Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Broad Institute, Aiden Lab * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; //import juicebox.MainWindow; import htsjdk.tribble.util.LittleEndianInputStream; import htsjdk.tribble.util.LittleEndianOutputStream; import juicebox.HiCGlobals; import; import juicebox.windowui.NormalizationType; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.StatUtils; import org.broad.igv.feature.Chromosome; import org.broad.igv.tdf.BufferedByteWriter; import org.broad.igv.util.collections.DownsampledDoubleArrayList; import java.awt.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import; /** * @author jrobinso * @since Aug 16, 2010 */ public class Preprocessor { private static final int VERSION = 8; private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 1000; private final List<Chromosome> chromosomes; // Map of name -> index private final Map<String, Integer> chromosomeIndexes; private final File outputFile; private final Map<String, IndexEntry> matrixPositions; private final String genomeId; private final Deflater compressor; private LittleEndianOutputStream los; private long masterIndexPosition; private int countThreshold = 0; private int mapqThreshold = 0; private boolean diagonalsOnly = false; private String fragmentFileName = null; private String statsFileName = null; private String graphFileName = null; private FragmentCalculation fragmentCalculation = null; private Set<String> includedChromosomes; /** * The position of the field containing the masterIndex position */ private long masterIndexPositionPosition; private Map<String, ExpectedValueCalculation> expectedValueCalculations; private File tmpDir; public Preprocessor(File outputFile, String genomeId, List<Chromosome> chromosomes) { this.genomeId = genomeId; this.outputFile = outputFile; this.matrixPositions = new LinkedHashMap<String, IndexEntry>(); this.chromosomes = chromosomes; chromosomeIndexes = new Hashtable<String, Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < chromosomes.size(); i++) { chromosomeIndexes.put(chromosomes.get(i).getName(), i); } compressor = new Deflater(); compressor.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); this.tmpDir = null; } public void setCountThreshold(int countThreshold) { this.countThreshold = countThreshold; } public void setMapqThreshold(int mapqThreshold) { this.mapqThreshold = mapqThreshold; } public void setDiagonalsOnly(boolean diagonalsOnly) { this.diagonalsOnly = diagonalsOnly; } public void setIncludedChromosomes(Set<String> includedChromosomes) { this.includedChromosomes = includedChromosomes; } public void setFragmentFile(String fragmentFileName) { this.fragmentFileName = fragmentFileName; } public void setGraphFile(String graphFileName) { this.graphFileName = graphFileName; } public void preprocess(final String inputFile) throws IOException { File file = new File(inputFile); if (!file.exists() || file.length() == 0) { System.err.println(inputFile + " does not exist or does not contain any reads."); System.exit(1); } try { String stats = null; String graphs = null; if (fragmentFileName != null) { fragmentCalculation = FragmentCalculation.readFragments(fragmentFileName); } else { System.out.println("WARNING: Not including fragment map"); } if (statsFileName != null) { FileInputStream is = null; try { is = new FileInputStream(statsFileName); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), HiCGlobals.bufferSize); stats = ""; String nextLine; while ((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { stats += nextLine + "\n"; } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error while reading stats file: " + e); stats = null; } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } } if (graphFileName != null) { FileInputStream is = null; try { is = new FileInputStream(graphFileName); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), HiCGlobals.bufferSize); graphs = ""; String nextLine; while ((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) { graphs += nextLine + "\n"; } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error while reading graphs file: " + e); graphs = null; } finally { if (is != null) { is.close(); } } } expectedValueCalculations = new LinkedHashMap<String, ExpectedValueCalculation>(); for (int bBinSize : HiCGlobals.bpBinSizes) { ExpectedValueCalculation calc = new ExpectedValueCalculation(chromosomes, bBinSize, null, NormalizationType.NONE); String