Source code

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 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package meka.core;

import meka.classifiers.multilabel.BR;
import meka.classifiers.multilabel.Evaluation;
import meka.classifiers.multilabel.MultiLabelClassifier;
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.classifiers.functions.SMO;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;

 * StatUtils - Helpful statistical functions.
 * @author Jesse Read (
 * @version   March 2013 - Multi-target Compatible
public abstract class StatUtils {


     * P - Empirical prior.
     * @param   Y      label matrix
     * @param   x       label values
     * @return    [P(Y_1==x[1]), P(Y_2==x[2]), ..., P(Y_L==x[L])]
    public static double[] P(double Y[][], int x[]) {
        int L = x.length;
        return P(Y, MLUtils.gen_indices(L), x);

     * P - Empirical prior.
     * @param   Y      label matrix
     * @param   x       label values
     * @param   j      label indices
     * @return    [P(Y_j[1]==x[1]), P(Y_j[2]==x[2]), ..., P(Y_j[L]==x[L])]
    public static double[] P(double Y[][], int j[], int x[]) {
        int L = j.length;
        double p[] = new double[L];
        for (int j_ = 0; j_ < L; j_++) {
            p[j_] = p(Y, j[j_], x[j_]);
        return p;

     * p - Empirical prior.
     * In the multi-label case, k in {0,1}
     * @param   Y      label matrix
     * @param   j      label index
     * @param   k       label value
     * @return    P(Y_j==k) in Y.
    public static double p(double Y[][], int j, int k) {
        int N = Y.length;
        double p = 0.0001;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            if ((int) Math.round(Y[i][j]) == k) {
                p += 1.0;
        return p / N;

     * p - Empirical prior.
     * In the multi-label case, k in {0,1}
     * @param   D       Instances
     * @param   j      label index
     * @param   j_       label value
     * @return    P(Y_j==j_) in D.
    public static double p(Instances D, int j, int j_) {
        return p(MLUtils.getYfromD(D), j, j_);

     * P - Empirical joint.
     * Multi-target friendly.
     * @param   Y   label matrix
     * @param   j   1st label index
     * @param   v    1st label value
     * @param   k   2nd label index
     * @param   w    2nd label value
     * @return    P(Y_j = v, Y_k = w) in Y.
    public static double P(double Y[][], int j, int v, int k, int w) {
        int N = Y.length;
        double p = 0.0001;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            if (((int) Math.round(Y[i][j]) == v) && ((int) Math.round(Y[i][k]) == w))
                p += 1.0;
        return p / N;

     * p - Empirical joint.
     * Multi-target friendly.
     * @param   D       Instances
     * @param   j   1st label index
     * @param   v    1st label value
     * @param   k   2nd label index
     * @param   w    2nd label value
     * @return    P(Y_j = v, Y_k = w) in D.
    public static double P(Instances D, int j, int v, int k, int w) {
        return P(MLUtils.getYfromD(D), j, v, k, w);

     * Delta(x_1,x_2,x_3 = v_1,v_2,v_3) for j = 1,2,3, k = 1,2,3.
    private static boolean match(Instance x, int indices[], int values[]) {
        for (int j = 0; j < indices.length; j++) {
            int v = (int) Math.round(x.value(indices[j]));
            if (v != values[j]) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * P - Empirical joint.
     * Multi-target friendly.
     * @param   D       Instances
     * @param   j      label indices, e.g., 1,2,3
     * @param   v      label values, e.g., 0,0,1
     * @return    P(x_1,x_2,x_3 = v_1,v_2,v_3) for j = 1,2,3 in D
    public static double P(Instances D, int j[], int v[]) {
        int N = D.numInstances();
        int n = 0;
        for (Instance x : D) {
            if (match(x, j, v))
        return Math.max(0.0001, (double) n / N);

