Java tutorial
// Copyright 2006-2008 The JUG Events Team // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package it.jugpadova.blo; import com.benfante.jslideshare.SlideShareAPI; import com.benfante.jslideshare.messages.Slideshow; import it.jugpadova.dao.ArchiveVideoResourceDao; import it.jugpadova.dao.EventDao; import it.jugpadova.dao.EventLinkDao; import it.jugpadova.dao.EventResourceDao; import it.jugpadova.dao.FlickrResourceDao; import it.jugpadova.dao.SlideShareResourceDao; import it.jugpadova.dao.YouTubeResourceDao; import it.jugpadova.po.ArchiveVideoResource; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import it.jugpadova.po.EventLink; import it.jugpadova.po.EventResource; import it.jugpadova.po.FlickrResource; import it.jugpadova.po.SlideShareResource; import it.jugpadova.po.YouTubeResource; import it.jugpadova.util.Utilities; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.directwebremoting.ScriptSession; import org.directwebremoting.WebContext; import org.directwebremoting.WebContextFactory; import org.directwebremoting.proxy.dwr.Util; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * Business logic for the event resource management. * * @author Lucio Benfante (<a href=""></a>) * @version $Revision$ */ @Component public class EventResourceBo { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EventResourceBo.class); @Autowired private EventResourceDao eventResourceDao; @Autowired private EventDao eventDao; @Autowired private EventLinkDao eventLinkDao; @Autowired private FlickrResourceDao flickrResourceDao; @Autowired private SlideShareResourceDao slideShareResourceDao; @Autowired private ArchiveVideoResourceDao archiveVideoResourceDao; @Autowired private YouTubeResourceDao youTubeResourceDao; @Autowired private SlideShareAPI slideShareApi; /** * Delete an event resource. * * @param eventResourceId The id of the resource to delete * @return true if all went well. */ public boolean deleteResource(long eventResourceId) { try { EventResource resource =;"Deleting resource " + eventResourceId + " for the event " + resource.getEvent().getId()); eventResourceDao.delete(resource); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error("Error deleting an event resource (" + eventResourceId + ")", e); throw e; } return true; } public String manageEventLinkResource(Long eventResourceId, Long eventId, String url, String description, boolean canUserManageTheEvent) { EventLink link = null; String display = null; if (eventResourceId == null) { // new resource link = new EventLink(); link.setEvent(; display = "none";"Creating new link resource for the event " + eventId + " (" + url + ")"); } else { // update resource link =; display = "block"; "Updating link resource " + eventResourceId + " for the event " + eventId + " (" + url + ")"); } link.setDescription(description); link.setUrl(url);; WebContext wctx = WebContextFactory.get(); String result = null; try { result = wctx.forwardToString("/WEB-INF/jsp/event/resources/link.jsp?id=" + link.getId() + "&url=" + URLEncoder.encode(link.getUrl(), "UTF-8") + "&abbreviatedUrl=" + URLEncoder.encode(StringUtils.abbreviate(link.getUrl(), 40), "UTF-8") + "&description=" + URLEncoder.encode(link.getDescription(), "UTF-8") + "&canUserManageTheEvent=" + canUserManageTheEvent + "&display=" + display); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error calling link page fragment", ex); } return result; } public String manageEventFlickrResource(Long eventResourceId, Long eventId, String flickrTag, String description, boolean canUserManageTheEvent) { FlickrResource flickr = null; String display = null; if (eventResourceId == null) { // new resource flickr = new FlickrResource(); flickr.setEvent(; display = "none";"Creating new flickr resource for the event " + eventId + " (" + flickrTag + ")"); } else { // update resource flickr =; display = "block";"Updating flickr resource " + eventResourceId + " for the event " + eventId + " (" + flickrTag + ")"); } flickr.setTag(flickrTag); flickr.setDescription(description); String result = null;; WebContext wctx = WebContextFactory.get(); try { StringBuilder fragUrl = new StringBuilder(); fragUrl.append("/WEB-INF/jsp/event/resources/flickr.jsp"); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "id", flickr.getId().toString(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "tag", flickr.getTag(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "description", flickr.getDescription(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "canUserManageTheEvent", Boolean.toString(canUserManageTheEvent), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "display", display, true); result = wctx.forwardToString(fragUrl.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error calling flickr page fragment", ex); } return result; } public String manageEventSlideShareResource(Long eventResourceId, Long eventId, String slideshareId, String description, boolean canUserManageTheEvent) { SlideShareResource slideshare = null; String display = null; if (eventResourceId == null) { // new resource slideshare = new SlideShareResource(); slideshare.setEvent(; display = "none";"Creating new slideshare resource for the event " + eventId + " (" + slideshareId + ")"); } else { // update resource slideshare =; display = "block";"Updating slideshare resource " + eventResourceId + " for the event " + eventId + " (" + slideshareId + ")"); } slideshare.setResourceId(slideshareId); slideshare.setDescription(description); String result = null; Slideshow slideshow = null; try { slideshow = this.slideShareApi.getSlideshow(slideshareId); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error retrieving slideshare slideshow", ex); } if (slideshow != null && slideshow.getStatus() == 2) { slideshare.setEmbedCode(slideshow.getEmbedCode()); slideshare.setUrl(slideshow.getPermalink()); } else { slideshare.setEmbedCode(null); slideshare.setUrl(null); }; WebContext wctx = WebContextFactory.get(); try { StringBuilder fragUrl = new StringBuilder(); fragUrl.append("/WEB-INF/jsp/event/resources/slideshare.jsp"); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "id", slideshare.getId().toString(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "embedCode", slideshare.getEmbedCode(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "url", slideshare.getUrl(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "abbreviatedUrl", slideshare.getAbbreviatedUrl(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "description", slideshare.getDescription(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "canUserManageTheEvent", Boolean.toString(canUserManageTheEvent), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "display", display, true); result = wctx.forwardToString(fragUrl.