Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Sun designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
 * CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
 * have any questions.


import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.GlyphMetrics;
import java.awt.font.GlyphVector;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ServiceLoader;

import javax.vecmath.Point3d;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;

 * The Font3D object is used to store extruded 2D glyphs.  These
 * 3D glyphs can then be used to construct Text3D NodeComponent
 * objects.
 * <P>
 * A 3D Font consists of a Java 2D font, a tesellation tolerance,
 * and an extrusion path.  The extrusion
 * path creates depth by describing how the edge of a glyph varies
 * in the Z axis.
 * <P>
 * The construction of a Text3D object requires a Font3D object.
 * The Font3D object describes the style of the text, such as its
 * depth. The text also needs other classes, such as java.awt.Font and
 * FontExtrusion. The Font object describes the font name (Helvetica,
 * Courier, etc.), the font style (bold, Italic, etc.), and point
 * size. The FontExtrusion object extends Font3D by describing
 * the extrusion path for the Font3D object (how the edge of the
 * font glyph varies in the Z axis).
 * To ensure correct rendering, the 2D Font object should be created
 * with the default AffineTransform. The point size of the 2D font will
 * be used as a rough measure of how fine a tesselation to use when
 * creating the Font3D object: the larger the point size, in
 * general, the finer the tesselation.
 * <P>
 * Custom 3D fonts as well as methods to store 3D fonts
 * to disk will be addressed in a future release.
 * @see java.awt.Font
 * @see FontExtrusion
 * @see Text3D
public class Font3D extends NodeComponent {

    Font font;
    double tessellationTolerance;
    FontExtrusion fontExtrusion;
    FontRenderContext frc;
    // Used by triangulateGlyphs method to split contour data into islands.
    final static float EPS = 0.000001f;

    // Map glyph code to GeometryArrayRetained
    Hashtable<Character, GeometryArrayRetained> geomHash = new Hashtable<Character, GeometryArrayRetained>(20);

     * Constructs a Font3D object from the specified Font and
     * FontExtrusion objects, using the default value for the
     * tessellation tolerance.  The default value is as follows:
     * <ul>
     * tessellation tolerance : 0.01<br>
     * </ul>
     * <P>
     * The FontExtrusion object contains the extrusion path to use on
     * the 2D Font glyphs.  To ensure correct rendering the font must
     * be created with the default AffineTransform.  Passing null for
     * the FontExtrusion parameter results in no extrusion being done.
     * @param font the Java 2D font used to create the 3D font object
     * @param extrudePath the extrusion path used to describe how
     * the edge of the font varies along the Z axis
    public Font3D(Font font, FontExtrusion extrudePath) {
        this(font, 0.01, extrudePath);

     * Constructs a Font3D object from the specified Font and
     * FontExtrusion objects, using the specified tessellation
     * tolerance.
     * The FontExtrusion object contains the extrusion path to use on
     * the 2D Font glyphs.  To ensure correct rendering, the font must
     * be created with the default AffineTransform.  Passing null for
     * the FontExtrusion parameter results in no extrusion being done.
     * @param font the Java 2D font used to create the 3D font object.
     * @param tessellationTolerance the tessellation tolerance value
     * used in tessellating the glyphs of the 2D Font.
     * This corresponds to the <code>flatness</code> parameter in
     * the <code>java.awt.Shape.getPathIterator</code> method.
     * @param extrudePath the extrusion path used to describe how
     * the edge of the font varies along the Z axis.
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public Font3D(Font font, double tessellationTolerance, FontExtrusion extrudePath) {

        this.font = font;
        this.tessellationTolerance = tessellationTolerance;
        this.fontExtrusion = extrudePath;
        this.frc = new FontRenderContext(new AffineTransform(), true, true);

     * Returns the Java 2D Font used to create this Font3D object.
     * @return Font object used by this Font3D
    public Font getFont() {
        return this.font;

     * Returns the tessellation tolerance with which this Font3D was
     * created.
     * @return the tessellation tolerance used by this Font3D
     * @since Java 3D 1.2
    public double getTessellationTolerance() {
        return tessellationTolerance;

     * Copies the FontExtrusion object used to create this Font3D object
     * into the specified parameter.
     * @param extrudePath object that will receive the
     * FontExtrusion information for this Font3D object
    public void getFontExtrusion(FontExtrusion extrudePath) {
        extrudePath = this.fontExtrusion;