     * jPMF - Joint PMF.
     * @return the joint PMF of the j-th and k-th labels in D.
    public static double[][] jPMF(Instances D, int j, int k) {
        double JOINT[][] = new double[D.attribute(j).numValues()][D.attribute(k).numValues()];
        int N = D.numInstances();
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            int v_j = (int) Math.round(D.instance(i).value(j));
            int v_k = (int) Math.round(D.instance(i).value(k));
            JOINT[v_j][v_k] += (1.0 / (double) N);
        return JOINT;

     * Joint Distribution.
     * @return the joint PMF of the j-th and k-th and lthlabels in D.
    public static double[][][] jPMF(Instances D, int j, int k, int l) {
        double JOINT[][][] = new double[D.attribute(j).numValues()][D.attribute(k).numValues()][D.attribute(l)
        int N = D.numInstances();
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            int v_j = (int) Math.round(D.instance(i).value(j));
            int v_k = (int) Math.round(D.instance(i).value(k));
            int v_l = (int) Math.round(D.instance(i).value(l));
            JOINT[v_j][v_k][v_l] += (1.0 / (double) N);
        return JOINT;

     * GetP - Get a pairwise empirical joint-probability matrix P[][] from dataset D.
     * <br>
     * NOTE multi-label only
    public static double[][] getP(Instances D) {
        double N = (double) D.numInstances();
        int L = D.classIndex();
        double P[][] = new double[L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            P[j][j] = p(D, j, 1);
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                P[j][k] = P(D, j, 1, k, 1);
        return P;

     * GetApproxP - A fast version of getC(D), based on frequent sets.
     * Actually, if we don't prune, this is not even approximate -- it is the real empirical P.
    public static int[][] getApproxC(Instances D) {
        int N = D.numInstances();
        int L = D.classIndex();
        int C[][] = new int[L][L];
        // @todo, can prune here to make even faster by pruning this.
        HashMap<LabelSet, Integer> map = MLUtils.countCombinationsSparse(D, L);

        for (LabelSet y : map.keySet()) {
            int c = map.get(y);
            for (int j = 0; j < y.indices.length; j++) {
                int j_ = y.indices[j];
                C[j_][j_] += c;
                for (int k = j + 1; k < y.indices.length; k++) {
                    int k_ = y.indices[k];
                    C[j_][k_] += c;

        return C;

     * GetApproxP - A fast version of getP(D), based on frequent sets.
     * Actually, if we don't prune, this is not even approximate -- it is the real empirical P.
    public static double[][] getApproxP(Instances D) {
        int N = D.numInstances();
        int L = D.classIndex();
        double P[][] = new double[L][L];
        // @todo, can prune here to make even faster by pruning this.
        HashMap<LabelSet, Integer> map = MLUtils.countCombinationsSparse(D, L);

        for (LabelSet y : map.keySet()) {
            for (int j = 0; j < y.indices.length; j++) {
                int y_j = y.contains(j) ? 1 : 0;
                if (y_j > 0) {
                    P[j][j] += (double) y_j; // C[j==1] ++
                    for (int k = j + 1; k < y.indices.length; k++) {
                        int y_k = y.contains(j) ? 1 : 0;
                        P[j][k] += (double) y_k; // C[j==1,k==1] ++

        // @todo use getP(C,N) instead
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            P[j][j] = Math.max(P[j][j] / (double) N, 0.0001);
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                P[j][k] = Math.max(P[j][k] / (double) N, 0.0001);

        return P;

    public static double[][] getP(int C[][], int N) {
        int L = C.length;
        double P[][] = new double[L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            P[j][j] = Math.max(C[j][j] / (double) N, 0.0001);
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                P[j][k] = Math.max(C[j][k] / (double) N, 0.0001);
        return P;

     * GetC - Get pairwise co-ocurrence counts from the training data D.
     * <br>
     * NOTE multi-label only
     * @return    C[][] where C[j][k] is the number of times where Y[i][j] = 1 and y[i][k] = 1 over all i = 1,...,N
    public static int[][] getC(Instances D) {

        int L = D.classIndex();
        int N = D.numInstances();

        int C[][] = new int[L][L];

