Java tutorial
/* * JavaWars - browser game that teaches Java * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Bartlomiej N ( * * This file is part of JavaWars. JavaWars is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> * */ /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package javawars.client.pages; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import javawars.client.pages.labels.SimpleLabel; import javawars.client.ui.DateFormatter; import javawars.client.ui.MatchViewer; import javawars.client.ui.MatchViewerFast; import javawars.client.ui.MatchViewerClassic; import javawars.client.ui.PageWithHorizontalMenu; import javawars.client.ui.PageWithNoMenu; import javawars.client.ui.SpacerFactory; import javawars.domain.League; import javawars.domain.MatchReport; import javawars.domain.Robot; /** * * @author bartlomiej */ class RobotPage extends PageWithHorizontalMenu { private final Robot robot; private final Workshop workshop; private final Composite robotLabel; private final Composite statisticsContent; private final Composite editContent; private final Composite testContent; private final Composite matchesContent; public Robot getRobot() { return robot; } RobotPage(final Robot robot, final Workshop workshop) { super(robot.getName()); this.robot = robot; this.workshop = workshop; /** * The robot label - displayed in a side menu. */ robotLabel = new Composite() { private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); { FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); table.setWidget(0, 0, SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(100, 0)); table.setWidget(0, 1, SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(100, 0)); Label robotName = new Label(robot.getName()); robotName.setStyleName("RobotName"); table.setWidget(1, 0, robotName); table.setText(1, 1, "" + robot.getScore()); table.setText(2, 0, "" + DateFormatter.extractDate(robot.getCreationDate())); table.setText(2, 1, "" + DateFormatter.extractDate(robot.getModificationDate())); mainPanel.add(table); table.setStyleName("Table"); mainPanel.setStyleName("RobotLabel"); initWidget(mainPanel); } }; /** * Content of the statistics subpage */ statisticsContent = new Composite() { private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); { mainPanel.add(new HTML("<h2>" + robot.getName() + "</h2>")); final FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); SpacerFactory.adjustFlexTable(table, 120, 50, 50, 120, 50, 50); table.setText(1, 0, "Data utworzenia:"); table.setText(1, 1, "" + DateFormatter.extractDateAndHour(robot.getCreationDate())); table.setText(1, 3, "Ostatnia modyfikacja: "); table.setText(1, 4, "" + DateFormatter.extractDateAndHour(robot.getModificationDate())); table.setText(2, 0, "Punkty: "); table.setText(2, 1, "" + robot.getScore()); // temporary commenting out - the 'choose' button doesn't get back // when another robot is chosen as a representant //if (robot.isRepresentant() == false) { table.setWidget(3, 0, SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(1, 15)); table.setText(4, 0, "Ustaw jako reprezentanta:"); final Button representButton = new Button("reprezentant"); table.setWidget(4, 1, representButton); final AsyncCallback representCallback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { representButton.setEnabled(true); } public void onSuccess(Object arg0) { representButton.setEnabled(true); } }; representButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget arg0) { representButton.setEnabled(false); DataProvider.getInstance().getService().selectAsRepresentant(robot.getName(), representCallback); } }); // } table.setWidget(5, 0, SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(1, 15)); table.setText(6, 0, "Usu robota: "); final Button deleteButton = new Button("usu"); table.setWidget(6, 1, deleteButton); final AsyncCallback deleteCallback = new AsyncCallback() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { Window.alert("Wystpi nieznany bd."); deleteButton.setEnabled(true); } public void onSuccess(Object arg0) { History.newItem("Workshop"); workshop.removeChildPage(getUrl()); deleteButton.setEnabled(true); } }; deleteButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget arg0) { deleteButton.setEnabled(false); DataProvider.getInstance().getService().deleteRobot(robot.getName(), deleteCallback); } }); mainPanel.add(table); initWidget(mainPanel); } }; /** * The composite which will be used as a content in the Edit subpage */ editContent = new Composite() { private final HTML codeTextArea; private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); { codeTextArea = new HTML("<textarea id='codeTextArea' " + "class='codepress java' " + "style='width: " + Math.max(300, Window.getClientWidth() - 250) + "px; " + "height: " + Math.max(300, Window.getClientHeight() - 300) + "px; '" + ">" + robot.getCode() + "</textarea>"); mainPanel.add(codeTextArea); final FlowPanel editors = new FlowPanel(); CheckBox useVi = new CheckBox("Edytor VI ", false); useVi.