Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2006 DFKI GmbH. * All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * * This file is part of MARY TTS. * * MARY TTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package marytts.features; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import marytts.util.string.ByteStringTranslator; import marytts.util.string.IntStringTranslator; import marytts.util.string.ShortStringTranslator; /** * A feature definition object represents the "meaning" of feature vectors. It consists of a list of byte-valued, short-valued and * continuous features by name and index position in the feature vector; the respective possible feature values (and corresponding * byte and short codes); and, optionally, the weights and, for continuous features, weighting functions for each feature. * * @author Marc Schröder * @author steiner */ public class FeatureDefinition { public static final String BYTEFEATURES = "ByteValuedFeatureProcessors"; public static final String SHORTFEATURES = "ShortValuedFeatureProcessors"; public static final String CONTINUOUSFEATURES = "ContinuousFeatureProcessors"; public static final String FEATURESIMILARITY = "FeatureSimilarity"; public static final char WEIGHT_SEPARATOR = '|'; public static final String EDGEFEATURE = "edge"; public static final String EDGEFEATURE_START = "start"; public static final String EDGEFEATURE_END = "end"; public static final String NULLVALUE = "0"; private int numByteFeatures; private int numShortFeatures; private int numContinuousFeatures; private float[] featureWeights; private IntStringTranslator featureNames; // feature values: for byte and short features only private ByteStringTranslator[] byteFeatureValues; private ShortStringTranslator[] shortFeatureValues; private String[] floatWeightFuncts; // for continuous features only private float[][][] similarityMatrices = null; /** * Create a feature definition object, reading textual data from the given BufferedReader. * * @param input * a BufferedReader from which a textual feature definition can be read. * @param readWeights * a boolean indicating whether or not to read weights from input. If weights are read, they will be normalized so * that they sum to one. * @throws IOException * if a reading problem occurs * */ public FeatureDefinition(BufferedReader input, boolean readWeights) throws IOException { // Section BYTEFEATURES String line = input.readLine(); if (line == null) throw new IOException("Could not read from input"); while (line.matches("^\\s*#.*") || line.matches("\\s*")) { line = input.readLine(); } if (!line.trim().equals(BYTEFEATURES)) { throw new IOException("Unexpected input: expected '" + BYTEFEATURES + "', read '" + line + "'"); } List<String> byteFeatureLines = new ArrayList<String>(); while (true) { line = input.readLine(); if (line == null) throw new IOException("Could not read from input"); line = line.trim(); if (line.equals(SHORTFEATURES)) break; // Found end of section byteFeatureLines.add(line); } // Section SHORTFEATURES List<String> shortFeatureLines = new ArrayList<String>(); while (true) { line = input.readLine(); if (line == null) throw new IOException("Could not read from input"); line = line.trim(); if (line.equals(CONTINUOUSFEATURES)) break; // Found end of section shortFeatureLines.add(line); } // Section CONTINUOUSFEATURES List<String> continuousFeatureLines = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean readFeatureSimilarity = false; while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { // it's OK if we hit the end of the file now line = line.trim(); // if (line.equals(FEATURESIMILARITY) || line.equals("")) break; // Found end of section if (line.equals(FEATURESIMILARITY)) { // readFeatureSimilarityMatrices(input); readFeatureSimilarity = true; break; } else if (line.equals("")) { // empty line: end of section break; } continuousFeatureLines.add(line); } numByteFeatures = byteFeatureLines.size(); numShortFeatures = shortFeatureLines.size(); numContinuousFeatures = continuousFeatureLines.size(); int total = numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures; featureNames = new IntStringTranslator(total); byteFeatureValues = new ByteStringTranslator[numByteFeatures]; shortFeatureValues = new ShortStringTranslator[numShortFeatures]; float sumOfWeights = 0; // for normalisation of weights if (readWeights) { featureWeights = new float[total]; floatWeightFuncts = new String[numContinuousFeatures]; } for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { line = byteFeatureLines.get(i); String featureDef; if (readWeights) { int seppos = line.indexOf(WEIGHT_SEPARATOR); if (seppos == -1) throw new IOException( "Weight separator '" + WEIGHT_SEPARATOR + "' not found in line '" + line + "'"); String weightDef = line.substring(0, seppos).trim(); featureDef = line.substring(seppos + 1).trim(); // The weight definition is simply the float number: featureWeights[i] = Float.parseFloat(weightDef); sumOfWeights += featureWeights[i]; if (featureWeights[i] < 0) throw new IOException("Negative weight found in line '" + line + "'"); } else { featureDef = line; } // Now featureDef is a String in which the feature name and all feature values // are separated by white space. String[] nameAndValues = featureDef.split("\\s+", 2); featureNames.set(i, nameAndValues[0]); // the feature name byteFeatureValues[i] = new ByteStringTranslator(nameAndValues[1].split("\\s+")); // the feature values } for (int i = 0; i < numShortFeatures; i++) { line = shortFeatureLines.get(i); String featureDef; if (readWeights) { int seppos = line.indexOf(WEIGHT_SEPARATOR); if (seppos == -1) throw new IOException( "Weight separator '" + WEIGHT_SEPARATOR + "' not found in line '" + line + "'"); String weightDef = line.substring(0, seppos).trim(); featureDef = line.substring(seppos + 1).trim(); // The weight definition is simply the float number: featureWeights[numByteFeatures + i] = Float.parseFloat(weightDef); sumOfWeights += featureWeights[numByteFeatures + i]; if (featureWeights[numByteFeatures + i] < 0) throw new IOException("Negative weight found in line '" + line + "'"); } else { featureDef = line; } // Now featureDef is a String in which the feature name and all feature values // are separated by white space. String[] nameAndValues = featureDef.split("\\s+", 2); featureNames.set(numByteFeatures + i, nameAndValues[0]); // the feature name shortFeatureValues[i] = new ShortStringTranslator(nameAndValues[1].split("\\s+")); // the feature values } for (int i = 0; i < numContinuousFeatures; i++) { line = continuousFeatureLines.get(i); String featureDef; if (readWeights) { int seppos = line.indexOf(WEIGHT_SEPARATOR); if (seppos == -1) throw new IOException( "Weight separator '" + WEIGHT_SEPARATOR + "' not found in line '" + line + "'"); String weightDef = line.substring(0, seppos).trim(); featureDef = line.substring(seppos + 1).trim(); // The weight definition is the float number plus a definition of a weight function: String[] weightAndFunction = weightDef.split("\\s+", 2); featureWeights[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i] = Float.parseFloat(weightAndFunction[0]); sumOfWeights += featureWeights[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i]; if (featureWeights[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i] < 0) throw new IOException("Negative weight found in line '" + line + "'"); try { floatWeightFuncts[i] = weightAndFunction[1]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // System.out.println( "weightDef string was: '" + weightDef + "'." ); // System.out.println( "Splitting part 1: '" + weightAndFunction[0] + "'." ); // System.out.println( "Splitting part 2: '" + weightAndFunction[1] + "'." ); throw new