Source code

Java tutorial


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 * This file is part of the iText (R) project.
Copyright (c) 1998-2019 iText Group NV
 * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
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 * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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package com.itextpdf.text;

import com.itextpdf.text.Font.FontFamily;
import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.HyphenationEvent;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfName;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

 * A <CODE>Phrase</CODE> is a series of <CODE>Chunk</CODE>s.
 * <P>
 * A <CODE>Phrase</CODE> has a main <CODE>Font</CODE>, but some chunks
 * within the phrase can have a <CODE>Font</CODE> that differs from the
 * main <CODE>Font</CODE>. All the <CODE>Chunk</CODE>s in a <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
 * have the same <CODE>leading</CODE>.
 * <P>
 * Example:
 * // When no parameters are passed, the default leading = 16
 * <STRONG>Phrase phrase0 = new Phrase();</STRONG>
 * <STRONG>Phrase phrase1 = new Phrase("this is a phrase");</STRONG>
 * // In this example the leading is passed as a parameter
 * <STRONG>Phrase phrase2 = new Phrase(16, "this is a phrase with leading 16");</STRONG>
 * // When a Font is passed (explicitly or embedded in a chunk), the default leading = 1.5 * size of the font
 * <STRONG>Phrase phrase3 = new Phrase("this is a phrase with a red, normal font Courier, size 12", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.COURIER, 12, Font.NORMAL, new Color(255, 0, 0)));</STRONG>
 * <STRONG>Phrase phrase4 = new Phrase(new Chunk("this is a phrase"));</STRONG>
 * <STRONG>Phrase phrase5 = new Phrase(18, new Chunk("this is a phrase", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 16, Font.BOLD, new Color(255, 0, 0)));</STRONG>
 * @see      Element
 * @see      Chunk
 * @see      Paragraph
 * @see      Anchor

public class Phrase extends ArrayList<Element> implements TextElementArray {

    // constants
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 2643594602455068231L;

    // membervariables
    /** This is the leading of this phrase. */
    protected float leading = Float.NaN;

    /** The text leading that is multiplied by the biggest font size in the line. */
    protected float multipliedLeading = 0;

    /** This is the font of this phrase. */
    protected Font font;

    /** Null, unless the Phrase has to be hyphenated.
     * @since   2.1.2
    protected HyphenationEvent hyphenation = null;

     * Predefined tab position and properties(alignment, leader and etc.);
     * @since   5.4.1
    protected TabSettings tabSettings = null;

    // constructors

     * Constructs a <CODE>Phrase</CODE> without specifying a leading.
    public Phrase() {

     * Copy constructor for <CODE>Phrase</CODE>.
     * @param phrase the Phrase to copy
    public Phrase(final Phrase phrase) {
        setLeading(phrase.getLeading(), phrase.getMultipliedLeading());
        font = phrase.getFont();
        tabSettings = phrase.getTabSettings();

      * Constructs a <CODE>Phrase</CODE> with a certain leading.
      * @param   leading      the leading
    public Phrase(final float leading) {
        this.leading = leading;
        font = new Font();

     * Constructs a <CODE>Phrase</CODE> with a certain <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
     * @param   chunk      a <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
    public Phrase(final Chunk chunk) {
        font = chunk.getFont();

      * Constructs a <CODE>Phrase</CODE> with a certain <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
      * and a certain leading.
      * @param   leading   the leading
      * @param   chunk      a <CODE>Chunk</CODE>
    public Phrase(final float leading, final Chunk chunk) {
        this.leading = leading;
        font = chunk.getFont();

     * Constructs a <CODE>Phrase</CODE> with a certain <CODE>String</CODE>.
     * @param   string      a <CODE>String</CODE>
    public Phrase(final String string) {
        this(Float.NaN, string, new Font());

     * Constructs a <CODE>Phrase</CODE> with a certain <CODE>String</CODE> and a certain <CODE>Font</CODE>.
     * @param   string      a <CODE>String</CODE>
     * @param   font      a <CODE>Font</CODE>
    public Phrase(final String string, final Font font) {
        this(Float.NaN, string, font);

     * Constructs a <CODE>Phrase</CODE> with a certain leading and a certain <CODE>String</CODE>.
     * @param   leading   the leading
     * @param   string      a <CODE>String</CODE>
    public Phrase(final float leading, final String string) {
        this(leading, string, new Font());