key = "BP_" + bBinSize; expectedValueCalculations.put(key, calc); } if (fragmentCalculation != null) { // Create map of chr name -> # of fragments Map<String, int[]> sitesMap = fragmentCalculation.getSitesMap(); Map<String, Integer> fragmentCountMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Map.Entry<String, int[]> entry : sitesMap.entrySet()) { int fragCount = entry.getValue().length + 1; String chr = entry.getKey(); fragmentCountMap.put(chr, fragCount); } for (int fBinSize : HiCGlobals.fragBinSizes) { ExpectedValueCalculation calc = new ExpectedValueCalculation(chromosomes, fBinSize, fragmentCountMap, NormalizationType.NONE); String key = "FRAG_" + fBinSize; expectedValueCalculations.put(key, calc); } } System.out.println("Start preprocess"); los = new LittleEndianOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFile), HiCGlobals.bufferSize)); System.out.println("Writing header"); writeHeader(stats, graphs); System.out.println("Writing body"); writeBody(inputFile); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Writing footer"); writeFooter(); } finally { if (los != null) los.close(); } updateMasterIndex(); System.out.println("\nFinished preprocess"); } private void writeHeader(String stats, String graphs) throws IOException { // Magic number byte[] magicBytes = "HIC".getBytes(); los.write(magicBytes[0]); los.write(magicBytes[1]); los.write(magicBytes[2]); los.write(0); // VERSION los.writeInt(VERSION); // Placeholder for master index position, replaced with actual position after all contents are written masterIndexPositionPosition = los.getWrittenCount(); los.writeLong(0l); // Genome ID los.writeString(genomeId); // Attribute dictionary int nAttributes; if (stats != null && graphs != null) nAttributes = 2; else if (stats != null) nAttributes = 1; else if (graphs != null) nAttributes = 1; else nAttributes = 0; los.writeInt(nAttributes); if (stats != null) { los.writeString("statistics"); los.writeString(stats); } if (graphs != null) { los.writeString("graphs"); los.writeString(graphs); } // Sequence dictionary int nChrs = chromosomes.size(); los.writeInt(nChrs); for (Chromosome chromosome : chromosomes) { los.writeString(chromosome.getName()); los.writeInt(chromosome.getLength()); } //BP resolution levels int nBpRes = HiCGlobals.bpBinSizes.length; los.writeInt(nBpRes); for (int bpBinSize : HiCGlobals.bpBinSizes) { los.writeInt(bpBinSize); } //fragment resolutions int nFragRes = fragmentCalculation == null ? 0 : HiCGlobals.fragBinSizes.length; los.writeInt(nFragRes); for (int i = 0; i < nFragRes; i++) { los.writeInt(HiCGlobals.fragBinSizes[i]); } // fragment sites if (nFragRes > 0) { for (Chromosome chromosome : chromosomes) { int[] sites = fragmentCalculation.getSites(chromosome.getName()); int nSites = sites == null ? 0 : sites.length; los.writeInt(nSites); for (int i = 0; i < nSites; i++) { los.writeInt(sites[i]); } } } } private void writeBody(String inputFile) throws IOException { MatrixPP wholeGenomeMatrix = computeWholeGenomeMatrix(inputFile); writeMatrix(wholeGenomeMatrix); PairIterator iter = (inputFile.endsWith(".bin")) ? new BinPairIterator(inputFile, chromosomeIndexes) : new AsciiPairIterator(inputFile, chromosomeIndexes); int currentChr1 = -1; int currentChr2 = -1; MatrixPP currentMatrix = null; HashSet<String> writtenMatrices = new HashSet<String>(); String currentMatrixKey = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { AlignmentPair pair =; // skip pairs that mapped to contigs if (!pair.isContigPair()) { // Flip pair if needed so chr1 < chr2 int chr1, chr2, bp1, bp2, frag1, frag2, mapq; if (pair.getChr1() < pair.getChr2()) { bp1 = pair.getPos1(); bp2 = pair.getPos2(); frag1 = pair.getFrag1(); frag2 = pair.getFrag2(); chr1 = pair.getChr1(); chr2 = pair.getChr2(); } else { bp1 = pair.getPos2(); bp2 = pair.getPos1(); frag1 = pair.getFrag2(); frag2 = pair.getFrag1(); chr1 = pair.getChr2(); chr2 = pair.getChr1(); } mapq = Math.min(pair.getMapq1(), pair.getMapq2()); // Filters if (diagonalsOnly && chr1 != chr2) continue; if (includedChromosomes != null && chr1 != 0) { String c1Name = chromosomes.get(chr1).getName(); String c2Name = chromosomes.get(chr2).getName(); if (!(includedChromosomes.contains(c1Name) || includedChromosomes.contains(c2Name))) { continue; } } // only increment if not intraFragment and passes the mapq threshold if (mapq < mapqThreshold || (chr1 == chr2 && frag1 == frag2)) continue; if (!