Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /** * * Copyright (C) 2015 University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ */ package meka.experiment; import meka.classifiers.multilabel.MultiLabelClassifier; import meka.core.OptionUtils; import; import; import meka.experiment.datasetproviders.DatasetProvider; import meka.experiment.datasetproviders.LocalDatasetProvider; import meka.experiment.evaluationstatistics.EvaluationStatistics; import meka.experiment.evaluationstatistics.EvaluationStatisticsHandler; import meka.experiment.evaluationstatistics.IncrementalEvaluationStatisticsHandler; import meka.experiment.evaluationstatistics.KeyValuePairs; import meka.experiment.evaluators.CrossValidation; import meka.experiment.evaluators.Evaluator; import*; import weka.classifiers.AbstractClassifier; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Option; import weka.core.Utils; import java.util.*; /** * Default experiment which executes experiments on the local machine. * * @author FracPete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz) * @version $Revision$ */ public class DefaultExperiment extends LogObject implements Experiment { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8654760249461885158L; /** the notes. */ protected String m_Notes = ""; /** the classifiers to evaluate. */ protected MultiLabelClassifier[] m_Classifiers = new MultiLabelClassifier[0]; /** the dataset provider. */ protected DatasetProvider m_DatasetProvider = getDefaultDatasetProvider(); /** the evaluator. */ protected Evaluator m_Evaluator = getDefaultEvaluator(); /** the statistics handler. */ protected EvaluationStatisticsHandler m_StatisticsHandler = getDefaultStatisticsHandler(); /** whether the experiment is initializing. */ protected boolean m_Initializing; /** whether the experiment is running. */ protected boolean m_Running; /** whether the experiment is stopping. */ protected boolean m_Stopping; /** the listeners for execution stages. */ protected transient HashSet<ExecutionStageListener> m_ExecutionStageListeners; /** the listeners for iterations. */ protected transient HashSet<IterationNotificationListener> m_IterationNotficationListeners; /** the listeners for statistics. */ protected transient HashSet<StatisticsNotificationListener> m_StatisticsNotificationListeners; /** the collected statistics. */ protected List<EvaluationStatistics> m_Statistics = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Sets the notes. * * @param value the notes */ public void setNotes(String value) { m_Notes = value; } /** * Returns the notes. * * @return the notes */ public String getNotes() { return m_Notes; } /** * Describes this property. * * @return the description */ public String notesTipText() { return "The (optional) notes for this experiment in Markdown."; } /** * Sets the classifiers to be evaluated. * * @param value the classifiers */ public void setClassifiers(MultiLabelClassifier[] value) { m_Classifiers = value; } /** * Returns the classifiers to be evaluated. * * @return the classifiers */ public MultiLabelClassifier[] getClassifiers() { return m_Classifiers; } /** * Describes this property. * * @return the description */ public String classifiersTipText() { return "The classifiers to evaluate."; } /** * Returns the default dataset provider. * * @return the default */ protected DatasetProvider getDefaultDatasetProvider() { return new LocalDatasetProvider(); } /** * Sets the dataset provider to use. * * @param value the provider */ @Override public void setDatasetProvider(DatasetProvider value) { m_DatasetProvider = value; } /** * Returns the dataset provider in use. * * @return the provider */ @Override public DatasetProvider getDatasetProvider() { return m_DatasetProvider; } /** * Describes this property. * * @return the description */ @Override public String datasetProviderTipText() { return "The dataset provider to use."; } /** * Returns the default evaluator to use. * * @return the default */ protected Evaluator getDefaultEvaluator() { return new CrossValidation(); } /** * Sets the evaluator to use. * * @param value the evaluator */ @Override public void setEvaluator(Evaluator value) { m_Evaluator = value; } /** * Returns the evaluator in use. * * @return the evaluator */ @Override public Evaluator getEvaluator() { return m_Evaluator; } /** * Describes this property. * * @return the description */ @Override public String evaluatorTipText() { return "The evaluator to use."; } /** * Sets the statistics handler. * * @param value the handler */ @Override public void setStatisticsHandler(EvaluationStatisticsHandler value) { m_StatisticsHandler = value; } /** * Returns the default statistics handler. * * @return the default */ protected EvaluationStatisticsHandler getDefaultStatisticsHandler() { return new KeyValuePairs(); } /** * Returns the statistics handler. * * @return the handler */ @Override public EvaluationStatisticsHandler getStatisticsHandler() { return m_StatisticsHandler; } /** * Describes this property. * * @return the description */ @Override public String statisticsHandlerTipText() { return "The handler for the statistics (load/save)."; } /** * Adds the execution stage listener. * * @param