Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Kazuya (Kaz) Yokoyama <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import mobisocial.bento.ebento.ui.EventListItem; import mobisocial.bento.ebento.ui.PeopleListItem; import mobisocial.bento.ebento.util.BitmapHelper; import mobisocial.bento.ebento.util.UIUtils; import mobisocial.socialkit.Obj; import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.DbFeed; import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.DbIdentity; import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.DbObj; import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.FeedObserver; import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.Musubi; import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.Musubi.DbThing; import mobisocial.socialkit.musubi.multiplayer.FeedRenderable; import mobisocial.socialkit.obj.MemObj; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; public class EventManager { public interface OnStateUpdatedListener { public void onStateUpdated(); } public interface OnInitialEventListener { public void onEventInitialized(); } public static final String ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME = "android_pkg"; public static final String ANDROID_CLASS_NAME = "android_cls"; public static final String ANDROID_ACTION = "android_action"; public static final String TYPE_EBENTO = "ebento"; public static final String TYPE_APPSTATE = "appstate"; // root > state public static final String STATE = "state"; // root > state > event public static final String VERSION_CODE = "version_code"; public static final String EVENT = "event"; public static final String EVENT_UUID = "uuid"; public static final String EVENT_TITLE = "title"; public static final String EVENT_PLACE = "place"; public static final String EVENT_DETAILS = "details"; public static final String EVENT_DATE_START = "date_start"; public static final String EVENT_DATE_END = "date_end"; public static final String EVENT_DATE_YEAR = "year"; public static final String EVENT_DATE_MONTH = "month"; public static final String EVENT_DATE_DAY = "day"; public static final String EVENT_DATE_ALLDAY = "allday"; public static final String EVENT_TIME_START = "time_start"; public static final String EVENT_TIME_END = "time_end"; public static final String EVENT_TIME_HOUR = "hour"; public static final String EVENT_TIME_MINUTE = "minute"; public static final String EVENT_HAS_IMAGE = "has_image"; public static final String EVENT_CRE_DATE = "cre_date"; public static final String EVENT_MOD_DATE = "mod_date"; public static final String EVENT_CRE_CONTACT_ID = "cre_contact_id"; public static final String EVENT_MOD_CONTACT_ID = "mod_contact_id"; // root > state > people public static final String PEOPLE_LIST = "people_list"; public static final String PEOPLE_CONTACT_ID = "contact_id"; public static final String PEOPLE_STATE = "state"; // root > event_image public static final String EVENT_IMAGE = "event_image"; public static final String EVENT_IMAGE_UUID = "uuid"; public static final String B64JPGTHUMB = FeedRenderable.OBJ_B64_JPEG; // root > initial public static final String EVENT_INIT = "event_init"; private class LatestObj { public JSONObject json = null; public int intKey = 0; }; private static final Boolean DEBUG = UIUtils.isDebugMode(); private static final String TAG = "EventManager"; private static EventManager sInstance = null; private Musubi mMusubi = null; private Uri mCurrentUri = null; private String mLocalContactId = null; private String mLocalName = null; private Integer mLastInt = 0; private int mVersionCode = 0; private boolean mbFromMusubi = false; private boolean mbInitialEvent = false; private OnInitialEventListener mInitEventListener = null; private Event mEvent = null; private ArrayList<EventListItem> mEventList = new ArrayList<EventListItem>(); private ArrayList<PeopleListItem> mPeopleList = null; private Map<Long, ArrayList<String>> mMemberNameCache = new HashMap<Long, ArrayList<String>>(); private ArrayList<OnStateUpdatedListener> mListenerList = new ArrayList<OnStateUpdatedListener>(); // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Instance // ---------------------------------------------------------- private EventManager() { initData(); } public static EventManager getInstance() { if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = new EventManager(); } return sInstance; } public void init(Musubi musubi) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "init()"); // remove previous data if (mCurrentUri != null) { musubi.objForUri(mCurrentUri).getSubfeed().unregisterStateObserver(mStateObserver); } mCurrentUri = null; initData(); } public void setMusubi(Musubi musubi, int versionCode) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "setMusubi()"); mMusubi = musubi; mVersionCode = versionCode; // start new one if (mMusubi.getObj() != null && mMusubi.getObj().getSubfeed() != null) { setEventObjUri(mMusubi.getObj().getUri()); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Get / Retrieve // ---------------------------------------------------------- synchronized public boolean hasEvent() { return (mEvent == null ? false : true); } synchronized public Event getEvent() { return mEvent; } synchronized public PeopleListItem getPeopleListItem(int position) { return mPeopleList.get(position); } synchronized public int getPeopleListCount() { return mPeopleList.size(); } synchronized public String getLocalContactId() { return mLocalContactId; } synchronized public String getLocalName() { return mLocalName; } synchronized public int getLocalState() { int state = People.STATE_UNKNOWN; if (mPeopleList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mPeopleList.size(); i++) { PeopleListItem item = mPeopleList.get(i); // skip header if (item.header.bHeader) { continue; } if (mLocalContactId.equals(item.people.contactId)) { state = item.people.state; break; } } } return state; } synchronized public int getNumberOfState(int state) { int number = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mPeopleList.size(); i++) { PeopleListItem item = mPeopleList.get(i); if (item.header.state == state) { number = item.header.numberInHeader; break; } } return number; } synchronized public boolean isCreator() { boolean ret = true; if (mEvent != null) { ret = mLocalContactId.equals(mEvent.creContactId); } return ret; } // Event List synchronized public void loadEventList() { long prevFeedId = -1; String[] projection = new String[] { DbObj.COL_ID, DbObj.COL_FEED_ID }; Uri uri = Musubi.uriForDir(DbThing.OBJECT); String selection = "type = ?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { TYPE_EBENTO }; String sortOrder = DbObj.COL_FEED_ID + " asc, " + DbObj.COL_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP + " asc"; Cursor c = mMusubi.getContext().getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); ArrayList<EventListItem> tmpList = new ArrayList<EventListItem>(); if (c != null && c.moveToFirst()) { mEventList = new ArrayList<EventListItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < c.getCount(); i++) { EventListItem item = new EventListItem(); item.event = new Event(); DbObj dbObj = mMusubi.objForCursor(c); LatestObj latestObj = null; latestObj = fetchLatestObj(c.getLong(0)); if (latestObj != null && latestObj.json.has(STATE)) { JSONObject stateObj = latestObj.json.optJSONObject(STATE); if (fetchEventObj(dbObj.getUri(), stateObj, item.event)) { item.objUri = dbObj.getUri(); item.feedId = c.getLong(1); if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, item.objUri.toString()); Log.d(TAG, item.feedId + ""); } tmpList.add(0, item); // load members fetchMemberNames(item.feedId); } } c.moveToNext(); } } c.close(); // insert dividers if (tmpList.size() > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < tmpList.size(); j++) { EventListItem item = tmpList.get(j); if (prevFeedId != item.feedId) { EventListItem divider = new EventListItem(); divider.enabled = false; divider.feedId = item.feedId; mEventList.add(divider); prevFeedId = item.feedId; } mEventList.add(item); } } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "tmpList:" + tmpList.size() + " mEventList:" + mEventList.size()); } } private LatestObj fetchLatestObj(long localId) { Uri uri = Musubi.uriForDir(DbThing.OBJECT); String[] projection = new String[] { DbObj.COL_JSON, DbObj.COL_INT_KEY }; String selection = DbObj.COL_PARENT_ID + "=? and type= ?"; String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { Long.toString(localId), TYPE_APPSTATE }; String sortOrder = DbObj.COL_INT_KEY + " desc limit 1"; Cursor c = mMusubi.getContext().getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { LatestObj latestObj = new LatestObj(); try { latestObj.json = new JSONObject(c.getString(0)); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } latestObj.intKey = c.getInt(1); return latestObj; } else { c.close(); selection = DbObj.COL_ID + "=?"; selectionArgs = new String[] { Long.toString(localId) }; c = mMusubi.getContext().getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); if (c.moveToFirst()) { LatestObj latestObj = new LatestObj(); try { latestObj.json = new JSONObject(c.getString(0)); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } latestObj.intKey = c.getInt(1); return latestObj; } else { return null; } } } finally { c.close(); } } synchronized public EventListItem getEventListItem(int position) { return mEventList.get(position); } synchronized public int getEventListCount() { return mEventList.size(); } public ArrayList<String> getMemberNames(long feedId) { if (mMemberNameCache == null || !mMemberNameCache.containsKey(feedId)) { fetchMemberNames(feedId); } return mMemberNameCache.get(feedId); } private void fetchMemberNames(long feedId) { if (mMemberNameCache == null) { mMemberNameCache = new HashMap<Long, ArrayList<String>>(); } if (!mMemberNameCache.containsKey(feedId)) { ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); Uri feedUri = Musubi.uriForItem(DbThing.FEED, feedId); List<DbIdentity> members = mMusubi.getFeed(feedUri).getMembers(); for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) { DbIdentity id = members.get(i); if (id != null) { if (!id.isOwned()) { // skip me names.add(id.getName()); } } } mMemberNameCache.put(feedId, names); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Update // ---------------------------------------------------------- synchronized public void initEvent(Event event, String msg, OnInitialEventListener listener) { mbInitialEvent = true; mInitEventListener = listener; newData(); updateEvent(event, msg, true); } synchronized public void createEvent(Event event, String msg) { updateEvent(event, msg, false); } synchronized public void updateEvent(Event event, String msg, boolean bFirst) { mEvent = event; String uuid = null; String data = null; if (mEvent.image != null) { uuid = mEvent.uuid; data = Base64.encodeToString(BitmapHelper.bitmapToBytes(mEvent.image), Base64.DEFAULT); } pushUpdate(msg, uuid, data, bFirst); } synchronized public void updatePeople(String contactId, int state, String msg) { PeopleListItem item = new PeopleListItem(); item.people.contactId = contactId; item.people.state = state; updateToPeopleListWithState(contactId, state); pushUpdate(msg, false); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Listener // ---------------------------------------------------------- public void addListener(OnStateUpdatedListener listener) { mListenerList.add(listener); } public void removeListener(OnStateUpdatedListener listener) { mListenerList.remove(listener); } // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Musubi // ---------------------------------------------------------- public void setFromMusubi(boolean bFromMusubi) { mbFromMusubi = bFromMusubi; } public boolean isFromMusubi() { return mbFromMusubi; } public void setFeedUri(Uri feedUri) { mMusubi.setFeed(mMusubi.getFeed(feedUri)); } public void pushUpdate(String msg, boolean bFirst) { pushUpdate(msg, null, null, bFirst); } public void pushUpdate(String msg, String eventUuid, String data, boolean bFirst) { try { JSONObject rootObj = new JSONObject(); rootObj.put(Obj.FIELD_RENDER_TYPE, Obj.RENDER_LATEST); rootObj.put(STATE, getStateObj()); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "pushUpdate - getStateObj():" + getStateObj().toString()); JSONObject out = new JSONObject(rootObj.toString()); // ignore data when initial posting if (!bFirst && eventUuid != null && data != null) { JSONObject eventImageObj = new JSONObject(); eventImageObj.put(EVENT_IMAGE_UUID, eventUuid); out.put(EVENT_IMAGE, eventImageObj); out.put(B64JPGTHUMB, data); } // initial post if (bFirst) { out.put(EVENT_INIT, 1); } FeedRenderable renderable = FeedRenderable.fromText(msg); renderable.addToJson(out); if (bFirst) { Obj obj = new MemObj(TYPE_EBENTO, out, null); Uri eventUri = mMusubi.getFeed().insert(obj); setEventObjUri(eventUri); } else { Obj obj = new MemObj(TYPE_APPSTATE, out, null, ++mLastInt); mMusubi.objForUri(mCurrentUri).getSubfeed().postObj(obj); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to post JSON", e); } } public void setEventObjUri(Uri objUri) { // previous uri if (mCurrentUri != null) { mMusubi.objForUri(mCurrentUri).getSubfeed().unregisterStateObserver(mStateObserver); } // new uri mCurrentUri = objUri; DbObj dbObj = mMusubi.objForUri(objUri); Long localId = dbObj.getLocalId(); LatestObj latestObj = null; latestObj = fetchLatestObj(localId); if (latestObj != null && latestObj.json.has(STATE)) { JSONObject stateObj = latestObj.json.optJSONObject(STATE); if (stateObj == null) { initData(); mLastInt = 0; } else { setNewStateObj(stateObj); mLastInt = latestObj.intKey; } } DbFeed dbFeed = mMusubi.objForUri(mCurrentUri).getContainingFeed(); List<DbIdentity> members = dbFeed.getMembers(); for (DbIdentity member : members) { if (member.isOwned()) { mLocalContactId = member.getId(); mLocalName = member.getName(); } } if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "setEventObjUri"); Log.d(TAG, " mLocalContactId=" + mLocalContactId); Log.d(TAG, " mLocalName=" + mLocalName); } mMusubi.objForUri(mCurrentUri).getSubfeed().registerStateObserver(mStateObserver); } private final FeedObserver mStateObserver = new FeedObserver() { @Override synchronized public void onUpdate(DbObj obj) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onUpdate:" + obj.toString()); // ignore if (obj == null || obj.getJson() == null || !obj.getJson().has(STATE)) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onUpdate: ignore-1"); return; } // notify refresh (always) Handler handler = new Handler(); Runnable() { public void run() { for (OnStateUpdatedListener listener : mListenerList) { listener.onStateUpdated(); } } }); if (mEvent == null) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onUpdate: ignore-2"); return; } JSONObject stateObj = null; stateObj = obj.getJson().optJSONObject(STATE); try { if (!isValidEvent(stateObj.getJSONObject(EVENT).optString(EVENT_UUID))) { if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onUpdate: ignore-3"); return; } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get JSON", e); return; } // set new state setNewStateObj(stateObj); mLastInt = (obj.getIntKey() == null) ? 0 : obj.getIntKey(); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onUpdate - mLastInt: " + mLastInt); // initial post if (mbInitialEvent && obj.getJson().has(EVENT_INIT)) { mInitEventListener.onEventInitialized(); mbInitialEvent = false; } } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // Private // ---------------------------------------------------------- private void initData() { mEvent = null; mPeopleList = null; mMemberNameCache = null; mCurrentUri = null; mLocalContactId = null; mLocalName = null; mbInitialEvent = false; mInitEventListener = null; } private void newData() { mEvent = new Event(); mPeopleList = new ArrayList<PeopleListItem>(); mPeopleList.add(new PeopleListItem(People.STATE_YES)); mPeopleList.add(new PeopleListItem(People.STATE_MAYBE)); mPeopleList.add(new PeopleListItem(People.STATE_NO)); } private void setNewStateObj(JSONObject