Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package main; import cal.binBased.BinMSnSpectrum; import cal.binBased.ConvertToBinMSnSpectrum; import cal.methods.SimilarityMethods; import cal.multithread.Calculate_Similarity; import cal.multithread.SimilarityResult; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.MSnSpectrum; import com.compomics.util.experiment.massspectrometry.SpectrumFactory; import com.compomics.util.gui.waiting.waitinghandlers.WaitingHandlerCLIImpl; import config.ConfigHolder; import gui.MainController; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import static main.ScorePipeline.LOGGER; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import preprocess.filter.noise.implementation.DiscardLowIntensePeaks; import preprocess.filter.noise.implementation.NoiseFilteringPrideAsap; import preprocess.filter.noise.implementation.TopNFiltering; import preprocess.filter.precursor.RemovePrecursorRelatedPeaks; import preprocess.transformation.implementation.TransformIntensitiesImp; import preprocess.transformation.methods.Transformations; import; /** * This class is used to compared two data sets on comparative analysis. * * @author Sule */ public class ScorePipeline { static SpectrumFactory fct = SpectrumFactory.getInstance(); static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ScorePipeline.class); /** * @param args the command line arguments * @throws * @throws * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException * @throws * @throws java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, MzMLUnmarshallerException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { run(false); } /** * Run the spectrum similarity pipeline. * * @param isGUI true if the GUI is asked, false: a standalone version * * @throws IOException in case of an I/O related problem * @throws FileNotFoundException in case of file opening related problem * @throws ClassNotFoundException in case of a class loading by name problem * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException in case of an MzML parsing related * problem * @throws IllegalArgumentException in case of an in appropriate argument * was passed * @throws NumberFormatException in case of a numeric conversion related * problem * @throws InterruptedException in case of an inactive thread interruption * problem */ public static void run(boolean isGUI) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, MzMLUnmarshallerException, IllegalArgumentException, NumberFormatException, InterruptedException { //send an event sendAnalyticsEvent(); if (isGUI) { LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MainController.class); } String thydFolder = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getString("spectra.folder"), tsolFolder = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getString(""), outputFolder = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getString("output.folder"); int transformation = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("transformation"), // 0-Nothing 1- Log2 2-Square root noiseFiltering = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("noise.filtering"), // 0-Nothing 1- PrideAsap 2-TopN 3-Discard peaks less than 5% of precursor topN = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("topN"), // Top intense N peaks msRobinCalculationOption = 1, // Calculation is #0: -10*Log10(Pro)*SQRT(IP)) #1: -10*Log10(Pro)*IP #2: -Log10(Pro*IP) #3: (1-Pro)*IP calculationOptionIntensityMSRobin = 1; // IP is calculated as 0:Summing up intensity-ratios #1:Multiply intensity-ratios #2:Math.pow(10, (1-IP)) boolean is_charged_based = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getBoolean("is.charged.based"), // F- All against all T-only the same charge state 2-bigger than 4, check against all is_hq_data = false, //removed is.hq = true from is_precursor_peak_removed = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getBoolean("precursor.peak.removal"), doesCalculateOnly5 = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getBoolean("calculate.only5"), isNFTR = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getBoolean("isNFTR"); double min_mz = 100, // To start binning (removed from because only for cumulative