RuntimeException("The string [" + weightDef + "] appears to be a badly formed" + " weight plus weighting function definition."); } } else { featureDef = line; } // Now featureDef is the feature name // or the feature name followed by the word "float" if (featureDef.endsWith("float")) { String[] featureDefSplit = featureDef.split("\\s+", 2); featureNames.set(numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i, featureDefSplit[0]); } else { featureNames.set(numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i, featureDef); } } // Normalize weights to sum to one: if (readWeights) { for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { featureWeights[i] /= sumOfWeights; } } // read feature similarities here, if any if (readFeatureSimilarity) { readFeatureSimilarityMatrices(input); } } /** * read similarity matrices from feature definition file * * @param input * input * @throws IOException * IOException */ private void readFeatureSimilarityMatrices(BufferedReader input) throws IOException { String line = null; similarityMatrices = new float[this.getNumberOfByteFeatures()][][]; for (int i = 0; i < this.getNumberOfByteFeatures(); i++) { similarityMatrices[i] = null; } while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { if ("".equals(line)) { return; } String[] featureUniqueValues = line.trim().split("\\s+"); String featureName = featureUniqueValues[0]; if (!isByteFeature(featureName)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Similarity matrix support is for bytefeatures only, but not for other feature types..."); } int featureIndex = this.getFeatureIndex(featureName); int noUniqValues = featureUniqueValues.length - 1; similarityMatrices[featureIndex] = new float[noUniqValues][noUniqValues]; for (int i = 1; i <= noUniqValues; i++) { Arrays.fill(similarityMatrices[featureIndex][i - 1], 0); String featureValue = featureUniqueValues[i]; String matLine = input.readLine(); if (matLine == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Feature definition file is having unexpected format..."); } String[] lines = matLine.trim().split("\\s+"); if (!featureValue.equals(lines[0])) { throw new RuntimeException("Feature definition file is having unexpected format..."); } if (lines.length != i) { throw new RuntimeException("Feature definition file is having unexpected format..."); } for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) { float similarity = (new Float(lines[j])).floatValue(); similarityMatrices[featureIndex][i - 1][j - 1] = similarity; similarityMatrices[featureIndex][j - 1][i - 1] = similarity; } } } } /** * Create a feature definition object, reading binary data from the given DataInput. * * @param input * a DataInputStream or a RandomAccessFile from which a binary feature definition can be read. * @throws IOException * if a reading problem occurs */ public FeatureDefinition(DataInput input) throws IOException { // Section BYTEFEATURES numByteFeatures = input.readInt(); byteFeatureValues = new ByteStringTranslator[numByteFeatures]; // Initialise global arrays to byte feature length first; // we have no means of knowing how many short or continuous // features there will be, so we need to resize later. // This will happen automatically for featureNames, but needs // to be done by hand for featureWeights. featureNames = new IntStringTranslator(numByteFeatures); featureWeights = new float[numByteFeatures]; // There is no need to normalise weights here, because // they have already been normalized before the binary // file was written. for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { featureWeights[i] = input.readFloat(); String featureName = input.readUTF(); featureNames.set(i, featureName); byte numberOfValuesEncoded = input.readByte(); // attention: this is an unsigned byte int numberOfValues = numberOfValuesEncoded & 0xFF; byteFeatureValues[i] = new ByteStringTranslator(numberOfValues); for (int b = 0; b < numberOfValues; b++) { String value = input.readUTF(); byteFeatureValues[i].set((byte) b, value); } } // Section SHORTFEATURES numShortFeatures = input.readInt(); if (numShortFeatures > 0) { shortFeatureValues = new ShortStringTranslator[numShortFeatures]; // resize weight array: float[] newWeights = new float[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures]; System.arraycopy(featureWeights, 0, newWeights, 0, numByteFeatures); featureWeights = newWeights; for (int i = 0; i < numShortFeatures; i++) { featureWeights[numByteFeatures + i] = input.readFloat(); String featureName = input.readUTF(); featureNames.set(numByteFeatures + i, featureName); short numberOfValues = input.readShort(); shortFeatureValues[i] = new ShortStringTranslator(numberOfValues); for (short s = 0; s < numberOfValues; s++) { String value = input.readUTF(); shortFeatureValues[i].set(s, value); } } } // Section CONTINUOUSFEATURES numContinuousFeatures = input.readInt(); floatWeightFuncts = new String[numContinuousFeatures]; if (numContinuousFeatures > 0) { // resize weight array: float[] newWeights = new float[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures]; System.arraycopy(featureWeights, 0, newWeights, 0, numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures); featureWeights = newWeights; } for (int i = 0; i < numContinuousFeatures; i++) { featureWeights[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i] = input.readFloat(); floatWeightFuncts[i] = input.readUTF(); String featureName = input.readUTF(); featureNames.set(numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i, featureName); } } /** * Create a feature definition object, reading binary data from the given byte buffer. * * @param bb * a byte buffer from which a binary feature definition can be read. * @throws IOException * if a reading problem occurs */ public FeatureDefinition(ByteBuffer bb) throws IOException { // Section BYTEFEATURES numByteFeatures = bb.getInt(); byteFeatureValues = new ByteStringTranslator[numByteFeatures]; // Initialise global arrays to byte feature length first; // we have no means of knowing how many short or continuous // features there will be, so we need to resize later. // This will happen automatically for featureNames, but needs // to be done by hand for featureWeights. featureNames = new IntStringTranslator(numByteFeatures); featureWeights = new float[numByteFeatures]; // There is no need to normalise weights here, because // they have already been normalized before the binary // file was written. for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { featureWeights[i] = bb.getFloat(); String featureName = StreamUtils.readUTF(bb); featureNames.set(i, featureName); byte numberOfValuesEncoded = bb.get(); // attention: this is an unsigned byte int numberOfValues = numberOfValuesEncoded & 0xFF; byteFeatureValues[i] = new ByteStringTranslator(numberOfValues); for (int b = 0; b < numberOfValues; b++) { String value = StreamUtils.readUTF(bb); byteFeatureValues[i].set((byte) b, value); } } // Section SHORTFEATURES numShortFeatures = bb.getInt(); if (numShortFeatures > 0) { shortFeatureValues = new ShortStringTranslator[numShortFeatures]; // resize weight array: float[] newWeights = new float[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures]; System.arraycopy(featureWeights, 0, newWeights, 0, numByteFeatures); featureWeights = newWeights; for (int i = 0; i < numShortFeatures; i++) { featureWeights[numByteFeatures + i] = bb.getFloat(); String featureName = StreamUtils.readUTF(bb); featureNames.set(numByteFeatures + i, featureName); short numberOfValues = bb.getShort(); shortFeatureValues[i] = new ShortStringTranslator(numberOfValues); for (short s = 0; s < numberOfValues; s++) { String value = StreamUtils.readUTF(bb); shortFeatureValues[i].set(s, value); } } } // Section