(currentChr1 == chr1 && currentChr2 == chr2)) { // Starting a new matrix if (currentMatrix != null) { currentMatrix.parsingComplete(); writeMatrix(currentMatrix); writtenMatrices.add(currentMatrixKey); currentMatrix = null; System.gc(); //System.out.println("Available memory: " + RuntimeUtils.getAvailableMemory()); } // Start the next matrix currentChr1 = chr1; currentChr2 = chr2; currentMatrixKey = currentChr1 + "_" + currentChr2; if (writtenMatrices.contains(currentMatrixKey)) { System.err.println("Error: the chromosome combination " + currentMatrixKey + " appears in multiple blocks"); if (outputFile != null) outputFile.deleteOnExit(); System.exit(1); } currentMatrix = new MatrixPP(currentChr1, currentChr2); } currentMatrix.incrementCount(bp1, bp2, frag1, frag2, pair.getScore()); } } if (currentMatrix != null) { currentMatrix.parsingComplete(); writeMatrix(currentMatrix); } if (iter != null) iter.close(); masterIndexPosition = los.getWrittenCount(); } /** * @param file List of files to read * @return Matrix with counts in each bin * @throws IOException */ private MatrixPP computeWholeGenomeMatrix(String file) throws IOException { MatrixPP matrix; // NOTE: always true that c1 <= c2 int genomeLength = chromosomes.get(0).getLength(); // <= whole genome in KB int binSize = genomeLength / 500; if (binSize == 0) binSize = 1; int nBinsX = genomeLength / binSize + 1; int nBlockColumns = nBinsX / BLOCK_SIZE + 1; matrix = new MatrixPP(0, 0, binSize, nBlockColumns); PairIterator iter = null; int belowMapq = 0; int intraFrag = 0; int totalRead = 0; int contig = 0; int hicContact = 0; // Create an index the first time through try { iter = (file.endsWith(".bin")) ? new BinPairIterator(file, chromosomeIndexes) : new AsciiPairIterator(file, chromosomeIndexes); while (iter.hasNext()) { totalRead++; AlignmentPair pair =; if (pair.isContigPair()) { contig++; } else { int bp1 = pair.getPos1(); int bp2 = pair.getPos2(); int chr1 = pair.getChr1(); int chr2 = pair.getChr2(); int frag1 = pair.getFrag1(); int frag2 = pair.getFrag2(); int mapq1 = pair.getMapq1(); int mapq2 = pair.getMapq2(); int pos1, pos2; if (chr1 == chr2 && frag1 == frag2) { intraFrag++; } else if (mapq1 < mapqThreshold || mapq2 < mapqThreshold) { belowMapq++; } else { pos1 = getGenomicPosition(chr1, bp1); pos2 = getGenomicPosition(chr2, bp2); matrix.incrementCount(pos1, pos2, pos1, pos2, pair.getScore()); hicContact++; } } } } finally { if (iter != null) iter.close(); } /* Intra-fragment Reads: 2,321 (0.19% / 0.79%) Below MAPQ Threshold: 44,134 (3.57% / 15.01%) Hi-C Contacts: 247,589 (20.02% / 84.20%) Ligation Motif Present: 99,245 (8.03% / 33.75%) 3' Bias (Long Range): 73% - 27% Pair Type %(L-I-O-R): 25% - 25% - 25% - 25% Inter-chromosomal: 58,845 (4.76% / 20.01%) Intra-chromosomal: 188,744 (15.27% / 64.19%) Short Range (<20Kb): 48,394 (3.91% / 16.46%) Long Range (>20Kb): 140,350 (11.35% / 47.73%) System.err.println("contig: " + contig + " total: " + totalRead + " below mapq: " + belowMapq + " intra frag: " + intraFrag); */ matrix.parsingComplete(); return matrix; } private int getGenomicPosition(int chr, int pos) { long len = 0; for (int i = 1; i < chr; i++) { len += chromosomes.get(i).getLength(); } len += pos; return (int) (len / 1000); } private void updateMasterIndex() throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(outputFile, "rw"); // Master index raf.getChannel().position(masterIndexPositionPosition); BufferedByteWriter buffer = new BufferedByteWriter(); buffer.putLong(masterIndexPosition); raf.write(buffer.getBytes()); } finally { if (raf != null) raf.close(); } } private void writeFooter() throws IOException { // Index BufferedByteWriter buffer = new BufferedByteWriter(); buffer.putInt(matrixPositions.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, IndexEntry> entry : matrixPositions.entrySet()) { buffer.putNullTerminatedString(entry.getKey()); buffer.putLong(entry.getValue().position); buffer.putInt(entry.getValue().size); } // Vectors (Expected values, other). buffer.putInt(expectedValueCalculations.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, ExpectedValueCalculation> entry : expectedValueCalculations.entrySet()) { ExpectedValueCalculation ev = entry.getValue(); ev.computeDensity(); int binSize = ev.getGridSize(); String unit = ev.isFrag ? "FRAG" : "BP"; buffer.putNullTerminatedString(unit); buffer.putInt(binSize); // The density values double[] expectedValues = ev.getDensityAvg(); buffer.putInt(expectedValues.length); for (double expectedValue : expectedValues) { buffer.putDouble(expectedValue); } // Map of chromosome index -> normalization factor Map<Integer, Double> normalizationFactors = ev.getChrScaleFactors(); buffer.putInt(normalizationFactors.