Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014 Politecnico di Milano ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package it.polimi.tower4clouds.manager; import it.polimi.deib.csparql_rest_api.RSP_services_csparql_API; import it.polimi.deib.csparql_rest_api.exception.ObserverErrorException; import it.polimi.deib.csparql_rest_api.exception.QueryErrorException; import it.polimi.deib.csparql_rest_api.exception.ServerErrorException; import it.polimi.deib.csparql_rest_api.exception.StreamErrorException; import it.polimi.modaclouds.monitoring.kb.api.DeserializationException; import it.polimi.modaclouds.monitoring.kb.api.KbAPI; import it.polimi.modaclouds.monitoring.kb.api.RspKbAPI; import it.polimi.modaclouds.monitoring.kb.api.SerializationException; import it.polimi.modaclouds.qos_models.Problem; import; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.manager.api.IManagerAPI; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.manager.api.NotFoundException; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.manager.api.Observer; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.manager.api.SocketProtocol; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.model.data_collectors.DCConfiguration; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.model.data_collectors.DCDescriptor; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.model.ontology.MO; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.model.ontology.MOVocabulary; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.model.ontology.Resource; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.rdf_history_db.api.RdfHistoryDBAPI; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.rules.AbstractAction; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.rules.MonitoredTarget; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.rules.MonitoringRule; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.rules.MonitoringRules; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.rules.Parameter; import it.polimi.tower4clouds.rules.RulesValidator; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; public class MonitoringManager implements IManagerAPI { private static final int MAX_KEEP_ALIVE = Integer.MAX_VALUE / 1000; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); private final ScheduledExecutorService keepAliveScheduler; private QueryFactory queryFactory; private Map<String, String> streamsByMetric = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, DCConfiguration> dCConfigByRuleId = new HashMap<String, DCConfiguration>(); private Map<String, MonitoringRule> rulesByRuleId = new HashMap<String, MonitoringRule>(); private Map<String, String> queryIdByRuleId = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, Query> queryByQueryId = new HashMap<String, Query>(); private Map<String, String> ruleIdByObservableMetric = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Map<String, Set<String>> inputMetricsByRuleId = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); private Map<String, Set<String>> rulesIdsByInputMetric = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); private Map<String, Set<String>> observersIdsByMetric = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); private Map<String, Observer> observersById = new HashMap<String, Observer>(); private final int keepAliveCheckPeriod = 60; private Map<String, DCDescriptor> registeredDCs; private Map<String, Integer> dcsKeepAlive; private Map<String, Long> dcsKATimestamp; private Map<String, Resource> registeredResources; private Map<String, Integer> resourcesKeepAlive; private Map<String, Long> resourcesKATimestamp; private final Object dcAndResourcesLock = new Object(); private RulesValidator validator; private KbAPI knowledgeBase; private RSP_services_csparql_API dataAnalyzer; private RdfHistoryDBAPI rdfHistoryDB; private ManagerConfig config; private ExecutorService actionsExecutor; public MonitoringManager(ManagerConfig config) throws Exception { this.config = config; validator = new RulesValidator(); RspKbAPI.KB_NAME_SPACE = MO.URI; RspKbAPI.KB_NS_PREFIX = MO.prefix; knowledgeBase = new RspKbAPI(config.getDaUrl()); dataAnalyzer = new RSP_services_csparql_API(config.getDaUrl());"Checking if Data Analyzer is reachable"); NetUtil.waitForResponseCode(config.getDaUrl() + "/queries", 200, MAX_KEEP_ALIVE, 5000);"Resetting KB"); knowledgeBase.clearAll();"Resetting DA"); resetDA(); registeredDCs = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DCDescriptor>(); dcsKeepAlive = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(); dcsKATimestamp = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>(); registeredResources = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Resource>(); resourcesKeepAlive = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(); resourcesKATimestamp = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Long>(); queryFactory = new QueryFactory(); actionsExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); keepAliveScheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); keepAliveScheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new keepAliveChecker(), 0, keepAliveCheckPeriod, TimeUnit.SECONDS);"Uploading ontology to KB"); knowledgeBase.putModel(MO.model, ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); if (config.getRdfHistoryDbIP() != null) { rdfHistoryDB = new RdfHistoryDBAPI(config.getRdfHistoryDbIP(), config.getRdfHistoryDbPort()); rdfHistoryDB.setAsync(true); } // initSelfMonitoring(); } // private void initSelfMonitoring() { // Map<Property, String> applicationProperties = new HashMap<Property, // String>(); // applicationProperties.put(Property.ID, "Manager"); // applicationProperties.put(Property.TYPE, "Tower4Clouds"); // Registry.initialize("localhost", config.getMmPort(), // applicationProperties, getClass().getPackage().getName()); // Registry.startMonitoring(); // } public synchronized void resetDA() { try { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonArray jsonQueriesInfoArray = parser.parse(dataAnalyzer.getQueriesInfo()).getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement jsonElement : jsonQueriesInfoArray) { JsonObject queryInfoJson = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); String queryId = queryInfoJson.get("id").getAsString(); dataAnalyzer.unregisterQuery(prepareQueryURI(queryId)); } JsonArray jsonStreamsInfoArray = parser.parse(dataAnalyzer.getStreamsInfo()).getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement jsonElement : jsonStreamsInfoArray) { String streamId = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject().get("streamIRI").getAsString(); dataAnalyzer.unregisterStream(streamId); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("An error occurred while trying to clear the DDA", e); } } @Override public synchronized void installRules(MonitoringRules rules) throws RuleInstallationException {"{} rule(s) to install", rules.getMonitoringRules().size());"Validating rules"); validate(rules); String installedRules = ""; try { for (MonitoringRule rule : rules.getMonitoringRules()) { installRule(rule); installedRules += " " + rule.getId(); } } catch (RuleInstallationException e) { throw new RuleInstallationException( "Error while installing rules, only the following rules were successfully installed:" + installedRules + ". Problems: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } private void installRule(MonitoringRule rule) throws RuleInstallationException {"Installing rule {}", rule.getId()); try { Query query = queryFactory.prepareQuery(rule); queryIdByRuleId.put(rule.getId(), query.getId()); Set<String> inputMetrics = query.getRequiredMetrics(); logger.debug("Input metrics: {}", inputMetrics.toString()); for (String inMetric : inputMetrics) { DCConfiguration newDCConfig = prepareDCConfig(rule, inMetric); if (!streamsByMetric.containsKey(inMetric)) { String newStream = prepareStreamURI(inMetric); logger.debug("Registering stream {}", inMetric, newStream, newDCConfig); dataAnalyzer.registerStream(newStream); streamsByMetric.put(inMetric, newStream); } addInputMetric(inMetric, rule.getId()); synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { dCConfigByRuleId.put(rule.getId(), newDCConfig); logger.debug("Saving DC configuration: {}", newDCConfig); } String inputStream = streamsByMetric.get(inMetric); logger.debug("Adding input stream {} to query", inputStream); query.addInputStreamURI(inputStream); } String csparqlQuery =; logger.debug("Installing query:\n{}", csparqlQuery); dataAnalyzer.registerQuery(query.getId(), csparqlQuery); queryByQueryId.put(query.getId(), query); if (query.hasOutputMetric()) { String outputMetric = query.getOutputMetric(); logger.debug("Output metric: {}", outputMetric); if (streamsByMetric.containsKey(outputMetric)) { String message = "The metric " + outputMetric + " is alread produced by "; if (ruleIdByObservableMetric.containsKey(outputMetric)) { message += "rule " + ruleIdByObservableMetric.get(outputMetric); } else { message += "some data collector according to rules " + getRulesIdsFromInputMetric(outputMetric).toString(); } throw new RuleInstallationException(message); } String