Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package kmeans_extend; import kmeans.*; import; import; import weka.clusterers.Clusterer; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.EuclideanDistance; import weka.core.Attribute; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import weka.clusterers.AbstractClusterer; /** * * @author ASUS X202E */ public class MyKMeans extends AbstractClusterer { Instances dataSource; int noOfClusters; int numberIteration; Instances centroid; Instances firstCentroid; HashMap<Integer, Integer> clusteredInstance; // HashMap antara nomor instance dan nomor cluster List<List<Integer>> listClusteredInstance; //HashMap antara nomor cluster dan kumpulan nomor instance di cluster tersebut boolean finish; MyKMeans(int numCluster) { numberIteration = 0; this.clusteredInstance = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); this.noOfClusters = numCluster; finish = false; } void doKMeans() { System.out.println("\n======== KMeans Result ========"); int numIteration = 0; System.out.println("Data : " + dataSource.relationName()); System.out.println("Number cluster : " + this.noOfClusters); initiateClusteredInstance(); //1. Pilih random centroid chooseFirstCentroid(); // printFirstCentroid(); //2. Hitung jarak tiap data dengan tiap centroid dan lakukan clustering clusteringInstance(); // //3. Update Centroid // // Clustering dan update centroid terus dilakukan sampai tidak ada hasil cluster yang berubah dari hasil cluster sebelumnya do { numIteration++; updateCentroid(); clusteringInstance(); } while (!finish); System.out.println("Total iteration : " + numIteration); printFirstCentroid(); printFinalCentroid(); printSummary(); printClusteringResultWithData(); printListClusteredInstance(); } void printFirstCentroid() { System.out.println("\n ==== First Centroid (chosen randomly) ===="); for (int i = 0; i < noOfClusters; i++) System.out.println("Centroid " + i + " : " + firstCentroid.get(i)); } void printFinalCentroid() { System.out.println("\n ====*** Final Centroid ***===="); for (int i = 0; i < noOfClusters; i++) System.out.println("Centroid " + i + " : " + centroid.get(i)); } void printClusteringResultWithData() { System.out.println("\n --- LIST DATA WITH NUMBER CLUSTER ---"); for (int i = 0; i < dataSource.size(); i++) { System.out.println(dataSource.get(i) + " : " + clusteredInstance.get(i)); } } public int numberOfClusters() { return noOfClusters; } void printSummary() { System.out.println("\n ------ SUMMARY ------"); for (int i = 0; i < noOfClusters; i++) { int total = listClusteredInstance.get(i).size(); System.out.println("Total instance clustered in cluster " + i + " : " + total + " ( " + (double) total * 100 / dataSource.size() + "% ) "); } } void printListClusteredInstance() { System.out.println("\n --- LIST CLUSTER WITH DATA ---"); for (int i = 0; i < noOfClusters; i++) { List<Integer> listInst = listClusteredInstance.get(i); System.out.println("Centroid " + i + " : "); for (int j = 0; j < listInst.size(); j++) { System.out.println(" " + dataSource.get(listInst.get(j))); } } } void updateCentroid() { for (int i = 0; i < noOfClusters; i++) { //Update centroid per cluster // ArrayList<Integer> listNumInstance = listClusteredInst.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < dataSource.numAttributes(); j++) { //untuk seluruh atribut if (dataSource.attribute(j).isNominal()) { updateCentroidForNominal(i, j); } else if (dataSource.attribute(j).isNumeric()) { updateCentroidForNumeric(i, j); } } } } void updateCentroidForNumeric(int numCentroid, int numAttr) { // System.out.println("Update centroid "+numCentroid+" attr "+dataSource.attribute(numAttr)+"|"+numAttr); List<Integer> listInst = listClusteredInstance.get(numCentroid); Attribute attr = dataSource.attribute(numAttr); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listInst.size(); i++) { Instance inst = dataSource.get(listInst.get(i)); sum += inst.value(attr); } double newValue = (double) sum / listInst.size(); Instance tempCentroid = centroid.get(numCentroid); tempCentroid.setValue(attr, newValue); centroid.set(numCentroid, tempCentroid); } void updateCentroidForNominal(int numCentroid, int numAttr) { // System.out.println("Update