Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * MicroUnits - Pauses Analysis of XML files generated by Translog II software.
 * For Translog II details See <>
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Gabriel Ed. da Silva
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
package Model;

import static Model.StringTreatment.getFontString;
import static Model.StringTreatment.removeExtensionsPdf;
import static Model.StringTreatment.removeExtensionsXml;
import static Model.StringTreatment.replace;
import com.itextpdf.text.Document;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph;
import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.FontSelector;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;

 * @author Gabriel Ed. da Silva
public class MyPdfDocument {

    private static final int BOTH = 0;
    private static final int LINEARPROTOCOL = 1;
    private static final int MICROUNITSWITHFIXATIONS = 2;

    private MyPdfDocument() {

     * Gets a object instance for MyPdfDocument
     * Recupera uma instncia de objeto do MyPdfDocument
     * @return Instance
    public static MyPdfDocument getInstance() {
        return MyPdfDocumentHolder.INSTANCE;

    private static class MyPdfDocumentHolder {
        private static final MyPdfDocument INSTANCE = new MyPdfDocument();

     * Create a pdf file
     * Cria um arquivo pdf
     * @param path Directory to Parse
     * @param file PDF File name
     * @param pause Time between pauses
     * @param type 0 - Both, 1 - Linear Protocol, 2 - fixation
     * @throws java.lang.Exception Exception
    public void create(String path, String file, Integer pause, Integer type) throws Exception {
        try {

            File dir = new File(path);
            String[] filename = dir.list();

            if (filename == null) {

            switch (type) {
            case BOTH:
                create(filename, path, file, pause);
            case LINEARPROTOCOL:
                createLinearProtocol(filename, path, file, pause);
                createfixation(filename, path, file, pause);
                throw new Exception("Invalid type");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new Exception(ex.getMessage());

    private void create(String[] filename, String path, String file, Integer pause) throws Exception {

        ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stList1 = new ArrayList<>(); // MicroUnits with Fixation
        ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stList2 = new ArrayList<>(); // Linear Protocol
        String docName;

         * Gets all xml files in a directory and parses them
         * each file is writing in a different pdf file
         * Recupera todos os arquivos xml de um diretrio e os processa, em
         * seguida cada arquivo  escrito em arquivo pdf diferente
        for (String st : filename) {
            if (st.endsWith(".xml")) {
                MyDoc myDoc = getMyDoc(path, st);

                 * Clears the list to always have the title in first position 
                 * Limpa a lista para sempre ter o ttulo na primeira posio


                 * Removes the file extensions and Concatenates the pdf title 
                 * with xml file name,  the final name will be a concatenation 
                 * of them plus ".pdf". 
                 * Remove a exteno do arquivo e concatena o ttulo do arquivo
                 * pdf ao ttulo do arquivo xml, o nome final ser a concatenao
                 * deles acrescido de ".pdf"
                 * Example / Exemplo : 
                 * file = "mypdf.pdf"
                 * st = "Example12345.xml"
                 * final = "mypdfExample12345.pdf"
                docName = removeExtensionsPdf(file) + removeExtensionsXml(st).toUpperCase() + ".pdf";
                 * Writes a pdf file - MicroUnits with PDF type.
                 * Escreve um arquivo PDF - Tipo PDF com MicroUnits. 
                stList1.get(0).set(0, removeExtensionsXml(st));
                write(stList1, docName);

                 * Temp is used to change file title
                 * A tempo  utilizada para modificar o ttulo do documento
                ArrayList<String> temp = myDoc.pauseAnalysis(pause);
                temp.set(0, removeExtensionsXml(st));


         * Write the PDF - Linear Protocol Type
         * Escreve o arquivo PDF - tipo protocolo linear
        if (!stList2.isEmpty()) {
            write(stList2, file + ".pdf");

     * Create a basic pdf file with Linear Protocol only
     * Cria um arquivo pdf bsico com apenas o protocolo linear
    private void createLinearProtocol(String[] filename, String path, String file, Integer pause) throws Exception {
        ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stList = new ArrayList<>();

