Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2016 JetBrains s.r.o * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.jetpad.cell.toDom; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import jetbrains.jetpad.base.Handler; import jetbrains.jetpad.base.Registration; import jetbrains.jetpad.base.Value; import jetbrains.jetpad.base.edt.EventDispatchThread; import jetbrains.jetpad.base.edt.JsEventDispatchThread; import jetbrains.jetpad.cell.*; import jetbrains.jetpad.cell.dom.DomCell; import jetbrains.jetpad.cell.indent.IndentCell; import jetbrains.jetpad.cell.indent.NewLineCell; import jetbrains.jetpad.cell.util.Cells; import jetbrains.jetpad.event.*; import jetbrains.jetpad.event.dom.ClipboardSupport; import jetbrains.jetpad.event.dom.EventTranslator; import jetbrains.jetpad.geometry.Rectangle; import jetbrains.jetpad.geometry.Vector; import jetbrains.jetpad.mapper.Mapper; import jetbrains.jetpad.mapper.MapperFactory; import jetbrains.jetpad.mapper.MappingContext; import jetbrains.jetpad.mapper.Synchronizers; import jetbrains.jetpad.model.collections.CollectionItemEvent; import jetbrains.jetpad.model.composite.Composites; import jetbrains.jetpad.model.event.CompositeRegistration; import jetbrains.jetpad.model.event.EventHandler; import; import; import; import; import jetbrains.jetpad.projectional.domUtil.DomUtil; import jetbrains.jetpad.projectional.domUtil.Scrolling; import jetbrains.jetpad.projectional.domUtil.TextMetricsCalculator; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import static$; public class CellContainerToDomMapper extends Mapper<CellContainer, Element> { static final CellPropertySpec<Element> ELEMENT = new CellPropertySpec<>("element"); public static ReadableProperty<Element> elementFor(Cell cell) { return cell.getProp(ELEMENT); } public static Registration whenElementAvailable(Cell cell, final Runnable r) { ReadableProperty<Element> prop = elementFor(cell); if (prop.get() != null) {; return Registration.EMPTY; } else { final CompositeRegistration reg = new CompositeRegistration(); final Value<Boolean> removed = new Value<>(false); reg.add(prop.addHandler(new EventHandler<PropertyChangeEvent<Element>>() { @Override public void onEvent(PropertyChangeEvent<Element> event) { if (event.getNewValue() != null) {; reg.remove(); removed.set(true); } } })); return new Registration() { @Override protected void doRemove() { if (removed.get()) return; reg.remove(); removed.set(true); } }; } } private static boolean ourIndentInjected; static final CellToDomBundle BUNDLE = GWT.create(CellToDomBundle.class); static final CellToDomCss CSS =; private static void ensureIndentInjected() { if (ourIndentInjected) return; StyleInjector.flush(); double width = TextMetricsCalculator.calculate(TextCell.DEFAULT_FONT, "xx").dimension().x; StyleInjector.inject("." + CSS.indented() + "{ padding-left: " + width + "px }", true); ourIndentInjected = true; } private static native void disablePopup(Element el) /*-{ el.oncontextmenu = function() { return false; } }-*/; private static native void enablePopup(Element el) /*-{ el.oncontextmenu = null; }-*/; private CellToDomContext myCellToDomContext; private int myScrollLeft; private int myScrollTop; private HandlerRegistration myWindowReg; private Element myLineHighlight1; private Element myLineHighlight2; private Element myContent; private boolean myLineHighlightUpToDate; public CellContainerToDomMapper(CellContainer source, Element target, boolean eventsDisabled) { super(source, target); CSS.ensureInjected(); ensureIndentInjected(); myLineHighlight1 = DOM.createDiv(); myLineHighlight1.addClassName(CSS.lineHighlight()); myLineHighlight1.getStyle().setWidth(100, Style.Unit.PCT); myLineHighlight2 = DOM.createDiv(); myLineHighlight2.addClassName(CSS.lineHighlight()); myContent = DOM.createDiv(); myContent.addClassName(CSS.content()); myCellToDomContext = new CellToDomContext(target, eventsDisabled); } public CellContainerToDomMapper(CellContainer source, Element target) { this(source, target, false); } @Override protected void onAttach(MappingContext