Source code

Java tutorial


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 * JEF - Copyright 2009-2010 Jiyi (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.AbstractQueue;
import java.util.AbstractSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;


import jef.common.log.LogUtil;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;


public class CollectionUtil {

     * ??
     * @author Administrator
     * @Date 2011-6-15 
     * @param <T>
    private static class FieldValueFilter<T> implements Function<T, Boolean> {
        private FieldEx field;
        private Object value;

        public FieldValueFilter(Class<?> clz, String fieldname, Object value) {
            ClassEx cw = new ClassEx(clz);
            this.field = cw.getField(fieldname);
            Assert.notNull(this.field, "the field " + fieldname + " is not found in class " + cw.getName());
            this.value = value;

        public Boolean apply(T input) {
            try {
                Object v = field.get(input);
                return ObjectUtils.equals(v, value);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalAccessError(e.getMessage());


    public static <T> void setElement(List<T> list, int index, T value) {
        if (index == list.size()) {
        } else if (index > list.size()) {
            for (int i = list.size(); i < index; i++) {
        } else {
            list.set(index, value);

     * ????property???list.
     * @param iterable
     * @param fieldName
     * @param type
     * @return
    public static <T> List<T> getFieldValues(Object iterable, String fieldName, Class<T> type) {
        IterableAccessor<Object> iter = iterable(iterable);
        if (iter == null)
            return null;
        List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
        for (Object bean : iter) {
            BeanWrapper bw = BeanWrapper.wrap(bean);
            Object value = bw.getPropertyValue(fieldName);
            result.add((T) value);
        return result;

     * ????????
     * @param collection
     * @param function
     * @return
    public static <T, A> List<T> extract(Collection<A> collection, Function<A, T> function) {
        List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
        if (collection != null) {
            for (A a : collection) {
        return result;

     * ???????
    public static <T> List<T> getPropertyValues(Object iterable, String methodName, Class<T> type) {
        IterableAccessor<Object> iter = iterable(iterable);
        if (iter == null)
            return null;
        List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>();
        Method me = null;
        for (Object bean : iter) {
            if (bean == null) {
            if (me == null) {
                try {
                    me = bean.getClass().getMethod(methodName);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
            Object value;
            try {
                value = me.invoke(bean);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
            result.add((T) value);
        return result;

     * ?
     * @param iterable
     * @param fieldName
     * @param type
     * @return
    public static List<String> toString(Object iterable, String fieldName) {
        IterableAccessor<Object> iter = iterable(iterable);
        if (iter == null)
            return null;
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Object bean : iter) {
        return result;

     * MapKey?Value,Value?key
     *   ?Map
     *  <pre><tt>{tom: 100},{jack: 95},{king: 88}, {mar: 77}, {jim: 88}</tt></pre> 
     *  ?map
     *  <pre><tt>{100:[tom]}, {95:[jack]}, {88: [king,jim]}, {77:[mar]}</tt></pre> 
     * @param <K>
     * @param <V>
     * @param map
     * @return A new Multimap that reverse key and value
    public static <K, V> Multimap<V, K> inverse(Map<K, V> map) {
        Multimap<V, K> result = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        for (Entry<K, V> e : map.entrySet()) {
            result.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey());
        return result;

     * ???
     * @param <T>
     * @param collection
     * @param filter
     * @return
    public static <T> T findFirst(Collection<T> collection, Function<T, Boolean> filter) {
        if (collection == null || collection.isEmpty())
            return null;
        for (T obj : collection) {
            if (filter.apply(obj)) {
                return obj;
        return null;

     * ???
     * @param <T>
     * @param collection
     * @param fieldname
     * @param value
     * @return
    public static <T> T findFirst(Collection<T> collection, String fieldname, Object value) {
        if (collection == null || collection.isEmpty())
            return null;
        Class<?> clz = collection.iterator().next().getClass();
        FieldValueFilter<T> f = new FieldValueFilter<T>(clz, fieldname, value);
        return findFirst(collection, f);