     * Returns the 3D bounding box of the specified glyph code.
     * @param glyphCode the glyphCode from the original 2D Font
     * @param bounds the 3D glyph's bounds
    public void getBoundingBox(int glyphCode, BoundingBox bounds) {
        int[] gCodes = { glyphCode };
        GlyphVector gVec = font.createGlyphVector(frc, gCodes);
        Rectangle2D.Float bounds2d = (Rectangle2D.Float) (((GlyphMetrics) (gVec.getGlyphMetrics(0))).getBounds2D());

        Point3d lower = new Point3d(bounds2d.x, bounds2d.y, 0.0);
        Point3d upper;
        if (fontExtrusion != null) {
            upper = new Point3d(bounds2d.x + bounds2d.width, bounds2d.y + bounds2d.height, fontExtrusion.length);
        } else {
            upper = new Point3d(bounds2d.x + bounds2d.width, bounds2d.y + bounds2d.height, 0.0);

     * An append-only array-based integer list
    private static class IntVector {
        int[] data;
        int size;

        IntVector() {
            data = new int[10];
            size = 0;

        void add(int i) {
            // need to expand backing
            if (size == data.length)
                data = Arrays.copyOf(data, 2 * size);

            data[size] = i;

     * Returns a GeometryArray of a glyph in this Font3D.
     * @param c character from which to generate a tessellated glyph.
     * @return a GeometryArray
     * @since Java 3D 1.4
    public GeometryArray getGlyphGeometry(char c) {
        char code[] = { c };
        GlyphVector gv = font.createGlyphVector(frc, code);

        // triangulate the glyph
        GeometryArrayRetained glyph_gar = triangulateGlyphs(gv, code[0]);

        // Assume that triangulateGlyphs returns a triangle array with only coords & normals
        // (and without by-ref, interleaved, etc.)
        assert glyph_gar instanceof TriangleArrayRetained : "Font3D: GeometryArray is not an instance of TrangleArray";
        assert glyph_gar.getVertexFormat() == (GeometryArray.COORDINATES
                | GeometryArray.NORMALS) : "Font3D: Illegal GeometryArray format -- only coordinates and normals expected";

        // create a correctly sized TriangleArray
        TriangleArray ga = new TriangleArray(glyph_gar.getVertexCount(), glyph_gar.getVertexFormat());

        // temp storage for coords, normals
        float tmp[] = new float[3];

        int vertexCount = ga.getVertexCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
            // copy the glyph geometry to the TriangleArray
            glyph_gar.getCoordinate(i, tmp);
            ga.setCoordinate(i, tmp);

            glyph_gar.getNormal(i, tmp);
            ga.setNormal(i, tmp);

        return ga;

    // Triangulate glyph with 'unicode' if not already done.
    GeometryArrayRetained triangulateGlyphs(GlyphVector gv, char c) {
        Character ch = new Character(c);
        GeometryArrayRetained geo = geomHash.get(ch);

        if (geo == null) {
            // Font Y-axis is downwards, so send affine transform to flip it.
            Rectangle2D bnd = gv.getVisualBounds();
            AffineTransform aTran = new AffineTransform();
            double tx = bnd.getX() + 0.5 * bnd.getWidth();
            double ty = bnd.getY() + 0.5 * bnd.getHeight();
            aTran.setToTranslation(-tx, -ty);
            aTran.scale(1.0, -1.0);
            aTran.translate(tx, -ty);
            Shape shape = gv.getOutline();
            PathIterator pIt = shape.getPathIterator(aTran, tessellationTolerance);
            int flag = -1, numPoints = 0, i, j, k, num = 0, vertCnt;
            UnorderList coords = new UnorderList(100, Point3f.class);
            float tmpCoords[] = new float[6];
            float lastX = .0f, lastY = .0f;
            float firstPntx = Float.MAX_VALUE, firstPnty = Float.MAX_VALUE;
            IntVector contours = new IntVector();
            float maxY = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
            int maxYIndex = 0, beginIdx = 0, endIdx = 0, start = 0;

            boolean setMaxY = false;