ctx) { super.onAttach(ctx); getSource().setCellContainerPeer(createCellContainerPeer()); disablePopup(getTarget()); getTarget().setTabIndex(0); getTarget().addClassName(CSS.rootContainer()); getTarget().appendChild(myLineHighlight1); getTarget().appendChild(myLineHighlight2); getTarget().appendChild(myContent); refreshLineHighlight(); myScrollLeft = Window.getScrollLeft(); myScrollTop = Window.getScrollTop(); myWindowReg = Window.addWindowScrollHandler(new Window.ScrollHandler() { @Override public void onWindowScroll(Window.ScrollEvent event) { myScrollLeft = event.getScrollLeft(); myScrollTop = event.getScrollTop(); } }); } @Override protected void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); enablePopup(getTarget()); getSource().resetContainerPeer(); getTarget().removeClassName(CSS.rootContainer()); myContent.removeFromParent(); myLineHighlight1.removeFromParent(); myLineHighlight2.removeFromParent(); $(getTarget()).unbind(Event.KEYEVENTS | Event.MOUSEEVENTS); myWindowReg.removeHandler(); } private void invalidateLineHighlight() { myLineHighlightUpToDate = false; Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { refreshLineHighlight(); } }); } private void refreshLineHighlight() { if (myLineHighlightUpToDate || !isAttached()) return; Cell current = getSource().focusedCell.get(); for (Element e : Arrays.asList(myLineHighlight1, myLineHighlight2)) { Style style = e.getStyle(); if (current == null || !Cells.isLeaf(current)) { style.setVisibility(Style.Visibility.HIDDEN); } else { int deltaTop = myContent.getAbsoluteTop() - getTarget().getAbsoluteTop(); style.setVisibility(Style.Visibility.VISIBLE); int rootTop = myContent.getAbsoluteTop(); final Element currentElement = getElement(current); int currentTop = currentElement.getAbsoluteTop(); style.setTop(currentTop - rootTop + deltaTop, Style.Unit.PX); style.setHeight(currentElement.getClientHeight(), Style.Unit.PX); if (e == myLineHighlight2) { style.setWidth(0, Style.Unit.PX); style.setWidth(getTarget().getScrollWidth(), Style.Unit.PX); } } } myLineHighlightUpToDate = true; } @Override protected void registerSynchronizers(SynchronizersConfiguration conf) { super.registerSynchronizers(conf); conf.add(Synchronizers.forSingleRole(this, Properties.<Cell>constant(getSource().root), new WritableProperty<Element>() { @Override public void set(Element value) { if (value != null) { $(myContent).append(value); } else { $(myContent).html(""); } } }, new MapperFactory<Cell, Element>() { @Override public Mapper<? extends Cell, ? extends Element> createMapper(Cell source) { return CellMappers.createMapper(source, myCellToDomContext); } })); conf.add(Synchronizers.forRegistration(new Supplier<Registration>() { @Override public Registration get() { return getSource().addListener(new CellContainerAdapter() { @Override public void onCellPropertyChanged(Cell cell, CellPropertySpec<?> prop, PropertyChangeEvent<?> event) { BaseCellMapper<?> mapper = (BaseCellMapper<?>) rootMapper().getDescendantMapper(cell); if (mapper != null) { if (Cell.isPopupProp(prop)) { if (mapper.isAutoPopupManagement()) { mapper.onEvent((PropertyChangeEvent<Cell>) event); } } else { mapper.refreshProperties(); if (cell.isPopup() && mapper.isAutoPopupManagement()) { mapper.onPopupPropertyChanged(prop, event); } } } invalidateLineHighlight(); } @Override public void onChildAdded(Cell parent, CollectionItemEvent<? extends Cell> change) { BaseCellMapper<?> mapper = (BaseCellMapper<?>) rootMapper().getDescendantMapper(parent); if (mapper == null) return; mapper.childAdded(change.getIndex(), change.getNewItem()); invalidateLineHighlight(); } @Override public void onChildRemoved(Cell parent, CollectionItemEvent<? extends Cell> change) { BaseCellMapper<?> mapper = (BaseCellMapper<?>) rootMapper().getDescendantMapper(parent); if (mapper == null) return; mapper.childRemoved(change.getIndex(), change.getNewItem()); invalidateLineHighlight(); } }); } })); if (!myCellToDomContext.eventsDisabled) { conf.add(Synchronizers.forRegistration(new Supplier<Registration>() { @Override public Registration get() { return registerListeners(); } })); } } private Element getFocusTarget() { return getTarget(); } private Cell findCellFor(Element e) { Mapper<? extends Cell, ? extends Element> result = myCellToDomContext.findMapper(e); if (result != null) return result.getSource(); Element parent = e.getParentElement(); if (parent == null) return