Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 The Netty Project * * The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License, * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import io.netty.util.CharsetUtil; /** * Generates the demo HTML page which is served at http://localhost:8080/ */ public final class WebSocketServerIndexPage { private static final String NEWLINE = "\r\n"; public static ByteBuf getContent(String webSocketLocation) { return Unpooled.copiedBuffer("<html><head><title>Web Socket Test</title></head>" + NEWLINE + "<body>" + NEWLINE + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + NEWLINE + "var socket;" + NEWLINE + "if (!window.WebSocket) {" + NEWLINE + " window.WebSocket = window.MozWebSocket;" + NEWLINE + '}' + NEWLINE + "if (window.WebSocket) {" + NEWLINE + " socket = new WebSocket(\"" + webSocketLocation + "\");" + NEWLINE + " socket.onmessage = function(event) {" + NEWLINE + " var ta = document.getElementById('responseText');" + NEWLINE + " ta.value = ta.value + '\\n' +" + NEWLINE + " };" + NEWLINE + " socket.onopen = function(event) {" + NEWLINE + " var ta = document.getElementById('responseText');" + NEWLINE + " ta.value = \"Web Socket opened!\";" + NEWLINE + " };" + NEWLINE + " socket.onclose = function(event) {" + NEWLINE + " var ta = document.getElementById('responseText');" + NEWLINE + " ta.value = ta.value + \"Web Socket closed\"; " + NEWLINE + " };" + NEWLINE + "} else {" + NEWLINE + " alert(\"Your browser does not support Web Socket.\");" + NEWLINE + '}' + NEWLINE + NEWLINE + "function send(message) {" + NEWLINE + " if (!window.WebSocket) { return; }" + NEWLINE + " if (socket.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN) {" + NEWLINE + " socket.send(message);" + NEWLINE + " } else {" + NEWLINE + " alert(\"The socket is not open.\");" + NEWLINE + " }" + NEWLINE + '}' + NEWLINE + "</script>" + NEWLINE + "<form onsubmit=\"return false;\">" + NEWLINE + "<input type=\"text\" name=\"message\" value=\"Hello, World!\"/>" + "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Send Web Socket Data\"" + NEWLINE + " onclick=\"send(this.form.message.value)\" />" + NEWLINE + "<h3>Output</h3>" + NEWLINE + "<textarea id=\"responseText\" style=\"width:500px;height:300px;\"></textarea>" + NEWLINE + "</form>" + NEWLINE + "</body>" + NEWLINE + "</html>" + NEWLINE, CharsetUtil.US_ASCII); } // public static ByteBuf getContent2(String webSocketLocation) { return Unpooled.copiedBuffer("<!DOCTYPE html>" + NEWLINE + "<html>" + NEWLINE + " <head>" + NEWLINE + " <title>Pusher Chat - live demo</title>" + NEWLINE + " <link href=\"css/chat-style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\">" + NEWLINE + " <script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script> " + NEWLINE + " <script src=\"\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>" + NEWLINE + " <script src=\"js/jquery.pusherchat.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>" + NEWLINE + " <script src=\"js/jquery.playSound.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>" + NEWLINE + " " + NEWLINE + " <style>" + NEWLINE + " /* demo style */" + NEWLINE + " body{color: #333;font-family:arial, verdana, sans-serif;}" + NEWLINE + " small{color:#ccc ; font-size: 14px}" + NEWLINE + " .account a{ color :#333; background: #eee; border: 1px solid #ccc;padding: 5px; border-radius: 5px;display: inline-block;}" + NEWLINE + " pre{line-height: 11px;font-size: 11px;background: #fafafa;border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px}" + NEWLINE + " .hide{font-size: 19px ;color:red ; font-weight: bold;display: none}" + NEWLINE + " .connexion {font-size: 19px ;color:green ; font-weight: bold;}" + NEWLINE + " </style>" + NEWLINE + " </head>" + NEWLINE + " <body>" + NEWLINE + " <!-- -->" + " <!--***************************************************** pusher chat html *******************************************************-->" + NEWLINE + " <div id=\"pusherChat\">" + NEWLINE + " <div id=\"membersContent\"> " + NEWLINE + " <span id=\"expand\"><span class=\"close\">▼</span><span class=\"open\">▲</span></span>" + NEWLINE + " <h2><span id=\"count\">0</span> online</h2>" + NEWLINE + " <div class=\"scroll\">" + NEWLINE + " <div id=\"members-list\"></div>" + NEWLINE + " </div>" + NEWLINE + " </div>" + NEWLINE + " <!