Java tutorial
package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class DownloadDataTask { SharedPreferences sharedPref; String accessToken; Context context; TableProfile tableProfile; TableJob tableJob; public DownloadDataTask(Context c, String accessToken) { this.context = c; this.accessToken = accessToken; sharedPref = c.getSharedPreferences(MainActivity.JENJOBS_SHARED_PREFERENCE, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); tableProfile = new TableProfile(context); tableJob = new TableJob(context); } public void downloadProfile(final View v) { String[] profileUrl = { Jenjobs.PROFILE_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.execute(profileUrl); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray result) { } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { if (success != null) { int js_profile_id; TableAddress tblAddress = new TableAddress(context); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); try { success.remove("_link"); // remove _link cv.put("access_token", String.valueOf(accessToken)); cv.put("_id", String.valueOf(success.get("id"))); cv.put("email", String.valueOf(success.get("email"))); cv.put("username", String.valueOf(success.get("username"))); cv.put("name", String.valueOf(success.get("name"))); cv.put("ic_no", String.valueOf(success.get("ic_no"))); cv.put("passport_no", String.valueOf(success.get("passport_no"))); cv.put("mobile_no", String.valueOf(success.get("mobile_no"))); cv.put("dial_code", String.valueOf(success.get("dial_code"))); cv.put("gender", String.valueOf(success.get("gender"))); cv.put("dob", String.valueOf(success.get("dob"))); cv.put("pr", String.valueOf(success.get("pr"))); cv.put("resume_file", String.valueOf(success.get("resume_file"))); cv.put("photo_file", String.valueOf(success.get("photo_file"))); cv.put("access", String.valueOf(success.get("access"))); cv.put("status", String.valueOf(success.get("status"))); cv.put("country_id", String.valueOf(success.get("country_id"))); cv.put("driving_license", String.valueOf(success.get("driving_license"))); cv.put("transport", String.valueOf(success.get("transport"))); cv.put("js_jobseek_status_id", String.valueOf(success.get("js_jobseek_status_id"))); cv.put("availability", String.valueOf(success.get("availability"))); cv.put("availability_unit", String.valueOf(success.get("availability_unit"))); //cv.put("address", String.valueOf(success.get("address"))); cv.put("no_work_exp", String.valueOf(success.get("no_work_exp"))); cv.put("additional_info", String.valueOf(success.get("info"))); cv.put("created_at", String.valueOf(success.get("created_at"))); cv.put("updated_at", String.valueOf(success.get("updated_at"))); tableProfile.addProfile(cv); js_profile_id = cv.getAsInteger("_id"); //Log.e("js_profile_id", String.valueOf(js_profile_id)); SharedPreferences.Editor spEdit = sharedPref.edit(); spEdit.putInt("js_profile_id", js_profile_id); spEdit.apply(); // default address ContentValues cv2 = new ContentValues(); cv2.put("address1", ""); cv2.put("address2", ""); cv2.put("postcode", 0); cv2.put("city_id", 0); cv2.put("city_name", ""); cv2.put("state_id", 0); cv2.put("state_name", ""); cv2.put("country_id", 0); cv2.put("updated_at",, null, null)); tblAddress.addAddress(cv2); if (v != null) { TextView name = (TextView) v.findViewById(; TextView email = (TextView) v.findViewById(; TextView mobile_no = (TextView) v.findViewById(; TextView ic_no = (TextView) v.findViewById(; TextView gender = (TextView) v.findViewById(; TextView dob = (TextView) v.findViewById(; TextView country = (TextView) v.findViewById(; ImageView profileImage = (ImageView) v.findViewById(; name.setText(String.valueOf(success.get("name"))); email.setText(String.valueOf(success.get("email"))); mobile_no.setText(String.valueOf(success.get("mobile_no"))); ic_no.setText(String.valueOf(success.get("ic_no"))); gender.setText(String.valueOf(success.get("gender"))); country.setText(String.valueOf(success.get("country"))); String _dob = String.valueOf(success.get("dob")); if (_dob != null) { dob.setText(, null, "yyyy-MM-dd")); } if (String.valueOf(success.get("photo_file")) != null) { new ImageLoad(String.valueOf(success.get("photo_file")), profileImage).execute(); } } // save address String address = String.valueOf(success.get("address")); if (address != null && !address.equals("null")) { JSONObject jsonAddr = new JSONObject(address); ContentValues cv3 = new ContentValues(); cv3.put("address1", jsonAddr.getString("address1")); cv3.put("address2", jsonAddr.getString("address2")); String postCodeStr = jsonAddr.getString("postcode"); int postCode = 0; if (postCodeStr != null && !postCodeStr.equals("null")) { postCode = Integer.valueOf(postCodeStr); } cv3.put("postcode", postCode); cv3.put("city_id", jsonAddr.getInt("city_id")); cv3.put("city_name", jsonAddr.getString("city_name")); cv3.put("state_id", jsonAddr.getInt("state_id")); cv3.put("state_name", jsonAddr.getString("state_name")); cv3.put("country_id", jsonAddr.getInt("country_id")); cv3.put("updated_at", jsonAddr.getString("date_updated")); tblAddress.updateAddress(cv3); } // end save address } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("profileExcp", e.getMessage()); } } } }); } public void downloadWorkExperience() { String[] workExperienceUrl = { Jenjobs.WORK_EXPERIENCE_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); try { if (success.length() > 0) { TableWorkExperience tableWorkExperience = new TableWorkExperience(context); for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); cv.put("_id", s.getInt("id")); cv.put("position", s.optString("position")); cv.put("company", s.optString("company")); if (s.optString("job_type") != null && !s.optString("job_type").equals("null")) { JSONObject jobType = new