binomial scoring function) max_mz = 3500, // To end binning (removed from because only for cumulative binomial scoring function) fragment_tolerance = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getDouble("fragment.tolerance"), // A bin size if 2*0.5 percentage = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getDouble("percent"), precTol = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getDouble("precursor.tolerance"); // 0-No PM tolerance otherwise the exact mass difference int sliceIndex = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("slice.index"), maxCharge = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("max.charge"); // Select a scoring function name as msrobin (this is pROBility INtensity weighted scoring function, dot, spearman, and pearson (all lower case)) String scoreType = "msrobin"; // Avaliable scoring functions: msrobin/spearman/pearson/dot /// SETTINGS////////////////////////////////////////// File thydatigenas_directory = new File(thydFolder), tsoliums_directory = new File(tsolFolder); // prepare a title on an output file String noiseFilteringInfo = "None", transformationInfo = "None", precursorPeakRemoval = "On", chargeBased = "None", precTolBased = "0"; if (!is_precursor_peak_removed) { precursorPeakRemoval = "None"; } if (noiseFiltering == 1) { noiseFilteringInfo = "Pride"; } else if (noiseFiltering == 2) { noiseFilteringInfo = "TopN"; } else if (noiseFiltering == 3) { noiseFilteringInfo = "DiscardLowAbundance"; } if (transformation == 1) { transformationInfo = "Log2"; } else if (transformation == 2) { transformationInfo = "Sqrt"; } if (is_charged_based) { chargeBased = "givenCharge"; } if (precTol > 0) { precTolBased = String.valueOf(precTol); } String param = "NF_" + noiseFilteringInfo + "_TR_" + transformationInfo + "_PPR_" + precursorPeakRemoval + "_CHR_" + chargeBased + "_PRECTOL_" + precTolBased, paramTitle = "_NF_" + noiseFiltering + "_TR_" + transformation + "_PPR_" + precursorPeakRemoval + "_CHR_" + is_charged_based + "_PRECTOL_" + precTol; if (is_hq_data) { paramTitle = "_HQ_" + paramTitle; param = "HQ_" + param; } switch (scoreType) { case "msrobin": param += "_MSRobin"; break; case "dot": param += "_Dot"; break; case "spearman": param += "_Spearman"; break; case "pearson": param += "_Pearson"; break; default: "Selected scoring name is not avaliable. Available functions are msrobin, do, spearman and pearson"); System.exit(0); } param += ".txt"; File output = new File(outputFolder + File.separator + param); // write a title on an output try (BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(output))) { // write a title on an output String title_score_type = scoreType; if (scoreType.endsWith("msrobin")) { title_score_type = "ScoringFunction_Pipeline"; } String version = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getString("score.pipeline.version");"The version of score.pipeline :" + version); bw.write("The version of Score.Pipeline is " + version + "\n"); bw.write("Spectrum Title" + "\t" + "Charge" + "\t" + "PrecursorMZ" + "\t" + "Spectrum_Title_Comparison_Dataset" + "\t" + title_score_type + paramTitle + "\n"); /// RUNNING ////////////////////////////////////////// int[] charges = new int[maxCharge]; // restricting to only charge state based int i = 0; for (int charge = 2; charge < maxCharge; charge++) { charges[i] = charge; i++; }"Run is ready to start with " + param + " for " + scoreType);"Only calculate +/-2 slices up and down: " + doesCalculateOnly5); //Get indices for each spectrum.. int index = 1; for (File thyd : thydatigenas_directory.listFiles()) { if (thyd.getName().endsWith(".mgf")) { for (File tsol : tsoliums_directory.listFiles()) { if (tsol.getName().endsWith(".mgf")) { if (doesCalculateOnly5) { int tsolIndex = Integer.parseInt(tsol.getName().split("_")[sliceIndex].substring(0, tsol.getName().split("_")[sliceIndex].indexOf(".mgf"))), thydIndex = Integer .parseInt(thyd.getName().split("_")[sliceIndex].substring(0, thyd.getName().split("_")[sliceIndex].indexOf(".mgf"))); // Now select an mgf files from the same slices.. if (index - 2 <= thydIndex && thydIndex <= index + 2 && tsolIndex == index) {"slice number (spectra.folder and" + thydIndex + "\t" + tsolIndex);"a