Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /* * * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand * */ package meka.gui.dataviewer; import meka.gui.core.GUIHelper; import meka.gui.core.RecentFilesHandlerWithCommandline; import meka.gui.core.RecentFilesHandlerWithCommandline.Setup; import; import; import weka.core.Capabilities; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.converters.AbstractFileLoader; import weka.core.converters.AbstractFileSaver; import weka.core.converters.AbstractSaver; import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils; import weka.gui.ConverterFileChooser; import weka.gui.JTableHelper; import weka.gui.ListSelectorDialog; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JInternalFrame; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; /** * The main panel of the DataViewer. It has a reference to the menu, that an * implementing JFrame only needs to add via the setJMenuBar(JMenuBar) method. * * * @author FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz) * @version $Revision: 11342 $ */ public class DataViewerMainPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener, ChangeListener { /** for serialization */ static final long serialVersionUID = -8763161167586738753L; /** the file to store the recent files in. */ public final static String SESSION_FILE = "DataViewerSession.props"; /** default width */ public final static int WIDTH = 800; /** default height */ public final static int HEIGHT = 600; protected Container m_Parent; protected JTabbedPane m_TabbedPane; protected JMenuBar m_MenuBar; protected JMenu m_MenuFile; protected JMenuItem m_MenuFileOpen; protected JMenuItem m_MenuFileOpenRecent; protected JMenuItem m_MenuFileSave; protected JMenuItem m_MenuFileSaveAs; protected JMenuItem m_MenuFileClose; protected JMenuItem m_MenuFileCloseAll; protected JMenuItem m_MenuFileProperties; protected JMenuItem m_MenuFileExit; protected JMenu m_MenuEdit; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditUndo; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditCopy; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditSearch; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditClearSearch; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditDeleteAttribute; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditDeleteAttributes; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditRenameAttribute; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditAttributeAsClass; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditDeleteInstance; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditDeleteInstances; protected JMenuItem m_MenuEditSortInstances; protected JMenu m_MenuView; protected JMenuItem m_MenuViewAttributes; protected JMenuItem m_MenuViewValues; protected JMenuItem m_MenuViewOptimalColWidths; protected ConverterFileChooser m_FileChooser; protected String m_FrameTitle; protected boolean m_ConfirmExit; protected boolean m_ExitOnClose; /** the recent files handler. */ protected RecentFilesHandlerWithCommandline<JMenu> m_RecentFilesHandler; /** * initializes the object * * @param parentFrame the parent frame (JFrame or JInternalFrame) */ public DataViewerMainPanel(Container parentFrame) { m_Parent = parentFrame; m_FrameTitle = "Data-Viewer"; createPanel(); } /** * creates all the components in the panel */ protected void createPanel() { JMenu submenu; // basic setup setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); setConfirmExit(false); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // file dialog m_FileChooser = GUIHelper.newConverterFileChooser(); m_FileChooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true); // menu m_MenuBar = new JMenuBar(); m_MenuFile = new JMenu("File"); m_MenuFileOpen = new JMenuItem("Open...", GUIHelper.getIcon("open.gif")); m_MenuFileOpen.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_O, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK)); m_MenuFileOpen.addActionListener(this); // File/Recent files submenu = new JMenu("Open recent"); m_RecentFilesHandler = new RecentFilesHandlerWithCommandline<JMenu>(SESSION_FILE, 5, submenu); m_RecentFilesHandler.addRecentItemListener(new RecentItemListener<JMenu, Setup>() { @Override public void recentItemAdded(RecentItemEvent<JMenu, Setup> e) { // ignored } @Override public void recentItemSelected(RecentItemEvent<JMenu, RecentFilesHandlerWithCommandline.Setup> e) { loadFile(e.getItem().getFile().getAbsolutePath(), (AbstractFileLoader) e.getItem().getHandler()); updateMenu(); } }); m_MenuFileOpenRecent = submenu; m_MenuFileSave = new JMenuItem("Save", GUIHelper.getIcon("save.gif")); m_MenuFileSave.