            while (!pIt.isDone()) {
                Point3f vertex = new Point3f();
                flag = pIt.currentSegment(tmpCoords);
                if (flag == PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE) {
                    if (num > 0) {
                        if (setMaxY) {
                            // Get Previous point
                            beginIdx = start;
                            endIdx = numPoints - 1;
                        num = 0;
                } else if (flag == PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO) {
                    vertex.x = tmpCoords[0];
                    vertex.y = tmpCoords[1];
                    lastX = vertex.x;
                    lastY = vertex.y;

                    if ((lastX == firstPntx) && (lastY == firstPnty)) {
                    setMaxY = false;
                    firstPntx = lastX;
                    firstPnty = lastY;
                    if (num > 0) {
                        num = 0;
                    // skip checking of first point,
                    // since the last point will repeat this.
                    start = numPoints;
                } else if (flag == PathIterator.SEG_LINETO) {
                    vertex.x = tmpCoords[0];
                    vertex.y = tmpCoords[1];
                    //Check here for duplicate points. Code
                    //later in this function can not handle
                    //duplicate points.

                    if ((vertex.x == lastX) && (vertex.y == lastY)) {
                    if (vertex.y > maxY) {
                        maxY = vertex.y;
                        maxYIndex = numPoints;
                        setMaxY = true;
                    lastX = vertex.x;
                    lastY = vertex.y;

            // No data(e.g space, control characters)
            // Two point can't form a valid contour
            if (numPoints == 0) {
                return null;

            // Determine font winding order use for side triangles
            Point3f p1 = new Point3f(), p2 = new Point3f(), p3 = new Point3f();
            boolean flip_side_orient = true;
            Point3f vertices[] = (Point3f[]) coords.toArray(false);

            if (endIdx - beginIdx > 0) {
                // must be true unless it is a single line
                // define as "MoveTo p1 LineTo p2 Close" which is
                // not a valid font definition.

                if (maxYIndex == beginIdx) {
                } else {
                    p1.set(vertices[maxYIndex - 1]);
                if (maxYIndex == endIdx) {
                } else {
                    p3.set(vertices[maxYIndex + 1]);

                if (p3.x != p2.x) {
                    if (p1.x != p2.x) {
                        // Use the one with smallest slope
                        if (Math.abs((p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x)) > Math.abs((p3.y - p2.y) / (p3.x - p2.x))) {
                            flip_side_orient = (p3.x > p2.x);
                        } else {
                            flip_side_orient = (p2.x > p1.x);
                    } else {
                        flip_side_orient = (p3.x > p2.x);
                } else {
                    // p1.x != p2.x, otherwise all three
                    // point form a straight vertical line with
                    // the middle point the highest. This is not a
                    // valid font definition.
                    flip_side_orient = (p2.x > p1.x);

            // Build a Tree of Islands
            int startIdx = 0;
            IslandsNode islandsTree = new IslandsNode(-1, -1);

            for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < contours.size; cIdx++) {
                endIdx = startIdx +[cIdx];
                islandsTree.insert(new IslandsNode(startIdx, endIdx), vertices);
                startIdx = endIdx;

            coords = null; // Free memory
            contours = null;

            // Compute islandCounts[][] and outVerts[][]
            UnorderList islandsList = new UnorderList(10, IslandsNode.class);
            islandsTree.collectOddLevelNode(islandsList, 0);
            IslandsNode nodes[] = (IslandsNode[]) islandsList.toArray(false);
            int islandCounts[][] = new int[islandsList.arraySize()][];
            Point3f outVerts[][] = new Point3f[islandCounts.length][];
            int nchild, sum;
            IslandsNode node;

            for (i = 0; i < islandCounts.length; i++) {
                node = nodes[i];
                nchild = node.numChild();
                islandCounts[i] = new int[nchild + 1];
                islandCounts[i][0] = node.numVertices();
                sum = 0;
                sum += islandCounts[i][0];
                for (j = 0; j < nchild; j++) {
                    islandCounts[i][j + 1] = node.getChild(j).numVertices();
                    sum += islandCounts[i][j + 1];
                outVerts[i] = new Point3f[sum];
                startIdx = 0;
                for (k = node.startIdx; k < node.endIdx; k++) {
                    outVerts[i][startIdx++] = vertices[k];

                for (j = 0; j < nchild; j++) {
                    endIdx = node.getChild(j).endIdx;
                    for (k = node.getChild(j).startIdx; k < endIdx; k++) {
                        outVerts[i][startIdx++] = vertices[k];

            islandsTree = null; // Free memory
            islandsList = null;
            vertices = null;

            int[] contourCounts = new int[1];
            ArrayList<GeometryArray> triangData = new ArrayList<GeometryArray>();