l the listener to add */ public synchronized void addExecutionStageListener(ExecutionStageListener l) { if (m_ExecutionStageListeners == null) m_ExecutionStageListeners = new HashSet<>(); m_ExecutionStageListeners.add(l); } /** * Removes the execution stage listener. * * @param l the listener to remove */ public synchronized void removeExecutionStageListener(ExecutionStageListener l) { if (m_ExecutionStageListeners == null) m_ExecutionStageListeners = new HashSet<>(); m_ExecutionStageListeners.remove(l); } /** * Notifies all listeners of a new execution stage. * * @param stage the new stage */ protected synchronized void notifyExecutionStageListeners(ExecutionStageEvent.Stage stage) { ExecutionStageEvent e; if (m_ExecutionStageListeners == null) return; e = new ExecutionStageEvent(this, stage); for (ExecutionStageListener l : m_ExecutionStageListeners) l.experimentStage(e); } /** * Adds the iteration listener. * * @param l the listener to add */ public synchronized void addIterationNotificationListener(IterationNotificationListener l) { if (m_IterationNotficationListeners == null) m_IterationNotficationListeners = new HashSet<>(); m_IterationNotficationListeners.add(l); } /** * Removes the iteration listener. * * @param l the listener to remove */ public synchronized void removeIterationNotificationListener(IterationNotificationListener l) { if (m_IterationNotficationListeners == null) m_IterationNotficationListeners = new HashSet<>(); m_IterationNotficationListeners.remove(l); } /** * Notifies all listeners of a new classifier/dataset combination. * * @param classifier the classifier * @param dataset the dataset */ protected synchronized void notifyIterationNotificationListeners(MultiLabelClassifier classifier, Instances dataset) { IterationNotificationEvent e; if (m_IterationNotficationListeners == null) return; e = new IterationNotificationEvent(this, classifier, dataset); for (IterationNotificationListener l : m_IterationNotficationListeners) l.nextIteration(e); } /** * Adds the statistics listener. * * @param l the listener to add */ public synchronized void addStatisticsNotificationListener(StatisticsNotificationListener l) { if (m_StatisticsNotificationListeners == null) m_StatisticsNotificationListeners = new HashSet<>(); m_StatisticsNotificationListeners.add(l); } /** * Removes the statistics listener. * * @param l the listener to remove */ public synchronized void removeStatisticsNotificationListener(StatisticsNotificationListener l) { if (m_StatisticsNotificationListeners == null) m_StatisticsNotificationListeners = new HashSet<>(); m_StatisticsNotificationListeners.remove(l); } /** * Notifies all listeners of a new classifier/dataset combination. * * @param stats the statistics */ protected synchronized void notifyStatisticsNotificationListeners(List<EvaluationStatistics> stats) { StatisticsNotificationEvent e; if (m_StatisticsNotificationListeners == null) return; e = new StatisticsNotificationEvent(this, stats); for (StatisticsNotificationListener l : m_StatisticsNotificationListeners) l.statisticsAvailable(e); } /** * Returns an enumeration of all the available options.. * * @return an enumeration of all available options. */ @Override public Enumeration<Option> listOptions() { Vector result = new Vector(); OptionUtils.addOption(result, notesTipText(), "", "notes"); OptionUtils.addOption(result, classifiersTipText(), "none", 'C'); OptionUtils.addOption(result, datasetProviderTipText(), getDefaultDatasetProvider().getClass().getName(), 'D'); OptionUtils.addOption(result, evaluatorTipText(), getDefaultEvaluator().getClass().getName(), 'E'); OptionUtils.addOption(result, statisticsHandlerTipText(), getDefaultStatisticsHandler().getClass().getName(), 'S'); return OptionUtils.toEnumeration(result); } /** * Sets the options. * * @param options the options * @throws Exception if parsing fails */ @Override public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception { setNotes(Utils.unbackQuoteChars(OptionUtils.parse(options, "notes", ""))); setClassifiers(OptionUtils.parse(options, 'C', MultiLabelClassifier.class)); setDatasetProvider((DatasetProvider) OptionUtils.parse(options, 'D', getDefaultDatasetProvider())); setEvaluator((Evaluator) OptionUtils.parse(options, 'E', getDefaultEvaluator())); setStatisticsHandler( (EvaluationStatisticsHandler) OptionUtils.parse(options, 'S', getDefaultStatisticsHandler())); } /** * Returns the options. * * @return the options */ @Override public String[] getOptions() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); OptionUtils.add(result, "notes", Utils.backQuoteChars(getNotes())); OptionUtils.add(result, 'C', getClassifiers()); OptionUtils.add(result, 'D', getDatasetProvider()); OptionUtils.add(result, 'E', getEvaluator()); OptionUtils.add(result, 'S', getStatisticsHandler()); return OptionUtils.toArray(result); } /** * Adds the source's class name to the message if not null. * * @param source the source * @param msg the error message, can be null * @return null if no error message, otherwise enriched message */ protected String handleError(Object source, String msg) { if (msg == null) return null; msg = source.getClass().getName() + ": " + msg; log(msg); return