stateObj) { newData(); setNewEventObj(stateObj); setNewPeopleListObj(stateObj); } private void setNewEventObj(JSONObject stateObj) { fetchEventObj(mCurrentUri, stateObj, mEvent); } private boolean fetchEventObj(Uri objUri, JSONObject stateObj, Event event) { boolean ret = false; try { JSONObject eventObj = stateObj.getJSONObject(EVENT); event.uuid = eventObj.optString(EVENT_UUID); event.title = eventObj.optString(EVENT_TITLE); = eventObj.optString(EVENT_PLACE); event.details = eventObj.optString(EVENT_DETAILS); JSONObject startDateObj = eventObj.getJSONObject(EVENT_DATE_START); event.startDate.year = startDateObj.optInt(EVENT_DATE_YEAR); event.startDate.month = startDateObj.optInt(EVENT_DATE_MONTH); = startDateObj.optInt(EVENT_DATE_DAY); event.startDate.bAllDay = startDateObj.optBoolean(EVENT_DATE_ALLDAY); JSONObject endDateObj = eventObj.getJSONObject(EVENT_DATE_END); event.endDate.year = endDateObj.optInt(EVENT_DATE_YEAR); event.endDate.month = endDateObj.optInt(EVENT_DATE_MONTH); = endDateObj.optInt(EVENT_DATE_DAY); event.endDate.bAllDay = endDateObj.optBoolean(EVENT_DATE_ALLDAY); JSONObject startTimeObj = eventObj.getJSONObject(EVENT_TIME_START); event.startTime.hour = startTimeObj.optInt(EVENT_TIME_HOUR); event.startTime.minute = startTimeObj.optInt(EVENT_TIME_MINUTE); JSONObject endTimeObj = eventObj.getJSONObject(EVENT_TIME_END); event.endTime.hour = endTimeObj.optInt(EVENT_TIME_HOUR); event.endTime.minute = endTimeObj.optInt(EVENT_TIME_MINUTE); event.creDateMillis = eventObj.optLong(EVENT_CRE_DATE); event.modDateMillis = eventObj.optLong(EVENT_MOD_DATE); event.creContactId = eventObj.optString(EVENT_CRE_CONTACT_ID); event.modContactId = eventObj.optString(EVENT_MOD_CONTACT_ID); DbFeed dbFeed = mMusubi.objForUri(objUri).getSubfeed(); try { DbIdentity id = dbFeed.userForGlobalId(event.creContactId); event.creatorName = (id != null ? id.getName() : ""); } catch (Exception e) { event.creatorName = ""; } boolean bImage = eventObj.optBoolean(EVENT_HAS_IMAGE); if (bImage) { event.image = getEventImage(objUri, event.uuid); } else { event.image = null; } ret = true; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get JSON", e); } return ret; } private void setNewPeopleListObj(JSONObject stateObj) { try { JSONArray peopleListArray = stateObj.optJSONArray(PEOPLE_LIST); if (peopleListArray != null) { for (int i = 0; i < peopleListArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject peopleObj = peopleListArray.getJSONObject(i); People people = new People(); people.contactId = peopleObj.optString(PEOPLE_CONTACT_ID); people.state = peopleObj.optInt(PEOPLE_STATE); PeopleListItem item = new PeopleListItem(); item.people = people; DbFeed dbFeed = mMusubi.objForUri(mCurrentUri).getSubfeed(); DbIdentity id = dbFeed.userForGlobalId(people.contactId); item.image = id.getPicture(); = id.getName(); insertToPeopleListWithState(item); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to get JSON", e); } } private void insertToPeopleListWithState(PeopleListItem addItem) { int insertIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mPeopleList.size(); i++) { PeopleListItem item = mPeopleList.get(i); if (item.header.state == addItem.people.state) { insertIndex = i + 1; item.header.numberInHeader++; break; } } mPeopleList.add(insertIndex, addItem); } private void updateToPeopleListWithState(String contactId, int state) { boolean bRemoved = false; boolean bFound = false; int headerIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mPeopleList.size(); i++) { PeopleListItem item = mPeopleList.get(i); // skip header if (item.header.bHeader) { headerIndex = i; continue; } // remove if (contactId.equals(item.people.contactId)) { if (item.people.state != state) { mPeopleList.remove(i); mPeopleList.get(headerIndex).header.numberInHeader--; bRemoved = true; } bFound = true; break; } } // removed and new face if (bRemoved | !bFound) { PeopleListItem item = new PeopleListItem(); item.people.contactId = contactId; item.people.state = state; insertToPeopleListWithState(item); } } private Bitmap getEventImage(Uri objUri, String