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_S, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK)); m_MenuFileSave.addActionListener(this); m_MenuFileSaveAs = new JMenuItem("Save as...", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuFileSaveAs .setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_S, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK + KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK)); m_MenuFileSaveAs.addActionListener(this); m_MenuFileClose = new JMenuItem("Close", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuFileClose.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_W, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK)); m_MenuFileClose.addActionListener(this); m_MenuFileCloseAll = new JMenuItem("Close all", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuFileCloseAll.addActionListener(this); m_MenuFileProperties = new JMenuItem("Properties", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuFileProperties.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK)); m_MenuFileProperties.addActionListener(this); m_MenuFileExit = new JMenuItem("Exit", GUIHelper.getIcon("exit.png")); m_MenuFileExit.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_X, KeyEvent.ALT_MASK)); m_MenuFileExit.addActionListener(this); m_MenuFile.add(m_MenuFileOpen); m_MenuFile.add(m_MenuFileOpenRecent); m_MenuFile.add(m_MenuFileSave); m_MenuFile.add(m_MenuFileSaveAs); m_MenuFile.add(m_MenuFileClose); m_MenuFile.add(m_MenuFileCloseAll); m_MenuFile.addSeparator(); m_MenuFile.add(m_MenuFileProperties); m_MenuFile.addSeparator(); m_MenuFile.add(m_MenuFileExit); m_MenuBar.add(m_MenuFile); m_MenuEdit = new JMenu("Edit"); m_MenuEditUndo = new JMenuItem("Undo", GUIHelper.getIcon("undo.gif")); m_MenuEditUndo.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_Z, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK)); m_MenuEditUndo.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditCopy = new JMenuItem("Copy", GUIHelper.getIcon("copy.gif")); m_MenuEditCopy.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_INSERT, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK)); m_MenuEditCopy.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditSearch = new JMenuItem("Search...", GUIHelper.getIcon("find.gif")); m_MenuEditSearch.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK)); m_MenuEditSearch.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditClearSearch = new JMenuItem("Clear search", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuEditClearSearch .setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK + KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK)); m_MenuEditClearSearch.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditRenameAttribute = new JMenuItem("Rename attribute", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuEditRenameAttribute.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditAttributeAsClass = new JMenuItem("Attribute as class", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuEditAttributeAsClass.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditDeleteAttribute = new JMenuItem("Delete attribute", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuEditDeleteAttribute.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditDeleteAttributes = new JMenuItem("Delete attributes", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuEditDeleteAttributes.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditDeleteInstance = new JMenuItem("Delete instance", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuEditDeleteInstance.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditDeleteInstances = new JMenuItem("Delete instances", GUIHelper.getIcon("empty.gif")); m_MenuEditDeleteInstances.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEditSortInstances = new JMenuItem("Sort data (ascending)", GUIHelper.getIcon("sort.gif")); m_MenuEditSortInstances.addActionListener(this); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditUndo); m_MenuEdit.addSeparator(); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditCopy); m_MenuEdit.addSeparator(); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditSearch); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditClearSearch); m_MenuEdit.addSeparator(); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditRenameAttribute); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditAttributeAsClass); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditDeleteAttribute); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditDeleteAttributes); m_MenuEdit.addSeparator(); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditDeleteInstance); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditDeleteInstances); m_MenuEdit.add(m_MenuEditSortInstances); m_MenuBar.add(m_MenuEdit); m_MenuView = new JMenu("View"); m_MenuViewAttributes = new