     * Constructs a <CODE>Phrase</CODE> with a certain leading, a certain <CODE>String</CODE>
     * and a certain <CODE>Font</CODE>.
     * @param   leading   the leading
     * @param   string      a <CODE>String</CODE>
     * @param   font      a <CODE>Font</CODE>
    public Phrase(final float leading, final String string, final Font font) {
        this.leading = leading;
        this.font = font;
        /* bugfix by August Detlefsen */
        if (string != null && string.length() != 0) {
            super.add(new Chunk(string, font));

    // implementation of the Element-methods

     * Processes the element by adding it (or the different parts) to an
     * <CODE>ElementListener</CODE>.
     * @param   listener   an <CODE>ElementListener</CODE>
     * @return   <CODE>true</CODE> if the element was processed successfully
    public boolean process(final ElementListener listener) {
        try {
            for (Object element : this) {
                listener.add((Element) element);
            return true;
        } catch (DocumentException de) {
            return false;

     * Gets the type of the text element.
     * @return   a type
    public int type() {
        return Element.PHRASE;

     * Gets all the chunks in this element.
     * @return   an <CODE>ArrayList</CODE>
    public java.util.List<Chunk> getChunks() {
        java.util.List<Chunk> tmp = new ArrayList<Chunk>();
        for (Element element : this) {
        return tmp;

     * @see com.itextpdf.text.Element#isContent()
     * @since   iText 2.0.8
    public boolean isContent() {
        return true;

     * @see com.itextpdf.text.Element#isNestable()
     * @since   iText 2.0.8
    public boolean isNestable() {
        return true;

    // overriding some of the ArrayList-methods

     * Adds a <CODE>Chunk</CODE>, an <CODE>Anchor</CODE> or another <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
     * to this <CODE>Phrase</CODE>.
     * @param   index   index at which the specified element is to be inserted
     * @param   element   an object of type <CODE>Chunk</CODE>, <CODE>Anchor</CODE> or <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
     * @throws   ClassCastException   when you try to add something that isn't a <CODE>Chunk</CODE>, <CODE>Anchor</CODE> or <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
     * @since 5.0.1 (signature changed to use Element)
    public void add(final int index, final Element element) {
        if (element == null)
        switch (element.type()) {
        case Element.CHUNK:
            Chunk chunk = (Chunk) element;
            if (!font.isStandardFont()) {
            if (hyphenation != null && chunk.getHyphenation() == null && !chunk.isEmpty()) {
            super.add(index, chunk);
        case Element.PHRASE:
        case Element.PARAGRAPH:
        case Element.MARKED:
        case Element.DIV:
        case Element.ANCHOR:
        case Element.ANNOTATION:
        case Element.PTABLE:
        case Element.LIST:
        case Element.YMARK:
        case Element.WRITABLE_DIRECT:
            super.add(index, element);
            throw new ClassCastException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("insertion.of.illegal.element.1",

     * Adds a <CODE>String</CODE> to this <CODE>Phrase</CODE>.
     * @param   s       a string
     * @return  a boolean
     * @since 5.0.1
    public boolean add(final String s) {
        if (s == null) {
            return false;
        return super.add(new Chunk(s, font));

     * Adds a <CODE>Chunk</CODE>, <CODE>Anchor</CODE> or another <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
     * to this <CODE>Phrase</CODE>.
     * @param   element       an object of type <CODE>Chunk</CODE>, <CODE>Anchor</CODE> or <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
     * @return  a boolean
     * @throws  ClassCastException      when you try to add something that isn't a <CODE>Chunk</CODE>, <CODE>Anchor</CODE> or <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
     * @since 5.0.1 (signature changed to use Element)
    public boolean add(final Element element) {
        if (element == null)
            return false;
        try {
            // TODO same as in document - change switch to generic adding that works everywhere
            switch (element.type()) {
            case Element.CHUNK:
                return addChunk((Chunk) element);
            case Element.PHRASE:
            case Element.PARAGRAPH:
                Phrase phrase = (Phrase) element;
                boolean success = true;
                Element e;
                for (Object element2 : phrase) {
                    e = (Element) element2;
                    if (e instanceof Chunk) {
                        success &= addChunk((Chunk) e);
                    } else {
                        success &= this.add(e);
                return success;
            case Element.MARKED:
            case Element.DIV:
            case Element.ANCHOR:
            case Element.ANNOTATION:
            case Element.PTABLE: // case added by mr. Karen Vardanyan
            case Element.LIST:
            case Element.YMARK:
            case Element.WRITABLE_DIRECT:
                return super.add(element);
                throw new ClassCastException(String.valueOf(element.type()));
        } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
            throw new ClassCastException(
                    MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("insertion.of.illegal.element.1", cce.getMessage()));