     * ???
     * @param <T>
     * @param collection
     * @param fieldname
     * @param value
     * @return
    public static <T> List<T> findAll(Collection<T> collection, String fieldname, Object value) {
        Class<?> clz = collection.iterator().next().getClass();
        FieldValueFilter<T> f = new FieldValueFilter<T>(clz, fieldname, value);
        return find(collection, f);

     * ???
     * @param <T>
     * @param collection
     * @param filter
     * @return
    public static <T> List<T> find(Collection<T> collection, Function<T, Boolean> filter) {
        List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>();
        if (collection == null || collection.isEmpty())
            return list;
        for (T obj : collection) {
            if (filter.apply(obj)) {
        return list;

    public static IterableAccessor<Object> iterable(Object data) {
        if (data == null)
            return null;
        if (isArrayOrCollection(data.getClass())) {
            return new IterableAccessor<Object>(data);
        } else {
            return null;

     * ??
     * @param type
     * @return
    public static boolean isArrayOrCollection(Type type) {
        if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
            return true;
        } else if (type instanceof Class) {
            Class<?> rawType = (Class<?>) type;
            return rawType.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType);
        Class<?> rawType = GenericUtils.getRawClass(type);
        return Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType);

     * ?Collection
     * @param type
     * @return
    public static boolean isCollection(Type type) {
        if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
            return false;
        } else if (type instanceof Class) {
            Class<?> rawType = (Class<?>) type;
            return Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType);
        } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) type;
            return isArrayOrCollection(pType.getRawType());
        return false;

     * ?
     * @param type
     * @return ??null,???
    public static Type getComponentType(Type type) {
        if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
            return ((GenericArrayType) type).getGenericComponentType();
        } else if (type instanceof Class) {
            Class<?> rawType = (Class<?>) type;
            if (rawType.isArray()) {
                return rawType.getComponentType();
            } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
                // ??Object
                return Object.class;
        } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) type;
            Type rawType = pType.getRawType();
            if (isCollection(rawType)) {
                return pType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
        return null;

     * ? ?class
     * @param type
     * @return
    public static Class<?> getSimpleComponentType(Type type) {
        Type result = getComponentType(type);
        if (result instanceof Class<?>) {
            return (Class<?>) result;
        // ??/???Class?????
        return null;

     * @param collection ??
     * @param function ?Key
     * @return
    public static <T, A> Multimap<A, T> groupBy(Collection<T> collection, Function<T, A> function) {
        Multimap<A, T> result = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        for (T value : collection) {
            A attrib = function.apply(value);
            result.put(attrib, value);
        return result;

     * ?List
     * @param obj
     * @param index
     * @return
    public static Object listGet(List obj, int index) {
        int length = obj.size();
        if (index < 0)
            index += length;
        return obj.get(index);

     * List
     * @param obj
     * @param index
     * @param value
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void listSet(List obj, int index, Object value) {
        int length = obj.size();
        if (index < 0)
            index += length;
        obj.set(index, value);

     * ?
     * @param obj
     * @return
    public static int length(Object obj) {
        if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
            return Array.getLength(obj);
        Assert.isTrue(obj instanceof Collection);
        return ((Collection) obj).size();

     * ? ??-1?-2
    public static boolean isIndexValid(Object obj, int index) {
        int length = length(obj);
        if (index < 0)
            index += length;
        return index >= 0 && index < length;

    public static void listSetAndExpand(List obj, int index, Object value) {
        int length = obj.size();
        if (index < 0 && index + length >= 0) {
            index += length;
        } else if (index < 0) {// ?
            toFixedSize(obj, -index);
        } else if (index >= length) {// 
            toFixedSize(obj, index + 1);
        listSet(obj, index, value);

     * list?? List??? list??null
    @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
    public static void toFixedSize(List obj, int newsize) {
        int len = obj.size();
        if (newsize == len)
        if (newsize > len) {
            for (int i = len; i < newsize; i++) {
        } else {
            for (int i = len; i > newsize; i--) {
                obj.remove(i - 1);