            Point3f q1 = new Point3f(), q2 = new Point3f(), q3 = new Point3f();
            Vector3f n1 = new Vector3f(), n2 = new Vector3f();
            numPoints = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < islandCounts.length; i++) {
                numPoints += outVerts[i].length;

            final GeometryService gs = newGeometryService();
            int vertOffset = gs.triangulateIslands(islandCounts, outVerts, contourCounts, triangData);

            // Multiply by 2 since we create 2 faces of the font
            // Second term is for side-faces along depth of the font
            if (fontExtrusion == null)
                vertCnt = vertOffset;
            else {
                if (fontExtrusion.shape == null)
                    vertCnt = vertOffset * 2 + numPoints * 6;
                else {
                    vertCnt = vertOffset * 2 + numPoints * 6 * (fontExtrusion.pnts.length - 1);

            // XXXX: Should use IndexedTriangleArray to avoid
            // duplication of vertices. To create triangles for
            // side faces, every vertex is duplicated currently.
            TriangleArray triAry = new TriangleArray(vertCnt, GeometryArray.COORDINATES | GeometryArray.NORMALS);

            boolean flip_orient[] = new boolean[islandCounts.length];
            boolean findOrient;
            // last known non-degenerate normal
            Vector3f goodNormal = new Vector3f();

            int currCoordIndex = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < islandCounts.length; j++) {
                GeometryArray ga = triangData.get(j);
                vertOffset = ga.getVertexCount();

                findOrient = false;

                //Create the triangle array
                for (i = 0; i < vertOffset; i += 3, currCoordIndex += 3) {
                    //Get 3 points. Since triangle is known to be flat, normal
                    // must be same for all 3 points.
                    ga.getCoordinate(i, p1);
                    ga.getNormal(i, n1);
                    ga.getCoordinate(i + 1, p2);
                    ga.getCoordinate(i + 2, p3);

                    if (!findOrient) {
                        //Check here if triangles are wound incorrectly and need
                        //to be flipped.
                        if (!getNormal(p1, p2, p3, n2)) {

                        if (n2.z >= EPS) {
                            flip_orient[j] = false;
                        } else if (n2.z <= -EPS) {
                            flip_orient[j] = true;
                        } else {
                        findOrient = true;
                    if (flip_orient[j]) {
                        //New Triangulator preserves contour orientation. If contour
                        //input is wound incorrectly, swap 2nd and 3rd points to
                        //sure all triangles are wound correctly for j3d.
                        q1.x = p2.x;
                        q1.y = p2.y;
                        q1.z = p2.z;
                        p2.x = p3.x;
                        p2.y = p3.y;
                        p2.z = p3.z;
                        p3.x = q1.x;
                        p3.y = q1.y;
                        p3.z = q1.z;
                        n1.x = -n1.x;
                        n1.y = -n1.y;
                        n1.z = -n1.z;

                    if (fontExtrusion != null) {
                        n2.x = -n1.x;
                        n2.y = -n1.y;
                        n2.z = -n1.z;

                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n2);
                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 1, p3);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 1, n2);
                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 2, p2);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 2, n2);

                        q1.x = p1.x;
                        q1.y = p1.y;
                        q1.z = p1.z + fontExtrusion.length;
                        q2.x = p2.x;
                        q2.y = p2.y;
                        q2.z = p2.z + fontExtrusion.length;
                        q3.x = p3.x;
                        q3.y = p3.y;
                        q3.z = p3.z + fontExtrusion.length;

                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + vertOffset, q1);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + vertOffset, n1);
                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 1 + vertOffset, q2);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 1 + vertOffset, n1);
                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 2 + vertOffset, q3);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 2 + vertOffset, n1);
                    } else {
                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 1, p2);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 1, n1);
                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex + 2, p3);
                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex + 2, n1);

                if (fontExtrusion != null) {
                    currCoordIndex += vertOffset;

            //Now add side triangles in both cases.

