss) .getResultList(); } else { return new ArrayList<SkillTag>(); } } public static ListOrderedMap getCacheCategory() { ListOrderedMap cts = (ListOrderedMap) play.cache.Cache.get(Constants.CACHE_INDUSTRY); if (cts == null) { cts = SkillTag.getCategoryTagMap(); play.cache.Cache.set(Constants.CACHE_INDUSTRY, cts); } return cts; } public static List<STagVo> makeSTagVos(String skillsTags) { List<STagVo> stvs = new ArrayList<STagVo>(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(skillsTags)) { List<String> list = null; try { list = JackJsonUtil.getMapperInstance(false).readValue(skillsTags, List.class); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.debug(e.getMessage()); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(list)) { for (String tagName : list) { STagVo sTagVo = new STagVo(); sTagVo.setTag(tagName); if (tagName.indexOf("<span class='red'>") != -1) { sTagVo.setNoMarkedTag( tagName.replaceAll("<span class='red'>", "").replaceAll("</span>", "")); sTagVo.setIsMarked(true); } else { sTagVo.setNoMarkedTag(tagName); } stvs.add(sTagVo); } } } return stvs; } public static void deleteExpertIn(SkillTag skillTag) { JPA.em().createNativeQuery("delete from tb_expert_in where inId =:inId").setParameter("inId", .executeUpdate(); } public static void deleteTagAndInByIn(SkillTag skillTag) { JPA.em().createNativeQuery("delete from tb_skill_tag where (industryId =:inId or id =:inId)") .setParameter("inId",; } public static List<SkillTag> getAll(Long i, int seq, String type) { if (type.equals("all")) return JPA.em().createQuery( "from SkillTag s where (s.industryId = :industryId or s.tagType = 0) order by s.tagType,s.seq asc") .setParameter("industryId", i).setFirstResult((seq - 1) * (40 + 19)).setMaxResults(40 + 19) .getResultList(); else return JPA.em() .createQuery( "from SkillTag s where s.industryId = :industryId and s.tagType = 1 order by s.seq asc") .setParameter("industryId", i).setFirstResult((seq - 1) * 40).setMaxResults(40).getResultList(); } public static List<SkillTag> getTagAll(Long i) { if (i == null) return JPA.em().createQuery("from SkillTag s order by s.seq asc").setMaxResults(150).getResultList(); else return JPA.em().createQuery( "from SkillTag s where (s.tagType=:tagType and s.industryId = :industryId) order by s.seq asc") .setParameter("tagType", SkillTag.TagType.TAG).setParameter("industryId", i).setMaxResults(150) .getResultList(); } public static void deleteById(Long id) { JPA.em().createQuery("delete from SkillTag where id=" + id).executeUpdate(); } public static List<SkillTag> query(String tagName, int max) { return (List<SkillTag>) JPA.em().createQuery("from SkillTag s where s.tagName like :k") .setParameter("k", "%" + tagName + "%").setMaxResults(max).getResultList(); } public static void delete(SkillTag tag) { JPA.em().remove(tag); } public static void saveOrUpdate(SkillTag skilltag) { if ( == null) { JPA.em().persist(skilltag); } else { JPA.em().merge(skilltag); } } public static Integer getMaxSeq(String cateId) { List<Integer> seqs = null; if (StringUtils.isBlank(cateId)) { seqs = (List<Integer>) JPA.em() .createQuery("select max(s.seq) from SkillTag s where s.tagType=:tagType") .setParameter("tagType", SkillTag.TagType.CATEGORY).getResultList(); } else { seqs = (List<Integer>) JPA.em().createQuery("select max(s.seq) from SkillTag s where s.industryId=:id") .setParameter("id", Long.parseLong(cateId)).getResultList(); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(seqs) && seqs.get(0) != null) return seqs.get(0); else return 0; } public static SkillTag getTagById(Long id) { List<SkillTag> resultList = JPA.em().createQuery("from SkillTag s where", SkillTag.class) .setParameter("id", id).getResultList(); return CollectionUtils.isEmpty(resultList) ? null : resultList.get(0); } /** * ?? * * @param id * ?id * @return ??? */ public static List<SkillTag> getSubTagsById(Long id) { List<SkillTag> skillTagList = (List<SkillTag>) JPA.em() .createQuery("from SkillTag s where s.industryId=:id and<>:id order by s.seq") .setParameter("id", id).getResultList(); if (skillTagList != null && skillTagList.size() > 0) { return skillTagList; } return null; } public static Page<SkillTagListVo> listTagByCate(Long cateId, Integer page, Integer start, Integer limit, String searchText) { String hql1 = "select count(s) from SkillTag s where s.industryId=? and<>?"; if (searchText != null && !"".equals(searchText)) { hql1 += " and (s.tagName like ? or s.tagNameEn like ?)"; } Query query1 = JPA.em().createQuery(hql1); query1.setParameter(1, cateId); query1.setParameter(2, cateId); if (searchText != null && !"".equals(searchText)) { query1.setParameter(3, "%" + searchText + "%"); query1.setParameter(4, "%" + searchText + "%"); } Long total = (Long) query1.getSingleResult(); String