JSONObject(s.optString("job_type")); cv.put("job_type_id", jobType.optInt("id") > 0 ? jobType.optInt("id") : 0); } if (s.optString("job_spec") != null && s.optString("job_role") != null) { JSONObject jobSpec = new JSONObject(s.optString("job_spec")); cv.put("job_spec_id", jobSpec.optInt("id") > 0 ? jobSpec.optInt("id") : 0); JSONObject jobRole = new JSONObject(s.optString("job_role")); cv.put("job_role_id", jobRole.optInt("id") > 0 ? jobRole.optInt("id") : 0); } JSONObject jobLevel = new JSONObject(s.optString("job_level")); cv.put("job_level_id", jobLevel.optInt("id") > 0 ? jobLevel.optInt("id") : 0); JSONObject jobIndustry = new JSONObject(s.optString("industry")); cv.put("industry_id", jobIndustry.optInt("id") > 0 ? jobIndustry.optInt("id") : 0); cv.put("experience", s.optString("experience")); cv.put("salary", s.optString("salary")); cv.put("currency_id", s.optInt("currency_id")); cv.put("started_on", s.optString("started_on")); cv.put("resigned_on", s.optString("resigned_on")); cv.put("update_at", ""); tableWorkExperience.addWorkExperience(cv); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("workExpExcp", e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(workExperienceUrl); } public void downloadEducation() { String[] educationUrl = { Jenjobs.EDUCATION_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); try { if (success.length() > 0) { TableEducation tableEducation = new TableEducation(context); for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); cv.put("_id", s.getInt("id")); cv.put("school", s.getString("school")); cv.put("major", s.optString("major")); JSONObject eduLevel = new JSONObject(s.optString("level")); cv.put("edu_level_id", eduLevel.optInt("id") > 0 ? eduLevel.optInt("id") : 0); JSONObject eduField = new JSONObject(s.optString("field")); cv.put("edu_field_id", eduField.optInt("id") > 0 ? eduField.optInt("id") : 0); cv.put("country_id", s.optString("country")); cv.put("grade", s.optString("grade")); cv.put("info", s.optString("info")); cv.put("date_graduated", s.getString("date_graduated")); tableEducation.addEducation(cv); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("eduExcp", e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(educationUrl); } public void downloadApplication() { String[] applicationUrl = { Jenjobs.APPLICATION_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { try { if (success.length() > 0) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); TableApplication tableApplication = new TableApplication(context); for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); final int postId = s.getInt("post_id"); cv.put("_id", s.getInt("_id")); cv.put("post_id", postId); cv.put("status", s.getInt("status")); cv.put("date_created", s.getString("date_created")); cv.put("date_updated", s.getString("date_updated")); cv.put("title", s.getString("title")); cv.put("closed", s.getBoolean("closed") ? 1 : 0); tableApplication.addApplication(cv); // download job details and save to TableJob // download the job details GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest(); getRequest.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray result) { } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { if (success != null && success.toString().length() > 0) { // and save to phone database ContentValues cv2 = new ContentValues(); cv2.put("id", postId); cv2.put("title", success.optString("title")); cv2.put("company", success.optString("company")); cv2.put("job_data", success.toString()); cv2.put("date_closed", success.optString("date_closed")); tableJob.addJob(cv2); } } }); String[] param = { Jenjobs.JOB_DETAILS + "/" + postId }; getRequest.execute(param); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("appExcp", e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(applicationUrl); } public void downloadJobPreference() { String[] jobPreferenceUrl = { Jenjobs.JOB_PREFERENCE_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray result) { } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { if (success != null) { TableJobPreference tableJobPreference = new TableJobPreference(context); TableJobPreferenceLocation tableJobPreferenceLocation = new TableJobPreferenceLocation(context); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); try { cv.put("salary", success.optString("salary")); cv.put("currency_id", success.optInt("currency_id")); tableJobPreference.updateJobPreference(cv); cv.put("job_type_id", success.optString("job_type_id")); tableJobPreferenceLocation.truncate(); JSONArray state = new JSONArray(success.optString("state_id")); if (state.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < state.length(); i++) { ContentValues cv2 = new ContentValues(); cv2.put("state_id", (int) state.get(i)); cv2.put("country_id", 127); tableJobPreferenceLocation.insertJobPreference(cv2); } } JSONArray country = new JSONArray(success.optString("country_id")); if (country.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < country.length(); i++) { ContentValues cv2 = new ContentValues(); cv2.put("state_id", 0); cv2.put("country_id", (int) country.get(i)); tableJobPreferenceLocation.insertJobPreference(cv2); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("jobPrefExcp", e.getMessage()); } } } }); g.execute(jobPreferenceUrl); } public void downloadSkill() { String[] skillUrl = { Jenjobs.SKILL_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { try { if (success.length() > 0) { TableSkill tableSkill = new TableSkill(context); for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("_id", s.optInt("id")); cv.put("name", s.optString("value")); tableSkill.addSkill(cv); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("skillExcp", e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(skillUrl); } public void downloadLanguage() { String[] languageUrl = { Jenjobs.LANGUAGE_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { if (success != null) { TableLanguage tableLanguage = new TableLanguage(context); try { if (success.