            // Since we duplicated triangles with different Z, make sure
            // currCoordIndex points to correct location.
            if (fontExtrusion != null) {
                if (fontExtrusion.shape == null) {
                    boolean smooth;
                    // we'll put a crease if the angle between the normals is
                    // greater than 44 degrees
                    float threshold = (float) Math.cos(44.0 * Math.PI / 180.0);
                    float cosine;
                    // need the previous normals to check for smoothing
                    Vector3f pn1 = null, pn2 = null;
                    // need the next normals to check for smoothing
                    Vector3f n3 = new Vector3f(), n4 = new Vector3f();
                    //  store the normals for each point because they are
                    // the same for both triangles
                    Vector3f p1Normal = new Vector3f();
                    Vector3f p2Normal = new Vector3f();
                    Vector3f p3Normal = new Vector3f();
                    Vector3f q1Normal = new Vector3f();
                    Vector3f q2Normal = new Vector3f();
                    Vector3f q3Normal = new Vector3f();

                    for (i = 0; i < islandCounts.length; i++) {
                        for (j = 0, k = 0, num = 0; j < islandCounts[i].length; j++) {
                            num += islandCounts[i][j];
                            p1.x = outVerts[i][num - 1].x;
                            p1.y = outVerts[i][num - 1].y;
                            p1.z = 0.0f;
                            q1.x = p1.x;
                            q1.y = p1.y;
                            q1.z = p1.z + fontExtrusion.length;
                            p2.z = 0.0f;
                            q2.z = p2.z + fontExtrusion.length;
                            for (int m = 0; m < num; m++) {
                                p2.x = outVerts[i][m].x;
                                p2.y = outVerts[i][m].y;
                                q2.x = p2.x;
                                q2.y = p2.y;
                                if (getNormal(p1, q1, p2, n1)) {

                                    if (!flip_side_orient) {

                            for (; k < num; k++) {
                                p2.x = outVerts[i][k].x;
                                p2.y = outVerts[i][k].y;
                                p2.z = 0.0f;
                                q2.x = p2.x;
                                q2.y = p2.y;
                                q2.z = p2.z + fontExtrusion.length;

                                if (!getNormal(p1, q1, p2, n1)) {
                                } else {
                                    if (!flip_side_orient) {

                                if (!getNormal(p2, q1, q2, n2)) {
                                } else {
                                    if (!flip_side_orient) {
                                // if there is a previous normal, see if we need to smooth
                                // this normal or make a crease

                                if (pn1 != null) {
                                    cosine =;
                                    smooth = cosine > threshold;
                                    if (smooth) {
                                        p1Normal.x = (pn1.x + pn2.x + n1.x);
                                        p1Normal.y = (pn1.y + pn2.y + n1.y);
                                        p1Normal.z = (pn1.z + pn2.z + n1.z);

                                        q1Normal.x = (pn2.x + n1.x + n2.x);
                                        q1Normal.y = (pn2.y + n1.y + n2.y);
                                        q1Normal.z = (pn2.z + n1.z + n2.z);
                                    } // if smooth
                                    else {
                                        p1Normal.x = n1.x;
                                        p1Normal.y = n1.y;
                                        p1Normal.z = n1.z;
                                        q1Normal.x = n1.x + n2.x;
                                        q1Normal.y = n1.y + n2.y;
                                        q1Normal.z = n1.z + n2.z;
                                    } // else
                                } // if pn1 != null
                                else {
                                    pn1 = new Vector3f();
                                    pn2 = new Vector3f();
                                    p1Normal.x = n1.x;
                                    p1Normal.y = n1.y;
                                    p1Normal.z = n1.z;

                                    q1Normal.x = (n1.x + n2.x);
                                    q1Normal.y = (n1.y + n2.y);
                                    q1Normal.z = (n1.z + n2.z);
                                } // else

                                // if there is a next, check if we should smooth normal

                                if (k + 1 < num) {
                                    p3.x = outVerts[i][k + 1].x;
                                    p3.y = outVerts[i][k + 1].y;
                                    p3.z = 0.0f;
                                    q3.x = p3.x;
                                    q3.y = p3.y;
                                    q3.z = p3.z + fontExtrusion.length;

                                    if (!getNormal(p2, q2, p3, n3)) {
                                    } else {
                                        if (!flip_side_orient) {

                                    if (!getNormal(p3, q2, q3, n4)) {
                                    } else {
                                        if (!flip_side_orient) {

