Source code

Java tutorial


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 *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *   GNU General Public License for more details.
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package meka.classifiers.multilabel;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;

import meka.classifiers.multilabel.Evaluation;
import meka.classifiers.multitarget.CR;
import meka.core.OptionUtils;
import meka.core.Result;
import org.kramerlab.autoencoder.math.matrix.Mat;
import org.kramerlab.autoencoder.neuralnet.autoencoder.Autoencoder;
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.classifiers.functions.LinearRegression;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformation;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformation.Field;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformation.Type;
import weka.core.TechnicalInformationHandler;
import weka.filters.Filter;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove;
import weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.SparseToNonSparse;

 * Maniac - Multi-lAbel classificatioN using AutoenCoders. Transforms 
 * the labels using layers of autoencoders. 
 * <br>
 * See: J&ouml;rg Wicker, Andrey Tyukin, Stefan Kramer. <i>A Nonlinear Label 
 * Compression and Transformation Method for Multi-Label Classification using 
 * Autoencoders</i>. The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery 
 * and Data Mining (PAKDD), 2016.
 * @author    Joerg Wicker (
public class Maniac extends LabelTransformationClassifier implements TechnicalInformationHandler {

    protected static final long serialVersionUID = 585507197229071545L;

     * The autoencoder that is trained, and used to compress and decompress the labels/
    private Autoencoder ae;

     * Template of the compressed labels, used in the prediction. 
    private Instances compressedTemplateInst;

     * Flag to tell if the number of autoencoders should be optimized. Multiple layers are tested and 
     * the best setting is chosen. The maximum number of autoencoders can be set via the numberAutoencoders
     * variable.
    protected boolean optimizeAE = getDefaultOptimizeAE();

     * The compression factor, i.e. the compression from one layer to the next. 0.85 means for example, 
     * that from one layer with 100 labels, on the next layer 85 are left.
    protected double compression = getDefaultCompression();

     * Sets the autoencoder (for using a trained one, e.g. done in optimization).
     * @param ae The autoencoder
    protected void setAE(Autoencoder ae) { = ae;

     * Returns the autoencoder of the class (used for compression of labels).
     * @return the autoencoder that is used for compression.
    private Autoencoder getAE() {

     * Number of autoencoders to train, i.e. number of hidden layers + 1. Note that this can be 
     * also used as the number of autoencoders to use in the optimization search, autoencoders will be added
     * until this number is reached and then the best configuration in terms of number of layers is selects.
    protected int numberAutoencoders = getDefaultNumberAutoencoders();

     * Returns the default number of autoencoders, set to 4, which seems to 
     * be good choice for most problems.
    protected int getDefaultNumberAutoencoders() {
        return 4;

     * Get the <code>numberAutoencoders</code> value.
     * @return an <code>in</code> value
    public final int getNumberAutoencoders() {
        return numberAutoencoders;

     * Set the <code>numberAutoencoders</code> value.
     * @param numberAutoencoders The new NumberAutoencoders value.
    public final void setNumberAutoencoders(final int numberAutoencoders) {
        this.numberAutoencoders = numberAutoencoders;

     * Gives the tooltip for numberAutoencoders.
     * @return the tooltip for numberAutoencoders.
    public String numberAutoencodersToolTip() {
        return "Number of autoencoders, i.e. number of hidden layers "
                + "+1. Note that this can be also used as the number of "
                + "autoencoders to use in the optimization search, "
                + "autoencoders will be added until this number is reached "
                + " and then the best configuration in terms of number of layers is selects.";

     * Gives the tiptext for numberAutoencoders.
     * @return the tiptext for numberAutoencoders.
    public String numberAutoencodersTipText() {
        return numberAutoencodersToolTip();

     * Get the <code>Compression</code> value.
     * @return a <code>double</code> value
    public final double getCompression() {
        return compression;

     * Set the <code>Compression</code> value.
     * @param compression The new Compression value.
    public final void setCompression(final double compression) {
        this.compression = compression;

     * Returns the default compression, 0.85 seems to be a good value for most settings.
     * @return The default compression.
    protected double getDefaultCompression() {
        return 0.85;

     * Gives the tooltip for compression.
     * @return the tooltip for compression.
    public String compressionToolTip() {
        return "Compression factor of the autoencoders, each level "
                + "of autoencoders will compress the labels to factor times " + "previous layer size.";

