Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package;// Copyright 2015 Indeewari Akarawita

// This file is a part of ANDROPHSY
// ANDROPHSY is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;

import com.itextpdf.text.Anchor;
import com.itextpdf.text.Chapter;
import com.itextpdf.text.Document;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import com.itextpdf.text.Element;
import com.itextpdf.text.Font;
import com.itextpdf.text.Image;
import com.itextpdf.text.PageSize;
import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph;
import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase;
import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.ColumnText;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPageEventHelper;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfTemplate;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter;

import lk.score.androphsy.database.ConnectDb;
import lk.score.androphsy.main.*;

 * @author indeewari
public class ReportPdf {
    private boolean bflagall = true;
    private String gen_date = "";
    private static Font TitleFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 18, Font.UNDERLINE);
    private static Font HeadingFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 16, Font.BOLD);
    private static Font SubHeadingFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 14, Font.BOLD);

    class TableHeader extends PdfPageEventHelper {
        String header;
        PdfTemplate total;
        Phrase[] footer = new Phrase[2];

        public void setHeader(String header) {
            this.header = header;

        public void onOpenDocument(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
            total = writer.getDirectContent().createTemplate(30, 16);

        public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
            PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3);
            try {
                table.setWidths(new int[] { 24, 24, 2 });

                table.addCell(String.format("Page %d of", writer.getPageNumber()));
                PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(Image.getInstance(total));
                table.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, 34, 803, writer.getDirectContent());

                Connection con = new ConnectDb().getConnection();
                Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT d.device_name, d.imei"
                        + " FROM Androspy_Case c, Androspy_Device d" + " WHERE c.case_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND d.device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId);
                while ( {
                    footer[0] = new Phrase(
                            "Device:" + rs.getString("device_name") + ", IMEI:" + rs.getString("imei"));
                footer[1] = new Phrase(AndrospyMain.gb_username + " " + gen_date);

                ColumnText.showTextAligned(writer.getDirectContent(), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, new Phrase(footer[0]),
                        document.left(), document.bottom(), 0);
                ColumnText.showTextAligned(writer.getDirectContent(), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, new Phrase(footer[1]),
                        document.right(), document.bottom(), 0);
            } catch (DocumentException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        public void onCloseDocument(PdfWriter writer, Document document) {
            ColumnText.showTextAligned(total, Element.ALIGN_LEFT,
                    new Phrase(String.valueOf(writer.getPageNumber() - 1)), 2, 2, 0);

    public void generatePdf(String feature) {
        Document document = new Document();
        System.out.println("report : " + feature);
        try {
                    new FileOutputStream(AndrospyMain.gb_CasePath + "Analysis/" + feature + ".pdf"));
            SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
            AndrospyLog.Logdata(sf.format(new Date()), "Generate report: " + feature + ".pdf");
            addContent(document, feature);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    public String generatePdf(ArrayList<String> featurelist) {
        File repdir = new File(AndrospyMain.gb_CasePath + "Analysis/Reports");
        if (!repdir.exists()) {

        Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 36, 36, 54, 36);
        Date date = new Date();
        SimpleDateFormat sf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss");
        gen_date = sf.format(date);
        String name = AndrospyMain.gb_CasePath + "Analysis/Reports/" + "Report_" + gen_date + ".pdf";

        SimpleDateFormat sf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
        AndrospyLog.Logdata(sf2.format(new Date()), "Generate report: " + name);

        try {
            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(name));
            TableHeader event = new TableHeader();
            event.setHeader("lk.score.androphsy.main.Androspy Evidence Report - Confidential");

            Iterator<String> it = featurelist.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                String feature =;
                System.out.println("report : " + feature);
                addContent(document, feature);

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return name;

    private void addDevicePage(Document document) {
        Anchor anchor = new Anchor("Device Information");
        anchor.setName("Device Information");
        Chapter chap = new Chapter(new Paragraph(anchor), 1);

        Paragraph subpara = new Paragraph("Device Information", HeadingFont);
        addEmptyLine(subpara, 1);
        createTableRowFormat(subpara, "DeviceBasicInfo");

        try {
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    private void addContent(Document document, String feature) {
        String title = "";

        if (feature == "User Credentials") {
            title = "User Credentials";

        } else if (feature == "SMS") {
            title = "Short Message Service (SMS)";

        } else if (feature == "Phone Book") {
            title = "Contact Numbers/Phone Book";

