Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package main; import architecture.ConnectomeLoader; import; import io.leadsheet.LeadsheetDataSequence; import architecture.FragmentedNeuralQueue; import architecture.Loadable; import architecture.NameGenerator; import architecture.poex.ProductCompressingAutoencoder; import io.leadsheet.LeadsheetIO; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import mikera.arrayz.INDArray; import mikera.matrixx.AMatrix; import mikera.matrixx.Matrix; import mikera.vectorz.AVector; import mikera.vectorz.Vector; import nickd4j.ReadWriteUtilities; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.FileBasedConfigurationBuilder; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.fluent.Parameters; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.convert.DefaultListDelimiterHandler; import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException; import population.QueuePopulation; /** * Class Driver is an implementation test of ProductCompressingAutoencoder which supports a number of tests. * The path to a properties file which will supply parameter values for the tests should be passed in as argument 0 to main. * @author Nicholas Weintraut */ public class Driver { /** * The path to a properties file which will supply parameter values for the tests should be passed in as argument 0 to main. * The test that will be run is determined by the value of 'test_type' in the properties file, and each of the tests have their own properties: * 'encode+decode' - Encode and decode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, writing the result to a leadsheet file. * Params: * * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with} * * name_generator_connectome={the path to the connectome which the name generator will be loaded with} * * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and decoded} * * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in} * * 'encode+write_queue' - Encode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, then write the encoded feature queue to a queue file. * Params: * * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with} * * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded} * * queue_folder={the path to the output folder which the result queue file will be written in} * * 'encode+write_queue+decode' - Encode the given leadsheet with the autoencoder, write the encoded feature queue to a queue file, and then write the result leadsheet to a leadsheet file. * * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with} * * name_generator_connectome={the path to the connectome which the name generator will be loaded with} * * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and decoded} * * queue_folder={the path to the output folder which the result queue file will be written in} * * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in} * 'create_feature_property_vector' - Given a corpus folder of leadsheets, construct a vector consisting of property analysis values for each feature in the corpus data * * input_corpus_folder={the path to the corpus folder containing all leadsheets to analyze} * * feature_size={the size (in time steps) of each feature} * * feature_properties_path={the path to write the generated vector file to (the file will be a csv file containing all the values in left-to-right order} * * feature_property={the type of feature property to analyze - current options are 'rest', 'sustain', articulate' (these return ratios of time steps with the given property to the total time steps in the feature). * 'compile_feature_queue_matrix' - Given a corpus folder of feature queues, construct a matrix of all feature vectors and write it as a csv file * * queue_folder={the path to the folder containing all queue files to compile} * * feature_matrix_path={the path to write the result csv file to} * 'generate_from_feature_queue_matrix' - Given a matrix of feature vectors, load the autoencoder with a queue of those features and decode from it, writing the result leadsheet to a file * * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with} * * reference_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet we will take the chord sequence from (and loop it to match the length of the feature queue)} * * feature_queue_matrix_path={the path to the feature queue matrix file we will decode from} * * output_file_path={the path to the file we will write our result leadsheet to} * * (optional) song_title={the song title to write in the leadsheet file - by default this is "Generation from Feature Matrix {path of the feature matrix}"} * * feature_size={the size (in time steps) of features} * 'population_trade' - Given a leadsheet file, split it into sections of a specified size, and between sections, generate a response that plays off of a population of previously encoded feature queues * * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with} * * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and traded with} * * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in} * * trading_part_size={the size (in time steps) of each trading part. The input leadsheet will be split into sections of this size, and trading responses will be generated in between.