name of an mgf from the spectra.folder=" + thyd.getName());"a name of an mgf from the" + tsol.getName()); if (!scoreType.equals("msrobin")) { // Run against all - no restriction for binned based calculation if (!is_charged_based) { ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> thydBinSpectra = convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra( thyd, min_mz, max_mz, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, topN, is_precursor_peak_removed, 0, isNFTR), tsolBinSpectra = convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra(tsol, min_mz, max_mz, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, topN, is_precursor_peak_removed, 0, isNFTR); if (!thydBinSpectra.isEmpty() && !tsolBinSpectra.isEmpty()) {"Size of BinSpectra at spectra.folder=" + thydBinSpectra.size());"Size of BinSpectra at" + tsolBinSpectra.size()); calculate_BinBasedScores(thydBinSpectra, tsolBinSpectra, bw, 0, precTol, fragment_tolerance, scoreType); } // Run only the same charge state } else if (is_charged_based) { for (int charge : charges) { ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> thydBinSpectra = convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra( thyd, min_mz, max_mz, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, topN, is_precursor_peak_removed, charge, isNFTR), tsolBinSpectra = convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra( tsol, min_mz, max_mz, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, topN, is_precursor_peak_removed, charge, isNFTR); if (!thydBinSpectra.isEmpty() && !tsolBinSpectra.isEmpty()) {"Size of BinSpectra at spectra.folder=" + thydBinSpectra.size());"Size of BinSpectra at" + tsolBinSpectra.size()); calculate_BinBasedScores(thydBinSpectra, tsolBinSpectra, bw, charge, precTol, fragment_tolerance, scoreType); } } } } else if (!is_charged_based) { // Run against all for MSRobin ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> thydMSnSpectra = prepareData(thyd, transformation, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage, is_precursor_peak_removed, 0, fragment_tolerance), tsolMSnSpectra = prepareData(tsol, transformation, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage, is_precursor_peak_removed, 0, fragment_tolerance); if (!thydMSnSpectra.isEmpty() && !tsolMSnSpectra.isEmpty()) {"Size of MSnSpectra at spectra.folder=" + thydMSnSpectra.size());"Size of MSnSpectra at" + tsolMSnSpectra.size()); calculate_MSRobins(tsolMSnSpectra, thydMSnSpectra, bw, fragment_tolerance, precTol, calculationOptionIntensityMSRobin, msRobinCalculationOption); } } else if (is_charged_based) { for (int charge : charges) { ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> thydMSnSpectra = prepareData(thyd, transformation, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage, is_precursor_peak_removed, charge, fragment_tolerance), tsolMSnSpectra = prepareData(tsol, transformation, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage, is_precursor_peak_removed, charge, fragment_tolerance); if (!thydMSnSpectra.isEmpty() && !tsolMSnSpectra.isEmpty()) {"Charge=" + charge);"Size of MSnSpectra at spectra.folder=" + thydMSnSpectra.size());"Size of MSnSpectra at" + tsolMSnSpectra.size()); calculate_MSRobins(tsolMSnSpectra, thydMSnSpectra, bw, fragment_tolerance, precTol, calculationOptionIntensityMSRobin, msRobinCalculationOption); } } } } // Calculate all against all.. } else { //"slice number (spectra.folder and" + thydIndex + "\t" + tsolIndex);"a name of an mgf from the spectra.folder=" + thyd.getName()); "a name of an mgf from the" + tsol.getName()); if (!scoreType.equals("msrobin")) { // Run against all - no restriction for binned based calculation if (!is_charged_based) { ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> thydBinSpectra = convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra( thyd, min_mz, max_mz, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, topN, is_precursor_peak_removed, 0, isNFTR), tsolBinSpectra = convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra(tsol, min_mz, max_mz, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, topN, is_precursor_peak_removed, 0, isNFTR);"Size of BinMSnSpectra spectra at spectra.folder=" + thydBinSpectra.size());"Size