        } else if (feature == "Gmail") {
            title = "Gmail Information";

        } else if (feature == "Calendar") {
            title = "Calendar Events";

        } else if (feature == "YouTube") {
            title = "YouTube History";

        } else if (feature.equals("FACEBOOK_MESSAGES")) {
            title = "Facebook Messages";

        } else if (feature.equals("FACEBOOK_CONTACTS")) {
            title = "Facebook Contacts";

        } else if (feature.equals("FACEBOOK_NOTIFICATIONS")) {
            title = "Facebook Notifications";

        } else if (feature.equals("LINKEDIN_PROFILE")) {
            title = "LinkedIn Profile";

        } else if (feature.equals("LINKEDIN_CONNECTIONS")) {
            title = "LinkedIn Connections";

        } else if (feature.equals("LINKEDIN_INVITATIONS")) {
            title = "LinkedIn Invitations";

        } else if (feature.equals("LINKEDIN_MESSAGES")) {
            title = "LinkedIn Messages";

        } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_WEB_FORM_DATA")) {
            title = "Interacted Web Forms and Supplied Parameter Values";

        } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_COOKIES")) {
            title = "Default Browser Cookie Information";

        } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_WEB_SEARCH")) {
            title = "Default Browser Web lk.score.androphsy.main.Search Text";

        } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_BOOKMARKS")) {
            title = "Bookmarked URL Information";

        } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_BROWSER_HISTORY")) {
            title = "Default Browser History";

        } else if (feature.equals("CHROME_BROWSER_HISTORY")) {
            title = "Chrome Browser History";

        } else if (feature.equals("CHROME_COOKIES")) {
            title = "Chrome Browser Cookie Information";

        } else if (feature.equals("CHROME_WEB_SEARCH")) {
            title = "Chrome Web lk.score.androphsy.main.Search Text";

        } else if (feature.equals("CHROME_CREDIT_CARD")) {
            title = "Chrome Credit Card Information";

        } else if (feature.equals("Firefox_COOKIES")) {
            title = "Firefox Browser Cookies";

        } else if (feature.equals("Firefox_WEB_SEARCH")) {
            title = "Firefox WebSearch";

        } else if (feature.equals("Firefox_BOOKMARKS")) {
            title = "Firefox Bookmark";

        } else if (feature.equals("Firefox_BROWSER_HISTORYy")) {
            title = "Firefox Browser History";

        } else if (feature.equals("Call Logs")) {
            title = "Call Logs";

        } else if (feature.equals("SMS Logs")) {
            title = "SMS Logs";

        } else if (feature.equals("MMS Logs")) {
            title = "MMS Logs";

        } else if (feature == "Wi-Fi Access Points") {
            title = "Wi-Fi Access Points";

        } else if (feature.equals("Wi-Fi Access Points")) {
            title = "Wi-Fi Access Points";

        } else if (feature == "Bluetooth Data") {
            title = "Bluetooth Information";

        } else if (feature.equals("Bluetooth Data")) {
            title = "Bluetooth Information";

        } else if (feature == "Skype Account") {
            title = "Skype Account";

        } else if (feature == "Skype Contacts") {
            title = "Skype Contacts";

        } else if (feature == "Skype Calls") {
            title = "Skype Call";

        } else if (feature == "Skype Messages") {
            title = "Skype Message";


        try {

            Paragraph subpara = new Paragraph(title, HeadingFont);
            addEmptyLine(subpara, 1);

            if (feature == "User Credentials") {
                Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Primary Account Detail", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);
                CreateTable(p1, "PRIMARY_ACC");
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);

                Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Secondary Account Detail", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p2, 1);
                CreateTable(p2, "OTHER_ACC");

            } else if (feature.equals("Call Logs")) {
                Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Incomming Calls Log", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);
                CreateTable(p1, "INCOMING_CALLS");
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);

                Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Missed Calls Log", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p2, 1);
                CreateTable(p2, "MISSED_CALLS");

                Paragraph p3 = new Paragraph("Cancelled Calls Log", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p3, 1);
                CreateTable(p3, "CANCELLED_CALLS");
                addEmptyLine(p3, 1);

                Paragraph p4 = new Paragraph("Outgoing Calls Log", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p4, 1);
                CreateTable(p4, "OUTGOING_CALLS");

            } else if (feature.equals("SMS Logs")) {
                Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Incomming SMS Log", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);
                CreateTable(p1, "SMS_INBOX");
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);

                Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Outgoing SMS Log", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p2, 1);
                CreateTable(p2, "SMS_OUTBOX");

            } else if (feature.equals("MMS Logs")) {

                Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Incomming MMS Log", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);
                CreateTable(p1, "MMS_INBOX");
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);

                Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Outgoing MMS Log", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p2, 1);
                CreateTable(p2, "MMS_OUTBOX");

            } else if (feature == "Bluetooth Data") {
                Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Nearby Bluetooth Device Information", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);
                CreateTable(p1, "BT_SEEN");
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);

                Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Contacted Bluetooth Device Information", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p2, 1);
                CreateTable(p2, "BT_USED");

            } else if (feature.equals("Bluetooth Data")) {
                Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Nearby Bluetooth Device Information", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);
                CreateTable(p1, "BT_SEEN");
                addEmptyLine(p1, 1);

                Paragraph p2 = new Paragraph("Contacted Bluetooth Device Information", SubHeadingFont);
                addEmptyLine(p2, 1);
                CreateTable(p2, "BT_USED");
            } else {
                CreateTable(subpara, feature);

        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    private void CreateTable(Paragraph subpara, String feature) {
        System.out.println("Report Create Table: " + feature);
        try {
            String query = "";
            Connection conn = new ConnectDb().getConnection();
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

            if (feature == "PRIMARY_ACC") {
                query = "SELECT host AS 'Account Type', username AS 'User Name',"
                        + " password AS 'Password (HASHED)'" + " FROM Androspy_Account" + " WHERE case_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId
                        + " AND primary_acc = " + 1;

            } else if (feature == "OTHER_ACC") {
                query = "SELECT host AS 'Account Type', username AS 'User Name'," + " password AS 'Password'"
                        + " FROM Androspy_Account" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND primary_acc != " + 1;

            } else if (feature == "SMS") {
                query = "SELECT subject AS 'Subject', body AS 'Message Body',"
                        + " type AS 'Message Type', date_received AS 'Received Date', date_sent AS 'Send Date'"
                        + " FROM Sms" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "Phone Book") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name',"
                        + " times_contacted AS 'Times Contacted', last_time_contacted AS 'Last Contacted Date'"
                        + " FROM Contacts" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "Gmail") {
                query = "SELECT fromaddress AS 'From Address',"
                        + " toaddress AS 'To Address', ccaddress AS 'CC Address', bccaddress AS 'BCC Address',"
                        + " replytoaddress AS 'Reply To Address', subject AS 'Subject', snippet As 'Message Body', "
                        + "datesent AS 'Send Date', datereceive AS 'Received Date'" + " FROM Gmail_Store"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "Calendar") {
                query = "SELECT title AS 'Title', description AS 'Event', location AS 'Location',"
                        + " start_time AS 'Start Time', end_time AS 'End Time', created_by AS 'Creator'"
                        + " FROM Calendar_Event" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "YouTube") {
                query = "SELECT query AS 'Search' , search_date AS 'Time Stamp'" + " FROM Youtube_History"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("FACEBOOK_MESSAGES")) {
                query = "SELECT IFNULL(sender, '') AS 'Sender'," + " IFNULL(text, '') AS 'Message',"
                        + " IFNULL(conversation_date, '') AS 'Date'," + " IFNULL(logitude, '') AS 'Longitude',"
                        + " IFNULL(latitude, '') AS 'Latitude'" + " FROM Facebook_Message" + " WHERE case_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("FACEBOOK_CONTACTS")) {
                query = "SELECT IFNULL(first_name, '') AS 'First Name'," + " IFNULL(last_name, '') AS 'Last Name',"
                        + " IFNULL(display_name, '') AS 'Display Name',"
                        + " IFNULL(added_time, '') AS 'Time Stamp'," + " IFNULL(type, '') AS 'Contact Type'"
                        + " FROM Fb_Contacts" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("FACEBOOK_NOTIFICATIONS")) {
                query = "SELECT IFNULL(notification, '') AS 'Notification'," + " IFNULL(update_date, '') AS 'Date'"
                        + " FROM Facebook_Notifications" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("LINKEDIN_PROFILE")) {
                query = "SELECT first_name AS 'First Name', last_name AS 'Last Name', display_name AS 'Display Name',"
                        + "country AS 'Country', join_date AS 'Join Date', connections AS 'No of Connections'"
                        + " FROM Linkedin_Profile" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("LINKEDIN_CONNECTIONS")) {
                query = "SELECT IFNULL(first_name, '') AS 'First Name'," + " IFNULL(last_name, '') AS 'Last Name',"
                        + " IFNULL(display_name, '') AS 'Display Name'," + " IFNULL(title, '') AS 'Title'"
                        + " FROM Linkedin_Connections" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("LINKEDIN_INVITATIONS")) {
                query = "SELECT IFNULL(from_display_name, '') AS 'Sender Name'," + " IFNULL(title, '') AS 'Title',"
                        + " IFNULL(invitation_date, '') AS 'Invitation Date'" + " FROM Linkedin_Invitation"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("LINKEDIN_MESSAGES")) {
                query = "SELECT from_display_name AS 'Remote Party', from_title AS 'Remote Party Title',"
                        + " message_date AS 'Message Date', subject AS Subject, message_body AS Message"
                        + " FROM Linkedin_Message" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_BROWSER_HISTORY")) {
                query = "SELECT title AS Title, url AS URL, "
                        + "last_visit_date AS 'Last Visit Date', visits AS 'No of Visitis'"
                        + " FROM Browser_History" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'DEFAULTB'";

            } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_BOOKMARKS")) {
                query = "SELECT title AS Title, url AS URL, "
                        + "created_date AS 'Creaded Date', modified_date AS 'Modified Date', deleted AS Deleted,"
                        + "account_name AS 'Created By', account_type AS 'Account Type'" + " FROM Androspy_Bookmark"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'DEFAULTB'";

            } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_WEB_FORM_DATA")) {
                query = "SELECT url AS 'URL', name AS 'Parameter Name', value AS 'Parameter Value'"
                        + " FROM WebForm f, WebFormData d"
                        + " WHERE f.case_id = d.case_id AND f.device_id = d.device_id" + " AND d.urlid ="
                        + " AND d.case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND d.device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_COOKIES")) {
                query = "SELECT host AS 'Host', "
                        + "cookie_name AS 'Cookie Name', cookie_value AS 'Cookie Value', path AS Path, "
                        + "secure AS Secure, httponly AS 'Http Only', created_date AS 'Created Date', "
                        + "expire_date AS 'Expire Date', last_access_date AS 'Last Access Date'"
                        + " FROM Browser_Cookies" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'DEFAULTB'";

            } else if (feature.equals("DEFAULT_WEB_SEARCH")) {
                query = "SELECT search_text AS 'Search Text', " + "search_date AS 'Search Date'" + " FROM WebSearch"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'DEFAULTB'";

            } else if (feature.equals("CHROME_BROWSER_HISTORY")) {
                query = "SELECT title AS Title, url AS URL, "
                        + "last_visit_date AS 'Last Visit Date', visits AS 'No of Visitis'"
                        + " FROM Browser_History" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'CHROME'";

            } else if (feature.equals("CHROME_COOKIES")) {
                query = "SELECT host AS 'Host', "
                        + "cookie_name AS 'Cookie Name', cookie_value AS 'Cookie Value', path AS Path, "
                        + "secure AS Secure, httponly AS 'Http Only', created_date AS 'Created Date', "
                        + "expire_date AS 'Expire Date', last_access_date AS 'Last Access Date'"
                        + " FROM Browser_Cookies" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'CHROME'";

            } else if (feature.equals("CHROME_WEB_SEARCH")) {
                query = "SELECT search_text AS 'Search Text', " + "search_date AS 'Search Date'" + " FROM WebSearch"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'CHROME'";

            } else if (feature.equals("CHROME_CREDIT_CARD")) {
                query = "SELECT name AS Name, expire_month AS 'Expire Month', expire_year AS 'Exire Year', "
                        + "modified_date AS 'Modified Date'" + " FROM Browser_Credit_Card" + " WHERE case_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId
                        + " AND browser = 'CHROME'";

            } else if (feature.equals("Firefox_BROWSER_HISTORY")) {
                query = "SELECT title AS Title, url AS URL, "
                        + "last_visit_date AS 'Last Visit Date', visits AS 'No of Visitis'"
                        + " FROM Browser_History" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'Firefox'";