CONTINUOUSFEATURES numContinuousFeatures = bb.getInt(); floatWeightFuncts = new String[numContinuousFeatures]; if (numContinuousFeatures > 0) { // resize weight array: float[] newWeights = new float[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures]; System.arraycopy(featureWeights, 0, newWeights, 0, numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures); featureWeights = newWeights; } for (int i = 0; i < numContinuousFeatures; i++) { featureWeights[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i] = bb.getFloat(); floatWeightFuncts[i] = StreamUtils.readUTF(bb); String featureName = StreamUtils.readUTF(bb); featureNames.set(numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i, featureName); } } /** * Write this feature definition in binary format to the given output. * * @param out * a DataOutputStream or RandomAccessFile to which the FeatureDefinition should be written. * @throws IOException * if a problem occurs while writing. */ public void writeBinaryTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException { // TODO to avoid duplicate code, replace this with writeBinaryTo(out, List<Integer>()) or some such // Section BYTEFEATURES out.writeInt(numByteFeatures); for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { if (featureWeights != null) { out.writeFloat(featureWeights[i]); } else { out.writeFloat(0); } out.writeUTF(getFeatureName(i)); int numValues = getNumberOfValues(i); byte numValuesEncoded = (byte) numValues; // an unsigned byte out.writeByte(numValuesEncoded); for (int b = 0; b < numValues; b++) { String value = getFeatureValueAsString(i, b); out.writeUTF(value); } } // Section SHORTFEATURES out.writeInt(numShortFeatures); for (int i = numByteFeatures; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures; i++) { if (featureWeights != null) { out.writeFloat(featureWeights[i]); } else { out.writeFloat(0); } out.writeUTF(getFeatureName(i)); short numValues = (short) getNumberOfValues(i); out.writeShort(numValues); for (short b = 0; b < numValues; b++) { String value = getFeatureValueAsString(i, b); out.writeUTF(value); } } // Section CONTINUOUSFEATURES out.writeInt(numContinuousFeatures); for (int i = numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures; i++) { if (featureWeights != null) { out.writeFloat(featureWeights[i]); out.writeUTF(floatWeightFuncts[i - numByteFeatures - numShortFeatures]); } else { out.writeFloat(0); out.writeUTF(""); } out.writeUTF(getFeatureName(i)); } } /** * Write this feature definition in binary format to the given output, dropping featuresToDrop * * @param out * a DataOutputStream or RandomAccessFile to which the FeatureDefinition should be written. * @param featuresToDrop * List of Integers containing the indices of features to drop from DataOutputStream * @throws IOException * if a problem occurs while writing. */ private void writeBinaryTo(DataOutput out, List<Integer> featuresToDrop) throws IOException { // how many features of each type are to be dropped int droppedByteFeatures = 0; int droppedShortFeatures = 0; int droppedContinuousFeatures = 0; for (int f : featuresToDrop) { if (f < numByteFeatures) { droppedByteFeatures++; } else if (f < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures) { droppedShortFeatures++; } else if (f < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures) { droppedContinuousFeatures++; } } // Section BYTEFEATURES out.writeInt(numByteFeatures - droppedByteFeatures); for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { if (featuresToDrop.contains(i)) { continue; } if (featureWeights != null) { out.writeFloat(featureWeights[i]); } else { out.writeFloat(0); } out.writeUTF(getFeatureName(i)); int numValues = getNumberOfValues(i); byte numValuesEncoded = (byte) numValues; // an unsigned byte out.writeByte(numValuesEncoded); for (int b = 0; b < numValues; b++) { String value = getFeatureValueAsString(i, b); out.writeUTF(value); } } // Section SHORTFEATURES out.writeInt(numShortFeatures - droppedShortFeatures); for (int i = numByteFeatures; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures; i++) { if (featuresToDrop.contains(i)) { continue; } if (featureWeights != null) { out.writeFloat(featureWeights[i]); } else { out.writeFloat(0); } out.writeUTF(getFeatureName(i)); short numValues = (short) getNumberOfValues(i); out.writeShort(numValues); for (short b = 0; b < numValues; b++) { String value = getFeatureValueAsString(i, b); out.writeUTF(value); } } // Section CONTINUOUSFEATURES out.writeInt(numContinuousFeatures - droppedContinuousFeatures); for (int i = numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures; i++) { if (featuresToDrop.contains(i)) { continue; } if (featureWeights != null) { out.writeFloat(featureWeights[i]); out.writeUTF(floatWeightFuncts[i - numByteFeatures - numShortFeatures]); } else { out.writeFloat(0); out.writeUTF(""); } out.writeUTF(getFeatureName(i)); } } /** * Get the total number of features. * * @return the number of features */ public int getNumberOfFeatures() { return numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures; } /** * Get the number of byte features. * * @return the number of features */ public int getNumberOfByteFeatures() { return numByteFeatures; } /** * Get the number of short features. * * @return the number of features */ public int getNumberOfShortFeatures() { return numShortFeatures; } /** * Get the number of continuous features. * * @return the number of features */ public int getNumberOfContinuousFeatures() { return numContinuousFeatures; } /** * For the feature with the given index, return the weight. * * @param featureIndex * featureIndex * @return a non-negative weight. */ public float getWeight(int featureIndex) { return featureWeights[featureIndex]; } public float[] getFeatureWeights() { return featureWeights; } /** * Get the name of any weighting function associated with the given feature index. For byte-valued and short-valued features, * this method will always return null; for continuous features, the method will return the name of a weighting function, or * null. * * @param featureIndex * featureIndex * @return the name of a weighting function, or null */ public String getWeightFunctionName(int featureIndex) { return floatWeightFuncts[featureIndex - numByteFeatures - numShortFeatures]; } // //////////////////// META-INFORMATION METHODS /////////////////////// /** * Translate between a feature index and a feature name. * * @param index * a feature index, as could be used to access a feature value in a FeatureVector. * @return the name of the feature corresponding to the index * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if index<0 or index>getNumberOfFeatures() */ public String getFeatureName(int index) { return featureNames.get(index); } /** * Translate between an array of feature indexes and an array of feature names. * * @param index * an array of feature indexes, as could be used to access a feature value in a FeatureVector. * @return an array with the name of the features corresponding to the index * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if any of the indexes is <0 or >getNumberOfFeatures() */ public String[] getFeatureNameArray(int[] index) { String[] ret = new String[index.length]; for (int i = 0; i < index.length; i++) { ret[i] = getFeatureName(index[i]); } return (ret); } /** * Get names of all features * * @return an array of all feature name strings */ public String[] getFeatureNameArray() { String[] names = new String[getNumberOfFeatures()]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = getFeatureName(i); } return (names); } /** * Get names of byte features * * @return an array of byte feature name strings */ public