of BinMSnSpectra spectra at" + tsolBinSpectra.size()); calculate_BinBasedScores(thydBinSpectra, tsolBinSpectra, bw, 0, precTol, fragment_tolerance, scoreType); // Run only the same charge state } else if (is_charged_based) { for (int charge : charges) { ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> thydBinSpectra = convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra( thyd, min_mz, max_mz, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, topN, is_precursor_peak_removed, charge, isNFTR), tsolBinSpectra = convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra(tsol, min_mz, max_mz, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, topN, is_precursor_peak_removed, charge, isNFTR);"Size of BinMSnSpectra spectra at spectra.folder=" + thydBinSpectra.size()); "Size of BinMSnSpectra spectra at" + tsolBinSpectra.size()); calculate_BinBasedScores(thydBinSpectra, tsolBinSpectra, bw, charge, precTol, fragment_tolerance, scoreType); } } } else if (!is_charged_based) { // Run against all for MSRobin ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> thydMSnSpectra = prepareData(thyd, transformation, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage, is_precursor_peak_removed, 0, fragment_tolerance), tsolMSnSpectra = prepareData(tsol, transformation, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage, is_precursor_peak_removed, 0, fragment_tolerance);"Size of MSnSpectra at spectra.folder=" + thydMSnSpectra.size());"Size of MSnSpectra at" + tsolMSnSpectra.size()); calculate_MSRobins(tsolMSnSpectra, thydMSnSpectra, bw, fragment_tolerance, precTol, calculationOptionIntensityMSRobin, msRobinCalculationOption); } else if (is_charged_based) { for (int charge : charges) { ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> thydMSnSpectra = prepareData(thyd, transformation, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage, is_precursor_peak_removed, charge, fragment_tolerance), tsolMSnSpectra = prepareData(tsol, transformation, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage, is_precursor_peak_removed, charge, fragment_tolerance); "Size of MSnSpectra at spectra.folder=" + thydMSnSpectra.size());"Size of MSnSpectra at" + tsolMSnSpectra.size()); calculate_MSRobins(tsolMSnSpectra, thydMSnSpectra, bw, fragment_tolerance, precTol, calculationOptionIntensityMSRobin, msRobinCalculationOption); } } } } } } index++; } } // System.exit(0); } /** * This method convert an MSnSpectrum into a BinMSnSpectrum with also * applying a given preprocessing settings * * @param ms - MSnSpectrum * @param charge_situation -0:all 1:given charge 2:if higher than 4 consider * all together * @param is_precursor_peak_removal - remove or keep peaks derived from * precursor * @param fragment_tolerance - fragment tolerance (bin size * =2*fragment_tolerance) * @param convertToBinMSnSpectrumObj * @param noiseFiltering * @param transformation_type * @param intensities_sum_or_mean_or_median * @param charge * @return * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException * @throws IOException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws NumberFormatException */ private static BinMSnSpectrum constructBinMSnSpectrum(MSnSpectrum ms, boolean is_precursor_peak_removal, double fragment_tolerance, ConvertToBinMSnSpectrum convertToBinMSnSpectrumObj, boolean isNFTR) throws MzMLUnmarshallerException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NumberFormatException { BinMSnSpectrum binMSnSpectrum = null; if (is_precursor_peak_removal) { RemovePrecursorRelatedPeaks removal = new RemovePrecursorRelatedPeaks(ms, fragment_tolerance); removal.removePrecursor(); } if (!ms.getPeakMap().isEmpty()) { binMSnSpectrum = convertToBinMSnSpectrumObj.convertToBinMSnSpectrum(ms, isNFTR); } return binMSnSpectrum; } /** * This method constructs BinMSnSpectra from all spectra on mgf file then * puts all of them into an arrayList * * @param mgf_file * @param min_mz start mz for binning * @param max_mz end mz for binning * @param fragment_tolerance * @param noiseFiltering * @param transformation * @param intensities_sum_or_mean_or_median * @param topN * @param percentage * @param is_precursor_peak_removal * @return * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException */ private static ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> convert_all_MSnSpectra_to_BinMSnSpectra(File mgf_file, double min_mz, double max_mz, double fragment_tolerance, int noiseFiltering, int transformation, int topN, boolean is_precursor_peak_removal, int charge, boolean isNFTR) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, MzMLUnmarshallerException { int weighting = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("sum_mean_median"), percent = ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("percent"); ConvertToBinMSnSpectrum convertToBinMSnSpectrumObj = new ConvertToBinMSnSpectrum(min_mz, max_mz, topN, percent, fragment_tolerance, noiseFiltering, transformation, weighting); ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> binspectra = new ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum>(); if (mgf_file.getName().endsWith(".mgf")) { fct.clearFactory(); fct.addSpectra(mgf_file, new WaitingHandlerCLIImpl()); for (String title : fct.getSpectrumTitles(mgf_file.getName())) { MSnSpectrum ms = (MSnSpectrum) fct.getSpectrum(mgf_file.getName(), title); if (charge == 0) { BinMSnSpectrum binMSnSpectrum = constructBinMSnSpectrum(ms, is_precursor_peak_removal, fragment_tolerance, convertToBinMSnSpectrumObj, isNFTR); if (binMSnSpectrum != null) { binspectra.add(binMSnSpectrum); } } else if (charge == ms.getPrecursor().getPossibleCharges().get(0).value) { BinMSnSpectrum binMSnSpectrum = constructBinMSnSpectrum(ms, is_precursor_peak_removal, fragment_tolerance, convertToBinMSnSpectrumObj, isNFTR); if (binMSnSpectrum != null) { binspectra.add(binMSnSpectrum); } } } } return binspectra; } /** * This method calculates similarities bin-based between yeast_human spectra * on the first data set against all yeast spectra on the second data set * * @param min_mz * @param max_mz * @param topN * @param percentage * @param yeast_and_human_file * @param is_precursor_peak_removal * @param fragment_tolerance * @param noiseFiltering * @param transformation * @param intensities_sum_or_mean_or_median * @param yeast_spectra * @param bw * @param charge * @param charge_situation * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws ExecutionException * @throws InterruptedException */ private static void calculate_BinBasedScores(ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> yeast_spectra, ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> yeast_human_spectra, BufferedWriter bw, int charge, double precursorTol, double fragTol, String scoreType) throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, MzMLUnmarshallerException, NumberFormatException, InterruptedException { ExecutorService excService = Executors .newFixedThreadPool(ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("thread.numbers")); List<Future<SimilarityResult>> futureList = new ArrayList<>(); for (BinMSnSpectrum binYeastHumanSp : yeast_human_spectra) { int tmpMSCharge = binYeastHumanSp.getSpectrum().getPrecursor().getPossibleCharges().get(0).value; if (charge == 0 || tmpMSCharge == charge) { if (!binYeastHumanSp.getSpectrum().getPeakList().isEmpty() && !yeast_spectra.isEmpty()) { Calculate_Similarity similarity = new Calculate_Similarity(binYeastHumanSp, yeast_spectra, fragTol, precursorTol); Future future = excService.submit(similarity); futureList.add(future); } } } SimilarityMethods method = SimilarityMethods.NORMALIZED_DOT_PRODUCT_STANDARD; if (scoreType.equals("spearman")) { method = SimilarityMethods.SPEARMANS_CORRELATION; } else if (scoreType.equals("pearson")) { method = SimilarityMethods.PEARSONS_CORRELATION; } for (Future<SimilarityResult> future : futureList) { try { SimilarityResult get = future.get(); String tmp_charge = get.getSpectrumChargeAsString(), spectrum = get.getSpectrumName(); double tmpPrecMZ = get.getSpectrumPrecursorMZ(), score = get.getScores().get(method); if (score == Double.MIN_VALUE) {"The similarity for the spectrum " + spectrum + " is too small to keep the record, therefore score is not computed."); // Means that score has not been calculated! // bw.write(tmp_Name + "\t" + tmp_charge + "\t" + tmpPrecMZ + "\t"); // bw.write("NA" + "\t" + "NA" + "\t" + "NA" + "\t" + "NA"); } else { bw.write(spectrum + "\t" + tmp_charge + "\t" + tmpPrecMZ + "\t" + get.getSpectrumToCompare() + "\t" + score + "\n"); } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { LOGGER.error(e); } } } /** * This method calculates similarities bin-based between yeast_human spectra * on the first data set against all yeast spectra on the second data set * * @param min_mz * @param max_mz * @param topN * @param percentage * @param yeast_and_human_file * @param is_precursor_peak_removal * @param fragment_tolerance * @param noiseFiltering * @param transformation * @param intensities_sum_or_mean_or_median * @param yeast_spectra * @param bw * @param charge * @param charge_situation * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws ExecutionException * @throws InterruptedException */ private static void calculate_BinBasedScoresObsolete_AllTogether(ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> yeast_spectra, ArrayList<BinMSnSpectrum> yeast_human_spectra, BufferedWriter bw, int charge, double precursorTol, double fragTol) throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, MzMLUnmarshallerException, NumberFormatException, InterruptedException { ExecutorService excService = Executors .newFixedThreadPool(ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("thread.numbers")); List<Future<SimilarityResult>> futureList = new ArrayList<>(); for (BinMSnSpectrum binYeastHumanSp : yeast_human_spectra) { int tmpMSCharge = binYeastHumanSp.getSpectrum().getPrecursor().getPossibleCharges().get(0).value; if (charge == 0 || tmpMSCharge == charge) { if (!binYeastHumanSp.getSpectrum().getPeakList().isEmpty() && !yeast_spectra.isEmpty()) { Calculate_Similarity similarity = new Calculate_Similarity(binYeastHumanSp, yeast_spectra, fragTol, precursorTol); Future future = excService.submit(similarity); futureList.add(future); } } } for (Future<SimilarityResult> future : futureList) { try { SimilarityResult get = future.get(); String tmp_charge = get.getSpectrumChargeAsString(), spectrum = get.getSpectrumName(); double tmpPrecMZ = get.getSpectrumPrecursorMZ(); double dot_product = get.getScores().get(SimilarityMethods.NORMALIZED_DOT_PRODUCT_STANDARD), dot_product_skolow = get.getScores().get(SimilarityMethods.NORMALIZED_DOT_PRODUCT_SOKOLOW), pearson = get.getScores().get(SimilarityMethods.PEARSONS_CORRELATION), spearman = get.getScores().get(SimilarityMethods.SPEARMANS_CORRELATION); if (dot_product == Double.MIN_VALUE) {"The similarity for the spectrum " + spectrum + " is too small to keep the record, therefore score is not computed."); // Means that score has not been calculated! // bw.write(tmp_Name + "\t" + tmp_charge + "\t" + tmpPrecMZ + "\t"); // bw.write("NA" + "\t" + "NA" + "\t" + "NA" + "\t" + "NA"); } else { bw.write(spectrum + "\t" + tmp_charge + "\t" + tmpPrecMZ + "\t" + get.getSpectrumToCompare() + "\t"); bw.write(dot_product + "\t" + dot_product_skolow + "\t" + pearson + "\t" + spearman + "\n"); } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { LOGGER.error(e); } } } /** * * This method calculates similarities for MSRobin for each spectra on * yeast_human_spectra on the first data set against all yeast spectra on * the second data set * * thydMSnSpectra-yeast-human, tsolMSnSpectra-yeast, * * @param tsolMSnSpectra * @param thydMSnSpectra * @param bw * @param fragTol * @param precTol * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws InterruptedException */ private static void calculate_MSRobins(ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> tsolMSnSpectra, ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> thydMSnSpectra, BufferedWriter bw, double fragTol, double precTol, int calculationOptionIntensityMSRobin, int msRobinCalculationOption) throws IllegalArgumentException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, MzMLUnmarshallerException, NumberFormatException, InterruptedException { ExecutorService excService = Executors .newFixedThreadPool(ConfigHolder.getInstance().getInt("thread.numbers")); List<Future<SimilarityResult>> futureList = new ArrayList<>(); for (MSnSpectrum thydMSnSpectrum : thydMSnSpectra) { Calculate_Similarity similarity = new Calculate_Similarity(thydMSnSpectrum, tsolMSnSpectra, fragTol, precTol, calculationOptionIntensityMSRobin, msRobinCalculationOption); Future