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> normFactor : normalizationFactors.entrySet()) { buffer.putInt(normFactor.getKey()); buffer.putDouble(normFactor.getValue()); //System.out.println(normFactor.getKey() + " " + normFactor.getValue()); } } byte[] bytes = buffer.getBytes(); los.writeInt(bytes.length); los.write(bytes); } private synchronized void writeMatrix(MatrixPP matrix) throws IOException { long position = los.getWrittenCount(); los.writeInt(matrix.getChr1Idx()); los.writeInt(matrix.getChr2Idx()); int numResolutions = 0; for (MatrixZoomDataPP zd : matrix.getZoomData()) { if (zd != null) { numResolutions++; } } los.writeInt(numResolutions); //fos.writeInt(matrix.getZoomData().length); for (MatrixZoomDataPP zd : matrix.getZoomData()) { if (zd != null) writeZoomHeader(zd); } int size = (int) (los.getWrittenCount() - position); matrixPositions.put(matrix.getKey(), new IndexEntry(position, size)); for (MatrixZoomDataPP zd : matrix.getZoomData()) { if (zd != null) { List<IndexEntry> blockIndex = zd.mergeAndWriteBlocks(); zd.updateIndexPositions(blockIndex); } } System.out.print("."); } private void writeZoomHeader(MatrixZoomDataPP zd) throws IOException { int numberOfBlocks = zd.blockNumbers.size(); los.writeString(zd.getUnit()); // Unit, ether "BP" or "FRAG" los.writeInt(zd.getZoom()); // zoom index, lowest res is zero los.writeFloat((float) zd.getSum()); // sum los.writeFloat((float) zd.getOccupiedCellCount()); los.writeFloat((float) zd.getPercent5()); los.writeFloat((float) zd.getPercent95()); los.writeInt(zd.getBinSize()); los.writeInt(zd.getBlockBinCount()); los.writeInt(zd.getBlockColumnCount()); los.writeInt(numberOfBlocks); zd.blockIndexPosition = los.getWrittenCount(); // Placeholder for block index for (int i = 0; i < numberOfBlocks; i++) { los.writeInt(0); los.writeLong(0l); los.writeInt(0); } } /** * Note -- compressed * * @param zd Matrix zoom data * @param block Block to write * @param sampledData Array to hold a sample of the data (to compute statistics) * @throws IOException */ private void writeBlock(MatrixZoomDataPP zd, BlockPP block, DownsampledDoubleArrayList sampledData) throws IOException { final Map<Point, ContactCount> records = block.getContactRecordMap();// getContactRecords(); // System.out.println("Write contact records : records count = " + records.size()); // Count records first int nRecords; if (countThreshold > 0) { nRecords = 0; for (ContactCount rec : records.values()) { if (rec.getCounts() >= countThreshold) { nRecords++; } } } else { nRecords = records.size(); } BufferedByteWriter buffer = new BufferedByteWriter(nRecords * 12); buffer.putInt(nRecords); zd.cellCount += nRecords; // Find extents of occupied cells int binXOffset = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int binYOffset = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int binXMax = 0; int binYMax = 0; for (Map.Entry<Point, ContactCount> entry : records.entrySet()) { Point point = entry.getKey(); binXOffset = Math.min(binXOffset, point.x); binYOffset = Math.min(binYOffset, point.y); binXMax = Math.max(binXMax, point.x); binYMax = Math.max(binYMax, point.y); } buffer.putInt(binXOffset); buffer.putInt(binYOffset); // Sort keys in row-major order List<Point> keys = new ArrayList<Point>(records.keySet()); Collections.sort(keys, new Comparator<Point>() { @Override public int compare(Point o1, Point o2) { if (o1.y != o2.y) { return o1.y - o2.y; } else { return o1.x - o2.x; } } }); Point lastPoint = keys.get(keys.size() - 1); final short w = (short) (binXMax - binXOffset + 1); boolean isInteger = true; float maxCounts = 0; LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<ContactRecord>> rows = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, List<ContactRecord>>(); for (Point point : keys) { final ContactCount contactCount = records.get(point); float counts = contactCount.getCounts(); if (counts >= countThreshold) { isInteger = isInteger && (Math.floor(counts) == counts); maxCounts = Math.max(counts, maxCounts); final int px = point.x - binXOffset; final int py = point.y - binYOffset; List<ContactRecord> row = rows.get(py); if (row == null) { row = new ArrayList<ContactRecord>(10); rows.put(py, row); } row.add(new ContactRecord(px, py, counts)); } } // Compute size for each representation and choose smallest boolean useShort = isInteger && (maxCounts < Short.MAX_VALUE); int valueSize = useShort ? 