outputStreamURI = prepareStreamURI(query.getId()); streamsByMetric.put(outputMetric, outputStreamURI); ruleIdByObservableMetric.put(outputMetric, rule.getId()); } if (query.hasActions()) { dataAnalyzer.addHttpObserver(prepareQueryURI(query.getId()), "http://" + config.getMmIP() + ":" + config.getMmPort() + "/v1/monitoring-rules/" + rule.getId() + "/actions", "TOWER/JSON"); } rulesByRuleId.put(rule.getId(), rule); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while installing rule {}, rolling back", rule.getId(), e); try { cleanUpRule(rule.getId()); } catch (IOException e1) { throw new RuleInstallationException( "Something went wrong while rolling back the installation of rule " + rule.getId() + ", try uninstalling and reinstalling the rule", e); } throw new RuleInstallationException(e); } } private void addInputMetric(String inMetric, String ruleId) { Set<String> iMetrics = inputMetricsByRuleId.get(ruleId); if (iMetrics == null) { iMetrics = new HashSet<String>(); inputMetricsByRuleId.put(ruleId, iMetrics); } iMetrics.add(inMetric); Set<String> rulesIds = rulesIdsByInputMetric.get(inMetric); if (rulesIds == null) { rulesIds = new HashSet<String>(); rulesIdsByInputMetric.put(inMetric, rulesIds); } rulesIds.add(ruleId); } private Set<String> getRulesIdsFromInputMetric(String iMetric) { HashSet<String> ids = new HashSet<String>(); for (Query query : queryByQueryId.values()) { if (query.getRequiredMetrics().contains(iMetric)) { ids.add(query.getRuleId()); } } return ids; } // private String getRuleIdFromQueryId(String queryId) { // for (Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : queryByRuleId.entrySet()) { // if (entry.getValue().contains(queryId)) // return entry.getKey(); // } // return null; // } // private void addQueryIdByRuleId(String ruleId, String queryId) { // Set<String> queriesIds = queryByRuleId.get(ruleId); // if (queriesIds == null) { // queriesIds = new HashSet<String>(); // queryByRuleId.put(ruleId, queriesIds); // } // queriesIds.add(queryId); // } private DCConfiguration prepareDCConfig(MonitoringRule rule, String metric) { // TODO currently only one collected metric is allowed DCConfiguration dc = new DCConfiguration(); for (Parameter parameter : rule.getCollectedMetric().getParameters()) { dc.addParameter(parameter.getName(), parameter.getValue()); } for (MonitoredTarget target : rule.getMonitoredTargets().getMonitoredTargets()) { dc.addTargetResource(target.getClazz(), target.getType(), target.getId()); } try { dc.setDaUrl(config.getDaUrl() + "/streams/" + URLEncoder.encode(prepareStreamURI(metric), "UTF-8")); dc.setDataFormat("TOWER/JSON"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return dc; } private String prepareStreamURI(String metric) { return "" + metric; } private String prepareQueryURI(String queryId) { return config.getDaUrl() + "/queries/" + queryId; } private void validate(MonitoringRules rules) throws RuleInstallationException { Set<Problem> problems = new HashSet<Problem>(); List<MonitoringRule> otherRules = new ArrayList<MonitoringRule>(rulesByRuleId.values()); otherRules.addAll(rules.getMonitoringRules()); MonitoringRule previousRule = null; for (MonitoringRule rule : rules.getMonitoringRules()) { if (previousRule != null) otherRules.add(previousRule); otherRules.remove(rule); problems.addAll(validator.validateRule(rule, otherRules)); previousRule = rule; } if (!problems.isEmpty()) { String message = "Rules could not be installed. Problems:"; for (Problem p : problems) { message += " [Rule " + p.getId() + ", error: " + p.getError() + " at position " + p.getTagName() + (p.getDescription() != null ? ", details: " + p.getDescription() : "") + "]"; } throw new RuleInstallationException(message); } } @Override public synchronized void uninstallRule(String ruleId) throws NotFoundException, IOException {"Uninstalling rule {}", ruleId); if (!rulesByRuleId.containsKey(ruleId)) { throw new NotFoundException(ruleId); } cleanUpRule(ruleId); rulesByRuleId.remove(ruleId); } private void cleanUpRule(String ruleId) throws IOException { String queryId = queryIdByRuleId.get(ruleId); if (queryId == null) return; try { if (queryByQueryId.containsKey(queryId)) { String queryURI = prepareQueryURI(queryId); logger.debug("Uninstalling query {}", queryId); dataAnalyzer.unregisterQuery(queryURI); Query query = queryByQueryId.get(queryId); if (query.hasOutputMetric()) { ruleIdByObservableMetric.remove(query.getOutputMetric()); streamsByMetric.remove(query.getOutputMetric()); Set<String> observers = observersIdsByMetric.remove(query.getOutputMetric()); if (observers != null) { for (String obsId : observers) { observersById.remove(obsId); } } } queryByQueryId.remove(queryId); } Set<String> inputMetrics = inputMetricsByRuleId.get(ruleId); if (inputMetrics != null) { for (String metric : inputMetrics) { rulesIdsByInputMetric.get(metric).remove(ruleId); if (rulesIdsByInputMetric.get(metric).isEmpty()) rulesIdsByInputMetric.remove(metric); if (!ruleIdByObservableMetric.containsKey(metric) && rulesIdsByInputMetric.get(metric) == null) { if (streamsByMetric.containsKey(metric)) { dataAnalyzer.unregisterStream(prepareStreamURI(metric)); streamsByMetric.remove(metric); } } } inputMetricsByRuleId.remove(ruleId); synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { dCConfigByRuleId.remove(ruleId); } } } catch (ServerErrorException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (QueryErrorException | StreamErrorException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } queryIdByRuleId.remove(ruleId); } @Override public void enableRule(String id) throws NotFoundException, IOException { // TODO using startEnabled field, should be renamed to enabled"Enabling rule {}", id); MonitoringRule rule = rulesByRuleId.get(id); if (rule == null) throw new NotFoundException(id); if (rule.isStartEnabled()) return; String queryId = queryIdByRuleId.get(id); if (queryId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No query found related to installed rule " + id); } String queryURI = prepareQueryURI(queryId); logger.debug("Enabling query {}", queryURI); try { dataAnalyzer.restartQuery(queryURI); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } rule.setStartEnabled(true); } @Override public void disableRule(String id) throws NotFoundException, IOException {"Disabling rule {}", id); MonitoringRule rule = rulesByRuleId.get(id); if (rule == null) throw new NotFoundException(id); if (!rule.isStartEnabled()) return; String queryId = queryIdByRuleId.get(id); if (queryId == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No query found related to installed rule " + id); } String queryURI = prepareQueryURI(queryId); logger.debug("Disabling query {}", queryURI); try { dataAnalyzer.pauseQuery(queryURI); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } rule.setStartEnabled(false); } // private boolean noOtherRuleIsUsingIt(String ruleId, String metric) { // HashMap<String, Set<String>> copy = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>( // inputMetricsByRuleId); // copy.remove(ruleId); // return !copy.containsValue(metric); // } // public synchronized DCConfiguration getDCConfig(String metric) { // dcLock.lock(); // DCConfiguration dcConfiguration; // try { // dcConfiguration = dCConfigByMetric.get(metric); // } finally { // dcLock.unlock(); // } // return dcConfiguration; // } public synchronized MonitoringRule getMonitoringRule(String ruleId) throws NotFoundException { if (!rulesByRuleId.containsKey(ruleId)) { throw new NotFoundException(ruleId); } return rulesByRuleId.get(ruleId); } public synchronized Set<String> getObservableMetrics() { return ruleIdByObservableMetric.keySet(); } @Override public synchronized MonitoringRules getRules() { MonitoringRules rules = new MonitoringRules(); rules.getMonitoringRules().addAll(rulesByRuleId.values()); return rules; } @Override public synchronized Observer registerHttpObserver(String metric, String callbackUrl, String format) throws NotFoundException, IOException {"Adding http observer with callbackURL {} to metric {} using format {}", callbackUrl, metric, format); if (!ruleIdByObservableMetric.containsKey(metric)) { throw new NotFoundException(metric); } String ruleId = ruleIdByObservableMetric.get(metric); String queryUri = prepareQueryURI(queryIdByRuleId.get(ruleId)); String returnedObserverUri; try { returnedObserverUri = dataAnalyzer.addHttpObserver(queryUri, new URL(callbackUrl).toString(), format); } catch (ServerErrorException e) { throw new IOException(); } catch (ObserverErrorException e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } String observerId = returnedObserverUri.substring(returnedObserverUri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); Observer observer = observersById.get(observerId); if (observer == null) { observer = new Observer(observerId, callbackUrl, "HTTP", format); observersById.put(observerId, observer); } observer.addObservedQueryUri(queryUri); Set<String> observersIds = observersIdsByMetric.get(metric); if (observersIds == null) { observersIds = new HashSet<String>(); observersIdsByMetric.put(metric, observersIds); } observersIds.add(observer.getId()); return observer; } @Override public