                                    cosine =;
                                    smooth = cosine > threshold;

                                    if (smooth) {
                                        p2Normal.x = (n1.x + n2.x + n3.x);
                                        p2Normal.y = (n1.y + n2.y + n3.y);
                                        p2Normal.z = (n1.z + n2.z + n3.z);

                                        q2Normal.x = (n2.x + n3.x + n4.x);
                                        q2Normal.y = (n2.y + n3.y + n4.y);
                                        q2Normal.z = (n2.z + n3.z + n4.z);
                                    } else { // if smooth
                                        p2Normal.x = n1.x + n2.x;
                                        p2Normal.y = n1.y + n2.y;
                                        p2Normal.z = n1.z + n2.z;
                                        q2Normal.x = n2.x;
                                        q2Normal.y = n2.y;
                                        q2Normal.z = n2.z;
                                    } // else
                                } else { // if k+1 < num
                                    p2Normal.x = (n1.x + n2.x);
                                    p2Normal.y = (n1.y + n2.y);
                                    p2Normal.z = (n1.z + n2.z);

                                    q2Normal.x = n2.x;
                                    q2Normal.y = n2.y;
                                    q2Normal.z = n2.z;
                                } // else

                                // add pts for the 2 tris
                                // p1, q1, p2 and p2, q1, q2

                                if (flip_side_orient) {
                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p1Normal);

                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q1Normal);

                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p2Normal);

                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p2Normal);

                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q1Normal);
                                } else {
                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q1Normal);

                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p1Normal);

                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p2Normal);

                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q1Normal);

                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, p2Normal);
                                triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q2);
                                triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, q2Normal);
                                pn1.x = n1.x;
                                pn1.y = n1.y;
                                pn1.z = n1.z;
                                pn2.x = n2.x;
                                pn2.y = n2.y;
                                pn2.z = n2.z;
                                p1.x = p2.x;
                                p1.y = p2.y;
                                p1.z = p2.z;
                                q1.x = q2.x;
                                q1.y = q2.y;
                                q1.z = q2.z;

                            } // for k

                            // set the previous normals to null when we are done
                            pn1 = null;
                            pn2 = null;
                        } // for j
                    } //for i
                } else { // if shape
                    int m, offset = 0;
                    Point3f P2 = new Point3f(), Q2 = new Point3f(), P1 = new Point3f();
                    Vector3f nn = new Vector3f(), nn1 = new Vector3f(), nn2 = new Vector3f(), nn3 = new Vector3f();
                    Vector3f nna = new Vector3f(), nnb = new Vector3f();
                    float length;
                    boolean validNormal = false;

                    // fontExtrusion.shape is specified, and is NOT straight line
                    for (i = 0; i < islandCounts.length; i++) {
                        for (j = 0, k = 0, offset = num = 0; j < islandCounts[i].length; j++) {
                            num += islandCounts[i][j];

                            p1.x = outVerts[i][num - 1].x;
                            p1.y = outVerts[i][num - 1].y;
                            p1.z = 0.0f;
                            q1.x = p1.x;
                            q1.y = p1.y;
                            q1.z = p1.z + fontExtrusion.length;
                            p3.z = 0.0f;
                            for (m = num - 2; m >= 0; m--) {
                                p3.x = outVerts[i][m].x;
                                p3.y = outVerts[i][m].y;

                                if (getNormal(p3, q1, p1, nn1)) {
                                    if (!flip_side_orient) {
                            for (; k < num; k++) {
                                p2.x = outVerts[i][k].x;
                                p2.y = outVerts[i][k].y;
                                p2.z = 0.0f;
                                q2.x = p2.x;
                                q2.y = p2.y;
                                q2.z = p2.z + fontExtrusion.length;
                                getNormal(p1, q1, p2, nn2);

                                p3.x = outVerts[i][(k + 1) == num ? offset : (k + 1)].x;
                                p3.y = outVerts[i][(k + 1) == num ? offset : (k + 1)].y;
                                p3.z = 0.0f;
                                if (!getNormal(p3, p2, q2, nn3)) {
                                } else {
                                    if (!flip_side_orient) {

                                // Calculate normals at the point by averaging normals
                                // of two faces on each side of the point.
                                nna.x = (nn1.x + nn2.x);
                                nna.y = (nn1.y + nn2.y);
                                nna.z = (nn1.z + nn2.z);

