Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014 * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package message.mybatis.common.mapper; import message.mybatis.common.provider.EmptyMapperProvider; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.DeleteProvider; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.InsertProvider; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.SelectProvider; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.UpdateProvider; import org.apache.ibatis.builder.annotation.ProviderSqlSource; import org.apache.ibatis.mapping.MappedStatement; import org.apache.ibatis.session.Configuration; import org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * ??. * * @author sunhao( * @version V1.0, 15/7/13 ?3:39 */ public class MapperHelper { /** * Mapper? */ private Map<Class<?>, MapperTemplate> registerMapper = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, MapperTemplate>(); /** * msidMapperTemplate */ private Map<String, MapperTemplate> msIdCache = new HashMap<String, MapperTemplate>(); /** * skip */ private final Map<String, Boolean> msIdSkip = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); /** * ??Collection<MappedStatement> */ private Set<Collection<MappedStatement>> collectionSet = new HashSet<Collection<MappedStatement>>(); /** * ?Spring */ private boolean spring = false; /** * ?Spring4.x */ private boolean spring4 = false; /** * Spring? */ private String springVersion; /** * getAllIfColumnNode?!=''? */ private boolean notEmpty = false; /** * */ public MapperHelper() { } /** * ? * * @param properties */ public MapperHelper(Properties properties) { setProperties(properties); } /** * ?SqlSession */ private List<SqlSession> sqlSessions = new ArrayList<SqlSession>(); /** * Spring??SqlSession * * @param sqlSessions */ public void setSqlSessions(SqlSession[] sqlSessions) { if (sqlSessions != null && sqlSessions.length > 0) { this.sqlSessions.addAll(Arrays.asList(sqlSessions)); } } public boolean isNotEmpty() { return notEmpty; } public void setNotEmpty(boolean notEmpty) { this.notEmpty = notEmpty; } /** * Spring?Spring??init-method="initMapper" */ public void initMapper() { //?Spring,Spring?,???Spring //Spring,??? //Spring4?,???Mapper initSpringVersion(); for (SqlSession sqlSession : sqlSessions) { processConfiguration(sqlSession.getConfiguration()); } } /** * Spring?,Spring4.x? */ private void initSpringVersion() { try { //???SpringVersion Class<?> springVersionClass = Class.forName("org.springframework.core.SpringVersion"); springVersion = (String) springVersionClass.getDeclaredMethod("getVersion", new Class<?>[0]) .invoke(null, new Object[0]); spring = true; if (springVersion.indexOf(".") > 0) { int MajorVersion = Integer.parseInt(springVersion.substring(0, springVersion.indexOf("."))); if (MajorVersion > 3) { spring4 = true; } else { spring4 = false; } } } catch (Exception e) { spring = false; spring4 = false; } } /** * ?Spring4.x * * @return */ public boolean isSpring4() { return spring4; } /** * ?Spring4.x * * @return */ public boolean isSpring() { return spring; } /** * ?Spring? * * @return */ public String getSpringVersion() { return springVersion; } /** * Mapper??MapperTemplate * * @param mapperClass * @return * @throws Exception */ private MapperTemplate fromMapperClass(Class<?> mapperClass) { Method[] methods = mapperClass.getDeclaredMethods(); Class<?> templateClass = null; Class<?> tempClass = null; Set<String> methodSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (Method method : methods) { if (method.isAnnotationPresent(SelectProvider.class)) { SelectProvider provider = method.getAnnotation(SelectProvider.class); tempClass = provider.type(); methodSet.add(method.getName()); } else if (method.isAnnotationPresent(InsertProvider.class)) { InsertProvider provider = method.getAnnotation(InsertProvider.class); tempClass = provider.type(); methodSet.add(method.getName()); } else if (method.isAnnotationPresent(DeleteProvider.class)) { DeleteProvider provider = method.getAnnotation(DeleteProvider.class); tempClass = provider.type(); methodSet.add(method.getName()); } else if (method.isAnnotationPresent(UpdateProvider.class)) { UpdateProvider provider = method.getAnnotation(UpdateProvider.class); tempClass = provider.type(); methodSet.add(method.getName()); } if (templateClass == null) { templateClass = tempClass; } else if (templateClass != tempClass) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapper??MapperTemplate?!"); } } if (templateClass == null || !MapperTemplate.class.isAssignableFrom(templateClass)) { templateClass = EmptyMapperProvider.class; } MapperTemplate mapperTemplate = null; try { mapperTemplate = (MapperTemplate) templateClass.getConstructor(Class.class, MapperHelper.class) .newInstance(mapperClass, this); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("MapperTemplate:" + e.getMessage()); } // for (String methodName : methodSet) { try { mapperTemplate.addMethodMap(methodName, templateClass.getMethod(methodName, MappedStatement.class)); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(templateClass.getCanonicalName() + "" + methodName + "!"); } } return mapperTemplate; } /** * Mapper? * * @param mapperClass * @throws Exception */ public void registerMapper(Class<?> mapperClass) { if (!registerMapper.containsKey(mapperClass)) { registerMapper.put(mapperClass, fromMapperClass(mapperClass)); } //? Class<?>[] interfaces = mapperClass.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0) { for (Class<?> anInterface : interfaces) { registerMapper(anInterface); } } } /** * Mapper? * * @param mapperClass * @throws Exception */ public void registerMapper(String mapperClass) { try { registerMapper(Class.forName(mapperClass)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Mapper[" + mapperClass + "]?Mapper!"); } } /** * Spring * * @param mappers */ public void setMappers(String[] mappers) { if (mappers != null && mappers.length > 0) { for (String mapper : mappers) { registerMapper(mapper); } } } /** * IDENTITY? */ public enum IdentityDialect { DB2("VALUES IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()"), MYSQL("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()"), SQLSERVER( "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()"), CLOUDSCAPE( "VALUES IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()"), DERBY("VALUES IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL()"), HSQLDB( "CALL IDENTITY()"), SYBASE("SELECT @@IDENTITY"), DB2_MF( "SELECT IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL() FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1"), INFORMIX( "select dbinfo('sqlca.sqlerrd1') from systables where tabid=1"); private String identityRetrievalStatement; private IdentityDialect(String identityRetrievalStatement) { this.identityRetrievalStatement = identityRetrievalStatement; } public String getIdentityRetrievalStatement() { return identityRetrievalStatement; } public static IdentityDialect getDatabaseDialect(String database) { IdentityDialect returnValue = null; if ("DB2".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = DB2; } else if ("MySQL".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = MYSQL; } else if ("SqlServer".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = SQLSERVER; } else if ("Cloudscape".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = CLOUDSCAPE; } else if ("Derby".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = DERBY; } else if ("HSQLDB".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = HSQLDB; } else if ("SYBASE".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = SYBASE; } else if ("DB2_MF".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = DB2_MF; } else if ("Informix".equalsIgnoreCase(database)) { returnValue = INFORMIX; } return returnValue; } } //?? private class Config { private String UUID; private String IDENTITY; private boolean BEFORE = false; private String seqFormat; private String catalog; private String schema; } private Config config = new Config(); /** * UUID? * <br>?UUID??OGNL? * <br>32?:@java.util.UUID@randomUUID().toString().replace("-", "") * * @param UUID */ public void setUUID(String UUID) { config.UUID = UUID; } /** * ,MYSQL, * * @param IDENTITY */ public void setIDENTITY(String IDENTITY) { IdentityDialect identityDialect = IdentityDialect.getDatabaseDialect(IDENTITY); if (identityDialect != null) { config.IDENTITY = identityDialect.getIdentityRetrievalStatement(); } else { config.IDENTITY = IDENTITY; } } /** * ?,AFTER,?(BEFORE|AFTER) * * @param order */ public void setOrder(String order) { config.BEFORE = "BEFORE".equalsIgnoreCase(order); } /** * ??,{num}??