         * Gets all xml files in a directory and parses them
         * Recupera todos os arquivos xml em um diretrio e os processa
        for (String st : filename) {
            if (st.endsWith(".xml")) {
                MyDoc myDoc = getMyDoc(path, st);

                 * Temp is used to change file title
                 * A tempo  utilizada para modificar o ttulo do documento
                ArrayList<String> temp = myDoc.pauseAnalysis(pause);
                temp.set(0, removeExtensionsXml(st));


         * Write the PDF
         * Escreve o arquivo PDF
        if (!stList.isEmpty()) {
            write(stList, file + ".pdf");

     * Create a pdf file with fixation parsing
     * Cria um arquivo pdf com processamento de fixaes
    private void createfixation(String[] filename, String path, String file, Integer pause) throws Exception {

        ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stList = new ArrayList<>();
        String docName;

         * Gets all xml files in a directory and parses them
         * each file is writing in a different pdf file
         * Recupera todos os arquivos xml de um diretrio e os processa, em
         * seguida cada arquivo  escrito em arquivo pdf diferente
        for (String st : filename) {
            if (st.endsWith(".xml")) {
                MyDoc myDoc = getMyDoc(path, st);

                 * Clears the list to always have the title in first position
                 * Limpa a lista para sempre ter o ttula na primeira posio


                 * Removes the file extensions and Concatenates the pdf title 
                 * with xml file name,  the final name will be a concatenation 
                 * of them plus ".pdf". 
                 * Remove a exteno do arquivo e concatena o ttulo do arquivo
                 * pdf ao ttulo do arquivo xml, o nome final ser a concatenao
                 * deles acrescido de ".pdf"
                 * Example / Exemplo : 
                 * file = "mypdf.pdf"
                 * st = "Example12345.xml"
                 * final = "mypdfExample12345.pdf"
                docName = removeExtensionsPdf(file) + removeExtensionsXml(st).toUpperCase() + ".pdf";

                 * Writes a pdf file
                 * Escreve o arquivo pdf.
                stList.get(0).set(0, removeExtensionsXml(st));
                write(stList, docName);


     * Write the pdf file
     * Escreve o arquivo pdf
    private void write(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stList, String filename)
            throws DocumentException, FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        Document document = null;

        try {
            document = new Document();
            PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(filename));

            MyFontSelector myFontSelector = MyFontSelector.getInstance();
            FontSelector fontSelector;
            Phrase phrase;

            for (ArrayList<String> stL : stList) {

                fontSelector = myFontSelector.getFontSelector("TITLE");
                phrase = fontSelector.process(stL.remove(0));
                document.add(new Paragraph(phrase));

                Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph();
                addEmptyLine(paragraph, 1);

                for (String st : stL) {
                    fontSelector = myFontSelector.getFontSelector(getFontString(st));

                     * In Windows we have some problems with Latin characters
                     * and we need to forces the encoding to UFT8
                     * No Windows tivemos alguns problemas com caracteres latinos
                     * e foi necessrio forar a codificao para UTF8
                    if (isWindows()) {
                        st = new String(st.getBytes(), "UTF8");

                    st = replace(st);

                    phrase = fontSelector.process(st);


        } catch (DocumentException ex) {
            throw new DocumentException("Read error");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("File [" + filename + "] not found");
        } finally {
            if (document != null) {

     * Add a empty line
     * Adiciona uma linha em branco
     * Method addEmptyLine as seen in:
    private void addEmptyLine(Paragraph paragraph, int number) {
        for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
            paragraph.add(new Paragraph(" "));

     * Checks if the OS is Windows
     * Verifica se o sistema operacional  Windows
     * @return True if is running in Windows
    private boolean isWindows() {
        return System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows");

     * Imprime o nome do arquivo a ser processado e realiza o processamento
     * Prints the file name to be parsed and do the parse
     * @param path File path
     * @param st File name
     * @return MyDoc Object
     * @throws Exception Error
    private MyDoc getMyDoc(String path, String st) throws Exception {
        System.out.println("Parsing File: " + path + StringTreatment.getSlash() + st);
        return AnotherParse.parseDocument(path + StringTreatment.getSlash() + st);