                                nnb.x = (nn3.x + nn2.x);
                                nnb.y = (nn3.y + nn2.y);
                                nnb.z = (nn3.z + nn2.z);

                                P1.x = p1.x;
                                P1.y = p1.y;
                                P1.z = p1.z;
                                P2.x = p2.x;
                                P2.y = p2.y;
                                P2.z = p2.z;
                                Q2.x = q2.x;
                                Q2.y = q2.y;
                                Q2.z = q2.z;
                                for (m = 1; m < fontExtrusion.pnts.length; m++) {
                                    q1.z = q2.z = fontExtrusion.pnts[m].x;
                                    q1.x = P1.x + nna.x * fontExtrusion.pnts[m].y;
                                    q1.y = P1.y + nna.y * fontExtrusion.pnts[m].y;
                                    q2.x = P2.x + nnb.x * fontExtrusion.pnts[m].y;
                                    q2.y = P2.y + nnb.y * fontExtrusion.pnts[m].y;

                                    if (!getNormal(p1, q1, p2, n1)) {
                                    } else {
                                        if (!flip_side_orient) {

                                    if (flip_side_orient) {
                                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                                    } else {
                                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p1);
                                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                                    if (!getNormal(p2, q1, q2, n1)) {
                                    } else {
                                        if (!flip_side_orient) {

                                    if (flip_side_orient) {
                                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                                    } else {
                                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q1);
                                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                                        triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, p2);
                                        triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);
                                    triAry.setCoordinate(currCoordIndex, q2);
                                    triAry.setNormal(currCoordIndex, n1);

                                    p1.x = q1.x;
                                    p1.y = q1.y;
                                    p1.z = q1.z;
                                    p2.x = q2.x;
                                    p2.y = q2.y;
                                    p2.z = q2.z;
                                } // for m
                                p1.x = P2.x;
                                p1.y = P2.y;
                                p1.z = P2.z;
                                q1.x = Q2.x;
                                q1.y = Q2.y;
                                q1.z = Q2.z;
                                nn1.x = nn2.x;
                                nn1.y = nn2.y;
                                nn1.z = nn2.z;
                            } // for k
                            offset = num;
                        } // for j
                    } //for i
                } // if shape
            } // if fontExtrusion
            geo = (GeometryArrayRetained) triAry.retained;
            geomHash.put(ch, geo);

        return geo;

    private GeometryService newGeometryService() {
        final ServiceLoader<GeometryService> gsLoader = ServiceLoader.load(GeometryService.class);

        final Iterator<GeometryService> iter = gsLoader.iterator();
        if (iter.hasNext())

        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "No GeometryService implementation found. " + "Please add j3d-core-utils to the classpath.");

    static boolean getNormal(Point3f p1, Point3f p2, Point3f p3, Vector3f normal) {
        Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f();
        Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f();

        // Must compute normal
        v1.sub(p2, p1);
        v2.sub(p2, p3);
        normal.cross(v1, v2);

        float length = normal.length();

        if (length > 0) {
            length = 1 / length;
            normal.x *= length;
            normal.y *= length;
            normal.z *= length;
            return true;
        return false;

    // check if 2 contours are inside/outside/intersect one another
    // INPUT:
    // vertCnt1, vertCnt2  - number of vertices in 2 contours
    // begin1, begin2      - starting indices into vertices for 2 contours
    // vertices            - actual vertex data
    // OUTPUT:
    // status == 1   - intersecting contours
    //           2   - first contour inside the second
    //           3   - second contour inside the first
    //           0   - disjoint contours(2 islands)

    static int check2Contours(int begin1, int end1, int begin2, int end2, Point3f[] vertices) {
        int i;
        boolean inside2, inside1;

        inside2 = pointInPolygon2D(vertices[begin1].x, vertices[begin1].y, begin2, end2, vertices);

        for (i = begin1 + 1; i < end1; i++) {
            if (pointInPolygon2D(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y, begin2, end2, vertices) != inside2) {
                return 1; //intersecting contours

        // Since we are using point in polygon test and not
        // line in polygon test. There are cases we miss the interesting
        // if we are not checking the reverse for all points. This happen
        // when two points form a line pass through a polygon but the two
        // points are outside of it.

