Java tutorial
package; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import mase.controllers.AgentController; import mase.controllers.GroupController; import mase.mason.generic.SmartAgentProvider; import mase.mason.MasonSimState; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import sim.field.continuous.Continuous2D; import sim.portrayal.FieldPortrayal2D; import sim.util.Double2D; /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * * @author jorge */ public class Soccer extends MasonSimState implements SmartAgentProvider { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected SoccerParams par; protected Continuous2D field; protected List<SoccerAgent> leftTeam, rightTeam, all; protected MultilineObject fieldBoundaries; protected PointObject leftGoalCenter, rightGoalCenter; protected Color leftTeamColor, rightTeamColor; protected Ball ball; protected Referee referee; protected boolean startFlag = true; Soccer(long seed, SoccerParams par, GroupController gc) { super(gc, seed); this.par = par; } @Override public void start() { super.start(); this.field = new Continuous2D(par.discretization, par.fieldLength, par.fieldWidth); double fl = par.fieldLength, fw = par.fieldWidth, hg = par.goalWidth / 2, d = par.cornerDiag; Segment t1 = new Segment(new Double2D(0, fw / 2 - hg), new Double2D(0, d)); Segment t2 = new Segment(t1.end, new Double2D(d, 0)); Segment t3 = new Segment(t2.end, new Double2D(fl - d, 0)); Segment t4 = new Segment(t3.end, new Double2D(fl, d)); Segment t5 = new Segment(t4.end, new Double2D(fl, fw / 2 - hg)); Segment t6 = new Segment(new Double2D(fl, fw / 2 + hg), new Double2D(fl, fw - d)); Segment t7 = new Segment(t6.end, new Double2D(fl - d, fw)); Segment t8 = new Segment(t7.end, new Double2D(d, fw)); Segment t9 = new Segment(t8.end, new Double2D(0, fw - d)); Segment t10 = new Segment(t9.end, new Double2D(0, fw / 2 + hg)); leftGoalCenter = new PointObject(field, new Double2D(0, fw / 2)); rightGoalCenter = new PointObject(field, new Double2D(fl, fw / 2)); fieldBoundaries = new MultilineObject(field, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10); fieldBoundaries.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1)); fieldBoundaries.paint = Color.BLACK; fieldBoundaries.filled = false; fieldBoundaries.setLocation(new Double2D(0, 0)); ball = new Ball(this); ball.setLabel(""); ball.setColor(Color.WHITE); schedule.scheduleRepeating(ball); createAgents(); resetTeams(startFlag); startFlag = !startFlag; referee = new Referee(); schedule.scheduleRepeating(referee); } public void createAgents() { int teamSize = 0; for (int t : par.formation) { teamSize += t; } leftTeam = new ArrayList<>(); if (gc != null) { AgentController[] acs = super.gc.getAgentControllers(teamSize); for (int i = 0; i < teamSize; i++) { EvolvedSoccerAgent a = new EvolvedSoccerAgent(this, acs[i], par.agentMoveSpeed, par.agentKickSpeed); a.setLabel("Le" + i); leftTeam.add(a); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < teamSize; i++) { AIKAgent a = new AIKAgent(this); a.setLabel("Lp" + i); leftTeam.add(a); } } rightTeam = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < teamSize; i++) { AIKAgent a = new AIKAgent(this); a.setLabel("Rp" + i); //SoccerAgent a = new SoccerAgent(this, null, 0, 0); rightTeam.add(a); } all = new ArrayList<>(); all.addAll(leftTeam); all.addAll(rightTeam); leftTeamColor = Color.BLUE; rightTeamColor = Color.RED; for (SoccerAgent a : leftTeam) { a.setTeamContext(leftTeam, rightTeam, leftGoalCenter, rightGoalCenter, leftTeamColor); if (a instanceof EvolvedSoccerAgent) { ((EvolvedSoccerAgent) a).setupSensors(); } schedule.scheduleRepeating(a); } for (SoccerAgent a : rightTeam) { a.setTeamContext(rightTeam, leftTeam, rightGoalCenter, leftGoalCenter, rightTeamColor); schedule.scheduleRepeating(a); } } public void resetTeams(boolean leftStarting) { initialPositions(leftTeam, true, leftStarting); initialPositions(rightTeam, false, !leftStarting); ball.reset(); ball.setLocation(new Double2D(par.fieldLength / 2, par.fieldWidth / 2)); } protected void initialPositions(List<SoccerAgent> team, boolean left, boolean starting) { if (par.lineFormation) { double xSpacing = (field.width / 2) / (par.formation.length + 1); double mx = field.width / 2; double side = left ? -1 : 1; int agentIndex = 0; double ori = left ? 