msg; } /** * Initializes the experiment. * * @return null if successfully initialized, otherwise error message */ public String initialize() { String result; debug("pre: init"); m_Initializing = true; m_Running = false; m_Stopping = false; notifyExecutionStageListeners(ExecutionStageEvent.Stage.INITIALIZING); ExperimentUtils.ensureThreadSafety(this); for (LogListener l : m_LogListeners) { m_DatasetProvider.addLogListener(l); m_StatisticsHandler.addLogListener(l); m_Evaluator.addLogListener(l); } m_Statistics.clear(); result = handleError(m_DatasetProvider, m_DatasetProvider.initialize()); if (result == null) result = handleError(m_StatisticsHandler, m_StatisticsHandler.initialize()); if (result != null) log(result); m_Initializing = false; debug("post: init"); return result; } /** * Returns whether the experiment is initializing. * * @return true if initializing */ public boolean isInitializing() { return m_Initializing; } /** * Runs the experiment. * * @return null if successfully run, otherwise error message */ public String run() { String result; Instances dataset; List<EvaluationStatistics> stats; boolean incremental; debug("pre: run"); result = null; m_Running = true; incremental = (m_StatisticsHandler instanceof IncrementalEvaluationStatisticsHandler) && (((IncrementalEvaluationStatisticsHandler) m_StatisticsHandler).supportsIncrementalUpdate()); debug("Incremental statistics? " + incremental); notifyExecutionStageListeners(ExecutionStageEvent.Stage.RUNNING); while (m_DatasetProvider.hasNext()) { // next dataset debug("pre: next-dataset"); dataset =; debug("post: next-dataset"); if (dataset == null) { result = "Failed to obtain next dataset!"; log(result); m_Running = false; break; } log("Using dataset: " + dataset.relationName()); // iterate classifiers for (MultiLabelClassifier classifier : m_Classifiers) { // evaluation required? if (incremental) { if (!((IncrementalEvaluationStatisticsHandler) m_StatisticsHandler).requires(classifier, dataset)) { log("Already present, skipping: " + Utils.toCommandLine(classifier) + " --> " + dataset.relationName()); List<EvaluationStatistics> priorStats = ((IncrementalEvaluationStatisticsHandler) m_StatisticsHandler) .retrieve(classifier, dataset); m_Statistics.addAll(priorStats); notifyStatisticsNotificationListeners(priorStats); continue; } } try { classifier = (MultiLabelClassifier) AbstractClassifier.makeCopy(classifier); } catch (Exception e) { result = handleException( "Failed to create copy of classifier: " + classifier.getClass().getName(), e); log(result); m_Running = false; break; } if (m_Running && !m_Stopping) { // notify listeners notifyIterationNotificationListeners(classifier, dataset); log("Using classifier: " + OptionUtils.toCommandLine(classifier)); // perform evaluation debug("pre: evaluator init"); result = m_Evaluator.initialize(); debug("post: evaluator init"); if (result != null) { m_Running = false; break; } try { debug("pre: evaluator evaluate"); stats = m_Evaluator.evaluate(classifier, dataset); debug("post: evaluator evaluate"); } catch (Exception e) { result = handleException("Failed to evaluate dataset '" + dataset.relationName() + "' with classifier: " + Utils.toCommandLine(classifier), e); log(result); m_Running = false; break; } if (stats != null) { m_Statistics.addAll(stats); if (incremental) ((IncrementalEvaluationStatisticsHandler) m_StatisticsHandler).append(stats); notifyStatisticsNotificationListeners(stats); } } if (!m_Running || m_Stopping) break; } if (!m_Running || m_Stopping) break; } if (m_Running && !m_Stopping) { if (!incremental) m_StatisticsHandler.write(m_Statistics); } if (!m_Running) { if (result == null) result = "Experiment interrupted!"; else result = "Experiment interrupted: " + result; } if (result != null) log(result); m_Running = false; m_Stopping = false; debug("post: run"); return result; } /** * Returns whether the experiment is running. * * @return true if running */ public boolean isRunning() { return m_Running; } /** * Stops the experiment if running. */ public void stop() { debug("pre: stop"); m_Stopping = true; m_Initializing = false; m_Running = false; notifyExecutionStageListeners(ExecutionStageEvent.Stage.STOPPING); m_Evaluator.stop(); debug("post: stop"); } /** * Returns whether the experiment is stopping. * * @return true if stopping */ public boolean isStopping() { return m_Stopping; } /** * Finishes the experiment. * * @return null if successfully finished, otherwise error message */ public String finish() { String result; debug("pre: finish"); result = handleError(m_DatasetProvider, m_DatasetProvider.finish()); if (result != null) result = handleError(m_StatisticsHandler, m_StatisticsHandler.finish()); if (result != null) log(result); for (LogListener l : m_LogListeners) { m_DatasetProvider.removeLogListener(l); m_StatisticsHandler.removeLogListener(l); m_Evaluator.removeLogListener(l); } m_Stopping = false; m_Initializing = false; m_Running = false; notifyExecutionStageListeners(ExecutionStageEvent.Stage.FINISH); debug("post: finish"); return result; } /** * Returns the current statistics. * * @return the statistics, if any */ public List<EvaluationStatistics> getStatistics() { return m_Statistics; } }