null; return findCellFor(parent); } private Mapper<? extends Cell, ? extends Element> getMapper(Cell cell) { return (Mapper<? extends Cell, ? extends Element>) rootMapper().getDescendantMapper(cell); } private Element getElement(Cell cell) { Mapper<? extends Cell, ? extends Element> mapper = getMapper(cell); if (mapper == null) { return getElement(cell.getParent()); } return mapper.getTarget(); } private CellContainerPeer createCellContainerPeer() { return new CellContainerPeer() { @Override public int getCaretAt(TextCell tv, int x) { TextCellMapper textMapper = (TextCellMapper) getMapper(tv); if (textMapper == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't find a mapper for " + tv); } return textMapper.getCaretAt(x); } @Override public int getCaretOffset(TextCell tv, int caret) { TextCellMapper textMapper = (TextCellMapper) getMapper(tv); if (textMapper == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't find a mapper for " + tv); } return textMapper.getCaretOffset(caret); } @Override public Rectangle getBounds(Cell cell) { Rectangle result = getBaseBounds(cell); if (result == null) { result = new Rectangle(Vector.ZERO, Vector.ZERO); } return result; } private Rectangle getBaseBounds(Cell cell) { Mapper<? extends Cell, ? extends Element> mapper = getMapper(cell); if (mapper == null) { if (cell instanceof NewLineCell) { return null; } else if (cell instanceof IndentCell) { return Cells.indentBounds((IndentCell) cell); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't find a mapper for " + cell); } } else { Element target = getElement(cell); if (cell instanceof ScrollCell) { return new Rectangle(target.getAbsoluteLeft(), target.getAbsoluteRight(), target.getOffsetWidth(), target.getOffsetHeight()); } else { return new Rectangle(target.getAbsoluteLeft(), target.getAbsoluteTop(), target.getScrollWidth(), target.getScrollHeight()); } } } @Override public void scrollTo(Rectangle rect, Cell cell) { Scrolling.scrollTo(rect, getElement(cell)); } @Override public Cell findCell(Cell root, Vector loc) { Element e = elementAt(loc.x - myScrollLeft, loc.y - myScrollTop); if (e == null) return null; Cell result = findCellFor(e); if (result == null) return null; if (Composites.isDescendant(root, result)) { return result; } return null; } private native Element elementAt(int x, int y) /*-{ return $doc.elementFromPoint(x, y); }-*/; @Override public Rectangle visibleRect() { return DomUtil.visiblePart(getTarget()); } @Override public void requestFocus() { getFocusTarget().focus(); } @Override public ReadableProperty<Boolean> focused() { return myCellToDomContext.focused; } @Override public EventDispatchThread getEdt() { return JsEventDispatchThread.INSTANCE; } }; } private Registration registerListeners() { final CompositeRegistration reg = new CompositeRegistration(); final Element focusTarget = getFocusTarget(); final Element target = getTarget(); final ClipboardSupport clipboardSupport = new ClipboardSupport(focusTarget); final Value<Boolean> pressed = new Value<>(false); final Value<Boolean> pressedOutside = new Value<>(false); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONCLICK, target, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { MouseEvent event = toMouseEvent(e); if (isDomCellEvent(event)) return true; getSource().mouseClicked(event); return !event.isConsumed(); } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONMOUSEDOWN, target, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { pressed.set(true); MouseEvent event = toMouseEvent(e); if (isDomCellEvent(event)) return true; getSource().mousePressed(event); if (!myCellToDomContext.focused.get()) { $(focusTarget).focus(); } return !event.isConsumed(); } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONMOUSEDOWN, Document.get(), new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { pressed.set(true); MouseEvent evt = toMouseEvent(e); if (!isContainerEvent(evt)) { pressedOutside.set(true); return true; } return true; } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONMOUSEUP, target, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { pressed.set(false); pressedOutside.set(false); return true; } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONMOUSEUP, target, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { pressed.set(false); MouseEvent event = toMouseEvent(e); if (isDomCellEvent(event)) return true; getSource().mouseReleased(event); return true; } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONMOUSEMOVE, Document.get(), new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { MouseEvent evt = toMouseEvent(e); if (pressed.get() && !pressedOutside.get()) { getSource().mouseDragged(evt); } return true; } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONMOUSEMOVE, target, new Function() { public boolean f(Event e) { MouseEvent event = toMouseEvent(e); if (isDomCellEvent(event)) return true; if (pressed.get() && !pressedOutside.get()) { getSource().mouseDragged(event); } else { getSource().mouseMoved(event); } return !event.isConsumed(); } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONMOUSEOVER, target, new Function() { public boolean f(Event e) { MouseEvent event = toMouseEvent(e); if (isDomCellEvent(event)) return true; getSource().mouseEntered(event); return false; } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONMOUSEOUT, target, new Function() { public boolean f(Event e) { MouseEvent event = toMouseEvent(e); if (isDomCellEvent(event)) return true; getSource().mouseLeft(event); return false; } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONKEYDOWN, focusTarget, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return EventTranslator.dispatchKeyPress(e, new Handler<KeyEvent>() { @Override public void handle(final KeyEvent e) { if ( { getSource().keyPressed(e); getSource().keyTyped(new KeyEvent(Key.SPACE, ' ', Collections.<ModifierKey>emptySet())); return; } if ( { clipboardSupport.pasteContent(new Handler<String>() { @Override public void handle(String text) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(text)) { getSource().keyPressed(e.copy()); } else { getSource().paste(text); } } }); return; } if ( || { CopyCutEvent copyEvent; if ( { getSource().cut(copyEvent = new CopyCutEvent(true)); } else { getSource().copy(copyEvent = new CopyCutEvent(false)); } ClipboardContent content = copyEvent.getResult(); if (content != null) { clipboardSupport.copyContent(content); } return; } getSource().keyPressed(e); } }); } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONKEYUP, focusTarget, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return EventTranslator.dispatchKeyRelease(e, new Handler<KeyEvent>() { @Override public void handle(KeyEvent e) { getSource().keyReleased(e); } }); } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONKEYPRESS, focusTarget, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { return EventTranslator.dispatchKeyType(e, new Handler<KeyEvent>() { @Override public void handle(KeyEvent e) { //Space is a special key in Chrome. We emulate its typing in keydown if (e.getKeyChar() == ' ') return; getSource().keyTyped(e); } }); } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONFOCUS, focusTarget, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { myCellToDomContext.focused.set(true); return false; } })); reg.add(eventRegistration(Event.ONBLUR, focusTarget, new Function() { @Override public boolean f(Event e) { myCellToDomContext.focused.set(false); return false; } })); reg.add(getSource().focusedCell.addHandler(new EventHandler<PropertyChangeEvent<Cell>>() { @Override public void onEvent(PropertyChangeEvent<Cell> event) { invalidateLineHighlight(); } })); return reg; } private boolean isDomCellEvent(MouseEvent e) { Cell target = getSource().findCell(getSource().root, e.getLocation()); return target instanceof DomCell; } private Mapper<? extends Cell, Element> rootMapper() { return (Mapper<? extends Cell, Element>) getDescendantMapper(getSource().root); } private Registration eventRegistration(final int event, Object o, Function f) { final GQuery q = $(o); q.bind(event, f); return new Registration() { @Override protected void doRemove() { q.unbind(event); } }; } private boolean isContainerEvent(MouseEvent evt) { return getSource().root.getBounds().contains(evt.getLocation()); } private MouseEvent toMouseEvent(Event e) { Vector base = new Vector(e.getClientX() + myScrollLeft, e.getClientY() + myScrollTop); return new MouseEvent(base); } }