0 : Math.PI; for (int i = 0; i < par.formation.length; i++) { double x = mx + side * xSpacing * (par.formation.length - i); double ySpacing = (field.height) / (par.formation[i] + 1); for (int j = 0; j < par.formation[i]; j++) { double y = left ? ySpacing + ySpacing * j : field.height - ySpacing - ySpacing * j; Double2D pos; if (i == par.formation.length - 1 && j == par.formation[i] / 2 && starting) { // place advanced in front pos = new Double2D(mx + side * par.agentRadius * 2, field.height / 2); } else { pos = new Double2D(x + (random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1) * par.locationRandom, y + (random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1) * par.locationRandom); } SoccerAgent a = team.get(agentIndex++); a.setLocation(pos); a.setOrientation(ori); if (a.getAgentController() != null) { a.getAgentController().reset(); } } } } else { if (par.formation.length != 1 || par.formation[0] != team.size()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Not using line formation. Expecting just one number for formation (same as number of agents)"); } List<Double2D> positions = new ArrayList<>(par.formation[0]); double side = left ? -1 : 1; double ori = left ? 0 : Math.PI; if (starting) { // place one in front double angle = ori - random.nextDouble() * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2; double dist = par.agentRadius * 2; Double2D offset = new Double2D(dist * FastMath.cos(angle), dist * FastMath.sin(angle)); Double2D pos = new Double2D(field.width / 2, field.height / 2).add(offset); positions.add(pos); } double middleX = field.width / 2 + side * (field.width / 4); while (positions.size() < par.formation[0]) { Double2D rand = new Double2D(middleX + (random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1) * par.locationRandom, field.height / 2 + (random.nextDouble() * 2 - 1) * par.locationRandom); boolean valid = true; for (Double2D other : positions) { if (other.distance(rand) < par.agentRadius * 2) { valid = false; break; } } if (valid) { positions.add(rand); } } Iterator<SoccerAgent> teamIter = team.iterator(); for (Double2D p : positions) { SoccerAgent a =; a.setLocation(p); a.setOrientation(ori); if (a.getAgentController() != null) { a.getAgentController().reset(); } } } } @Override public void setupPortrayal(FieldPortrayal2D port) { port.setField(field); } @Override public List<? extends SmartAgent> getSmartAgents() { return leftTeam; } } /*ProgSoccerAgent l1 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent l2 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent l3 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent l4 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent l5 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent r1 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent r2 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent r3 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent r4 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); ProgSoccerAgent r5 = new ProgSoccerAgent(this); leftTeam = new ArrayList<>(); leftTeam.add(l1); leftTeam.add(l2); leftTeam.add(l3); leftTeam.add(l4); leftTeam.add(l5); rightTeam = new ArrayList<>(); rightTeam.add(r1); rightTeam.add(r2); rightTeam.add(r3); rightTeam.add(r4); rightTeam.add(r5); all = new ArrayList<>(leftTeam); all.addAll(rightTeam); l1.setTeamContext(leftTeam, rightTeam, leftGoalCenter, rightGoalCenter, Color.BLUE); l1.setLocation(new Double2D(120, 76)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(l1); l2.setTeamContext(leftTeam, rightTeam, leftGoalCenter, rightGoalCenter, Color.BLUE); l2.setLocation(new Double2D(90, 36)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(l2); l3.setTeamContext(leftTeam, rightTeam, leftGoalCenter, rightGoalCenter, Color.BLUE); l3.setLocation(new Double2D(90, 116)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(l3); l4.setTeamContext(leftTeam, rightTeam, leftGoalCenter, rightGoalCenter, Color.BLUE); l4.setLocation(new Double2D(40, 56)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(l4); l5.setTeamContext(leftTeam, rightTeam, leftGoalCenter, rightGoalCenter, Color.BLUE); l5.setLocation(new Double2D(40, 96)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(l5); r1.setTeamContext(rightTeam, leftTeam, rightGoalCenter, leftGoalCenter, Color.RED); r1.setLocation(new Double2D(184, 36)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(r1); r2.setTeamContext(rightTeam, leftTeam, rightGoalCenter, leftGoalCenter, Color.RED); r2.setLocation(new Double2D(184, 76)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(r2); r3.setTeamContext(rightTeam, leftTeam, rightGoalCenter, leftGoalCenter, Color.RED); r3.setLocation(new Double2D(184, 116)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(r3); r4.setTeamContext(rightTeam, leftTeam, rightGoalCenter, leftGoalCenter, Color.RED); r4.setLocation(new Double2D(234, 56)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(r4); r5.setTeamContext(rightTeam, leftTeam, rightGoalCenter, leftGoalCenter, Color.RED); r5.setLocation(new Double2D(234, 96)); schedule.scheduleRepeating(r5);*/