String[] getByteFeatureNameArray() { String[] byteFeatureNames = new String[numByteFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { assert isByteFeature(i); byteFeatureNames[i] = getFeatureName(i); } return byteFeatureNames; } /** * Get names of short features * * @return an array of short feature name strings */ public String[] getShortFeatureNameArray() { String[] shortFeatureNames = new String[numShortFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < numShortFeatures; i++) { int shortFeatureIndex = numByteFeatures + i; assert isShortFeature(shortFeatureIndex); shortFeatureNames[i] = getFeatureName(shortFeatureIndex); } return shortFeatureNames; } /** * Get names of continuous features * * @return an array of continuous feature name strings */ public String[] getContinuousFeatureNameArray() { String[] continuousFeatureNames = new String[numContinuousFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < numContinuousFeatures; i++) { int continuousFeatureIndex = numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i; assert isContinuousFeature(continuousFeatureIndex); continuousFeatureNames[i] = getFeatureName(continuousFeatureIndex); } return continuousFeatureNames; } /** * List all feature names, separated by white space, in their order of definition. * * @return buf converted into a string */ public String getFeatureNames() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0, n = getNumberOfFeatures(); i < n; i++) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(" "); buf.append(featureNames.get(i)); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Indicate whether the feature definition contains the feature with the given name * * @param name * the feature name in question, e.g. "next_next_phone" * @return featureNames.contains(name) */ public boolean hasFeature(String name) { return featureNames.contains(name); } /** * Query a feature as identified by the given featureName as to whether the given featureValue is a known value of that * feature. In other words, this will return true exactly if the given feature is a byte feature and * getFeatureValueAsByte(featureName, featureValue) will not throw an exception or if the given feature is a short feature and * getFeatureValueAsShort(featureName, featureValue) will not throw an exception. * * @param featureName * featureName * @param featureValue * featureValue * @return hasFeatureValue(getFeatureIndex(featureName), featureValue) */ public boolean hasFeatureValue(String featureName, String featureValue) { return hasFeatureValue(getFeatureIndex(featureName), featureValue); } /** * Query a feature as identified by the given featureIndex as to whether the given featureValue is a known value of that * feature. In other words, this will return true exactly if the given feature is a byte feature and * getFeatureValueAsByte(featureIndex, featureValue) will not throw an exception or if the given feature is a short feature * and getFeatureValueAsShort(featureIndex, featureValue) will not throw an exception. * * @param featureIndex * featureIndex * @param featureValue * featureValue * @return false if featureIndex < 0, byteFeatureValues[featureIndex].contains(featureValue) if featureIndex < * numByteFeatures, shortFeatureValues[featureIndex - numByteFeatures].contains(featureValue) if featureIndex < * numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures, false otherwise */ public boolean hasFeatureValue(int featureIndex, String featureValue) { if (featureIndex < 0) { return false; } if (featureIndex < numByteFeatures) { return byteFeatureValues[featureIndex].contains(featureValue); } if (featureIndex < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures) { return shortFeatureValues[featureIndex - numByteFeatures].contains(featureValue); } return false; } /** * Determine whether the feature with the given name is a byte feature. * * @param featureName * featureName * @return true if the feature is a byte feature, false if the feature is not known or is not a byte feature */ public boolean isByteFeature(String featureName) { try { int index = getFeatureIndex(featureName); return isByteFeature(index); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Determine whether the feature with the given index number is a byte feature. * * @param index * index * @return true if the feature is a byte feature, false if the feature is not a byte feature or is invalid */ public boolean isByteFeature(int index) { return 0 <= index && index < numByteFeatures; } /** * Determine whether the feature with the given name is a short feature. * * @param featureName * featureName * @return true if the feature is a short feature, false if the feature is not known or is not a short feature */ public boolean isShortFeature(String featureName) { try { int index = getFeatureIndex(featureName); return isShortFeature(index); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Determine whether the feature with the given index number is a short feature. * * @param index * index * @return true if the feature is a short feature, false if the feature is not a short feature or is invalid */ public boolean isShortFeature(int index) { index -= numByteFeatures; return 0 <= index && index < numShortFeatures; } /** * Determine whether the feature with the given name is a continuous feature. * * @param featureName * featureName * @return true if the feature is a continuous feature, false if the feature is not known or is not a continuous feature */ public boolean isContinuousFeature(String featureName) { try { int index = getFeatureIndex(featureName); return isContinuousFeature(index); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Determine whether the feature with the given index number is a continuous feature. * * @param index * index * @return true if the feature is a continuous feature, false if the feature is not a continuous feature or is invalid */ public boolean isContinuousFeature(int index) { index -= numByteFeatures; index -= numShortFeatures; return 0 <= index && index < numContinuousFeatures; } /** * true, if given feature index contains similarity matrix * * @param featureIndex * featureIndex * @return true if this.similarityMatrices different from null and this.similarityMatrices[featureIndex] different from null, * false otherwise */ public boolean hasSimilarityMatrix(int featureIndex) { if (featureIndex >= this.getNumberOfByteFeatures()) { return false; } if (this.similarityMatrices != null && this.similarityMatrices[featureIndex] != null) { return true; } return false; } /** * true, if given feature name contains similarity matrix * * @param featureName * featureName * @return hasSimilarityMatrix(this.getFeatureIndex(featureName)) */ public boolean hasSimilarityMatrix(String featureName) { return hasSimilarityMatrix(this.getFeatureIndex(featureName)); } /** * To get a similarity between two feature values * * @param featureIndex * featureIndex * @param i * i * @param j * j * @return this.similarityMatrices[featureIndex][i][j] */ public float getSimilarity(int featureIndex, byte i, byte j) { if (!hasSimilarityMatrix(featureIndex)) { throw new RuntimeException("the given feature index "); } return this.similarityMatrices[featureIndex][i][j]; } /** * Translate between a feature name and a feature index. * * @param featureName * a valid feature name * @return a feature index, as could be used to access a feature value in a FeatureVector. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the feature name is unknown. */ public int getFeatureIndex(String featureName) { return featureNames.get(featureName); } /** * Translate between an array of feature names and an array of feature indexes. * * @param featureName * an array of valid feature names * @return an array of feature indexes, as could be used to access a feature value in a FeatureVector. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if one of the feature names is unknown. */ public int[] getFeatureIndexArray(String[] featureName) { int[] ret = new int[featureName.length]; for (int i = 0; i < featureName.length; i++) { ret[i] = getFeatureIndex(featureName[i]); } return (ret); } /** * Get the number of possible values for the feature with the given index number. This method must only be called for * byte-valued or short-valued features. * * @param featureIndex * the index number of the feature. * @return for byte-valued and short-valued features, return the number of values. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if featureIndex < 0 or featureIndex ≥ getNumberOfByteFeatures() + getNumberOfShortFeatures(). */ public int getNumberOfValues(int featureIndex) { if (featureIndex < numByteFeatures) return byteFeatureValues[featureIndex].getNumberOfValues(); featureIndex -= numByteFeatures; if (featureIndex < numShortFeatures) return shortFeatureValues[featureIndex].getNumberOfValues(); throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Feature no. " + featureIndex + " is not a byte-valued or short-valued feature"); } /** * Get the list of possible String values for the feature with the given index number. This method must only be called for * byte-valued or short-valued features. The position in the String array corresponds to the byte or short value of the * feature obtained from a FeatureVector. * * @param featureIndex * the index number of the feature. * @return for byte-valued and short-valued features, return the array of String values. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if featureIndex < 0 or featureIndex ≥ getNumberOfByteFeatures() + getNumberOfShortFeatures(). */ public String[] getPossibleValues(int featureIndex) { if (featureIndex < numByteFeatures) return byteFeatureValues[featureIndex].getStringValues(); featureIndex -= numByteFeatures; if (featureIndex < numShortFeatures) return shortFeatureValues[featureIndex].getStringValues(); throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Feature no. " + featureIndex + " is not a byte-valued or short-valued feature"); } /** * For the feature with the given index number, translate its byte or short value to its String value. This method must only * be called for byte-valued or short-valued features. * * @param featureIndex * the index number of the feature. * @param value * the feature value. This must be in the range of acceptable values for the given feature. * @return for byte-valued and short-valued features, return the String representation of the feature value. * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if featureIndex < 0 or featureIndex ≥ getNumberOfByteFeatures() + getNumberOfShortFeatures() * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if value is not a legal value for this feature * * */ public String getFeatureValueAsString(int featureIndex, int value) { if (featureIndex < numByteFeatures) return byteFeatureValues[featureIndex].get((byte) value); featureIndex -= numByteFeatures; if (featureIndex < numShortFeatures) return shortFeatureValues[featureIndex].get((short) value); throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "Feature no. " + featureIndex + " is not a byte-valued or short-valued feature"); } /** * Simple access to string-based features. * * @param featureName * featureName * @param fv * fv * @return getFeatureValueAsString(i, fv.getFeatureAsInt(i))F */ public String getFeatureValueAsString(String featureName, FeatureVector fv) { int i = getFeatureIndex(featureName); return getFeatureValueAsString(i, fv.getFeatureAsInt(i)); } /** * For the feature with the given name, translate its String value to its byte value. This method must only be called for * byte-valued features. * * @param featureName * the name of the feature. * @param value * the feature value. This must be among the acceptable values for the given feature. * @return for byte-valued features, return the byte representation of the feature value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if featureName is not a valid feature name, or if featureName is not a byte-valued feature. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if value is not a legal value for this feature */ public byte getFeatureValueAsByte(String featureName, String value) { int featureIndex = getFeatureIndex(featureName); return getFeatureValueAsByte(featureIndex, value); } /** * For the feature with the given index number, translate its String value to its byte value. This method must only be called * for byte-valued features. * * @param featureIndex * the name of the feature. * @param value * the feature value. This must be among the acceptable values for the given feature. * @return for byte-valued features, return the byte representation of the feature value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if featureName is not a valid feature name, or if featureName is not a byte-valued feature. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if value is not a legal value for this feature */ public byte getFeatureValueAsByte(int featureIndex, String value) { if (featureIndex >= numByteFeatures) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Feature no. " + featureIndex + " is not a byte-valued feature"); try { return byteFeatureValues[featureIndex].get(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Illegal value '" + value + "' for feature " + getFeatureName(featureIndex) + "; Legal values are:\n"); for (String v : getPossibleValues(featureIndex)) { message.append(" " + v); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(message.toString()); } } /** * For the feature with the given name, translate its String value to its short value. This method must only be called for * short-valued features. * * @param featureName * the name of the feature. * @param value * the feature value. This must be among the acceptable values for the given feature. * @return for short-valued features, return the short representation of the feature value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if featureName is not a valid feature name, or if featureName is not a short-valued feature. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if value is not a legal value for this feature */ public short getFeatureValueAsShort(String featureName, String value) { int featureIndex = getFeatureIndex(featureName); featureIndex -= numByteFeatures; if (featureIndex < numShortFeatures) return shortFeatureValues[featureIndex].get(value); throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Feature '" + featureName + "' is not a short-valued feature"); } /** * For the feature with the given name, translate its String value to its short value. This method must only be called for * short-valued features. * * @param featureIndex * the name of the feature. * @param value * the feature value. This must be among the acceptable values for the given feature. * @return for short-valued features, return the short representation of the feature value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if featureName is not a valid feature name, or if featureName is not a short-valued feature. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if value is not a legal value for this feature */ public short getFeatureValueAsShort(int featureIndex, String value) { featureIndex -= numByteFeatures; if (featureIndex < numShortFeatures) return shortFeatureValues[featureIndex].get(value); throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Feature no. " + featureIndex + " is not a short-valued feature"); } /** * Determine whether two feature definitions are equal, with respect to number, names, and possible values of the three kinds * of features (byte-valued, short-valued, continuous). This method does not compare any weights. * * @param other * the feature definition to compare to * @return true if all features and values are identical, false otherwise */ public boolean featureEquals(FeatureDefinition other) { if (numByteFeatures != other.numByteFeatures || numShortFeatures != other.numShortFeatures || numContinuousFeatures != other.numContinuousFeatures) return false; // Compare the feature names and values for byte and short features: for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures; i++) { if (!getFeatureName(i).equals(other.getFeatureName(i))) return false; } // Compare the values for byte and short features: for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures; i++) { if (getNumberOfValues(i) != other.getNumberOfValues(i)) return false; for (int v = 0, n = getNumberOfValues(i); v < n; v++) { if (!getFeatureValueAsString(i, v).equals(other.getFeatureValueAsString(i, v))) return false; } } return true; } /** * An extension of the previous method. * * @param other * other * @return number of byte features, or number of short features, or number of continuous features, or feature name */ public String featureEqualsAnalyse(FeatureDefinition other) { if (numByteFeatures != other.numByteFeatures) { return ("The number of BYTE features differs: " + numByteFeatures + " versus " + other.numByteFeatures); } if (numShortFeatures != other.numShortFeatures) { return ("The number of SHORT features differs: " + numShortFeatures + " versus " + other.numShortFeatures); } if (numContinuousFeatures != other.numContinuousFeatures) { return ("The number of CONTINUOUS features differs: " + numContinuousFeatures + " versus " + other.numContinuousFeatures); } // Compare the feature names and values for byte and short features: for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures; i++) { if (!getFeatureName(i).equals(other.getFeatureName(i))) { return ("The feature name differs at position [" + i + "]: " + getFeatureName(i) + " versus " + other.getFeatureName(i)); } } // Compare the values for byte and short features: for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures; i++) { if (getNumberOfValues(i) != other.getNumberOfValues(i)) { return ("The number of values differs at position [" + i + "]: " + getNumberOfValues(i) + " versus " + other.getNumberOfValues(i)); } for (int v = 0, n = getNumberOfValues(i); v < n; v++) { if (!getFeatureValueAsString(i, v).equals(other.getFeatureValueAsString(i, v))) { return ("The feature value differs at position [" + i + "] for feature value [" + v + "]: " + getFeatureValueAsString(i, v) + " versus " + other.getFeatureValueAsString(i, v)); } } } return ""; } /** * Determine whether two feature definitions are equal, regarding both the actual feature definitions and the weights. The * comparison of weights will succeed if both have no weights or if both have exactly the same weights * * @param obj * the feature definition to compare to * @return true if all features, values and weights are identical, false otherwise * @see #featureEquals(FeatureDefinition) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof FeatureDefinition)) return false; FeatureDefinition other = (FeatureDefinition) obj; if (featureWeights == null) { if (other.featureWeights != null) return false; // Both are null } else { // featureWeights != null if (other.featureWeights == null) return false; // Both != null if (featureWeights.length != other.featureWeights.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < featureWeights.length; i++) { if (featureWeights[i] != other.featureWeights[i]) return false; } assert floatWeightFuncts != null; assert other.floatWeightFuncts != null; if (floatWeightFuncts.length != other.floatWeightFuncts.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < floatWeightFuncts.length; i++) { if (floatWeightFuncts[i] == null) { if (other.floatWeightFuncts[i] != null) return false; // Both are null } else { // != null if (other.floatWeightFuncts[i] == null) return false; // Both != null if (!floatWeightFuncts[i].equals(other.floatWeightFuncts[i])) return false; } } } // OK, weights are equal return featureEquals(other); } /** * Determine whether this FeatureDefinition is a superset of, or equal to, another FeatureDefinition. * <p> * Specifically, * <ol> * <li>every byte-valued feature in <b>other</b> must be in <b>this</b>, likewise for short-valued and continuous-valued * features;</li> * <li>for byte-valued and short-valued features, the possible feature values must be the same in <b>this</b> and * <b>other</b>.</li> * </ol> * * @param other * FeatureDefinition * @return <i>true</i> if * <ol> * <li>all features in <b>other</b> are also in <b>this</b>, and every feature in <b>other</b> is of the same type in * <b>this</b>; and</li> <li>every feature in <b>other</b> has the same possible values as the feature in <b>this</b> * </li> * </ol> * <i>false</i> otherwise */ public boolean contains(FeatureDefinition other) { List<String> thisByteFeatures = Arrays.asList(this.getByteFeatureNameArray()); List<String> otherByteFeatures = Arrays.asList(other.getByteFeatureNameArray()); if (!thisByteFeatures.containsAll(otherByteFeatures)) { return false; } for (String commonByteFeature : otherByteFeatures) { String[] thisByteFeaturePossibleValues = this .getPossibleValues(this.getFeatureIndex(commonByteFeature)); String[] otherByteFeaturePossibleValues = other .getPossibleValues(other.getFeatureIndex(commonByteFeature)); if (!Arrays.equals(thisByteFeaturePossibleValues, otherByteFeaturePossibleValues)) { return false; } } List<String> thisShortFeatures = Arrays.asList(this.getShortFeatureNameArray()); List<String> otherShortFeatures = Arrays.asList(other.getShortFeatureNameArray()); if (!thisShortFeatures.containsAll(otherShortFeatures)) { return false; } for (String commonShortFeature : otherShortFeatures) { String[] thisShortFeaturePossibleValues = this .getPossibleValues(this.getFeatureIndex(commonShortFeature)); String[] otherShortFeaturePossibleValues = other .getPossibleValues(other.getFeatureIndex(commonShortFeature)); if (!Arrays.equals(thisShortFeaturePossibleValues, otherShortFeaturePossibleValues)) { return false; } } List<String> thisContinuousFeatures = Arrays.asList(this.getContinuousFeatureNameArray()); List<String> otherContinuousFeatures = Arrays.asList(other.getContinuousFeatureNameArray()); if (!thisContinuousFeatures.containsAll(otherContinuousFeatures)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Create a new FeatureDefinition that contains a subset of the features in this. * * @param featureNamesToDrop * array of Strings containing the names of the features to drop from the new FeatureDefinition * @return new FeatureDefinition */ public FeatureDefinition subset(String[] featureNamesToDrop) { // construct a list of indices for the features to be dropped: List<Integer> featureIndicesToDrop = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (String featureName : featureNamesToDrop) { int featureIndex; try { featureIndex = getFeatureIndex(featureName); featureIndicesToDrop.add(featureIndex); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.err .println("WARNING: feature " + featureName + " not found in FeatureDefinition; ignoring."); } } // create a new FeatureDefinition by way of a byte array: FeatureDefinition subDefinition = null; try { ByteArrayOutputStream toMemory = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutput output = new DataOutputStream(toMemory); writeBinaryTo(output, featureIndicesToDrop); byte[] memory = toMemory.toByteArray(); ByteArrayInputStream fromMemory = new ByteArrayInputStream(memory); DataInput input = new DataInputStream(fromMemory); subDefinition = new FeatureDefinition(input); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // make sure that subDefinition really is a subset of this assert this.contains(subDefinition); return subDefinition; } /** * Create a feature vector consistent with this feature definition by reading the data from a String representation. In that * String, the String values for each feature must be separated by white space. For example, this format is created by * toFeatureString(FeatureVector). * * @param unitIndex * an index number to assign to the feature vector * @param featureString * the string representation of a feature vector. * @return the feature vector created from the String. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the feature values listed are not consistent with the feature definition. * @see #toFeatureString(FeatureVector) */ public FeatureVector toFeatureVector(int unitIndex, String featureString) { String[] featureValues = featureString.split("\\s+"); if (featureValues.length != numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expected " + (numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures) + " features, got " + featureValues.length); byte[] bytes = new byte[numByteFeatures]; short[] shorts = new short[numShortFeatures]; float[] floats = new float[numContinuousFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { bytes[i] = Byte.parseByte(featureValues[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < numShortFeatures; i++) { shorts[i] = Short.parseShort(featureValues[numByteFeatures + i]); } for (int i = 0; i < numContinuousFeatures; i++) { floats[i] = Float.parseFloat(featureValues[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i]); } return new FeatureVector(bytes, shorts, floats, unitIndex); } public FeatureVector toFeatureVector(int unitIndex, byte[] bytes, short[] shorts, float[] floats) { if (!((numByteFeatures == 0 && bytes == null || numByteFeatures == bytes.length) && (numShortFeatures == 0 && shorts == null || numShortFeatures == shorts.length) && (numContinuousFeatures == 0 && floats == null || numContinuousFeatures == floats.length))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected " + numByteFeatures + " bytes (got " + (bytes == null ? "0" : bytes.length) + "), " + numShortFeatures + " shorts (got " + (shorts == null ? "0" : shorts.length) + "), " + numContinuousFeatures + " floats (got " + (floats == null ? "0" : floats.length) + ")"); } return new FeatureVector(bytes, shorts, floats, unitIndex); } /** * Create a feature vector consistent with this feature definition by reading the data from the given input. * * @param input * a DataInputStream or RandomAccessFile to read the feature values from. * @param currentUnitIndex * currentUnitIndex * @throws IOException * IOException * @return a FeatureVector. */ public FeatureVector readFeatureVector(int currentUnitIndex, DataInput input) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = new byte[numByteFeatures]; input.readFully(bytes); short[] shorts = new short[numShortFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < shorts.length; i++) { shorts[i] = input.readShort(); } float[] floats = new float[numContinuousFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < floats.length; i++) { floats[i] = input.readFloat(); } return new FeatureVector(bytes, shorts, floats, currentUnitIndex); } /** * Create a feature vector consistent with this feature definition by reading the data from the byte buffer. * * @param currentUnitIndex * currentUnitIndex * @param bb * a byte buffer to read the feature values from. * @throws IOException * IOException * @return a FeatureVector. */ public FeatureVector readFeatureVector(int currentUnitIndex, ByteBuffer bb) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = new byte[numByteFeatures]; bb.get(bytes); short[] shorts = new short[numShortFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < shorts.length; i++) { shorts[i] = bb.getShort(); } float[] floats = new float[numContinuousFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < floats.length; i++) { floats[i] = bb.getFloat(); } return new FeatureVector(bytes, shorts, floats, currentUnitIndex); } /** * Create a feature vector that marks a start or end of a unit. All feature values are set to the neutral value "0", except * for the EDGEFEATURE, which is set to start if start == true, to end otherwise. * * @param unitIndex * index of the unit * @param start * true creates a start vector, false creates an end vector. * @return a feature vector representing an edge. */ public FeatureVector createEdgeFeatureVector(int unitIndex, boolean start) { int edgeFeature = getFeatureIndex(EDGEFEATURE); assert edgeFeature < numByteFeatures; // we can assume this is byte-valued byte edge; if (start) edge = getFeatureValueAsByte(edgeFeature, EDGEFEATURE_START); else edge = getFeatureValueAsByte(edgeFeature, EDGEFEATURE_END); byte[] bytes = new byte[numByteFeatures]; short[] shorts = new short[numShortFeatures]; float[] floats = new float[numContinuousFeatures]; for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { bytes[i] = getFeatureValueAsByte(i, NULLVALUE); } for (int i = 0; i < numShortFeatures; i++) { shorts[i] = getFeatureValueAsShort(numByteFeatures + i, NULLVALUE); } for (int i = 0; i < numContinuousFeatures; i++) { floats[i] = 0; } bytes[edgeFeature] = edge; return new FeatureVector(bytes, shorts, floats, unitIndex); } /** * Convert a feature vector into a String representation. * * @param fv * a feature vector which must be consistent with this feature definition. * @return a String containing the String values of all features, separated by white space. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the feature vector is not consistent with this feature definition * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if any value of the feature vector is not consistent with this feature definition */ public String toFeatureString(FeatureVector fv) { if (numByteFeatures != fv.getNumberOfByteFeatures() || numShortFeatures != fv.getNumberOfShortFeatures() || numContinuousFeatures != fv.getNumberOfContinuousFeatures()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Feature vector '" + fv + "' is inconsistent with feature definition"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(" "); buf.append(getFeatureValueAsString(i, fv.getByteFeature(i))); } for (int i = numByteFeatures; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures; i++) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(" "); buf.append(getFeatureValueAsString(i, fv.getShortFeature(i))); } for (int i = numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures; i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + numContinuousFeatures; i++) { if (buf.length() > 0) buf.append(" "); buf.append(fv.getContinuousFeature(i)); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Export this feature definition in the text format which can also be read by this class. * * @param out * the destination of the data * @param writeWeights * whether to write weights before every line */ public void writeTo(PrintWriter out, boolean writeWeights) { out.println("ByteValuedFeatureProcessors"); for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { if (writeWeights) { out.print(featureWeights[i] + " | "); } out.print(getFeatureName(i)); for (int v = 0, vmax = getNumberOfValues(i); v < vmax; v++) { out.print(" "); String val = getFeatureValueAsString(i, v); out.print(val); } out.println(); } out.println("ShortValuedFeatureProcessors"); for (int i = 0; i < numShortFeatures; i++) { if (writeWeights) { out.print(featureWeights[numByteFeatures + i] + " | "); } out.print(getFeatureName(numByteFeatures + i)); for (int v = 0, vmax = getNumberOfValues(numByteFeatures + i); v < vmax; v++) { out.print(" "); String val = getFeatureValueAsString(numByteFeatures + i, v); out.print(val); } out.println(); } out.println("ContinuousFeatureProcessors"); for (int i = 0; i < numContinuousFeatures; i++) { if (writeWeights) { out.print(featureWeights[numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i]); out.print(" "); out.print(floatWeightFuncts[i]); out.print(" | "); } out.print(getFeatureName(numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures + i)); out.println(); } } /** * Export this feature definition in the "all.desc" format which can be read by wagon. * * @param out * the destination of the data */ public void generateAllDotDescForWagon(PrintWriter out) { generateAllDotDescForWagon(out, null); } /** * Export this feature definition in the "all.desc" format which can be read by wagon. * * @param out * the destination of the data * @param featuresToIgnore * a set of Strings containing the names of features that wagon should ignore. Can be null. */ public void generateAllDotDescForWagon(PrintWriter out, Set<String> featuresToIgnore) { out.println("("); out.println("(occurid cluster)"); for (int i = 0, n = getNumberOfFeatures(); i < n; i++) { out.print("( "); String featureName = getFeatureName(i); out.print(featureName); if (featuresToIgnore != null && featuresToIgnore.contains(featureName)) { out.print(" ignore"); } if (i < numByteFeatures + numShortFeatures) { // list values for (int v = 0, vmax = getNumberOfValues(i); v < vmax; v++) { out.print(" "); // Print values surrounded by double quotes, and make sure any // double quotes in the value are preceded by a backslash -- // otherwise, we get problems e.g. for sentence_punc String val = getFeatureValueAsString(i, v); if (val.indexOf('"') != -1) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int c = 0; c < val.length(); c++) { char ch = val.charAt(c); if (ch == '"') buf.append("\\\""); else buf.append(ch); } val = buf.toString(); } out.print("\"" + val + "\""); } out.println(" )"); } else { // float feature out.println(" float )"); } } out.println(")"); } /** * Print this feature definition plus weights to a .txt file * * @param out * the destination of the data */ public void generateFeatureWeightsFile(PrintWriter out) { out.println("# This file lists the features and their weights to be used for\n" + "# creating the MARY features file.\n" + "# The same file can also be used to override weights in a run-time system.\n" + "# Three sections are distinguished: Byte-valued, Short-valued, and\n" + "# Continuous features.\n" + "#\n" + "# Lines starting with '#' are ignored; they can be used for comments\n" + "# anywhere in the file. Empty lines are also ignored.\n" + "# Entries must have the following form:\n" + "# \n" + "# <weight definition> | <feature definition>\n" + "# \n" + "# For byte and short features, <weight definition> is simply the \n" + "# (float) number representing the weight.\n" + "# For continuous features, <weight definition> is the\n" + "# (float) number representing the weight, followed by an optional\n" + "# weighting function including arguments.\n" + "#\n" + "# The <feature definition> is the feature name, which in the case of\n" + "# byte and short features is followed by the full list of feature values.\n" + "#\n" + "# Note that the feature definitions must be identical between this file\n" + "# and all unit feature files for individual database utterances.\n" + "# THIS FILE WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY"); out.println(); out.println("ByteValuedFeatureProcessors"); List<String> getValuesOf10 = new ArrayList<String>(); getValuesOf10.add("phone"); getValuesOf10.add("ph_vc"); getValuesOf10.add("prev_phone"); getValuesOf10.add("next_phone"); getValuesOf10.add("stressed"); getValuesOf10.add("syl_break"); getValuesOf10.add("prev_syl_break"); getValuesOf10.add("next_is_pause"); getValuesOf10.add("prev_is_pause"); List<String> getValuesOf5 = new ArrayList<String>(); getValuesOf5.add("cplace"); getValuesOf5.add("ctype"); getValuesOf5.add("cvox"); getValuesOf5.add("vfront"); getValuesOf5.add("vheight"); getValuesOf5.add("vlng"); getValuesOf5.add("vrnd"); getValuesOf5.add("vc"); for (int i = 0; i < numByteFeatures; i++) { String featureName = getFeatureName(i); if (getValuesOf10.contains(featureName)) { out.print("10 | " + featureName); } else { boolean found = false; for (String match : getValuesOf5) { if (featureName.matches(".*" + match)) { out.print("5 | " + featureName); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { out.print("0 | " + featureName); } } for (int v = 0, vmax = getNumberOfValues(i); v < vmax; v++) { String val = getFeatureValueAsString(i, v); out.print(" " + val); } out.print("\n"); } out.println("ShortValuedFeatureProcessors"); for (int i = numByteFeatures; i < numShortFeatures; i++) { String featureName = getFeatureName(i); out.print("0 | " + featureName); for (int v = 0, vmax = getNumberOfValues(i); v < vmax; v++) { String val = getFeatureValueAsString(i, v); out.print(" " + val); } out.print("\n"); } out.println("ContinuousFeatureProcessors"); ImmutableMap<String, Integer> map = ImmutableMap.of("unit_duration", 1000, "unit_logf0", 100); for (int i = numByteFeatures; i < numByteFeatures + numContinuousFeatures; i++) { String featureName = getFeatureName(i); int featureValue = map.containsKey(featureName) ? map.get(featureName) : 0; out.printf("%d linear | %s\n", featureValue, featureName); } out.flush(); out.close(); } /** * Compares two feature vectors in terms of how many discrete features they have in common. WARNING: this assumes that the * feature vectors are issued from the same FeatureDefinition; only the number of features is checked for compatibility. * * @param v1 * A feature vector. * @param v2 * Another feature vector to compare v1 with. * @return The number of common features. */ public static int diff(FeatureVector v1, FeatureVector v2) { int ret = 0; /* Byte valued features */ if (v1.byteValuedDiscreteFeatures.length < v2.byteValuedDiscreteFeatures.length) { throw new RuntimeException("v1 and v2 don't have the same number of byte-valued features: [" + v1.byteValuedDiscreteFeatures.length + "] versus [" + v2.byteValuedDiscreteFeatures.length + "]."); } for (int i = 0; i < v1.byteValuedDiscreteFeatures.length; i++) { if (v1.byteValuedDiscreteFeatures[i] == v2.byteValuedDiscreteFeatures[i]) ret++; } /* Short valued features */ if (v1.shortValuedDiscreteFeatures.length < v2.shortValuedDiscreteFeatures.length) { throw new RuntimeException("v1 and v2 don't have the same number of short-valued features: [" + v1.shortValuedDiscreteFeatures.length + "] versus [" + v2.shortValuedDiscreteFeatures.length + "]."); } for (int i = 0; i < v1.shortValuedDiscreteFeatures.length; i++) { if (v1.shortValuedDiscreteFeatures[i] == v2.shortValuedDiscreteFeatures[i]) ret++; } /* TODO: would checking float-valued features make sense ? (Code below.) */ /* float valued features */ /* * if ( v1.continuousFeatures.length < v2.continuousFeatures.length ) { throw new RuntimeException( * "v1 and v2 don't have the same number of continuous features: [" + v1.continuousFeatures.length + "] versus [" + * v2.continuousFeatures.length + "]." ); } float epsilon = 1.0e-6f; float d = 0.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < * v1.continuousFeatures.length; i++ ) { d = ( v1.continuousFeatures[i] > v2.continuousFeatures[i] ? * (v1.continuousFeatures[i] - v2.continuousFeatures[i]) : (v2.continuousFeatures[i] - v1.continuousFeatures[i]) ); // => * this avoids Math.abs() if ( d < epsilon ) ret++; } */ return (ret); } }