} * * interpolation_variance={a random value between zero and this will be added to the interpolation_min at each trading section to calculate the interpolation of the recently encoded queue towards the queue population before decoding the trading response} * * interpolation_min={the minimum ratio of interpolation at each trading section} * * herding_strength={the maximum strength of the herding operation at each section (all queues in the population are interpolated a random amount towards the most recent queue)} * * mutation_strength={the maximum strength of mutation at each section (each element of the feature vectors of all queues in the population are mutated at a random strength} * * crossover_strength{the maximum strength of crossover at each section (there is a chance for every queue that the queue will swap a random feature of itself with the corresponding feature of another random queue)} * 'interpolation' - Given a leadsheet file and a reference queue file, encode the leadsheet file with the autoencoder, and generate from the encoded queue for a number of divisions of a full interpolation towards the target queue * * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with} * * input_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet file which will be encoded and interpolated} * * target_queue={the path to the queue to interpolate towards at each interpolation value}; * * output_folder={the path to the output folder which the result leadsheet file will be written in} * * num_interpolation_divisions={the number of divisions of the interpolation strength from 0.0 to 1.0 (the length of the result leadsheet will be equal to the length of the original times 1 + number of divisions, as the first section of the result leadsheet is for interpolation 0.0)} * 'frankenstein' - Given a primary queue, a reference leadsheet for chords, and a corpus of queue files, construct the result leadsheet from a series of randomly weighted interpolations of the primary queue towards the set of selected queues. * * autoencoder_connectome={the path to the connectome which the autoencoder will be loaded with} * * primary_queue_path={the path to the queue which will serve as the base for all of the queue combinations (which are the result of sequential interpolations instead of a weighted sum)} * * reference_leadsheet={the path to the leadsheet we will take the chord sequence from (and loop it to match the desired length of our output} * * queue_folder={the path to the folder containing all queue files we can select from} * * output_file_path={the path to the file we will write our result leadsheet to} * * num_reference_queues={the number of reference queues we will pick at random from the queue folder to sample from) * * num_combinations={the number of queue combinations to sample and create the result leadsheet from} * * interpolation_strength={the total magnitude of all interpolation operations for each combination} */ public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ConfigurationException { FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration> builder = new FileBasedConfigurationBuilder<>( PropertiesConfiguration.class).configure( new Parameters().properties().setFileName(args[0]).setThrowExceptionOnMissing(true) .setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(';')) .setIncludesAllowed(false)); Configuration config = builder.getConfiguration(); LogTimer.initStartTime(); //start our logging timer to keep track of our execution time //switch statement to run the appropriate test switch (config.getString("test_type")) { case "encode+decode": { //load parameter values from config file String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome"); String nameGeneratorConnectomePath = config.getString("name_generator_connectome"); String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet"); String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder"); //initialize networks NameGenerator nameGenerator = initializeNameGenerator(nameGeneratorConnectomePath); ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false); //initialize input sequences and output sequence LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath); LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy(); outputSequence.clearMelody(); LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy(); //encode and decode encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence); decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence); //generate song title String songTitle = nameGenerator.generateName(); //write output to specified directory with same file name + _aeOutput suffix writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName(), "_aeOutput", songTitle); } break; case "encode+write_queue": { //load parameter values from config file String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome"); String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet"); String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder"); //initialize network ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false); //initialize input sequence LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath); //encode encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence); //write to a queue file in the specified queue folder (the write method will handle removing/adding extensions writeQueueFile(autoencoder, queueFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName()); } break; case "encode+write_queue+decode": { //load parameter values from config file String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome"); String nameGeneratorConnectomePath = config.getString("name_generator_connectome"); String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet"); String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder"); String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder"); //initialize networks NameGenerator nameGenerator = initializeNameGenerator(nameGeneratorConnectomePath); ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false); //initialize input sequences and output sequence LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputLeadsheetPath); LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy(); outputSequence.clearMelody(); LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy(); //encode encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence); //write to a queue file in the specified queue folder (the write method will handle removing/adding extensions writeQueueFile(autoencoder, queueFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName()); //decode decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence); //generate song title String songTitle = nameGenerator.generateName(); //write output to specified directory with same file name + _aeOutput suffix writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolderPath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath).getName(), "_aeOutput", songTitle); } break; case "create_feature_property_vector": { //load parameter values from config file String inputCorpusFolder = config.getString("input_corpus_folder"); int featureSize = config.getInt("feature_size"); String featurePropertiesPath = config.getString("feature_properties_path"); String featureProperty = config.getString("feature_property"); //compile array of valid leadsheet files File[] songFiles = new File(inputCorpusFolder) .listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".ls")); //construct feature property vector from analyzed feature property values of all songs AVector featurePropertyValues = Vector.createLength(0); int featureIndex = 0; for (File inputFile : songFiles) { LeadsheetDataSequence melodySequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputFile.getPath()); featurePropertyValues.join(melodyFeatureAnalysis(melodySequence, featureProperty, featureSize)); } //write generated feature_properties BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter(featurePropertiesPath + "_" + featureProperty + ".v")); writer.write(ReadWriteUtilities.getNumpyCSVString(featurePropertyValues)); writer.close(); } break; case "compile_feature_queue_matrix": { //load parameter values from config file String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder"); String featureMatrixPath = config.getString("feature_matrix_path"); //generate feature matrix from all feature queues in specified queue folder File[] queueFiles = new File(queueFolderPath).listFiles((File dir, String name) -> name.endsWith(".q")); AMatrix totalFeatureMatrix = generateFeatureQueueMatrix(queueFiles); String writeData = ReadWriteUtilities.getNumpyCSVString(totalFeatureMatrix); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(featureMatrixPath)); writer.write(writeData); writer.close(); } break; case "generate_from_feature_queue_matrix": { //load parameter values from config file String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome"); String referenceLeadsheetPath = config.getString("reference_leadsheet"); String featureQueueMatrixPath = config.getString("feature_queue_matrix_path"); String outputFilePath = config.getString("output_file_path"); String songTitle = config.getString("song_title", "Generation from Feature Matrix " + featureQueueMatrixPath); int featureSize = config.getInt("feature_size"); //initialize network ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false); //initialize chord sequence LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence = leadsheetToSequence(referenceLeadsheetPath); chordSequence.clearMelody(); //call generation method generateFromFeatureMatrix(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, chordSequence, featureQueueMatrixPath, featureSize, outputFilePath, songTitle); } break; case "population_trade": { //load parameter values from config file String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome"); String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet"); String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder"); int tradingPartSize = config.getInt("trading_part_size"); double interpVariance = config.getDouble("interpolation_variance"); double interpMin = config.getDouble("interpolation_min"); double