            } else if (feature.equals("Firefox_BOOKMARKS")) {
                query = "SELECT title AS Title, url AS URL, "
                        + "created_date AS 'Creaded Date', modified_date AS 'Modified Date', deleted AS Deleted,"
                        + "account_name AS 'Created By', account_type AS 'Account Type'" + " FROM Androspy_Bookmark"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'Firefox'";

            } else if (feature.equals("Firefox_WEB_SEARCH")) {
                query = "SELECT search_text AS 'Search Text', " + "search_date AS 'Search Date'" + " FROM WebSearch"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'Firefox'";

            } else if (feature.equals("Firefox_COOKIES")) {
                query = "SELECT host AS 'Host', "
                        + "cookie_name AS 'Cookie Name', cookie_value AS 'Cookie Value', path AS Path, "
                        + "secure AS Secure, httponly AS 'Http Only', created_date AS 'Created Date', "
                        + "expire_date AS 'Expire Date', last_access_date AS 'Last Access Date'"
                        + " FROM Browser_Cookies" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND browser = 'Firefox'";

            } else if (feature == "ALL_CALL_LOG") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name',"
                        + " date AS 'Contacted Date', duration AS 'Call Duration', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 100;

            } else if (feature == "INCOMING_CALLS") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name',"
                        + " date AS 'Contacted Date', duration AS 'Call Duration', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 100 + " AND type = " + 1;

            } else if (feature == "MISSED_CALLS") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name',"
                        + " date AS 'Contacted Date', duration AS 'Call Duration', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 100 + " AND type = " + 3;

            } else if (feature == "CANCELLED_CALLS") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name',"
                        + " date AS 'Contacted Date', duration AS 'Call Duration', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 500;

            } else if (feature == "OUTGOING_CALLS") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name',"
                        + " date AS 'Contacted Date', duration AS 'Call Duration', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 100 + " AND type = " + 2;

            } else if (feature == "ALL_SMS_LOG") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name'," + " date AS 'Contacted Date', "
                        + "messageid AS 'Message_Id', m_subject AS 'Message Subject', m_content AS 'Message Body', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 300;

            } else if (feature == "SMS_INBOX") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name'," + " date AS 'Contacted Date', "
                        + "messageid AS 'Message_Id', m_subject AS 'Message Subject', m_content AS 'Message Body', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 300 + " AND type = " + 1;

            } else if (feature == "SMS_OUTBOX") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name'," + " date AS 'Contacted Date', "
                        + "messageid AS 'Message_Id', m_subject AS 'Message Subject', m_content AS 'Message Body', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 300 + " AND type != " + 1;

            } else if (feature == "ALL_MMS_LOG") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name'," + " date AS 'Contacted Date', "
                        + "messageid AS 'Message_Id', m_subject AS 'Message Subject', m_content AS 'Message Body', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 200;

            } else if (feature == "MMS_INBOX") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name'," + " date AS 'Contacted Date', "
                        + "messageid AS 'Message_Id', m_subject AS 'Message Subject', m_content AS 'Message Body', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 200 + " AND type = " + 1;

            } else if (feature == "MMS_OUTBOX") {
                query = "SELECT contact_no AS 'Contact No', name AS 'Name'," + " date AS 'Contacted Date', "
                        + "messageid AS 'Message_Id', m_subject AS 'Message Subject', m_content AS 'Message Body', "
                        + "countryiso AS 'Country Code', geolocationcode AS 'Geo Location'" + " FROM Event_Log"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId + " AND logtype = " + 200 + " AND type != " + 1;

            } else if (feature == "Wi-Fi Access Points") {
                query = "SELECT ssid AS 'SSID', password AS 'Password', key_mgmt AS 'Key Management'"
                        + " FROM Wifi_Info" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature.equals("Wi-Fi Access Points")) {
                query = "SELECT ssid AS 'SSID', password AS 'Password', key_mgmt AS 'Key Management'"
                        + " FROM Wifi_Info" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "BT_USED") {
                query = "SELECT device_address AS 'Target Device BT Address', mimetype AS 'MIME Type', "
                        + " in_file_name AS 'File Name', totalbytes AS 'File Size', location AS Location, direction AS Direction, visibility AS Visibility, confirm AS Confirm,"
                        + " status AS 'Transfer Status', date AS 'Transfer Date', scanned As Scanned"
                        + " FROM Bluetooth_Tranfer" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "BT_SEEN") {
                query = "SELECT bmac AS 'Bluetooth Address',"
                        + " device_name AS 'Device Name', seen_date AS 'Last Seen Date', 'used_date' AS 'Last_Paired_Date'"
                        + " FROM Bluetooth_Device" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "Skype Account") {
                System.out.println("Skype Account");
                query = "SELECT skypename, fullname, birthday, country, city reg_date, gender"
                        + " FROM Skype_Account" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "Skype Contacts") {
                System.out.println("Skype Contacts");
                query = "SELECT skypename, fullname, birthday, displayname, country, city, gender, phone"
                        + " FROM Skype_Contacts" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "Skype Calls") {
                System.out.println("Skype Calls");
                query = "SELECT identity, display_name, call_duration, start_time_stamp" + " FROM Skype_Call"
                        + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            } else if (feature == "Skype Messages") {
                System.out.println("Skype Messages");
                query = "SELECT author, from_display_name, dialog_partner, message, time_stamp"
                        + " FROM Skype_Message" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId + " AND device_id = "
                        + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;


