Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Kane O'Riley * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package me.oriley.shiv; import; import; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.preference.Preference; import android.preference.PreferenceActivity; import android.preference.PreferenceFragment; import; import; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import com.squareup.javapoet.JavaFile; import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeSpec; import me.oriley.shiv.holders.*; import javax.annotation.processing.Filer; import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment; import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment; import javax.lang.model.element.Element; import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static me.oriley.shiv.ProcessorUtils.*; public final class ShivProcessor extends BaseProcessor { @NonNull private Filer mFiler; @Override public synchronized void init(ProcessingEnvironment env) { super.init(env); mFiler = env.getFiler(); setTag(ShivProcessor.class.getSimpleName()); } @NonNull @Override protected Class[] getSupportedAnnotationClasses() { return new Class[] { BindView.class, BindExtra.class, BindPreference.class, BindInstance.class, BindNonConfigurationInstance.class, BindService.class }; } @Override public boolean process(@NonNull Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, @NonNull RoundEnvironment env) { if (env.processingOver()) { return true; } try { final Map<TypeElement, BindingManager> bindings = new HashMap<>(); collectBindings(env, bindings, BindView.class); collectBindings(env, bindings, BindExtra.class); collectBindings(env, bindings, BindPreference.class); collectBindings(env, bindings, BindInstance.class); collectBindings(env, bindings, BindNonConfigurationInstance.class); collectBindings(env, bindings, BindService.class); for (BindingManager manager : bindings.values()) { String packageName = getPackageName(manager.hostType); writeToFile(packageName, manager.createBinder(this)); } } catch (ShivException e) { error(e.getMessage()); return true; } return false; } private void collectBindings(@NonNull RoundEnvironment env, @NonNull Map<TypeElement, BindingManager> bindings, @NonNull Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) throws ShivException { for (Element e : env.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotation)) { if (e.getKind() != ElementKind.FIELD) { throw new ShivException( e.getSimpleName() + " is annotated with @" + annotation.getName() + " but is not a field"); } TypeMirror fieldType = e.asType(); if (isPrivate(e)) { throw new ShivException("Field must not be private: " + e.getSimpleName()); } else if (isStatic(e)) { throw new ShivException("Field must not be static: " + e.getSimpleName()); } final TypeElement type = findEnclosingElement(e); // class should exist if (type == null) { throw new ShivException("Could not find a class for " + e.getSimpleName()); } // and it should be public if (isPrivate(type)) { throw new ShivException("Class is private: " + type); } // as well as all parent classes TypeElement parentType = findEnclosingElement(type); while (parentType != null) { if (isPrivate(parentType)) { throw new ShivException("Parent class is private: " + parentType); } parentType = findEnclosingElement(parentType); } if (annotation == BindView.class) { if (!isSubtypeOfType(type, Activity.class) && !isSubtypeOfType(type, Fragment.class) && !isSubtypeOfType(type, && !isSubtypeOfType(type, ViewGroup.class)) { throw new ShivException("Invalid view binding class: " + type.getSimpleName()); } else if (!isSubtypeOfType(fieldType, View.class)) { throw new ShivException("Field must inherit from View type: " + e.getSimpleName()); } } else if (annotation == BindExtra.class) { if (!isSubtypeOfType(type, Activity.class) && !isSubtypeOfType(type, Fragment.class) && !isSubtypeOfType(type, { throw new ShivException("Invalid extra binding class: " + type.getSimpleName()); } else if (!isValidBundleEntry(fieldType)) { throw new ShivException("Extra field not suitable for bundle: " + e.getSimpleName()); } } else if (annotation == BindPreference.class) { if (isSubtypeOfType(type, PreferenceFragment.class) || isSubtypeOfType(type, PreferenceActivity.class)) { if (!isSubtypeOfType(fieldType, Preference.class)) { throw new ShivException("Preferences in " + type.getQualifiedName() + " must inherit from " + Preference.class + ": " + e.getSimpleName()); } } else if (isSubtypeOfType(type, PreferenceFragmentCompat.class)) { if (!isSubtypeOfType(fieldType, { throw new ShivException("Preferences in " + PreferenceFragmentCompat.class + " must inherit from " + + ": " + e.getSimpleName()); } } else { throw new ShivException("Invalid preference binding class: " + type.getSimpleName()); } } else if (annotation == BindInstance.class) { if (!isSubtypeOfType(type, Activity.class) && !isSubtypeOfType(type, Fragment.class) && !isSubtypeOfType(type, { throw new ShivException("Invalid instance binding class: " + type.getSimpleName()); } else if (!isValidBundleEntry(fieldType)) { throw new ShivException("Instance field not suitable for bundle: " + e.getSimpleName()); } } else if (annotation == BindNonConfigurationInstance.class) { if (!isSubtypeOfType(type, Activity.class)) { throw new ShivException( "Invalid non-configuration instance binding class: " + type.getSimpleName()); } } else if (annotation == BindService.class) { if (!isSubtypeOfType(type, Activity.class) && !isSubtypeOfType(type, Fragment.class) && !isSubtypeOfType(type, && !isSubtypeOfType(type, View.class)) { throw new ShivException("Invalid service binding class: " + type.getSimpleName()); } } else { throw new ShivException("Unrecognised annotation: " + annotation); } BindingManager manager = bindings.get(type); if (manager == null) { manager = new BindingManager(this, type); bindings.put(type, manager); } manager.addBinding(annotation, e); } } private boolean isValidBundleEntry(@NonNull TypeMirror fieldType) throws ShivException { return isAssignable(fieldType, CharSequence.class) || isAssignable(fieldType, Serializable.class) || isAssignable(fieldType, Parcelable.class) || SparseArray.class.getCanonicalName().equals(erasedType(fieldType)) || ArrayList.class.getCanonicalName().equals(erasedType(fieldType)); } @NonNull private JavaFile writeToFile(@NonNull String packageName, @NonNull TypeSpec spec) throws ShivException { final JavaFile file = JavaFile.builder(packageName, spec) .addFileComment("Generated by ShivProcessor, do not edit manually!").indent(" ").build(); try { file.writeTo(mFiler); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ShivException(e); } return file; } }