JMenuItem("Attributes...", GUIHelper.getIcon("objects.gif")); m_MenuViewAttributes .setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_A, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK + KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK)); m_MenuViewAttributes.addActionListener(this); m_MenuViewValues = new JMenuItem("Values...", GUIHelper.getIcon("properties.gif")); m_MenuViewValues .setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_V, KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK + KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK)); m_MenuViewValues.addActionListener(this); m_MenuViewOptimalColWidths = new JMenuItem("Optimal column width (all)", GUIHelper.getIcon("resize.gif")); m_MenuViewOptimalColWidths.addActionListener(this); m_MenuView.add(m_MenuViewAttributes); m_MenuView.add(m_MenuViewValues); m_MenuView.addSeparator(); m_MenuView.add(m_MenuViewOptimalColWidths); m_MenuBar.add(m_MenuView); // tabbed pane m_TabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); m_TabbedPane.addChangeListener(this); add(m_TabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); updateMenu(); updateFrameTitle(); } /** * returns the parent frame, if it's a JFrame, otherwise null * * @return the parent frame */ public JFrame getParentFrame() { if (m_Parent instanceof JFrame) { return (JFrame) m_Parent; } else { return null; } } /** * returns the parent frame, if it's a JInternalFrame, otherwise null * * @return the parent frame */ public JInternalFrame getParentInternalFrame() { if (m_Parent instanceof JInternalFrame) { return (JInternalFrame) m_Parent; } else { return null; } } /** * sets the new parent frame * * @param value the parent frame */ public void setParent(Container value) { m_Parent = value; } /** * returns the menu bar to be added in a frame * * @return the menu bar */ public JMenuBar getMenu() { return m_MenuBar; } /** * returns the tabbedpane instance * * @return the tabbed pane */ public JTabbedPane getTabbedPane() { return m_TabbedPane; } /** * whether to present a MessageBox on Exit or not * * @param confirm whether a MessageBox pops up or not to confirm exit */ public void setConfirmExit(boolean confirm) { m_ConfirmExit = confirm; } /** * returns the setting of whether to display a confirm messagebox or not on * exit * * @return whether a messagebox is displayed or not */ public boolean getConfirmExit() { return m_ConfirmExit; } /** * whether to do a System.exit(0) on close * * @param value enables/disables a System.exit(0) on close */ public void setExitOnClose(boolean value) { m_ExitOnClose = value; } /** * returns TRUE if a System.exit(0) is done on a close * * @return true if a System.exit(0) is done on close */ public boolean getExitOnClose() { return m_ExitOnClose; } /** * validates and repaints the frame */ public void refresh() { validate(); repaint(); } /** * returns the title (incl. filename) for the frame * * @return the frame title */ public String getFrameTitle() { if (getCurrentFilename().equals("")) { return m_FrameTitle; } else { return m_FrameTitle + " - " + getCurrentFilename(); } } /** * sets the title of the parent frame, if one was provided */ public void updateFrameTitle() { if (getParentFrame() != null) { getParentFrame().setTitle(getFrameTitle()); } if (getParentInternalFrame() != null) { getParentInternalFrame().setTitle(getFrameTitle()); } } /** * sets the enabled/disabled state of the menu */ protected void updateMenu() { boolean fileOpen; boolean isChanged; boolean canUndo; fileOpen = (getCurrentPanel() != null); isChanged = fileOpen && (getCurrentPanel().isChanged()); canUndo = fileOpen && (getCurrentPanel().canUndo()); // File m_MenuFileOpen.setEnabled(true); m_MenuFileSave.setEnabled(isChanged); m_MenuFileSaveAs.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuFileClose.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuFileCloseAll.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuFileProperties.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuFileExit.setEnabled(true); // Edit m_MenuEditUndo.setEnabled(canUndo); m_MenuEditCopy.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditSearch.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditClearSearch.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditAttributeAsClass.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditRenameAttribute.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditDeleteAttribute.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditDeleteAttributes.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditDeleteInstance.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditDeleteInstances.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuEditSortInstances.setEnabled(fileOpen); // View m_MenuViewAttributes.