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { private boolean enabled = false; public void onClick(Widget arg0) { if (enabled == false) { enabled = true; DOM.getElementById("codeTextArea").setAttribute("onfocus", "editor(this);"); } else { enabled = false; DOM.getElementById("codeTextArea").setAttribute("onfocus", ";"); } } }); editors.add(useVi); // editors.add(SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(20, 20)); final Button launchCodepress = new Button("Edytor CodePress"); launchCodepress.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget arg0) { editors.setVisible(false); initializeCodePress(); } }); editors.add(launchCodepress); mainPanel.add(editors); final Button save = new Button("Zapisz"); final HTML compilerOutput = new HTML(); final AsyncCallback<String> processOutput = new AsyncCallback<String>() { String startingCode; { startingCode = robot.getCode(); } public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { compilerOutput.setText("Bd poczenia z serwerem!"); save.setEnabled(true); } public void onSuccess(String output) { compilerOutput.setHTML("<pre>" + output + "</pre>"); robot.setCode(startingCode); save.setEnabled(true); } }; save.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public native String getRobotCode() /*-{ return $wnd.codeTextArea.getCode(); }-*/; public native String storeRobotCode() /*-{ return $doc.getElementById("codeTextArea_cp").value = $wnd.codeTextArea.getCode() }-*/; public void onClick(Widget arg0) { save.setEnabled(false); if (editors.isVisible()) { DataProvider.getInstance().getService().updateRobotCode(robot.getName(), DOM.getElementById("codeTextArea").getPropertyString("value"), processOutput); } else { storeRobotCode(); DataProvider.getInstance().getService().updateRobotCode(robot.getName(), getRobotCode(), processOutput); } } }); mainPanel.add(save); mainPanel.add(compilerOutput); initWidget(mainPanel); } boolean initialized = false; @Override protected void onLoad() { ; } public native void initializeCodePress() /*-{ $; }-*/; }; // content of the test subpage... testContent = new Composite() { private final ListBox robotList = new ListBox(true); private final VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private final VerticalPanel matchViewerPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private final ListBox leaguesList = new ListBox(); { HTML testHeadline = new HTML("<h2>Testuj:</h2>"); Label testDescription = new Label("Wybierz z listy roboty, ktre " + "chcesz przetestowa na jednej planszy; Ctrl+klik - zaznaczenie wicej ni jednego robota. " + "Po dokonaniu wyboru nacini przycisk."); mainPanel.add(testHeadline); mainPanel.add(testDescription); mainPanel.add(SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(10, 10)); mainPanel.add(robotList); mainPanel.add(SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(10, 10)); HTML leagueHeadline = new HTML("<h3>Liga:</h3>"); Label leagueDescription = new Label("Wybierz w jakiej lidze chcesz dokona testu:"); mainPanel.add(leagueHeadline); mainPanel.add(leagueDescription); mainPanel.add(leaguesList); mainPanel.add(SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(10, 10)); final Button testButton = new Button("Testuj"); final AsyncCallback<MatchReport> testCallback = new AsyncCallback<MatchReport>() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { Window.alert(("Wystpi nieznany bd.")); testButton.setEnabled(true); } public void onSuccess(MatchReport matchReport) { try { matchViewerPanel.clear(); MatchViewer matchViewer = new MatchViewerFast(); matchViewerPanel.add(matchViewer);; testButton.setEnabled(true); } catch (Exception exception) { Window.alert("Wystpi nieznany bd podczas wywietlania przebiegu pojedynku!"); } } }; testButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget arg0) { if (robotList.getSelectedIndex() == -1) { Window.alert("Prosz wybra przynajmniej jednego robota"); return; } testButton.setEnabled(false); // adding all the selected items of the listbox to one list List<String> robotNames = new LinkedList<String>(); int counter = 0; while (counter < robotList.getItemCount()) { if (robotList.isItemSelected(counter) == true) { robotNames.add(robotList.getItemText(counter)); } counter++; } // invoking the method on server DataProvider.getInstance().getService().testRobots(leaguesList.getSelectedIndex(), robotNames, testCallback); } }); mainPanel.add(SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(10, 10)); mainPanel.add(testButton); mainPanel.add(matchViewerPanel); initWidget(mainPanel); } // a boolean that provides us a lock for the listbox boolean robotListLocked = false; boolean leaguesListLocked = false; /** * Refreshes the content of the listBox; */ private void populateRobotListBox(List<Robot> list) { // if the list is locked, it means there already is an update // in progress; we don't need to update it after such a short // time, so we quit updating completely. if (robotListLocked == false) { robotListLocked = true; robotList.clear(); for (Robot r : list) { robotList.addItem(r.getName()); } robotListLocked = false; } } /** * Refreshes the content of the leaguesListBox; */ private void populateLeaguesListBox(List<League> list) { // if the list is locked, it means there already is an update // in progress; we don't need to update it after such a short // time, so we quit updating completely. if (leaguesListLocked == false) { leaguesListLocked = true; leaguesList.clear(); for (League l : list) { leaguesList.addItem(l.getName()); } leaguesListLocked = false; } } private final AsyncCallback<List<League>> processLeagueCallback = new AsyncCallback<List<League>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable exception) { Window.alert("Error, couldn't update leagues list."); } public void onSuccess(List<League> list) { populateLeaguesListBox(list); } }; @Override protected void onLoad() { populateRobotListBox(workshop.getRobotList()); DataProvider.getInstance().getService().getLeagues(processLeagueCallback); } }; // matchesContent matchesContent = new Composite() { private final List<MatchReport> matches = new ArrayList<MatchReport>(); private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); { AsyncCallback<List<MatchReport>> processMatches = new AsyncCallback<List<MatchReport>>() { public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) { Window.alert("Wystpi bd."); } public void onSuccess(final List<MatchReport> matchReports) { mainPanel.clear(); mainPanel.add(new HTML("<h3>Ostatnie dziesi pojedynkw: </h3>")); mainPanel.add(SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(20, 20)); final ListBox matchesListBox = new ListBox(); matchesListBox.setVisibleItemCount(5); for (MatchReport m : matchReports) { matchesListBox.addItem(DateFormatter.extractDateAndHour(m.getDate())); } mainPanel.add(matchesListBox); mainPanel.add(SpacerFactory.getHTMLSpacer(20, 20)); final VerticalPanel viewerPanel = new VerticalPanel(); mainPanel.add(viewerPanel); matchesListBox.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget arg0) { matchesListBox.setEnabled(false); viewerPanel.clear(); viewerPanel.add(new Label("Prosz czeka")); MatchViewer mv = new MatchViewerFast(); viewerPanel.add(mv);; viewerPanel.getWidget(0).removeFromParent(); matchesListBox.setEnabled(true); } }); } }; mainPanel.add(new Label("prosz czeka...")); DataProvider.getInstance().getService().fetchRobotMatchReports(robot.getName(), processMatches); initWidget(mainPanel); } }; // adding the subpages... addChild(new Statistics()); addChild(new Edit()); addChild(new Test()); addChild(new MatchReports()); }; @Override public Composite getContent() { return new SimpleLabel("To jest strona robota: " + robot.getName()); } @Override public Composite getLabel() { return robotLabel; } private class Statistics extends PageWithNoMenu { @Override public Composite getContent() { return statisticsContent; } @Override public Composite getLabel() { return new SimpleLabel("Statystyki"); } public Statistics() { super("Statistics"); } } private class Edit extends PageWithNoMenu { @Override public Composite getContent() { return editContent; } @Override public Composite getLabel() { return new SimpleLabel("Edycja"); } public Edit() { super("Edit"); } } private class Test extends PageWithNoMenu { @Override public Composite getContent() { return testContent; } @Override public Composite getLabel() { return new SimpleLabel("Testuj"); } public Test() { super("Test"); } } private class MatchReports extends PageWithNoMenu { @Override public Composite getContent() { return matchesContent; } @Override public Composite getLabel() { return new SimpleLabel("Pojedynki"); } public MatchReports() { super("Matches"); } } }