synchronized Observer registerSocketObserver(String metric, String observerHost, int observerPort, SocketProtocol protocol, String format) throws NotFoundException, IOException {"Adding socket observer with host {} and port {} to metric {} using protocol {} and format {}", observerHost, observerPort, metric, protocol, format); if (!ruleIdByObservableMetric.containsKey(metric)) { throw new NotFoundException(metric); } String ruleId = ruleIdByObservableMetric.get(metric); String queryUri = prepareQueryURI(queryIdByRuleId.get(ruleId)); String returnedObserverUri; try { returnedObserverUri = dataAnalyzer.addSocketObserver(queryUri, observerHost, observerPort,, format); } catch (ServerErrorException e) { throw new IOException(); } catch (ObserverErrorException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } String observerId = returnedObserverUri.substring(returnedObserverUri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); Observer observer = observersById.get(observerId); if (observer == null) { observer = new Observer(observerId, observerHost, observerPort,, format); observersById.put(observerId, observer); } observer.addObservedQueryUri(queryUri); Set<String> observersIds = observersIdsByMetric.get(metric); if (observersIds == null) { observersIds = new HashSet<String>(); observersIdsByMetric.put(metric, observersIds); } observersIds.add(observer.getId()); return observer; } public synchronized Set<Observer> getObservers(String metric) throws NotFoundException { if (!ruleIdByObservableMetric.containsKey(metric)) { throw new NotFoundException(metric); } Set<String> observersIds = observersIdsByMetric.get(metric); HashSet<Observer> observers = new HashSet<Observer>(); if (observersIds != null) { for (String id : observersIds) { observers.add(observersById.get(id)); } } return observers; } public synchronized void unregisterObserver(String metric, String observerId) throws NotFoundException, IOException {"Removing observer {} from metric {}", observerId, metric); if (!ruleIdByObservableMetric.containsKey(metric)) { throw new NotFoundException(metric); } if (!isMetricObservedBy(metric, observerId)) { throw new NotFoundException(observerId); } try { String ruleId = ruleIdByObservableMetric.get(metric); String queryId = queryIdByRuleId.get(ruleId); String queryUri = prepareQueryURI(queryId); dataAnalyzer.deleteObserver(queryUri + "/observers/" + observerId); Observer observer = observersById.get(observerId); Set<String> observerdQueriesUris = observer.getObserverdQueriesUris(); observerdQueriesUris.remove(queryUri); if (observerdQueriesUris.isEmpty()) observersById.remove(observerId); observersIdsByMetric.get(metric).remove(observerId); } catch (ServerErrorException e) { throw new IOException(); } catch (ObserverErrorException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private boolean isMetricObservedBy(String metric, String observerId) { return observersIdsByMetric.get(metric) != null && observersIdsByMetric.get(metric).contains(observerId); } @Override public void deleteResource(String resourceId) throws IOException, NotFoundException {"Deleting resource {} from KB", resourceId); synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { if (!registeredResources.containsKey(resourceId)) { throw new NotFoundException(resourceId); } knowledgeBase.deleteEntitiesByPropertyValue(resourceId, MOVocabulary.idParameterName, ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); registeredResources.remove(resourceId); resourcesKeepAlive.remove(resourceId); resourcesKATimestamp.remove(resourceId); } if (rdfHistoryDB != null) { try {"Sending udpate to RDF History DB"); rdfHistoryDB.deleteResource(resourceId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending udpate to RDF History DB: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } public void replaceResources(Set<Resource> resources) throws IOException, SerializationException {"Clearing existing model if any"); synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { knowledgeBase.clearGraph(ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); registeredResources.clear(); resourcesKeepAlive.clear(); resourcesKATimestamp.clear(); long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();"Registering {} new resources", resources.size()); knowledgeBase.addMany(resources, MOVocabulary.idParameterName, ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); for (Resource resource : resources) { registeredResources.put(resource.getId(), resource); resourcesKATimestamp.put(resource.getId(), timestamp); resourcesKeepAlive.put(resource.getId(), MAX_KEEP_ALIVE); } } if (rdfHistoryDB != null) { try {"Sending udpate to RDF History DB"); rdfHistoryDB.replaceResources(resources); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending udpate to RDF History DB: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } public Resource getResource(String id) throws NotFoundException { synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { if (!registeredResources.containsKey(id)) throw new NotFoundException(id); return registeredResources.get(id); } } @Override public Collection<Resource> getResources() throws DeserializationException, IOException { synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { return registeredResources.values(); } } @Override public String registerDataCollector(DCDescriptor dCDescriptor) throws SerializationException, IOException { String dcId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); registerDataCollector(dcId, dCDescriptor); return dcId; } public void addResources(Set<Resource> resources) throws SerializationException, IOException { synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();"Registering {} new resources", resources.size()); updateExistingRelations(resources); knowledgeBase.addMany(resources, MOVocabulary.idParameterName, ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); for (Resource resource : resources) { registeredResources.put(resource.getId(), resource); resourcesKATimestamp.put(resource.getId(), timestamp); resourcesKeepAlive.put(resource.getId(), MAX_KEEP_ALIVE); } } if (rdfHistoryDB != null) { try {"Sending udpate to RDF History DB"); rdfHistoryDB.addResources(resources); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending udpate to RDF History DB: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void updateExistingRelations(Set<Resource> resources) { try { Map<String, Object> properties; for (Resource resource : resources) { if (registeredResources.containsKey(resource.getId())) { Resource registeredResource = registeredResources.get(resource.getId()); properties = PropertyUtils.describe(resource); for (Entry<String, Object> property : properties.entrySet()) { if (property.getValue() instanceof Set) { ((Set<Resource>) property.getValue()).addAll((Set<? extends Resource>) PropertyUtils .getProperty(registeredResource, property.getKey())); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // @Monitor(type = "registerDataCollector") public void registerDataCollector(String dcId, DCDescriptor dCDescriptor) throws SerializationException, IOException { // TODO validate dc descriptor!!! Set<Resource> resources; synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.debug("Registering DC: {}", dCDescriptor); resources = dCDescriptor.getResources(); if (resources != null && !resources.isEmpty()) { updateExistingRelations(resources);"Adding {} to KB", resources); knowledgeBase.addMany(resources, MOVocabulary.idParameterName, ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME);"{} added to KB", resources); } registeredDCs.put(dcId, dCDescriptor); int keepAlive = dCDescriptor.getKeepAlive(); if (keepAlive <= 0) { keepAlive = MAX_KEEP_ALIVE; } dcsKeepAlive.put(dcId, keepAlive); dcsKATimestamp.put(dcId, timestamp); for (Resource resource : resources) { registeredResources.put(resource.getId(), resource); Integer currentKeepAlive = resourcesKeepAlive.get(resource.getId()); if (currentKeepAlive == null || currentKeepAlive < keepAlive) { resourcesKeepAlive.put(resource.getId(), keepAlive); } resourcesKATimestamp.put(resource.getId(), timestamp); } } if (rdfHistoryDB != null) { try {"Sending udpate to RDF History DB"); rdfHistoryDB.addResources(resources); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending udpate to RDF History DB: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void unregisterDataCollector(String dcId) throws NotFoundException { synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { DCDescriptor dCDescriptor = registeredDCs.get(dcId); if (dCDescriptor == null) { throw new NotFoundException(dcId); } logger.debug("Unregistering DC: {}", dcId); registeredDCs.remove(dcId); dcsKeepAlive.remove(dcId); dcsKATimestamp.remove(dcId); } } // public void keepAlive(String dcId) throws NotFoundException, // SerializationException, IOException { // dcLock.lock(); // try { // DCDescriptor dCDescriptor = registeredDCs.get(dcId); // if (dCDescriptor == null) { // throw new NotFoundException(dcId); // } //"Keep alive requested by DC {}", dcId); // Set<Resource> resources = dCDescriptor.getMonitoredResources(); // int keepAlive = dCDescriptor.getKeepAlive(); // if (keepAlive <= 0) { // keepAlive = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // } // for (Resource resource : resources) { // if (!registeredResources.containsKey(resource.getId())) { // knowledgeBase.add(resource, MOVocabulary.idParameterName, // ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); // registeredResources.put(resource.getId(), resource); // resourcesKeepAlive.put(resource.getId(), keepAlive); // } else { // int newKeepAlive = Math.max(keepAlive, // resourcesKeepAlive.get(resource.getId())); // resourcesKeepAlive.put(resource.getId(), newKeepAlive); // } // } // dcsKeepAlive.put(dcId, keepAlive); // } finally { // dcLock.unlock(); // } // } // @Monitor(type = "keepAlive") @Override public void keepAlive(String dcId) throws NotFoundException, SerializationException, IOException { synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); DCDescriptor dCDescriptor = registeredDCs.get(dcId); if (dCDescriptor == null) { throw new NotFoundException(dcId); } logger.debug("Keep alive requested by DC {}", dcId); Set<Resource> resources = dCDescriptor.getResources(); int keepAlive = dCDescriptor.getKeepAlive(); if (keepAlive <= 0) { keepAlive = MAX_KEEP_ALIVE; } for (Resource resource : resources) { if (!registeredResources.containsKey(resource.getId())) {"Restoring resource {}", resource.getId()); knowledgeBase.add(resource, MOVocabulary.idParameterName, ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); registeredResources.put(resource.getId(), resource); resourcesKeepAlive.put(resource.getId(), keepAlive); if (rdfHistoryDB != null) { try {"Sending udpate to RDF History DB"); rdfHistoryDB.addResource(resource); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending udpate to RDF History DB: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } resourcesKATimestamp.put(resource.getId(), timestamp); } dcsKATimestamp.put(dcId, timestamp); } } @Override public Map<String, DCDescriptor> getRegisteredDataCollectors() { synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { return registeredDCs; } } public DCDescriptor getRegisteredDC(String id) throws NotFoundException { DCDescriptor dc; synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { dc = registeredDCs.get(id); if (dc == null) { throw new NotFoundException(id); } } return dc; } // @Monitor(type = "getDCConfigurationByMetric") @Override public Map<String, Set<DCConfiguration>> getDCConfigurationsByMetric(String dcId) throws NotFoundException, SerializationException, IOException { Map<String, Set<DCConfiguration>> configs = new HashMap<String, Set<DCConfiguration>>(); synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { DCDescriptor dc = registeredDCs.get(dcId); if (dc == null) { throw new NotFoundException(dcId); } logger.debug("Configuration requested by DC {}, launching keep alive first", dcId); keepAlive(dcId); String metric; Set<Resource> resources; DCConfiguration conf; for (Entry<String, Set<Resource>> entry : dc.getMonitoredResourcesByMetric().entrySet()) { metric = entry.getKey(); resources = entry.getValue(); Set<String> rulesIds = rulesIdsByInputMetric.get(metric); if (rulesIds != null) { for (String ruleId : rulesIds) { conf = dCConfigByRuleId.get(ruleId); if (conf != null) { for (Resource resource : resources) { if (conf.isAboutResource(resource)) { Set<DCConfiguration> dcconfigs = configs.get(metric); if (dcconfigs == null) { dcconfigs = new HashSet<DCConfiguration>(); configs.put(metric, dcconfigs); } dcconfigs.add(conf); break; } } } } } } } return configs; } // public class keepAliveChecker implements Runnable { // // @Override // public void run() { // dcLock.lock(); // try { //"Keep alive checker running"); // for (String dcId : registeredDCs.keySet()) { // int newKeepAlive = dcsKeepAlive.get(dcId) // - keepAliveCheckPeriod; // if (newKeepAlive < 0) { //"DC {} expired, removing it", dcId); // dcsKeepAlive.remove(dcId); // registeredDCs.remove(dcId); // } else { // dcsKeepAlive.put(dcId, newKeepAlive); // for (Resource resource : registeredDCs.get(dcId) // .getMonitoredResources()) { // if (!registeredResources.containsKey(resource // .getId())) { // try { //"Restoring resource {}", // resource.getId()); // knowledgeBase.add(resource, // MOVocabulary.idParameterName, // ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); // registeredResources.put(resource.getId(), // resource); // resourcesKeepAlive.put(resource.getId(), // newKeepAlive); // } catch (Exception e) { // logger.error( // "Could not register resource {}", // resource.getId(), e); // } // } // } // } // } // Set<String> resourcesIdsToRemove = new HashSet<String>(); // for (String resourceId : registeredResources.keySet()) { // int newValue = resourcesKeepAlive.get(resourceId) // - keepAliveCheckPeriod; // if (newValue < 0) { // resourcesIdsToRemove.add(resourceId); // } else { // resourcesKeepAlive.put(resourceId, newValue); // } // } // try { // if (!resourcesIdsToRemove.isEmpty()) { //"Resources {} expired, removing them", // resourcesIdsToRemove); // knowledgeBase.deleteEntitiesByPropertyValues( // resourcesIdsToRemove, // MOVocabulary.idParameterName, // ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); // for (String resourceId : resourcesIdsToRemove) { // resourcesKeepAlive.remove(resourceId); // registeredResources.remove(resourceId); // } // } // } catch (Exception e) { // logger.error("Could not delete expired resources from kb", // e); // } // } finally { // dcLock.unlock(); // } // } // } public class keepAliveChecker implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { Set<String> resourcesIdsToRemove = new HashSet<String>(); synchronized (dcAndResourcesLock) { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();"Checking for expired resources"); for (String dcId : registeredDCs.keySet()) { if (timestamp - dcsKATimestamp.get(dcId) > dcsKeepAlive.get(dcId) * 1000) {"DC {} expired, removing it", dcId); dcsKeepAlive.remove(dcId); dcsKATimestamp.remove(dcId); registeredDCs.remove(dcId); } else { for (Resource resource : registeredDCs.get(dcId).getResources()) { if (!registeredResources.containsKey(resource.getId())) { try {"Restoring resource {}", resource.getId()); knowledgeBase.add(resource, MOVocabulary.idParameterName, ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME); registeredResources.put(resource.getId(), resource); resourcesKeepAlive.put(resource.getId(), dcsKeepAlive.get(dcId)); resourcesKATimestamp.put(resource.getId(), dcsKATimestamp.get(dcId)); if (rdfHistoryDB != null) { rdfHistoryDB.addResource(resource); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not register resource {}", resource.getId(), e); } } } } } for (String resourceId : registeredResources.keySet()) { if (timestamp - resourcesKATimestamp.get(resourceId) > resourcesKeepAlive.get(resourceId) * 1000) { resourcesIdsToRemove.add(resourceId); } } try { if (!resourcesIdsToRemove.isEmpty()) {"Resources {} expired, removing them", resourcesIdsToRemove); knowledgeBase.deleteEntitiesByPropertyValues(resourcesIdsToRemove, MOVocabulary.idParameterName, ManagerConfig.MODEL_GRAPH_NAME);"Resources {} removed", resourcesIdsToRemove); for (String resourceId : resourcesIdsToRemove) { resourcesKeepAlive.remove(resourceId); resourcesKATimestamp.remove(resourceId); registeredResources.remove(resourceId); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not delete expired resources from kb", e); } } if (rdfHistoryDB != null && !resourcesIdsToRemove.isEmpty()) { try {"Sending udpate to RDF History DB"); rdfHistoryDB.deleteResources(resourcesIdsToRemove); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while sending udpate to RDF History DB: {}", e.getMessage()); } } } } // @Monitor(type = "executeAction") public void executeAction(String ruleId, String resourceId, String value, String timestamp) { logger.debug("Action requested for rule {}, with resourceId {}, value {} and timestamp {}", ruleId, resourceId, value, timestamp); String queryId = queryIdByRuleId.get(ruleId); if (queryId == null) { logger.error("No query associated to rule {}", ruleId); return; } Query query = queryByQueryId.get(queryId); if (query == null) { logger.error("Query {} is not installed", queryId); return; } if (query.hasActions()) { List<AbstractAction> actions = query.getActions(); for (AbstractAction action : actions) { actionsExecutor.submit(new ActionRequest(action, resourceId, value, timestamp)); } } } public class ActionRequest implements Runnable { private AbstractAction action; private String value; private String timestamp; private String resourceId; public ActionRequest(AbstractAction action, String resourceId, String value, String timestamp) { this.action = action; this.resourceId = resourceId; this.value = value; this.timestamp = timestamp; } @Override public void run() { action.execute(resourceId, value, timestamp); } } /** * * @return the metrics required by one or more installed rule that are not * provided as output metric of other rules */ @Override public Set<String> getRequiredMetrics() { HashSet<String> requiredMetrics = new HashSet<String>(streamsByMetric.keySet()); requiredMetrics.removeAll(ruleIdByObservableMetric.keySet()); return requiredMetrics; } }