     * Gives the tiptext for compression.
     * @return the tiptext for compression.
    public String compressionTipText() {
        return compressionToolTip();

     * Gives the tiptext for optimizeAE.
     * @return the tiptext for optimizeAE.
    public String optimizeAETipText() {
        return optimizeAEToolTip();

     * Get the <code>OptimizeAE</code> value.
     * @return a <code>boolean</code> value
    public final boolean isOptimizeAE() {
        return optimizeAE;

     * Set the <code>OptimizeAE</code> value.
     * @param optimizeAE The new OptimizeAE value.
    public final void setOptimizeAE(final boolean optimizeAE) {
        this.optimizeAE = optimizeAE;

     * Tge default setting for optimizing the autoencoders. Set to false, as this 
     * is an expensive operation.
     * @return The default flag for optimizing the autoencoders.
    protected boolean getDefaultOptimizeAE() {
        return false;

     * Gives the tooltip for OptimizeAE.
     * @return the tooltip for OptimizeAE.
    public String optimizeAEToolTip() {
        return "Optimize the number of layers of autoencoders. If set to true "
                + "the number of layers will internally be optimized using a validation " + "set.";

     * Returns the global information of the classifier.
     * @return Global information of the classfier
    public String globalInfo() {
        return "Maniac - Multi-lAbel classificatioN using AutoenCoders."
                + "Transforms the labels using layers of autoencoders." + "For more information see:\n"
                + getTechnicalInformation();

     * Returns an enumeration of the options.  
     * @return Enumeration of the options.
    public Enumeration listOptions() {
        Vector newVector = new Vector();

        OptionUtils.addOption(newVector, compressionTipText(), "" + getDefaultCompression(), "compression");

        OptionUtils.addOption(newVector, numberAutoencodersTipText(), "" + getDefaultNumberAutoencoders(),

        OptionUtils.addOption(newVector, optimizeAETipText(), "" + getDefaultOptimizeAE(), "optimizeAE");

        OptionUtils.add(newVector, super.listOptions());

        return OptionUtils.toEnumeration(newVector);

     * Change default classifier to CR with Linear Regression as base as this classifier
     * uses numeric values in the compressed labels.
    protected Classifier getDefaultClassifier() {
        CR cr = new CR();
        LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression();
        return cr;

     * Returns an array with the options of the classifier.
     * @return Array of options.
    public String[] getOptions() {
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        OptionUtils.add(result, "compression", getCompression());
        OptionUtils.add(result, "optimizeAE", isOptimizeAE());
        OptionUtils.add(result, "numberAutoencoders", getNumberAutoencoders());
        OptionUtils.add(result, super.getOptions());
        return OptionUtils.toArray(result);

     * Sets the options to the given values in the array.
     * @param options The options to be set.
    public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
        setCompression(OptionUtils.parse(options, "compression", getDefaultCompression()));
        setNumberAutoencoders(OptionUtils.parse(options, "numberAutoencoders", getDefaultNumberAutoencoders()));
        setOptimizeAE(OptionUtils.parse(options, "optimizeAE", getDefaultOptimizeAE()));

    public TechnicalInformation getTechnicalInformation() {
        TechnicalInformation result;

        result = new TechnicalInformation(Type.INPROCEEDINGS);
        result.setValue(Field.AUTHOR, "J\"org Wicker, Andrey Tyukin, Stefan Kramer");
                "A Nonlinear Label Compression and Transformation Method for Multi-Label Classification using Autoencoders");
                "The 20th Pacific Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD)");
        result.setValue(Field.YEAR, "2016");
        result.setValue(Field.PAGES, "-");

        return result;

    public Instance transformInstance(Instance x) throws Exception {

        Instances tmpInst = new Instances(x.dataset());


        Instances features = this.extractPart(tmpInst, false);