-- chat box template -->" + NEWLINE + " <div id=\"templateChatBox\">" + NEWLINE + " <div class=\"pusherChatBox\">" + NEWLINE + " <span class=\"state\">" + NEWLINE + " <span class=\"pencil\">" + NEWLINE + " <img src=\"assets/pencil.gif\" />" + NEWLINE + " </span>" + NEWLINE + " <span class=\"quote\">" + NEWLINE + " <img src=\"assets/quote.gif\" />" + NEWLINE + " </span>" + NEWLINE + " </span>" + NEWLINE + " <span class=\"expand\"><span class=\"close\">▼</span><span class=\"open\">▲</span></span>" + NEWLINE + " <span class=\"closeBox\">x</span>" + NEWLINE + " <h2><a href=\"#\" title=\"go to profile\"><img src=\"\" class=\"imgFriend\" /></a> <span class=\"userName\"></span></h2>" + " <div class=\"slider\">" + NEWLINE + " <div class=\"logMsg\">" + NEWLINE + " <div class=\"msgTxt\">" + NEWLINE + " </div>" + NEWLINE + " </div>" + NEWLINE + " <form method=\"post\" name=\"#123\">" + NEWLINE + " <textarea name=\"msg\" rows=\"3\" ></textarea>" + NEWLINE + " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from\" class=\"from\" />" + NEWLINE + " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"to\" class=\"to\"/>" + NEWLINE + " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"typing\" class=\"typing\" value=\"false\"/>" + " </form>" + NEWLINE + " </div>" + NEWLINE + " </div>" + NEWLINE + " </div>" + NEWLINE + " <!-- chat box template end -->" + " <div class=\"chatBoxWrap\">" + " <div class=\"chatBoxslide\"></div>" + " <span id=\"slideLeft\"> <img src=\"assets/quote.gif\" />◀</span> " + " <span id=\"slideRight\">▶ <img src=\"assets/quote.gif\" /></span>" + " </div>" + " </div>" + " <!--***************************************************** end pusher chat html *******************************************************-->" + " <hr/>" + " " + " <script type=\"text/javascript\">" + " /*" + " * this part is only for demo you don\'t need this" + " */" + " function getUrlVars() {" + " var vars = {};" + " var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {" + " vars[key] = value;" + " });" + " return vars;" + " }" + " var id = getUrlVars()[\'user_id\'];" + " var name = getUrlVars()[\'name\'];" + " if (id==\"undefined\") {" + " id=\"\"; " + " } else $(\'#user_\'+id).hide();" + " if (name==\"undefined\") name=\"\";" + " if (!id) $(\'#pusherChat\').remove();" + " if (name)" + " $(\'.connexion\').html(\'You are connected as \'+name.replace(\'%20\',\' \'));" + " /*" + " * this part is only for demo you don\'t need this" + " */" + " </script>" + " <script>" + " $(document).ready(function(){" + " function showWindow(){" + " var htm=\"<div id=\'register\' style=\'position:fixed; height:200px; width:400px; background:#CCC;\'><em id=\'close\' style=\'font-size:30px; float:right; margin-right:20px;\'></em><h3 style=\'color:#FFF; text-align:center;\'></h3><p style=\'text-align:center;\'><input type=\'text\' id=\'username\' placeholder=\'\' /></p><p style=\'text-align:center;\'><input type=\'password\' id=\'userpass\' placeholder=\'\' /><em id=\'strength\'></em></p><p id=\'regist\' style=\'margin:40px auto 0 auto;height:30px;width:180px;background:#09C;color:#FFF;font-size:18px;text-align:center;line-height:30px;border-radius: 6px;cursor:pointer\'></p></div>\";" + " $(\"body\").append(htm);" + " return false;" + " }" + " function removeWindow(){" + " $(\"#register\").fadeOut(function(){" + " $(\"#register\").remove();" + " });" + " return false;" + " }" + " function center(id){" + " var h=$(window).height();" + " var w=$(window).width();" + " var fh=$(\"#\"+id).height();" + " var fw=$(\"#\"+id).width();" + " $(\"#\"+id).css({" + " \"top\":(h-fh)/2," + " \"left\":(w-fw)/2" + " });" + " }" + " $(window).resize(function(){" + " center(\"register\");" + " });" + " " + " showWindow();" + " center(\"register\");" + " $(\"#close\").click(function(){" + " // removeWindow();" + " alert(\"\");" + " });" + " $(\"#regist\").click(function(){" + " var name=$(\"#username\").val(),pwd=$(\"#userpass\").val();" + " if(name==\"\"||pwd==\"\"){" + " alert(\"!\")" + " }else{" + " //ajax?" + " $.post(\"http://localhost:9080\",{name:name,pwd:pwd},function(data){" + " console.log(1)" + " })" + " }" + " })" + " " + " });" + " $.fn.pusherChat({" + " \'pusherKey\':\'GET YOUR KEY FROM\'," + " \'authPath\':\'server/pusher_auth.php?user_id=\'+id+\'&name=\'+name," + " \'friendsList\' : \'ajax/friends-list.json\'," + " \'serverPath\' : \'server/server.php\'," + " \'profilePage\':true," + " \'onFriendConnect\': function(member){" + " if ( $(\'#user_\'; " + " if (!$(\'.account a:visible\').html()) $(\'.hide\').show();" + " }," + " \'onFriendLogOut\': function(member){" + " if ( $(\'#user_\'; " + " if ($(\'.account a:visible\').html()) $(\'.hide\').hide();" + " }," + " \'onSubscription\':function(members){" + " if ($(\'.account a:visible\').html()) $(\'.hide\').hide();" + " $.each(members._members_map, function(val){" + " $(\'#user_\'+val).hide();" + " }); " + " }" + " });" + " </script>" + NEWLINE + " </body>" + NEWLINE + "</html>", CharsetUtil.US_ASCII); } private WebSocketServerIndexPage() { // Unused } }