        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
                C[j][j] += (int) D.instance(i).value(j); // C[j==1] ++
                for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                    C[j][k] += (D.instance(i).value(j) + D.instance(i).value(k) >= 2.0) ? 1 : 0; // C[j==1,k==1] ++
        return C;

     * I - Mutual Information I(y_j;y_k).
     * multi-label only -- count version
     * @param   C      count matrix
     * @param   j      j-th label index
     * @param   k      k-th label index
     * @param   Ncount   number of instances in the training set
     * @return H(Y_j|Y_k)
    public static double I(int C[][], int j, int k, int Ncount) {

        double N = (double) Ncount;
        double N_j = Math.max(C[j][j], 0.0001);
        double N_k = Math.max(C[k][k], 0.0001);

        double p_5 = (N - N_j);
        double p_6 = (N - N_k);
        double p_7 = (N - (N_j + N_k));

        return 1.0 / N * (-p_5 * Math.log(p_5) - p_6 * Math.log(p_6) + p_7 * Math.log(p_7) + N * Math.log(N));


     * H - Conditional Entropy H(y_j|y_k).
     * multi-label only
     * @param   C      count matrix
     * @param   j      j-th label index
     * @param   k      k-th label index
     * @param   Ncount   number of instances in the training set
     * @return H(Y_j|Y_k)
    public static double H(int C[][], int j, int k, int Ncount) {

        double N = (double) Ncount;
        double N_j = Math.max(C[j][j], 0.0001);
        double N_k = Math.max(C[k][k], 0.0001);
        double N_jk = Math.max(C[j][k], 0.0001);

        double p_1 = (N + N_jk - (N_j + N_k));
        double p_2 = (N_k - N_jk);
        double p_3 = (N_j - N_jk);
        double p_5 = (N - N_j);

        return -1.0 / N * (p_1 * Math.log(p_1) + p_2 * Math.log(p_2) + p_3 * Math.log(p_3) + N_jk * Math.log(N_jk)
                - p_5 * Math.log(p_5) - N_j * Math.log(N_j));

     * I - Mutual Information -- fast version, must calcualte P[][] = getP(D) first.
     * multi-label only
     * <br>
     * TODO -- check this
     * @return I(Y_j;Y_k)
    public static double I(double P[][], int j, int k) {
       double p_j = P[j][j];
       double p_k = P[j][k];
       double p_jk = P[j][k];
       return p_jk * Math.log ( p_jk / ( p_j * p_k) );

     * I - Mutual Information -- fast version, must calcualte P[][] = getP(D) first.
     * @see #I(double[][], int, int)
     * @return I[][]
    public static double[][] I(double P[][]) {
        int L = P.length;
        double M[][] = new double[L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                M[j][k] = I(P, j, k);
        return M;

     * I - Mutual Information.
     * <br>
     * NOTE binary only
     * @return I(Y_j;Y_k) in dataset D.
    public static double I(double P[][], int j, int k) {
        double I = 0.0;
        double p_x = P[j][j];
        double p_y = P[k][k];
        double p_xy = P[j][k];
        I += p_xy * Math.log(p_xy / (p_x * p_y));
        I += (1. - p_xy) * Math.log((1. - p_xy) / ((1. - p_x) * (1. - p_y)));
        return I;

     * I - Mutual Information.
     * <br>
     * NOTE Multi-target friendly (does not assume binary labels).
     * <br>
     * NOTE a bit slow
     * @return I(Y_j;Y_k) in dataset D.
    public static double I(Instances D, int j, int k) {
        double I = 0.0;
        for (int x = 0; x < D.attribute(j).numValues(); x++) {
            double p_x = p(D, j, x);
            for (int y = 0; y < D.attribute(k).numValues(); y++) {
                double p_y = p(D, k, y);
                double p_xy = P(D, j, x, k, y);
                I += p_xy * Math.log(p_xy / (p_x * p_y));
        return I;

