Source code

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package kishida.cnn.layers;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics;
import kishida.cnn.activation.ActivationFunction;
import kishida.cnn.kernels.FullyForwardKernel;
import kishida.cnn.util.FloatUtil;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;

 * @author naoki
public class FullyConnect extends NeuralLayer implements LerningLayer {
    private float[] weight;
    private float[] bias;
    private float[] weightDelta;
    private float[] biasDelta;

    private int outputSize;
    private int inputSize;
    private int[] dropout;
    private float dropoutRate = 1;
    private boolean useGpu;
    private float[] newDelta;
    private float[] diffed;

    private ActivationFunction activation;
    private float initBias;

    public FullyConnect(String name, int outputSize, float initBias, float dropoutRate,
            ActivationFunction activation, boolean useGpu) {
        this(name, outputSize, null, null, initBias, null, null, dropoutRate, null, activation, useGpu);

    public FullyConnect(@JsonProperty("name") String name, @JsonProperty("outputSize") int outputSize,
            @JsonProperty("weight") float[] weight, @JsonProperty("bias") float[] bias,
            @JsonProperty("initBias") float initBias, @JsonProperty("weightDelta") float[] weightDelta,
            @JsonProperty("biasDelta") float[] biasDelta, @JsonProperty("dropoutRate") float dropoutRate,
            @JsonProperty("activation") String activationName,
            @JsonProperty("activationObj") ActivationFunction activation, @JsonProperty("useGpu") boolean useGpu) {
        super(name); = name;
        if (activation != null) {
            this.activation = activation;
        } else {
            try {
                this.activation = (ActivationFunction) FullyConnect.class
                        .forName(ActivationFunction.class.getPackage().getName() + "." + activationName)
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        this.outputSize = outputSize;
        this.weight = weight;
        this.weightDelta = weightDelta;
        this.bias = bias;
        this.initBias = initBias;
        this.biasDelta = biasDelta;
        this.result = new float[outputSize];
        this.dropout = IntStream.generate(() -> 1).limit(outputSize).toArray();
        this.dropoutRate = dropoutRate;
        this.useGpu = useGpu;
        this.diffed = new float[outputSize];

    public final void setPreLayer(NeuralLayer preLayer) {
        this.preLayer = preLayer;
        this.inputSize = preLayer.getOutputSize();
        if (this.weight == null) {
            this.weight = FloatUtil.createGaussianArray(inputSize * outputSize, 0.01f, parent.getRandom());
        if (this.weightDelta == null) {
            this.weightDelta = new float[inputSize * outputSize];
        this.newDelta = new float[inputSize];

        // ?????????JSON??????????????
        if (bias == null) {
            this.bias = FloatUtil.createArray(outputSize, initBias);
        if (biasDelta == null) {
            this.biasDelta = new float[outputSize];

    public ActivationFunction getActivation() {
        return activation;

    public String getActivationName() {
        return activation.getClass().getSimpleName();

    public void prepareDropout() {
        dropout = parent.getRandom().doubles(outputSize).mapToInt(d -> d < dropoutRate ? 1 : 0).toArray();

    public float[] forward(float[] in) {
        Arrays.fill(result, 0);
        FullyForwardKernel.INSTANCE.forward(outputSize, dropout, in, result, weight, bias, useGpu);
        IntStream.range(0, out).parallel().filter(j -> dropout[j] == 1).forEach(j -> {
        for (int i = 0; i < in.length; ++i) {
            result[j] += in[i] * weight[i * out + j];
        result[j] += bias[j];
        return result;

    public float[] backward(float[] in, float[] delta) {
        Arrays.fill(newDelta, 0);
        Arrays.fill(diffed, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
            diffed[i] = activation.diff(result[i]);
        IntStream.range(0, in.length).parallel().forEach((i) -> {
            for (int j = 0; j < outputSize; ++j) {
                if (dropout[j] != 1) {
                float d = diffed[j] * delta[j];
                newDelta[i] += d * weight[i * outputSize + j];//in[i] *;
                weightDelta[i * outputSize + j] += d * in[i] * parent.getLearningRate();
        IntStream.range(0, outputSize).parallel().filter(j -> dropout[j] == 1).forEach(j -> {
            biasDelta[j] += diffed[j] * delta[j] * parent.getLearningRate();
        return newDelta;

    public void prepareBatch() {
        float momentam = parent.getMomentam();
        IntStream.range(0, weightDelta.length).forEach(i -> weightDelta[i] = weightDelta[i] * momentam);
        IntStream.range(0, biasDelta.length).parallel().forEach(i -> biasDelta[i] = biasDelta[i] * momentam);

    public void joinBatch() {
        IntStream.range(0, weight.length).parallel().forEach(ij -> {
            weight[ij] += weightDelta[ij] / parent.getMiniBatch()
                    - weight[ij] * parent.getWeightDecay() * parent.getLearningRate();
        IntStream.range(0, bias.length).parallel().forEach(i -> {
            bias[i] += biasDelta[i] / parent.getMiniBatch();

    public int getOutputSize() {
        return outputSize;

    public String toString() {
        return String.format("%s:Fully connect %d->%d dropout:%.2f", name, inputSize, outputSize, dropoutRate);

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getWeightStatistics() {
        return FloatUtil.summary(weight);

    public DoubleSummaryStatistics getBiasStatistics() {
        return FloatUtil.summary(bias);
