Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011, The gwtquery team. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; /** * JSO for accessing Javascript objective literals used by GwtQuery functions. */ public class Properties extends JavaScriptObject { public static Properties create() { return JsCache.create().cast(); } public static Properties create(String properties) { if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) { String p = wrapPropertiesString(properties); try { return JsUtils.parseJSON(p); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "Error creating Properties: \n> " + properties + "\n< " + p + "\n" + e.getMessage()); } } return create(); } public static String wrapPropertiesString(String s) { String ret = s // .replaceAll("\\s*/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*/\\s*", "") // Remove comments .replaceAll("([:\\)\\(,;}{'\"])\\s+", "$1") // Remove spaces .replaceAll("\\s+([:\\)\\(,;}{'\"])", "$1") // Remove spaces .replaceFirst("^[\\(]+(.*)[\\)]+$", "$1") // Remove () .replaceAll("\\([\"']([^\\)]+)[\"']\\)", "($1)") // Remove quotes .replaceAll("[;,]+([\\w-\\$]+):", ";$1:") // Change comma by semicolon .replaceAll("([^,;])([\\]}])", "$1;$2") // Put control semicolon used below .replaceAll(":\\s*[\"']?([^;\\{\\}\\[\\]\"']*)[\"']?\\s*([;,]+|$)", ":\"$1\";") // put quotes to all values (even empty) .replaceAll("[;,]+([\\w-]+):", ";$1:") // Change semicolon by comma .replaceAll("(^|[^\\w-\\$'])([\\w-\\$]+):(['\"\\[{])", "$1\"$2\":$3") // quote keys .replaceAll("(^|[^\\w-\\$'])([\\w-\\$]+):(['\"\\[{])", "$1\"$2\":$3") // quote keys second pass .replaceAll("(|[\\[\\]\\{\\},\\(])'([^']*)'", "$1\"$2\"") // Replace single-quote by double-quote .replaceAll(";([^:]+):", ",$1:") // change semicolon .replaceAll(";([^:]+):", ",$1:") // change semicolon second pass .replaceAll(":\"(-?\\d[\\d\\.]*|null|false|true)\"[;,]", ":$1,") // numbers do not need quote .replaceAll("[;,]+([\\]\\}]|$)", "$1") // remove endings ; ret = ret.matches("(^[\\[\\{].*[\\]\\}]$)") ? ret : "{" + ret + "}"; return ret; } protected Properties() { } public final Properties $$(String key, String value) { set(key, value); return this; } private JsCache c() { return this.<JsCache>cast(); } public final native Properties cloneProps() /*-{ var props = {}; for(p in this) { props[p] = this[p]; } return props; }-*/; public final boolean defined(Object name) { return c().exists(String.valueOf(name)); } public final <T> T get(Object name) { return c().get(String.valueOf(name)); } public final boolean getBoolean(Object name) { return c().getBoolean(String.valueOf(name)); } public final float getFloat(Object name) { return c().getFloat(String.valueOf(name)); } public final int getInt(Object name) { return c().getInt(String.valueOf(name)); } public final String getStr(Object name) { return c().getString(String.valueOf(name)); } public final Object getObject(Object name) { return c().get(String.valueOf(name)); } public final <T extends JavaScriptObject> T getJavaScriptObject(Object name) { return c().getJavaScriptObject(String.valueOf(name)); } public final JsArrayMixed getArray(Object name) { return c().getArray(String.valueOf(name)); } public final String[] keys() { return c().keys(); } public final <T> void remove(T name) { c().delete(String.valueOf(name)); } public final <T> void set(T name, Object val) { c().put(String.valueOf(name), val); } public final String tostring() { return toJsonString(); } public final String toJsonString() { String ret = ""; for (String k : keys()) { String ky = k.matches("\\d+") ? k : "\"" + k + "\""; JsCache o = getArray(k).cast(); if (o != null) { ret += ky + ":["; for (int i = 0, l = o.length(); i < l; i++) { Properties p = o.<JsCache>cast().getJavaScriptObject(i); if (p != null) { ret += p.toJsonString() + ","; } else { ret += "\"" + o.getString(i) + "\","; } } ret += "],"; } else { Properties p = getJavaScriptObject(k); if (p != null) { ret += ky + ":" + p.toJsonString() + ","; } else { ret += ky + ":\"" + getStr(k) + "\","; } } } return "{" + ret.replaceAll(",\\s*([\\]}]|$)", "$1") .replaceAll("([:,\\[])\"(-?[\\d\\.]+|null|false|true)\"", "$1$2") + "}"; } public final String toQueryString() { String ret = ""; for (String k : keys()) { ret += ret.isEmpty() ? "" : "&"; JsCache o = getArray(k).cast(); if (o != null) { for (int i = 0, l = o.length(); i < l; i++) { ret += i > 0 ? "&" : ""; Properties p = o.<JsCache>cast().getJavaScriptObject(i); if (p != null) { ret += k + "[]=" + p.toJsonString(); } else { ret += k + "[]=" + o.getString(i); } } } else { Properties p = getJavaScriptObject(k); if (p != null) { ret += p.toQueryString(); } else { String v = getStr(k); if (v != null && !v.isEmpty() && !"null".equalsIgnoreCase(v)) { ret += k + "=" + v; } } } } return ret; } public final boolean isEmpty() { return c().length() == 0; } }