     * I - Get an Unconditional Depndency Matrix.
     * (Works for both ML and MT data).
     * @param   D   dataset
     * @param   L   number of labels
     * @return a L*L matrix representing Unconditional Depndence.
    public static double[][] I(Instances D, int L) {
        double M[][] = new double[L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                // get I(Y_j;X_k)
                M[j][k] = I(D, j, k);
        return M;

    /** Critical value used for Chi^2 test. */
    public static final double CRITICAL[] = new double[] { 0., 2.706, 4.605, 6.251, 7.779 }; // P == 0.10

     * Chi^2 - Do the chi-squared test on the j-th and k-th labels in Y.
     * <br>
     * NOTE multi-label only! @TODO Use enumerateValues() !!!
     * <br>
     * If they are correlated, this means unconditional dependence!
     * @return   The chi-square statistic for labels j and k in Y.
    public static double chi2(Instances Y, int j, int k) {
        // H_0 : p(Y_j,Y_k) = p(Y_j)p(Y_k)

        double chi2 = 0.0;
        for (int j_ = 0; j_ < 2; j_++) {
            for (int k_ = 0; k_ < 2; k_++) {
                double E = p(Y, j, j_) * p(Y, k, k_); // Expected vaule P(Y_j = j_)P(Y_k = k_)
                double O = P(Y, j, j_, k, k_); // Observed value P(Y_j = j_, Y_k = k_)
                chi2 += (((O - E) * (O - E)) / E);
        return chi2;

     * Chi^2 - Do the chi-squared test on all pairs of labels.
     * @see #chi2(Instances, int, int)
     * @param   D   dataset
     * @return   The chi-square statistic matrix X
    public static double[][] chi2(Instances D) {
        int L = D.classIndex();
        double X[][] = new double[L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                X[j][k] = chi2(D, j, k);
        return X;

     * Chi^2 - Chi-squared test.
     * If they are correlated, this means unconditional dependence!
     * @param   M         measured joint  P(Y_1,Y_2)
     * @param   Exp      expect joint    P(Y_1)P(Y_2)   given null hypothesis
     * @return   The chi-square statistic for labels j and k in Y; normalized by critical value.
    public static double[][] chi2(double M[][][], double Exp[][][]) {

        int K = M.length;
        int L = M[0].length;
        int DoF = K - 1;

        double V[][] = new double[L][L];

        for (int i = 0; i < K; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
                for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                    double J = M[i][j][k]; // actual (joint)          p(e==e)
                    double E = Exp[i][j][k]; // expected (prior*prior)   
                    V[j][k] += (((J - E) * (J - E)) / E);
        // offset
        double p = CRITICAL[DoF];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                V[j][k] -= p;
        return V;

     * MargDepMatrix - Get an Unconditional Depndency Matrix.
     * @param   D   dataset
     * @param   op   how we will measure the dependency
     * @return a L*L matrix representing Unconditional Depndence.
    public static double[][] margDepMatrix(Instances D, String op) {

        int L = D.classIndex();
        int N = D.numInstances();

        // Simple Co-occurence counts
        if (op.equals("C")) {
            int C[][] = getApproxC(D);
            double P[][] = getP(C, N);
            return P;
        // Mutual information -- complete / multi-target capable
        if (op.equals("I")) {
            return I(D, L);
        // Mutual information -- binary (multi-label) approximation
        if (op.equals("Ib")) {
            int C[][] = getC(D);
            double P[][] = getP(C, N);
            return I(P);
        // Mutual information -- fast binary (multi-label) approximation
        if (op.equals("Ibf")) {
            int C[][] = getApproxC(D);
            double P[][] = getP(C, N);
            return I(P);
        // Conditional information -- binary (multi-label)
        if (op.equals("H")) {
            int C[][] = getC(D);
            return H(C, N);
        // Conditional information -- fast binary (multi-label) approximation
        if (op.equals("H")) {
            int C[][] = getApproxC(D);
            return H(C, N);
        // Chi-squared
        if (op.equals("X")) {
            return chi2(D);
        // Frequencies (cheap)
        if (op.equals("F")) {
            double F[][] = F(D);
            return F;
        if (op == "C") {
           return getC(D);
        System.err.println("No operation found; Using empty!");

        return new double[L][L];