            if (query != ("")) {
                if (!bflagall) {
                    query += " AND favourite = " + 1;

                System.out.println("query: " + query);

                ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
                ResultSetMetaData rsmeta = rs.getMetaData();
                int colcount = rsmeta.getColumnCount();
                PdfPTable pdftable = new PdfPTable(colcount);
                pdftable.setWidthPercentage(100 / colcount);

                for (int i = 1; i <= colcount; i++) {
                    PdfPCell c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(rsmeta.getColumnLabel(i)));

                while ( {
                    for (int i = 1; i <= colcount; i++) {
                        System.out.println("add table cell report " + rs.getString(i));


        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    private void addTitlePage(Document document) {
        String creator_name = "";
        try {
            Connection con = new ConnectDb().getConnection();
            Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM Androspy_User WHERE user_name = '"
                    + AndrospyMain.gb_username + "'");
            while ( {
                creator_name = rs.getString("first_name") + " " + rs.getString("last_name");
        } catch (SQLException e1) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Paragraph preface = new Paragraph();
        addEmptyLine(preface, 1);

        Paragraph title = new Paragraph("ANDROSPY SOFTWARE", TitleFont);
        addEmptyLine(title, 1);
        title.add(new Paragraph("Report Genereated By: " + creator_name));
        title.add(new Paragraph("Date: " + gen_date));

        addEmptyLine(preface, 2);

        preface.add(new Paragraph("Case Basic Detail:"));
        addEmptyLine(preface, 1);

        createTableRowFormat(preface, "CaseInfo");

        try {
        } catch (DocumentException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    private void createTableRowFormat(Paragraph preface, String feature) {
        try {
            String query = "";
            Connection conn = new ConnectDb().getConnection();
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();

            if (feature == "CaseInfo") {
                query = "SELECT case_id AS 'Case ID', case_name AS 'Case Name', investigator_id AS 'Investigatort', IFNULL(analyst_id, '') as 'Analyst' "
                        + "FROM Androspy_Case " + "WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId;
            } else if (feature == "DeviceBasicInfo") {
                query = "SELECT IFNULL(device_name, '') AS 'Device Name', IFNULL(model, '') AS 'Model', IFNULL(manufacturer, '') AS 'Manufacturer', IFNULL(os, '') AS OS, IFNULL(build_number, '') AS 'Build Number', IFNULL(sw_number, '') AS 'Software Number', IFNULL(serial_no,'') As 'Serial No'"
                        + " FROM Androspy_Device" + " WHERE case_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_CaseId
                        + " AND device_id = " + AndrospyMain.gb_DeviceId;

            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
            ResultSetMetaData rsmeta = rs.getMetaData();
            int colcount = rsmeta.getColumnCount();
            PdfPTable pdftable = new PdfPTable(2);

            while ( {
                for (int i = 1; i <= colcount; i++) {
                    String value = rs.getString(i).equals(null) ? "" : rs.getString(i);
                    PdfPCell c1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(rsmeta.getColumnLabel(i) + ":"));
                    PdfPCell c2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(value));


        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block


    private void addEmptyLine(Paragraph paragraph, int count) {
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            paragraph.add(new Paragraph(" "));


    private void addMetaData(Document document) {
        document.addTitle("lk.score.androphsy.main.Androspy Reporting");
        document.addSubject("Evidence Report");
        document.addKeywords("lk.score.androphsy.main.Androspy, Evidence");


    public void setFlagAll(boolean b) {
        bflagall = b;