2 : 4; int lorSize = 0; int nDensePts = (lastPoint.y - binYOffset) * w + (lastPoint.x - binXOffset) + 1; int denseSize = nDensePts * valueSize; for (List<ContactRecord> row : rows.values()) { lorSize += 4 + row.size() * valueSize; } buffer.put((byte) (useShort ? 0 : 1)); if (lorSize < denseSize) { buffer.put((byte) 1); // List of rows representation buffer.putShort((short) rows.size()); // # of rows for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<ContactRecord>> entry : rows.entrySet()) { int py = entry.getKey(); List<ContactRecord> row = entry.getValue(); buffer.putShort((short) py); // Row number buffer.putShort((short) row.size()); // size of row for (ContactRecord contactRecord : row) { buffer.putShort((short) (contactRecord.getBinX())); final float counts = contactRecord.getCounts(); if (useShort) { buffer.putShort((short) counts); } else { buffer.putFloat(counts); } sampledData.add(counts); zd.sum += counts; } } } else { buffer.put((byte) 2); // Dense matrix buffer.putInt(nDensePts); buffer.putShort(w); int lastIdx = 0; for (Point p : keys) { int idx = (p.y - binYOffset) * w + (p.x - binXOffset); for (int i = lastIdx; i < idx; i++) { // Filler value if (useShort) { buffer.putShort(Short.MIN_VALUE); } else { buffer.putFloat(Float.NaN); } } float counts = records.get(p).getCounts(); if (useShort) { buffer.putShort((short) counts); } else { buffer.putFloat(counts); } lastIdx = idx + 1; sampledData.add(counts); zd.sum += counts; } } byte[] bytes = buffer.getBytes(); byte[] compressedBytes = compress(bytes); los.write(compressedBytes); } public void setTmpdir(String tmpDirName) { if (tmpDirName != null) { this.tmpDir = new File(tmpDirName); if (!tmpDir.exists()) { System.err.println("Tmp directory does not exist: " + tmpDirName); if (outputFile != null) outputFile.deleteOnExit(); System.exit(1); } } } public void setStatisticsFile(String statsOption) { statsFileName = statsOption; } private synchronized byte[] compress(byte[] data) { // Give the compressor the data to compress compressor.reset(); compressor.setInput(data); compressor.finish(); // Create an expandable byte array to hold the compressed data. // You cannot use an array that's the same size as the orginal because // there is no guarantee that the compressed data will be smaller than // the uncompressed data. ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(data.length); // Compress the data byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while (!compressor.finished()) { int count = compressor.deflate(buf); bos.write(buf, 0, count); } try { bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error clossing ByteArrayOutputStream"); e.printStackTrace(); } return bos.toByteArray(); } interface BlockQueue { void advance() throws IOException; BlockPP getBlock(); } public static class IndexEntry { public final long position; public final int size; int id; IndexEntry(int id, long position, int size) { = id; this.position = position; this.size = size; } public IndexEntry(long position, int size) { this.position = position; this.size = size; } } static class BlockQueueFB implements BlockQueue { final File file; BlockPP block; long filePosition; BlockQueueFB(File file) { this.file = file; try { advance(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } public void advance() throws IOException { if (filePosition >= file.length()) { block = null; return; } FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); fis.getChannel().position(filePosition); LittleEndianInputStream lis = new LittleEndianInputStream(fis); int blockNumber = lis.readInt(); int nRecords = lis.readInt(); byte[] bytes = new byte[nRecords * 12]; readFully(bytes, fis); ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); lis = new LittleEndianInputStream(bis); Map<Point, ContactCount> contactRecordMap = new HashMap<Point, ContactCount>(nRecords); for (int i = 0; i < nRecords; i++) { int x = lis.readInt(); int y = lis.readInt(); float v = lis.readFloat(); ContactCount rec = new ContactCount(v); contactRecordMap.put(new Point(x, y), rec); } block = new BlockPP(blockNumber, contactRecordMap); // Update file position based on # of bytes read, for next block filePosition = fis.getChannel().position(); } finally { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } } public BlockPP getBlock() { return block; } /** * Read enough bytes to fill the input buffer */ public void readFully(byte b[], InputStream is) throws IOException { int len = b.length; if (len < 0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); int n = 0; while (n < len) { int count =, n, len - n); if (count < 0) throw new EOFException(); n += count; } } } // class to support block merging static class BlockQueueMem implements BlockQueue { final List<BlockPP> blocks; int idx = 0; BlockQueueMem(Collection<BlockPP> blockCollection) { this.blocks = new ArrayList<BlockPP>(blockCollection); Collections.sort(blocks, new Comparator<BlockPP>() { @Override public int compare(BlockPP o1, BlockPP o2) { return o1.getNumber() - o2.getNumber(); } }); } public void advance() { idx++; } public BlockPP getBlock() { if (idx >= blocks.size()) { return null; } else { return blocks.get(idx); } } } /** * Representation of a sparse matrix block used for preprocessing. */ static class BlockPP { private final int number; // Key to the map is a Point representing the x,y coordinate for the cell. private final Map<Point, ContactCount> contactRecordMap; BlockPP(int number) { this.number = number; this.contactRecordMap = new HashMap<Point, ContactCount>(); } public BlockPP(int number, Map<Point, ContactCount> contactRecordMap) { this.number = number; this.contactRecordMap = contactRecordMap; } public int getNumber() { return number; } public void incrementCount(int col, int row, float score) { Point p = new Point(col, row); ContactCount rec = contactRecordMap.get(p); if (rec == null) { rec = new ContactCount(1); contactRecordMap.put(p, rec); } else { rec.incrementCount(score); } } /* useless at present public void parsingComplete() { } */ public Map<Point, ContactCount> getContactRecordMap() { return contactRecordMap; } public void merge(BlockPP other) { for (Map.Entry<Point, ContactCount> entry : other.getContactRecordMap().entrySet()) { Point point = entry.getKey(); ContactCount otherValue = entry.getValue(); ContactCount value = contactRecordMap.get(point); if (value == null) { contactRecordMap.put(point, otherValue); } else { value.incrementCount(otherValue.getCounts()); } } } } public static class ContactCount { float value; ContactCount(float value) { this.value = value; } void incrementCount(float increment) { value += increment; } public float getCounts() { return value; } } /** * @author jrobinso * @since Aug 12, 2010 */ class MatrixPP { private final int chr1Idx; private final int chr2Idx; private final MatrixZoomDataPP[] zoomData; /** * Constructor for creating a matrix and initializing zoomed data at predefined resolution scales. This * constructor is used when parsing alignment files. * c * * @param chr1Idx Chromosome 1 * @param chr2Idx Chromosome 2 */ MatrixPP(int chr1Idx, int chr2Idx) { this.chr1Idx = chr1Idx; this.chr2Idx = chr2Idx; int nResolutions = HiCGlobals.bpBinSizes.length; if (fragmentCalculation != null) { nResolutions += HiCGlobals.fragBinSizes.length; } zoomData = new MatrixZoomDataPP[nResolutions]; int zoom = 0; // for (int idx = 0; idx < HiCGlobals.bpBinSizes.length; idx++) { int binSize = HiCGlobals.bpBinSizes[zoom]; Chromosome chrom1 = chromosomes.get(chr1Idx); Chromosome chrom2 = chromosomes.get(chr2Idx); // Size block (submatrices) to be ~500 bins wide. int len = Math.max(chrom1.getLength(), chrom2.getLength()); int nBins = len / binSize + 1; // Size of chrom in bins int nColumns = nBins / BLOCK_SIZE + 1; zoomData[idx] = new MatrixZoomDataPP(chrom1, chrom2, binSize, nColumns, zoom, false); zoom++; } if (fragmentCalculation != null) { Chromosome chrom1 = chromosomes.get(chr1Idx); Chromosome chrom2 = chromosomes.get(chr2Idx); int nFragBins1 = Math.max(fragmentCalculation.getNumberFragments(chrom1.getName()), fragmentCalculation.getNumberFragments(chrom2.getName())); zoom = 0; for (int idx = HiCGlobals.bpBinSizes.length; idx < nResolutions; idx++) { int binSize = HiCGlobals.fragBinSizes[zoom]; int nBins = nFragBins1 / binSize + 1; int nColumns = nBins / BLOCK_SIZE + 1; zoomData[idx] = new MatrixZoomDataPP(chrom1, chrom2, binSize, nColumns, zoom, true); zoom++; } } } /** * Constructor for creating a matrix with a single zoom level at a specified bin size. This is provided * primarily for constructing a whole-genome view. * * @param chr1Idx Chromosome 1 * @param chr2Idx Chromosome 2 * @param binSize Bin size */ MatrixPP(int chr1Idx, int