     * I - Get a Mutual Information Matrix.
    public static double[][] I(int C[][], int N) {
        int L = C.length;
        double M[][] = new double[L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                M[j][k] = I(C, j, k, N);
        return M;

     * H - Get a Conditional Entropy Matrix.
    public static double[][] H(int C[][], int N) {
        int L = C.length;
        double M[][] = new double[L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                M[j][k] = H(C, j, k, N);
        return M;

     * H - Get a Conditional Entropy Matrix.
    public static double[][] H(Instances D) {
        int C[][] = getC(D);
        return H(C, D.classIndex());

    private static double f(Instances Y, int j, int k) {

        double E = p(Y, j, 1) * p(Y, k, 1); // Expected vaule P(Y_j = j_)P(Y_k = k_)
        double O = P(Y, j, 1, k, 1); // Observed value P(Y_j = j_, Y_k = k_)
        return E / O;

     * F - Relative frequency matrix (between p(j),p(k) and p(j,k)) in dataset D.
    public static double[][] F(Instances D) {
        int L = D.classIndex();
        double M[][] = new double[L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                M[j][k] = Math.abs(1. - f(D, j, k));
        return M;

    // A bit of a useless function -- get rid of it somehow?
    private static double[] fillError(Result result, int L) {

        double Yprob[][] = result.allPredictions();
        int Ytrue[][] = result.allTrueValues();
        int Ypred[][] = null;
        if (result.getInfo("Type").equals("MT")) {
            // Multi-target, so just round!
            Ypred = ThresholdUtils.round(Yprob);
        } else {
            double ts[] = ThresholdUtils.thresholdStringToArray(result.getInfo("Threshold"), L);
            Ypred = ThresholdUtils.threshold(Yprob, ts);

        double E[] = new double[L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            //E[j] = 1.0 - result.output.get("Accuracy["+j+"]");
            E[j] = Metrics.P_Hamming(Ytrue, Ypred, j);
        return E;

     * CondDepMatrix - Get a Conditional Dependency Matrix.
     * Based on Zhang's 'LEAD' approach, where<br>
     * the probability of labels j and k both getting errors on the same instance is error(j)*error(k)
     * if the actual co-occurence is otherwise. 
     * @param   D   dataset
     * @return a L*L matrix of Unconditional Depndence.
    public static double[][] condDepMatrix(Instances D, Result result) {

        int L = D.classIndex();
        int N = D.numInstances();
        double T[][] = MLUtils.getYfromD(D); // Output (TEACHER)
        double Y[][] = MatrixUtils.threshold(result.allPredictions(), 0.5); // Output (PREDICTED)
        result.output = Result.getStats(result, "6"); // <-- high verbosity, because we need individual accuracies            
        double E[] = fillError(result, L); // Errors (EXPECTED)
        double F[][][] = new double[3][L][L]; // Errors (ACTUAL)
        // Find the actual co-occurence ...
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            int y[] = A.toIntArray(Y[i], 0.5); // predicted
            int t[] = A.toIntArray(T[i], 0.5); // actual (teacher)
            for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
                for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                    if (y[j] != t[j] && y[k] != t[k]) {
                        // if j incorrect and k also ...
                        F[0][j][k]++; // error type 0
                    } else if (y[j] == t[j] && t[k] == y[k]) {
                        // both are correct
                        F[2][j][k]++; // error type 2
                    } else {
                        // if only one is correct
                        F[1][j][k]++; // error type 1

        // Un-Normalize with the Expected error
        double E_norm[][][] = new double[3][L][L];
        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                E_norm[0][j][k] = N * (E[j] * E[k]);
                E_norm[2][j][k] = N * ((1.0 - E[k]) * (1.0 - E[j]));
                E_norm[1][j][k] = N * ((E[j] * (1.0 - E[k])) + (1.0 - E[j]) * E[k]);
        return StatUtils.chi2(F, E_norm);