     * ????
    public static Object createContainerInstance(ClassEx collectionType, int size) {
        Class raw = collectionType.getWrappered();
        try {
            if (collectionType.isArray()) {
                if (size < 0)
                    size = 0;
                Object array = Array.newInstance(GenericUtils.getRawClass(collectionType.getComponentType()), size);
                return array;
            } else if (!Modifier.isAbstract(collectionType.getModifiers())) {// ??
                Object c = raw.newInstance();
                return c;
            } else if (Object.class == raw || raw == List.class || raw == AbstractList.class) {
                return new ArrayList();
            } else if (raw == Set.class || raw == AbstractSet.class) {
                return new HashSet();
            } else if (raw == Map.class || raw == AbstractMap.class) {
                return new HashMap();
            } else if (raw == Queue.class || raw == AbstractQueue.class) {
                return new LinkedList();
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Unknown collection class for create:" + collectionType.getName());
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

     * ??? ?Map?Collection
     * @param ?
    public static Object findElementInstance(Object collection) {
        if (collection == null)
            return null;
        if (collection.getClass().isArray()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(collection); i++) {
                Object o = Array.get(collection, i);
                if (o != null) {
                    return o;
        } else if (collection instanceof Collection) {
            for (Object o : ((Collection<?>) collection)) {
                if (o != null) {
                    return o;
        return null;

     * ???
     * @throws
    public static Object createElementByElement(Object collection) {
        Object o = findElementInstance(collection);
        try {
            if (o != null) {
                return BeanUtils.newInstanceAnyway(o.getClass());
        } catch (ReflectionException e) {
        return null;

     * ?
     * @param obj
     * @return
    public static Object[] toArray(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null)
            return null;
        if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {
            return ArrayUtils.toObject(obj);
        } else if (obj instanceof Collection) {
            return ((Collection) obj).toArray();
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input object " + obj.getClass() + " is not array or collection !");

     * ?
     * @param collection
     * @param clz
     * @return
    public static <T> T[] toArray(Collection<?> collection, Class<T> clz) {
        T[] result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(clz, collection.size());
        int n = 0;
        for (Object o : collection) {
            result[n] = (T) o;
        return result;

     * ??
     * @param <T>
     * @param a
     * @param b
     * @return
    public static <T> Collection<T> union(Collection<T> a, Collection<T> b) {
        HashSet<T> s = new HashSet<T>(a.size() + b.size());
        return s;

     * Return <code>true</code> if the supplied Collection is <code>null</code>
     * or empty. Otherwise, return <code>false</code>.
     * @param collection
     *            the Collection to check
     * @return whether the given Collection is empty
    public static boolean isEmpty(Collection<?> collection) {
        return (collection == null || collection.isEmpty());

     * Return <code>true</code> if the supplied Map is <code>null</code> or
     * empty. Otherwise, return <code>false</code>.
     * @param map
     *            the Map to check
     * @return whether the given Map is empty
    public static boolean isEmpty(Map<?, ?> map) {
        return (map == null || map.isEmpty());

     * Convert the supplied array into a List. A primitive array gets converted
     * into a List of the appropriate wrapper type.
     * <p>
     * A <code>null</code> source value will be converted to an empty List.
     * @param source
     *            the (potentially primitive) array
     * @return the converted List result
     * @see ObjectUtils#toObjectArray(Object)
    public static List<?> arrayToList(Object source) {
        return Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(source));