eventUuid) { Bitmap bitmap = null; int targetWidth = BitmapHelper.MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH; int targetHeight = BitmapHelper.MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT; float degrees = 0; DbFeed dbFeed = mMusubi.objForUri(objUri).getSubfeed(); Cursor c = dbFeed.query(); int numberOfObjInSubFeed = c.getCount(); c.moveToFirst(); for (int i = 0; i < c.getCount(); i++) { Obj object = mMusubi.objForCursor(c); bitmap = parseEventImage(object, eventUuid); if (bitmap != null) break; c.moveToNext(); } c.close(); // if no images in subfeed if (numberOfObjInSubFeed == 0 && bitmap == null) { bitmap = parseEventImage(mMusubi.objForUri(objUri), eventUuid); } // dummy if (bitmap == null) { bitmap = BitmapHelper.getDummyBitmap(targetWidth, targetHeight); } else { bitmap = BitmapHelper.getResizedBitmap(bitmap, targetWidth, targetHeight, degrees); } return bitmap; } private Bitmap parseEventImage(Obj object, String eventUuid) { Bitmap bitmap = null; if (object != null && object.getJson() != null && object.getJson().has(EVENT_IMAGE)) { JSONObject imageObj = object.getJson().optJSONObject(EVENT_IMAGE); if (eventUuid.equals(imageObj.optString(EVENT_IMAGE_UUID))) { byte[] byteArray = Base64.decode(object.getJson().optString(B64JPGTHUMB), Base64.DEFAULT); bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byteArray, 0, byteArray.length); } } return bitmap; } private JSONObject getEventObj() { JSONObject eventObj = new JSONObject(); try { eventObj.put(EVENT_UUID, mEvent.uuid); eventObj.put(EVENT_TITLE, mEvent.title); eventObj.put(EVENT_PLACE,; eventObj.put(EVENT_DETAILS, mEvent.details); JSONObject startDateObj = new JSONObject(); startDateObj.put(EVENT_DATE_YEAR, mEvent.startDate.year); startDateObj.put(EVENT_DATE_MONTH, mEvent.startDate.month); startDateObj.put(EVENT_DATE_DAY,; startDateObj.put(EVENT_DATE_ALLDAY, mEvent.startDate.bAllDay); eventObj.put(EVENT_DATE_START, startDateObj); JSONObject endDateObj = new JSONObject(); endDateObj.put(EVENT_DATE_YEAR, mEvent.endDate.year); endDateObj.put(EVENT_DATE_MONTH, mEvent.endDate.month); endDateObj.put(EVENT_DATE_DAY,; endDateObj.put(EVENT_DATE_ALLDAY, mEvent.endDate.bAllDay); eventObj.put(EVENT_DATE_END, endDateObj); JSONObject startTimeObj = new JSONObject(); startTimeObj.put(EVENT_TIME_HOUR, mEvent.startTime.hour); startTimeObj.put(EVENT_TIME_MINUTE, mEvent.startTime.minute); eventObj.put(EVENT_TIME_START, startTimeObj); JSONObject endTimeObj = new JSONObject(); endTimeObj.put(EVENT_TIME_HOUR, mEvent.endTime.hour); endTimeObj.put(EVENT_TIME_MINUTE, mEvent.endTime.minute); eventObj.put(EVENT_TIME_END, endTimeObj); eventObj.put(EVENT_CRE_DATE, mEvent.creDateMillis); eventObj.put(EVENT_MOD_DATE, mEvent.modDateMillis); eventObj.put(EVENT_CRE_CONTACT_ID, mEvent.creContactId); eventObj.put(EVENT_MOD_CONTACT_ID, mEvent.modContactId); eventObj.put(EVENT_HAS_IMAGE, (mEvent.image == null ? false : true)); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to put JSON", e); } return eventObj; } private JSONArray getPeopleListArray() { JSONArray peopleListArray = new JSONArray(); try { for (int i = 0; i < mPeopleList.size(); i++) { PeopleListItem item = mPeopleList.get(i); // skip header if (item.header.bHeader) { continue; } JSONObject peopleObj = new JSONObject(); peopleObj.put(PEOPLE_CONTACT_ID, item.people.contactId); peopleObj.put(PEOPLE_STATE, item.people.state); peopleListArray.put(peopleObj); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to put JSON", e); } return peopleListArray; } private JSONObject getStateObj() { JSONObject stateObj = new JSONObject(); try { stateObj.put(VERSION_CODE, mVersionCode); JSONObject eventObj = getEventObj(); stateObj.put(EVENT, eventObj); JSONArray peopleListArray = getPeopleListArray(); stateObj.put(PEOPLE_LIST, peopleListArray); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to put JSON", e); } return stateObj; } private boolean isValidEvent(String uuid) { return (mEvent != null && mEvent.uuid != null && uuid != null && mEvent.uuid.equals(uuid)); } }