herdingStrength = config.getDouble("herding_strength"); double mutationStrength = config.getDouble("mutation_strength"); double crossoverStrength = config.getDouble("crossover_strength"); //initialize network ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, true); //perform population trading test populationTradingTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath), new File(outputFolderPath), tradingPartSize, interpVariance, interpMin, herdingStrength, mutationStrength, crossoverStrength); } break; case "interpolation": { //load parameter values from config file String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome"); String inputLeadsheetPath = config.getString("input_leadsheet"); String targetQueuePath = config.getString("target_queue"); String outputFolderPath = config.getString("output_folder"); int numInterpolationDivisions = config.getInt("num_interpolation_divisions"); //initialize network ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false); //perform the interpolation test interpolateTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, new File(inputLeadsheetPath), new File(targetQueuePath), new File(outputFolderPath), numInterpolationDivisions); } break; case "frankenstein": { //load parameter values from config file String autoencoderConnectomePath = config.getString("autoencoder_connectome"); String primaryQueuePath = config.getString("primary_queue_path"); String referenceLeadsheetPath = config.getString("reference_leadsheet"); String queueFolderPath = config.getString("queue_folder"); String outputFilePath = config.getString("output_file_path"); int numReferenceQueues = config.getInt("num_reference_queues"); int numCombinations = config.getInt("num_combinations"); double interpolationMagnitude = config.getDouble("interpolation_strength"); //initialize network ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = initializeAutoencoder(autoencoderConnectomePath, false); //initialize chord sequence LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence = leadsheetToSequence(referenceLeadsheetPath); chordSequence.clearMelody(); //perform frankenstein test frankensteinTest(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath, primaryQueuePath, new File(queueFolderPath), outputFilePath, chordSequence, numReferenceQueues, numCombinations, interpolationMagnitude); } break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized test type"); } LogTimer.log("Process finished"); //Done! } /** * Helper network to refresh all "initialstate" values in a network * @param network The network whose initial state we will reset * @param connectomePath The path to the connectome we will get out initialstate values from */ public static void refreshNetworkState(Loadable network, String connectomePath) { (new ConnectomeLoader()).refresh(connectomePath, network, "initialstate"); } /** * Given an autoencoder, write the contents of the autoencoder's queue to a queue file * @param autoencoder The autoencoder whose queue we will write to a file * @param queueFolderPath The folder to write the queue file in * @param fileName The name of the queue file */ public static void writeQueueFile(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String queueFolderPath, String fileName) { fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".q"; String queueFilePath = queueFolderPath + + fileName; FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = autoencoder.getQueue(); currQueue.writeToFile(queueFilePath); LogTimer.log("Wrote queue " + fileName + " to file..."); } /** * Given a primary queue, a reference leadsheet for chords, and a corpus of queue files, construct the result leadsheet from a series of randomly weighted interpolations of the primary queue towards the set of selected queues. * @param autoencoder * @param autoencoderConnectomePath * @param primaryQueuePath * @param queueFolder * @param outputFilePath * @param chordSequence * @param numReferenceQueues * @param numCombinations * @param interpolationMagnitude */ public static void frankensteinTest(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String autoencoderConnectomePath, String primaryQueuePath, File queueFolder, String outputFilePath, LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence, int numReferenceQueues, int numCombinations, double interpolationMagnitude) { LogTimer.startLog("Loading queues"); if (queueFolder.isDirectory()) { File[] queueFiles = queueFolder.