future = excService.submit(similarity); futureList.add(future); } for (Future<SimilarityResult> future : futureList) { try { SimilarityResult get = future.get(); String tmp_charge = get.getSpectrumChargeAsString(), spectrum = get.getSpectrumName(); double tmp_precursor_mz = get.getSpectrumPrecursorMZ(), msrobin = get.getScores().get(SimilarityMethods.MSRobin); if (msrobin == Double.MIN_VALUE) {"The similarity for the spectrum " + spectrum + " is too small to keep the record, therefore score is not computed."); // Means that score has not been calculated! // bw.write(tmp_Name + "\t" + tmp_charge + "\t" + tmpPrecMZ + "\t"); // bw.write("NA" + "\n"); } else { bw.write(spectrum + "\t" + tmp_charge + "\t" + tmp_precursor_mz + "\t" + get.getSpectrumToCompare() + "\t" + msrobin + "\n"); } } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { LOGGER.error(e); } } excService.shutdown(); } /** * Prepare data for MSRobin calculation! * * * @param mgf_file * @param transformation * @param is_precursor_peak_removal * @param charge * @param fragment_tolerance * @return * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws MzMLUnmarshallerException */ private static ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> prepareData(File mgf_file, int transformation, int noiseFiltering, int topN, double percentage, boolean is_precursor_peak_removal, int charge, double fragment_tolerance) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, MzMLUnmarshallerException { ArrayList<MSnSpectrum> spectra = new ArrayList<>(); if (mgf_file.getName().endsWith(".mgf")) { fct.clearFactory(); fct.addSpectra(mgf_file, new WaitingHandlerCLIImpl()); for (String title : fct.getSpectrumTitles(mgf_file.getName())) { MSnSpectrum ms = (MSnSpectrum) fct.getSpectrum(mgf_file.getName(), title); if (charge == 0 || charge == ms.getPrecursor().getPossibleCharges().get(0).value) { if (is_precursor_peak_removal) { RemovePrecursorRelatedPeaks removal = new RemovePrecursorRelatedPeaks(ms, fragment_tolerance); removal.removePrecursor(); } if (noiseFiltering > 0) { apply_noise_filtering(ms, noiseFiltering, topN, percentage); } if (transformation > 0) { transform_intensities(ms, transformation); } if (!ms.getPeakList().isEmpty()) { spectra.add(ms); } } } fct.clearFactory(); } return spectra; } /** * This class applies noise filtering 1 - PrideAsapNoiseFiltering 2 - * TopNFiltering 3 - DiscardLowIntensePeaks * * @param noise_filtering_case [0-3] * @param ms an MSnSpectrum object * */ private static void apply_noise_filtering(MSnSpectrum ms, int noise_filtering_case, int topN, double percentage) { switch (noise_filtering_case) { case 1: NoiseFilteringPrideAsap noiseFilterImp = new NoiseFilteringPrideAsap(); noiseFilterImp.noiseFilter(ms); break; case 2: TopNFiltering topNFiltering = new TopNFiltering(topN); topNFiltering.noiseFilter(ms); break; case 3: DiscardLowIntensePeaks discardlowintense = new DiscardLowIntensePeaks(percentage); discardlowintense.noiseFilter(ms); break; } } private static void transform_intensities(MSnSpectrum ms, int transformation_case) { Transformations tr; TransformIntensitiesImp transform; switch (transformation_case) { case 1: // Log 2 tr = Transformations.LOG_2; transform = new TransformIntensitiesImp(tr, ms); transform.transform(tr); ms.setPeakList(transform.getTr_peaks()); break; case 2: // Square root tr = Transformations.SQR_ROOT; transform = new TransformIntensitiesImp(tr, ms); transform.transform(tr); ms.setPeakList(transform.getTr_peaks()); break; } } /** * Send an event to the google analytics server for tool start monitoring. */ private static void sendAnalyticsEvent() { String COLLECT_URL = ""; String POST = "v=1&tid=UA-36198780-13&cid=35119a79-1a05-49d7-b876-bb88420f825b&uid=asuueffeqqss&t=event&ec=usage&ea=toolstart&el=spectrumsimilarity"; //spring rest template RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); HttpEntity<String> request = new HttpEntity<>(POST); ResponseEntity<String> postForEntity = restTemplate.postForEntity(COLLECT_URL, request, String.class); if (postForEntity.getStatusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {"Successfully sent analytics event."); } } }