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuViewValues.setEnabled(fileOpen); m_MenuViewOptimalColWidths.setEnabled(fileOpen); } /** * sets the title of the tab that contains the given component * * @param component the component to set the title for */ protected void setTabTitle(JComponent component) { int index; if (!(component instanceof DataPanel)) { return; } index = m_TabbedPane.indexOfComponent(component); if (index == -1) { return; } m_TabbedPane.setTitleAt(index, ((DataPanel) component).getTitle()); updateFrameTitle(); } /** * returns the number of panels currently open * * @return the number of open panels */ public int getPanelCount() { return m_TabbedPane.getTabCount(); } /** * returns the specified panel, <code>null</code> if index is out of bounds * * @param index the index of the panel * @return the panel */ public DataPanel getPanel(int index) { if ((index >= 0) && (index < getPanelCount())) { return (DataPanel) m_TabbedPane.getComponentAt(index); } else { return null; } } /** * returns the currently selected tab index * * @return the index of the currently selected tab */ public int getCurrentIndex() { return m_TabbedPane.getSelectedIndex(); } /** * returns the currently selected panel * * @return the currently selected panel */ public DataPanel getCurrentPanel() { return getPanel(getCurrentIndex()); } /** * checks whether a panel is currently selected * * @return true if a panel is currently selected */ public boolean isPanelSelected() { return (getCurrentPanel() != null); } /** * returns the filename of the specified panel * * @param index the index of the panel * @return the filename for the panel */ public String getFilename(int index) { String result; DataPanel panel; result = ""; panel = getPanel(index); if (panel != null) { result = panel.getFilename(); } return result; } /** * returns the filename of the current tab * * @return the current filename */ public String getCurrentFilename() { return getFilename(getCurrentIndex()); } /** * sets the filename of the specified panel * * @param index the index of the panel * @param filename the new filename */ public void setFilename(int index, String filename) { DataPanel panel; panel = getPanel(index); if (panel != null) { panel.setFilename(filename); setTabTitle(panel); } } /** * sets the filename of the current tab * * @param filename the new filename */ public void setCurrentFilename(String filename) { setFilename(getCurrentIndex(), filename); } /** * if the file is changed it pops up a dialog whether to change the settings. * if the project wasn't changed or saved it returns TRUE * * @return true if project wasn't changed or saved */ protected boolean saveChanges() { return saveChanges(true); } /** * if the file is changed it pops up a dialog whether to change the settings. * if the project wasn't changed or saved it returns TRUE * * @param showCancel whether we have YES/NO/CANCEL or only YES/NO * @return true if project wasn't changed or saved */ protected boolean saveChanges(boolean showCancel) { int button; boolean result; if (!isPanelSelected()) { return true; } result = !getCurrentPanel().isChanged(); if (getCurrentPanel().isChanged()) { try { if (showCancel) { button = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "The file is not saved - Do you want to save it?", "Changed", JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } else { button = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "The file is not saved - Do you want to save it?", "Changed", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); } } catch (Exception e) { button = JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION; } switch (button) { case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION: saveFile(); result = !getCurrentPanel().isChanged(); break; case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION: result = true; break; case JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION: result = false; break; } } return result; } /** * loads the specified file * * @param filename the file to load * @param loaders optional varargs loader to use */ public void loadFile(String filename, AbstractFileLoader... loaders) { DataPanel panel; AbstractFileLoader loader; panel = new DataPanel(filename, loaders); panel.addChangeListener(this); m_TabbedPane.addTab(panel.getTitle(), panel); m_TabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(m_TabbedPane.getTabCount() - 1); if (loaders == null) loader = ConverterUtils.getLoaderForFile(filename); else loader = loaders[0]; m_RecentFilesHandler.addRecentItem(new RecentFilesHandlerWithCommandline.Setup(new File(filename), loader)); } /** * loads the specified file into the table */ public void loadFile() { int retVal; int i; String filename; retVal = m_FileChooser.showOpenDialog(this); if (retVal != ConverterFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); for (i = 0; i < m_FileChooser.getSelectedFiles().length; i++) { filename = m_FileChooser.getSelectedFiles()[i].getAbsolutePath(); loadFile(filename, m_FileChooser.getLoader()); } setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } /** * saves the current data into a file */ public void saveFile() { DataPanel panel; String filename; AbstractSaver saver; // no panel? -> exit panel = getCurrentPanel(); if (panel == null) { return; } filename = panel.getFilename(); if (filename.equals(DataPanel.TAB_INSTANCES)) { saveFileAs(); } else { saver = ConverterUtils.getSaverForFile(filename); try { saver.setFile(new File(filename)); saver.setInstances(panel.getInstances()); saver.writeBatch(); panel.setChanged(false); setCurrentFilename(filename); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * saves the current data into a new file */ public void saveFileAs() { int retVal; DataPanel panel; // no panel? -> exit panel = getCurrentPanel(); if (panel == null) { System.out.println("nothing selected!"); return; } if (!getCurrentFilename().equals("")) { try { m_FileChooser.setSelectedFile(new File(getCurrentFilename())); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } // set filter for savers try { m_FileChooser.setCapabilitiesFilter(Capabilities.forInstances(panel.getInstances())); } catch (Exception e) { m_FileChooser.setCapabilitiesFilter(null); } retVal = m_FileChooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (retVal != ConverterFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } panel.setChanged(false); setCurrentFilename(m_FileChooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath()); // saveFile(); AbstractFileSaver saver = m_FileChooser.getSaver(); saver.setInstances(panel.getInstances()); try { saver.writeBatch(); panel.setChanged(false); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * closes the current tab */ public void closeFile() { closeFile(true); } /** * closes the current tab * * @param showCancel whether to show an additional CANCEL button in the * "Want to save changes"-dialog * @see #saveChanges(boolean) */ public void closeFile(boolean showCancel) { if (getCurrentIndex() == -1) { return; } if (!saveChanges(showCancel)) { return; } m_TabbedPane.removeTabAt(getCurrentIndex()); updateFrameTitle(); System.gc(); } /** * closes all open files */ public void closeAllFiles() { while (m_TabbedPane.getTabCount() > 0) { if (!saveChanges(true)) { return; } m_TabbedPane.removeTabAt(getCurrentIndex()); updateFrameTitle(); System.gc(); } } /** * displays some properties of the instances */ public void showProperties() { DataPanel panel; ListSelectorDialog dialog; Vector<String> props; Instances inst; panel = getCurrentPanel(); if (panel == null) { return; } inst = panel.getInstances(); if (inst == null) { return; } if (inst.classIndex() < 0) { inst.setClassIndex(inst.numAttributes() - 1); } // get some data props = new Vector<String>(); props.add("Filename: " + panel.getFilename()); props.add("Relation name: " + inst.relationName()); props.add("# of instances: " + inst.numInstances()); props.add("# of attributes: " + inst.numAttributes()); props.add("Class attribute: " + inst.classAttribute().name()); props.add("# of class labels: " + inst.numClasses()); dialog = new ListSelectorDialog(getParentFrame(), new JList(props)); dialog.showDialog(); } /** * closes the window, i.e., if the parent is not null and implements the * WindowListener interface it calls the windowClosing method */ public void close() { if (getParentInternalFrame() != null) { getParentInternalFrame().doDefaultCloseAction(); } else if (getParentFrame() != null) { ((Window) getParentFrame()) .dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(getParentFrame(), WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); } } /** * undoes the last action */ public void undo() { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } getCurrentPanel().undo(); } /** * copies the content of the selection to the clipboard */ public void copyContent() { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } getCurrentPanel().copyContent(); } /** * searches for a string in the cells */ public void search() { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } getCurrentPanel().search(); } /** * clears the search, i.e. resets the found cells */ public void clearSearch() { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } getCurrentPanel().clearSearch(); } /** * renames the current selected Attribute */ public void renameAttribute() { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } getCurrentPanel().renameAttribute(); } /** * sets the current selected Attribute as class attribute, i.e. it moves it to * the end of the attributes */ public