     * Adds a collection of <CODE>Chunk</CODE>s
     * to this <CODE>Phrase</CODE>.
     * @param   collection   a collection of <CODE>Chunk</CODE>s, <CODE>Anchor</CODE>s and <CODE>Phrase</CODE>s.
     * @return   <CODE>true</CODE> if the action succeeded, <CODE>false</CODE> if not.
     * @throws   ClassCastException   when you try to add something that isn't a <CODE>Chunk</CODE>, <CODE>Anchor</CODE> or <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
    public boolean addAll(final Collection<? extends Element> collection) {
        for (Element e : collection) {
        return true;

     * Adds a Chunk.
     * <p>
     * This method is a hack to solve a problem I had with phrases that were split between chunks
     * in the wrong place.
     * @param chunk a Chunk to add to the Phrase
     * @return true if adding the Chunk succeeded
    protected boolean addChunk(final Chunk chunk) {
        Font f = chunk.getFont();
        String c = chunk.getContent();
        if (font != null && !font.isStandardFont()) {
            f = font.difference(chunk.getFont());
        if (size() > 0 && !chunk.hasAttributes()) {
            try {
                Chunk previous = (Chunk) get(size() - 1);
                PdfName previousRole = previous.getRole();
                PdfName chunkRole = chunk.getRole();
                boolean sameRole;
                if (previousRole == null || chunkRole == null)
                    //Set the value to true if either are null since the overwriting of the role will not matter
                    sameRole = true;
                    sameRole = previousRole.equals(chunkRole);
                if (sameRole && !previous.hasAttributes() && !chunk.hasAccessibleAttributes()
                        && !previous.hasAccessibleAttributes()
                        && (f == null || f.compareTo(previous.getFont()) == 0)
                        && !"".equals(previous.getContent().trim()) && !"".equals(c.trim())) {
                    return true;
            } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
        Chunk newChunk = new Chunk(c, f);
        newChunk.role = chunk.getRole();
        newChunk.accessibleAttributes = chunk.getAccessibleAttributes();
        if (hyphenation != null && newChunk.getHyphenation() == null && !newChunk.isEmpty()) {
        return super.add(newChunk);

     * Adds an <CODE>Element</CODE> to the <CODE>Paragraph</CODE>.
     * @param   object      the object to add.
    protected void addSpecial(final Element object) {

    // other methods that change the member variables

     * Sets the leading fixed and variable. The resultant leading will be
     * <ul>
     * <li>If Phrase is added to the ColumnText: fixedLeading+multipliedLeading*maxFontSize, where maxFontSize is the size of the biggest font in the line;<li/>
     * <li>If Phrase is added to the PdfDocument: fixedLeading+multipliedLeading*phraseFontSize, where phraseFontSize is the size of the font applied to the current phrase.<li/>
     * <ul/>
     * @param fixedLeading the fixed leading
     * @param multipliedLeading the variable leading
    public void setLeading(final float fixedLeading, final float multipliedLeading) {
        this.leading = fixedLeading;
        this.multipliedLeading = multipliedLeading;

     * @see com.itextpdf.text.Phrase#setLeading(float)
    public void setLeading(final float fixedLeading) {
        this.leading = fixedLeading;
        this.multipliedLeading = 0;

     * Sets the variable leading. The resultant leading will be
     * <ul>
     * <li>If Phrase is added to the ColumnText: fixedLeading+multipliedLeading*maxFontSize, where maxFontSize is the size of the biggest font in the line;<li/>
     * <li>If Phrase is added to the PdfDocument: fixedLeading+multipliedLeading*phraseFontSize, where phraseFontSize is the size of the font applied to the current phrase.<li/>
     * <ul/>
     * @param multipliedLeading the variable leading
    public void setMultipliedLeading(final float multipliedLeading) {
        this.leading = 0;
        this.multipliedLeading = multipliedLeading;

     * Sets the main font of this phrase.
     * @param font   the new font
    public void setFont(final Font font) {
        this.font = font;

    // methods to retrieve information

      * Gets the leading of this phrase.
      * @return   the linespacing
    public float getLeading() {
        if (Float.isNaN(leading) && font != null) {
            return font.getCalculatedLeading(1.5f);
        return leading;

     * Gets the variable leading
     * @return the leading
    public float getMultipliedLeading() {
        return multipliedLeading;