{0}.nextvalOracle * <br>??30,1,2,SequenceNameColumnName, PropertyName * * @param seqFormat */ public void setSeqFormat(String seqFormat) { config.seqFormat = seqFormat; } /** * catalog,?sqlcatalog.tablename * * @param catalog */ public void setCatalog(String catalog) { config.catalog = catalog; } /** * schema,?sqlschema.tablename * <br>?catalog,catalog.tablename * * @param schema */ public void setSchema(String schema) { config.schema = schema; } /** * ??catalogschema * * @return */ public String getPrefix() { if (config.catalog != null && config.catalog.length() > 0) { return config.catalog; } if (config.schema != null && config.schema.length() > 0) { return config.catalog; } return ""; } /** * ?UUID? * * @return */ public String getUUID() { if (config.UUID != null && config.UUID.length() > 0) { return config.UUID; } return "@java.util.UUID@randomUUID().toString().replace(\"-\", \"\")"; } /** * ?SQL * * @return */ public String getIDENTITY() { if (config.IDENTITY != null && config.IDENTITY.length() > 0) { return config.IDENTITY; } //mysql return IdentityDialect.MYSQL.getIdentityRetrievalStatement(); } /** * ?SelectKeyOrder * * @return */ public boolean getBEFORE() { return config.BEFORE; } /** * ???? * * @return */ public String getSeqFormat() { if (config.seqFormat != null && config.seqFormat.length() > 0) { return config.seqFormat; } return "{0}.nextval"; } /** * ??? * * @param entityClass * @return */ public String getTableName(Class<?> entityClass) { EntityHelper.EntityTable entityTable = EntityHelper.getEntityTable(entityClass); String prefix = entityTable.getPrefix(); if (prefix.equals("")) { //? prefix = getPrefix(); } if (!prefix.equals("")) { return prefix + "." + entityTable.getName(); } return entityTable.getName(); } /** * ???? * * @param msId * @return */ public boolean isMapperMethod(String msId) { if (msIdSkip.get(msId) != null) { return msIdSkip.get(msId); } for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, MapperTemplate> entry : registerMapper.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().supportMethod(msId)) { msIdSkip.put(msId, true); return true; } } msIdSkip.put(msId, false); return false; } /** * ?MapperTemplate * * @param msId * @return */ private MapperTemplate getMapperTemplate(String msId) { MapperTemplate mapperTemplate = null; if (msIdCache.get(msId) != null) { mapperTemplate = msIdCache.get(msId); } else { for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, MapperTemplate> entry : registerMapper.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().supportMethod(msId)) { mapperTemplate = entry.getValue(); break; } } msIdCache.put(msId, mapperTemplate); } return mapperTemplate; } /** * ?SqlSource * * @param ms */ public void setSqlSource(MappedStatement ms) { MapperTemplate mapperTemplate = getMapperTemplate(ms.getId()); try { if (mapperTemplate != null) { mapperTemplate.setSqlSource(ms); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(":" + e.getMessage()); } } /** * ? * * @param properties */ public void setProperties(Properties properties) { if (properties == null) { return; } String UUID = properties.getProperty("UUID"); if (UUID != null && UUID.length() > 0) { setUUID(UUID); } String IDENTITY = properties.getProperty("IDENTITY"); if (IDENTITY != null && IDENTITY.length() > 0) { setIDENTITY(IDENTITY); } String seqFormat = properties.getProperty("seqFormat"); if (seqFormat != null && seqFormat.length() > 0) { setSeqFormat(seqFormat); } String catalog = properties.getProperty("catalog"); if (catalog != null && catalog.length() > 0) { setCatalog(catalog); } String schema = properties.getProperty("schema"); if (schema != null && schema.length() > 0) { setSchema(schema); } String ORDER = properties.getProperty("ORDER"); if (ORDER != null && ORDER.length() > 0) { setOrder(ORDER); } String notEmpty = properties.getProperty("notEmpty"); if (notEmpty != null && notEmpty.length() > 0) { this.notEmpty = notEmpty.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE"); } //? String mapper = properties.getProperty("mappers"); if (mapper != null && mapper.length() > 0) { String[] mappers = mapper.split(","); for (String mapperClass : mappers) { if (mapperClass.length() > 0) { registerMapper(mapperClass); } } } } /** * ????? * <br>?configurationMappedStatement * * @param configuration */ public void processConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { Collection<MappedStatement> collection = configuration.getMappedStatements(); //???? if (collectionSet.contains(collection)) { return; } else { collectionSet.add(collection); } int size = collection.size(); Iterator<?> iterator = collection.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Object object =; if (object instanceof MappedStatement) { MappedStatement ms = (MappedStatement) object; if (isMapperMethod(ms.getId())) { if (ms.getSqlSource() instanceof ProviderSqlSource) { setSqlSource(ms); } } } //??selectKeyms?? if (collection.size() != size) { size = collection.size(); iterator = collection.iterator(); } } } }