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("language_id", s.optInt("language_id")); cv.put("spoken_language_level_id", s.optInt("spoken_language_level_id")); cv.put("written_language_level_id", s.optInt("written_language_level_id")); cv.put("native", s.optInt("native")); tableLanguage.addLanguage(cv); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("langExcp", e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(languageUrl); } public void downloadBookmark() { String[] bookmarkUrl = { Jenjobs.BOOKMARK_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { TableBookmark tableBookmark = new TableBookmark(context); try { if (success.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); final int postId = s.optInt("post_id"); cv.put("post_id", postId); cv.put("title", s.optString("title")); cv.put("date_added", s.optString("on")); cv.put("date_closed", s.optString("date_closed")); tableBookmark.addBookmark(cv); // download job details and save to TableJob GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest(); getRequest.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray result) { } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { if (success != null && success.toString().length() > 0) { ContentValues cv2 = new ContentValues(); cv2.put("id", postId); cv2.put("title", success.optString("title")); cv2.put("company", success.optString("company")); cv2.put("job_data", success.toString()); cv2.put("date_closed", success.optString("date_closed")); tableJob.addJob(cv2); } } }); String[] param = { Jenjobs.JOB_DETAILS + "/" + postId }; getRequest.execute(param); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("bookExcp", e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(bookmarkUrl); } public void downloadSubscription() { String[] subscriptionUrl = { Jenjobs.SUBSCRIPTION_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { TableSubscription tableSubscription = new TableSubscription(context); try { if (success.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("status", s.optBoolean("status") ? 1 : 0); int subscriptionID = s.getInt("subscription_id"); tableSubscription.updateSubscription(cv, subscriptionID); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("subExcp", e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(subscriptionUrl); } public void downloadInvitation() { String[] invitationUrl = { Jenjobs.INVITATION_URL + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { TableInvitation tableInvitation = new TableInvitation(context); if (success != null) { try { if (success.length() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("id", s.optInt("id")); cv.put("emp_profile_name", s.optString("company")); cv.put("emp_profile_id", s.optInt("company_id")); cv.put("status", s.optString("status")); cv.put("date_added", s.optString("date_created")); String dateUpdated = s.optString("date_updated"); if (dateUpdated != null && !dateUpdated.equals("") && !dateUpdated.equals("null")) { cv.put("date_updated", dateUpdated); } // this is for type "J" = Job Application Invitation String post = s.getString("post"); if (post != null && !post.equals("null")) { JSONObject _post = new JSONObject(post); final int postId = _post.getInt("post_id"); boolean isJobClosed = _post.getBoolean("closed"); // for each job application invitation // if the job is still active if (!isJobClosed) { // download the job details GetRequest getRequest = new GetRequest(); getRequest.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray result) { } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { if (success != null && success.toString().length() > 0) { // and save to phone database ContentValues cv2 = new ContentValues(); cv2.put("id", postId); cv2.put("title", success.optString("title")); cv2.put("company", success.optString("company")); cv2.put("job_data", success.toString()); cv2.put("date_closed", success.optString("date_closed")); tableJob.addJob(cv2); } } }); String[] param = { Jenjobs.JOB_DETAILS + "/" + postId }; getRequest.execute(param); } cv.put("post_id", postId); cv.put("post_title", _post.getString("post_title")); cv.put("post_closed_on", _post.getString("date_closed")); } tableInvitation.saveInvitation(cv, 0); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("subExcp", e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(invitationUrl); } public void downloadJobmatcherProfile() { String[] jobmatcherUrl = { Jenjobs.SEARCH_PROFILE + "?access-token=" + accessToken }; GetRequest g = new GetRequest(); g.setResultListener(new GetRequest.ResultListener() { @Override public void processResultArray(JSONArray success) { if (success != null) { try { if (success.length() > 0) { TableJobSearchProfile tableJobSearchProfile = new TableJobSearchProfile(context); for (int i = 0; i < success.length(); i++) { JSONObject s = success.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject queryParam = s.getJSONObject("query_param"); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put("id", 0); cv.put("_id", (int) (s.get("id"))); cv.put("profile_name", s.getString("name")); cv.put("parameters", queryParam.toString()); cv.put("notification_frequency", s.getString("frequency")); cv.put("date_created", s.getString("date_added")); cv.put("date_updated", s.getString("date_updated")); tableJobSearchProfile.saveSearchProfile(cv); } } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("djmerr", e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void processResult(JSONObject success) { } }); g.execute(jobmatcherUrl); } }