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.contains(".q"); } }); List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<>(); for (File file : queueFiles) { fileList.add(file); } Collections.shuffle(fileList); int numSelectedFiles = (numReferenceQueues > queueFiles.length) ? queueFiles.length : numReferenceQueues; for (int i = 0; i < queueFiles.length - numSelectedFiles; i++) { fileList.remove(fileList.size() - 1); } List<FragmentedNeuralQueue> queuePopulation = new ArrayList<>(fileList.size()); String songTitle = "A mix of "; for (File file : fileList) { FragmentedNeuralQueue newQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue(); newQueue.initFromFile(file.getPath()); queuePopulation.add(newQueue); songTitle += file.getName().replaceAll(".q", "") + ", "; } LogTimer.endLog(); LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = chordSequence.copy(); LeadsheetDataSequence additionalOutput = chordSequence.copy(); for (int i = 1; i < numCombinations; i++) { outputSequence.concat(additionalOutput.copy()); } LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy(); FragmentedNeuralQueue primaryQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue(); primaryQueue.initFromFile(primaryQueuePath); for (int i = 0; i < numCombinations; i++) { LogTimer.startLog("Performing queue interpolation..."); AVector combinationStrengths = Vector.createLength(queuePopulation.size()); Random vectorRand = new Random(i); for (int j = 0; j < combinationStrengths.length(); j++) { combinationStrengths.set(j, vectorRand.nextDouble()); } combinationStrengths.divide(combinationStrengths.elementSum()); FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = primaryQueue.copy(); for (int k = 0; k < combinationStrengths.length(); k++) { currQueue.basicInterpolate(queuePopulation.get(k), combinationStrengths.get(k) * interpolationMagnitude); } LogTimer.endLog(); autoencoder.setQueue(currQueue); refreshNetworkState(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath); decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence); } writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFilePath, "_randomInterpSamples", songTitle); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Given queue folder is not a directory!"); } } /** * Given a leadsheet file and a reference queue file, encode the leadsheet file with the autoencoder, and generate from the encoded queue for a number of divisions of a full interpolation towards the target queue * @param autoencoder * @param autoencoderConnectomePath * @param inputFile * @param referenceQueueFile * @param outputFolder * @param numDivisions */ public static void interpolateTest(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String autoencoderConnectomePath, File inputFile, File referenceQueueFile, File outputFolder, int numDivisions) { LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputFile.getPath()); LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy(); outputSequence.clearMelody(); LeadsheetDataSequence additionalOutput = outputSequence.copy(); for (int i = 0; i < numDivisions; i++) { outputSequence.concat(additionalOutput.copy()); } LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy(); encodeFromSequence(autoencoder, inputSequence); FragmentedNeuralQueue refQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue(); refQueue.initFromFile(referenceQueueFile.getPath()); FragmentedNeuralQueue currQueue = autoencoder.getQueue(); autoencoder.setQueue(currQueue.copy()); decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence); for (int i = 1; i <= numDivisions; i++) { LogTimer.log("Starting interpolation " + ((1.0 / numDivisions) * (i))); refreshNetworkState(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath); FragmentedNeuralQueue currCopy = currQueue.copy(); currCopy.basicInterpolate(refQueue, (1.0 / numDivisions) * (i)); autoencoder.setQueue(currCopy); decodeToSequence(autoencoder, outputSequence, decoderInputSequence); } String fileName = inputFile.getName().replace(".ls", "") + " to " + referenceQueueFile.getName().replace(".q", ""); writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolder.getPath(), fileName, "_Interpolation", fileName); } /** * Given a leadsheet file and a reference queue file, encode the leadsheet file with the autoencoder, and generate from the encoded queue for a number of divisions of a full interpolation towards the target queue * @param autoencoder * @param autoencoderConnectomePath * @param inputFile * @param outputFolder * @param tradingPartSize * @param interpRange * @param interpMin * @param herdStrength * @param mutationStrength * @param crossoverStrength */ public static void populationTradingTest(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String autoencoderConnectomePath, File inputFile, File outputFolder, int tradingPartSize, double interpRange, double interpMin, double herdStrength, double mutationStrength, double crossoverStrength) { LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence = leadsheetToSequence(inputFile.getPath()); LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = inputSequence.copy(); outputSequence.clearMelody(); LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy(); LogTimer.log("Extending outputSequence..."); LeadsheetDataSequence humanTradingPartsSequence = inputSequence.copy(); LeadsheetDataSequence newOutputSequence = new LeadsheetDataSequence(); int numTradingParts = 0; int lastTradingPartSize = 0; while (outputSequence.hasNonMelodyDataLeft()) { LeadsheetDataSequence currExtendedPart = new LeadsheetDataSequence(); int i = 0; for (; i < tradingPartSize && outputSequence.hasNonMelodyDataLeft(); i++) { currExtendedPart.pushStep(outputSequence.pollBeats(), outputSequence.pollChords(), null); } lastTradingPartSize = i; numTradingParts++; currExtendedPart.concat(currExtendedPart.copy()); newOutputSequence.concat(currExtendedPart); } outputSequence = newOutputSequence; LogTimer.log("Setting up population..."); QueuePopulation population = new QueuePopulation(100); Random interpRand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < numTradingParts; i++) { LogTimer.startLog("Generating trading part..."); LogTimer.startLog("Encoding input part"); int currTradingPartSize = (i == numTradingParts - 1) ? lastTradingPartSize : tradingPartSize; for (int j = 0; j < currTradingPartSize; j++) { autoencoder.encodeStep(inputSequence.retrieve()); } LogTimer.endLog(); LogTimer.startLog("Modifying queue"); FragmentedNeuralQueue generatedQueue = autoencoder.getQueue(); FragmentedNeuralQueue modifiedQueue = generatedQueue.copy(); if (i > 0) { modifiedQueue.basicInterpolate(population.sample(), (interpRand.nextDouble() * interpRange) + interpMin); } autoencoder.setQueue(modifiedQueue); LogTimer.endLog(); LogTimer.startLog("Pushing human part"); for (int j = 0; j < currTradingPartSize; j++) { outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, humanTradingPartsSequence.pollMelody()); } LogTimer.endLog(); LogTimer.startLog("Decoding generated part"); for (int j = 0; j < currTradingPartSize; j++) { outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); } LogTimer.endLog(); LogTimer.startLog("Performing population operations"); if (i != numTradingParts - 1) { if (i > 0) { population.herd(generatedQueue, herdStrength); } population.add(generatedQueue); population.evolve(mutationStrength, crossoverStrength); } LogTimer.endLog(); refreshNetworkState(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath); LogTimer.endLog(); } String fileName = inputFile.getName().replace(".ls", ""); writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFolder.getPath(), fileName, "_TradingOutput", "Trading on " + fileName); } /** * Given a leadsheet file, construct a LeadsheetDataSequence containing melody, chord, and beat data * @param leadsheetFilePath The leadsheet file to read * @return The constructed LeadSheetDataSequence */ public static LeadsheetDataSequence leadsheetToSequence(String leadsheetFilePath) { LogTimer.log("Reading file..."); LeadsheetDataSequence sequence = LeadsheetIO.readLeadsheet(leadsheetFilePath); //read our leadsheet to get a data vessel as retrieved in rbm-provisor if (!sequence.hasNext()) { throw new RuntimeException( "The sequence read from the file contains insufficient data. Check that the file has melody and chord data"); } return sequence; } /** * Create a name generator network, and load it with the given connectome, printing any error messages * @param nameGeneratorConnectomePath The path of the connectome to load into the network * @return The created name generator network */ public static NameGenerator initializeNameGenerator(String nameGeneratorConnectomePath) { NameGenerator nameGenerator = new NameGenerator(); LogTimer.log("Packing name generator from files..."); String[][] unmatchedPathsNameGenerator = (new ConnectomeLoader()).load(nameGeneratorConnectomePath, nameGenerator); String[] notFoundNameGen = unmatchedPathsNameGenerator[0]; if (notFoundNameGen.length > 0) { System.err.println( notFoundNameGen.length + " files were not able to be matched to the name generator network!"); for (String fileName : notFoundNameGen) { System.err.println("\t" + fileName); } } String[] missingNameGen = unmatchedPathsNameGenerator[1]; if (missingNameGen.length > 0) { System.err.println(missingNameGen.length + " files needed for loading the name generator were missing from the connectome file!"); for (String fileName : missingNameGen) { System.err.println("\t" + fileName); } } return nameGenerator; } /** * Create a product compressing autoencoder network and load it with the given connectome, printing any error messages * @param autoencoderConnectomePath The path of the connectome to load into the network * @return The created product compressing autoencoder network */ public static ProductCompressingAutoencoder initializeAutoencoder(String autoencoderConnectomePath, boolean variational) { //Initialization LogTimer.log("Initializing autoencoder..."); ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder = new ProductCompressingAutoencoder(24, 9, 48, 84 + 1, variational); //create our network //load the network from connectome file or directory LogTimer.startLog("Loading autoencoder from files"); String[][] autoencoderUnmatchedPaths = (new ConnectomeLoader()).load(autoencoderConnectomePath, autoencoder); String[] autoencoderUnrecognizedPaths = autoencoderUnmatchedPaths[0]; if (autoencoderUnrecognizedPaths.length > 0) { System.err.println(autoencoderUnrecognizedPaths.length + " files were not recognized by the product compressing autoencoder architecture!"); for (String fileName : autoencoderUnrecognizedPaths) { System.err.println("\t" + fileName); } } String[] autoencoderMissingPaths = autoencoderUnmatchedPaths[1]; if (autoencoderMissingPaths.length > 0) { System.err.println(autoencoderMissingPaths.length + " files for loading the product compressing autoencoder network were missing from the connectome file!"); for (String fileName : autoencoderMissingPaths) { System.err.println("\t" + fileName); } } LogTimer.endLog(); return