centroid "+numCentroid+" attr "+dataSource.attribute(numAttr)+"|"+numAttr); int distinctValue = dataSource.attribute(numAttr).numValues(); int[] countInst = new int[distinctValue]; for (int i = 0; i < distinctValue; i++) countInst[i]++; Attribute attr = dataSource.attribute(numAttr); List<Integer> listInst = listClusteredInstance.get(numCentroid); //Mencari nilai attribut paling banyak dalam 1 cluster for (int i = 0; i < listInst.size(); i++) { Instance inst = dataSource.get(listInst.get(i)); if (!inst.isMissing(attr)) { String attrValue = inst.toString(attr); int indexValue = attr.indexOfValue(attrValue); // System.out.println(inst+"|"+attrValue+"|"+indexValue); countInst[indexValue]++; } } int max = -1, idxMax = -1; for (int i = 0; i < distinctValue; i++) { if (countInst[i] > max) { idxMax = i; max = countInst[i]; } } String newValue = attr.value(idxMax); Instance tempCentroid = centroid.get(numCentroid); tempCentroid.setValue(attr, newValue); centroid.set(numCentroid, tempCentroid); } //Prosedur ini akan mengkluster setiap instance dan mengecek apakah ada hasil clustering yang berubah dari sebelumnya //Jika hasil clustering sama dengan cluster sebelumnya, variabel "finish" akan bernilai true //Jika ada hasil cluster yang berubah, variabel "finish" bernilai false void clusteringInstance() { ArrayList<Integer> tempList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Instances tempInst = new Instances(dataSource, 0); EuclideanDistance ed = new EuclideanDistance(centroid); int[] pointList = new int[noOfClusters]; int checkNumberChange = 0; for (int i = 0; i < noOfClusters; i++) { pointList[i] = i; } for (int i = 0; i < dataSource.numInstances(); i++) { int clusterNumber = -1; Instance currentInst = dataSource.get(i); try { clusterNumber = ed.closestPoint(currentInst, centroid, pointList); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("************** " + ex.toString()); } int clusterBefore = clusteredInstance.put(i, clusterNumber); if (clusterNumber != clusterBefore) checkNumberChange++; } if (checkNumberChange != 0) finish = false; else finish = true; updateListClusteredInstance(); // printListClusteredInstance(); } void updateListClusteredInstance() { listClusteredInstance = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); for (int i = 0; i < noOfClusters; i++) { List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<Integer>(); listClusteredInstance.add(temp); } for (int i = 0; i < dataSource.size(); i++) { int clustNum = clusteredInstance.get(i); List<Integer> temp = listClusteredInstance.get(clustNum); temp.add(i); listClusteredInstance.set(clustNum, temp); } } void initiateClusteredInstance() { for (int i = 0; i < dataSource.numInstances(); i++) { clusteredInstance.put(i, 0); } } void chooseFirstCentroid() { int totalData = dataSource.numInstances(); ArrayList<Integer> tempNumber = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Random random = new Random(); int numberData; for (int i = 1; i <= noOfClusters; i++) { do { numberData = random.nextInt(totalData); } while (tempNumber.contains(numberData)); tempNumber.add(numberData); firstCentroid.add(dataSource.get(numberData)); centroid.add(dataSource.get(numberData)); } } Instances loadData(String filePath) { BufferedReader reader; Instances data = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath)); data = new Instances(reader); reader.close(); data.setClassIndex(data.numAttributes() - 1); } catch (Exception e) { } return data; } public void buildClusterer(Instances data) { this.dataSource = data; this.centroid = new Instances(dataSource, noOfClusters); this.firstCentroid = new Instances(dataSource, noOfClusters); initiateClusteredInstance(); chooseFirstCentroid(); clusteringInstance(); do { numberIteration++; updateCentroid(); clusteringInstance(); } while (!finish); } public int clusterInstance(Instance instance) { int clusterNo = -1; EuclideanDistance ed = new EuclideanDistance(centroid); int[] pointList = new int[noOfClusters]; for (int i = 0; i < noOfClusters; i++) { pointList[i] = i; } try { clusterNo = ed.closestPoint(instance, centroid, pointList); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("************** " + ex.toString()); } return clusterNo; } }