void attributeAsClass() { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } getCurrentPanel().attributeAsClass(); } /** * deletes the current selected Attribute or several chosen ones * * @param multiple whether to delete myultiple attributes */ public void deleteAttribute(boolean multiple) { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } if (multiple) { getCurrentPanel().deleteAttributes(); } else { getCurrentPanel().deleteAttribute(); } } /** * deletes the current selected Instance or several chosen ones * * @param multiple whether to delete multiple instances */ public void deleteInstance(boolean multiple) { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } if (multiple) { getCurrentPanel().deleteInstances(); } else { getCurrentPanel().deleteInstance(); } } /** * sorts the current selected attribute */ public void sortInstances() { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } getCurrentPanel().sortInstances(); } /** * displays all the attributes, returns the selected item or NULL if canceled * * @return the name of the selected attribute */ public String showAttributes() { DataSortedTableModel model; ListSelectorDialog dialog; int i; JList list; String name; int result; if (!isPanelSelected()) { return null; } list = new JList(getCurrentPanel().getAttributes()); dialog = new ListSelectorDialog(getParentFrame(), list); result = dialog.showDialog(); if (result == ListSelectorDialog.APPROVE_OPTION) { model = (DataSortedTableModel) getCurrentPanel().getTable().getModel(); name = list.getSelectedValue().toString(); i = model.getAttributeColumn(name); JTableHelper.scrollToVisible(getCurrentPanel().getTable(), 0, i); getCurrentPanel().getTable().setSelectedColumn(i); return name; } else { return null; } } /** * displays all the distinct values for an attribute */ public void showValues() { String attribute; DataSortedTableModel model; DataTable table; HashSet<String> values; Vector<String> items; Iterator<String> iter; ListSelectorDialog dialog; int i; int col; // choose attribute to retrieve values for attribute = showAttributes(); if (attribute == null) { return; } table = getCurrentPanel().getTable(); model = (DataSortedTableModel) table.getModel(); // get column index col = -1; for (i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (table.getPlainColumnName(i).equals(attribute)) { col = i; break; } } // not found? if (col == -1) { return; } // get values values = new HashSet<String>(); items = new Vector<String>(); for (i = 0; i < model.getRowCount(); i++) { values.add(model.getValueAt(i, col).toString()); } if (values.isEmpty()) { return; } iter = values.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { items.add(; } Collections.sort(items); dialog = new ListSelectorDialog(getParentFrame(), new JList(items)); dialog.showDialog(); } /** * sets the optimal column width for all columns */ public void setOptimalColWidths() { if (!isPanelSelected()) { return; } getCurrentPanel().setOptimalColWidths(); } /** * invoked when an action occurs * * @param e the action event */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object o; o = e.getSource(); if (o == m_MenuFileOpen) { loadFile(); } else if (o == m_MenuFileSave) { saveFile(); } else if (o == m_MenuFileSaveAs) { saveFileAs(); } else if (o == m_MenuFileClose) { closeFile(); } else if (o == m_MenuFileCloseAll) { closeAllFiles(); } else if (o == m_MenuFileProperties) { showProperties(); } else if (o == m_MenuFileExit) { close(); } else if (o == m_MenuEditUndo) { undo(); } else if (o == m_MenuEditCopy) { copyContent(); } else if (o == m_MenuEditSearch) { search(); } else if (o == m_MenuEditClearSearch) { clearSearch(); } else if (o == m_MenuEditDeleteAttribute) { deleteAttribute(false); } else if (o == m_MenuEditDeleteAttributes) { deleteAttribute(true); } else if (o == m_MenuEditRenameAttribute) { renameAttribute(); } else if (o == m_MenuEditAttributeAsClass) { attributeAsClass(); } else if (o == m_MenuEditDeleteInstance) { deleteInstance(false); } else if (o == m_MenuEditDeleteInstances) { deleteInstance(true); } else if (o == m_MenuEditSortInstances) { sortInstances(); } else if (o == m_MenuViewAttributes) { showAttributes(); } else if (o == m_MenuViewValues) { showValues(); } else if (o == m_MenuViewOptimalColWidths) { setOptimalColWidths(); } updateMenu(); } /** * Invoked when the target of the listener has changed its state. * * @param e the change event */ @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { updateFrameTitle(); updateMenu(); // did the content of panel change? -> change title of tab if (e.getSource() instanceof JComponent) { setTabTitle((JComponent) e.getSource()); } } /** * returns only the classname * * @return the classname */ @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName(); } }