autoencoder; } /** * Given an array of queue files, construct a matrix of all feature vectors in the queue files * @param queueFiles An array of queue files to compile into a matrix * @return The compiled matrix of feature vectors, where each row is a feature vector, and rows are ordered with the vectors of each queue contiguous, and those sets of vectors in the same order as the queues in the array */ public static AMatrix generateFeatureQueueMatrix(File[] queueFiles) { List<AMatrix> queueMatrixes = new ArrayList<>(); for (File queueFile : queueFiles) { if (queueFile.getName().endsWith(".q")) { FragmentedNeuralQueue queue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue(); queue.initFromFile(queueFile.getPath()); queueMatrixes.add(queue.getFeatureMatrix()); } } System.out.println(queueMatrixes.get(0).rowCount()); AVector[] features = new AVector[queueMatrixes.size() * queueMatrixes.get(0).rowCount()]; int currFeature = 0; for (AMatrix queueMatrix : queueMatrixes) { for (INDArray feature : queueMatrix.toSliceArray()) { features[currFeature++] = feature.toVector(); } } for (AVector feature : features) { System.out.println(feature); } return Matrix.create(features); } /** * Given a matrix of feature vectors, load the feature vectors into a queue with the given spacing, and generate a leadsheet with the given chord sequence * @param autoencoder * @param autoencoderConnectomePath * @param chordSequence * @param featureMatrixPath * @param featureSize * @param outputFilePath * @param songTitle */ public static void generateFromFeatureMatrix(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String autoencoderConnectomePath, LeadsheetDataSequence chordSequence, String featureMatrixPath, int featureSize, String outputFilePath, String songTitle) { AMatrix featureMatrix = (AMatrix) ReadWriteUtilities.readNumpyCSVFile(featureMatrixPath); int numComponents = featureMatrix.columnCount(); LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence = new LeadsheetDataSequence(); while (outputSequence.maxLength() < featureSize * numComponents) { LeadsheetDataSequence currSegment = chordSequence.copy(); while (currSegment.maxLength() > 0 && outputSequence.maxLength() < featureSize * numComponents) { outputSequence.pushStep(currSegment.pollBeats(), currSegment.pollChords(), null); } } LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence = outputSequence.copy(); FragmentedNeuralQueue pcaQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue(); pcaQueue.initFromFeatureMatrix(featureMatrix, featureSize); autoencoder.setQueue(pcaQueue); int i = 0; while (autoencoder.hasDataStepsLeft()) { //we are done encoding all time steps, so just finish decoding!{ outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder if (++i == featureSize) { i = 0; refreshNetworkState(autoencoder, autoencoderConnectomePath); } } writeLeadsheetFile(outputSequence, outputFilePath, "_featureMatrixGen", songTitle); } /** * Writes the data contained in the output sequence to a file * @param outputSequence Contains all melody and chord data which will be written to the leadsheet * @param outputFolderPath The path of the folder we'll write out file in * @param fileName The name of the file. The suffix and a .ls extension will be appended to the end of the file name or overwrite the existing extension if there is one * @param suffix A small keyword or id to add to the end of the file name, such as "_Output" or "_TradingOutput" * @param songTitle The name of the song to write in the leadsheet! :) */ public static void writeLeadsheetFile(LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence, String outputFolderPath, String fileName, String suffix, String songTitle) { LogTimer.startLog("Writing file..."); String outputFilename = outputFolderPath + + fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) + suffix + ".ls"; //we'll write our generated file with the same name plus "_Output" LeadsheetIO.writeLeadsheet(outputSequence, outputFilename, songTitle); System.out.println(outputFilename); LogTimer.endLog(); } /** * Writes the data contained in the output sequence to a file * @param outputSequence Contains all melody and chord data which will be written to the leadsheet * @param filePath The path and name of the new file. The suffix and a .ls extension will be appended to the end of the file name or overwrite the existing extension if there is one * @param suffix A small keyword or id to add to the end of the file name, such as "_Output" or "_TradingOutput" * @param songTitle The name of the song to write in the leadsheet! :) */ public static void writeLeadsheetFile(LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence, String filePath, String suffix, String songTitle) { LogTimer.startLog("Writing file..."); String outputFilename = filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf(".")) + suffix + ".ls"; //we'll write our generated file with the same name plus "_Output" LeadsheetIO.writeLeadsheet(outputSequence, outputFilename, songTitle); System.out.println(outputFilename); LogTimer.endLog(); } /** * Encode the input sequence into a feature