     * LEAD. 
     * Do the chi-squared LEAD test on all labels in D.
     * We would expect the 3 kinds of error to be uncorrelacted.
     * However, if they are significantly correlated, this means that there is conditional dependence!
    public static double[][] LEAD2(Instances D, Result result) {

        int L = D.classIndex();
        int N = D.numInstances();
        double Y[][] = MLUtils.getYfromD(D); // Real
        double Y_[][] = MatrixUtils.threshold(result.allPredictions(), 0.5); // Predicted
        // Error
        double E[][] = MatrixUtils.subtract(Y, Y_);
        // Expected (for each j)
        double X[][] = new double[L][L];

        for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
            for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) {
                for (int v : new int[] { 0, 1, -1 }) {
                    double p_j = p(E, j, v); // prior
                    double p_k = p(E, k, v); // prior
                    double p_jk = P(E, j, v, k, v); // joint
                    double Exp = p_j * p_k; // expected
                    //System.out.println("v = "+v);
                    //System.out.println("p_j "+p_j);
                    //System.out.println("p_k "+p_k);
                    X[j][k] += (((p_jk - Exp) * (p_jk - Exp)) / Exp); // calc.
                X[j][k] -= CRITICAL[1];
        return X;

     * LEAD - Performs LEAD on dataset 'D', with corresponding gresult 'R', and dependency measurement type 'MDType'.
    public static double[][] LEAD(Instances D, Result R, String MDType) {

        int L = D.classIndex();
        int N = D.numInstances();

        // Extract true labels from D, predicted labels from R
        double Ytrue[][] = MLUtils.getYfromD(D); // True
        double Ypred[][] = MatrixUtils.threshold(R.allPredictions(), 0.5); // Predicted

        // Make Error matrix
        double E[][] = MatrixUtils.abs(MatrixUtils.subtract(Ytrue, Ypred));

        // Replace labels with errors
        Instances D_E = MLUtils.replaceZasClasses(new Instances(D), E, L);

        // Pass through any measure of marginal dependence
        return StatUtils.margDepMatrix(D_E, MDType);

    public static double[][] LEAD(Instances D, Result result) {
        return LEAD(D, result, "I");

     * LEAD - Performs LEAD on dataset 'D', using BR with base classifier 'h', under random seed 'r'.
     * <br>
     * WARNING: changing this method will affect the perfomance of e.g., BCC -- on the other hand the original BCC paper did not use LEAD, so don't worry.
    public static double[][] LEAD(Instances D, Classifier h, Random r) throws Exception {
        Instances D_r = new Instances(D);
        Instances D_train = new Instances(D_r, 0, D_r.numInstances() * 60 / 100);
        Instances D_test = new Instances(D_r, D_train.numInstances(), D_r.numInstances() - D_train.numInstances());
        BR br = new BR();
        Result result = Evaluation.evaluateModel((MultiLabelClassifier) br, D_train, D_test, "PCut1", "1");
        return LEAD2(D_test, result);

    public static double[][] LEAD(Instances D, Classifier h, Random r, String MDType) throws Exception {
        Instances D_r = new Instances(D);
        Instances D_train = new Instances(D_r, 0, D_r.numInstances() * 60 / 100);
        Instances D_test = new Instances(D_r, D_train.numInstances(), D_r.numInstances() - D_train.numInstances());
        BR br = new BR();
        Result result = Evaluation.evaluateModel((MultiLabelClassifier) br, D_train, D_test, "PCut1", "1");

        return LEAD(D_test, result, MDType);

     * Main - do some tests.
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
        Instances D = Evaluation.loadDataset(args);
        int L = D.classIndex();

        double CD[][] = null;

        if (args[2].equals("L")) {
            String I = "I";
            if (args.length >= 3)
                I = args[3];
            CD = StatUtils.LEAD(D, new SMO(), new Random(), I);
        } else {
            CD = StatUtils.margDepMatrix(D, args[2]);
        System.out.println(MatrixUtils.toString(CD, "M" + args[2]));