     * Gets the total leading.
     * This method is based on the assumption that the
     * font of the Paragraph is the font of all the elements
     * that make part of the paragraph. This isn't necessarily
     * true.
     * @return the total leading (fixed and multiplied)
    public float getTotalLeading() {
        float m = font == null ? Font.DEFAULTSIZE * multipliedLeading
                : font.getCalculatedLeading(multipliedLeading);
        if (m > 0 && !hasLeading()) {
            return m;
        return getLeading() + m;

     * Checks you if the leading of this phrase is defined.
     * @return   true if the leading is defined
    public boolean hasLeading() {
        if (Float.isNaN(leading)) {
            return false;
        return true;

      * Gets the font of the first <CODE>Chunk</CODE> that appears in this <CODE>Phrase</CODE>.
      * @return   a <CODE>Font</CODE>
    public Font getFont() {
        return font;

      * Returns the content as a String object.
      * This method differs from toString because toString will return an ArrayList with the toString value of the Chunks in this Phrase.
     * @return the content
    public String getContent() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        for (Chunk c : getChunks()) {
        return buf.toString();

     * Checks is this <CODE>Phrase</CODE> contains no or 1 empty <CODE>Chunk</CODE>.
     * @return   <CODE>false</CODE> if the <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
     * contains more than one or more non-empty<CODE>Chunk</CODE>s.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        switch (size()) {
        case 0:
            return true;
        case 1:
            Element element = get(0);
            if (element.type() == Element.CHUNK && ((Chunk) element).isEmpty()) {
                return true;
            return false;
            return false;

     * Getter for the hyphenation settings.
     * @return   a HyphenationEvent
     * @since   2.1.2
    public HyphenationEvent getHyphenation() {
        return hyphenation;

     * Setter for the hyphenation.
     * @param   hyphenation   a HyphenationEvent instance
     * @since   2.1.2
    public void setHyphenation(final HyphenationEvent hyphenation) {
        this.hyphenation = hyphenation;

     * Getter for the tab stops settings.
     * @return   a HyphenationEvent
     * @since   5.4.1
    public TabSettings getTabSettings() {
        return tabSettings;

     * Setter for the tab stops.
     * @param   tabSettings tab settings
     * @since   5.4.1
    public void setTabSettings(TabSettings tabSettings) {
        this.tabSettings = tabSettings;

    // kept for historical reasons; people should use FontSelector
    // eligible for deprecation, but the methods are mentioned in the book p277.

     * Constructs a Phrase that can be used in the static getInstance() method.
     * @param   dummy   a dummy parameter
    private Phrase(final boolean dummy) {

     * Gets a special kind of Phrase that changes some characters into corresponding symbols.
     * @param string
     * @return a newly constructed Phrase
    public static final Phrase getInstance(final String string) {
        return getInstance(16, string, new Font());

     * Gets a special kind of Phrase that changes some characters into corresponding symbols.
     * @param leading
     * @param string
     * @return a newly constructed Phrase
    public static final Phrase getInstance(final int leading, final String string) {
        return getInstance(leading, string, new Font());

     * Gets a special kind of Phrase that changes some characters into corresponding symbols.
     * @param leading
     * @param string
     * @param font
     * @return a newly constructed Phrase
    public static final Phrase getInstance(final int leading, String string, final Font font) {
        Phrase p = new Phrase(true);
        p.font = font;
        if (font.getFamily() != FontFamily.SYMBOL && font.getFamily() != FontFamily.ZAPFDINGBATS
                && font.getBaseFont() == null) {
            int index;
            while ((index = SpecialSymbol.index(string)) > -1) {
                if (index > 0) {
                    String firstPart = string.substring(0, index);
                    p.add(new Chunk(firstPart, font));
                    string = string.substring(index);
                Font symbol = new Font(FontFamily.SYMBOL, font.getSize(), font.getStyle(), font.getColor());
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                string = string.substring(1);
                while (SpecialSymbol.index(string) == 0) {
                    string = string.substring(1);
                p.add(new Chunk(buf.toString(), symbol));
        if (string != null && string.length() != 0) {
            p.add(new Chunk(string, font));
        return p;

    public boolean trim() {
        while (this.size() > 0) {
            Element firstChunk = this.get(0);
            if (firstChunk instanceof Chunk && ((Chunk) firstChunk).isWhitespace()) {
            } else {
        while (this.size() > 0) {
            Element lastChunk = this.get(this.size() - 1);
            if (lastChunk instanceof Chunk && ((Chunk) lastChunk).isWhitespace()) {
            } else {
        return size() > 0;