        Instances pseudoLabels = new Instances(this.compressedTemplateInst);
        Instance tmpin = pseudoLabels.instance(0);


        for (int i = 0; i < pseudoLabels.classIndex(); i++) {

        Instances newDataSet = Instances.mergeInstances(pseudoLabels, features);

        return newDataSet.instance(0);

    public Instances transformLabels(Instances D) throws Exception {
        // crazy scala-specific stuff that is necessary to access
        // "static" methods from java
        org.kramerlab.autoencoder.package$ autoencoderStatics = org.kramerlab.autoencoder.package$.MODULE$;

        org.kramerlab.autoencoder.wekacompatibility.package$ wekaStatics = org.kramerlab.autoencoder.wekacompatibility.package$.MODULE$;

        org.kramerlab.autoencoder.experiments.package$ experimentsStatics = org.kramerlab.autoencoder.experiments.package$.MODULE$;

        int topiter = -1;

        // the optimization is a bit special, since we learn a stream
        // of autoencoders, no need to start from scratch, we just add layers
        if (this.isOptimizeAE()) {
            Instances train = D.trainCV(3, 1);
            Instances test = D.testCV(3, 1);
            Instances labels = this.extractPart(train, true);

            // first convert the arff into non sparse form
            SparseToNonSparse spfilter = new SparseToNonSparse();
            Instances aeData = Filter.useFilter(labels, spfilter);

            // now convert it into a format suitable for the autoencoder
            Mat data = wekaStatics.instancesToMat(aeData);

            Iterable<Autoencoder> autoencoders = autoencoderStatics.deepAutoencoderStream_java(
                    autoencoderStatics.Sigmoid(), // type of neurons.
                    // Sigmoid is ok
                    this.getNumberAutoencoders(), // number of autoencoders = (max hidden layers + 1) /
                    // 2
                    this.getCompression(), // compression from k-th layer to (k+1)-th layer
                    data, // training data 
                    true, // true = L2 Error, false = CrossEntropy
                    autoencoderStatics.HintonsMiraculousStrategy(), true, autoencoderStatics.NoObservers());

            // test each autoencoder, select the best classifier
            double bestAccuracy = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            int iteratorcount = 0;
            topiter = 0;
            for (Autoencoder a : autoencoders) {

                Maniac candidate = new Maniac();


                Result res = Evaluation.evaluateModel(candidate, train, test);
                double curac = (Double) res.getValue("Accuracy");

                if (bestAccuracy < curac) {
                    bestAccuracy = curac;
                    topiter = iteratorcount;
        Instances features = this.extractPart(D, false);
        Instances labels = this.extractPart(D, true);

        // first convert the arff into non sparse form
        SparseToNonSparse spfilter = new SparseToNonSparse();
        Instances aeData = Filter.useFilter(labels, spfilter);

        // now convert it into a format suitable for the autoencoder
        Mat data = wekaStatics.instancesToMat(aeData);

        if (this.getAE() == null) {
            Iterable<Autoencoder> autoencoders = autoencoderStatics.deepAutoencoderStream_java(
                    autoencoderStatics.Sigmoid(), // type of neurons.
                    // Sigmoid is ok
                    this.getNumberAutoencoders(), // number of autoencoders = (max hidden layers + 1) /
                    // 2
                    this.getCompression(), // compression from k-th layer to (k+1)-th layer
                    data, // training data 
                    true, // true = L2 Error, false = CrossEntropy
                    autoencoderStatics.HintonsMiraculousStrategy(), true, autoencoderStatics.NoObservers());
            int itercount = 0;
            for (Autoencoder a : autoencoders) {
                if (topiter > 0 && itercount == topiter || itercount == this.getNumberAutoencoders()) {

        Mat compressed = this.getAE().compress(data);
        Instances compressedLabels = wekaStatics.matToInstances(compressed);

        // remember the labels to use for the prediction step,
        this.compressedTemplateInst = new Instances(compressedLabels);

        Instances result = Instances.mergeInstances(compressedLabels, features);


        return result;

    public double[] transformPredictionsBack(double[] y) {
        Mat matrix = new Mat(1, y.length / 2);
        for (int i = 0; i < y.length / 2; i++) {
            matrix.update(0, i, y[y.length / 2 + i]);
        Mat reconstruction = this.getAE().decompress(matrix);
        double[] result = new double[reconstruction.toArray()[0].length];
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
            result[i] = reconstruction.apply(0, i);
        return result;

    public String getModel() {
        return "";

    public String toString() {
        return getModel();

     * Main method for testing.
     * @param args - Arguments passed from the command line
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        AbstractMultiLabelClassifier.evaluation(new Maniac(), args);