        inside1 = pointInPolygon2D(vertices[begin2].x, vertices[begin2].y, begin1, end1, vertices);

        for (i = begin2 + 1; i < end2; i++) {
            if (pointInPolygon2D(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y, begin1, end1, vertices) != inside1) {
                return 1; //intersecting contours

        if (!inside2) {
            if (!inside1) {
                return 0; // disjoint countours
            // inside2 = false and inside1 = true
            return 3; // second contour inside first

        // must be inside2 = true and inside1 = false
        // Note that it is not possible inside2 = inside1 = true
        // unless two contour overlap to each others.
        return 2; // first contour inside second

    // Test if 2D point (x,y) lies inside polygon represented by verts.
    // z-value of polygon vertices is ignored. Sent only to avoid data-copy.
    // Uses ray-shooting algorithm to compute intersections along +X axis.
    // This algorithm works for all polygons(concave, self-intersecting) and
    // is best solution here due to large number of polygon vertices.
    // Point is INSIDE if number of intersections is odd, OUTSIDE if number
    // of intersections is even.
    static boolean pointInPolygon2D(float x, float y, int begIdx, int endIdx, Point3f[] verts) {

        int i, num_intersections = 0;
        float xi;

        for (i = begIdx; i < endIdx - 1; i++) {
            if ((verts[i].y >= y && verts[i + 1].y >= y) || (verts[i].y < y && verts[i + 1].y < y))

            xi = verts[i].x + (verts[i].x - verts[i + 1].x) * (y - verts[i].y) / (verts[i].y - verts[i + 1].y);

            if (x < xi)

        // Check for segment from last vertex to first vertex.

        if (!((verts[i].y >= y && verts[begIdx].y >= y) || (verts[i].y < y && verts[begIdx].y < y))) {
            xi = verts[i].x + (verts[i].x - verts[begIdx].x) * (y - verts[i].y) / (verts[i].y - verts[begIdx].y);

            if (x < xi)

        return ((num_intersections % 2) != 0);

    static final boolean normalize(Vector3f v) {
        float len = v.length();

        if (len > 0) {
            len = 1.0f / len;
            v.x *= len;
            v.y *= len;
            v.z *= len;
            return true;
        return false;

    // A Tree of islands form based on contour, each parent's contour
    // enclosed all the child. We built this since Triangular fail to
    // handle the case of multiple concentrated contours. i.e. if
    // 4 contours A > B > C > D. Triangular will fail recongized
    // two island, one form by A & B and the other by C & D.
    // Using this tree we can separate out every 2 levels and pass
    // in to triangular to workaround its limitation.
    static private class IslandsNode {

        private ArrayList<IslandsNode> islandsList = null;
        int startIdx, endIdx;

        IslandsNode(int startIdx, int endIdx) {
            this.startIdx = startIdx;
            this.endIdx = endIdx;
            islandsList = null;

        void addChild(IslandsNode node) {
            if (islandsList == null)
                islandsList = new ArrayList<IslandsNode>(5);

        void removeChild(IslandsNode node) {

        IslandsNode getChild(int idx) {
            return islandsList.get(idx);

        int numChild() {
            return (islandsList == null ? 0 : islandsList.size());

        int numVertices() {
            return endIdx - startIdx;

        void insert(IslandsNode newNode, Point3f[] vertices) {
            boolean createNewLevel = false;

            if (islandsList != null) {
                IslandsNode childNode;
                int status;

                for (int i = numChild() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    childNode = getChild(i);
                    status = check2Contours(newNode.startIdx, newNode.endIdx, childNode.startIdx, childNode.endIdx,
                    switch (status) {
                    case 2: // newNode inside childNode, go down recursively
                        childNode.insert(newNode, vertices);
                    case 3:// childNode inside newNode,
                        // continue to search other childNode also
                        // inside this one and group them together.
                        createNewLevel = true;
                    default: // intersecting or disjoint


            if (createNewLevel) {
                // Remove child in newNode from this
                for (int i = newNode.numChild() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                // Add the newNode to parent

        // Return a list of node with odd number of level
        void collectOddLevelNode(UnorderList list, int level) {
            if ((level % 2) == 1) {
            if (islandsList != null) {
                for (int i = numChild() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    getChild(i).collectOddLevelNode(list, level);