chr2Idx, int binSize, int blockColumnCount) { this.chr1Idx = chr1Idx; this.chr2Idx = chr2Idx; zoomData = new MatrixZoomDataPP[1]; zoomData[0] = new MatrixZoomDataPP(chromosomes.get(chr1Idx), chromosomes.get(chr2Idx), binSize, blockColumnCount, 0, false); } String getKey() { return "" + chr1Idx + "_" + chr2Idx; } void incrementCount(int pos1, int pos2, int frag1, int frag2, float score) throws IOException { for (MatrixZoomDataPP aZoomData : zoomData) { if (aZoomData.isFrag) { aZoomData.incrementCount(frag1, frag2, score); } else { aZoomData.incrementCount(pos1, pos2, score); } } } void parsingComplete() { for (MatrixZoomDataPP zd : zoomData) { if (zd != null) // fragment level could be null zd.parsingComplete(); } } int getChr1Idx() { return chr1Idx; } int getChr2Idx() { return chr2Idx; } MatrixZoomDataPP[] getZoomData() { return zoomData; } } /** * @author jrobinso * @since Aug 10, 2010 */ class MatrixZoomDataPP { final boolean isFrag; final Set<Integer> blockNumbers; // The only reason for this is to get a count final List<File> tmpFiles; private final Chromosome chr1; // Redundant, but convenient BinDatasetReader private final Chromosome chr2; // Redundant, but convenient private final int zoom; private final int binSize; // bin size in bp private final int blockBinCount; // block size in bins private final int blockColumnCount; // number of block columns private final LinkedHashMap<Integer, BlockPP> blocks; public long blockIndexPosition; private double sum = 0; private double cellCount = 0; private double percent5; private double percent95; /** * Representation of MatrixZoomData used for preprocessing * * @param chr1 index of first chromosome (x-axis) * @param chr2 index of second chromosome * @param binSize size of each grid bin in bp * @param blockColumnCount number of block columns * @param zoom integer zoom (resolution) level index. */ MatrixZoomDataPP(Chromosome chr1, Chromosome chr2, int binSize, int blockColumnCount, int zoom, boolean isFrag) { this.tmpFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); this.blockNumbers = new HashSet<Integer>(1000); this.sum = 0; this.chr1 = chr1; this.chr2 = chr2; this.binSize = binSize; this.blockColumnCount = blockColumnCount; this.zoom = zoom; this.isFrag = isFrag; // Get length in proper units Chromosome longChr = chr1.getLength() > chr2.getLength() ? chr1 : chr2; int len = isFrag ? fragmentCalculation.getNumberFragments(longChr.getName()) : longChr.getLength(); int nBinsX = len / binSize + 1; blockBinCount = nBinsX / blockColumnCount + 1; blocks = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, BlockPP>(blockColumnCount * blockColumnCount); } String getUnit() { return isFrag ? "FRAG" : "BP"; } double getSum() { return sum; } public double getOccupiedCellCount() { return cellCount; } public double getPercent95() { return percent95; } public double getPercent5() { return percent5; } int getBinSize() { return binSize; } Chromosome getChr1() { return chr1; } Chromosome getChr2() { return chr2; } int getZoom() { return zoom; } int getBlockBinCount() { return blockBinCount; } int getBlockColumnCount() { return blockColumnCount; } Map<Integer, BlockPP> getBlocks() { return blocks; } /** * Increment the count for the bin represented by the GENOMIC position (pos1, pos2) */ public void incrementCount(int pos1, int pos2, float score) throws IOException { sum += score; // Convert to proper units, fragments or base-pairs if (pos1 < 0 || pos2 < 0) return; int xBin = pos1 / binSize; int yBin = pos2 / binSize; // Intra chromosome -- we'll store lower diagonal only if (chr1.equals(chr2)) { int b1 = Math.min(xBin, yBin); int b2 = Math.max(xBin, yBin); xBin = b1; yBin = b2; if (b1 != b2) { sum += score; // <= count for mirror cell. } String evKey = (isFrag ? "FRAG_" : "BP_") + binSize; ExpectedValueCalculation ev = expectedValueCalculations.get(evKey); if (ev != null) { ev.addDistance(chr1.getIndex(), xBin, yBin, score); } } // compute block number (fist block is zero) int blockCol = xBin / blockBinCount; int blockRow = yBin / blockBinCount; int blockNumber = blockColumnCount * blockRow + blockCol; BlockPP block = blocks.get(blockNumber); if (block == null) { block = new BlockPP(blockNumber); blocks.put(blockNumber, block); } block.incrementCount(xBin, yBin, score); // If too many blocks write to tmp directory if (blocks.size() > 1000) { File tmpfile = tmpDir == null ? File.createTempFile("blocks", "bin") : File.createTempFile("blocks", "bin", tmpDir); //System.out.println(chr1.getName() + "-" + chr2.getName() + " Dumping blocks to " + tmpfile.getAbsolutePath()); dumpBlocks(tmpfile); tmpFiles.add(tmpfile); tmpfile.deleteOnExit(); } } /** * Dump the blocks calculated so far to a temporary file * * @param file File to write to * @throws IOException */ private void dumpBlocks(File file) throws IOException { LittleEndianOutputStream los = null; try { los = new LittleEndianOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file), 4194304)); List<BlockPP> blockList = new ArrayList<BlockPP>(blocks.values()); Collections.sort(blockList, new Comparator<BlockPP>() { @Override public int compare(BlockPP o1, BlockPP o2) { return o1.getNumber() - o2.getNumber(); } }); for (BlockPP b : blockList) { // Remove from map blocks.remove(b.getNumber()); int number = b.getNumber(); blockNumbers.add(number); los.writeInt(number); Map<Point, ContactCount> records = b.getContactRecordMap(); los.writeInt(records.size()); for (Map.Entry<Point, ContactCount> entry : records.entrySet()) { Point point = entry.getKey(); ContactCount count = entry.getValue(); los.writeInt(point.x); los.writeInt(point.y); los.writeFloat(count.getCounts()); } } blocks.clear(); } finally { if (los != null) los.close(); } } // Merge and write out blocks one at a time. private List<IndexEntry> mergeAndWriteBlocks() throws IOException { DownsampledDoubleArrayList sampledData = new DownsampledDoubleArrayList(10000, 10000); List<BlockQueue> activeList = new ArrayList<BlockQueue>(); // Initialize queues -- first whatever is left over in memory if (blocks.size() > 0) { BlockQueue bqInMem = new BlockQueueMem(blocks.values()); activeList.add(bqInMem); } // Now from files for (File file : tmpFiles) { BlockQueue bq = new BlockQueueFB(file); if (bq.getBlock() != null) { activeList.add(bq); } } List<IndexEntry> indexEntries = new ArrayList<IndexEntry>(); if (activeList.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "No reads in Hi-C contact matrices. This could be because the MAPQ filter is set too high (-q) or because all reads map to the same fragment."); } do { Collections.sort(activeList, new Comparator<BlockQueue>() { @Override public int compare(BlockQueue o1, BlockQueue o2) { return o1.getBlock().getNumber() - o2.getBlock().getNumber(); } }); BlockQueue topQueue = activeList.get(0); BlockPP currentBlock = topQueue.getBlock(); topQueue.advance(); int num = currentBlock.getNumber(); for (int i = 1; i < activeList.size(); i++) { BlockQueue blockQueue = activeList.get(i); BlockPP block = blockQueue.getBlock(); if (block.getNumber() == num) { currentBlock.merge(block); blockQueue.advance(); } } Iterator<BlockQueue> iterator = activeList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if ( == null) { iterator.remove(); } } // Output block long position = los.getWrittenCount(); writeBlock(this, currentBlock, sampledData); int size = (int) (los.getWrittenCount() - position); indexEntries.add(new IndexEntry(num, position, size)); } while (activeList.size() > 0); for (File f : tmpFiles) { boolean result = f.delete(); if (!result) { System.out.println("Error while deleting file"); } } computeStats(sampledData); return indexEntries; } private void computeStats(DownsampledDoubleArrayList sampledData) { double[] data = sampledData.toArray(); this.percent5 = StatUtils.percentile(data, 5); this.percent95 = StatUtils.percentile(data, 95); } public void parsingComplete() { // Add the block numbers still in memory for (BlockPP block : blocks.values()) { blockNumbers.add(block.getNumber()); } } public void updateIndexPositions(List<IndexEntry> blockIndex) throws IOException { // Temporarily close output stream. Remember position long losPos = los.getWrittenCount(); los.close(); RandomAccessFile raf = null; try { raf = new RandomAccessFile(outputFile, "rw"); // Block indices long pos = blockIndexPosition; raf.getChannel().position(pos); // Write as little endian BufferedByteWriter buffer = new BufferedByteWriter(); for (IndexEntry aBlockIndex : blockIndex) { buffer.putInt(; buffer.putLong(aBlockIndex.position); buffer.putInt(aBlockIndex.size); } raf.write(buffer.getBytes()); } finally { if (raf != null) raf.close(); // Restore FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile, true); fos.getChannel().position(losPos); los = new LittleEndianOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fos, HiCGlobals.bufferSize)); los.setWrittenCount(losPos); } } } }