representation in the autoencoder's queue * @param autoencoder The autoencoder to encode with * @param inputSequence This sequence should contain the input melody, chord data, and beat data */ public static void encodeFromSequence(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, LeadsheetDataSequence inputSequence) { LogTimer.startLog("Encoding data..."); while (inputSequence.hasNext()) { //iterate through time steps in input data autoencoder.encodeStep(inputSequence.retrieve()); //feed the resultant input vector into the network } LogTimer.endLog(); } /** * Decodes melody data from the current contents of the autoencoder queue and the decoder input sequence, and pushes it into the outputSequence * @param autoencoder The autoencoder to decode with, whose queue data we'll decode from * @param outputSequence The LeadsheetDataSequence which we will push our melody data into * @param decoderInputSequence This should contain the additional data the decoder of the network needs to decode melody data (for LeadsheetDataSequence this is the chord and beat data) */ public static void decodeToSequence(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, LeadsheetDataSequence outputSequence, LeadsheetDataSequence decoderInputSequence) { LogTimer.startLog("Decoding..."); while (autoencoder.hasDataStepsLeft()) { //we are done encoding all time steps, so just finish decoding! outputSequence.pushStep(null, null, autoencoder.decodeStep(decoderInputSequence.retrieve())); //take sampled data for a timestep from autoencoder } LogTimer.endLog(); } /** * Loads the queue contents of an autoencoder from a feature matrix file * * @param autoencoder The autoencoder network we're going to load our * created queue into * @param featureMatrixPath A feature matrix file is a csv file where each * row is a feature vector * @param featureSize The distance we will space these features in the * queue. This should be the same featureSize you have specified for the * queue */ public static void loadQueueFromFeatureMatrixFile(ProductCompressingAutoencoder autoencoder, String featureMatrixPath, int featureSize) { FragmentedNeuralQueue pcaQueue = new FragmentedNeuralQueue(); int spacing = featureSize; AMatrix pcaFeatureMatrix = (AMatrix) ReadWriteUtilities.readNumpyCSVFile(featureMatrixPath); pcaQueue.initFromFeatureMatrix(pcaFeatureMatrix, featureSize); autoencoder.setQueue(pcaQueue); } /** * Analyze the melody contained in a LeadsheetDataSequence, and return a * vector of the property values * * @param sequence The sequence whose melody data we'll analyze * @param featureProperty Elements of the returned vector will be between * zero and one, and represent the ratio of the timeSteps with the given * feature property to the total timeSteps in a feature: "rest" -> there is * rest on this timeStep, "sustain" -> this timeStep is sustaining a note, * "articulation" -> this timeStep is articulating a new note * @param featureSize This is the size of each feature in timeSteps * @return An AVector with size equal to sequence melody length divided by * featureSize, wherein each element of the vector is the property-graded * value of the feature */ public static AVector melodyFeatureAnalysis(LeadsheetDataSequence sequence, String featureProperty, int featureSize) { LogTimer.startLog("Analyzing generatedFeatures"); int numFeatures = sequence.melodySize() / featureSize; //if the melody part isn't divisible by the fixed feature size, round down. AVector featurePropertyValues = Vector.createLength(numFeatures); int featureIndex = 0; LeadsheetDataSequence copySequence = sequence.copy(); //create a copy of our sequence to perform analysis on int spacing = featureSize; switch (featureProperty) /* Could refactor this to make calls to an interface for testing if we design more feature properties */ { case "rest": boolean wasLastRest = false; for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++) { int restStepCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spacing; i++) { AVector polledMelodyStep = copySequence.pollMelody(); if (polledMelodyStep.get(0) == -1.0) { wasLastRest = true; restStepCount++; } else if (polledMelodyStep.get(0) == -2.0 && wasLastRest) { restStepCount++; } else { wasLastRest = false; } } featurePropertyValues.set(featureIndex++, ((double) restStepCount) / ((double) spacing)); } break; case "sustain": for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++) { int sustainStepCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spacing; i++) { AVector polledMelodyStep = copySequence.pollMelody(); if (polledMelodyStep.get(0) == -2.0) { sustainStepCount++; } } featurePropertyValues.set(featureIndex++, ((double) sustainStepCount) / ((double) spacing)); } break; case "articulate": for (int j = 0; j < numFeatures; j++) { int articulateStepCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spacing; i++) { AVector polledMelodyStep = copySequence.pollMelody(); if (polledMelodyStep.get(0) >= 0.0) { articulateStepCount++; } } featurePropertyValues.set(featureIndex++, ((double) articulateStepCount) / ((double) spacing)); } break; default: break; } LogTimer.endLog(); return featurePropertyValues; } }