hql2 = "from SkillTag s left join fetch s.industry where s.industryId=? and<>?"; if (searchText != null && !"".equals(searchText)) { hql2 += " and (s.tagName like ? or s.tagNameEn like ?)"; } hql2 += " order by s.seq asc"; Query query2 = JPA.em().createQuery(hql2); query2.setParameter(1, cateId); query2.setParameter(2, cateId); if (searchText != null && !"".equals(searchText)) { query2.setParameter(3, "%" + searchText + "%"); query2.setParameter(4, "%" + searchText + "%"); } List<SkillTag> skillTags = query2.setFirstResult(start).setMaxResults(limit).getResultList(); Page<SkillTagListVo> p = new Page<SkillTagListVo>(); p.setTotal(total); List<SkillTagListVo> sklvs = new ArrayList<SkillTagListVo>(); for (SkillTag skillTag : skillTags) { SkillTagListVo sklv = new SkillTagListVo(); sklv.setId(; if (skillTag.industry != null) { sklv.setIndustryId(; sklv.setIndustryName(skillTag.industry.tagName); } sklv.setHits(skillTag.hits); sklv.setTagNameEn(skillTag.tagNameEn); sklv.setTagName(skillTag.tagName); sklv.setSeq(skillTag.seq); sklv.setTagType(skillTag.tagType); sklvs.add(sklv); } p.setData(sklvs); return p; } public static List<SkillTag> listCategories(int limit) { return JPA.em().createQuery("from SkillTag s where s.tagType=:tagType order by s.seq asc") .setParameter("tagType", SkillTag.TagType.CATEGORY).setMaxResults(limit).getResultList(); } /** * ? * * @param userId * id * @return */ public static List<SkillTag> listCategoriesOfExpert(Long userId) { return (List<SkillTag>) JPA.em().createQuery("select e.inTags from Expert e where e.userId=:userId") .setParameter("userId", userId).getResultList(); } /** * ??????? * * @return ??list? */ public static List<String> listCountrysOfAllUser() { List<String> countryList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Object[]> list = JPA.em().createQuery( "select distinct(,count( from Expert e where is not null group by order by count( desc,") .getResultList(); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Object[] objs = (Object[]) list.get(i); countryList.add((String) objs[0]); } } return countryList; } public static Boolean isExist(String tagName, Long id) { List<SkillTag> st = null; if (id == null) st = JPA.em().createQuery("from SkillTag s where s.tagName=:tagName and s.tagType=1") .setParameter("tagName", tagName).getResultList(); else st = JPA.em().createQuery("from SkillTag s where s.tagName=:tagName and s.tagType=1 and <>" + id) .setParameter("tagName", tagName).getResultList(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(st)) { return false; } else { return true; } } public static List<TopCate> getTopCateWithCache() { List<TopCate> cates = (List<TopCate>) Cache.get(Constants.CACHE_EXPERT_TOPS); if (cates == null) { HashMap<Long, Integer> expertMap = new HashMap<Long, Integer>(); cates = new ArrayList<TopCate>(); List<SkillTag> tags = SkillTag.listCategories(8); for (SkillTag st : tags) { TopCate topCate = new TopCate(); topCate.setId(; topCate.setTagName(st.tagName); cates.add(topCate); } TopExpert.queryTopExpertList(cates); Cache.set(Constants.CACHE_EXPERT_TOPS, cates, 24 * 60 * 60); } return cates; } public static List<String> getCountryNameWithCache() { List<String> countryNameList = (List<String>) Cache.get(Constants.CACHE_COUNTRY); if (countryNameList == null) { countryNameList = listCountrysOfAllUser(); Cache.set(Constants.CACHE_COUNTRY, countryNameList, 24 * 60 * 60); } return countryNameList; } public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { = id; } public String getTagName() { return tagName; } public void setTagName(String tagName) { this.tagName = tagName; } public String getTagNameEn() { return tagNameEn; } public void setTagNameEn(String tagNameEn) { this.tagNameEn = tagNameEn; } public String getTagNamePY() { return tagNamePY; } public void setTagNamePY(String tagNamePY) { this.tagNamePY = tagNamePY; } public SkillTag getIndustry() { return industry; } public void setIndustry(SkillTag industry) { this.industry = industry; } public Long getIndustryId() { return industryId; } public void setIndustryId(Long industryId) { this.industryId = industryId; } public Long getHits() { return hits; } public void setHits(Long hits) { this.hits = hits; } public Integer getSeq() { return seq; } public void setSeq(Integer seq) { this.seq = seq; } public TagType getTagType() { return tagType; } public void setTagType(TagType tagType) { this.tagType = tagType; } public Set<AttachOfIndustry> getAttachs() { return attachs; } public void setAttachs(Set<AttachOfIndustry> attachs) { this.attachs = attachs; } /** * @return industrys */ public Set<SkillTag> getIndustrys() { return industrys; } /** * @param industrys ? industrys */ public void setIndustrys(Set<SkillTag> industrys) { this.industrys = industrys; } }