     * Check whether the given Iterator contains the given element.
     * @param iterator
     *            the Iterator to check
     * @param element
     *            the element to look for
     * @return <code>true</code> if found, <code>false</code> else
    public static boolean contains(Iterator<?> iterator, Object element) {
        if (iterator != null) {
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                Object candidate =;
                if (ObjectUtils.equals(candidate, element)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Check whether the given Enumeration contains the given element.
     * @param enumeration
     *            the Enumeration to check
     * @param element
     *            the element to look for
     * @return <code>true</code> if found, <code>false</code> else
    public static boolean contains(Enumeration<?> enumeration, Object element) {
        if (enumeration != null) {
            while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                Object candidate = enumeration.nextElement();
                if (ObjectUtils.equals(candidate, element)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Check whether the given Collection contains the given element instance.
     * <p>
     * Enforces the given instance to be present, rather than returning
     * <code>true</code> for an equal element as well.
     * @param collection
     *            the Collection to check
     * @param element
     *            the element to look for
     * @return <code>true</code> if found, <code>false</code> else
    public static boolean fastContains(Collection<?> collection, Object element) {
        if (collection != null) {
            for (Object candidate : collection) {
                if (candidate == element) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Return <code>true</code> if any element in '<code>candidates</code>' is
     * contained in '<code>source</code>'; otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
     * @param source
     *            the source Collection
     * @param candidates
     *            the candidates to search for
     * @return whether any of the candidates has been found
    public static boolean containsAny(Collection<?> source, Collection<?> candidates) {
        if (isEmpty(source) || isEmpty(candidates)) {
            return false;
        for (Object candidate : candidates) {
            if (source.contains(candidate)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Return the first element in '<code>candidates</code>' that is contained
     * in '<code>source</code>'. If no element in '<code>candidates</code>' is
     * present in '<code>source</code>' returns <code>null</code>. Iteration
     * order is {@link Collection} implementation specific.
     * @param source
     *            the source Collection
     * @param candidates
     *            the candidates to search for
     * @return the first present object, or <code>null</code> if not found
    public static Object findFirstMatch(Collection<?> source, Collection<?> candidates) {
        if (isEmpty(source) || isEmpty(candidates)) {
            return null;
        for (Object candidate : candidates) {
            if (source.contains(candidate)) {
                return candidate;
        return null;

     * Find the common element type of the given Collection, if any.
     * @param collection
     *            the Collection to check
     * @return the common element type, or <code>null</code> if no clear common
     *         type has been found (or the collection was empty)
     *         ??????null
    public static Class<?> findCommonElementType(Collection<?> collection) {
        if (isEmpty(collection)) {
            return null;
        Class<?> candidate = null;
        for (Object val : collection) {
            if (val != null) {
                if (candidate == null) {
                    candidate = val.getClass();
                } else if (candidate != val.getClass()) {
                    return null;
        return candidate;

     * Create a new identityHashSet.
     * @return
    public static <E> Set<E> identityHashSet() {
        return Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<E, Boolean>());

     * Adapts an enumeration to an iterator.
     * @param enumeration
     *            the enumeration
     * @return the iterator
    public static <E> Iterator<E> toIterator(Enumeration<E> enumeration) {
        return new EnumerationIterator<E>(enumeration);

     * Iterator wrapping an Enumeration.
    private static class EnumerationIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
        private Enumeration<E> enumeration;

        public EnumerationIterator(Enumeration<E> enumeration) {
            this.enumeration = enumeration;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return this.enumeration.hasMoreElements();

        public E next() {
            return this.enumeration.nextElement();

        public void remove() throws UnsupportedOperationException {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported");

     * EnumerationCollection?
     * @param o
     * @return
    public Collection<?> toCollection(Object o) {
        if (o == null)
            return null;
        if (o instanceof Collection<?>) {
            return (Collection<?>) o;
        if (o.getClass().isArray()) {
            return Arrays.asList(ArrayUtils.toObject(o));
        if (o instanceof Iterable<?>) {
            List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
            for (Object x : (Iterable<?>) o) {
            return list;
        if (o instanceof Enumeration<?>) {
            List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
            Enumeration<?> e = (Enumeration<?>) o;
            for (; e.hasMoreElements();) {
            return list;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The type " + o.getClass().getName() + " Can not cast to Collection.");