Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 - 2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jetbrains.exodus.util; import jetbrains.exodus.BackupStrategy; import jetbrains.exodus.Backupable; import jetbrains.exodus.ExodusException; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveOutputStream; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveEntry; import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveOutputStream; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import java.util.Calendar; import; import; public class CompressBackupUtil { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CompressBackupUtil.class); private CompressBackupUtil() { } @NotNull public static File backup(@NotNull final Backupable target, @NotNull final File backupRoot, @Nullable final String backupNamePrefix, final boolean zip) throws Exception { if (!backupRoot.exists() && !backupRoot.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Failed to create " + backupRoot.getAbsolutePath()); } final File backupFile; final BackupStrategy strategy = target.getBackupStrategy(); strategy.beforeBackup(); try { final ArchiveOutputStream archive; if (zip) { final String fileName = getTimeStampedZipFileName(); backupFile = new File(backupRoot, backupNamePrefix == null ? fileName : backupNamePrefix + fileName); final ZipArchiveOutputStream zipArchive = new ZipArchiveOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(backupFile))); zipArchive.setLevel(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION); archive = zipArchive; } else { final String fileName = getTimeStampedTarGzFileName(); backupFile = new File(backupRoot, backupNamePrefix == null ? fileName : backupNamePrefix + fileName); archive = new TarArchiveOutputStream( new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(backupFile)))); } try (ArchiveOutputStream aos = archive) { for (final BackupStrategy.FileDescriptor fd : strategy.listFiles()) { if (strategy.isInterrupted()) { break; } final File file = fd.getFile(); if (file.isFile()) { final long fileSize = Math.min(fd.getFileSize(), strategy.acceptFile(file)); if (fileSize > 0L) { archiveFile(aos, fd.getPath(), file, fileSize); } } } } if (strategy.isInterrupted()) {"Backup interrupted, deleting \"" + backupFile.getName() + "\"..."); IOUtil.deleteFile(backupFile); } else {"Backup file \"" + backupFile.getName() + "\" created."); } } catch (Throwable t) { strategy.onError(t); throw ExodusException.toExodusException(t, "Backup failed"); } finally { strategy.afterBackup(); } return backupFile; } @NotNull public static String getTimeStampedTarGzFileName() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(30); appendTimeStamp(builder); builder.append(".tar.gz"); return builder.toString(); } @NotNull public static String getTimeStampedZipFileName() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(30); appendTimeStamp(builder); builder.append(".zip"); return builder.toString(); } /** * Compresses the content of source and stores newly created archive in dest. * In case source is a directory, it will be compressed recursively. * * @param source file or folder to be archived. Should exist on method call. * @param dest path to the archive to be created. Should not exist on method call. * @throws IOException in case of any issues with underlying store. * @throws FileNotFoundException in case source does not exist. */ public static void tar(@NotNull File source, @NotNull File dest) throws IOException { if (!source.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No source file or folder exists: " + source.getAbsolutePath()); } if (dest.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Destination refers to existing file or folder: " + dest.getAbsolutePath()); } TarArchiveOutputStream tarOut = null; try { tarOut = new TarArchiveOutputStream( new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dest)), 0x1000)); doTar("", source, tarOut); tarOut.close(); } catch (IOException e) { cleanUp(tarOut, dest); // operation filed, let's remove the destination archive throw e; } } private static void cleanUp(TarArchiveOutputStream tarOut, File dest) { if (tarOut != null) { try { tarOut.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // nothing to do here } } IOUtil.deleteFile(dest); } private static void doTar(String pathInArchive, File source, TarArchiveOutputStream tarOut) throws IOException { if (source.isDirectory()) { for (File file : IOUtil.listFiles(source)) { doTar(pathInArchive + source.getName() + File.separator, file, tarOut); } } else { archiveFile(tarOut, pathInArchive, source, source.length()); } } /** * Adds the file to the tar archive represented by output stream. It's caller's responsibility to close output stream * properly. * * @param out target archive. * @param pathInArchive relative path in archive. It will lead the name of the file in the archive. * @param source file to be added. * @param fileSize size of the file (which is known in most cases). * @throws IOException in case of any issues with underlying store. */ public static void archiveFile(@NotNull final ArchiveOutputStream out, @NotNull final String pathInArchive, @NotNull final File source, final long fileSize) throws IOException { if (!source.isFile()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided source is not a file: " + source.getAbsolutePath()); } //noinspection ChainOfInstanceofChecks if (out instanceof TarArchiveOutputStream) { final TarArchiveEntry entry = new TarArchiveEntry(pathInArchive + source.getName()); entry.setSize(fileSize); entry.setModTime(source.lastModified()); out.putArchiveEntry(entry); } else if (out instanceof ZipArchiveOutputStream) { final ZipArchiveEntry entry = new ZipArchiveEntry(pathInArchive + source.getName()); entry.setSize(fileSize); entry.setTime(source.lastModified()); out.putArchiveEntry(entry); } else { throw new IOException("Unknown archive output stream"); } try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(source)) { IOUtil.copyStreams(input, fileSize, out, IOUtil.BUFFER_ALLOCATOR); } out.closeArchiveEntry(); } private static void appendTimeStamp(final StringBuilder builder) { final Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); builder.append(now.get(Calendar.YEAR)); builder.append('-'); appendZeroPadded(builder, now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1); builder.append('-'); appendZeroPadded(builder, now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); builder.append('-'); appendZeroPadded(builder, now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); builder.append('-'); appendZeroPadded(builder, now.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); builder.append('-'); appendZeroPadded(builder, now.get(Calendar.SECOND)); } private static void appendZeroPadded(final StringBuilder builder, int value) { if (value < 10) { builder.append('0'); } builder.append(value); } }