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error calling slideshare page fragment", ex); } return result; } public String manageEventArchiveVideoResource(Long eventResourceId, Long eventId, String archiveFlashVideoUrl, String archiveDetailsUrl, String description, boolean canUserManageTheEvent) { ArchiveVideoResource archivevideo = null; String display = null; if (eventResourceId == null) { // new resource archivevideo = new ArchiveVideoResource(); archivevideo.setEvent(; display = "none";"Creating new archive video resource for the event " + eventId + " (" + archiveDetailsUrl + ")"); } else { // update resource archivevideo =; display = "block";"Updating archive video resource " + eventResourceId + " for the event " + eventId + " (" + archiveFlashVideoUrl + ")"); } archivevideo.setFlashVideoUrl(archiveFlashVideoUrl); archivevideo.setDetailsUrl(archiveDetailsUrl); archivevideo.setDescription(description); String result = null;; WebContext wctx = WebContextFactory.get(); try { StringBuilder fragUrl = new StringBuilder(); fragUrl.append("/WEB-INF/jsp/event/resources/archivevideo.jsp"); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "id", archivevideo.getId().toString(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "flashVideoUrl", archivevideo.getFlashVideoUrl(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "detailsUrl", archivevideo.getDetailsUrl(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "description", archivevideo.getDescription(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "canUserManageTheEvent", Boolean.toString(canUserManageTheEvent), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "display", display, true); result = wctx.forwardToString(fragUrl.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error calling archive video page fragment", ex); } return result; } public String manageEventYouTubeResource(Long eventResourceId, Long eventId, String youtubeVideoId, String description, boolean canUserManageTheEvent) { YouTubeResource youtube = null; String display = null; if (eventResourceId == null) { // new resource youtube = new YouTubeResource(); youtube.setEvent(; display = "none"; "Creating new YouTube video resource for the event " + eventId + " (" + youtubeVideoId + ")"); } else { // update resource youtube =; display = "block";"Updating YouTube video resource " + eventResourceId + " for the event " + eventId + " (" + youtubeVideoId + ")"); } youtube.setVideoId(youtubeVideoId); youtube.setDescription(description); String result = null;; WebContext wctx = WebContextFactory.get(); try { StringBuilder fragUrl = new StringBuilder(); fragUrl.append("/WEB-INF/jsp/event/resources/youtube.jsp"); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "id", youtube.getId().toString(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "videoId", youtube.getVideoId(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "description", youtube.getDescription(), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "canUserManageTheEvent", Boolean.toString(canUserManageTheEvent), true); Utilities.appendUrlParameter(fragUrl, "display", display, true); result = wctx.forwardToString(fragUrl.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error calling YouTube video page fragment", ex); } return result; } public void fillEventResourceForm(Long eventResourceId) { try { WebContext wctx = WebContextFactory.get(); ScriptSession session = wctx.getScriptSession(); Util util = new Util(session); EventResource eventResource = eventResourceDao.get(eventResourceId); util.setValue("resourceId", eventResource.getId().toString()); if (eventResource instanceof EventLink) { EventLink link = (EventLink) eventResource; util.setValue("resourceType", "link"); util.setValue("linkUrl", link.getUrl(), false); util.setValue("linkDescription", link.getDescription(), false); } else if (eventResource instanceof FlickrResource) { FlickrResource flickrResource = (FlickrResource) eventResource; util.setValue("resourceType", "flickr"); util.setValue("flickrTag", flickrResource.getTag()); util.setValue("flickrDescription", flickrResource.getDescription()); } else if (eventResource instanceof SlideShareResource) { SlideShareResource slideShareResource = (SlideShareResource) eventResource; util.setValue("resourceType", "slideshare"); util.setValue("slideshareId", slideShareResource.getResourceId()); util.setValue("slideshareDescription", slideShareResource.getDescription()); } else if (eventResource instanceof ArchiveVideoResource) { ArchiveVideoResource archiveVideoResource = (ArchiveVideoResource) eventResource; util.setValue("resourceType", "archive"); util.setValue("archiveFlashVideoUrl", archiveVideoResource.getFlashVideoUrl()); util.setValue("archiveDetailsUrl", archiveVideoResource.getDetailsUrl()); util.setValue("archiveDescription", archiveVideoResource.getDescription()); } else if (eventResource instanceof YouTubeResource) { YouTubeResource youTubeResource = (YouTubeResource) eventResource; util.setValue("resourceType", "youtube"); util.setValue("youtubeId", youTubeResource.getVideoId()); util.setValue("youtubeDescription", youTubeResource.getDescription()); } util.addFunctionCall("showResourceAddForm"); } catch (RuntimeException e) { logger.error("Error filling the event resoutce form", e); throw e; } } }